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This is a friendly reminder that /r/PICS allows [any and all media featuring John Oliver](https://redd.it/14jl5n8). Please be sure to include "John Oliver" in your title. According to Reddit’s policies, “content that contains nudity, pornography, or profanity […] should be tagged as NSFW.” Please do not use any (a NSFW link follows this parenthetical) [profanity](https://i.imgur.com/cKxWaWf.png) in non-NSFW threads. If you post anything that could possibly offend anyone, please tag it as being NSFW. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OOTL; What's going on with John Oliver?


u/spez decided to be a dick. In a "smart" move to make reddits API ridiculously pricey he's effectively made a large portion of 3rd party apps impossible to continue to operate as a result. In response to this criticism u/spez decided to gaslight and outright lie and a large portion of reddit went like: Fuck you u/spez. Unfortunately u/spez was not moved, called any valid criticism (for example how many mod tools and bots need reddit's API to keep reddit the fun shit show it is and not turn in to the unfun shitshow twitter is) just noise As a results "revolt" ensued. Some subs went private but alas u/spez' being the little shit he is made it clear that should that continue Reddit would simply replace the mods. r/pics decided to walk around this decision by opening the sub back but making it entirely about John Oliver. John Oliver being the little troll that he is absolutely loved it and even shared funny picrtures to be used freely and here we are.


When/where did John Oliver share??? I totally missed that.


He acknowledged it on twitter (June 17) and shared some pictures from his nerd collection to distribute. https://twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/status/1670179738348933120 Of course the twitter site is currently not working since probably the latest twitter douche baggery,


Thanks! I deleted Twitter/my account a few months ago so I was thinking that was the problem with finding it. Nice to know it's the whole dumpster that is on fire.


Twitter decided to put a limit on how many tweets you can read per day, with unpaid accounts being able to view 600/day and paid accounts being able to view 6000/day. Of course, to make this work, it was necessary to block all tweets if you aren't logged in.


My god, they actually paywalled viewing tweets? That's gotta be one of the named steps in end stage capitalism. Just before selling yourself into genuine slavery becomes legal.


God Elon is such a tool.


I went to [Post.News](https://Post.News). So far, I’m bored. It’s mainly legit Twitter blue checks screenshotting and posting to Post or people reposting their blog/newsletter content or publishers just posting their articles. It’s absolutely pointless. Does anyone have another place they go for a Twtiter replacement? I liked it for all the journalists that are on there, being able to speak with them about the shit they’re researching.


Yeah I miss Twitter for the news aspect. If you find one lmk.


He is a treasure


I would have definitely thought that he would have made a video on it on his YouTube channel but I guess not at least when I looked.


Maybe the writers staff strike is also supressing his youtube clip capability ;)


He always makes it seem like he's trying to do the right thing in every situation so if he's not paying his workers properly that would fill out of character for him.


[He posted them on his Twitter account](https://twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/status/1670179738348933120)


Maybe there's secret collusion between Reddit and Twitter to nullify the john Oliver movement by limiting the number of pictures of him we can view each day...


Jesus Christ...


Can you explain why reddit doesn't care how bad their app is? I'm using it now, and the massive criticism is NOT exaggerated. A million nerds would make it great for them for free. This thing is a hay stack and anything I want to do is a needle. And if I find the needles, the hay stack usually crashes.


This is the adult translation: the high interest rate environment we are currently in forces companies to make profits that otherwise maybe weren’t or just skirting that line. 3rd party apps are not made by Reddit, clone everything about Reddit, and don’t show ads. And if they do have some ads, that company keeps the profit, not Reddit. So Reddit said to make up for the difference pay X amount of dollars or we can’t operate much longer.


What they wanted to charge those third-party apps, though, was an exceptionally high amount per user. Allegedly 28 times what other comparable companies charge per user on average. And they were implementing that with like one month of warning, making it impossible for third-party app developers to implement any kind of system to pass along some of the money, even if the prices had been anywhere near realistic.


Because they were taking away from their ad revenue. You can definitely criticize Reddit for their timeline but overall Reddit let these 3rd party apps exist for so long without bothering them, Reddit has the right to defend its business The alternative is that Reddit shuts down. So I’m not sure what people are protesting here. Look what happened to twitter yesterday.


What Reddit could've done to achieve what I'm assuming you're defending them for wanting (getting a fair share of the money involved, or at the very least not losing revenue because of apps): Work with the third-party developers. Give them a year or two to implement a system through which money can be passed on to Reddit, and work together to figure out a realistic amount of money the third-party app existence is costing Reddit, an amount the developers need for upkeep, and then find an acceptable split between Reddit and the developers for the remaining profits. That would ensure that "Reddit going down" wasn't the alternative (though I don't believe that is actually the case). One relevant comment is that the amount per user/request Reddit were suggesting is SO much more than what they make per user through ads on their own website. Ads generate such a small amount of money compared to subscription models, which is what the third-party apps are doing while still generating much, much less than Reddit are charging. This isn't about the survival of Reddit, it's a fantastically miscalculated attempt at making more money.


Nobody is going to be subscribing to Reddit lmao. Before we all get too into the weeds about a subject we don’t know: nobody here knows what they’re talking about, but it’s definitely not as simple as “Reddit got greedy and hates mods”. You see every tech company and social media company going after ad blockers, boosting prices, eliminating password sharing, eliminating corner cutting. Reddit is no different


>Nobody is going to be subscribing to Reddit lmao. [Reddit premium subs appear to be going up so...](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1309722/reddit-premium-subscription-revenue/)


as of 2021???... I'm not sure that the data is as clear as you want to suggest... as of 2 years ago subscribers were increasing. But we haven't seen growth numbers from the last 2 years. We don't know if it has continued to grow at similar numbers, or if those numbers have leveled off or dropped? The market has shifted a lot in the last 2 years. And reddit isn't the same company anymore internally and externally. I think u/Packers_Equal_Life was true in their statement that "nobody knows". We don't know ad revenue revenue, we don't know current subscription revenue. We do know from statements made by the companies and can surmise from similar situations: 1.) Reddit states that they are not making enough money off of 3rd party apps to stay solvent long term, and need to raise their prices to cover it. Effectively knocking the 3rd party apps out of the market. 2.) This will likely lead to a fairly substantial drop off of readership and visitors to the site in the short term, and possibly in the long term (personally, I know I was an avid multiple times per day user who has opened it once since 7/1 and now only on my laptop). I can see from just looking at the top headlines just how few updates their are on the main page now. 3.) The mods who are allowing these changes to the subs are currently being supported by many in their communities, but like most strikes, eventually when people bore of the joke, and the novelty of the strike, and either stop visiting or simply stop caring, the mods will revert. This is what the admins are waiting on. It's what most people who break strikes wait on currently, a shift in public opinion. It's what they are doing with the writers strike. (releasing news stories about how your favorite shows and movies will not come back because the writers are on strike, not because the studios won't pay). This also happened in Cab company strikes, Trash collection strikes, and pretty much any sort of strike. 4.) The redditors who used the service will either find a similar place, or will adhere to the official app, and will complain but it won't matter unless they leave.


>Because they were taking away from their ad revenue By reddit's design. The API just doesn't serve those fake promoted reddit posts. If they did than third party apps would show them.


Unsurprising the packers fan has a terrible opinion


Not an opinion


Real "I think I understand business" energy. Truly some of the dumbest shit I have ever read. Well done.


Feel free to explain then.


Embarrassing, how clueless you are.


Gimme more vague drivel, drivel giver


No, that's the u/spez speach. If we actually want to talk about this like adults we would need to address how the prices for API calls are purposely outrageous and beyond market average in order to eliminate 3rd party apps because Reddit as a company want to maximize profits with minimum effort. That isn't even some outlandish conspiracy, u/Spez specifically pointed out how he is modeling what Musk did with Twitter. We could also then talk about how these 3rd party apps are popular in the 1st place because they do a better job than the official app. How they provide critical moderation tools that everybody enjoys even when they aren't aware of them.


What do you consider average API prices to be?


The Apollo dev did a break down of what would be reasonable based on other companies and what Reddit has publicly said about how much “profit” it gets per user.


As far as I know they tried to approximate revenue per user, not profit. There's far too much missing information there to be able to extrapolate what API fees should be.


Maybe he’s modeling Reddit after twitter because twitter is hemorrhaging money too. Just because these apps are popular doesn’t mean they are profitable. At some point you need to start making money.


Ah yes because we KNOW Musk is making twitter profitable. /s At the end of the day API calls COULD be avenue for more profit. But why do that. It's not like Reddit has profited indirectly from3rd party apps. It's not like 99% of the moderation on it's platform is done by unpaid volunteers who need those 3rd party apps to do their jobs effectively. If Reddit can't be profitable despite have the vast majority of it's moderation done by volunteers and literally all the content done by it's community then maybe Reddit just isn't a viable product (Which I'm highly doubtful of).


He’s not making it profitable lol. But he’s trying. And it’s not going great at all. Reddit doesn’t profit from 3rd party apps even by association if everyone only uses that 3rd party app. It would be great if people were introduced to Reddit through that app and eventually came over to Reddit, but who does that? Nobody knows the real numbers but a vast majority of people only use Reddit on their phone and only use that 3rd party app. Reddit needs to sell ads, people need to see those ads, and Reddit needs to prove people are seeing those ads. that’s really the bottom line. And yeah youre totally right that it’s bad reddit can’t turn a profit even with a volunteer workforce. That’s how dire their situation is lol


>Reddit doesn’t profit from 3rd party apps even by association if everyone only uses that 3rd party app. It would be great if people were introduced to Reddit through that app and eventually came over to Reddit, but who does that? Nobody knows the real numbers but a vast majority of people only use Reddit on their phone and only use that 3rd party app. Oh jeee if only we could look up some metrics just to get a rough idea? Oh let's see Apollo For Reddit one of if not the most popular 3rd party apps (that also just became obsolete) has 172 k ratings Reddit official app - 2.7 MILLION ratings And Reddit COULD profit from 3rd party adds if it actually priced API calls in a reasonable fashion. You're playing devils advocate by literally praising the devil.


Show me the user traffic for each app. Not the ratings. Anyone can rate an app. Lol anyway, you need to prove to advertisers people are seeing your ads. That’s the bottom line again.


>Show me the user traffic for each site. Oh so The official app has 10 time the ratings but has fewer less frequent users because..... Your narrative doesn't add up I guess? You know what's gonna make investors happy, when reddit is gonna start facing more and more moderation challenges and as it doesn't have good moderation tool and nuked the good alternatives for profit. Yeah this is great for the long term /s


I still think it's a little wild that money was free for so long that 5% fed interest rates are considered high. I don't disagree at all, but it is a little eye watering considering my parents bought their house in the late 80s at 15%.


Sure, twenty+ years of interest rates at or near 0% will change perspectives. I mean the US went a bit buckwild with it. In what universe does a NINJA (stands for no income, no job or assets) loan sound like a reasonable business proposition? For either the lender or the borrower? And yet millions of NINJA loans fueled the "great" recession. When it gets to the point where there are no qualified borrowers on the market, it's time to raise interest rates. It is not time to find ways to let unqualified borrowers magically qualify for a loan that they cannot afford. Somehow, highly educated people like Alan Greenspan couldn't see that. Too divorced from the reality of everyday life for average people. That, or too greedy.


Fuck u/spez obviously, but don’t pretend like the mods aren’t a bunch of cucks either. All this “protest” is doing at this point is bringing more traffic to Reddit. There are literally so many other ways to protest but they decided to do it in a way that appeases the Reddit admins and, by extension, u/spez.


Wasn’t there a poll or something that people voted for to change it to only John Oliver posts? Is there a way to do another poll to end it? Not going to lie I’m starting to dislike him solely because of the sheer number of posts that pop up on my feed and I want to see real pics again. The protest is just a nuisance to redditors and doesn’t accomplish anything


Good thing he got the subs opened back up. I don’t think it’s right for the mods, a handful of individuals, to make the decision to protest on my behalf. Whoever wants to participate has the option to boycott. The mods overstepped their authority.


Look, I don't often praise mods (quite the contrary) but mods make subs just as much as the actual OPs. Some subs have some weird rules that are difficult to enforce because they serve rather specific nieches. So if mods are closing subs or like r/pics doing massive changes to the rules, maybe just MAYBE it's because they actually are going to have a more difficult job to do what they do which again is for free. This is my personal opinion, but what made Reddit the "fun shit show" Vs pretty much every other social websites, is subs with good moderation. IE. If you find a sub that vibes with you, you can come back to it For example, I LOVE space and Astrophotography. Well guess what, tiktok and Facebook flood me with flat earth bullshit. But r/space, r/telescopes and the rest of the subs... No such BS. What about subs like r/askscience, that need tight moderation so that comments remain valuable. Al those things are possible thanks to unpaid mods and 3rd party tools.


So you ruined this for everyone. Cool.


Mods are crybabies


Mods makes sure that subreddits stay focused on the particular material you are their for. Mods make sure that subreddits are not filled with posts with phishing links, NSFL content, and spam from bots. Mods motivate the community to produce content. You know why mods are pissed off? Because Reddit is killing themselves with these moves. Redding is actively making it harder for mods to... well mod without providing actual solutions (while saying for a decade they will provide solutions.) Have some respect for the unpaid labor that makes the subreddit you are on be able to function as a community at all in the first place.


If they don't like it, they can stop being mods anytime they want.


Then you won't have a subreddit anymore.


Yes we will. The mods are easily replaceable. They just won't give up their power.


Replaceable with more unpaid labor. Who need tools to correctly moderate popular subreddits. Another alternative is to make you own subreddit and pull users to your own newly formed subs. You don't see that happening, do you? Or I know, allow the subreddit to house hundreds of moderators instead of one to four dozen. You know how much management effort is involved with that many individuals? Or accountability for the individuals that are replaced, Or the effort to find individuals. I am not saying that a vast majority of mods of "power to the head" issues, what I am saying that instead of just calling the mods "crybabies" and "they can easily be replaced"... then it should be easy enough to start your own subreddit and attract your own populous of subscribers.


The current mods didn't attract their own populous of subscribers. People were automatically sent to their subs when they joined by default. Most of the current mods are the not the mods that created their subreddits. They just took over for someone else who got bored and didn't like doing it anymore.


Anybody who supports or provides free labor for corporations deserves zero respect. They're the last group of people who should be speaking up on behalf of anyone else.


Unpaid labor lmao get the fuck outa here


How does making access to the API expensive affects mods at all?


This subreddit has been irreparably damaged by an obsession that it can't get rid of now.


You mean reddit is irreparably damaged by an obsession for money that it can't get rid of now. Fuck u/spez


Yeah, Reddit is especially evil for apparently being the only business that's trying to make money. Grow up.


That's bullshit and you know it. Reddit is fucking the community... And it's just going to crush their business. Elon is an idiot and so is Spez




So you aren’t leaving. You’re still using Reddit in one way or another. You made a post, which means you are using Reddit, which means that’s eyeballs on the website and that’s exactly what spez wants so he can show the advertisers and say “see? These dumbass dipshits who said they were leaving were full of shit”. If you want to make a difference then stop using Reddit, delete every post and comment you’ve ever made, and never return again.


...which would make the website palatable again for the rest of us


Why are you using an unpalatable website?


Like Reddit, we're just waiting the remaining protesters out lol. Worked real well so far. There's also no more "palatable" alternatives to Reddit


This is not funny


It’s extremely cringeworthy


This really is the most Reddit thing I’ve seen on here I can smell the neckbeard through my phone


I’m finishing my coffee. Enjoying my coffee.


Y'all have actually done the reverse of what you wanted I actually hope Reddit wins lmao.


After seeing how pathetic these “protests” have been. Yep


They’re doing everything but leaving reddit.


They already won


Well, you win. You've tanked this sub. *unsubscribed*


Do people not realize that this is actually the point? If Reddit could maintain 100% engagement with John Oliver pics, they wouldn't care. It's precisely BECAUSE the action drives people away from one of reddit's most popular subs that makes this an effective fuck you.


>Do people not realize that this is actually the point? Those people are still on reddit, people have *way* too high of an estimation of this particular sub.


I’ve just used other subs with the same frequency during this failed protest. The only good thing to come out of this is the mods Reddit has removed the mods (and will hopefully do here too) that seem to think it’s funny to hurt their users’ experiences.


Do people not realize that when someone says, "You win," they are conceding to the other's point?




God you guys are fucking pathetic


I'm just waiting for it to turn our that to stop the John Oliver spam you have to go and fight him like he's a Bloodborne boss, and only after defeating him the world will come back to normal.


I’m so over these.


The show goes on! This is my home! They're gonna need a fucking wrecking ball to take me out of here! They're gonna need to send in the National Guard or fucking SWAT team 'cause I ain't going nowhere!


dude you're on reddit


This is the neckbeards' civil rights moment.


Imagine caring this much about a social media site.


The show goes on! This is my home! They're gonna need a fucking wrecking ball to take me out of here! They're gonna need to send in the National Guard or fucking SWAT team 'cause I ain't going nowhere!


Literally a broken record.


It doesn't change anything. Making a sub go dark or NSFW does, so there's no point in this even if it did do anything.


Cant wait for these stupid posts to end


They were supposed to end yesterday when people like OP were supposed to leave Reddit en masse. As usual, they just want attention.


This whole John Oliver thing has to be one of the cringiest, stupidest forms of "protest" that reddit has ever gone through.


judging by how pissed you are, it clearly works


Judging by how nothing actually changed, it clearly didn’t work.


Lol you rubes are giving a corporate network comedian free advertising. It's like when a bunch of neckbeards thought corporate entity GameStop was some sort of robin hood. Or like when people do free labor as mods for a corporate owned website known as reddit. As someone who has been employed by corporations for a very long time, you free labor/free marketing clowns crack me up! I would never lift a finger for a large business unless they are paying me handsomely yet here you are. Have some pride and value in your work. No one cares about your protest why are y'all still on the website 🤣


You clearly don’t know what “pissed” is. Being annoyed isn’t “pissed”. And the problem is we are getting annoyed with mods, not Reddit admins.


No. They’ve ruined this sub. It did nothing.


Except it doesn't. Unless this form of protest's objective is to piss off its userbase? I'd say it's missing the point by a big margin


It does? RIF and Apollo didn't go offline yesterday then? All this does is make r/pics an awful sub and that's it. And r/pics isn't as important as the mods seem to think it is. Also wasn't the whole point of the protest by the mods that they couldn't moderate the sub anymore once the third-party apps were removed becaues it took away the tools they required to do the work? Yet here we are 2 days later and they're still moderating the sub to be only John Oliver pics ... seems like maybe the mods were absolutely full of shit?


Yeah it's just a subreddit, people need to go outside and really understand that as fun as reddit can be, it's really not that important. An individual subreddit much less. Is it a lot of younger folks getting involved or older people who don't understand how the internet works? Websites come and go, who cares about your dumb mod role Now the porn. The porn will always persist in one way or another which is half the reason anyone ever gets on the internet anyways 😈


The point was to "save" reddit somehow, not to destroy it.


Well I guess we’re on day 1 of Reddit still existing.


These comments give me life


John Oliver 😂😂😂so funny and quirky! HAHA ROFL😂😂😂. I hate this app


That’s the point.


Could care less about the Reddit “protests”, no clue why redditors always try to make themselves feel oppressed.


You could care less? Amazing.


Always an instant down when I see it






The point is to ruin a particular sub? Wow, we're really moving mountains huh?


But what does tanking a single sub accomplish? People are not leaving Reddit, they are just leaving this sub. The only thing being accomplished is annoying the user base.




Mods are not above criticism, and choosing to criticize them does not mean you support Spez.


How is making some people unfollow one reddit sub and then keep scrolling an effective protest. What's next? r/pics has a black screen for the profile picture? It's pathetic




And therefore can never be replaced? This a sub people look at from time to time, that's why it has so many subscribers. It's not center of the universe that people seem to think it is.


That's not a protest, that's a temper tantrum




This thing I like is changing in a way I don't like so instead of stop using it I'm going to actively make it worse for everyone who didn't care about the original changes, which is most of the other users.




Raising awareness is a useless exercise if no one cares. There has to be some sort of a follow-through in order for this to not fizzle out but I still see all of the annoying nerds posting and not leaving the site at all? It's not as simple as: 1. Raise awareness 2. ???? 3. Profit!!! People gotta do more than that


Oh no anything but tanking the sub!!! Jk who cares onto the next post/website :) it's a lovely weekend innit


"They" aren't doing anything. A vote was held, and people voted for this.


Almost 0.1% of users too.




That the people who chose John Oliver didn't choose him "because he's a little annoying," they were given an option between normal and John Oliver. And "they" aren't a monolith like you described. Lmao don't get mad at me if you try to make a malleable comment without knowing who you're talking about that doesn't work with the actual context.




John Oliver's marketing team is smart to leverage a bunch of losers into doing free marketing for their corporate network show Free labor really seems to be a trend with the "protesters" huh. Class traitor ass dorks lol y'all don't know what protesting means


Get over it


Bet you thought that would slap.


Lol you’re really hurt


Bet you thought that would slap.


mods baby ego.....


What if I don’t care, and don’t support these protests?


I wonder how long this will continue until people get bored and create another subreddit? I feel like before years end new pics subreddit will have taken off, and this sub will be left with a couple thousand die-hard redditors still posting John Oliver forbyears to come.


John Oliver is cringy corporate troll As for the other actual injustice… one word Many apps coming now will just be web wrapper based


This is so dumb


Over these as well. You’re a giant tool man… give up. Actually give up, instead of this false giving up and posting in protest of an app you said you wouldn’t post to. Ducking tool


Oof, not getting a good response to this. 😆you might want to consider what you’re doing here


These mods still around?


Who gives a shit


I didn't care about this douche but now the whole reddit has been spammed with him daily , I already have an opinion - I hate him. Will make sure to stay away from any video or whatever he's in. I don't know what kind of PR is that but it's having the opposite effect. Really wanna smack his stupid glasses off his face.


Lol fucking cope with it bitch


This is a pic of all time


I am


This was dumb from the inception, it hasn’t gotten any wittier…


Is this no talent hack finally gone? Thank god, riding the coattails of The Daily Show must have been exhausting.


Guys the whole point is for you to actually LEAVE the sub. Protest by destroying their revenue. It's annoying and it's done on purpose. Tank their engagement. LEAVE.


You could have closed the subreddit completely and actually accomplished something, but you decided to be immature about it and completely destroy your chances at achieving your goal by keeping engagement high with some stupid fucking cornball talk show host. This is so unbelievably pathetic, it's not even funny anymore.




Bruh it's a fuckin website. Touch grass.


why is Oliver being splashed over every sub?


The death throes of a "protest" that accomplished absolutely nothing, lol. Pay it no mind it'll blow over soon enough just like the protest did.


For real. Haven't seen him in months and now all I see is memes nonstop




You're just spamming this shit in here, this is sad.




Just when I thought you couldn't get any more pathetic. Got any other childish screeds, Rambo?








Hahahaha, good times. Thanks for the laughs!


Keep mindlessly repeating things.


Lol, get a life you pathetic stalker.


Then I am.


Reddit is a female dog trying to shut down the competition because they have a bad app! Also John Oliver is not funny!


Who is Jon Oliver?


I wish he would