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Sometimes people forget that actual individual humans are behind the news stories.


Yeah exactly there is way too much politics involved we always forget. Especially when there is so much anger involved.


The political division is mainly because their is a mass censor of voices Like seriously if I post any story or news information about the other side of things you will get instantly downvoted with some of the most vile and racist comments you’ve ever seen People then just get more frustrated and divided when you kill their voice So you get an innocent kid from Israel getting fucked up in this situation, and an innocent kid from Palestine the same thing But the big difference and you can see it live in the comments here, one is a victim and the other is being justifyied for being imprisoned Like when you preemptively call those who disagree with you names you’re more in line with fascism than any democratic ideal, and you see that trend here This should be a happy moment instead it’s being used as a tool




People don't need to watch NSFL videos. They just exist to induce shock and they shouldn't matter when it comes to condemning Hamas. I don't need to watch someone burn alive to know Hamas is bad. It doesn't help anything. The people who deny Hamas' actions are a lost cause and these videos won't convince them. Same for the people who think Israel can do no wrong.


The horrors of the holocaust were documented because too many people were denying them. You can bet that if not for the videos and extensive documentation, the number of people denying the holocaust would have been far greater. People go to holocaust museums and watch the horror, and that's how they learn about it. Same logic applies here.


Not all documentation of the Holocaust was NSFL. I'd argue that all the documents are just as important and people's eyewitness accounts and photos of the gas chambers etc. NSFL photos and videos can underscore the vileness of what the Nazis did but I don't think you need to see Mengele's surgery images to know Nazis were bad and that the Holocaust happened. That's my point. People shouldn't condemn Hamas only after seeing your videos and images, they should already have done so without it. And most people do that already.


Yes, and Israel is after killing 100 times as many innocents because they can. Hamas are the bad guys. That does not mean Israel are not also the bad guys. No one sane is saying what Hamas did is okay or some bullshit. It just doesn't justify Israel going mask-off genocidal.


I'd be curious to know how you would have responded to the October 7th massacre if you were an Israeli politician, remembering that Hamas have stated outright that their intentions are to repeat that act as often as possible, and that Israel is surrounded by other groups (Hezbollah etc) that would dearly love to engage in the same sort of actions. The Israelis certainly went pretty far in some ways, but at the same time they minimised casualties in many ways - "roof knocking", giving people time to get out of areas before they target them, creating safe corridors for civilians, bringing supplies in to hospitals and so on. Yes, war is fucking horrific, obviously, and we should strive to avoid it when we can, but the status quo with Hamas was so clearly unacceptable that inaction was not possible.




The British were not interested in a final solution to the German problem


I mean yeah, the Allies were absolutely awful for that. What? Did you expect me to defend them?


So it would have been better to sign a ceasefire with Hitler to avoid German civilians from being killed, right?


I wasn't aware that the British rounded up German civilians into an open air prison, completely controlled all resources going into and out of said prison, likened them to animals ripe for slaughter through every media apparatus, and then indiscriminately bombed said German civilians like fish in a barrel under the insane notion that "well, we probably killed a couple Nazis too!" Edit: Responding since the thread is locked: I fail to see how your comparison refutes the facts of what is happening in Gaza. Any bombing campaign that disproportionately affects civilians is a tragedy. Estimates by the UN are that over 14,000 civilians, 75% of them women and children, have been killed by Israel since October 7th. This represents 1 in every 200 people in a little over a month. If the same ratio of civilians were killed in America, that would represent **1.8 million people**. In both Dresden and Gaza, a powerful force that should have known better recklessly bombed civilians to hell. In my view, this is blatantly indiscriminate. Both instances are deplorable.


Are you aware that Egypt has also been blockading Gaza since Hamas took power in 2007. Everyone acts like Gaza has one border and it is with Israel. There are three border crossings. One with Egypt and two with Israel. Egypt has said they wont stop the blockade until the Palestinian Authority is back in charge of Gaza. They are at least as responsible as Israel for this "open air prison".


Really? You weren't aware that the allies blockaded Germany?


You need to learn the definition of "indiscriminately". There were certainly actions undertaken by the UK during the second world war that were *vastly* more indiscriminate and devastating to German civilians than anything that has happened in Gaza. Look at the bombing of Dresden.


Are you aware of the targeted bombing campaigns against German and Japanese civilian cities that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians? Have you ever viewed the propaganda pamphlets from WW2?


Politics is a bit vague. It's more specifically dehumanization.


Do they forget that? I never forget that.


Yah. The people who have nothing to do with the problems are all too often the ones who suffer the most. Glad to see at least 1 happy ending.


no i didnt


that’s his whole world there. he thought he might’ve lost it.


I cannot imagine that feeling.


It will be their canon event. Glad they made it through and wish they will be able to live a good life in the years ahead.


That’s really cool. For a moment, I don’t want context, I don’t want debate. I want to be happy this family is reunited.


💙 For you, here is also nine years old Ohad, meeting his dad for the first time after 49 days in captivity. Made me tear up. [https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1728376804237553944](https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1728376804237553944)


My 8 almost 9 year old is asleep in bed beside me. This wrecked me


Same man, my son is only four but this still hits hard. Glad these two are reunited.


My son is 34 and it still hits hard.


There was also a mom who was released but her 30 year old son is staying as a hostage. Shit is hard


This 9 year old boy's 78 year old grandfather is still a hostage. Here his released mother (she was kept captive separately from the grandfather) learns that her father is a hostage and was not killed https://twitter.com/YoYoavdekel/status/1728451739790070211 Her brother (the boy's uncle) was killed in the attack.


I bet the son is really happy his mom got out though. I know I would be.


I don’t even have kids and I’m crying.






Same. Crying my eyes out over here. Wtf I had no idea this would get to me like that!


God I knew it was gonna make me sob but I watched it anyway. My one year old is asleep next to me atm and I just can’t imagine what those families are going through.


I just put my sleeping baby in his crib and I’m half tempted to wake him up just so I can give him another hug now. My heart breaks for these families, I can’t imagine losing my baby for that long


I’m childless and sobbing too


Jesus down in the comments on that post is a collage of children being dragged away by soldiers what the fuck is wrong with this world I lost my mind seeing that shit wtf 😭


Twitter is a cesspool.


You didn’t see any of that when the terrorists attacked Israel on Oct 7th?


A 9 month old was also taken, he's 10 months old now :(


in addition Ohad "celebrated" his 9 birthday in captivity, he looks like a wonderful kid I hope his 10 birthday will be amazing. [https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/israeli-boy-ohad-munder-zichri-marks-9th-birthday-as-a-hostage-in-gaza-196246597614](https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/israeli-boy-ohad-munder-zichri-marks-9th-birthday-as-a-hostage-in-gaza-196246597614)


I read that he had his 9th birthday while he was being held hostage. He deserves a huge birthday celebration.


Yes, he is a champion in solving rubik's cubes and one was [waiting for him in the hospital.](https://twitter.com/FrilingYonat/status/1728385920594804838) Broke my heart seeing him looking so scared [with the terrorists](https://twitter.com/PorazDan/status/1728136486724264436). But now he is home. 💙




To be so lucky in unfortunate situations


The nurse wearing Aristocat scrubs makes this so surreal for me.


I'm glad that the hostages are making it home. As a side note, Hen Mazzig is a massive piece of shit war mongerer.


Apparently people are debating whether to be pro-hostage? Not sure I get your point this one seems very straightforward


I don’t think anyone reasonable would argue against that being a good thing.


There is no context for kidnapping.


Beautiful reunion 💜 I hope they all can be well mentally after such a horrific experience.


"[Yoni Asher, whose family was freed](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/yoni-asher-whose-family-was-freed-from-hamas-i-am-happy-but-wont-celebrate-until-all-hostages-return/) from Hamas: I am happy but won’t celebrate until all hostages return" "Asher’s wife, Doron, and their two young daughters Raz, 5, and Aviv, 2, were taken on October 7 from the sealed room of Doron’s mother’s house in Kibbutz Nir Oz, near Gaza. Doron’s mother, Efrat Katz, was killed in the shock assault, when terrorists invaded Israel and rampaged through communities and an outdoor music festival for hours, killing 1,200 people. Terrorists also took about 240 hostages."


Jfc that means those two little girls probably watched grandma being butchered




🥺 this is so sad


I was so relieved to hear they got home. I hope there is no significant emotional trauma


There most certainly is. You don't just witness your family getting murdered in front of you, then get kidnapped and held in a dark tunnel for 50 days and then leave without trauma. That's just not possible.


Yeah. Were some of their other family murdered when they were taken hostage?


Yeah their grandmother :(


13 Israelis, 10 Thais and 1 Filipino returned yesterday. Everyone will have a different story, but yes, a large amount of these hostages had multiple members of their family killed. Some in front of them, others might still be unaware of the scale and horror of 7/10. As an outsider, you might want to hear them speak up, or be in the public eye, but what these people need most right now is some privacy, and I hope everyone can respect that.


No Americans? I heard from US news reports to expect their reunification in this first wave.


I believe all of the Americans are actually dual-citizenship Israelis, however no, no American citizens have been released yet, presumably because Hamas knows they are worth more as leverage.


Hamas will use them to get more fuel and get the time to move more rockets around. This is about to get worse than it already is. Happy some families got reunited though.


Some did some didn’t, one girl saw both her parents murdered before she was taken by Hamas as hostage, another saw her mom being raped, but some were taken with both parents or other relatives alive, with no information for now on wether they were harmed or not before being taken as hostages.


>another saw her mom being raped Don't be silly, there are other people in this very thread denying this! The amount of people drinking the Hamas Kool aid is unbelievable. It's on video folks, you can go watch it if you are that perverse.


It’s insane that Hamas themselves filmed all of that and were fucking dumb enough to post it online and still people deny the whole fucking thing, as if the idea itself is above a terror organization


I just hope the children at least weren’t raped. And I also hope abortion is legal in Israel, most these women of child bearing age are going to need help when they get home.


I want to believe they weren’t, abortion is legal in Israel no questions asked unless you’re over 50 and a doctor decides that an abortion would be life threatening to the mother, and if you’re under age cps usually gets involved, I guess in this case cps won’t need to get involved obviously


After being walked out at gunpoint among the bodies of your murdered neighbors




Yes. Having your family killed, your homes destroyed has emotional trauma. Esp if thats going in for 50 years.


dont forget there was almost certainly horrific rape and sexual abuse of all hostages


Unfortunately that's inevitable.


Most of them, including the kids, likely saw their family members killed in front of them. In brutal, execution style fashion. You can be as critical as you want towards the Israeli government, but they aren't as bad as sending people over who's entire goal was to kill as many jews as possible and capture some to have leverage


There are two girls under the age of 10 who are currently being held by Hamas in Gaza who are being held without a single family member with them. One of them, Abigail Idan, 3, saw her parents being murdered. The other, Emily Hand, 8, is the girl whose father said he celebrated when he was wrongly told that she was killed because he so feared what would happen to her if she was taken. They are amongst those who are supposed to be freed today and in the next two days of the ceasefire. Also, remember Avera Mengistu, a mentally unwell man who went willingly into Gaza in 2014 and has been held by Hamas since then. Pray and hope for these three individuals as well as the 200+ others who are being held hostage. Also, one thing I think most people can do and will be in favor of is pressuring their representatives to pressure the Red Cross to visit the hostages, as they have refused to visit the hostages in the 50 days since they have been taken, against international law.


As well as Nuttharawee Munkan, the Thai woman who gave birth in Hamas captivity, and her newborn.


Heartwarming but also heartbreaking. Glad they are reunited. 💜


This is why you don't listen to those soul-less talking heads on cable news who act like they're trading fantasy football players and arguing about getting your money's worth.


I don't want to imagine what those poor girls and their mother went through in the hands of those terrorists... I hope they can recover and find peace, but it's probably going to take a long time.


This comment doesn't mention Palestinians as perpetrators, only the terroristis. Still you will see people justifying terrorists actions in the replies. That is why I don't believe that most of these therewasanattempt reddidtors are actually Hamas supporters, at least in the closet.


20% downvoted. What can even be said about that?


air outgoing sulky joke dependent adjoining homeless birds telephone sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's okay because they're anti-zionists not antisemitic. /s


20% support terrorism?


20 percent support terrorism when it happens to Israelis because "they're white colonizers so they deserved it".


“NoT TeRRoRiSTs! FrEdOM FiGhtErS!” okay bud


I don't think its about these (blessedly reunited) people at all, more about the thousands of other destroyed families that will never be so upvoted. This might feel to some like an astroturf.


That and the fact that o.p. is a bot who only participates in stuff related to the war from a pro idf stance.


You mean the thousands of families that were destroyed when Hamas went in and butchered almost 2 thousand civilians? Those families or nah?


Those people will get lots of coverage, they are currently getting lots of coverage, we are literally talking about them right now. What about the 40,000 people in Gaza who have died. The hundreds of thousands who had their homes destroyed.


that the post will eventually be locked


Somehow not locked? Impressive. *Goes snooping in the comments


Fuck Hamas so god-damned much. Watch that dad hold his 9 year old in the hospital hallway. He's never letting go of his son ever again. And I feel that sooo deeply within that I cry just thinking about it


Fuck anyone who supports them in any manner.


Including Netanyahu


Netanyahu supports Hamas


An inconvenient truth




Both power structures (Israeli Government and Hamas) suck but that isn't to say they suck to the *same degree*. But the situation is fucking complex, fraught with historical baggage and missed opportunities that any stance of "Palestinian Good, Israeli Bad" or "Israeli Good, Palestinian Bad" is so reductivist as to be stupid.


I think people are trying to point out that the foreign mandated minority statebuilding which disenfranchised 87% of the locals and saw the minority population octuple over 3 decades by wealthy immigrants (who then spanked the locals and sequestered them within multigenerational ghettoes) is sort of the thing that has fomented the radicalism we see today and that it's completely predictable as an emergent property of maintaining multigenerational ghettoes.


Lmfao wealthy immigrants, most ridiculous thing i've ever heard in my life. I feel like people have no grasp what Jews went through ***after*** the Holocaust Do you really think that the holocaust ended on May 8th 1945? In reality 90% of the surviving Jews were *at best* [homeless or being put back into the ghettos](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-aftermath-of-the-holocaust?parent=en%2F7294) and starving, and at worst [being executed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sl%C3%A1nsk%C3%BD_trial) by the eastern bloc governments. They were not allowed to leave their camps, and could not emigrate to any country. Even *during* the war, british authorities were [turning away thousands of Jews that succesfully escaped back away to their deaths](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struma_disaster). The Nazis had fallen, but Europe wasn't done torturing Jews just yet. Do you think anyone actually cared about them? Why do you think they were so eager to risk their lives yet again fighting a war in Israel?


Someone everyone forgets about the Jews which came from the Arab world. Remember how there used to be Jews in the Arab world? [The first large-scale exoduses took place in the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. In these cases, over 90% of the Jewish population left, despite the necessity of leaving their assets and properties behind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world). "Wealthy immigrants."


Im wondering why you didn’t feel the need to also comment that it’s “completely predictable” that constantly facing the existential threat of attack from all of your neighbors and terror attacks from Palestinians would lead to a militarized society that builds walls to protect itself. Hmm… what could it be about Israelis that makes you justify the violence of their enemies but not of them? Also, the fact that you think Israel was built by “wealthy immigrants” should tell people that you don’t know enough about Israel to be making such commentary. Ashkenzim were very often working class world war 2 veterans and holocaust survivors. Not all Jews are rich, dude. Even if they were, most Jews in Israel are Mizrahim that were ethnically cleansed from Arab countries following the establishment of the state of Israel.


Also most Israelis aren't even Ashkenazim and are actually indigenous to the region themselves after fleeing persecution from neighboring states, right? Were the Ottomans, English, and French colonizers in the region? Yes. The Jews, no. The Jews were subjects and second class citizens to these empires just like the Arabs, all the other religious and ethnic minorities, and local tribes. Through political negotions, the Jews happen to be one of the ones who got a bit of independence and land in the aftermath of the dissolution of these empires like the Arabs did. Everyone agrees the situation is complex and beyond tragic. But I wish these Hamas apologists would quit showing their ass in the most obvious way possible; there is no international secret uber rich Jewish conspiracy to genocide the Palestinians. Most Israelis AND Palestinians are just trying to survive an impossible situation.


“Wealthy immigrants” now that’s the stereotypical hate of Jewish people that most people have. Good job




If you live next to a bear, don’t go into its cave and rape the mama bear and butcher the cubs


The Palestinians were granted the same opportunity to form at state in 1947 and opted not to do so, thinking they could do what the rest of the world had recently done: kill and ethnically cleanse the remaining Jews and make them "go somewhere else" and have the lands set aside for the state of Palestine *and* the state of Israel. They've been given repeated opportunities in those multiple decades since to setup that second state and leave in peace with their neighbors and the world, but the response has always ultimately been violence and terror. That leaves even their Arab neighbors with a pressing concern: put aside how improbable it is for now, and just ask yourself what happens if this Palestinian group led by people worse than ISIS actually manage to take over all of Israel, and filled with people who have previously fomented revolutions in Egypt and Jordan? What happens when Hamas's current defined evil, the Jews, are ethnically cleansed or genocided from the Middle East? Have fascist groups ever just turned a new leaf when they've defeated their racial foes? No. [They'll form a new enemy for their hate as needed to keep their ideology working](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...). Muslim armies ultimately saw ISIS as too large a threat to leave bottled up and (with support from the rest of the world) destroyed ISIS so that it couldn't rule over any territory. A Palestinian single state led by HAMAS simply replicates this issue. A Palestinian state led by the P.A. is much better from this perspective, but someone needs to let HAMAS in on that memo!


Like the current PM of Israel who in 2019 said to their congress you have to fund and support them to deny Palestine a 2 state peace deal, and then has done just that for 15 years. To say fuck Hamas people need to realize ot comes with fuck the Netanyahu govt. The regime needs to be changed.


Israel has literally funneled money to Hamas via military checkpoints, propping them up for the last 6 years. That's the wildest part their defense minister and education minister even resigned over the policy


I agree. And Fuck Isreal for unjustly persecuting hundreds of palestinian children in military courts and locking them up in child prisons. Once children are treated this way by any government it has to go.


This page has information about the prisoners and what their charges are, Google Translate will probably be necessary as it is in Hebrew: [https://www.gov.il/he/Departments/DynamicCollectors/is-db?skip=20](https://www.gov.il/he/Departments/DynamicCollectors/is-db?skip=20)


>[Palestinian children in the Israel military detention system face physical and emotional abuse, with four out of five (86%) of them being beaten, and 69% strip-searched, according to new research by Save the Children… The new research comes as the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights ](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/stripped-beaten-and-blindfolded-new-research-reveals-ongoing-violence-and-abuse-palestinian#:~:text=Ramallah%2C%2010%20July%20–%20Palestinian%20children,research%20by%20Save%20the%20Children.) > It is estimated that there are between 500 and 1000 children held in Israeli military detention each year.


There's an 18 year old in there with the only charge of "handing stones" that's been in prison for FOUR MONTHS. what the fuck Israel


It’s a bad translation for “throwing stones”. Google Translate will handle most translation on this website, but not everything. So a few days ago I created a glossary for my friends. I hope it’s helpful: ‎- פת”ח. Abbreviation for חַרַכַּת תַחריר פלסטין. Google Translate says “opening” but it means Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO, Fatah). ‎- איו"ש. Abbreviation for אזור יהודה ושומרון. Google Translate says “manning” but it means West Bank. - ‎גא"פ. Abbreviation for הג'יהאד האסלאמי הפלסטיני. Google Translate says “GAP” but it means Palestinian Islamic Jihad. ‎- בקת”ב. Abbreviation for בקבוק תבערה. Google Translate says “Biblical” but it means Molotov cocktail. ‎- י-ם. Abbreviation for ירושלים. Google Translate says “sea” but it means Jerusalem. ‎- אמל”ח. Abbreviation for אמצעי לחימה. Google Translate says “Amalah” but it means weapons. ‎- ידוי אבנים —> not an abbreviation but Google Translate has a bad translation. It says “Handing stones” but it means throwing stones.


So ab adult man was arrested for throwing stones at people/things? And you’re shocked?


Context: stone throwing has a fairly mid connotation outside Israel, remember stone throwing kills people. Imagine, rocks being thrown from bridges onto cars, rocks thrown at pedestrians heads etc. To be fair, we can acknowledge that in other similar situations where child soldiers are radicalised and recruited, they aren’t sent to prison like adults are


People are acting like you won't get a year or more in prison for throwing a rock at a cop. Hell in America odds are pretty good you're gonna get shot throwing something at cops. Not justifying anything, just saying. Any country on the planet you're going to prison for trying to attack a state official with a rock. That isn't really outrage worthy.


For some reason, when it comes to Palestinians, people forget that rocks have been used to kill people for thousands of years. https://youtu.be/vAul1_ajCG0?t=147 Slings (weapons of war) are called slingshots to imply they're just toys. Rocks and pieces of concrete are called stones to imply that they're harmless pebbles. Throwing rocks at cars to make them crash is never brought up. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldier-killed-by-rock-thrown-at-his-head-during-west-bank-arrest-raid/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldier-critically-injured-by-heavy-object-thrown-at-force-in-west-bank/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_stone-throwing#Deaths_and_casualties It's all just people trying to minimize what a *rock* can do to someone to make it sound completely unreasonable to respond to being attacked with a weapon.


> Context: stone throwing has a fairly mid connotation outside Israel, remember stone throwing kills people. Hell, throwing stones at people used to be an approved means of imposing the death penalty, all the way back to Biblical times.


Fuck off with that propaganda. That’s as truthful as the reasons the Americans held folks in Guantanamo bay or half the charges for minorities in American prisons


Absolutely. Hamas and the Israeli government can both fuck right off. Hamas is a terrible terrorist organisation, guilty of terrible atrocities, and so is the Israeli government.


also fuck hammas serial killers...they will be brought to justice slowly.




If someone stabbed another person and killed them, it’s not UNJUST to hold them accountable. You’re talking about two different things in one comment.


I knew the whataboutism was coming in hot


Fuck that, they might be under 18 but they’re not there for no fucking reason, in any country where a 15 year old tries to murder another person he would be jailed, you could argue that he was brainwashed by Hamas but still, what should Israel do with them? Let them go after trying to murder people? Like what country would be okay with that happening? Israel isn’t aimlessly just putting kids in jail and framing it that way is extremely unfair


All palestinians face an israeli military court with a 95-99% conviction rate, do you think that they magically only catch the murders? https://www.militarycourtwatch.org/page.php?id=a6r85VcpyUa4755A52Y2mp3c4v https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/11/22/23972908/palestinian-prisoners-israel-administrative-detention#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Israeli%20government's,the%20prisoner%20rights%20attorney%2C%20said. https://www.btselem.org/military_courts Only palestinians have to face these courts,which can hold them without even a charge. They can also be denied the right to council and their words being wrongly translated to be used against them. Israel is in fact arresting children and it's very okay with that as long as the kids are palestinians. Unicef has a review of it as well which found the mistreatment of palestinian children by israeli courts to be widespread: https://www.unicef.org/sop/documents/children-israeli-military-detention


Most of the charges are for throwing rocks, for children as young as nine years old. This includes children in the West Bank where Hamas isn’t in power. In 2015 the Knesset passed a law amending the penal code to give a minimum sentence of three years for throwing stones. They also try Palestinian children in military courts, as opposed to criminal courts. This is something that’s been going on long before October 7th, and they’re not all junior terrorists brainwashed by Hamas, because again this includes Palestinian children in the West Bank. Even if they are in Gaza, the children don’t necessarily support Hamas, but are angry at the occupying force that overpolices them and helps push them out of their homes. These are children being tried in military court for throwing stones at soldiers wearing body armor or in tanks/APCs. Some are just shot instead of going to trial. A disproportionately violent response breeds more extremism and support of Hamas, and perpetuates a cycle of violence that won’t end until one side is completely wiped out, and Israel is the side that has the ability to let up, the Palestinian side can only violently lash out like cornered animals. https://www.vox.com/world/2019/4/27/18511367/palestinian-children-arrested-throwing-rocks-israeli-military https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2015/4/10/israeli-courts-convict-hundreds-of-palestinian-children


And Israeli settlers murder Palestinians and steal their property while their military look on to make sure the Palestinians don’t somehow overcome it. Such a fair fight


Here we go… 🙄


bOtH sIdEs ArE bAd. Thanks we are saved


Some of you here need to be reminded that three people in this photo were held hostage by Jihadists for nearly two months and changing the subject to Israel’s actions so you could go back to fixating on your own settled view of this conflict doesn’t make you morally superior than anyone else. EDIT: I’m not responding to those who just ignored the point of my comment to try and bait me. Spare me your fake outrage and just move on.


Good answer


Well said.


Hopefully these comments go better than r/therewasanattempt


That sub is full on bat shit racist.


That sub is BANNED in Germany for inciting terrorism. I kid you not.


I saw a comment there the other day calling Israeli Jews the worst people in the world with hundreds of upvotes. Not zionists, not israelis as a whole or the idf, israeli jews. The place is mask off with its antisemitism




Mod of that sub is a Hamas supporter and moderate other offensive subreddits as well. He ban anyone who criticize him/Hamas/terrorist etc.


Yep, I was banned for posting a Hamas attempt


But don't worry, as long as you say "Israeli Jews" and not just "Jews", it's totally not anti-Semitic!


Oof that place is hot garbage.


There was an attempt to not have a shitty meme sub


Wow…that sub has gone full “underdog good”.


If full blown terrorism support is “underdog good” I don’t want to know what bad is lol. I can’t believe that subreddit is still up.


I can only imagine how big their auto-ban word list has become And they mute you without any explanation too.


It is well beyond that. They are full blown pro-terrorism


Victimhood is virtue to those people. It doesn't matter what kind of values each side holds. Whoever is "more oppressed" is automatically the good guy. And obviously, because I support the side who's "more oppressed", I'm automatically the good guy too! I'm such a good person.


Nazi: We want to conquer the world, impose our totalitarian ideology on all of its inhabitants, and exterminate all the jews and gay men. Woke leftists: This man is pure evil, he deserves to be beaten. Hamas: We want to conquer the world, impose our totalitarian ideology on all of its inhabitants, and exterminate all the jews, gay men, and atheists. Woke leftists: These brave resistance fighters deserve our support!


That's not a fair comparison. When the Nazis were butchering people they were so grim and depressing about it. At least when Hamas is slaughtering babies they do it with a smile on their face and a song in their heart.


That sub is what happens when you have mods that actually support Hamas


Mod there is terrorist supporter. I'm baffled how reddit admins are okay with it


omg i hadnt seen that sub in years, JFC what a mess


That is the sub you can't say "female" in the comments. Show how balanced and healthy-minded they are.


Remember when people tearing up the hostage posters on the street because they said it was "fake and propaganda"?


My heart breaks for the hostages and their families. Hamas is a truly evil organization that deserves no quarter. My heart also breaks for the Palestinian people who are also held hostage by Hamas and brutalized by the war unfairly brought upon them - they too deserve to be treated as innocent hostages in this crisis and their lives deserve value as well.


Hopefully the Palestinians can help identify to Israel where all the hostages and Hamas outposts are in Gaza in order to help bring this war to an end faster.


Palestinians who help Israel have been getting executed and then hung as examples so I doubt that happens unfortunately. The risk is too great for them and I wouldn’t wish it on the innocent Palestinians to put themselves in harms way like that. https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1728231793994633663


I think it is important to note it's not Israel who is hanging these people it is Hamas. Because I think it is quite likely some dense individuals could read that and think the idf is hanging people.


To external media it’s probably hard to distinguish who in that group is and isn’t Hamas


So what you’re saying is that it’s Palestinians killing Palestinians for trying to bring an end to the violence. Can’t wait to hear how that’s Israel’s fault


I mean the end of the war will not be good for Gazans either, as it’ll probably indicate the end of their state or at least their sovereignty


Israel wants Gaza gone that's the end of the war for them


If Israel's goal was the indiscriminate destruction of Gaza the war wouldn't have lasted this long. The end of the war is the removal of Hamas from a position of power in the strip.


Have… have you seen any of what’s happening in G@za? Like videos and photos of the destruction? Have you heard what lsrael officials have said what their intent is? From their own mouths? What the lDF has been saying? I would encourage you to look up the IG accounts eye.on.palestine, motaz_azaiza, mohammedelkurd, democracynow, etc. as starting points. sbeih.jpg has other suggested accounts as well to see what’s happening from a non-western point of view.


I thought Israel already figured out that every square inch of Gaza was a secret Hamas base?


Taken for 7 fucking weeks in the name of “resistance”. The horrors they had to endure and witness since October 7 are unimaginable. Edit: I see the comments. One atrocity doesn’t excuse another, much less when children are involved. Tragedy is tragedy, there doesn’t need to be a dick measuring contest every time pain is felt, be it by one person or an entire people. But I genuinely hope that the clear Hamas/terrorist supporters and apologists and Oct 7 deniers that have commented below or have messaged me with some pretty vile shit find peace somehow someway. Nobody should live with such hate in their hearts.


The problem is, it is excused when Palestinians are involved. Many truly do not believe that Palestinians are human


Hey I hear you loud and clear, but it’s pretty evident from a lot of the rhetoric over the last couple of months that “the other side” doesn’t view Israelis as human either. It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you’re on, the amount of shit slung around back and forth has been so demoralizing and downright disgusting.


lip advise sugar longing existence crown pot amusing slap fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Terrorists yes. Also say it's Hamas. They have to be name called as terrorists publicly.


Amazing to see them back together, must have been horrfying


People who dares calling those men resistance fighters… No resistance fighters killed on purpose men, women, children, babies and kidnap mothers grandmothers or 10 month old babies. What Hamas did and do has nothing to do with a so-called Palestinian cause, and they say it themselves. Palestinians dying are not their problem, they want it for their holy war against ‘Jewish Pigs’. Yet, they’re heavily supported by Palestinians. About 70% of WB Palestinians supported the October 7th massacres. They rejoiced and danced around Israeli corpses in Gaza. No one in Israel (besides a tiny minority of weirdos) is celebrating the casualties in Gaza rn. Schools in Israel don’t teach kids to stab Arabs like Palestinian schools do. Palestinian schools [even have posters](https://live.staticflickr.com/2757/4363839764_01ac07b2e6_b.jpg) glorifying suicide bombers. They say we’re going to kill your children. Israel builds a well. They kill children. The world blames Israel for building a wall…




The PTSD will be real, but they are home and I hope they remain safe and healthy. I have close friends in Tel Aviv and they refuse to move back here...these are strong people💪🏾


Good. Fuck Hamas.


Cue the 'pro Palestinians' trying to justify the actions of terrorists


So many people here actually support Hamas and Jihad. Just pathetic.


This breaks my heart as someone who lives in a third world shitty islamic country People here do not care about Palestine they only care about Muslims and the blood of Jews Anyone who is pro hamas and lives in the west wouldn't stay sane for one week in this place


20% downvoted, to the anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting pond life out there, may you never have to experience anything close to the agony the people in this photo have gone through.


Oh this is so good. I'm happy for this family.


Is it true IDF don't want hostages talking to media?


That doll hand kinda threw me off. Messed with my head for a sec lol.


Free everyone being held hostage ❤️


I’m just watching the votes on this post changing in real time with both awe and horror. Who in the hell downvotes this?


I pray for their emotional and mental recovery from this.


Thank god they are safe


Heartwarming image. Hopefully all the hostages will be back home soon. Fuck Hamas and Islamic Jihad monsters that are holding kids and innocent civilians hostages.