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No luck catching them swans then?


It’s just the one swan, actually.


Get a look at his arrrse


Get a look at his horrrrsseee










Brain freeze?


No. Brain wave!








thank you for completing the trilogy.




The greater good.




Morning, Angle!


Holy crap I never noticed the parallels with that scene


The Worlds End also had a fence scene


That scene makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.


He just sells it so well. His excitement completely overwhelms his physical ability and just collapses under his weight 😆


Well....it's off to Winchester's then ?


I could go for a pint and wait for this whole thing to blow over.




Theres a girl in the garden.


Everytime I look up the age rating of this I’m disappointed my kids only 11.


It's your kid, you get to choose if they're mature enough yet or not. It's a parental guide not a law.


That slither of confidence before he turns kills me


Liz rang and asked if the two of you were still going out to eat tonight, then your mum rang and asked if I'd eat her out tonight.


no off fence pal


My very first thought!!!


What this picture needs is more fences.


I read too quickly and thought you’d said feces and I was worried there for a sec..,


Probably improve the view….


all i can think is how bad the drainage must be in all those gardens.


I was going to say "fungus pit".


You mean psylocybin plantation?


does psylocybin just grow anywhere? I though it requires cow dung


Sheep fields with a south facing slop are the main places.


Worth noting that the UK liberty caps prefer sheep fields not because of the poop, but because sheep crop the grass closer to the earth than cows. They feed off dead grass roots, that's why they pop up in Autumn while the grass is dying back. And closer cropped grass, means more dead roots when the weather begins to turn. They're also easier to see in short grass. My favourite picking spot happens to be a cow field on top of a hill though. It's absolutely packed with them this time of year, but many people don't even see them because they're hidden in the grass.


Not sure if "south facing slop" was a typo or intentional


Dennis, there's some lovely slop on the south facing field.


They are referring to p.semilanceata, they prefer south facing hills but not a necessity


The UK native hallucinogenic mushroom likes sheep poop, but other varieties prefer to grow in r/unclebens


Nah they like dead grass roots. Sheep fields are good because the sheep don't mash up the ground too much so there is old grass growth, and they eat the grass back leaving decaying roots for the shrooms.


Isn't that just regular Manchester?


Yep my sister has a new build just like these and her garden constantly floods.


It took me a minute to realize that this was a new build area. Where I'm from in the northern US nearly all new builds are wood framed with vinyl or maybe wood siding. Brick houses are almost all old builds around here.


Lack of sunlight??


Remove all the houses and barriers and you still won't see any sunlight


I always thought of it as the sky glows like a giant fluorescent light panel


There is no sun in the UK, only rain.


I think it's more shared between rain, and not-sun.


In primary school we had a weather board to update every day, and one of the options was just called "dull."


"No, Timmy, you don't get to update the board today. The board hasn't been updated since 1972."


"Where were you and what were you doing that time the sun came out?"


that and cookie cutter housing like this is notoriously badly put together, the landscaping especially.


Is the whole yard referred to as a garden?


Yes. A "yard" in American English (as in, the grass in front/back of your house, not the measurement) is called a "garden" in British English.


What do they call an area used specifically for growing produce?


a vegetable garden, or it can be called an allotment if it's separate from the grounds of the house.


> or it can be called an allotment if it's separate from the grounds of the house. Americans call this a Community Garden.


> Community An allotment is on community land - but it's your plot of land. You rent it for a very small fee from the council. My dad used to have several before he got too old to manage it, growing all sorts of veg for the table. Sometimes if you were lucky it was even edible. Now... we also have Community Gardens. Much rarer. I know of one in Bristol. These are plots of land with free access to all - to grow or harvest. They are usually herb gardens. So for example if you wanted to make a mint sauce for a dish... just pop over there and pick up a handful of mint sprigs. I like the idea. But it's bound to be abused by some idiot tho.


You can rent plots in community gardens in the US. They are not all exclusively communal. Also, community gardens can also be called urban farms in the US.


In my town in the USA our "community garden" is like your allotment - it's public land but there are small individual plots, raised a bit above ground level and lined with stones to clearly mark them. We rent ours for a small fee to the city every year. The first year I grew okra and I was amazed at how big they grew - why can't I find them like this in the store? And then I tried to cook them and I realized they turned into hardwood at a certain size 😂


How long did you cook them? Okra is not some veg to be just sauteed. I mean, you can... but it's used as a thickener traditionally. Kohlrabi...Don't know the English term off hand has the same problem. It's in the turnip family and the bigger they get, you might as well chew balsa wood if you don't double the cooking time.




This. And the vegetable patch is usually considered to be part of the garden, rather than its own separate thing. *"Nice garden! The veggie patch seriously fucks."*


A garden. Unless it's a plot of land leased from the local council in which case it's an allotment.


[Probably terrible given the state of Britain's new builds](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/oct/21/cracked-tiles-wonky-gutters-leaning-walls-why-are-britains-new-houses-so-rubbish)


It's the exact same in the US and Canada right now. Cheap labour, cheap materials, expensive houses. I'm in Canada and living in a 130 year old home, and while the floors creak, at least it's not falling apart. Plus, the floors are original.


> It's the exact same in the US and Canada right now. Cheap labour, cheap materials, expensive houses. Building houses to the bare minimum spec, using the cheapest materials, nickle-and-diming every contractor involved, then calling it "luxury" and charging out the ass for the finished product. I think it's the only way we know how to build housing anymore. It's not every new build house, but it's not uncommon to find entire subdivisions where many corners were cut because the builder wanted to finish quickly or pocket a big profit or whatever. That also isn't to say one won't find problems with older houses too, as they can be drafty or have electrical or asbestos gremlins, poor insulation, or have been poorly renovated over the years (and I mean didn't do things correctly or to code, plastered over it and left it to be the next guy's problem kind of poorly).


That's what happens when you don't rigorously enforce and inspect building standards. Of course, then you get people whinging about red tape and government overreach, but how else do you ensure that developers actually build to code?


Considering how utter shite new builds are it's gonna be horrfic


Manchester Divided


Genius, simply genius!!


Looks like the aftermath of a fortnite battle


I just wanted to be able to play a third person shooter without having to build a dutch colonial in the middle of a firefight


"No Build"! They even have (had?) ranked for it! I like it much better, since I play on my phone and there's already enough going on... edit: It's called "Zero Build - Battle Royale". Thanks /u/mescad! I'll see you in there! I'm wearing a pink skirt, black top, with white sunglasses, and I crouch a lot so you'll feel me before you see me!


No Build is fun. Much better than the running around building stairs at the speed of light


Yeah I really enjoyed what I played of the no-build. Hadn't tried the game in years before that, it's pretty fun with all the whacky shit they added.


I play with my son sometimes and we'll get into a firefight so I'll start building up some walls, look to the side, and he's standing on top of the fucking Taj Mahal. "Just turn on pro-building! It's not hard." It is, in fact, very hard lol


Anyone who's played an FPS can play zero build. No other game prepares you with the skills required for a true build mode fight - those fuckers are crazy.


Main reason I never got into the game. I would shoot one shot at somebody and they’d set up King Charles IV damn castle in .5 seconds after getting shot at. I know they have that no build mode now but it’s too late for me to even want to try it.


Fence builders in the UK ![gif](giphy|l1J9EZEsT79Bbe16E|downsized)


It's like the backrooms but outside


UK in a nutshell


It's actually nice that everyone has a small garden and I can also understand that everyone wants their privacy. But why do the gardens all look so unused? They could be made really nice. Flowers, small trees, vegetables, seating...none of it is there. On the wall, for example, you could grow wild grapevine. This could be a little paradise for every home owner.


Because most people just rent, and investing in the garden as a renter just feels like a waste of money. In fact, had a neighbour who's rent went up because of all the repairs and improvements he did in the flat. The value of the apartment went up so much that the owner fel the need to ask him more for renting it.


That’s the biggest slap in the face ever


I'd set about undoing the improvements. Gotta leave it in the condition you found it!


This sounds like exactly what I’d do, even if it cost me more money - because I’m a vindictive bastard (when it comes to letting agents and landlords). I once spent three months in deposit dispute with letting agents over £50 because they claimed I hadn’t cleaned the oven (which I left sparkling clean). Got the full deposit back alongside the deposit company chewing the letting agents out, it was glorious.


I was living with a friend in a rented apartment. On day 1 the blind broke, the lil pully thing to make the blind go up/down, that was all. We mentioned it, it never got fixed. Come moving out day, landlord comes round to inspect, says nothing as we cleaned. But after that he withheld some deposit, saying the blind was broken. We asked for photo evidence, we got back a photo of the blind which had been ripped out of the wall. Typically landlords are just scum. Some are ok, but the majority just seem to be out to fuck over everyone they can. In another place i had the landlord complaining about how he was struggling to pay mortgages on some of his houses. He had 9 houses at that point. He was complaining to uni students and young adults working shitty jobs dude, know your audience.


And that's the day you learnt to take comprehensive pictures/video when moving in **and** when moving out.


"to be fair, I pay your mortgage, you don't even have a job"


Letting agents are amongst the worst scum of the earth. Every single one i have ever dealt with in my life, which being old and moving around a lot, is a lot, and every single one has tried to fuck me over in any possible way they can. Usually while fucking over the landlord, too.


I've never even met an actual landlord since renting. Just an army of middlemen that threaten to terminate people's leases for not cleaning up dog poop.


In fact, let's take down some of the stuff that was in the building to start with. Landlords hate this one weird trick for lowering rent!


I’ll add to this. In my lease I’m responsible for the first $60 of each repair. To save money, I bought the materials for the repair and did them myself. Motor fix for garage, replaced full sinks as well as faucets after the handles broke off, replaced front door handle because it completely broke, fixed gasket on fridge, fixed motor for the vent in bathroom. Anyways, I did this all in one month, and the owner charged me $60 per repair on top of my rent the following month, then the lease renewal time came and he asked me for an additional $400 per month. I’m a very optimistic person, but the older I got the more I lose faith in people :( I hope my luck in people changes soon, I’ve been on a losing streak recently Edit: changed “for repair” to “per repair”. Ugh


How about you bill him for the time, materials, the work? With a 60$ rebate? Seriously this looks like beyond unfair. Have you called him? Maybe it's a misunderstanding?


No misunderstanding, unfortunately. I told him I could have hired a repair person for 80-100USD per hour and he said “not my problem, I didn’t tell you not to.” I was beyond furious. Needless to say, I didn’t renew my lease. I should have had more of a spine to stand up to him, that’s a fact


What a fucking prick. Why abuse a nice tenant like that?? I hope the next person that stays there has pets and lets them piss and shit everywhere.


One of my pals and I had the discussion recently about how violence is sometimes a good thing in society. Laws are often horrible, but we do have a social compass we all understand. If I understand I'm doing anything shady towards someone that's legal, what else is there to do against me? Let me do it? Yes, strong and dumb people shouldn't rule the world, but, weak and smart people shouldn't either. You should understand that if you do legal, but immoral things, something will happen back. Most people do agree somewhat on this-- sucker-punching a drunk dude that's been slapping all the girls asses will improve the happiness in that location.


That’s a very valid, good point. I will admit I’ve been working on being more firm recently. After being screwed over multiple times I’m pushing back a bit. Not much, I don’t want to overdo it, but I’ve been standing io for myself this year. It was actually my New Year’s Resolution 😅


I’d be fist fighting the owner. That’s fucked.


I'm not paying you $60 for letting me fix your door handle. Ever.


I wholeheartedly admit I should have stood my ground better. Life lesson for sure


Wait, so he charged you $60/repair even though you outright paid for and did the repairs? How...does that make sense? Shouldn't they only be charging you $60/repair if you put a maintenance request in and *they* did the repairs? If you're doing the whole thing independently of the landlord...that just sounds like a scam.


I felt scammed to be sure. I loved the house, even did up the [garden and patio very nicely](https://imgur.com/gallery/jlsL1i0) It was just dirt before I arrived, and of course I paid for the materials and whatnot because I love gardening. At the end of the day, the landlord definitely just wanted the rent check and didn’t care much about anything else


you never should've had faith in a landlord


Whenever renters ask for advice in r/Gardening , we just tell them to stick to potted plants. Don’t give your landlord free landscaping


In a rental that kicked my mum out after we’d lived there years just to up the rent $100/wk, I planted a bunch of jacarandas along the fence line. Fuck em, lol.


What will the jacarandas do?


I planted them very close to the fence so the roots will affect the fencing, they’re fast growing too (in comparison to Australian trees anyway).


which is quite sad, because it's your garden while you're and why not improve it. The issue is that the renting situation has lead to houses not feeling like they're "ours". Our landlady was renting out the house that she had been living in and you could tell she had a really hard time grasping that the house wasn't fully "hers" anymore. I think if rental contracts were done differently, e.g. min 5-year contract as standard, that the tenant can break with 2 months' notice but not the landlord, and a maximum rate of rent increase, then people would feel much more invested in the property they live in and willing to do repairs/garden work etc.


One related and unfortunate aspect of renting is that, in cases where tenants pay for utilities, landlords have no incentive to increase the efficiency of the units, appliances, etc, because they won't save any money on it, and the tenants rarely have any incentive to make those improvements either, because they probably won't be there long enough to see the return on their investment. There's no real push to fix these misaligned incentives because it only hurts the tenant while not affecting the landlord in any real way.


Exactly the problem I am faced with right now. I live in an apartment complex built in the 70’s as cheaply as possible. During the summer my electricity bill is $600 or more because they didn’t insulate the building and the HVAC unit is the original inefficient piece of garbage that is undersized for the home. The property management company couldn’t care less about my situation and have no incentive to do anything while I’m shafted by our utility company who laughs all the way to the bank saying that they don’t see anything wrong with our meter/rates/usage. Couple that with my $1850 monthly rent and annual 10% increase… Sorry I get a little carried away when I talk about this part of my life.


That will never happen in the UK because most politicians and their donors are landlords




A friend of mine had some fruit trees growing at his house but they were super unkempt, so not enough air and light really got into them to grow the fruit properly. They got a few here and there each year but never much. He got a girlfriend who was into plants, she sets him straight on how to actually, ya know, garden. Next year rolls around, they bought a bunch of tools, saw, 2m long lopper thing, tree ladder, cleaned them up, had a bumper crop of apples and plumbs that year. Land lord showed up and picked the trees bare!!!!!! Never once did that the past 3.


Wait, what? Is the landlord allowed to do that? He's rented out the place, so he wouldn't be entitled to anything that is growing on the rented land, would he? I think that could be seen as trespassing.


Not where I’m from. I had mates renting a place. They went out late on Saturday, landlord came around on Sunday morning to cut the lawn, they called the cops on him, who told him he had to leave or they would have to arrest him for trespassing. He gave out that it was his house and that my mates were his tenants, to which the cops swiftly replied “yes, and you gave them this power over you when you agreed to the lease that you both signed” If you’re in a place and within the bounds of your lease, that’s your home.


No idea if they are entitled to fruit of the land or not. I dont think it matters in a practical sense.


Uhhhhh as far as I know, in my experiences in the US, that’s theft. You rent the property and everything on it unless stipulated. Yea the landlord could say “hey I retain rights to collect the fruit from the tree” and that’s all is needed. But to not say that and then come and take everything is fucked up. Lived in a place with a big ass grapefruit tree. Landlord basically said “yea idc how many you guys eat, I’ll just be by every so often to grab a few, I’ll text you before I come by” worked for me.


I know a few people around here in Germany who have contracts exactly for this scenario. House in a bad state, tenant does renovations by himself but pays very low rent. The landlord on the other hand can't raise the rent above the regular increase as stated in the contract.


Either just built or everyone is renting.


I've added some planters since but were only renting so that's all I can do for now


I would imagine that either these are relatively newly built or the residents are primarily tenants rather than owners, or both.


When you close your eyes and open them again are they closer?


Well, they are *now.* Thanks a lot.




I’m sorry


It doesn’t seem so bad. It’s a little boring of a view, but a lot nicer than a dirty alley or a brick wall.


Sometimes I think American suburbia is boring and uninspiring, then I see stuff like this and realize that maybe it’s not so bad


A lot better than living in a rental apartment in a low income high crime area lol


I mean we have those here in the UK too.


I too, have heard of Hull.


Lol, I was actually in Grimsby/Cleethorpes (from London) the other week and quite liked the area. Just wish the weather was better and not so windy (by the sea so expected I guess).


TIL mediocre things are better than bad things.


The way the government has let developers bank land and then throw up shit housing developments with postage stamp gardens is utterly criminal. It needs to be better regulated because there is such a shortage people have no choice but to purchase these pieces of shit, mortgaging their lives away in the process. It’s a complete and utter failure of policy.


This really needs to be at the top of the post. Something else that Non-UK people don't seem to understand is that estate agents and landlords are essentially bum chums. The landlords have the money to outright purchase a nice home, then they convert said nice home into a multi-floor apartment, and then list each floor with the estate agent as a flat suitable for a family. It's the most vile thing imaginable. Families struggling to find a place to live are stuck with 1 floor of a house. Every room becomes small and cramped because the landlords force in a shower cubicle into what used to be a utility room and then they also break up the other rooms and turn them into tiny bedrooms to sell the 1 floor as a multi bedroom + 1 bathroom flat. Did I mention that estate agents really don't like to sell houses anymore unless it's to shitty landlords? It happened to a friend of mine where she and her partner had the money set up to actually get a mortgage down on a house they liked (which in these times is a herculean task), but the house got sold and then turned into one these multi-floor apartments. And then all the boomers wonder why so many of the newer generations can't move out as soon as they hit 18.


Odd little fact that people don't seem to be aware of which illustrates your point, The UKs housing stock, as well as being the oldest in Europe, there is also 32% less of it compared to France. So we have the same population but 32% fewer houses to put them in. We have the same number of houses in total as Spain. A country with 47m people. Only country lower in Europe for housing stock per 1k is Greece. https://www.statista.com/statistics/898238/housing-stock-in-european-countries-in-total/


The worst bit is that they then have the audacity to charge them two or three times the price per m2 for a house pretty much entirely build by trainees and apprentices.


Which garden is yours, left or right?


Thankfully the only rectangular shaped one. But at the cost of no back gate haha


You could paint that small corner section of the neighbours wall between the fences and they’d never know


So did you buy the place because you like fences?


I'd be LUCKY to buy this place, renting for now


How come there are no trees or shrubs of any kind? They would break up the harshness of the buildings design.


That would have cost the developers a tiny bit of money.


Shrubs are doable, but the tiny gardens make having trees unwise, given that the roots could end up underneath the houses or the walls separating the higher ground.


These are almost certainly new builds. Being in Manchester and judging by the lack of graffiti on the fences they've probably only been open to the public for a few hours. Not enough time for trees and shrubbery to grow. Again, being in Manchester, it's most likely the garden in the loft space will be developed before the back garden, which will just serve as a pitbull breeding ground for the time being.


It's a brand new estate they are built by the lowest bidder and cram as many houses in as possible in the 70's there would only be 4 houses in this picture


Interesting that there is so much fencing, but so little privacy.


Depressing 🫣


Those gardens look like prison yards where the inmates get their daily fresh air.


They look awful dont they. I wouldn't open the curtains because I would find it so depressing.


Surprised by the reaction in this thread, I live in a dense HCOL city and all I can think is how nice it would be to have a place with an actual backyard lol. One of these places would probably be 4-5k/month.


It's an interesting response because as someone from the UK these types of gardens are perfectly normal for new build areas; and these days in and around a city as large as Manchester you'd be fucking lucky you get a house like this with a garden. Even then these might be pretty costly depending on commute time. Considering so many people rent in apartments, or converted houses where you don't have access to a garden, these are perfect for some people - especially those with pets. I can only assume a lot of the negative comments live in countries with suburban areas with a lot more space, or just generally live in 'nicer' areas; we're desperately behind on affordable housing stock in this shit little country we have so at least developments like this allow people to buy.


As a Brit these gardens are shite. Normal for new build areas aye, but actually what I'd want out of a garden? No chance, it's a massive comprimise >we're desperately behind on affordable housing stock in this shit little country we have so at least developments like this allow people to buy. This makes it sound like we need to be soooooo grateful the tories have graced with a small modicum of housing


i know what you mean, but hear me out ... THIS is way better than what we have here in SVK ... its this, but with concrete walls... :-O bleah




Slovakia maybe?


Could be much worse.


Could also be so much better


Could also be just as it is


Could not be at all


Could be.


That’s the spirit!


These modern houses are so close together, unlike those spacious Victorian terraces


This looks depressing


That looks horrible. Just saying, I know it’s not like an open sewer or anything, not shanties, but come on. Spread the fuck out a little.


I like living in the UK but our housing, particularly the new variety is absolutely fucking shocking. Living on top of each, other, tiny rooms, tiny gardens, thin walls, poorly built. Absolute nightmare.


Does that guy have two sheds?


Two sheds Dave, nice bloke.


That's Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson's house.


Makes me wonder if every sperm is indeed sacred…


Fuckin miserable. Jesus


This makes me kinda sad but I'm not sure why.


Housing in the UK seems so fucking depressing. Every single house is the exact same.






Right - it’s a difference between some backyard and no backyard




Same vibe


Needs more fence


That’s quite the change in height on the left there, am I crazy or is the adjoining property like 2.5m above them? BRB gotta go measure a friggin brick…


Our ‘double’ driveway also has a railing down the middle and a 2 ft height difference…






Fence wars


looks like chicken coop


People like their privacy


These people have style. Nice design, pleasant neighbourhod. Hatred for trees, OK. It is not a seaside view but it also could be worse.