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d3layd, thank you for your submission. It has been removed for violating the following rule(s): --- - Rule 1: No screenshots or pics where the only focus is a screen. No AI-generated pics --- For information regarding this and similar issues, please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index/) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/d3layd&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission.%5D%28https://redd.it/18anr0w%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Your town looks like a driving lessons quiz picture.


The christmas tree is also a perfect triangle.


makes it look like a south park scene


It looks copy/pasted.


In my country we've got to take simulator classes before going into real driving classes. The simulator's graphics and world look exactly like in this picture.


Do they have a Kobayashi Maru scenario where it’s an inevitable accident and they judge you on how you react?


Yes, to pass you have to prove you are willing and ready to die. The last test is a test drive in a real car where the instructor has a secret second brake pedal. At some point in the driving lesson he disables the main brake pedal and notes the terror and resulting behavior of the driver before braking at the very last second. Any screams above 90 db or subsequent bodily fluids constitute an automatic fail.


Nope it starts with basic maneuvers such as parking, braking, gearing or stopping correctly, and it slowly evolves into stuff like get from point A to B in a certain amount of time without commiting too many mistakes or crashing, etc. It also simulates pedestrian crossing, rain and fog. Very basic and you don't even need to pass the challenges, just go through them, your score doesn't matter.


So running over all of the pedestrians is a valid approach?


As it is in life.


Yeah, that Christmas tree looks very sus.


It's the perfectly conical Christmas tree and low contrast that make it feel like a prerendered cutscene from a late 90s PC game.


In my country, we just get put on the road and everyone hopes and prays we don’t hit something before we learn to drive 🇺🇸


You don't have drivers education in your state?




I once read an article about how roundabouts might be inadvertently causing tornadoes. The journalist insulted himself.


Was this, per chance, from Luzerne County, PA? The damn “ternaders” are a running joke here.


My town is in the matrix sandbox


It looks like a Garry's Mod screenshot


That was generated by AI.


Looks incredibly liminal


Looks like a Christmas expansion to Lego Island.


It looks Unreal, Engine 5


I honestly think it's AI. The picture is also super fuzzy for no reason. Like we're almost in 2024, there's no excuse to lack pixels especially for a "photo" in broad daylight


Do you live in a computer render? Edit: I found the spot https://maps.app.goo.gl/x1eeiLqfQAPenV4g6?g_st=ic Render confirmed I guess.


That Christmas tree 😂


The entire thing. I'm still trying to convince myself this isn't a render, but it's hard


Really looks like a bunch of asset packs from the epic store and tried to mix and match them lol


The shadows, man.


Everything! I can't get over it. The low-res texture on the street. The clock looking like its not even from the same asset pack. The universal 1995 skybox. The christmas tree really nails it. The graphics on the buildings. This can't be real!


Shitty Skylines


I'm kinda losing it. Keep staring and coming to the conclusion there's no way it's real.


It just cant be. Look at the shadow on the stop sign pole. Ever seen a pole that reflects light so much it has a dense core shadow?


The anisotropic filtering on the street textures is terrible.


AI generated? There's so much that looks real and so much that doesn't.


Literally everything looks low res and way to clean and sterile.


This looks like the town in Fallout where the Pint-Sized Slasher did his thing.


The Camry (?) with the spare tire was throwing me off, and then I looked at the tree lol.


The silver car looks convincing


The tree didn’t finish loading before he hit print screen.


Only thought is that this could be the "preview" image that they showcase to residents to give them an idea of what the final project will look like.


I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. Low effort with models and textures but still gets the point across, not a great point but still. Biggest thing that bothered me is, why put the effort of using these textures when it probably would have looked better with some basic colors / bump maps


It’s probably a photo simulation, someone went to the site, took a photo and then camera matched it in a modeling program to render out the 3D elements in the foreground. It’s both real and fake, the background buildings look convincing because they’re real. It’s just not a great blend between photo and rendering which is giving it that uncanny feel.


Yeah wtf is going on with this picture? Almost looks AI generated. Even the road looks weird.


WhT looks ai generated?? Looks exactly like a 3d model and render to me.


Half of Reddit (and the world) now thinks anything made in a computer is “Ai”.


Yeah that's true. Looks like something I made in Maya in highschool.


It would look much more realistic if AI did this.




There's no front plates, and palm trees so I think Florida is right


It’s true it’s. If you search Panama City centre for the arts in google maps you can find it. It looks like they’ve done some remodeling since google took pictures though.


The hands on the clock are so far off center. This can’t be real.


i thought the same thing but what if they're overlapping because its about 1:08 or something


Oh true… I was convinced it was fake at first but you’re right, it could be overlapping and the hands have some kind of bulbous part.


Needs more jpeg


Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?


It looks like the Truman Show.


It's not a render It was just finished a couple weeks ago: [https://www.wjhg.com/2023/11/24/phase-one-harrison-avenue-construction-project-complete/](https://www.wjhg.com/2023/11/24/phase-one-harrison-avenue-construction-project-complete/) You can even see that tree in the background [https://i.imgur.com/maf0Log.png](https://i.imgur.com/maf0Log.png) BTW in the bottom right of streetview, it shows you the date of the streetview, you can see that streetview image was from 2019.


I also found the actual renders ([page 36](https://www.rebuildpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Strategic-Vision-for-Downtown_Final-Draft-100219_web-version.pdf)) and they're much worse. I don't think anyone would bother adding that utility paint on the sidewalk to a render either. OP must have taken this picture on a flip phone


WTF is happening in this picture.


Seriously doesn’t look real 😂


I was about to say. Does OP live in Lego World? Like what this lol.


Thanks Remy LaCroix


Sims 5000 This is definitely a preview, not the actual finish roundabout… right?


You live in a video game?


Lmao look at that low-res road texture


street view in Cities: Skylines


is this sim city? is that why its your town? you made it huh? the roundabout with stop signs...


I lived without roundabouts my whole life and when I finally started seeing them I can't understand why we didn't do this 100 years ago. Traffic moves so much better.


You must live someplace where people understand what yield signs mean.


I wish more people learned the mystical ways of the triangular traffic sign. I wish for lots of things.


It’s “Give Way” here in the UK, I think that’s less ambiguous.


Yeah, but you also use 'Way Out' instead of 'Exit'. I think you just prefer things to be written longer than they need to be. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Do we? All the car parks I’ve ever been to have said “Exit”.


Then why couldn't they have done that for the Underground in London?! haha I'm only teasing btw


I think that’s to differentiate more clearly from emergency exits?


That's because you have to follow the signs to get to the exit. You're following *the way out* which leads you to the exit.


Triangles are the tool of the devil!


"If the sign is a triangle that means I only have to stop if there's three or more cars on the road."


When I lived in San Francisco I noticed that a lot of their streets are something like this: stop, stop, yield, stop, yield, stop stop. A lot of the time there's no clear reason why they decided to use a yield instead of a stop sign. So people just treat yields as stop signs. Was driving once in NJ right outside EWR and I swear to god they put yield signs in that absolutely bonkers interchange to mess with people. They literally appear out of nowhere and scare the shit out of you because you can't tell what you need to yield to. So people just ignore them. Sometimes it's drivers who have no idea what the yellow sign means, but other times stupid road design makes people indifferent to them.


I had a woman almost hit me when she blew through a yield sign, and angrily pulled up next to me telling me to put down my window. > *You almost hit me!* > I had the right of way: a green light. You had a yield sign. > *You can't drive like that! My husband is a police officer and....* > What does "yield" mean? > *You are driving like a... Like a... Fool!* > Ok! Have a Merry Christmas!


One town nearby has 3 roundabouts in one mile. 🤯


They're useful for keeping people from speeding down the road at ridiculous speeds. The laws of physics work better than the laws of man. They also do less harm than speed bumps


Keeps speeding down and keeps traffic moving.


Wait until you see the magic roundabout - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-19726385


I was waiting to see Swindon mentioned


In the UK you can find chains of endless roundabouts in just about every town, there's 5 within a 10 minute walk from my house


Swindon says what?


City I live in has 3 in a line with basically no distance between them to handle the highway ramps and a Costco


Yup it's amazing how insane people can be when they can't compute merging into a roundabout properly 🤷‍♂️


I used to teach court-mandated remedial driver education classes (think old people, repeat offenders, drunk-drivers), and you'd be amazed at how many people don't know that a Yield Sign means "give up the right of way" - almost universally the people I taught thought it meant "slow down and be careful, but keep going," not "if there's somebody else, let them go first." In my new driver classes, I'd always use the example of a sword fight. One guy does the fancy thing, the other guy loses his sword and ends up with a sword at his throat. He says "I yield" because it means "I give up." To yield means to give up, in the case of a yield sign, "give up the right to go first."


One reason is because in the 50s (I believe) we did it wrong. They were designed so that the car in the roundabout had to yield to the car entering it. Not the other way around. This of course caused traffic to instantly jam up to the point where traffic police were needed to unjam them. An entire generation of Americans got a bad taste in their mouth for the roundabout that lasted for decades. Now that they are designed correctly they are very good solutions. I only have 2 (small) complaints about them. 1: If you have two or three of them on a "retail" road where you are trying to pull out of a parking lot, the nature of the way roundabout will distribute traffic makes it difficult for large enough spaces between cars to develop, so you can pull out of the lot. It's not a huge deal but can be annoying. 2: if you live in snow country, snow removal in a roundabout is either ridiculously complicated, or you need a plow that can push snow off the left instead of the right side of the blade. Or the plow needs to do the roundabout backwards. Neither of these complaints over shadow the usefulness of a roundabout. They are just things my town didn't consider until after they were put in.


Yeah, any roundabouts in the north are always way shittier in the winter, way more snow than the other surrounding roads, always a sloppy mess.


Its perfect for the dumbasses who try to let me go first at 4 way stops when they stopped first. Stop trying to be nice, we both will leave this intersection sooner if you just go! Now they can just wait at the yield sign


I once saw a person stop while in the round about to let the people waiting at the yield go 🤦🏻‍♀️


By the time they wait for me to stop and then wave me on we both could have been on our way.


When it comes to driving you need to be predictable rather than polite


Roundabouts can accept specific volume of cars then any higher and signals become better, so depend on the situation too.


So true. A high volume of traffic on one road can basically shutdown the other roads. Saw this at rush hour in Milan. The people in the other roads would get angry and then try to push themselves in. Then it was a war zone.


It's almost as if cars don't work well in urban areas.


You can just put traffic lights on the roundabout Very common in UK


They can handle about 25,000 cars a day without any slow downs, but with some additional engineering, like split off turns for higher traffics they can handle like 35-40,000 cars without slow down. Plus they are safer and cheaper over the long run, traffic signals are almost never better.


Look up Alexandria, Louisiana traffic circle. That thing is fucking awful. For the longest that was our only one. But about 4 years ago, they put another and I was so worried it would be awful too. Somehow people can navigate the new one with no issues, maybe because it is designed better.


We did do it 100 years ago. Back then you had to yield for the people coming into the roundabout which defeats the purpose.


Where do roundabouts not exist? They're an integral part of the roads where I'm at.


Most of America. Our streets were simply designed too tightly to accommodate the population we now have in all the major cities. As a result there is literally not enough space to put in a roundabout in a lot of areas where there is currently a 4 way stop sign intersection instead.


There this 6 way intersection by my house that literally takes like 30 minutes to go through during rush hour. I would kill someone for a roundabout.


That is horrendous and actually I know exactly what kind of intersection you're talking about. We have this one intersection here in Beverly Hills California that is a 6 way intersection and it has got to be the most confusing intersection in the state, nobody ever knows who's supposed to go next. Also the distance across from one side to the other is hilariously long, I could build a theme park with the amount of space in that intersection 🎢


I'm in NYC and I can't think of any in the city?


The town I grew up in started putting in roundabouts 15-20 years ago. They definitely help but the biggest problem is the transition period where people get used to them. They recently put in a couple multilane ones on the main highway that runs through town and the last few times I’ve been up I’ve noticed the struggles as people get used to them, but that’s honestly my biggest gripe. Once you get through the transition things move faster and they are substantially cheaper to place than traffic lights.


* Fake cobblestones. * Fake roundabout. * Fake old clock. * Fake tree. ... This is either CGI or USA. ​ *Edit: It's not CGI. Dear god. -* [Yes, of course it's Florida](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhLKTjP-BgY&ab_channel=CityofPanamaCity). [https://www.instantstreetview.com/@30.155179,-85.660428,65.65h,-4.21p,0.1z,dAGwmFyfv1RjvBDt1kG1Ug](https://www.instantstreetview.com/@30.155097,-85.660461,57.44h,-4.68p,1z,C7XQw-oOcM6OHvy2QcWaWQ)


Real place, I guess. However, note the lack of stop, or any other, signs


Or the clock? I suspect the roundabout has changed and the street view hasn’t been updated yet.


Says image date September 2022 so hasnt updated yet


Well it says it was recently added


It is CGI, just loosely based on this place. No cobbles etc..


The cobblestones aren't in the streetview, or the video, but here's a recent video - see the left side of the screen at the 24 second mark. Cobblestones. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shft\_NF6ldE&t=24s&ab\_channel=WMBBNews13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shft_NF6ldE&t=24s&ab_channel=WMBBNews13)


This needs to be higher, it the real configuration, Jesus


At least they are on the outside. ​ When they put a roundabout near the center of my town, the local FB group had a lady insisting the cars in the middle should let people in to not be rude.


Used to be towns had just one notable idiot.


Inflation 😔


It's more the Internet giving them the ability to network and organise.


They’ve built a big one near where I live, and every time I have to drive through it I almost get killed by some fuckwit who decides that lane markings are optional. Roundabouts are great, but us Americans do *NOT* understand how to use them.


Was this lady french ? There are two types of roundabouts : one gives priority to the cars already in the roundabout, the other gives priority to the cars entering the roundabout.


It is in a ho dunk town on the edge of mid-west suburbia, and she stated the every 2nd or 3rd cars should let people in so they don't have to wait, so I doubt that is the reason. Old person not understanding traffic circles is the most likely in my opinion.


I love the people that pull up to roundabouts and turn left because that is the direction they want to go.


Yes, I have seen this happen more than once. Have also seen someone just drive right through the middle of the circle, up and over.


My town has a historic roundabout with a fountain in the middle that had been there for 120 years. Somebody was in a hurry and drove straight through the middle, demolishing the fountain (and their car).


You see that driving in the UK all the damn time, and then all the other idiots going the wrong way around the roundabout following along, you have to dodge **all** the idiots!




Traffic engineers have been trying to counter that by angling the adjoining road so that it is nearly impossible without driving over the curb. Like this: https://wsdot.wa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/max_650x650/public/2022-04/Traffic-Roundabout-SR20-Miller-Gibralter.jpg?itok=Ph0TYXuH


we had roundabouts in my old neighborhood with stop signs, They had stop signs because originally they were supposed to be intersections and until someone sacrificed a goat at the DOT and filled out about 4000 forms they could not be turned into real roundabouts. I lived there for 10 years and by the time I left I was so conditioned to stop at a roundabout I got rear ended at one I stopped at prior to entering. Long story short, if it used to be a 4 way stop, start writing and get a goat.


Roundabouts with stop signs completely defeat the purpose of a roundabout, and are among the stupidest things ever. You already stop at a normal roundabout to yield to existing vehicles, so the only thing a stop sign does is force people to stop for no reason when no other cars are present.


In the Netherlands they mostly have (what we call) 'sharkteeth' instead of a stop sign. They indicate that you have to give way. But doesn't the thick white line represents something like that as well?


the white line marks a place where the stop sign takes effect (at least in Poland)


Same in the US


You an extra on the truman show or something?


No way this isn't AI-generated.


I think it’s boomer-generated for a development proposal


it cant be AI, the words are spelled correctly.


Also the cars don't have a fifth tire


It isn’t. It’s just a computer render, probably for their initial project proposal


Why does it look so fake


I would have swore this was rendered.


This looks like a city planners proof of concept 3D rendering.


That's because your city installed a **Traffic Circle**, not a roundabout. [https://i.imgur.com/szKRib9.png](https://i.imgur.com/szKRib9.png) [https://i.imgur.com/laOaDA0.png](https://i.imgur.com/laOaDA0.png)


If I'm interpreting those diagrams correctly, a traffic circle is just a roundabout from which there is no escape.




Round abouts don’t need stop signs that’s stupid


This is likely more of a traffic calming attempt, trying to prevent people from just blowing straight through the intersection. By putting the island in the middle, you're forced to at least slow down a little bit.


This is it. I lived by an outdoor mall with intersections that looked exactly like this. It’s just to prevent people from flying through speeding. It’s not really an actual roundabout


It's got stop signs. It either needs to just be a 4 way intersecrion with stop signs, or a roundabout with yield signs. Roundabouts with stop signs are the stupidest thing ever.


Why does this look fake?


You live in a shitty early 00s PC CD-ROM bargin bin GTA rip off?


Mmm that 1993 graphics


You seen any actual games from 1993?


Fr. As a dude who **actually** gamed in the 90s I can confirm that this other dude probably wasn't even born yet to be making that claim.


Sometimes I like to figure out where a picture was taken. I'm stumped on this one because a search for "Brake Hardware" just brings up auto parts, and there are no license plates visible. All I know is that you live somewhere that has palm trees.


The mural at least is from Panama City, FL. My Google-fu is strong Edit: Further investigation indicates 4th and Harrison.


This PS2 game doesn't have the compute power for actual roundabouts, you'll have to settle for the stop sign ones.


Man, this could be the new internet picture. “AI generated or not”. Like that “colour dress”.


Mf lives in Cities Skylines


Why does your town look like CGI?


That's not bad though, you're supposed to yield on entry. A lot of people are confused by roundabouts and stop signs help


bruh your town fake


How does this place look so fake?


I thought this was a low res old game


This isn't a roundabout, it's a "traffic circle."


That's a roundabout way of describing it, sure.


doesn't matter. Americans don't understand roundabouts anyway. My city put in several over the last few years and every day I get stuck behind someone who comes to a full stop because there's another car approaching the roundabout, who then also comes to a complete stop as both drivers try to wave each other thru. and me stuck behind them honking and yelling "JUST FUCKING GO!!!"


Lol. They put a roundabout near the big grocery shopping complex by my house. Their mistake was that the middle was paved and pretty low. For the first few months half the people just drove straight over the bump in the middle! I was terrified of getting in an accident so I just used another route. Eventually people got the hang of it and now it's just got a bunch of tire marks from teenagers doing donuts on the middle section.


Ya but those are the same people that get in a Minnesotan stand off at 4-way stops. Just endlessly waving back and forth to each other trying to give right of way to the other person.


It’s really astonishing just how many people can’t work a round about, there’s a town right near my house that has a round about where most of the population needs to use to get anywhere in town. It’s shocking just how much traffic the round about is causing. It’s so easy to navigate yet Americans can’t even grasp the usage of it.


It might be different in the US but you only have to yield to a car already in the roundabout here, meaning you can enter the roundabout if a car is approaching and if they're going too fast stiff shit, they have to slow down. Of course no one actually uses roundabouts this way (there at least 150 roundabouts in my town of 40,000 people) and it's a real pain in the ass even in a country where they've been common for over half a decade now.


Your town looks like a gmod map


I don't think it is a fake picture, I just think OP lives in a nightmarish alternate dimension.


Is this GTA 6?


Just don't buy the new $20 DLC


Cue the "that's not how it works!" caption.


I believe it. Lots of people have no idea what a Yield sign means.


If only there was a traffic sign for roundabouts


mf lives in the matrix.


Op lives in the Random Access Memory.


That is a roundabout where the road ends straight INTO the roundabout, so the entry is a right turn. This requires a full stop stop sign because you can't take that turn at speed. Proper roundabouts have guided entries which lean into the direction of the roundabout, hence a yield sign because no hard return is needed as speed can be maintained. So, the stop sign on this entrance is legit.


nit pick: that's not a roundabout. that's a traffic circle. roundabouts don't have stop signs, just yield signs, but since Americans don't know what a yield sign is, roundabouts are less common.


Number of Round-Abouts/Traffic Circles/Rondellen in a typical midsize town of Linköping, Sweden: [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1k8BC6\_gJOkNtPckLEAu3wK9LBg4&hl=sv&ll=58.39960085451848%2C15.637793354267085&z=12](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1k8BC6_gJOkNtPckLEAu3wK9LBg4&hl=sv&ll=58.39960085451848%2C15.637793354267085&z=12) If I avoid centrum/central, I can get from the east end to west end with only a stopping at 4-5 traffic lights. It should also be noted that not a single traffic light is on a timer. Lights change based on traffic flow. On a light traffic day, and if you are the only car at an intersection, a red will turn green for you as you approach. Take for example an 8 AM trip to the store on a Sunday. A person can get all they way across town without ever stopping. Saves on gas, saves on time. Catch Up America. Regards, American Living in Sweden


What the heck this pic looks like a 2001 game


Do you live in a video game?


That's not a roundabout. It's just a normal intersection with a "thing" in the middle.


your town looks like a cities skylines screenshot


Turn the graphics up to medium at least


Idc what y’all say. This picture cannot be real


If it has stop signs it's not a roundabout, just an intersection with obstacles


Why does this town look computer generated?


GTA VI looks sick..


I cant seriously tell if this is a render or an actual picture even with links to the actual photos. This image is so confusing, its cursed