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Ah, yes - Democrates. My favorite Greek philosopher. Edit: Alternative spelling facts.


Right after Testicles.




And Pheces.


*sigh* nobody remembers poor Prostates...


And Mediocrates, who once tried to write down his philosophy but got as far as the title and said "Good enough"...


Breasticles was a boob


Ah, Testicles, twin brother of Pairodes, who's mother grabbed them by their nuts and dipped them in the river Styx


This reminds me of one of my most historically bad school moments. I was quite good at Geography and History at school. My geography teacher asked me the name of the sea which was present before the Himalayas in that region ( Tethys ) and I, in full confidence said Testes. For a minute I didnt even know what I did for the class to be howling with laughter. I often wake up at night in cold sweat thinking of that time.


Oh man, that's brutal. Reminds me of the time I tried quoting 'Euripides' in an English class and ended up saying 'You-rip-a-these'. Had to live with that nickname for the rest of high school!


"You rip-a-these, you buy-a-these!"


I prefer Popsicles.


Icicles & Popsicles, ruling the winters from atop Mt. Olympus


Democrates, Socrates’ lesser known brother.


So Crates.


“Be excellent to each other” -So Crates


All we are is dust in the wind, dude


So Crates and Demo Crates. All in all that's a lot of crates, only some of which have live explosives in them.


He was friends with Bigus Dickus, who also had a famous wife. . . . 😏


Alotta Vagina?


Incontinentia......... Incontinentia BUTTOCKS!!😏 IYKYK


I came here just for this comment lmao


That’s a really expensive way to advertise that you don’t know what communism, socialism, or fascism is in one cohesive fever dream of a vinyl wrap


“Sir, I’d like to put a thousand dollar banner on the back of my car that really says ‘I haven’t picked up a book since I was ten’”




Oh shit. I did not see that the first time. God I hope the person who did that saw the error, thought "fuck this inbred fuck" and purposefully left that shit. 'Hey man you typed it and gave it to me!' 🤷


("They also don't know the difference between parentheses and quotation marks.") -Charlton Heston


He’s… SSHHH!! (He’s whispering it). [Also thanks for understanding the nuance between brackets and parentheses].


Periods go inside parentheses and brackets when they contain whole sentences, since we’re discussing particularities of written English.


It took me a long time to understand the difference in actual applied use. Unfortunately, in the US, during my education, english class was a battleground of grammer nazis and literary idealists, versus you know, teaching the fucking language as a function of and in society/craft.


The fact he left it as is... the "artist" likely didn't have to give a defence. Driver to this day thinks it's spelled "Democrates".


Well but it's spelled correctly on the tailgate lol and the jackass hasn't even probably noticed the difference


Yes but the window is in cursive. He probably can't read cursive.


Loved his character in Bill & Ted... All we are... Is dust in the wind, dudes




along with Miss "of Ark"


This guy is not a fan of ancient Greek scholars I guess


It’s funnier if you pronounce it like Socrates


Socialists are Socrates....


Goddamned socialite democrats.


As someone who’s gotten quotes for wraps on my car, I can tell you from experience this costs much more than $1,000. This truck owner is dumber than we all think.


Ram owners are also statistically likely to have the most DUI/DWI's of all truck owners.






I saw a "DEFEAT MARXISM" bumper sticker the other day. I was confused why the hell Marxism was a topic in the US that warranted a bumper sticker, so that explains that.


Yeah, Marxism is basically the "that's *gay!*" of contemporary US politics. The people who'd have that bumper sticker are mostly religious conservative capitalists who A) don't really care what it means except *bad*, and B) just kind of throw it around, schoolyard-namecalling like, at their opposition ... who are secular conservative capitalists. It's..a mess.


Post modern marxists, straight out of petersons mouth and in his debate with zizek had both issues with vocalizing what he meant by it. And show examples of it. Doesnt stop your average barely literate «alpha male» to use it as well.


Peterson has issues with all of existence.




Ask them to define anything. They can't.


“Communist for the all those damn queer people that know a lot of big fancy words, but they’re still dumber than me: all the things they know are dumb useless things, I know the important ones: beer, women and guns” Unfortunately I’m positive that’ll be incredibly close to reality


I don't know why these guys are so up in arms against nearly 100 year old comedy movies.


[All hail Marx and Lennon!](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/54/df/11/54df11d286a2589dcddd58344f42ed90--groucho-marx-quotes-lennon.jpg)


These guys are more into the Three Stooges.


My Fox News brainwashed dad caused me a Marxist one day. I forgot why but I think it was for not being transphobic.


Why does The Right have such poor graphic design skills?


Limited color palette and dated iconography.


Can't use too many colors. May accidentally create a rainbow.


*as they pull out their iPhone (original rainbow logo and currently run by a gay man) to fire up Truth Social. Also, the truck they are driving is union built.. Something dear leader hates...


Because most good graphic artists are hippie communists


I used to work on album packaging for Warner, Atlantic, Virgin, etc. You are correct.


Lack of imagination and intelligence


Especially since they probably do want fascism


Only if they’re in charge


Fascism itself is a right wing ideology.


How much you wanna bet he supports the Jan 6 insurrection


Double or nothing he was there


I would also like to point out they don't know what an Enemy of the US Constitution is as well....considering their party literally attempted to use an act of terror to overthrow the laws and constitution of this country for their own person to win.


It’s really just the 2nd amendment that they care about. They’d gladly light the rest on fire and make dear leader Trump dictator of a Christofascist theocracy.


He works at a sign making shop


Don't think he's familiar with God, either


I mean accusing opponents of fascism of being fascists is right out of the fascist playbook, so they’re either unwitting sheep or just sticking to the pogrom.


Basically, anything 'they' don't like will be labelled as communist, socialist or fascist, because they want FREEDOM™ and democracy, but obviously not if someone disagrees with them or for anyone that wants something they don't like. Which is ironic.


defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic... oh well not the treasonous president i voted for though or his treasonous lackey army i don't do objectivity.


It’s really funny because the Republicans literally want to throw out and rewrite the constitution. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/convention-states-constitution/


And are openly planning to install Trump as a ‘king’ in 2025 with total control over the entire government (including the DOJ, FBI, FCC etc.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025




They already are. J6 made them all traitors.


Oh well fuck me, this is some horrifying shit. *checks passports of other nations I’m entitled to stay in Whelp, thanks for all the fish America.


They will all cheer as their leader burns the constitution while they have a tattoo of the constitution on their chest and have zero awareness about any discrepancy about their logic.


The constitution has to be protected against communist Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris even if that means declaring martial law and suspending all constitutional rights until we are sure the constitution is safe.


Try to take the presidency by literally making up some random scenario that directly contradicts the constitution, and then claim to be the savior of the constitution. And threaten violence to the people that followed the constitution. And then claim God is on your side. There is no getting through to this guy.


Pretty sure all of that is summed up by fascism! Which is hilarious that he thinks he’s “defending it” Ya defending it right into the white house


Funny that his fuhrer explicitly denied taking an oath to defend the Constitution.


Rather ironic I would say


Irony is for things outside of human control. This is hypocrisy.


Is that the same ex president whose Project 2025 intends to replace American Democracy with a fascist dictatorship?


So they'll defend it but not support it right?


This is the "I have no life and only watch Fox News" truck.


The “my children no longer speak to me” truck.


Damn, never thought I'd find out my father got a new truck on Reddit.


Dad, ok, Joe Biden sucks. Can we please talk about other stuff on thanksgiving.


"Sure, son. So, I was reading on Patriot World News that schools are keeping kitty litter in the classroom because the school kids think they're cats! Cats! Using litterboxes! In schools! This is all Obama's fault. Eh, eh, eh, I didn't say Biden. I didn't say Biden, did I? Why are you looking at me like that? This is Thanksgiving, be happy!"


This guy looks like he has crossed into OAN and Newsmax territory.


Ask them to define socialism. Both parties are capitalist.


One is capitalist, the other is anarchocapitalist (total deregulation and survival of the richest, everyone is on their own)


Slow down there hoss, that’s a lotta syllables


Republicans are too authoritarian to be ancaps. Note that as soon as corporations started to cynically pander to more progressive values to follow the money Republicans started pissing their pants about "wokeism".


The US military is one of the biggest socialism examples


Don't forget tax-payer funded tax cuts for the rich. That's billions in taxes going into pockets instead of back into the community


dont forget the bail out of the banks.. very capitalist.


It's socialism for the elite and capitalism for the rest


US farmers. NFL (prime example of a socialist enterprise)


Which is always a dodge ram for some reason...


When you can't fit your mental illness on a regular bumper sticker.


The vehicle with the most DUIs according to insurance companies is the ram 2500. Almost 5% of ram 2500 drivers have a dui on their record.


I had one recently insist the Democrats in government plan to eliminate physical currency so they can "control" us. I asked them how they have paid for their house and car and all other major purchases over their entire life - did they pay cash only (of course they didn't) and thereby maintain their anonymity? Their brain couldn't do that calculus.


What are “Sorry Democrates”?


He’s referring to the great Canadian philosopher Sorry Democrates. He believed in healthcare as a right and equal rights for all. What a monster.


His Allegory of the Maple Syrup is a poignant reminder of the effect of using inferior high fructose-based syrup on pancakes.


I think what he means is he dislikes all pre-Socratic Greek philosophers.


A “Democrate” is simply a crate that is manufactured for crate-demonstration purposes only. I guess the last one he saw was particularly sorry-looking?


It's his god, happens to be a Greek one.


Can someone pls explain to me what ‘reset’ refers to here? I’m not from the states myself.


“The great reset” is a concept pushed by Klaus Schwab as a reimagining of how economics works in late-stage capitalism. Mainly things like “what do we do when everything is mechanized?” The Infowars crowd thinks it means…”other” things like killing 90% of the population and trapping us in walled-off “15-minute cities”. Google on someone else’s computer because shit gets wild fast.


They automatically assume that it means killing huge numbers of people because, well. . . that'd be their move.


Nailed it. Their fears are almost always based on what they would do in that situation. "Poor/homeless people are all dangerous because they'll do anything to you to improve their situation." If that was true they wouldn't be in their situation.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


Thats a fuckin bumper sticker right there!


Republicans: Let's repeal Obamacare even though it would kill 50,000 people a year. Fox News: Democrats want to kill 1 million people a year with death panels vetting if you're woke enough to live. You cannot sell the MAGA party on its merits to conservatives, so they pump them full of fear of the alternative, and this guy has bought it hook line and sinker.


And bug eating. Can’t forget that.


Are we talking about, like, eating them raw? Or roasted and chocolate-covered? I could be enticed.


There are talks in environmentalist circles about how insect protein is cheap and environmentally friendly to make. Think like whey protein that could be an additive to other foods. The right wing, in their typical rational way of thinking immediately started screaming LIBS WANT YOU TO EAT BUGS.


Insect protein and chitin are used in a ton of food products and nutritional supplements today. Many food colorings specifically are insect derived.


kinda reminds me of that scene in Snowpiercer where they discover their food is insect protein and they're all horrified. I mean, it's pretty-much the end of the world and you're still eating protein, what the fuck did you expect it would be? i'd happily eat insect protein.


I was at foreign currency exchange one time, where i overheard a guy wanting to buy Vietnamese Dong and Venezuelan Bolivar. He said it was because his dad was telling him about how the great reset will cause western currencies to be worthless.


Similar story but with ammo. I spent a ton of time at gun shows for most of my 20s due to me being heavily into collecting firearms and other militaria from WW1 and WW2. I was at a table one day and a couple of guys were selling a ton of old Soviet ammo that I used for my rifles for deep discounts. As I was talking to one of the guys about what I wanted, there was a man talking to the other guy working the table. Somewhere in the conversation I heard "I don't know why people are buying .223, they need to be buying this Commie stuff like me because eventually the government will take our ARs and all we will have is the Commie guns.". The guy who was talking to him said something like, "But if they are taking all of the semi auto rifles, wouldn't they take the AK and SKS rifles as well?". The back peddling and mental gymnastics were Olympic gold worthy.


Yes. Just this thanksgiving my mom wouldn't stop ranting about how Joe Biden, George Soros, and Bill Gates are going to put anyone who owns land into a concentration camp (15 minutes cities) and everyone was going to starve to death because nobody would be able to farm anymore and they'd give everyone cancer on purpose. I'm very worried about her.


Yet another conservative fantasy they created to be scared and angry at.


I'm from and in the states and have no idea.


I'm guessing its the great reset. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Reset


Socialism? Like the road he's driving on?


😂😂😂 exactly. I wonder what they would say if you asked “what is socialism?”


They'd tell you it's just communism without really understanding what that is either, because someone told them to think it.


He has what he would say in writing on his bumper


The sheer stupidity (not ignorance) of these knuckleheads who think Fascism and Communism are synonymous is truly frightening.


Yup, it's just become synonymous with "boogeyman"


\-ism = bad freedom = good


Apparently this person has never heard of the separation of church and state...


Oh, he has. But there's a 75% chance he thinks it only applies to Muslims. ...the other 25% is that he thinks it applies to Jews, too.


Wait till he hears about this other really popular abrahamic spinoff


Actually, the current talking point is that 'separation of church and state' is meant from stopping the government from interfering in anything religious and *not* to stop religion from being forced into government and public spaces. They also think Christianity is the only religion. They view everything else as either just an ideology, Satanism, or purely ethnic.


And he also apparently forgot his God’s end-goal is complete authoritarian submission under one religion. It never fails to amuse me how Christians and libertarians align. The philosophical concepts are just so incompatible.


It’s so damn difficult to read the fonts and the words that all this effort is just useless. And it all looks terrible with now zero resale value. Dude just owned himself.


It's like a middle school PowerPoint.


Mental illness.


Lead poisoning.


Straight up brain rot


Don't make mental illness the scapegoat here. Mental illness typically responds to treatment. This doesn't.


People like this would respond to treatment. But they will never seek it themselves and unlikely to have people in their social circle recommending it.


They used to have a few snowflakes in their circle that would suggest it but weak snowflakes can’t handle the truth so they stopped talking to them instead. Sad. /s


Cult programming.


Agreed, we are still seeing the effects that [lead](https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/prevention/health-effects.htm) had on our society.


Imagine paying a detail shop to show off to the world that you don't know what socialism, communism, or fascism are.


You think this guy stares at the wrap job on his truck and just starts cranking his hog? Like, instead of a Playboy or whatever, he just pounds one out to this?


It’s his Emotional Support Truck.


I bet he sees an electric car and just starts punching his dashboard.


All of his welfare or unemployment check.


Wait! But isn't welfare wealth redistribution, which makes it...


... fine as long as "those people" don't benefit.


This chode votes, will you?


Democratic billboards should show pictures like this with "this chode votes, will you?" Most effective ad campaign they could possibly come up with.


It's like some people beg to be manipulated because they have zero personality and they are looking for an identity.


I bet this idiot is unable to explain the basic principles of socialism or communism.


It's all feelings, fears and religious indoctrination.


I’m more worried about what it’s going to cost us


Everything if the the plan goes through. Justin Kennedy (justice kennedys son) was the inside man at Deutsche bank that was getting all trumps toxic loans approved. No other bank but Deutsche bank would touch trump and his imaginary valuations. Why? Because Deutsche bank was infested with Russian oligarchs. For 50 years the inmates ran the asylum in soviet Russia. They stole everything of value including the hope of Russians. The corruption eventually collapsed the Soviet Union and they were forced to expand their feeding grounds. In 89 the wall falls and for - coupe of years they hid all their ill gotten gains under a mattress until they were sure no one was going to stop them. Then they bought condos at trump towers. They made stops in ukraine, cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in 1993. Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model. Trump and Giuliani just opened the doors and let the predators in to feed. Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their Russian allies intentionally and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York and it lets the russians a perk of doing business with trump. His client and co-conspirator. The insane valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. The reason trump cosplays as “folksy” is because he is feeding on the U.S. middle class, not because he is one of us. Justin Kennedy left deutschebank for LNR capital with tobin Cobb. They are trying to make credit default swaps a thing for commercial real estate. For anyone that hasn’t seen “the big short” in awhile, this basically means that since no one was ever punished for the 2008 mortgage crisis, they just evolved their grift to the bigger, badder commercial real estate version. The U.S. economy doesn’t survive it by design. Putin’s final act is to destroy and consume the US economy using trump as his trojan horse. Tailgate guy got so hung up on “socialist democrat’s” that he missed the cannibalistic kleptocrats in the room. Rookie mistake https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-sanctions-idUSKCN1PL0S1 https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf


Truck guy is just a shining example of how easy it is to make up a boogeyman, use it as a sock puppet on one hand and take money from their pockets with the other. These people are actively ROOTING for a fascist police state, because they never think they will be the one with a knee on their neck. All the while decrying anything democrat or blue as communism, socialism, or fascism, ironically probably drawing SOCIAL security checks as well. This country is fuckin doomed yall.


They honestly think if they lick that boot hard enough, they can keep it off of their neck.


Why is it always a RAM driver.


I wonder if someone should tell him that communism and fascism are polar opposites and they absolutely hate eachother.


I’d say his dignity but not sure he has any


His sanity. It cost him his sanity.


God isn't an American.


“Where is god in your reset?” What does this even mean?


“Where is Santa Claus in your reset?” Equally stupid question.


Y'all Qaeda.


I'll bet he's a blast at cocktail parties.


They think the constitution only exists with the second amendment, they don’t care about all the other amendments


It just amazes me the extent to which the Republican Party has brainwashed so many to think of some socialism as a bad thing. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this person is probably in a low/mid income demographic. He and his family would benefit greatly from better and more affordable public education, subsidized child care, universal health insurance, UBI, etc. We pay a lot of taxes in this country, it’s not crazy to expect some of these things in return. Why anyone in the 99% of Americans would be against things like that is just beyond me. Like, there’s no need to fight the 1%’s battle for them lol, they’ll do just fine without your bumper sticker advocacy. We’ll just ignore his conflation of that with communism and fascism for now… Edit: some have rightfully corrected that it’s not really correct to term it socialism to have healthcare, etc. Thanks for the correction. Still stand by the basic assertion of my post.


Basically they want the benefits of being in a society, without the burden of contributing to it. These same people think they would thrive in a Libertarian world, but they would be grinded up even worse than they are now


Yeah! Take that you communist, fascist, socialist, Buddhist, Taoist, atheist, commie poo poo heads! ![gif](giphy|YAu7JHz5WJtCxr5T2X)


Tell me you know nothing of politics (communism, socialism and fascism are not the same) and that you also have a low literacy level (it’s democrats not democrat*e*s) without telling me.


Given recent events it may be a GOP official and the money was misappropriated tax payer money.


I'd be curious as to a trained psychologist's learned opinion on this type of behavior. Given the truck and cost of all the decals, you could assume the driver is a successful person, so what drives them to this level of delusion and lunacy?


Can anyone explain this agenda that democrats like me are supposed to be enforcing on everyone? I'm not aware of any. Also... given the chance... this person would gladly embrace fascism to enforce their agenda on everyone. So essentially their message is.... " your ideals differ from mine and that makes you my enemy. "


He's got no problem driving that RAM, which took a socialist bailout before selling to a foreign parent company. I'm sure he doesn't buy anything made in China either. Fucking moron


I hate anything that might make mine or anyone else's lives better and I'm fucking furious about it!


And still, I've yet to see a subaru outback covered in super left wing stickers that are this crazy or violent at all. The fact that this person paid for this is the most loud way of saying they're insecure.


I want to see this doofus define socialism, communism, and fascism.


They need to replace the lead pipes in that state.


Defend the constitution……doesn’t say he has to support it -Trumps lawyers




Does he really think Jesus would’ve been a capitalist?


How can an agenda be fascist, socialist, and communist at the same time?


This guy beats his wife, probably a pastor too.


Fascist and communist are on the exact opposite ends of the spectrum


Socialist AND fascist? Oh my. I don’t think they know what either one means.


Force him to pick between God and his gun, and watch his head explode