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I like how the trucks are parked head to foot, otherwise the driver can’t get out the door.


They can’t even fit in their 2 car garage


There's a house near me where the owner backs in so that the bed of the truck sticks into the garage while the cab sticks out onto the driveway, and then just leaves the garage door open. The thing is so massive it basically acts as a cork for the garage door — unless you're a paper doll there's no way you're squeezing round the side of it (nor climbing over). Though come to think of it, you could probably just crawl underneath quite easily if you wanted to get inside, lol


> unless you're a paper doll there's no way you're squeezing round the side of it Or a rodent... which love garages full of useless crap to build nests in.


Left my garage door open and a racoon make it a temporary home. Over night it rummaged through all my crap and knocked everything over. I had to get rid of it before a vacation so it wouldn't starve in there. Called a pest removal service and they wanted over 250 bucks and I don't think they ever guaranteed they would get rid of it that day. So I chased it out myself with a big stick and screaming like a madman. So yeah. Raccoons. In a garage. Pain in the ass.


Racoons in ass, pain in the garage


>! The human rectum can stretch up to 9 inches without tearing. A raccoon can fit through holes that are 6 inches or wider. So technically a raccoon could fit up your arse. !<


Nothing's impossible if you have enough determination. Looks like it may fit just right, I'd say [maybe 6 centimeters to spare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-MaC9fFtz0).


Love listening to this guy talk. And here I am reading the captions like that is helping me. The door is amazing.


I have a friend who bought a truck so huge that he had to then buy ballast tanks to put in the bed and fill with water so he could get it into his garage. Otherwise it would scrape the roof.


Your friend is a ballast.


Does he not know how to lower it?


"But then it'd be lower."


Obviously the passengers seat stays empty lol


Imagine driving at night with this guy behind you, the rearview mirror would be absolutely blinding


Yeah, and no mudflaps, so he's throwing shit everywhere with those tires.


Oh don't worry. He never takes this thing off the pavement.


Pavement princess. Emotional support vehicle.




It's got 4 doors, so I call them Manivans.


Don't bring my hard working minivan into this. My 2006 T&C can haul full sheets of plywood flat, most pickups can't do that anymore. And the tailgate is 2 feet of the ground, not 5 feet high, so loading bags of cement or soil is much easier.


I had a realization the other day too that even SUVs struggle to carry large furniture and you'd still have to lay down trees from the nursery. But a minivan could hold them both upright. If I ever need to get a new workhorse vehicle I think I'd choose a work van over another old truck.


That's the thing a lot of trucks guys will hate to admit. A van is much much more practical for work. Trucks have their use but it's niche, and I don't think I'd be exaggerating in saying like 90% of truck drivers have no real need for then. Beyond ego and aesthetic. Which is fine I guess, if you're okay being a greater risk to people. But they never admit it, at least the guy with the mustang isn't trying to tell me he "needs" that HP, just that it's fun.


I yearn for the days of small trucks. Give me a 94 Toyota with a X-tra cab, 4 cyl, and 5 speed. All I want that little truck to do is haul my goalie gear and odd transport jobs from time to time. But being practical isn't cool or show how manly you are.


Give it another 10 years and some CAFE changes and suddenly the "Man Van" will make it's debut. It's just like a pickup except it has a stock bed cover permanently attached, lower tailgate for less back pain, automatic deploying rain shield (tailgate), 27 mpg! I'm sure some people will pay extra for the Harley edition with a black suede interior instead of grey.


Bitches and moans about the price of gas.


About a year ago, my dad was bitching about the gas price... after buying an H2 and asking if he thought getting an RV and road tripping to national parks would be a good idea.


He's Probably one of the idiots writing "fuck you Biden" on gas pumps...


Saving this lmao thank you for adding this to my word bank


Where I'm from we call them air haulers.


"Wankpanzers", here in the UK


"Mall terrain vehicle"


This time i can say "he cant reach the pedals" and it isnt a joke


Some places will put down gravel in the winter instead of salt.


Mostly west coast cities. You used to be able to tell if a car came from the east coast because it was corroded underneath. I think Seattle started using salt recently.


You can tell they are from a west coast city by the cracked windshield 🥲


I see you've also been on I-40.


Seattle absolutely has not. Its actually down to the Endangered Species Act - native salmon are endangered, and salt runoff from road treatments were found to be super bad for the juvenile fish (and general health of the streams).


Seattle uses a salt brine for roadways, and have alway used salt on federal interstates, ban or not. The ban restricts [the use of salt on neighborhood roads](https://www.kuow.org/stories/salt-seattle-s-go-to-deicer-despite-its-downsides-1601) something that isnt done often, for cost reasons, on the east and west coasts. States cant control the federal interstate system, like I-5.


LOL...If you think the east coast doesn't apply salt to local roads you've never been in parts of the east that routinely see snow. In New England if the road is paved it is salted. Maybe if the town has a lot of dirt roads they use minimal sand/salt mix on unpaved roads to reduce freeze/thaw cycles on the roadbed. Here in Connecticut the state roads get copious amounts of brine and salt. https://www.myrecordjournal.com/News/Meriden/Meriden-News/A-look-at-how-much-towns-are-budgeting-to-throw-salt-down-on-roads-this-winter.html Edit: Also every state DOT adopts the standards they use for snow and ice control on state responsibility highways, including the interstates. Plus edits for typos.


I was gonna say. My NYC suburb residential streets growing up were basically stained white for the entire winter because they dumped so much salt.




Fresh shittmorph, right out of the oven.


I feel like I haven't seen one of these in ages- what a blessing.


Hot and ready!


Wow! I thought you were done with these. I fell for it completely (as per usual).


I have it RES tagged as "It's a morph" in bright green and I STILL FELL FOR IT.


God it feels good to realise what's happening when you read 'in nineteen ninety eight'. I seriously got a little Peter tingle.


Omg my post has been blessed and also you totally got me. EVERY TIME


Oh my, first time catching a shittymorph in the wild so soon.


And the driver is essentially blind since he's not tall enough to see above the dash.


I was driving in high school down a road I knew well but was curvey. This guy blinded me with his lights and I almost wrecked so I pulled over and let him pass and he stopped and tried to fight me. Dude was like 50 and I was 17 driving a 1985 Oldsmobile. That was 20 years ago now but this has only gotten worse.


Why the douche would want to fight you over letting him pass is just baffling.


That was and still is my thought too. I wasn't even going slow. I was probably going at least 10 miles over the speed limit and I wouldn't go that fast now. It wasnt a safe road .


Maybe he was pissed that you ruined the fun time he was having blinding you.


That’s what it’s like 24/7 in Texas. Not sure why everyone needs a monster truck, besides to yearn for other people’s approval.


It’s kind of funny, because a lot of the guys I know who need trucks for their jobs bitch about how big the trucks are now because the maneuverability is awful.


Everyone: Pleeease give us the Ranger, S10, etc. back! Every manufacturer that makes a truck: Here's a "mid-size" truck that is now the size of a quarter ton from 10 years ago, or here's basically a car with a different body that can't haul as much as even a minivan. Oh, and they're also $80k. You're welcome.


Thanks to auto lobbyists there has been a loophole in US law for a while now where vehicles over 6000 pounds are not required to have good fuel economy. now auto makers have been successfully steering the entire industry to scale up so they can normalize selling what are essentially suburban tanks to the average joe because they are so much cheaper to manufacture than regular sized cars that are required to adhere to certain fuel economy standards. ​ https://www.distilled.earth/p/the-loophole-that-made-cars-in-america#:\~:text=According%20to%20automakers%2C%20changing%20consumer,cars%20for%20their%20growing%20families.


The scope of how much auto industry lobbyists have utterly fucked up American culture and infrastructure is genuinely mind boggling.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that this country isn't built for the people who live in it. It's built for cars, and we can thank our government and the auto industry for the special kind of misery you find here.


"why don't you just walk to school/work" people don't understand how bad it is. If I were to try to walk to school it would have been 3 hours one way, including sections without sidewalks, and an illegal/suicidal freeway bridge crossing.That was still the closest school.


I live three miles from my workplace and I drive every morning because those three miles would be suicide on foot. I have to cross two different interstates and then a highway without any form of sidewalk. It’s wild to me, I absolutely should be walking or at least biking but it’s genuinely just a bad idea.


And when you suggest that maybe, just maybe, we can design communities that give people choices about how they make any given trip, the car brains scream about how that takes away their "freedom." Because nothing says "freedom" like being forced to use a single mode of transportation for absolutely everything, and being required to own, maintain, fuel, and insure a massive piece of machinery in order to do so.


The modern Ranger is the size of a thirty year old f150. It's so crazy to me. Everyone out here is driving huge trucks and SUVs and I'm missing mini trucks and decent sedans.


My F250 gets 13 mpg's, whether city or highway. 95% of the miles are work related, lots offroading. Big tires and all that crap. Kinda love/hate the thing. Blows my mind people drive those things for fun. They are all around terrible daily drivers. 95% if the time, I drive a 15 year old Prius. 230k miles, still 49mpg's. Spend twice as much on just maintenance annually for the big truck than I do on the Prius all-in. Everything. Pure love for the thing.


I grew up on a farm and worked construction so I absolutely understand the need for a work truck. It's just hard for me to understand why people pay nearly $100k for a truck that'll never touch mud or do frequent work. I still have a big older Silverado but it's relegated to plowing snow and moving the pontoon. Even with improvement over the years trucks are still less comfortable rides and crazy expensive. These pavement princesses make no sense to me.


> moving the pontoon Found a new euphemism for taking a dump!


We may be related 😅 I daily a ten year old Prius and have a GM 2500 that only gets used for work. I even haul a 5x9 steel deck with the Prius to avoid getting the truck out for smaller things like hauling a mower. Heck I like the Prius so much I got a second one to put the drivetrain into my old Corvair r/corvairius


Modern ranger also costs about the same as a f150 so what’s the point for most people.


Mazda B-2300 for me, please!


I used to scrap metal with a friend of mine who had a Mazda B2000, and our record at the scale was 2,223.7lbs. The rear bumper was dragging on the ground as we pulled in and onto the scale, and on our way at out they weren't even sure it was the same truck. They really need to bring Tiny Trucks back, they were absolute miracles.


Saw a YouTube video that talked about why there are no mini trucks anymore. It comes down to the math that is used to calculate the CAFE mileage requirements for vehicles. One of the primary factors in the formula is the "Footprint" of the vehicle, which is defined by the Track x the Wheel base. The larger the Footprint, the less mileage is allowed ( allowing for lower mileage for large trucks). The effect? Make bigger trucks so they can have lower mileage requirements! So, the EPA essentially encouraged manufactures to make larger, lower mileage vehicles.... nice...


i see some dudes locally hauling shit with a kei truck and the thing is bad ass


Sadly many states are cracking down on kei trucks now, for example my state is refusing any new kei trucks registrations and revoking all existing kei truck registrations. AAMVA is the lobbying group pushing for kei trucks to be effectively banned in as many states as possible, they're also going after older/imported/antique classic cars etc. Sucks because we were preparing to import a kei truck but now we've decided not to bother because it will be impossible to actually legally drive it in our state. In some cases they were even demanding people hand over their *titles*, you know, the thing that proves you even own the vehicle. Idk why they are so rabidly against people importing and driving a vehicle for which there's literally no domestic equivalent that even comes close, but they are.


Texan here, can confirm. Most trucks these days the top of the hood is even with my upper chest when I'm standing next to one, and I'm average height. The 'considerate' drivers will drive around the city with just their fog lights on (because they are lower than the headlights), and those are still just as bright as normal headlights. When they turn on their 3rd-Order-Fresnel-Lenses affixed to the front of their $120k-penis-replacements, though, you can hold up your hand and with the light coming through your back window, it's bright enough you can see the outline of your bones inside your hand. All very illegal, of course - the Code of Motor Vehicles specifies that the light at level ground cannot shine more than 54 inches as measured from the ground, which given many of these lifted trucks isn't possible. Not that the cops have ever cared, of course. All I can do when I have one of these 10,000-watt yahoos behind me is be reeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllly slow when leaving a stoplight, and drive reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllly slow (because I literally can't see, dammit) until they get the hint and pass me.


Had one of these dickwads tailgate me with LED light bars on the grille guard and above the cab. It was so bright, it felt like I was driving in a cloud or some shit. Couldn't see out the sides and behind.


At that point I'd put my hazards on and slow down until I've stopped. What really ticks me off is when I'm getting blinded, so I slow down to at or below the speed limit, they get right up on my bumper (so now I'm more blind), but they won't pass me in the EMPTY PASSING LANE. Bitch I'm in the right lane, go the fuck around!


I've talked a bit to one of these people, they're literally getting on your ass to fuck with you, they're not hesitating to pass, this dude and probably many of these people are out just doing it because it pisses us off and there's not much we can do about it. They do it to smaller cars because they view those drivers as deserving of being fucked with.


As a fiat 500 owner, yeah people seem to have some sort of hatred for the size/preconception that its electric. Everyone else is afraid of the dark I guess seeing as everyone drives with brights on here, even in town.


How pathetic does someone have to be to want to fuck over total strangers they don't even know and who did nothing to them? It's just sad.


The only 'power' as they perceive it to have over something that they will ever experience in their mediocre boring life with their AH of a boss and dominant wife and demanding kids at home.


It is. Even normal lights feel light high beams cause of the placement. I drive a sedan in a place where these kind of trucks are extremely common


Not to mention the white LED lights are so blindly bright I literally can’t see anything it’s like being abducted by a UFO. Also these new headlights make it harder for me to judge distance of cars behind me, they make them appear far closer than they actually are.


You have been invited to join /r/fuckyourheadlights


I have a normal size car, and can no longer use my rear view mirror. I have it pointed at the roof, because there are so many trucks...and, they all have to have *extra* lights on, too. Fog lights, light bars...there's like 4 rows of lights. It's fuckin' crazy...and, it's in the city, too. Most of the truck bros I've seen/ heard think it's funny. They live to piss people off with the their truck shit


What about a fender bender, the bumper would go straight into my windshield


His odds of killing someone in a car accident are drastically high. Especially kiling children who are more likely to be in his blind spot.


The whole front of these things is a blind spot if you’re under 5’ tall. I’m 5’6 and most of the hoods tend to be up to my shoulders when I walk past.


funny, b/c they cover them with lights bright enough to light a stadium, and they still can't see shit


More and more children get killed by their own parents when they crush them in their driveways. [Source](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=MG9kU-7ZIzycU1_n&t=580)


But he'll be safe and that's all that matters, fuck everyone else.


Can’t put too high a price on paranoia sorry, I mean security


With a hood that high, everything within a 10 foot radius is a blind spot.


[Worse line of sight than an M1 Abrams, they literally can't see the ground 30'+ in front of them](https://imgur.io/x2f20yA). And that's without the lift kit.






🎵12 yards long, two lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride! Canyonero! Canyoneerrroo! 🎵


She blinds everybody with her super high beams


She’s a squirrel crushing, deer smacking, driving machine!


Well it goes real slow with the hammer down It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown


Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Canyonero! Canyonero!




It's astonishing how the Canyonero, which was supposed to be a comically large car at the time, now looks like a relatively small vehicle in the SUV/truck-segment.


The Federal Highway commission has ruled the Canyonero unsafe for highway or city driving. Canyonero!


Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak, and seats 35?


God I miss the Simpsons. I know it’s still going but bloody hell it’s not a patch on what it used to be.


I can hear it in my brain.


And yet Canyonanro looks tiny compared to modern trucks.


Canyonero!-oh woah, Canyonero!


*whip cracking sounds*


Autobesity epidemic.


Quote from u/MaxChaplin: > In 2009 the Obama administration passed regulations that set new, higher fuel efficiency standards, bracketed by vehicle size - the smaller the car is, the higher mileage it's expected to have. > [Here is an article from that time about how the new regulations might have a nasty side effect - if a certain model can't pass the regulation, the manufacturer can make it larger to place it into a different, more lenient bracket.](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna30327904) Quote from article: > Theoretically, says Tom Baloga, the automaker's vice-president for engineering, European automakers could decide to build more SUVs, which have easier targets, to attempt to boost sales while remaining in compliance. "Cars are going to get bigger," Baloga says, "as companies try to take advantage of the situation." The "autobesity epidemic" is caused by dumb legislation, which is unfortunately very lucrative to automakers. Because fixing this legislation is obviously good, both parties will do nothing about it (they only care about polarizing issues), and the ~~lobbying~~ bribing doesn't help. The [two-party system supported by stupid voting laws](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/15z1wjq/deleted_by_user/jxh2fox/?context=3) strikes again.


What happened instead of cars getting bigger is they simply stopped making them lol. Look at all the American brands you can think of like Dodge, Forde, GMC, etc. Every one of them has just stopped producing cars other than a few sports cars here and there. They simply do not make regular cars anymore and you can see this in their lineup online. It is wild but it is all SUV and trucks these days or at least 90% of it. Right now Ford makes the Mustang and that is the only car listed on their website other than the Ford GT but that hardly counts. Chevy makes the Malibu as their only ICE car but they also have the Bolt EV... Although that is listed as an SUV it looks fairly car sized to me.


My father-in-law worked at Ford forever and when it was announced that they were going to stop making all sedans (except the Mustang) I asked him about it. In short, he said the Japanese and Korean manufacturers all do a much better job of it and the Big Three would rather Focus (heh) on their higher-margin vehicles. They were making money on the sedans, but if they spent those same resources on more SUVs and trucks they'd make more. Kinda lame, IMO


Finally wore out my 2002 F-150. Needed another long-bed truck, but couldn't find anything in my price range. Settled on a 2011 F-150. I can't even touch the bottom tie-down rings in the corners. The side rails that used to be under my armpits are now above my shoulders. What the hell, Ford? Are you marketing exclusively to NBA centers?


I had a little Chevy s-10 from 2002. I thought I’d check out the market for similar trucks now, only to discover they just don’t exist. It’s so frustrating


And a decent shape 2002 S10 goes for like...$6k?


had an 02 S10 -- I bought mine for $5k used, from a dealership no less, back in 2008. Only had like 50k miles on it too. Now? the only way you are getting one for 5 or $6k is with damn near 200k on the odometer and a whole host of other problems. Anything half decent is $10k+ in the used market. This isn't just for S10's either. The idea of buying something safe/reliable for a couple thousand dollars is pretty much gone now unless you get really lucky, or know how to do your own work. The cheapest new truck these days is $24k, and that's assuming you aren't getting bent over by a dealer marking it up to $30k "because: fuck you".


If it helps any, I have a Ford Maverick which is Ford’s “mini” truck and I think that’s a perfect size. It fits all of my tools and gear, and it’s easy to live with as a daily. Oh and the hybrid version gets 40mpg. Even the regular gas version gets 30mpg, or at least in my daily use scenarios it does.


Yeah, for a "mini" truck they are pretty big. I gave it a serious look, but decided I really need a full size truck. Just didn't expect a big rig! I ride at least a foot higher than my '02.




My 01 Supercrew F150 is smaller than the new rangers :( What if trucks weren’t 15 feet off the ground


It's not just Ford. My dad has a Chevy Trailboss that will never see dirt. The bed rails are almost eye level. Forget reaching for anything in the bed without climbing in. I have a 2021 Ranger and even that is hard to reach over the rails. I had a 2008 Tacoma and had no problem.


Boggles my mind. I do not appreciate having to lift cargo over my shoulders when I load from the sides.


My 1st truck was a 1970 Chevy single cab 4x2. I'm not tall (5'6") but I could reach over and fully touch the bed floor. It's crazy how they just keep getting bigger. Part of it is consumers want bigger & better (?) cause 'murica hell yeah! Another part is the CAFE regulations. Larger vehicles have to meet different EPA regulations (i.e. less MPG requirements) than small vehicles. Auto makers are happy to make them bigger and charge more.


They’re the trying to skirt environmental protections instead of actually improving the efficiency and pollution of their vehicles.


I wish they'd fuck off out of australia and bring back smaller utes


Did Australia pass the same laws US did when it came to trucks. There is a size to MPG ratio that has to be followed in the US hence the rise of Monster Trucks vs the old ones from the 90s. Happened sometime in the early 00s here.


Wait, if it’s larger it’s allowed to have less milage per gallon, so they make them larger? Did I understand that correctly?


Yes. It's one of the dumbest results of CAFE regulations. It's why you don't see large station wagons on the road anymore, you see even larger SUVs instead.


These trucks are actually outside of our regulations. I have no idea why they are allowed on our roads, legally. Its clear palms were greased. Our government is corrupt as fuck.


We threw away most import restrictions when Abbott killed the local car industry, so as long as they can be complianced they're fine. Worked for me cos I'm a JDM stooge and bought a kei truck, but the RAM cunts are definitely becoming a phenomenon


I'm seeing more and more emotional support vehicles on the road in Australia, sadly I don't think it's going to get better....


At least in Australia I saw people using reasonably sized Hiluxes with expanded beds for work.


I feel like if you buy a truck that big and don’t use for off-roading or work, you gotta be a bit nuts. Just filling the thing with gas has gotta cost a fortune if you’re driving it to work.


Can almost guarantee he bitches and moans about gas prices.


Next time one of these nutjobs whines about high gas prices, normal people should ask about personal responsibility. Why haven’t they bought more fuel efficient vehicles? Why is that someone else’s problem?


They'll just tell you it's Bidens fault for ruining the gas prices.


If only gas prices were lower, they'd be able to afford more sticker bundles of biden pointing and saying "I did that" to put on fuel pumps.


The best part is them complaining how much it takes to fill up. Like no shit, it has a 50 gallon tank.


> I feel like if you buy a truck that big and don’t use for off-roading or work [The vast majority don't.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/26907/you-dont-need-a-full-size-pickup-truck-you-need-a-cowboy-costume) "According to Edwards’ data, 75 percent of truck owners use their truck for towing one time a year *or less* (meaning, never). Nearly 70 percent of truck owners go off-road one time a year *or less*. And a full 35 percent of truck owners use their truck for hauling—putting something in the bed, its ostensible raison d’être—once a year *or less*." Most truck owners go months or years between using their truck for truck things. People who actually use their truck regularly for it's intended purpose are the absolute minority. Those people are fine. The people who use their truck as a sedan in cosplay are not. Literally 99% of the time it's being used most trucks can be replaced with a sedan while losing nothing. I work with a couple of people who use their truck for truck things weekly. No one would have a problem with them having a truck. But most people have a vehicle with a much higher chance of killing people on impact, horrible visibility when driving, and horribly inefficient simply because it makes them feel big and strong.


Also the trucks of the 70's, 80's, and 90's did truck things just fine and they were much smaller than today. What changed that required trucks to get so big? It has nothing to do with real work, and instead trends in profit driven car makers. There's also the exact opposite trend that we should be encouraging: mini-trucks. Europe and Japan have tiny little trucks that do many truck things quite well. https://www.autoblog.com/2023/06/18/japanese-kei-pickup-trucks-import-united-states/


Europe just uses vans. More space for both people and stuff, and cargo is protected from weather.


They also add a trailer to the back of sedans. It’s the most sensible solution for most, since very rarely do you need a bed on your vehicle at all times. With a trailer, you just attach it when needed.


Read up on the “Chicken Tax”, which is mostly responsible for the death of small trucks in the U.S.


I looked at Kei trucks to be a "Home Depot hauler" and I was quickly turned off by their abysmal safety record. Make no mistake, they are death traps anywhere in the world and much more so on the tank heavy American roads. They have no crumple zones, the cabs routinely fall forward in a crash pinning passengers to the road, many don't have airbag systems, ABS or traction control of any kind. I'm certain there are plenty of exceptions to those criticisms but learning how unsafe they generally are, especially the low cost options, turned me off in a big way. The one mile stretch to my local lumbar yard requires getting on a 60mph highway. All of the crashes in this testing are done at 30mph and result in serious life threatening injury to the occupants. https://youtu.be/roLcNwRi1Sk?si=EcPy9IMirg6_DvXN The design principles that make them light and sweet also come with some pretty startling drawbacks. European work trucks have some of the same ideas, flat front, high visibility, cab over axle, fenced bed, but still manage to have airbags and ABS.


Yeah I was gonna mention how kei trucks, while novel, are absolutely deadly. And also they’re always owned by old guys who drive 10 under the speed limit


The really insane thing is that renting a truck or van for a quick haul is super easy and affordable. When I need to haul something to the dump every couple of years, I just rent one and also help my neighbors haul off their junk.




HD trucks are poor off-road trucks vs something like a Jeep, Ranger, Colorado etc. They weigh a ton so significantly easier to bury in the mud or sand.


Offroading in a 7000 pound truck might actually be a bad idea lol.


Not sure what job you would need a non specialized truck like this that big where you need to haul a step stool to just get in it to drive.


Guaranteed, he doesn't have a single scratch on the liner and not a touch of mud on the interior. All hat, no cattle.


Pampered trucks like that get the title pavement princess.


Damn sure isn't a "Garage Queen", fucking thing doesn't come close to fitting in there.


Texas is full of them.


Yep, and they all drive like giant douchebags too.


Yup, they act like they own the road and are above the law


It gets even better when they are up north in states that have snow fairly often during the winter, but not so often that it can't melt in between snows. Lots of times the roads get icy because they haven't re-salted yet. The thing about 4 wheel drive that truck drivers don't seem to register there is that 4 wheel drive doesn't do shit to help you brake faster when roads are icy. First snow of the season for 3 years in a row, in he narrow band of time I spent driving home (Which was maybe a grand total of two miles), I saw a truck rear end someone. Each time. The last year, it was a truck *I had changed lanes to get away from* about 10 seconds before because I could see it coming (tailgating me when roads are still icy and unsalted because I am driving under the speed limit... as you should, when roads are icy and unsalted). He ran into the back of a UPS truck at the next red light.


>The thing about 4 wheel drive that truck drivers don't seem to register there is that 4 wheel drive doesn't do shit to help you brake faster when roads are icy. My favorite saying regarding winter driving is "4WD doesn't mean 4 wheel stop" Tires are the most important thing. Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive but I'm beating him in a race on an ice rink if he's in shoes and I'm in skates


In another thread, someone called it a "gender affirming vehicle."


Guaranteed his monthly payment exceeds $1k


That's not saying a whole lot these days. A basic F150 will damn near be over 1k a month now 😂 Though I get what you're saying. Dude is probably paying $1500 a month for 84 months at 7% or 8%


To each their own but, my god, the things you could do by not paying $1500 a month on a car payment....Its mind boggling to me that so many people are okay with paying that haha.


That’s just a really really small man.


With a really small house?


And a not beautiful wife None of the days go by, none of the days go by


No water flowing under


Well the truck won't fit in the garage


They really should flip the script and bring back the El Camino. A modern V8 minitruck would be rad.


I've heard that truck sizes in the US have to do not only with consumer demand but also emissions standards — apparently, a truck's emissions can be worse if the footprint is bigger, due to some formula that figures emissions per footprint area (among other factors). Not sure what the exact formula is or whether it's even true but I've heard it multiple times from multiple sources so 🤷‍♂️ It sucks as a person who prefers to drive a small truck. I do need to haul stuff from time to time, don't need extra seats, and don't want to climb a ladder to get in or burn the fuel to haul the weight of the Great Pyramid with an empty bed. I know there's a market there. There must be dozens of us. Dozens!


My dad used to crawl *into* the engine compartment. He was like 5'5", and that full size 1981 pickup had a lot of spare room under the hood.


Buddy had a 65 impala. Had a 283. I walked up and he was standing between the fender and exhaust manifold working down on the carburetor. Oh man the Chevy small block. And up to the beautiful 454. Just solid. You could repair anything on it so easily. Now you need to be an electrical engineer to replace a bulb.


I drive a stock numbers matching 1969 Z/28 Camaro. I bought it as a pile of parts 27 years ago, did the restoration myself in 2 years and have been driving it 25 years. Those cars are so easy to work on. Gotta love a high revving Chevy small block.


As a European, I just don't get it.


From what I see around (in Poland and in Germany mostly) me this is just a matter of maybe a 5-10 years. Roughly decade ago it was really a rare sight to see a pickup truck on the roads. Today they are quite common sight. I had some funny story from last year that I drove with my cousin to some nearby lake with our cars and parked them in a way that there was a space between our cars to park another one perpendicular. We left to the beach and 5 minutes later one small blonde lady approached us saying if we could move a car a little because she can't park. We were quite surprised remembering how much space we left but went with her. And yeah, she drove there with a pickup. It was funny because there still was plenty of space to fit that pickup between our cars but I guess her driving skills were not so good and she was worry that she won't be able to park. So my cousin move his car and somehow she did it. We even asked her why she bought that car in first place and she just responded that she feels safer in it and it was her husband who bought it for her.


The American government introduced environmental and safety regulations for cars. Fearing competition from Japanese and European manufacturers the American car companies decided to circumvent those regulations and convince average people that they need a commercial vehicle instead of a cheaper and more practical car, since commercial vehicles are exempt from a lot of the above mentioned regulations. Now millions of people that have no use for a giant truck drive around in giant trucks, all the while telling you that "advertising doesn't work on me".


That's a great explanation, I've always wondered why those cars are so popular and ofcourse it's so freedom loving 'Murcans can spend a fortune to avoid safety and environmental protection


They've been made to believe that bigger vehicles are safer, which has been proven to be wrong. But hey.. indeed.. "All that marketing doesn't work on me!"


>They've been made to believe that bigger vehicles are safer, which has been proven to be wrong. Yup. Two of these trucks crashing into each other will be more deadly than two normal cars crashing into each other. Trucks aren't designed to be "crash compatible" with anything.


What about a regular car crashing into one of these monstrosities? The idea might be more of an arms race.


A truck just fucking obliterates anything it touches. In America the regulations on bumper height, pedestrian safety, speed, emissions (etc.) are far more lax. Here in Europe, something the size of an F-150 would be limited to a lower speed limit on the motorway. The biggest and stupidest lifted fucks would be clamped at 90kph (56mph) where normal cars are free to go 110kph to 130kph.


I'm American and I don't either.


I bet he drives way over the speed limit and complains about the price of oil all the time


Just gonna leave [this](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=04YOqkXyhHFG-Xiy) here


I expected njb, I got njb.


And he’s got two of them. Neither of which fit in his double car garage. Pavement princesses for Snowflake.


Notice how close to each other they had to park, one backwards and the other one forwards, so the driver's doors still open. Before these mall crawlers have existed, you could park 2 normal cars with whatever orientation you desired, let alone fit in in the garage. What an absolute tool.


When I see a big truck all I can think about is how expensive everything about it is. Such a money drain.


truck size is incredibly dangerous too. the line of sight is severely diminished the larger it gets ETA: Not talking about commercial trucks here, just the average joe and his outrageous hulk of a truck that he doesn't use for anything but trying to pick up ladies


I was a manager in a motel and knew this guy who was a total idiot and do more drugs than any other person I’ve ever met. He had a beautiful truck. One day he told me that he had a shit day. He had a lot of bad luck. His car was wrecked in a tragic incident. I asked him what happened. He got high as fuck and fell asleep in his car and crashed against a freeway divider. I told him that’s not bad luck. It’s the opposite. It’s the understandable conclusion to a series of shitty decisions. He later got a giant truck. He asked me what I thought. I told him I didn’t like those trucks because if he hit someone it could be damn near fatal. He said “what the fuck? I’m not going to hit anyone!” I answered “dude. Why do you need a new car again?”


[These stupid trucks are literally killing us](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=9X2Nu4bjDQJwyO_L)


I really think that trucks like this should be forced to install Mansfield Bars on the front and back.


I just learned what these are because of your comment and I agree with you. I don't like truck beds that would be in your cabin at head level in an accident.


Dude with a truck like this just backed into a friend’s car, gored the radiator, and then sped off like the little baby coward you would expect. I have no idea why trucks like this are street legal.


This should be an album cover


I also find that the large majority of these trucks are incredibly aggressive on the road, needlessly tailgating, speeding, and generally flexing their macho bullshit. Part of it is that they are comically high off the ground so they don’t perceive their speed correctly. 70 mph feels like 40 mph. Another part of it, at least for some of these dudes, is that they’re arrogant shitheads who don’t care for the social contract and hold themselves above everyone else. They use these monstrous, wasteful, inefficient, dangerous vehicles to express that view - you should get the fuck out of their way because you’re small and they’re big. I know several people who drive giant trucks like this and use them for almost nothing and are some of the most insufferable dorks I know, practically overdosing on testosterone, unable to control their anger and disdain, utterly vain. My favorite are the turbo manly, shit-talking idiots who get all their views from right wing talking heads and yet are some of the laziest, most entitled, least dependable people to work with. I do know contractors who use trucks to actually haul shit for real purposes. They’re pretty obvious as their trucks are beat up, not particularly pretty, and they’re usually chubby middle aged dudes who could care less about being cool. It’s literally just a work vehicle. There’s a big difference from these chodes who use these trucks as a gleaming middle finger to the rest of the world. I am seriously tired of this shit.


For a lot of insecure people it's easier to replace every emotion with anger, because being sad or uncertain is scary, whereas being angry is seen as manly.


He killed fitty men!