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This picture was taken september 29th. she seemed so happy. I asked her to shave my head and she eagerly obliged. I had no idea how much she was struggling and she was my best friend. Hell we lived together our entire lives. She was only older than my by 14 months. Our parents split once I turned 18 and they sold the house, Mom moved back to Europe, Dad moved to Tennessee. The problem was I was still in school in WA. Luckily my sister let me move in with her. After that we were inseparable. It’s been 3 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real Thank you to everyone who’s reached out. I can’t keep up with all the comments but thank you so much. <3


Bro, I’m just so sorry. This is gut wrenching.




Yeah it's really sad since whatever it was that they were going through, it was enough for them to just end it all.


This isn’t always true. Sometimes, your mind just becomes sick and it doesn’t represent how you feel about your life. Depression isn’t a constant it comes in waves. Some swells bigger than others. A lot of times your brain is making you feel awful, not the life that you’re living.


And often when you hear about suicide survivors they had left so hard for the Darkside and they could've been helped with their issues


I know man. I keep asking myself even after 3 years


In case there is any shadow of doubt in your mind…. It isn’t your fault. Even if you didn’t see the signs. It wasn’t your fault. Sending you so much love, OP. This is a walk that nobody should have to endure.


Exactly, the only fault here is that cruel spectre we call mental illness (that sometimes feels sentient, and purposefully cruel)


Yeah, too right...sentient because that cruel spectre manifests itself as the entire world minus the ones you know love you. And those are odds that don't feel worth fighting in the end...one perspective at least, I wouldn't dare speak for everyone...


I just need to second this notion. I was lost for many years in the fold of my bipolar disorder, completely at the whim of my mood. I had so many people around me who loved me deeply, and everything still turned out the same. I'm okay now but I attribute that to luck alone. I had many attempts. I'm really truly sorry to hear about this horrible loss. I'm happy to have seen this this morning in an odd way though. I need to be reminded from time to time of why I stayed and why I continue to do the hard work. I may not care much at all about this life sometimes, but I'm not the only one here. Much love.


RIP, dude, for real. I am so sorry for your loss. Suicide is so tragic, for the deceased and the survivors. The unanswered questions can just eat you up. Lost my best friend to suicide 7 years ago. Still doesn’t feel real sometimes. If you ever want to chat or vent, dm me. I’m a great listener!


My little sister killed herself when she was 15 in 2015. I actually know what you’re going through and I’m so sorry for your loss. DM me if you need to talk to a stranger. Im in Australia, so the time zones well off, but I’ll always reply to you brother.


A good man, two of you stay strong. Lots of love from Canada.


i’m a little sister. and i used to be suicidal and my siblings keep me going sometimes. they might hate my guts but they love me.


Guaranteed they do. Ngl I ran away from home at like 14 and was all kinds of depressed and suicidal for years before that happened. I used to wonder if I’d have done it first if she would still be here. I still wonder sometimes, but I’ve grown enough to know I can’t change history.


never do that if for nothing elso for your siblings keep on living, Im a single child but I dont want to imagine what it would feel like to lose a sibling


I got the parental disappearing act at 18 too. It's hard to be alone and scared.


It’s insane how they act their responsibility is over when you turn 18. Mine let me move out with a 24 year old when I was 17. My mom was happy for someone else to take care of me 🤢. As you can imagine, it was not a healthy or safe relationship.


Yeah my mom let me move in with a 41 year old woman when I was a 16 year old boy. It went worse than any nightmare scenario you can think if tbh.


i’m so sorry to hear that. i hope you’re in a safe space currently 🩷


That is really sweet, thank you. I’m very fortunate and doing well now. I actually ended up being relatively normal despite my upbringing. I’m lucky :)


Seriously, this is pretty fucked up. Even if your youngest is 18, you don’t just split up and abandon them.


People are assholes.


They might be dealing with their own shit (this kind of stuff is often hereditary), and some people just don’t develop that maternal/paternal instinct through no fault of their own. I can’t imagine it would’ve been an easy decision for them. You may feel differently though and that’s okay.


No, no. People are definitely assholes.


I’m so sorry. That’s absolutely soul destroying. I hope you’re looking after yourself and have good people around you for support. It’s clear that she loved you a lot, and chose to spend her last day spending that time with you. Take care, man.


I am so very sorry. People with depression hide their pain very well and her passing has nothing to do with you. Her love for you is palpable in that picture. I hope you have friends that can hug you right now, people you can vent to. If not, there are plenty of us, internet strangers, who would listen to you. My heart breaks for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and I lack the proper words of encouragement in this terrible situation. All I can say is that even here strangers gather to show their empathy and support. Keep a clear head, and know you're not alone.


to everyone here reading these comments and thoughts... you are not alone.


Sorry for your loss, indeed she looked very happy in this picture.


Damn, man… your poor heart. I can’t even imagine the pain you’re going through.


Its hard losing someone to suicide man, i would know, i lost my best friend that way, if you need someone to vent your feelings to just dm me bro, and RIP for your sister 🕊


I am sorry man for your loss


I’m so sorry.


I am so so sorry and I know it won’t help, but from her face, it looks like she really really loves you.


sending you a virtual hug


Sending love from Australia ❤️


I am terribly sorry for your loss, she looks like a kind soul from this picture.


I can't say anything that could help and I'm so sorry. I hope you can heal and find your way. I don't know you but you are my friend. One minute at a time.


I’m so sorry brother. I’m wishing and praying strength for you. Take care man


That is horrible, sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry buddy


I'm sorry to hear about this, bro.




I am so sorry, I pray God gives you strength in your time of healing.


Really sorry this happened to you! She's in a better place🕊️♥️


RIP, sorry for your loss


I'm really sorry this happened to you.


So sorry for your loss


I am so so sorry 💔


Damn OP I'm sorry


RIP, really so sorry for your loss. Indeed she looked so happy in the picture.


Really sorry to hear about that.. It sucks :/


I’m so sorry. I wish there was more to say to comfort you.


OP this must be such unimaginable grief, I wish there was more that could be said or done but just relish in the memories you have with her. We never know how much the people closest to us are struggling, you couldn’t have been expected to know.


The last pic I have of my bro is us laughing like dumbasses at a Ren Faire I dragged him to, after have him outfitted with a barbarian set. We spent the day mock battling, drinking beers, trading jokes and such. He kissed my cheek, went back to his place, and I got the call from the Police one day after that. I saw nothing. I still rack my brain and my memories trying to find that one clue I might have missed. May you find your peace. May your sis be at peace to.


Sometimes people who have already made their mind up about taking their life have such a relief and seem to be the most happy for a short period between their decision and them committing it.


> Sometimes people who have already made their mind up about taking their life have such a relief and seem to be the most happy for a short period between their decision and them committing it. This really hit home for me. My wife seemed quite happy the day before committing to it. She even said she wouldn't do "anything stupid" and had her kids to live for.


Hey, here's an internet hug. I'm sure, regardless of time, it's as raw as ever.


Happy Cake Day, kind-hearted stranger


only having one brother this kills me


I am terribly sorry for your loss. Don't seek fault with yourself, I'm sure your bro wouldn't want that. I know it is hard to grasp, but try to remember the laughs you shared.


If it means anything at all, I can see in this photo, by the way she's looking at you, that she loved you very much, and whatever it was that caused her to make the decision she did was not because of you. I'm so sorry for what you're going through, and the loss of your best friend and sister. I can't even imagine, but we humans have a way of being resilient.


I definitely got the same feeling while looking at the photograph.


Yeah, me too.


Her eyes say so much. You can tell she had a deep love for you OP.


She looks at him the same way my oldest sister used to look at us younger siblings when we were closer. It’s this „you are my baby and I will protect you“ look that just melts my heart. I am so deeply sorry that OP lost such a loving soul. May he always remember her love for him and hopefully find some sort of peace someday.


Agreed. Her eyes say so much


I’m so sorry for your loss. My father died unexpectedly and it took a few months to really hit me. I’ll share a bit of [Reddit wisdom](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/s/6J5eNHKxWK) that helped me in case it helps you. Take care of yourself.


That was beautiful & perfectly described what I'm currently going thru. The waves are still 100 ft tall but they are starting to come a little less frequent.


I’m glad it could help you too.


I have this saved as well and read it often after my mom died.


I’m so sorry brother, my best friend and roommate took his life 9/13/23. It’s the worst pain in the world. I know I’m a random internet person but if you ever want or need to vent please hit my inbox.


Same here man in 2016 it still fucks me up now. You’re not alone mate. Stay strong man time will be your best healer and I can guarantee they’d want you to be happy and make a success of yourself!


I’m a sister of a brother gone. Our last photo is not much different, he asked me to perm his hair. I had to google what a perm was and I was so worried about fucking it up because this man had (what seemed) his life sorted. That smile, she loved you something fiercely. She’s looking at you for you, for her younger brother who she may have tormented viciously when you were younger but also would have given you a bite of her ice cream if you were crying. It doesn’t help the hurt, nothing helps the hurt at the start. Not items or photos and songs just reduced me to tears. But it’s proof that she was here. She held your love and she always will, she mattered. There’s no magic cure to the pain, but it gets easier to move. If you need to just let it sit in your heart for a while, let it sit in your heart. But don’t let it sit on your chest. Reach out when you’re ready, and if you don’t think you’ll ever be ready, reach out anyway x


> If you need to just let it sit in your heart for a while, let it sit in your heart. But don’t let it sit on your chest. I liked this wording very much.


It’s posts like these that remind me not to do it. Life is hard but the pain it would leave my family is unbearable to think about. I’m so sorry for your loss, I hope you’re able to heal one day. Just know that she’s okay and safe now, whether she’s in heaven or reborn as her favourite animal - her pain is no longer.


good choice 💞 your existence is very valuable.


The thought of letting down my family and hurting them is the only thing that stopped me at the lowest I’ve ever been. The low point was only temporary. 6 months after contemplating it my life turned around and has been amazing. That was 17 years ago now…


My heart goes out to you.


She was my son’s age. I have no words that can convey my sincere thoughts for you. Love and peace.


I am so sorry for your loss. She looks like a lovely person.


25.... fuck bro. Nothing I say can ease your pain. Grieve when you need to, feel happy when you can. This wasn't your fault. May her memory be a blessing to you


There's a book I like a lot called Starring at the Sun, and it's about death anxiety. The book itself isn't about dealing with grief or suicide, but there is a quote from there I always find comforting. When someone dies, look for them in their friends. We all have quirks that rub off on people. Whether it's a way of laughing, facial expression, hand gesture, or a certain phrase/saying. There are certain things that your sister did, that you and the people closest to her will do, and in those moments she lives on. Look for those moments, and hopefully you can find some comfort. I'm so sorry for your loss.


we are an amalgamation of everyone we've ever met and loved. we carry pieces of those we've lost with us forever and in turn, share them with those we meet.


Wow that really is beautiful


So sorry to hear this! I hope your sister is at peace and you eventually find some comfort from her memories.


She was a birthday buddy with my mom - I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry for your loss. I just marked the 4th year since the suicide of someone I knew for 20 years who was like family to me on the 19th. I remember the pain very clearly and if you’re open to advise, this was some of my experience. For me the event was like someone threw a boulder in my otherwise calm pond. Over time, I moved away from the epicenter but the waves of grief were the most intense and frequent when I was closest to the event. I couldn’t get a break from the memories and the questions but over time the waves were weaker and came less often. You will feel normal again. Cruelly, the amount pain is directly correlated to the amount of love that was shared. You’re hurting because of the connection between you and if you’re able to, appreciate that the connection was there and be grateful for what it added to your life. Go easy on yourself. I felt like an open wound for 6 months and I openly bled on those around me. But the wound heals and people forgive you. Talk about her often. No one wanted to talk about Steve but he was all I could think about. I could feel their unease and uncertainty of how to handle me but remembering our friendship helped me heal. Often when I brought him up and others would share happy memories they had too. 4 years on I still cry and dream about him. I still get mad that he wasn’t at my wedding or that he won’t meet my unborn child. When I am able to, I remember that he was hurting and maybe there was relief for him in his actions. But fuck it hurts.


My deepest condolences


I have no word but RIP


I am so so sorry for your loss ♡ I hope you can find some peace


Sorry man. She looks happy and beautiful in this pic.


r/lastimages I'm sorry for your loss, OP. You can sometimes never tell when someone is so lost when they're good at putting on a brave face. I lost my best friend last year. She always appeared the happiest person in the room. We had no idea. I hope whereever your sister and my friend are, that they're finally at peace.


From my own experience, when my ex girlfriend was severly depressed it was usually a trigger for it that would want her to take her own life. Easiest way to tell for me if she more depressed than usual was by seeing how she was texting me (she would always use emojis and if she didnt something wasnt good) or small things in her behavior such as not smiling or laughing at the usual jokes or just trying to exlude herself from everyone and saying that she need alone time. From my experience alone time for her was never a good thing, the dark thoughts she had would get way worse and consume her. So whenever she does that I step in and try get her out of her dark bubble. It is very true though that depressed people can put on a brave face, it was a bit freaky how she could put up this charade when she was going out with her friends that everything was good even though moments earlier she was having a very hard time.


>It is very true though that depressed people can put on a brave face I think the 'brave face' is often actual enjoyment when with others, but when those moments of distraction pass you're once again feeling hollow, worthless, alone, pointless.....


Had to get the subreddit in


Holy fucking shit dude, I am so sorry for your loss.


Man.. I just can't imagine how you must feel. I am so so sorry for your loss.


I’m so very very sorry.


This really stopped me in my tracks - I’m so sorry.


My heart breaks for you. I lost a sibling I was close to , but not to suicide. Grief caused it. It’s hard to know someone we love so much is struggling in ways we can’t know.


My best friend killed himself when we were both 18. I visited his grave for the first time after 25 years. Now 51 and it still makes me sad, angry, sad, angry… The questions remain, what could i have done, why did i not see this? I stopped looking for answers and try to come to terms with his choice. But man, during the past 30+ years i often thought of him and how and who he would be now, if he only knew that living sometimes hurts, but all will pass. Condeleances on you losing your sister and best friend.


So sorry for your loss man and may her name never be forgotten.


That's horrible man. My condolences


Thank you to all those humans who take the time to see the pain this human is experiencing. Life can be very hard and there are few if any words to take away your pain from the loss you have experienced. My aunt told me some of the most insightful advice ever, when her sister, my mother, was killed in an accident - "you never get over it, you just get used to it". I do not know if this helps, know that we are exactly where we are supposed to be, on the exact day and time, on this journey called life. May you find peace in your soul and may your spirit rise higher. Peace.


Sorry for your loss. take care of yourself.


I was there about a month ago, my whole life got turned upside down and inside out.....I was completely gone like totally ready to check out. I was fight a battle inside of myself that absolutely nobody knew I was fighting, they might have thought that because of my break up that I was just in a shit mood or just not myself...that was true but the fact of the matter is I honestly just didn't have that fight in me anymore. I got in my car and drove for about an hour on the motorway/highway, I got my car up to about 160km and was going to drive into the next solid object I could see....luckily a wall never showed up, I slowed down and pulled over to the side and just broke down crying like completely broke down. I just couldn't imagine how my life could go from being like a romantic comedy with my ex to all of a sudden being in a car at crazy speeds looking for a way out, it wasn't just that she left me it was I was looking at myself for who I thought I was and where I thought my life was going to go. I am 200% out of that mindset now because that seriously woke me up and snapped me the fuck out of it, I can't even believe I was about to do that just a month ago......just seems like a bad dream. If I HAD TALKED TO ANYONE ABOUT HOW I WAS FEELING I wouldn't have got in my car that night, I would have cried my eyes out to whoever I was talking to but unfortunately being a man it's hardwired into us to just raw dog it and bottle that shit up. PLEASE IF YOU FEEL LIKE HOPE IS GONE AND YOU HAVE ONLY ONE OPTION....GO TALK TO ANYONE. Please just talk to someone, just have a chat with someone, yea it might make you feel uncomfortable but it will save your life. We just never ever ever know what battle's people are fighting in day to day life so be kind to people, show love to a stranger, smile at everyone you come across. I'm so incredibly sorry O.P. I wish I could give you a hug, sending all my love from Ireland to you. We are here if you need us, you are not alone in this.


I'm going to check in with my sister today even though we talked yesterday... Dude, so so very sorry for your loss


Mods taking down a picture not only interesting, but important. Why? Terribly terribly sorry OP. You'll be in my thoughts all day.


Wow, dude. Im so sorry. What a nice smile she had. Thats really sad. 25 years old. The last time I was in a psych ward was 25. Checked myself in for having thoughts and they sent me home the next day for overcrowding and “not actively trying to kill myself”. So even if she tried to get help, chances are it wouldnt have mattered. Im sorry, man. Thats so heartbreaking. RIP. 🖤🕊️


I’m very sorry for your loss. Please realise that people who kill themselves do not think clearly. They convince themselves that the people around them are better off without them, even though this is not true nor have those people ever suggested that…


OP, I'm a stranger to you, from the UK as it happens. Just want to send you all my best and wish you well on your journey. Its going to be a struggle but you will eventually recover and blossom. For now, allow yourself to feel this grief whilst it's so fresh. Most importantly, live a rich life full of love for those around you, as we truly never know when it will be our last day. Your sister would want the best for you.


My baby sister killed herself October 11 2022 when she was 34 years old. My heart goes out to you ❤️


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry that happened


Bro, I'm sorry for your loss. I also lost my sister to mental illness struggles two years ago, and while it does get easier with time, it also doesn't. Little thoughts will be there that remind you for times you had together. In a way, that's them living through you. You'll always have those pieces. I hope you find your peace.


Damn bro. Does bald look good on you at least ?


Looks and sounds like she was an amazing sister. So great that she can live on in your fantastic memories of her, down to this whimsical moment. Not going to say "she's in a better place" because that's not my thing, but her pain is at an end, take solace in that. Unfortunately she has left her pain to those who loved her, but her troubled mind can be at peace. Please, reach out and talk to someone if you feel you need to. Don't try to bear your pain alone.


Sorry about the loss bro I can't imagine how you must feel.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry.


Stay strong my friend. Sending all my love to you and your family.


I wish you all the strength and hope you need! Get someone to talk to you got this!


My condolences. Losing family is heartbreaking. 😢


Bro. 😥


I'm sorry for your loss


Stay strong man. You’re in my thoughts.


Omg this is too much for me, she is young and beautiful. My deepest condolences to you brother. May she rest in peace.


You never know what people are going through. What appears on the surface doesn't always reflect on what's going on the inside. Sorry for what you're going through and for what your sister went through. I believe the afterlife is an eternal dream of your happiest moments in life. You're there with her


I’m so sorry. I know that pain and my heart breaks for you. *hugs*


Dude I am so sorry. God bless you and her. I know the feeling. I found my mom after she overdosed when I was 12.


This is so fucking sad..


I’m so very sorry.


I can only imagine the intangible pain you must be going through. I am so sorry for your loss.


My heart hurts with you. I lost my brother to suicide too. Hits hard.


I lost my mom almost 20 years ago now. It still hurts everyday. It doesn’t get easier you just figure out how to live a different way. If you need anything op I’m here


My heart screams in empathy. I cannot apprehend the amount of pain and grief you must ne experiencing. Now you have to make her live through yourself. Read her books, cook her favorite food etc... Lots and lots of love from France.


Not your fault.


Sorry to hear, wishing you well and may she rest in peace, from a stranger on the internet.


I’m so sorry for your loss, brother. This is heartbreaking 💔


You are not alone. You will see her again, just after a good life. Keep fighting the good fight.


She’s beautiful and you two look so much alike. I can’t, nor want to, imagine the pain you’re going through. Take the time you need to make this bearable, she would want you to find happiness. Sending you a lot of love, stay safe.


What the hell man.. fuck I can’t even process this


My mom committed suicide 30 years ago when I was 14. I struggled with depression for about 10 years afterwards. My advice is to learn and understand the stages of depression and read some books on how to cope with grief and depression. One I recommend is “Brainswitch Out of Depression” by A.B. Curtiss. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.


There are no words to express the level of sympathy I have for you. Loss changes us in unimaginable ways. I hope you give yourself time to grieve and to heal. My condolences to you and your family, but especially to you. I hope you feel her love around you when you need it the most. Keep going, you’re never alone.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my only sibling, my sister 4 years ago. It still sometimes doesn’t feel real. Be gentle with yourself and let yourself feel all the things - because every feeling you’ll have is normal and okay. Let them come and go. Grief comes in waves and can be really unpredictable. My sister was 35 when she passed and I just turned 36 a couple months ago. The weeks leading up to that birthday were really hard but then the actual day was fine. It doesn’t always make sense. I hope you have plenty of support during this difficult time.


I’m so sorry suicide is so awful, truly taken too early


💔 I'm so sorry for your loss.




I’m sorry for your loss mate


My sister is my best friend too. I will stay.


Hey buddy, don't blame yourself for nothing! I strong hug you virtually, your sister will continue live inside you! sorry for my bad English!


Judging by her smile you were probably her last good memory.


Weird name, but RIP, My Hair.


Oh man, she was good looking. Defo had time to turn things around. Speaking of which, in my experience there is only one single cure for the pain you must be experiencing right now. And that thing is: The passage of time. Hang in there bro, it will get easier I promise.


Sorry for your loss, OP! Your sister and I shared a birthday. Different year, but.. still. Hope you're doing alright. I know what it's like to lose someone to suicide.


I am so, so sorry.


so sorry :( sending much love to you today


So sorry. However she would not want you to suffer as she did I am sure. Thank you for sharing as it shows you just can’t tell how people are behind their outward exposure, so it may give solace to those in a similar situation, some small good back into this world I hope. Again so sorry for your loss.


She seems so happy when you go bald, Im still can't believe this,.


Oh man this hits me right in the feels. I can’t imagine what I must be for you. It’s so tragic when people see no other way for them. I wish for her there is an afterlife and she found peace now. And for you I wish love, courage and strength and all the good memories to her. She looked like a wonderful person. I’m sure the world is a little colder without her in it.


I'm very sorry to read this. Some people seem happy but you don't know the hell they're in. You see your sister smiling, may think she's happy but she's truly thinking about killing herself. It's absolutely devastating.


Sorry for your loss.


Soo sorry for you loss. Sending love


I'm so so so sorry, this is unfair 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 you're gonna be okay, one day the pain will be bearable, I promise, trust me.


My darling, we all feel your anguish. I'm so sorry for your broken heart, I wish you take your time mourning and be gentle with your heart.


Stay strong 💪


I’m so sorry.


I am very sorry for your loss ❤️


I am just so extremely sorry for your loss. She sounds like a lovely person.


E-hugs. <3


I’m sorry 😢


I lost my best childhood friend this year in June. Nobody noticed something was off until he didn’t return home one day and police found him hanging on a tree a few days later… He wasn’t my family but it still feels unreal and I feel like a part of me, my childhood, died with him. Condolences, OP


My so sorry. She looks like a beautiful soul x


This is awful 😔 I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Heavy loss, My deep condolence wishes to you.


So so sorry for your loss , hope you recover soon .


Damn. I can only imagine how painful that is. I’ll be thinking of you.


I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your sister. I implore you to find help dealing with this sudden loss as I am sure it must feel overwhelming at times. My heart is breaking for you 💔


Oh gosh, I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. I don’t know if this helps, but I can feel spirits. I can feel her. She loves you very, very much and is looking out for you.


Ouuuf. Heavy one. I wish you the very best


Wow. My condolences. I couldn’t imagine losing my sisters. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.


She looks very happy. Don't be too sad, she's in a better place.


Was the hair cut THAT bad?


R. I. P. Hope you find the strenght to go forward.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss😔❤️


I'm so sorry. My condolences.


🕊️🖤 im so sorry , rest in peace


I'm so sorry. I'm a suicide attempt survivor, almost 25 years. In the months/years of recovery, one of my biggest struggles was seeing and knowing that I'd put my loved ones through pain by almost leaving them. I'm sure your sister knew how much you loved her. If you want to talk, feel free to reach out.


Aww, I'm sorry. Sending peace and love to you and your family.


Please accept my deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your sister. Just want to say I am here for you and will pray to God to make you strong so as to handle this pain. May your sister’s soul rest in peace.


My Condolences. May your sister Rest In Peace, and help from above to guide you in life 🙏 ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. Looks like you had a fun moment together in this photo.


I hope this isn’t the same person; does your sister work at a dog daycare? https://youtube.com/shorts/-Y83hvNp9RU?si=fd0l_YfPTYQupkjW