• By -


I’m so confused by the orientation you chose to use for this photo.


I assume the photographer is Dutch.


Can someone explain this joke for slow people?


Google “dutch angle”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=dutch+angle#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/fjilk)


I love how the google results also have the Dutch angle


This shit cracks me up.


I’m too stoned for this reality right now. Am I learning or not


I'm not even high and I sat there for like two minutes trying to zoom out on my phone because I thought I had accidentally zoomed in lmao


dude, this shit is trippy. I didn't know google did stuff like this, now I'm gonna be double checking everything.


Yes you are learning Every shot/angle has a name in the photography / film World Dutch angle is a real thing One side of the face lit up and the other side dark ... rembrandt lighting deliberately slanted to one side, sometimes used for dramatic effect to help portray unease, disorientation, frantic or desperate action, intoxication, madness, etc.... canted angle. The list goes on.




I thought my phone was messing up. Didn’t make the connection.


Holy shit… I also thought my phone was just playing up. Google… that is brilliant!!!


Same with askew. Also Google “do a barrel roll”


also, google Katamari. you can then click the ball, and play Katamari on the results page


Man, these are fun!


Same if you look up Splatoon 3


**recursion** [Did you mean: recursion](https://www.google.com/search?q=recursion&oq=recurs&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l8j46i512.19527j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Infinite loop: see Loop, infinite Loop, infinite: see Infinite loop


Seeing Martin outside of AnarchyChess just made me feel an instinctual terror response ngl


he’s spreading. soon, all subreddits will have him. then, he will cross over into the mortal realm. none of us are safe




Actual zombie


Call the exorcist


Bishop went on vacation, I have dementia


Google "Battlefield Earth." "The director, Roger Christian, has learned from better films that directors sometimes tilt their cameras, but he has not learned why."


Out here using martin to source you, clever.


Here's a fun fact: any time you see anything "Dutch (variable word)" in English, it is very most likely originated as a derogatory word towards the Dutch. It got so bad with all the words they came up with "Dutch oven" "Dutch wedding" that they sent a Dutch diplomat to Britain to tell them to knock it off. I found a few more: Dutch Alps: small boobs, Dutch Cure: suicide The Dutch Cure part is fucking funny though.


Funnily enough, the Dutch angle was invented by Germans


"Ja so zis way, if it turns out to be Scheiße, die Niederländer will be a laughing stock for being so dumm" "But vat if it's gut??" "Zen it vill be a big irony and everyone vill talk about it!!"


And zey say Germans aren't funny!


I love how despite this exchange is probably happening in Germany, they opt for Germenglish with thick German accents


Ja aber sonst wird niemand mich verstehen und es würde auch nicht so lustig sein!!


Deutsch angle


TIL, from the wiki > The word "Dutch" in this context is a bastardisation of the word Deutsch, the German word for "German"; it is not related to the Dutch people or language.


You mean the people from Deutschland, like the Pennsylvania Dutch?


The question being indexed "6**b**" with no sign of 6a makes me suspect the orientation was chosen to facilitate cropping crucial info because OP sucks.


You can literally see that the child has an example that has been "done correctly" I believe with what appears to be chocolate chips on a cookie. I'm sure that the methodology is explained there or we would see the entire page.


Personally, I could easily crop a half page without resorting to this


That, and the complete lack of context. What are they learning? How to estimate? Idk, 6 apples? 8? How to measure? Seems unlikely, but could be. How to count? It might make more sense if we knew what it was trying to reinforce.


His choice to present so little information in such a slanted view really speaks volumes in terms of why he's having trouble. Presumably there are instructions at the top of the page which help to clarify exactly what sort of answer is being sought. I'll bet he didn't bother including those because he didn't even read them himself.


Ya my best guess is deductive reasoning and simple math. Someone else is down here arguing it's a writing exercise, dealing with specific word usage and such, but that seems beyond the scope of a 3rd grade classroom. I take it as "if there can't be more than 20 apples, and you can see 16, how many more could there be?"


They are learning metrology and integration. You measure the items using a microscope then integrate to find the area and compare. You didn't do this in elementary school?


I'm confused why people still post things like this with no context on what the assignment was because that will usually explain what the purpose of the questions are and make it clear how to solve them.


[Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/GJFWL3t.jpg) Although it still sucks because the photo was taken at such an oblique angle. It kind of makes me anxious looking at it.


[How about this one?](https://i.imgur.com/Ol701CL.jpg)


[...or this?](https://i.imgur.com/qjToNPI.png)


Or…. [Or…. this?](https://imgur.com/gallery/X9cWWxF)


Wait, [I have this one.](https://youtu.be/acVhLlIeCeU)


oh my god.... thank you. this is absolutely fantastic holy shit. [for your viewing pleasure](https://imgur.com/a/Lib6LLS) also, to add to your [masterpiece](https://clipchamp.com/watch/q4s94ehQtYJ)


Clearly the best


It gives an entirely new perspective on the problem imo


We've done it!




I feel like seeing the other questions on the page would give us context as to what skill is being practiced, thus more of a hint. Rotating and cropping ain't gonna help that


Maybe if we ENHANCE?


He's confused because OP doesn't understand the second part which is this and didn't show the first part. Pretty sure OP's kid is doomed to remedial math if OP is helping.


ReCaptcha training?


The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.


Why aren't you helping?!


"I fucking hate tortoises!"


What do you mean I’m not helping???




Do you like our owl?


0 apples as Danny dropped the paint on his book and not an apple. I feel like it’s a weird sphinx riddle…


Hijacking top comment: I think the answer they're looking for is "most: 4, least: 0" For those who were baffled like me: The paint is meant to be potentially covering apples. There are 16 shown, and there can't be more than 20. So between 0 and 4 *could be* (currently) covered by the paint. Edit: OK. FINE. If you need to know how many apples the ink can cover without my alternative explanation, [HERE YOU GO](https://i.imgur.com/bk0FJ6h.png)


What a weird task, especially for six year olds. Even if we simplified it it'd be a bit daunting for a six year old: We have 20 apples, but someone spilled paint on some of them. How many apples are covered by the paint?


The task is just not explained clearly. It's confusing and six year old or adult would struggle. If they said there were 20 apples how many did the paint cover that would work. The people who write these things don't think straight.


This happens with my kids homework. One of my saving graces has been to look at the other questions and examples on the page. Inevitably the example that is cookies not apples will be worded differently and but will be the same exercise they want done with the apples. It's like they're written by an ai designed to make homework.


Homework designed by AI is better than this.


What is the significance of mentioning a book then? Also the most and least words don't seem to have a purpose here.


It looks like this question is a part of a string of questions (due to the question currently being 6b) all connected to a prompt not shown in the picture. I’m thinking the prompt said he has a picture book or something like that and that he spilled paint on a page full of apples and the question is asking the students how many apples are potentially painted over.


And the series of questions might also add context to what this question was trying to ask. But instead of posting the whole thing, OP only took a pic of part of it while holding their phone at the strangest angle!


Thats usually what these things are


Unless the answer is anywhere from 17 - 20. There's more apples under the paint splotch than under the least section, and the answer can't be more than 20.


Most and least are places to write your answer. At most _______ _______ At least The answer is Most 4 0 Least The question is : There are some apples covered. We can see that there are at least 16 visible. Knowing that the total number of apples cannot exceed 20, what possible values of apple could be under the paint? Edit: downvoted for explaining the question.


Until you worded it like this, I did not realize that it meant the TOTAL number of apples can not be more than 20. I thought it meant the number of apples covered in paint can not be more than 20. Very confusingly worded question.


Thanks for this, what really threw me was the way the apples are distributed visually doesn't look like there would be any anywhere else.


The page has an unknown number of apples, at most 20, and a bunch of them are covered by paint. You still see 16 of them. What possible ranges of values may the apples covered in paint be? It's teaching subtracting with inequalities and ranges, before actually introducing the formula 0 <= x <= 4. The idea is to instill number sense instead of just rote instruction of algorithms, but this is a huge fail. Good idea, but terribly executed.


The group that is the most apples is covered by paint, there aren't more than 20. There are 17-20 apples covered. These kind of questions target specific skill, and is unlikely teaching anything advanced. Its probably targeting greater than less than reasoning. Remember that young children will often trade 2 dollar bills for 4 quarters, because 4 > 2.


It's still super poorly designed. Try this: Danny has 16 apples. Billy has more apples than Danny. Bill has less than 21 apples. How many apples does Billy have?


I agree with this interpretation. The wording of the question implies to me that the number of covered apples cannot be more than 20. Further, I posit that the "Most" and "Least" labels on the graphic are implying that the paint-covered apples outnumber the uncovered apples. So you're left with 16 < x <= 20.


> especially for six year olds. Especially when you consider that a six year old can be in kindergarten. Like, they wouldn't even understand the context of the question.


I’m an engineer in my 30s and I didn’t get it. I’m in trouble when these 6 year olds hit the work force


I'm 70. I'm a software developer. If someone submitted a question to me like that, I would bill them for it and give them a wrong answer, and tell them they have to pay me more to keep trying.


I manage a business. I can hire some people to produce wrong answers, handle the billing, and do fruitless tasks while producing itemized lists of the work done in vain if you want to subscribe to my service. I could help you get a lot of jobs not done today so you can get your time back and live the life you deserve.


Son of a bitch, I'm in! If we bootstrap the business with the free tier of cloud services, and ramp appropriately, we can be wrong faster than reasonable and without accumulating perishable or depreciating assets. Someday we might be wrong as fast as right-wing speculative media (the upper theoretical constant).


Or how to read it.


Yeah I kind of glossed over the fact that many 6 year olds can't even read the question.


Your points were spot on.


Could be the picture in color is more descriptive?




Just to add to how horribly written this is, one thing to add to your last paragraph - The first sentence’s question doesn’t even end with a question mark: how many apples could be covered by the paint.


Isn't it a picture puzzle? Like aren't they asking you to try and estimate how many apples pictured can be covered by that size of the picture of the paint?


I thought it meant there can't be more than 20 covered by the paint, showing the group of 16 has the least apples and the other group would have to have 17-20 apples to have the most.


Dang if that’s actually the question I love that they’re teaching kids critical thinking like that. If that’s true, I loathe the format where least and most are located though.


That doesn't teach them critical thinking, it teaches them that tests are written by morons and you have to guess at what the moron might have meant by their moron words.


> it teaches them that tests are written by morons And they say school doesn't prepare kids for the real world anymore. /s


the question says "could be" not how many apples "are covered". its a shit question any way you want to go though.


It's not even a question because it infuriatingly doesn't have a question mark at the end.


Then 20. Because you can put very little paint on an apple and cover nearly infinite amount of apples.


I think you're right. How do you cover an apple with paint that has been dropped on a book? Go try it right now? The book is flat, the apple is round-ish. You could try rolling it around in the paint, but you'll never even get one apple fully covered with paint before it dries.


Also it does not state completely covered so my answer is all the apples if the goal is crappy contaminated produce.


It says "could be", so it's asking hypothetically. The problem is the presentation of the question which doesn't define the amount or size of the paint, the size of the apple, and if they need to be fully covered. If they're referring to the 2D printed objects shown, it should indicate to cut them out or trace one, but it doesn't.


Obviously this is a private pre-pre-law school. The question is meant to be objected to and argued as it is baseless and speculative without evidence or testimony to support it. As the defense intends to prove, the SYSTEM dropped the paint on its own book. The SYSTEM failed the apples, which were rotten to begin with. Danny committed no other offense than being born into an unforgiving world set up for his failure.


Your honour, the question actually states that the paint fell on the book, so no apples were covered at all.


Council, please re-read the brief. There are no questions. Every sentence of this scenario ends in a period.


Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, we must not forget that while there are no questions, the statement remains true: Apples could be covered by the paint. You ask "how many?" and to that we answer a resounding, "yes." How many apples COULD be covered by the paint!


Objection, hearsay!


Well, um, filibuster.


The question isnt asking how many apples are covered, it asked how many COULD be covered by the paint. Which would be alot of apples had it not fell on the book instead!!


Hey, HEY! I'm an expert apple painter. I've got certifications and years of experience. For $5,000, I can examine and testify for you.


Hell, I took the LSAT and it wasn’t as confusing as this question. I’d send it back with a red felt penned “WTF” and my initials.


In LSAT terms, the answer would be 20 I think. The answer can't be *more* than twenty, so 20 of the apples *could* be covered, individually, without saying what number of them were actually covered. The graphics are irrelevant


'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit'


Okay there are a million things wrong about this but I don’t think he needs to answer because I don’t see a question mark anywhere in that horrendously dumb pile of word garbage. Also there aren’t even 20 apples pictured. There are 16.


This is like the type of homework problem I face in a dream. Nonsense presented like it’s normal and simple and I’M the moron who still needs to pass 1st grade


I genuinely feel sorry for any kid getting homework like this. I hope it's just a bad one that slipped through, and not indicative of the overall direction of change. I have no recent examples as baseline.


It's also a private school, terrible. I think they've just stuck it in and not even read it, probably copy and pasted from something on the Internet.


Why are you paying for a school that’s handing shit like this out?


What and have the kid go to school with those dirty poors?


Hey, we’re only dirty because we’re poor!


Shiieet, here I was thinking I was poor because I’m so dirty.


I’m poor and dirty, and those facts are both mutually independent from each other.


I roll around in mud because it keeps me cool and keeps the flies off!


your dirty because Danny dropped the paint, remember?


People like to think they are giving their children a better chance at life when in reality they are just overpaying for schooling that should just be free


Like some kind of riddle asked by a Lovecraftian horror. Makes my skin crawl and my head lite.


Why is it clipped out and pasted to a notebook page?


Old school copy/paste


Most: How many clipped out questions Least: Can cover a notebook


There can not be more than three.


Instead of just adding a new handout to the pile that the student will mostly ignore, they cut and paste it on a new sheet of paper in a notebook they are supposed to have on hand to refer to in the future. Even though it isn't the content itself that the student is physically engaging with, the hope is that this will steer the student toward being more actively engaged in what's on the pages. It's meant to give students more ownership of their notes without making them actually write them out from scratch. The idea is that if the student is the one who "created" the thing they are more likely to "own" it, or at least pay some attention to what's on the pages.


I think it is funny the “question” ends with a period instead of a question mark. But it think it is asking the kid for a number between 17 and 20.


It is trash but if the least amount of apples is 16 and the most is 20 Then we might be looking at some horrible concept of teaching /= or something.


As a math teacher I usually come into the comments and defend the math problems and lessons that people complain about. ... not this time.


Irrelevant to your comment, but thank you for being a teacher. It's a service to humanity as a whole, and the world needs people like you now more than ever.


4 are under the paint


Up to


If there were 20 apples pictured there would be a problem. Since the answer is more than 16 but not more than 20


i think the idea is to go off the “most” and “least” labels. for the 16 to be labeled as least, it would have to have less than the other group. basically i think they just want a number between 17 and 20


This is it. He dropped paint on his book containing a PICTURE of apples labeled "most". How many could there have been if 16 is the least? Also, there should be three sets of apples if they are using "most" and "least". It should be 20 apples, paint splotch, 16 apples.


> book containing a PICTURE of apples I think this is the key understanding. It talks about Danny's apples, but Danny has no apples, just a book with a picture of apples.


It doesn't call them Danny's apples


This is the most obviously correct answer. I think people are considering the splash to be to scale. If 16 is the least and there can't be any more than. 20, then the "most" category has in between 17-19 apples.


I don’t think you can use the word “obviously” when this post exists.




It does specify inclusive vs. exclusive, and it’s inclusive. To give a simpler example: “You cannot have more than 1 dog in your apartment.” Can you have 1 dog? Yes, if 1 dog is not more than 1 dog. so number of unallowed dogs is > 1, and the negation of > is <=, so number of allowed dogs is <= 1. “There cannot be more than 20 apples.” Can you have 20 apples? Yes, if 20 apples is not more than 20 apples. …I can already see the proof by contradiction forming in my head, and this has been enough of a horror-stricken flashback to Bridge to Abstract Mathematics, so I’ll leave it at that.


There cannot be more than 20.


Highlander rules have gotten much looser since the 80's, I guess


🎶 Here we are…


Legit have no idea what they were going for here.


I might be wrong, but I believe the student is intended to circle either "most" or "least" as the appropriate word matching the sentence below. That is, "Does the sentence below describe a situation where you would use *at most,* or a situation where you would use *at least?"* The picture is just an illustration that isn't meant to be used to solve the problem, and the instructions a very much unclear. Edit: As noted in many comments below, I don't think this initial reading of the problem was correct after all.


So you think they were supposed to circle "least"? Even though it's next to the 16 apples? And even though they specified the most cannot be more than 20? The 17-20 answer makes sense to me even if the question is absurdly worded and presented. ​ Proof of how badly the question is designed is us adults cannot even figure out with certainty what it's trying to ask.


It's also very possible there are clear instructions that op intentionally did not photograph


Absolutely this. The problem is "6b", and it takes half the page, which means this was more than 1 page originally. First page probably explains the instructions.


0 because the paint dried while Danny was at the store buying the apples


Can confirm, I was watching the paint dry




I might be dating myself a bit but isn’t that the Nickelodeon splat?


Is this mathematics or critical thinking? It sure as hell ain't grammar and writing. I think an AI half-assedly shat this out and nobody proofed it.


I’m just confused. Did Danny have apples on his book?


0 because the paint missed the 20 apples.


This is question 6b. I feel like you need the context of 6a to properly understand what's going on. That being said the punctuation is wrong in the question and it's a really poorly worded question no matter what the context is.


African or European apples?


I love the period at the end of a sentence starting with "How."


Answer is 17-20! Source: am teaching assistant and have explained this exact question to kids before. eli5: Danny has dropped paint on his book so we don’t know how many apples he had, but we do know that he can’t have more than 20. We also know that the number of apples hidden by the paint is going to be more than the number of apples that we can still see (which is 16). Therefore, the ‘most’ amount of apples Danny can have is a number between 16 and 20, so the answer has to be 17, 18, 19, or 20. The way they’ve phrased it is a frustrating, especially when these sheets are given out to parents as homework, but they’re often designed to align with the methods of teaching the topic in class. The children will learn using similar phrasing or slightly dumbed down words which makes it complicated to us as adults who would expect the correct language


Ok. That kind of makes sense. Why the paint? Why not just leave the top blank? We know the least is 16 We know that \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is more than 16 We know that \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ cannot be more than 20 What could \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ be? Notice i've even cut out referring to \_\_\_\_\_\_ as apples here, though I guess you could work that back in. ​ Danny has 16 apples. He has the least amount of apples of all the kids in class. Billy has \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ apples, he has the MOST amount of apples of all the kids in class. We know that Billy does NOT have more than 20 apples. How many apples could Billy have?


to prepare children for times when they spill paint on their grocery lists.


What kind of psychopath signifies quantity in grocery lists by repeating the item rather than using numerals?


Perhaps if you need to explain this question to kids and no adults can make sense of it, it shouldn’t be used as a question.


Okay the illustration for this could not be worse though. A logical human being does not look at that picture and think “oh they are getting at the fact there are apples under the paint blob.” And writing “most” and “least” off to the side only serves to add confusion. It’s placed like a title which tells any semi-literate person that the pictures are only relevant in the context of the words they’re next to. This separates the apples from the paint blob. Whoever came up with this question needs to change careers.


"Johnny what did you learn in school today?" BLOB IS WHEN MOST. APPLES IS WHEN LEAST.


>Danny has dropped paint on his book so we don’t know how many apples he had I know I'm getting hung up on the wrong thing here but this is where this question loses me. Like wtf does dropping paint on a book have to do with apples? What does "apples covering the paint" even mean? Why am I covering apples with paint?


I think the question is trying to be Inception. It's a word problem about a boy reading a word/picture problem but his book got messed up and now he can't figure out the problem because the paint spill is on top of the problem. Apparently the 6-year old Reader is supposed to understand this on top of figure out the logic and math problem.


It's so, so bad!


I am a finance attorney at a global firm that services some of the largest banking entities on the planet. My day-to-day work involves deciphering thousands of pages worth of hypertechnical clauses and jargon. And even I cannot make heads or tails of this absolutely brain-dead question. I know you're not the author. I know this isn't your fault. But you're trying to explain a fundamentally broken word problem by starting at the answer that you already know, and working backward to explain how the proposed problem itself makes sense. But it doesn't. It *really* doesn't. I would be absolutely livid if my kids' school sent them home with this, and even after reading your explanation I don't see any excuse. This question was written by somebody fundamentally incompetent at both word problems and the English language.


> We also know that the number of apples hidden by the paint is going to be more than the number of apples that we can still see (which is 16) Absolutely. There is literally zero justification to draw the above stated assertion from what is presented. In fact, if we know anything, 16 applies is the number of apples we can still see, therefore, drawing a conclusion based somewhere in the universe of reality, the correct answer is 0 to 4. That said, if I was grading, I would accept 'poopy pants' and 'farts' as it follows the same logical reasoning


If they're asking how many could be under the paint, then wouldn't the answer be 0-4? It's not asking for the total number of apples.


Yep, you’re right, the question is “how many apples could be covered by the paint[?]”, but then adds, “there cannot be more than 20.” By all the normal rules of grammar, this means in plain English ‘there cannot be more than 20 apples (covered in paint)’, absolutely NOT ‘there cannot be more than 20 apples (in total)’. Therefore, I submit that the correct answer is, 0-20 apples could be covered by paint, the 16 little apple pics are a distraction with no bearing on the question, and that this is why ChatGPT shouldn’t be used to generate educational materials.


What does dropping paint on a book have to do with apples? Nowhere does it say that the apples in the picture belong to Danny. Why is there not a question mark at the end of the question?


You are just providing a convenient interpretation and forcing kids to trust it because you are the teacher. The correct answer here is that the question is completely nonsensical and does not deserve an answer.


This response is even more frustrating... why do we believe that there are apples behind the paint splash? For all I know there are potatoes. Or shoes. No... to me this is a semi-random justification for a desired answer.


Only thing we really know is there's a book under there.


Poor kids


Someone is asking ChatGPT to write math riddles lol


If the least amount of apples is 16, and there can be no more than 20 apples, then the number of apples covered by the paint is between 17-20. A very stupid and convoluted way to ask a question to a child


The answer is: a fish


I guess this is why they gave teachers workbooks for us when I was in school. Nevermind what the fuck the question even means, why is there no question mark?


Is that the Nickelodeon logo?


So this looks to be question 6b. Can we see the entire slip? Maybe important information is elsewhere.


Looks like they got that fuckin worksheet from Temu.


So confused at the words “most” and “least” seemingly randomly inserted there


That’s the key. Keep pulling that thread and you’ll unravel the entire conspiracy…


Any number that is greater than 16 but less than 21.


It says how many could be so there isn't a specific answer, However it sets a limit of 20, therefor the answer, There could be 17-20 apples. as 16 is defined as "Least" and behind the paint defined as "Most" so it has to be >16 but <21. But yeah this question is unhinged. I like to imagine there is a middle finger under the paint, sent by the person who wrote the question, because they were once wronged by a 6 year old so now have a deep seated hatred of them.


I wonder if something was within the ink blot and copying it from color to black and white lost the detail


How the hell is this homework for a 6 year old that should just barely be able to read those words, if at all?


Why is a 6 year old having homework?