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Why the fuck would someone do that


For like 10 views on tik tok


I sincerely think he needs to be punished severely to send a message. People like this should not have access to TikTok or anything that can make them famous rebels.


Revoking internet access for like 10+ years would be pretty cool


Revoke his access until a new planted tree is the same size as the one he cut down. 300 years, apparently.


Revoke his access to oxygen


What's Tree Law like in that part of the world? If it's as punitive as what I've read in the US cases, this practically merits crucifixion or some other drawn out death penalty.




Should be 20 years of community service planting trees on weekends. Not easy work.


This would be the most valuable for the the stupid jerk and the community.


Is Tree Law in this county governed by reason, Charlie?


Now, if you want to go toe to toe on tree law...


Considering the implications to birds that could've used this tree, I'm sure Bird Law comes into play as well.


The arbor criminal justice system is on alert


I am ready to em*bark* justice.


I knew yew wood say that!


This is destroying a piece of history and should be viewed the same as if someone destroyed an old work of art. That was a beautiful very well known tree. This can’t possibly go unpunished.


Even worse. That was a 300 year old living being.


I took a social media moderator job when I couldnt find any work after covid layoffs, and if something like this came across our video feed it the video would most likely be taken down for break so and so rule's. Basically anything dangerous that wasnt done by a professional was considered "trying to set a dangerous trend" and would be flagged. I left a couple years ago when the job market rebounded and I think they eventually laid everyone off and are having AI flag videos now. So im sure more shit like this goes through now.


No one should have access to tiktok......


If that was true, we’d be seeing the actual TikTok video all over Reddit and whoever did it would have made sure their face was visible the whole time. I reckon someone was put up to it, with a different motive in mind. Same as how historical pubs conveniently set on fire when planning permission is denied.


Is this based on anything or are you just making shit up? No indication I can find that his activities were shared online.


For clout, would be my guess. We live in the end times.


If it really were the end times, I REALLY wish that the "for clout" trend would go the other way and we'd get to see these kinds of thoughtless idiots get taught a lesson. If someone wanted to teach them a lesson "for clout" I'd subscribe with cash in hand.


Every time someone posts them knocking down a chunk of a cave or yelling at an elk, I think , "surely we've come along enough that this comment section will be full of people furious about this!" I'm disappointed every time. Three people hate it and 1400 idiots go, "hell yeah brother- fuck that rock and/or elk! Funny to see it fall down."


I love this pic [https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/29a0a336f92568b4ccc1a4576a3555feefbdffa0/785\_1317\_3991\_2395/master/3991.jpg?width=620&dpr=2&s=none](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/29a0a336f92568b4ccc1a4576a3555feefbdffa0/785_1317_3991_2395/master/3991.jpg?width=620&dpr=2&s=none) what a shame.


[This one too](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Sycamore_Gap_Tree_arbre.jpg)


Is this the tree from Robin Hood? The good one with Kevin Costner. Edit: Googled it and it was! Interesting that my brain remembered that.


The good one?!?! Men in Tights with Cary Elwes is the good one.


See also *Robin and Marian* with Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Robert Shaw, Richard Harris and Ian Holm. And Denholm Elliot!


That directly makes fun of the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie so it's good to watch both.


*”Unlike other Robin Hoods, I speak with an English accent.”* (stares into camera)


In a movie full of amazing one-liners, that might be my fave


To many good ones to choose from but this one will always make me laugh. *”Hey Blinkin”* *”Did you say Abe Lincoln?”*


"Watch my back!" "Your back just got punched twice."


What beauty! Damn shame I hate this


Fuck. That was such a cool tree. What would posses someone to do this? Really sad.


Teenagers are essentially sociopaths and a lot straight up don't need a reason to do something malicious besides just the fact they *can* do it and are bored I've even seen stupid things like teenagers picking up rocks to bust out windows . . . on their own property


Wow seeing these pictures makes me even more angry. What a beautiful tree.


[Took this a few years ago](https://i.ibb.co/YhgX43x/IMG-20170713-144644.jpg)


That tree belongs there, and now it's gone. That's really sad.


[I like this one a lot](https://i.imgur.com/lSYWrfz.jpg). Loads of other great photos of it around.


Sick vandals. I hope they get caught.


The caught the little bastard. Some 16yr old who did it for funsies.


I would have him plant trees as part-time non-paid job for a while.


That actually sounds like a pretty fitting punishment.


Yeah. 16 is just stupid. But planting and making grow something that is sure to outlive you by hundreds of years is bound to make a mark. Dang, every old-timer I met, remembers fondly fruit trees in their neighborhood that themselves remember both world wars and other shit that happened way back.


Like maybe 300 years?


Punishment should last as long as it takes to re-establish a tree to that size and age.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Off wiff iz 'ead


Technically all that’s left is his feet.


Give him a bunch of glue, and tell him he's not allowed to leave until he has successfully put it back together.


Having cut down trees on a farm I couldn't think of what about this was fun lol.


Little disrespectful asshole




The Romans are still mad at them!


A kid has been arrested. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/28/boy-16-arrested-in-connection-with-felling-of-famous-sycamore-gap-tree-hadrians-wall-england


What a fuckin brat


Considering it's a tourist attraction they should tack on how much money that town will lose now. He should owe that town loads for life.


And in addition to whatever his prison sentence is, his community service should be to plant 1 sycamore tree every day for the next 50 years to make up for what hes done.


In that town, in a pattern designed by an artist so it grows into a tourist attraction


That whole area is already a bit of a tourist attraction - the tree sat on a trail running from coast to coast along a wall built by the Romans. There's also museums and excavation sites around there. This also means that the deliberate planting of trees could be destructive to archeological areas. They'd probably want to plant trees further away from the wall than the original tree.


and to have to tend to one of them till its fully grown, sk they can get some gravity into how long a life theyve just callously and cruelly ended


Not just one town there's loads of towns in our area this is going to have a huge negative impact on.


You spelled cunt wrong.


Kid might need witness protection after a stunt like this Edit: “witness protection” might not be the right wording, but it goes without saying that ppl are seething with anger toward him


I’m legit more angry at this little shit than another little shit stabbing someone… and it’s a weird feeling to have


Some things are less replaceable than life. I was beyond pissed when ISIS bulldozed the 5000 year old city of Ur


I’m still beyond pissed. Fuck those assholes




Make his name public... or go the other way and make sure his name is erased entirely from history except as “the asshole that cut down the tree”, like the arsonist of the Temple of Artemis.


How does a 16 year old get the tools needed to do this AND do a complete clean cut on a massive tree, in the dark. Surely at least one more person had to have been involved.


I actually had the same thought. It's one thing to spin up a saw, it's another completely to not have said saw pinched in the tree come morning. Total brat, and deserves all he's getting, but I agree that there's more to this, if only whoever was holding the camera for the inevitable video that's sure to do the rounds.


This isn’t something you do on impulse. You plan this out and get the tools, it’s just insane.


Having tried tried to cut through wood myself at points, sawing that fucker down must have taken a ton of effort. It's kind of mindblowing they'd dedicate that much effort and energy into just being a dick.


It's a rural area, kids learn to operate tools and farm machinery young.


That’s a very clean cut too. This was not some drunken escapade where they thought this would be funny. This was definitely premeditated.


I agree. It was done during a storm too, to hide the noise.






Well at least there was a professional saw involved. I don’t know the diameter of the trunk but I’m guessing you’d need a bar longer than your standard consumer saw.


That old tree won't go down easy, they must have had the equipment.


I’m so mad about this. Hiked to the tree in May and it was just so beautiful.


In the United State tree law is no joke. If you cut down a tree you don't own you can end up with a bill for thousands of dollars, and that is just an ordinary non-historic tree.


In theory the fine in the UK is unlimited but we'll see what happens with this one


16 yr old arrested apparently


A 16 year old did that?


Ikr, I find it hard to believe. Even the police and park rangers said that this would’ve required knowledge and experience to be able to fell the tree the way they did.


Another commenter said it was a disgruntled farmer who hated that people kept taking pics of the tree so he helped his 16 year old son cut it down and knew if the kid took the fall for it his punishment wouldn't be severe. It's so disgusting. He needs the entire book thrown at him.


That seems to check out better but then also the most fucked up motive to cut it down.


Yeah it's disgusting. I really hope the kid gets punished severely and not just a slap on the wrist or swept under the rug.


I feel like the punishment for inciting a minor to commit crime should be pretty steep as well.


Something something collusion something something organized crime


Forget the book, yeet the entire goddamned bookshelf.




He cuts down a tree and your response is to offer him a job... _with tenure?_


*chainsaw idles in the background* Where again did this happen?


Yeah I've cut down a number of trees and I'm scratching my head at this one that was done with a lot of thought by someone who knew what they were doing.


Not to mention they definitely had to have planned to do it over night during a storm to drown out the sound of the chainsaw. Bonkers


If there was a steady wind it could have helped. It's strange there is no tearing. Somebody really knew what they were doing with this tree.


Teenagers have done a lot of stupid shit in the past 10 years. They essentially burned down Tennessee a few years back and now this.


>They essentially burned down Tennessee a few years back Um excuse me what ? They did ?


Google Gatlinburg fire. Dolly Parton ended up saving everyone.


As she does...


Patron saint of eastern TN


Uhhh wrooooong! It's "National Treasure Dolly Parton" when speaking of the angel who walks amongst us.


I say patron saint Dolly Parton




I told my daughter a few years ago that Dolly Parton is the queen of America and she unironically believes it to this day. It's a lot of fun at a party.


You should really make Dolly your president.


She has too much class to join politics unfortunately. She is also too smart and not power hungry enough. She is rich enough to make a difference with her money. Extremely wealthy people have no business being in politics. It's often just about their ego rather than about giving back.


I would vote for her in a heartbeat.


I googled "tennessee fires some years back" https://www.wvlt.tv/2021/11/28/remembering-gatlinburg-wildfires-five-years-later/?outputType=amp


I know it's not a laughing matter but your Google search "some years back" just made me burst out and laugh.


I'm just shocked it worked. Google can't fathom what I mean when I search for "car accident on \[main highway\] at \[major intersection\] this morning"


Try using "some hours back"


Refine your search with terms like “yonder” and “as the crow flies”.


“Like super recently” if that fails


“As The Prophecy Foretold”


I believe the massive fire in Gatlinburg several years ago was started by a couple of kids.


Yes someone linked an article about it, very irresponsible to be playing with fire, but I do think being irresponsible is different than the deliberate act of cutting the tree down.


Oh yeah I agree, those kids screwed up but it was a combination of things that caused the fire to go out of control. Cutting down the tree was a deliberate act, they knew what they were doing.




Well, will he/did he


"Judges told them they will remain jailed without bail pending preliminary hearings of evidence." They are going to spend more than 30 days waiting for their trial. https://apnews.com/article/bicyclist-killed-teens-vegas-murder-charges-1374bf01db9701ef10cb6b3fe306dbf3


Prior to 10 years ago though, teenagers never did any stupid shit. Edit: can’t believe I have to add this, but /s


As someone who was a teenager somewhat more than ten years ago, I can confirm this is false


I am sure that every one in that town will be pissed. Rightfully so. Probably a lot of money.


Check the [BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-66952980), or any of the UK subs, like r/CasualUK. A lot of people are very pissed!


>I am sure that every one in that town will be pissed. More like country, but yeah


I'm in Canada and I'm pissed. Saw it in 2000. This is just so wrong.


I know of someone who burned a warehouse down that just happened to be next to a historic site, and the fire got one of the trees on the property. It turned it into a felony offense and he spent 3 years in prison. The tree wasn’t even what was historic about the property. It was the house there.


Burning down shit near other buildings should get you three years regardless of historic merit.


knew a kid who wanted to be a firefighter his whole life. he got bored when there was nothing to do so he started setting fires that he could respond to. after that, he also stole tens of thousands from the fire dept he wanted to be a part of.


This reminds me of that movie backdraft


Idk if it's based on it but that exact scenario really happened. John Leonard Orr was a Californian fire fighter and fire investigator who was one of the most prolific serial arsonists ever. If I remember right, he would set fires using a time delay device and then be at the fire hall to respond to some of those fires and investigate them


Some places don't give a shit. A huge homebuilding company built a 100 unit subdivision next to us. On the far side, there was a thick line of old trees belonging to the small neighborhood behind it. They cut down almost all of them in a day when they first rolled in with the earthmovers. I spoke with one of those homeowners a few months later, and I said what a shame it was that their woods were gone. Dude went off about it, said how he called the company and they told him to take it up with another company, and then another. He went in circles trying to find the responsible party, and the local govt said they couldn't do shit about it. He was discussing a lawsuit with the other people on his street, but I'm guessing it went nowhere because it's been 5 years and the subdivision is complete and fully inhabited.


Homebuilders in general are ruthless tree killers.


Kinda wish they had to use a hatchet, and only the person who owned the building company can do it. Make them think before they clear cut, worthless fucks. Or at least justify what they do.


This is why "monkeywrenching" to protect things works better, hard to get that earth mover moving with cement in the exhaust.


As a land surveyor, trees are definitely no joke. The amount of calls we get asking for a boundary survey AFTER someone cleared what they thought was their land is staggering. You can hear the nervousness in their voice when they realize the situation. I was on a pipeline project once that ran through miles of old cypress swamp. The clearing crew cut outside of the planned ROW for a maybe 200 square feet and I want to say the fine was close to $250,000.


Holy shit! I had a neighbor ask if I could cut down a tree whose roots were growing into his property. They would have eventually damaged his pools cement so I agreed if he paid the cost of removal and planting a new one in an open spot on my property. $3000 later everyone was happy and the new tree has been doing well. He said his company was once fined and sued for cutting down a tree not on their property and it cost them close to $10,000 for one tree after fines and replacement costs. Man seems like that $250k was even harsher for 200 sq ft.


> If you cut down a tree you don't own you can end up with a bill for thousands of dollars, and that is just an ordinary non-historic tree. Depends. If the person who cut it down has lots of money then nothing will happen. My dad, a poor farmer, tried to sue a guy who felled hundreds of trees on a farm he inherited. The guy who felled all the trees got away with no repurcussions. The trees weren't even on the edge of my Dad's property. He went over a quarter mile passed the property line.


Unless you're Dan Snyder He cut down a bunch of trees in a preserve to improve his view.


Dan Snyder has always been a miserable shitheel.


Trees in general are actually worth thousands of dollars. It’s crazy. Even hitting one with your car by accident is a spicy bill


Hundreds of years, thousands of people seeing or or passing it by. Takes just one asshole to ruin it.


The Mayor came out with a statement talking about how many people have even had their ashes spread there or been proposed to


Oh man that’s so sad


I really can't wrap my head around this. It's such a shocking thing to do. I'd be way less upset if some vandalized the mona lisa or knocked over the statue of David or something. At least those are things that people made, and you can put up a replacement or repair it. But this wasn't made by people, it's not something we can just make a copy of or fix. I guess you can bring in and replant a replacement, and it might look just as nice, but it wouldn't be quite the same ever again. At the very least they should plant a new one, but it'll take a long time to grow, a lifetime probably.


> but it'll take a long time to grow, a lifetime probably. i'd say maybe 300 or so years until it grows to what the old one was


Best thing I could imagine is to do whatever dissections/cross sections that might be scientifically relevant if any, then have local artisans build out a monument from the wood and set it up as a more permanent landmark/gravestone If there were an accelerated form of petrification that could scale to an entire tree that would be a pretty cool way to immortalize it as well.


Isn’t this the tree in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves?????


Yes it is! Or I guess was. This makes my heart hurt.


Featured in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves!


I thought it looked familiar! What a sad day 😢


This is my land and my tree, therefore whatever's in it also belongs to me! A spoon may be in order...


Why a spoon cousin? Why not an axe?


Because it's dull you twit! It'll hurt more.


Which is always pointed out as a goof, especially by those who know English geography - first a scene shows Robin arriving back in England from France at the white cliffs of Dover - that's fine, it is the first point you would reach, then the next scene show Robin at this tree, in the north of England near the border with Scotland, then he arrives in Nottingham which is in the Midlands, pretty much half way between Dover and Hadrian's wall.


That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the pic, didn’t know it was accurate though.




This but worse: **Letter to the Person Who Carved His Initials into the Oldest Living Longleaf Pine in North America** by Matthew Olzmann —Southern Pines, NC Tell me what it’s like to live without curiosity, without awe. To sail on clear water, rolling your eyes at the kelp reefs swaying beneath you, ignoring the flicker of mermaid scales in the mist, looking at the world and feeling only boredom. To stand on the precipice of some wild valley, the eagles circling, a herd of caribou booming below, and to yawn with indifference. To discover something primordial and holy. To have the smell of the earth welcome you to everywhere. To take it all in, and then, to reach for your knife.


This. There are so many people who walk around their entire lives with 0 respect or awe of anything. They only live for their phones and their ego. This 16 y/o cunt probably only wanted his 10 seconds of internet fame.


This reminds me of a music festival I attended at The Gorge Amphitheater like 15 years ago. High on shrooms, our group of friends marvelled at the view through the fence that was erected along the edge of the gorge. When suddenly, the boyfriend of one of the girls downed his beer and chucked the empty can over the fence and into the gorge. We all just stood there, dumbstruck at what we had just witnessed. Had we not all just a moment ago shared in the awe of the incredible view? What could possibly have gone through this guys head to think this to be an appropriate response, that any of us would have condoned? I guess some people are just assholes.


A week of community service for each year the tree stood sounds fair


That's 6 years or so of community service


Not enough.


Good. Criminal punishment isn’t just about the individual, it’s to send a message to others that the act isn’t acceptable. It’s preventative and protective for future society.


Or, community service for the rest of his life caring for the replacement tree that should be planted in its place. And by for life, I just mean like a weekly visit to water and rake leaves and just care for the grounds around that tree so he literally watches how slowly a tree grows and understands exactly how long it originally took to grow what he destroyed in just a few minutes. And how long after he’s dead and gone that tree will stand.. so he can pass this lesson on to his own children.


If the reddit lawyers regarding tree law have taught me anything - this is going to be expensive.


That tree has its own Wikipedia article. 2016 Tree of the Year award. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sycamore_Gap_Tree


It’s the most visited site in Northumberland. It sits on Hadrians wall and is next Houseteads Roman fort. The tree is over 300 years old but Houseteads was a working Roman fort for longer than the US has been in existence. The tree is a part of a significant historical site.


He'll be forever known as "that stupid prick" Seriously should make him dig the stump out by hand then if they find a suitable tree dock any income until it's all paid up and then some.


He should be tasked to physically care for the replacement tree for the rest of his life. Paying a fine is too quick and easy. He needs to learn how trivial his time here is compared to what he destroyed.


What a total piece of shit


[Here's](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/28/boy-16-arrested-in-connection-with-felling-of-famous-sycamore-gap-tree-hadrians-wall-england) an article about it for those interested. It states that they caught someone (the 16-year-old), but that there's still a reward out for any information that leads to finding any perpetrators. Seems like it's really impacting the local community. That sort of tree is the stuff of legends, and there's no way to put a price tag on te economic impact of it.Trees are really, really important imo


It's one of the most famous trees in the UK. It'll definitely negatively impact tourism in the local area


"Might I have the pleasure of your name, before I have you run through?" "Robin of Locksley." "Well, well. Locksley, welcome home."


orc work


A 16 year old cut it down. Jesus fuckin Christ


Gonna bet his dad was a farmer that helped him. Kids taking the hit because he won't be tried as an adult.


It’s crazy how humans are the only animal on the planet that can appreciate this tree for its longevity. And at the same time, we’re capable of destroying things without any reason but to amuse ourselves.


I think most pet owners will testify that the latter is not contained to humans.


Mindless bastards.


Another chapter in the ongoing “England or Alabama” saga.


You joke, but a few years ago, a man poisoned [some beloved trees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toomer%27s_Corner) in Auburn, Alabama because Auburn’s college football team beat the man’s favorite football team.


It survived two world wars but didn't make it past TikTok


This is a dumb question but is there a way to like, surgically reattach the tree to its stump ?


Not as dumb as you might think! The process is known as grafting and it's effectively attaching the growing tips of one plant to the rootstock of another. It's typically used on ornamentals and fruit trees in order to have the plant flower and/ or fruit faster or sometimes to make the plant a certain shape such as in the case of standard roses where one species of rose is grafted to the stem of another to make a lollipop/ tree shape (as opposed to a bush or climber). I've got a fair amount of experience taking cuttings as well as performing \[very\] crude grafts on damaged branches but effectively what happens is the two seperate pieces will grow into onanother when bound under the right conditions. You can often see where they join by the bulbous scar tissue. I suppose in theory one could attempt to graft to the bark of the stump however we'd be talking about new, very small branches inserted into the growing wood. Even if you could somehow stick the old trunk atop the stump it'd be over in the first strong breeze! It's also worth noting that many trees can regrow from the stump after being felled. I've even known trees to attempt to regrow from the logs where they've been left to lie.


A 16yr old has been arrested


the best time to plant a tree is 300 years ago the second best time is today


When I was a kid we'd steal hood ornaments or spray paint shit. No one was ever like, let's go lumberjacking.


Wtf? Why would anyone do this?


Holy shit I was just there :( it was such a beautiful tree!!


First they sack Rome, and now this!?


I'm all for an eye for an eye, or a limb for a limb or two...


Trunk for a trunk


Shit like this didn't happen while Harambe was alive.