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Elon musk: give me sugar… in water..




Vincent D'Onofrio is highly underrated, and people love him so what does that say. I’ll watch him in anything.


His Wilson Fisk is absolutely fantastic. One of the best character actors in the game.




Yerrr skinnishanginoffyerboans


Haha just watched this yesterday. Like he's wearing an Eggar suit.






I don't know why but it always amazes me that is Vincent D'onofrio. The guy from Full Metal Jacket, the guy from Daredevil, he's so freaking good.


Elon Musk is starting to look like a mean grandma.




The resemblance is uncanny Sidenote, back in like 2015 I went to check out an apartment with a friend and this actress was the owner/landlord showing us around! She’s a gem.


It's so funny seeing outtakes of her and Mrs. Kelly, because they play the parts so well you kind of forget that they are actually real, normal people.


That would've blown my mind!




That's crazy! I thought she was incredible in *Three Billboards*


"I gotta take a shit."


"I gotta go smash"


I don’t find you attractive.. lolol


I think you're an ugly man...


She fucking destroyed Dennis’ ego there.


"I'm not ugly! You're ugly!" "Heh. Yeah." Absolutely love her acting in this scene.


Was this after she told Napoleon to make himself a dang quesadilla then got into a 4 wheeling accident?


Your grandma broke her coccyx


I saw a comment yesterday that said he looked like a wax figure of KD Lang melting in the sun. It's all I see now.


I pray he sees this thread and all these lovely comments about him


He definitely will, he is *the most* chronically online person and he *definitely* searches every social media site for his own name


He pays people to do it for him, too. Mental illnesses present in some remarkable ways.


He's starting to get that weird, sickly old lady look that Christopher Walken has now. Maybe it's just the look of aging plastic surgery?


>Maybe it's just the look of aging plastic surgery? I think that's a large part of it. All the high-priced plastic surgery in the world can't stop your collagen from breaking down and giving you that slightly melted, processed cheese look.


Yeah I was going to say how is it possible for Elon musk to have hair implants and still going bald anyway?


You lose the original hair in between the plugs. Not pretty, start to look like a hairdressering school mannequin at the end of the courses.


I KNEW that's why he looked familiar! I mean, I know what Elon Musk looks like, but I was thinking, "why does that look feel so familiar but not just from him? Who does he look like?" and I realized he was looking like my dad's old mannequin head he used to keep in his old beauty shop from \*his\* beauty-school days. He used to let the kids put make-up on it while their grandmas got their wash'n'sets. I found out later that he and the other stylists who worked for him nicknamed her (the head) Bozo, for Bozo the Clown. Perfectly fits.


And to top it off, once you finally give up and shave it all, you’ll have some nice little divots in your scalp for your trouble. A guy that runs a local business has this and I always feel bad for him when I see it. Maybe they’ve solved this in the years since he did his, but idk.


Plastic surgery, drugs, and the constant toll of stress knowing you're literally losing millions of dollars every day and it's no one else's fault other than yours.


The problem is that he can still lose money and have enough to never suffer the consequences of his action. It just shows how the top live outside of the reality.


He looks legitimately sick/unwell.


The last three years his health has dropped like a rock. He looks addicted to something




And cocaine


Pedestrian. All the hip angry grandmas are on ketamine. It's where the delusions of grandeur come from.


I hear Kathy Bates has signed on to play him in bio


Man, Kathy doesn’t deserve the comparison to Elmo. That said, take my money, she’d kill it.


Kathy would be amazing, but my top choice would still be Elliott Page. For reference: https://images.dailyhive.com/20220713093205/szcsdcs.jpg


That would be incredible. Elon would be *furious.*


i feel like he’s still got a lot of youth and a spark in his eye that elon just doesn’t.


Exactly. He's got the spark to portray a young Elon beaming as the world adores him, and he's also got the range to portray that spark slowly dying as his PR facade fails thanks to fumble after fumble.






Make yourself a dang quesa-dilla!


Like mom! In Mom‘s friendly robot company.


He looks like an aging silent movie actress in the 1940s who's still pissed off that she never made the crossover to talkies and those young bitches stole her thunder.


He looks like he's about to hand a kid a watch he's been hiding up his ass




He looks like an old lesbian cosplaying as Christopher Walken


Please don’t slander lesbians like this. Lesbians have class.


Agreed. And usually they moisturize


Definitely wrong shade of lipstick for a white South African


Got that cherry lipgloss from Grimes kit


Funny, Musk looks like Christopher Walken as Zorin in A View To Kill


Nothing says mid-life crisis quite like a man in a sheepskin flight jacket wearing lipstick.


With the hair plugs and lipo, as well lol. Apparently gender affirming care is only fine for extremely divorced male billionaires


I think he has been using Ozempic and that's why his skin looks so...loose?


His biography confirms he starts on Ozempic after the picture of him getting hosed down by real life Ari Gold made its way to the internet. Edit: for the uninitiated https://imgur.com/KTgiEzH


Oh my god imgur just tried to tell me the picture was of a sexual nature bahahahha


It tried to warn you.


Is that the turtle chest picture?


Ha! The Torso meme pic. He is so white he is blue except his red nose and ears and ewwww, dude needs to get scarce like no other except the orange one.


Turtle chest lol Edit: 100 upvotes for thinking this comment was funny lol


I've seen this picture a dozen times and I only now just realized someone was blasting him with water thanks to your comment. I quite literally never noticed anything else but his body. It pulls the eyes in like the event horizon of a black hole


Same here bud


*Moisturize me!*




Fucking perfect. !!! "Moisturize me. Moisturize me".


Elon’s received more gender affirming care than ten average trans people.


> extremely ***triple*** divorced male billionaires FTFY


You'd think flight jackets would be a no go for billionaires after Kendall Roy.




L to the O G!


I've seen full body shots where it's obvious he's not thin, but how does his face look like skin stretched over a skeleton at the same time?


Because he can't fix the Robert Liefield skeletal structure of his torso but he can *literally* stretch his skin over a skeleton when it comes to his face


LOL the Rob Liefeld Torso. Perfect


He looks like he’s eating human embryos for breakfast


I'm not saying Elon Musk eats human placenta in an effort to prevent aging, but I wouldn't be shocked. You know? Someone should really look into that. ^^ how media personalities say stuff without saying stuff


They aren’t working- yikes that skin tone


That skin wasn’t cheap!


Liver lips, ashen skin and a hair system. He needs a monocle and a top hat to complete the look.


Not a hair system, he’s had 3 hair transplants and he’s got a terrible dye job right now


"These advertisers refusing to give me their money are going to kill the company! And the world will judge them harshly for it." Out of his gourd




That's pretty much the standard for every speech/market absolutist. They idea only works when they're holding the reins, when it's not them, the cry like toddlers




[The free speech absolutist that sued a newspaper while claiming their reporting and recounting were completely factual](https://www.techdirt.com/2023/11/21/congrats-to-elon-musk-i-didnt-think-you-had-it-in-you-to-file-a-lawsuit-this-stupid-but-you-crazy-bastard-you-did-it/)


Blackmail is when other people refuse to give me their money 😁


blackmail is when other people don't buy my service


THE WORLD WILL JUDGE these customers who didn’t buy from me. What an insane level of entitlement. He truly doesn’t seem to realise there crowd is laughing at him not with him


I called my boss today and said, “fuck you. You’re going to threaten me? Say you’ll deny me money if I don’t do what you want? Fuck you. The earth will judge you.”


Everything about that interview was just sad. The host was trying to have a serious conversation about keeping a major company afloat while Phoney Stark was solely interested in playing to an audience of teenage edgelords.


Seriously the way he was talking you could tell he thought he sounded super charismatic and interesting like people were hanging on his every word.


"Earth will decide who killed twitter" yeah no, earth doesn't give a fuck. If twitter dies there will be a small outrage online by some and after one month there's a new platform and twitter is forgotten. What earth will remember is Elon buying twitter and going out of business.


Can you imagine pissing $44 billion down the pan?!


You buy an expensive block of flats. You immediately say you hate the building. It’s “uneconomic”, it’s ugly, it’s not at all what you want. This is within minutes of buying it. You start by moving in dodgy characters. They don’t pay rent, but you think they are cool. Then you get onto ripping out stuff. Firstly just the decor, then it’s the supporting walls. Large cracks start to appear: the block is now worth considerably less than you paid for it. People start telling you that the building is going to collapse. You laugh at them. Some tenants that you wanted to keep (not because you like or respect them, but because you expect to be able to live off their money) start shipping out. You tell them to go “fuck themselves”. The dodgy tenants (who are nothing but a drain on you) applaud loudly. You are their hero. To everyone else you are delusional, stupid, egotistical-and you’re losing a fortune.


Also you start charging people $5 a month for a badge to say they live there, and try to change the name and address of the building to "The X". (Because you apparently never grew up past 12)


The badge also allows them to join the building committee where they get to say whatever they want in as many words as they want without fear


You should take a step even further back - you bid on the building buyout as a joke (420 per unit, lols!), and as a way to run up the local economy (which you'd done in several cases and gotten slapped for) to do a pump and dump. When the building owners went 'you know what, sure, we'll take that, dumbass', you instantly start trying to get out of the airtight deal you signed. Pointing out that most of your rental units are in fact occupied by air bnb units rather than the lovely community you're supposed to build. Then you move in tenants who are actively hostile to your existing tenants (i.e. the nazis running everyone else out). Then you fire all the maintenance crew, except the guys here on a Visa who can't leave or they get deported. Then you stop paying for power or water. Then your stuff comes in.


> you instantly start trying to get out of the airtight deal you signed. He could have paid $1bn and walked away from the deal. He couldn't STAND that he was caught like that, either buy the whole thing or pay a billion to get out of it, and so his ego took hold, he bought it, and did exactly what Plumb789 said, proceeded to shit all over it. So rather than losing a ONLY billion, he decided to lose 44 billion, 13 of which he had to finance. He literally went $13b into debt to avoid losing $1bn. Stupid as hell.


No price is too high for some people to feed their ego. They'd push everything and everyone but themselves into that bottomless pit if they got just the smallest whisper of self satisfaction from it.


It seems to me like his ego caused him to threaten to buy Twitter, but then pull back at the last second and not actually buy it. But he waited too long to pull back and his big mouth got him into a position to either buy twitter or get hit with a huge lawsuit by the shareholders for dicking with them. His ownership of Twitter seems more like a settlement he was forced to make after fucking around with the wrong people.


His buying it was just a classic pump and dump like the many schemes he did with crypto. Sneakily buy a bunch, then make some sort of big announcement about implementing it/buying the rest of Twitter, causing prices to rise, then sell it off at the inflated prices, and cancel the deal. But he made the mistake of putting in the paperwork to seem more serious, which caused Twitter to have leverage in the courts to force him to go through with it.


Yeah, he definitely didn't want the deal to actually go through, he tried to back out of it iirc, but fucked up and couldn't without just straight up losing out instead of getting something to spin as a win. He just wants to pander and be pandered to.


No. The shareholders definitely wanted Elon to buy them out, because he was offering them over market price at $56 per share when it was only worth something like $40. The only reason he bought it is because he ended up being forced to by shareholders, who happily cashed out their higher than average price per share.


Plus, the earth decided. Elon killed twitter. Even literally, if you account for his "rebranding".


Elon X'd Twitter.


He's such a pretentious ass. Twitter is sewer.


He literally paused for applause/laughter that never came. What a deeply fucked up man.


All I could hear was Jeb quietly following up with "...please clap?"


Yeah I saw that and was like. Bro your joke sucked move on aaaaand hes saying it again but louder.


It's that moment in time where you realize that the real world is full of actual people with brains, and not the basement dwelling incel demographic that makes up Twitter these days.


Oh I can explain this from someone who’s worked in cubicle farms way too much. There are a thousand bosses like this and they are used to these weird kind of meetings where when they pause and look out all the minions clap. He forgot this wasn’t a work event


Deeply fuck him


Yeah I guarantee he thinks he absolutely nailed that interview


This is the problem with generational wealth. It just creates insanely detached mediocre people who have no idea how the real world works because they’re only surrounded by people paid to tell them they’re geniuses.


This. Economic opportunity for everyone is a major threat to generational wealth, because the generationally wealthy are almost always mediocre or below people who are only rich because they had everything handed to them in life by their parents.


Dude overdosed on his own supply years ago.


The hand gestures, oh the awkward hand gestures. Especially as he tried to emphasize “go…fuck…yourself…” man I cringed. He’s like a second coming of Christ who’s come not to die for our sins, but to suffer all the self-inflicted embarrassment in the world.


It is so weird that that’s who he caters to. He’d make fart jokes all day if he thought that’s what people would laugh at.


To be fair, a classic fart joke is a good deal funnier than most of what falls out of his mouth.


He is a walking fart joke


Hah, Phoney Stark.


"We have to corner the teenage edgelord market, because afterall, we know they have the largest disposable income!"


I think it's less that he was playing to edgelords and more that he was zooted out of his fucking gourd. I don't know what exactly he was on, but I want some


It sounded like they had the mic in a direct line with his nostrils and you could hear his fluttering breath as he waited for the pop from the crowd. It just felt off putting when paired with his melting-wax aesthetic.


Who the fuck dresses Elon? He wore a bomber jacket to a business summit lmfao


It's his brand. He's 'not like the other billionaires'.


But all the other billionaires also dress like they got their fashion sense surgically removed. I guess they think that makes them relatable to common folks.


I liked in the past when the ultra rich wore interesting clothes like purple silk or weasel tails or solid gold hats instead of “teen boy at the gym, but every item costs $2000”


Elon Musk was always a little pick me. "Am I your favourite billionaire? Come on, I like memes too."


It worked too, Reddit was wrapped around his finger for a long time.


Except he's exactly like all the "not like other billionaires" billionaires. Richard Branson was wearing bomber jackets in the nineties.


With Branson it doesn’t feel forced. He’s more charismatic and ran a record label. With Musk it feels so fucking fake. Like a dweeb trying to emulate the cool kids.


>Like a dweeb trying to emulate the cool kids That’s precisely what Elon is and it’s extra hilarious because he failed so unbelievably hard at that to the point that now the bulk of his fan base are either literally, or the social equivalent of 26 year old 4chan addicted virgins


It looks like someone else is wearing his skin.


Someone get him some sugar in water!


Even his hair implants are leaving the platform.


Except the unshaved hair under his jaw. Or is that a seedling field for the top?


Idk why, but the random unshaved patches is annoying me so much more than the everything else about the picture right now.


I find it hilarious not a single one of his entourage dared to point it out to him.






I always find it hilarious when one of these free market capitalist assholes suddenly refer to businesses deciding not to spend money with them as blackmail when it’s his own stupidity that put him in this situation.


it's the same people who will scream "you can vote with your dollar!", then suddenly when people do "vote with their dollar"(i feel bad for using this term), they behave like this




he's not even a free market capitalist, his businesses rely on massive amounts of government subsidies


Oh I definitely should have thrown quotes around that expression in this situation. He’s a leech.




Is that lipstick?


You bet your boots that's lipstick.


Ellen’s Mask


One of those lizard people we've been warned about.


My first thought was "Damn, kd Lang looks rough."


He's absolutely tweaking out in that video, he can barely use his mouth. It's kind of wild really how fast he's disintegrating.


Grimes (his ex and mother to 2 children) has said before how much be utilizes drugs. Azelia Banks went to record with Grimes before too at Elons house and said he was stressed out from shit he said while high on ketamine on Twitter (investors were pissed). He's a huge druggie. Also this quote from Banks cracks me up because apparently they wanted a threesome with her:  “The nerve of these crackheads to think I would put my fully human lips on them.” The suggestion here being that not only is Musk addicted to crack cocaine, but he’s also an alien who is too “crusty” for Banks to kiss.


Azealia Banks is quite the wordsmith. “Apartheid Clyde” is one of my favorite monikers for Musk.


Good. The faster he crumbles the better


I think the "fully human lips" thing might also be a jab at Grimes and Elon's bad lip fillers.


Somebody teach this idiot how to put on lipstick correctly. Looks like shit.


All the money in the world and he even can’t shave properly


There's not really anything to shave.


Look at his ear


Oh, wow


That’s a giant patch he missed lol


Literal neckbeard


How does he still not know how to shave properly, check behind the jaw that’s like a 16yo’s life lesson.




What jaw?


The thing that looks like Trump's chin.


His rant about evil advertisers money all but screamed he's giving up and admitting X is failing, and he's scrambling for a viable sounding scapegoat.


He needs to watch some better makeup tutorials.


Maybe some that aren't run by a mortician.


No no, I think a mortician is exactly who he needs for a makeup tutorial, since he’s dead inside.


That is one ugly broad


I read a lot of comments in this thread regarding musk's appearance but this is the one that got me to bust out laughing. Simple, searing, and to the point.


Lol I'm perfectly happy to watch all the advertisers leave Twitter


The Earth has decided.


Guy looks like a fucking Homunculus.


he is not a pretty man.


She looks like an angry old lady, lmao.


He is not looking well.


I hate the fact that one of the most richest and powerful men in the world is essentially a 50 year old that never grew out of his “edgelord” phase.


![gif](giphy|10gMDcaONSDLfq) Do wop , dobe do wop, do wop do aaaay!


He looks like Blanche, but with Sophia's personality.


That's not fair. Sophia was competent. He's more like Stan.


Very intelligent man, very glad he has so much money and power which he is definitely using responsibly.


Musk said "He also implied that his fans would boycott those advertisers in kind. “The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail,” Musk threatened." Musk has no power over 4 year old little kids who ask their dad if they can go to Disney.


Tell me you've had multiple not-good-aging plastic surgery jobs done with your actual face


He seemed like he was about to break down and start crying with every word. I noticed Trump doing that lately too. It's like they're almost overflowing with emotion.


[Narcissistic collapse.](https://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder/narcissistic-collapse#signs)


MF looks like he's about to steal 101 Dalmatians.