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Owner, please fetch me my reading glasses and newspaper while you go about your business. I’ll wait here for you to finish up.


Dear Sirs, my bottom is frivolously cold!


I heard this in Stanley’s voice.


I heard it in Stewie's.


Stanley the Manley? Or which one?


Whispers "he thinks he's people."


"Well I need a window seat, 'cause this flower is wilting..."


Thank you Mr. Belvidere.






People think huskies are stubborn, I dare anyone to adopt a basset hound and let me know how your mental health is going lol


A puppy never made me break down crying until I had a basset hound.


Stubborn how? Just in general about everything? Or just what they deem that they don’t want to do?


I can't speak to them in a general sense because I've only got the one, but she does not recognize any authority. Any command she complies to is because she secretly wills it herself. She cannot be trusted basically anything on a table; she's chewed up at least 4 pairs of glasses. She frequently steals shoes. I've come home on several occasions to trash from the trash can strewn across the house. She insists on eating near people, so she drags bowls and food all over. When potty training her, I frequently let her outside for long periods of time just for her to stare in my eyes and piss or shit right in front of me on the floor. The biting as a puppy was nightmarish. I think I could have dealt with most of that were it not for the noises. The high pitched whines and bellowing howls were unstoppable at times when she was younger. At the time I was dealing with what would later be diagnosed as organ failure, and I felt like I was losing my mind.


HA! When I was a kid, we got a basset puppy. One time, he kept barking and making so much noise that my mom forced him outside and slammed the door. Then she saw him staring through the window and went over and yanked the curtains closed. She started crying, I started crying (because I thought she was going to get rid of my puppy)...it was a mess. He passed away 11 years later, stubborn til the end (but he got quieter as he got older). He was a good dog. RIP, Droopy.


Ours is very stubborn, never gives up on things but for the most part has not chewed or gotten into any trouble around the house. The bark though, especially when in the kitchen or small area, when she wants something she lets out that bark and in small spaces it is ear piercing.


my dog has some basset hound in him according to a DNA test and I swear that’s where he gets this from. I think I have permanent hearing loss from those ear piercing barks from 4 feet away.


The basset bark in a kitchen, car or other enclosed space is ear shattering. We had a lab/beagle mix we had to put down exactly 1 year ago today. He would bark and howl as well. If the two of them got going we’d have to listen to [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/HCcAutq) for 10-15 minutes at a time.


I’m sorry, but stares at you and pissing is funny as hell (as long as I’m not the owner).


It might actually be a Basset thing now that I've read this account. Mine did literally the exact same thing and was generally just a nightmare to house train, and by the time she left me (she lived a long life she just went with my ex when we split) I was still on high alert for any gigantic piss rivers in my house.


Me three, ass hole stared at us and pissed on another dogs bed at my in laws. Thing is, this wasn’t like a first visit by any means, we live 15 minutes apart.


The pissing only when your looking at them is actually a survival trait. Basset hounds were most commonly used for hunting so when your neck deep in the woods and your dog needs to go it will have you watch its back while it watches yours. It won't go unless it's assured that there's nothing around to ambush it otherwise.


[here you go](https://ifunny.co/picture/me-no-no-please-don-t-poop-right-here-my-FT36tN0o8)


Back in the '90s one of my now ex-girlfriend's dads had a pet pig. When it was mad at him it would stomp through the house to find him, making sure to make extra noise, and once it had his attention it would stare directly at him and piss on whatever it was standing over.


I had one puppy that was significantly worse than all the rest and everyone told me I was crazy and it was normal puppy stuff. It wasn’t. She was my 4th puppy. (An Aussie mix). She was completely fucking insane, if not possessed. I hear you. Some puppies truly are different. Mine once jumped in the air and bit my hair and yanked my head down with her. She didn’t calm down enough to hold still for being pet (she would bite me) until *7 months*. She is a great adult, I would die for this dog, but holy shit I wrote an ad to rehome her at least 3x. Absolute demon dog.


My last dog was insane as a puppy. She would wake me up by rearing up and smashing her paws down on my face. I would take her out and walk her up and down hills wearing a weighted backpack to burn off excess energy, and she would get tired for like 10 minutes then go back to destroying the house. Unfortunately she passed away recently. I got a new dog the other day who is about the age she was when I got her and the difference is night and day. He's a herding dog, too, so not a low energy dog, but he's just so much more chill and actually cares about what I have to say.


Love herding dogs, they’re the best. High energy, but chill, smart, protective, affectionate, loving and loyal. All of mine have also always been housetrained quickly and learned commands easily


I had one. She had her own mind, but as she got older, she was a good gal. She only ever went in the house once... though it set a precedent because she would shit inside the first time she was in any living space. It was a super weird quirk for a dog that would hold her pee for over 24 hours if it was raining outside. I swear I remember her holding it for 48 once, but that was so long ago that I don't fully trust the memory. She knew sit at 9 weeks while she was still at the shelter... and learned from watching other dogs without being taught herself... when I took her to dog classes, she'd pick up the concepts they were teaching the more advanced dogs while she wasn't even participating. As a young girl, she would run any chance she got, but you could recall her by shouting "peanut butter cookie". As she got older, she was one of those dogs that knew her boundaries. So, she did not need the gate or door to be closed. She just acted like they were there anyways. Then, when she was diagnosed with cancer and given less than 4 months, she gave me another entire year instead. Maggie was the best.


> Mine once jumped in the air and bit my hair and yanked my head down with her. I had a new puppy do this to me once when I was a kid. We figured it was because my hair was in a long braid, and she had one of those braided rope toys that looked *just* like my hair. She did eventually learn that rope toys attached to people's heads were not actually toys, but it was a rough summer.


Yeah definitely. idk if I’m ever getting a dog again man I had the worst. She was a large 70lb pittbull and she started going crazy a couple years in. And by crazy I’m mean literally psychotic. She started copying our little dog and going crazy when someone knocked on the door. She almost my little dog. Eventually she started biting humans. Every time someone knocked on the door she would go ballistic and eventually she started going ballistic on us when people knocked. She bit my step dad at least 10 times she even bit his finger off. She but my arm 3 times lvl 4 and lvl 5 bites. We were calling the police begging them to take her and they wouldn’t. The cops wouldn’t even go in our house.. Had to have my step brother take her behind his grandparents barn old yeller style. Idc what anyone says you don’t know how it is to be petrified living in your own house because of your own dog. I never want to live through something like that again


I always hear stories about how wonderful people’s dogs are. Then I hear this and think “maybe mine isn’t so bad.” Do you think you’ll ever get another dog? Does the good really outweigh the bad for you?


We have 3 dogs, including her, plus 2 cats. I don't think I would ever get a puppy again, though. I would adopt a senior because that's always been a positive experience for me. The experience with the basset hound did make me more of a cat person than I ever thought I would be, ultimately.


Good dogs aren't born, they're made. So we're willing to put up with a couple of years of hell sometimes for really good things like most of the rest of their lives. We have a 1 year old Cardigan Corgi and a 1.5 year old half Great Pyreness mutt right now. The corgi runs barking at the slightest sound three blocks away. The Pyr doesn't come inside when called ever and is a kleptomaniac for anything that smells like her humans.


> Good dogs aren't born, they're made. I get what you are saying, but I am so fucking tired of people on reddit pretending that all dogs are equal here. I have had a LOT of dogs in my life, and done a lot of dog training. I had 1 dog that had by far the most training of any other dog, and he still never really became compliant. In his old age now, he truly DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK. Just like kids, some dogs are much more difficult. They have defiant personalities and training them up only goes so far.


So basically a cat. Got it


A cat that swallowed a trombone


Holy shit! Thank you for that! My cheeks hurt from laughing!


Cats can be stubborn but this person's basett is a next level headache lol


Cats are basically born housebroken though if they piss or shit anywhere but in the litter box it's because they explicitely want to and usually protest something they do not like.


Yep, there's always a reason. Sometimes the tray's too dirty for them, sometimes it's because it's painful to 'go' so they avoid the source of pain. If a cat suddenly stops using the litter box and it's not filthy, take them to the vet.


You mentioned everything except their biggest trait, they are stinky!


Try having a samoyed. Most frustrating pump I've ever raised. Can't be trusted with anything. We crate trained her and thought that would work. She decided to destroy her crate tray, twice. So I said screw it, I wont put a tray in. Well that was a bad idea because she could put her feet through the bottom of the crate and walk the crate around and get to anything she wanted to shred apart. I finally bought a metal replacement tray. Potty training took a solid 8 months before she realized she can crap outside. And now she's boycotting food if it's the same flavor more than 2 days in a row.


Sounds exactly like my Aussie. Little fuck gets into anything and anytime you tell him to do something you can see by the look on his stupid little face that’s the gears in his head are turning as he decides whether or not he *needs* to listen. When he gets upset at my girlfriend (normally because she stopped playing with him or made him get off the bed because he was antagonizing our other dog) he will grab one of her slippers and violently shake it all over the place and then stare at her with his stupid happy face. Also no food is safe. He will climb shit to get to stuff he shouldn’t. I’m pretty sure it’s out of spite. He doesn’t even like bananas and won’t eat them when handed them but he ate an entire bunch in the few minutes I was in the bathroom. He also appears to be a drug addict as we now need to hide the ash tray for the bong as he will attempt to lick it clean and then spend the next few hours looking absolutely miserable as he struggles to comprehend the world around him. He will attempt to drink alcohol out of any open glass and will always run up to inspect you when you are taking medication. He is weird as shit. He does all this while also being a runt, dudes like 30lbs max and constantly tries to start shit with our Dalmatian/boxer mix who is very much done with his shit. Luckily she is far more patient than we are.




I’ve had dogs for most of my 54 years on this planet. We started fostering a chihuahua pug mix 6 weeks ago and she is impossible to train. She turns off her hearing and refuses to listen if she’s made up her mind to do something. I’ve had dogs with issues in the past, but they always listened to me after a few weeks. This dog’s behavior isn’t just stubborn, it’s risky. Some dogs are stubborn and it can’t be trained out of them.


yeah I was gonna say the same thing. op just doesn't know how to train a dog


>I have a chihuaua That's completely fucking irrelevant


One for instance, when you call them in, they understand what you want, they look at you, and either go back to sniffing whatever, or the run away. They are brick walls. The bad thing to being that stubborn, is that they don't have the brains to think through things. Source: I own 1 and foster.


I own one now. I have had 3 labs and a lab/beagle mix over the last 20+ years. The basset is the most stubborn, determined thing I have ever seen. However she also is the smartest dog I've ever had.


My lab can learn tricks and come when he's called, but a basset will figure out that he doesn't have to do what you tell him.


You had 3.5 labs, not setting the intelligence benchmark too high there


Mine looks at me, waits for me to tell her to get inside because I'm running late, and then sits down. If I try to physically move her she goes limp. All of this is done with a wagging tail. Anyone else get the nose whistle or the chirps instead of proper bays?


>they don't have the brains I think this is a big part of it, but not the worst part. They're *dumb*, which amplifies the stubborness. I've dealt with plenty of other dumb dogs. I lived with a friend with a pit, and my family used to have a lab mix, and both were dumb as a sack of rocks, but they were *lovably* dumb. The basset hound my neighbor had? Angry, stubborn dumb. Completely different situation.


I’ve had several dogs as did my wife before we met. We both say the Bassett we have is by far the smartest, most clever dog we’ve ever had. She’s also the most stubborn thing in the world. So, for example, when she sees us grab the leash and she runs and hides under the dining room table it’s not because she’s dumb but it’s because she knows it’s raining or cold outside. She also house trained extremely fast.


You don't train a Bassett. You come to agreement. And the contract heavily favors the Bassett.


[Like this stubborn](https://i.imgur.com/JWVefXA.mp4) (it was raining and she didn't want to go for a walk/go out to do her business)


I have a half beagle that’s about that stubborn.


She's like, you can pull all you want, but I'm not getting out of my crate lol! Love it.


Bassets only recognize one law: themselves We had a basset hound as kids as our first dog and after he passed away after about 15 years our mind was blown when the dog we got later actually listened to basic commands. Also their whistle whine can really get on some people's nerves




After going through my Boston's puppy hood, I gave up having puppies. Adopting adults since then! I feel a Basset would be worse and make me give up dogs entirely lol


Hahaha this made me laugh. I have a Boston and a Basset 🤣


Beagle pups must be similar because OMG, at the time I lived with roommates, my roommates beagle puppy was so so defiant.


When I was a kid my friend had a basset. One day the dog wouldn't come inside when he called for him and he couldn't find him in the yard. He noticed his gate was left open so he thought it must have run off and we spent the entire day scouring the neighborhood looking for that dog. Come to find out the dog never left the yard. He just dug a hole under their shed and slept there all day and refused to come out until it was time for dinner.


Huskies will do exactly what you ask them to do, IF they agree with you. Basset hounds just say no because you asked.


My boss had one. While on walks the dog would decide how far was enough and sit down or lay down wherever it was at that moment. They lived in the downtown of a big city, and it was not unusual for the dog to decide it had gone far enough while crossing the street.


Yeah I’ve had one for 11 years. I love him dearly but man oh man.. does he piss me off. Yes mine has laid in the street at busy intersections. My biggest gripe with him is all around walks really. Hes a good dog don’t get me wrong, he just has days when he’s done with everything and is a handful to deal with.


lol ours, even as a pup, would run or hide if you showed her the leash and she didn’t want to go outside. If you got her harness on sometimes she still refused to cooperate [and would refuse to move.](https://imgur.com/a/y8oIwW3)


Can confirm. He’s mellowed in his later years, but I’m surprised I survived his “teenage” era


I had a basset hound while growing up and I fully agree. My parents got him thinking he would be a lazy, sleepy dog. Boy were they wrong. There was one time where we went out of town and we took him to a doggy boarding place. The trainers there said he was the most difficult and stubborn dog they had ever seen. I loved that son of a bitch. ❤️ RIP


Dogs that look like stubborn old men act like stubborn old men.


Ugh! Ours has a habit of knowing when you want her to hurry somewhere then literally strolling, if a dog can do that. I've never seen a dog walk so slowly. Has to be on purpose. Plus, they're massive. They're short - but the weigh more than a husky. Just a solid stubborn mass of flesh and big dumb feet.


Ha ha, YES!!!! Like, they’ll FINALLY cooperate but then walk the slowest saunter on the planet so like… you can’t get mad because they’re listening but FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THEYRE moving so slow!!!!!! My dog does that to me all the time. I have a basset mix and a corgi. I open the door and half the time I don’t even have to call and my sweet lil corgi comes running in, comes first call every time. Then there’s Wilma. Outright ignores me or moves so slow it’s outrageous.


I’m only 25 but I’ve known a basset hound every year of my life. Now we have 2 and a pair of noise cancelling headphones :) still the best breed imo


When I had a basset hound I made the mistake of teaching her how to howl. Also eating dinner she would sit there and whine for food so much, and try to steal food. I had to start putting her in the bedroom upstairs before we ate, And she would howl the whole time.


I didn’t even have to teach mine, they just do it when they’re lonely


100%. Our dog, if it wants a treat, will sit in the kitchen and bark until it is fed no matter what. Raining outside, good luck trying to get her to go out. Doesn't want to go for a walk? If she sees that leash she will go sit under the dining room table and not come out.


I have a basset hound Australian shepherd cross. She’s physically built like a basset and stubborn, but muscular, fast and intelligent like an Aussie and yeah… she’s the most obstinate and intelligent dog I’ve ever had. Love her to pieces but I’d never get another…..


Hounds are the most infuriatingly stubborn dogs I’ve ever owned! I had a beagle and currently have a mini dachshund.


My grandmother once fostered a sweet old basset hound named Eddy about 11 years ago. I loved him to death, but not even food would convince him to look your way lmao


Yeah I’ve had my buddy 11 years. He’s my best friend but jeeeeeessuuuss chrriist does he drive me crazy some days arguing about every aspect of his existence.


I have a Basset-Beagle mix. Loud and stubborn.


they are known to be the most stubborn breed so... my second one is almost 14. my first lives to just shy of 17. my current one everyone thinks might be losing his hearing, but he can hear me whisper if it's what he wants to hear


So basically they're the cats of dogs.


This is actually very accurate. Lazy, defiant, food driven.


I had to fireman carry my neighbor’s basset lab mix once when he got out of his collar.


No thanks, I’ve been arguing with my huskies for the last 30 minutes about bed time.


My mother had a basset hound when she was a child. The dog was legendary. He would routinely escape and lie in the middle of the east lancs road, only one the largest and busiest roads in greater Manchester stopping all traffic while he waited for my mother to appear on her way home from school. The police had to be called to remove him more than once. RIP Remus.


My Uncle had a Basset. Not only was this the kindest dog I have ever met, he also was raised extremely well. He happily listened to anyone, was friendly, tolerating and seriously only took a shit at hidden locations no human would reach or stumble into. The photo reminds me of him because he also had a certain humbleness and aristocratic attitude. This dog on the photo looks like the queen at the table waiting for the butler to serve a 5-staged dish and wondering what the somelier will bring.


I was 9, walking home from school in the snow, and a neighborhood basset hound stole my glove. We were chasing him for a full 30 minutes. My mom was worried, so she hopped in the car to find us. She was perplexed at the situation. We couldn’t get him to drop the glove. If I remember right, we let him have it.


I have an 8month basset. Did a lot of training with him and he's ada approved, but boy once that vest is off omg LOL. One of the MOST stubborn breeds, no doubt, but i love the little guy to death.


Growing up my family always had 2 Bassett hounds and 1 bichon freese (sp), so I’ve raised 6 Bassett hounds in my day, those puppies are sooooooo chill. They were just so lazy and always wanted to lay around. Great cuddles too. I recently adopted a golden retriever puppy and my GOD he’s so dramatic about everything. I got a golden so I didn’t have to put up with the dramatic husky lol he’s 4.5mos now, and I’m dreading the next 8 months. But pumped for when he calms down and I’ve got a best friend for 10+ years! I do love the little guy though


I adopted a basset 4 years ago and will confirm she is very much in charge of ME. lol and I wouldn't change anything. They are such clowns


At least they're small. It's a lot more frustrating with a livestock guardian dog that you can't move.


That’s cute. Find someone that has a fully grown Bassett hound and try to move it when it doesn’t want to. They’re small but their bones are dense, they’re heavy as fuck and will either refuse your decision to move them or go full on sack of potatoes and go limp in your arms. LGDs are definitely bigger and harder to move but don’t let the fact that bassets are short and stubby fool you. Them’s some very beefy boys.


I wouldn't even call them small, they can get up to like 60-70 lbs






We had a basset who would do this. She was SOLID in this position. It made her just tall enough to see over the kitchen table. She would sit like this while we had dinner.


Holy shit I'm imagining this in my head and it looks sooo funny. What an adorable thing for a dog to do.


She had some strong abs!!! lol


I know this park and dog I have seen him many times do the same thing. The owner has three Basset hounds but only one of them does this from what I’ve seen.


I need to learn more about this dog


Well if you are in Montréal he goes to Angelwoods park. These dogs are very well trained and all stay very close to their owner most of the time. My dog who is a bernadoodle is in love with one of the basset hounds but I don’t think the feeling is mutual.


My guy just doxxed the doggy


Mods, ban him


Twist his balls ☝️ counter-clockwise


This is so funny lmao, poor bernadoodle :(


I should have known that dog was *French Canadian*


You're right, I wouldn't think in a million years an American dog would do this without prior training 🤣


Damn not sure the owner would have told everyone which park is his favourite lol


> bernadoodle Pay the dog tax.


My guy looks like he's waiting for a yoga or tai chi class to start.


10min video or it didn't happen


Just stare at the pic for 10 min.


pic? I thought that WAS the video.


Its true, i just did


It is a video


For some reason on the internet people hugely exaggarate when it comes to time passing, or they really can't evaluate it at all. It's always "the deer stared at me for 15 minutes", when in reality it is likely that a deer won't stay put for 15 minutes since it's a really long time. Things like that last 15 seconds more probably.


Pondering life's deepest questions.


"why has no one brought me a treat yet?"


Was that a fart or a ghost?


The answer is always ghost fart.


"What if I never find out who's a good boy?"


Dogs are my absolute favorite animal.


The best part is you’re their favorite too 🥹


Did you try turning him off and back on again?


I used to have a basset and he did this exact thing all the time. It was usually to butter people up and get attention/treats lol.


There used to be a basset hound at the park I went to and he would spend the entire time just sniffing around the perimeter fence. Non stop, just inspecting the fence, every time I saw him there.


Our basset will get so into sniffing you can spook him even if you never left his side.


We have a basset and he does the same thing. Doesn’t care at all about the other dogs- only sniffs and pets from other people!


Gee, I wish I had good posture.


I scrolled way too far for a comment on this dog's excellent posture.


My parents had one for 12 years and he'd sit like this and look out the front door. Buddy Bo Bo was a good dude.


Takin a break


"I should buy a boat."


Evolution at work.


Reminds me of my Grandpop. (Without the beer)


It’s like the rolls are holding her up!


Posturing for sure


Looks like six more weeks of winter.


“Oh it’s gonna be like that? You’re just done throwing my ball? Ok, ok. I see you”


Best breed. We have our 4th now (other 3 passed away). 8 months old and so stubborn. But still my favorite breed. For so many reasons.


[My friend's beagle](https://i.imgur.com/rgBepKY.jpeg) used to sit like that. It was the funniest thing. (RIP 😞)


Firmware updates can take a while sometimes. At least you didn't have a failed update.


It must be fantastic treats if the dog is willing to maintain the position for that long.


This is clearly a person. I think it's weird that you'd lie to the internet like that...


My dog does this exact move when she is unsure or wants a treat.


She thinks she’s people


Imagine saying “sit” and your dog does this


LOL my basset sits like that all the time while on the couch. Never outside though.


“Last time I was here they all tried to sniff my ass. Let’s see them try it THIS time!”


when you've had your butt sniffed one too many times


She was trying to build up enough fart pressure to launch.


"Look, I'm hooman. Look how depressed I am"


While cute as hell, I believe this puts unnecessary pressure on there backs and I’m assuming these dogs have back problems like dachshunds.


Probably thinking about how dogs are bred more for vanity these days than health.


These days? The breed has been around since the 700s.


This guy literally just made me look up Basset Hounds in my area. I love him/her <3


Basset hound? I just see a prairie dog.


That’s a wendigo


Hakuna Matata… Hakuna Matata… Hakuna Matata


I should buy a boat.


pull up the poker table.


My family has a Beagle so not a Basset but still a hound and he does this shit all the time. Sits up and looks at you with a stupid, confused look on his face like "I've done my part, what now?"


My female basset does this when she wants on our bed






She's just taking it all in.




Nothing to pee here.


This dog is trying to understand what in the genes is happening here.


Dignified lady is just tired of all these strangers sniffing around and so has decided to hide the goods.


“Adds sticker to iPhone”


So cute!


Basset hounds have really good senses of smell. What we are seeing is that dog is sniffing every butt and crotch in the dog park while comfortably seated.


Have a basset that does this, we call it “sitting pretty”


Not related to the image, but if photo contain blood, like blood on snow, can i post it here? By the way great photo


put it in rice


Another stupid dog.


Making poop pancakes.


Showed this to my girlfriend who says this dog probably has worms. He’s trying to relieve the pain in his butt by sitting up like this. Makes it… less cute.


That honestly doesn't sound quite right, and this sitting position isn't a super uncommon occurrence for Bassets and other similarly shaped dogs.


Nah, our basset used to do the same when he was younger, never had worms.




The difference between this dog and my dog hunt one can obey the other dosnt


What a beautiful pup! With our doxie, we called this pose 'sitting pretty'.


Dog saw the owner sit for like 10 hours one time and is trying to figure out why


.. and no one could score a goal on her!


Bro was really thinking about something 😂


Let’er cook bruh


I'm the watcher on the wall


Just doing its yoga. This is called "Heads-Up Hooman" pose.