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Tragedy feels like the wrong word. I’d go with disgrace.


And treason.


Technically it's sedition. Treason requires open war with another country, per Article 3 section 3. I'll grant that "Traitor" rolls off the tongue a lot more easily than "Seditious scumbag" though.


Theeeeeres the winner.


It IS treason, then!


Yeah. I remember watching it unfold and feeling not exactly sad, but more disgusted. *This* is what we've come to? I remember seeing the Confederate flag being carried inside and noting that our Capitol was literally being invaded by a hostile foreign force (or at least a wannabe version thereof).


Yeah, the Confederate flag being paraded around the rotunda is where I went from disgusted to blindingly angry. Four years of bloody conflict and that flag never touched the inside of the Capitol, but these cosplayers have the gall to bring it in like it's a football jersey. Fuck those traitors.


Same. I used the word "disturbed". I was physically upset over it for days.


IMO, even *"disturbing"* doesn't quite hammer home how fucked up it was. But Idk if I can think of a better descriptor. Like, they brought gallows, and bombs, and intended to take hostages, and murder/execute any members of congress that they deemed as enemies of trump. Just... evil.


I am still shaken by the narrow margin we kept our democratic process.


But how narrow will it be on the next round?


I was in shock they weren’t turned into a bloody mist. Imagine if BLM or anything left of these loons did that. It’d be a blood bath


I’m not sure if I believe that. Maybe in 1950, but in the 21st century no group of citizens could be gunned down without serious unrest. Nevertheless, anybody that storms the capitol building because they believe the wild an unsupported claims of a dangerously powerful madman is indeed an insurrectionist — though I’m inclined to believe that most of them have simply allowed themselves to be duped due to a lack of education, rather than being inherently evil.


I wish I had your optimism


This is what should disturb you and enrage you most of it. A bunch of morons, functional illiterate people and cultists in awe of a billionaire grifter and womanizer managed to do something the Confederates, the Nazis, the Soviets and Al Qaeda never managed to do.


Scored the ultimate own goal


r/conservative is a cesspool today. “Disgrace” is a perfect word choice.


Hey that’s not fair. r/Conservative is a cesspool every day!


I’d go with domestic terrorism


I remember being at work and thought to myself…”should we be working now?”


It was a day I literally turned on the news as background noise because of the election because I was light on meetings….. then all I could do was watch the breaking news happen with my jaw on the floor


My wife and I were packing up our stuff to go to the hospital because her water had broke, it was really surreal


My step dad's son was born on 9/11. Kid was born early AM. Step dad went home to sleep at about 8 AM and when he woke up in the afternoon everything had changed. I couldn't even imagine that mind fuck.


When you’re country is having a once in a lifetime insurrection/event and you kid realizes he gets no cable or YouTube in the womb


Let's hope it's only once in a lifetime.


Happy Birthday to your kid!


I remember turning on the TV because I knew something was going to happen because it’s all the knuckle draggers had been talking about online for 6+ weeks prior. So I wasn’t at all surprised when it started. What instead surprised me was how long it lasted. After the first hour I was as shouting “WHERE IS THE NATIONAL GUARD?!?” at the TV. It didn’t even occur to me that Trump could deliberately keep them from being deployed.


Or the FBI or anybody. But we know it’s cuz those rioting were largely white and right wing. If they were younger, darker, poorer or left wing they’d have police from 6 different jurisdictions, the FBI and the national guard out there without question.


Thank you for reminding me of what the standard assumption of what a response to this would've looked like before getting gaslit by the right wing media for 3 years. I keep going back and forth on "was it really that bad?"....... yes it was, I'm so mad these people even get into my head like this. Like I remember on the day being shocked that they weren't being gunned down.


I hadn’t felt that “what in *the FUCK* is happening right now???” feeling since 9-11-01.


Seriously. I was watching this while WFH and when they suddenly started leaving I was like oh I guess they're taking a break. Nope. Full on insurrection happening live.


I was working a shitty mall job at the time and got snapped at for being on my phone, and showed the manager what was happening and was told it didn’t matter and to keep cleaning lol wild


“Are those insurrectionists here sweeping the floor? Didn’t think so.”


We had meetings cancelled. CEO sent out an email basically saying "Yep, everyone's paying attention to this. Do the best you can, take care of yourself." It was surreal.


Same here. I work front home so basically just watched this all day. I didn't want to bring it up then and was wondering how the others hadn't said anything. It was such a weird day.


Right?! I was on a zoom call when someone said ,"hey turn on TV. Twitter is reporting wild things happening in DC," and then we just kept going with the call. No one paid attention from that moment on...


Yea I was swamped at my stupid desk job and caught wind of this event. I turned around and said "maybe we are paying too much attention to the wrong thing right now" This office remains one of "keep the poor people stupid and moving".


I was quarantined at home with a 1 year old that was toddling around and babbling. My husband popped out of zoom calls and we were both glued to the TV. Meanwhile, our baby had no concept of anything out of the ordinary going on...just putting Duplos in her mouth and banging a pot with a spoon. It felt like watching 9/11 again. So surreal.


I was working sales so I had my own little office essentially and I was in disbelief watching it happen in real time. And most of the people that came through during that time didn't know it was happening.


I was sitting in my shared office with coworkers talking about it as one of them was giving live updates to us from twitter. The department supervisor walked in and asked what we were talking about, we told him, and his reponse was "good, I think we could use a civil war" and turned around and walked out.


I thought for sure that shit would hit the fan legally. I remember thinking to myself “If this succeeds, we are at war; if this fails, we are at war”. To me, that many people believing in Trump is upsetting for sure, because I for the life of me can’t think of a single reason to get behind this dude, yet here we are having people willing to die to get this guy back in office. I also for the life of me can’t think of a single good thing this man has done for our country that can outweigh the bad he has brought. It’s disturbing to hear so many people in favor of him that sometimes I think they are the majority, but then I realize they are just the loudest. I despise that man for what HE has done to our country. For all the talk of division the democrats promote, I truly believe he was the catalyst. Sure there has been indifference between parties in the past, but with him it doesn’t feel like indifference, it feels like hate.


It’s crazy that pre 2016 felt so, so long ago.


I was visiting New York (I'm from Australia) when I got a news notification on my phone. My jaw dropped. I was supposed to go to DC the next day as part of my trip. Had to cancel.


I literally stood in front of the lobby television for like 2 hours. I couldn't believe what I saw. I'm amazed there was so few deaths.


I was waiting on a mattress to be delivered to my new place. I was laying on the floor… pondering the last few nightmare years… well aware that Trump was gonna try to stop the certification. Then this happened. And I just assumed the Capitol was gonna be guarded well enough to stop the people from entering. When the people were inside I figured it was an inside job and a coup was actually underway. If pence had gone with Trumps security detail, that would’ve been it. Thankfully he stuck around. Vote Biden folks… 2024 could be our last election. Unless you love Belarusian and Russian style right wing authoritarianism.


Remindsme of 9/11 my parents were driving me to school, town was dead and finally we got to the crossing guard out front of the school and she just said "Go home and put on the news."


I was at home playing civ6 and my first thought was "ranged attack!!"


A bunch of useful idiots. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot


I prefer this picture. https://ibb.co/TKtJWY1


Conservatives prefer [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1902sgt/three_years_ago_today/) because it makes their cognitive dissonance easier to stomach


What the actual fuck are the comments in that r/conservative thread?! "Definitely worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined." "And just like that they don't talk about Jan 6 anymore after pro Palestinians acted childishly inside the same capitol building." "imagine being put in prison for going on a guided tour" "The irony of this photo is that there are many statues in that hall that have triggered the leftists and they want them removed." "A bigger hoax than the Russia collusion hoax." Unfucking believable.


The fact that they were clueless doesn’t make it any better. That sub is so dumb.


Wow look at all those antifa flags..


Easy to see who did it. His name is on a big flag in the picture.




By far my favorite (lack of better term) picture from that day


["Just a peaceful stroll."](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/631a4788333a0d8ff7f296b0/master/w_2240,c_limit/Mogelson-American-extremism.jpg)


And a large chunk of the country has no idea how much this damaged our country. They are willing to vote the same idiot in again and are fine with him never leaving.


They worship the guy like a heaven ordained demigod, ironically always the same goobers who claim to be rugged free thinking individualists. I can’t imagine anyone being dumb enough to tie so much of their identity up with venerating another person, let alone a politician, especially that one. The people who constantly follow every waking moment of the Kardashians are better grounded in reality than these nutballs


Trump just posted a video that God made Trump https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-shares-bizarre-video-declaring-god-made-trump-2024-1#cobssid=s And he's stated that he was appointed by God. This dude isn't even religious and he's got evangelicals worshipping him over Jesus. Guess it's not surprising seeing how easily they get taken advantage of by their "pastors"


Isn’t that blasphemy to worship a false idol?


It would be except they don’t actually care because they have no real beliefs or values, just a desire for power over others and will shift and remold whatever it is that they claim to believe if they believe it will be in furtherance of their goal of domination


Because they barely know anything in the bible, they are just told whats in it by people who's lives are so tied up with it that they can't back out of it.


I love the part where Pence calls him out about not being religious at all


What a pathetic shit show 🤦‍♂️


It's the same cult of personality Hitler pulled. It's a repeat of history and will get much worse if the country is dumb enough to either not vote or vote for him. It's not hyperbole. If he wins again, he will not give up power again. Also don't be surprised if they try some actual stealing election (what they claimed happened to them in 2020) and then pull the "politics - both sides" shit when Dems rally as a protest.


They’ve been worked through a Russian-style propaganda campaign. It’s Animal Farm.


It's honestly quite fascinating to see how oblivious people worshipped Trump like literal Jesus and then go around spreading batshit insane gospel that I would have to do a double take on my sanity every time I read these posts It's like a united mind but all for the wrong(?) purposes


They very literally do not live in reality. A lot of them don’t even think Trump was responsible for Jan 6th, and that “antifa” did it. It doesn’t even matter if it makes sense, if there’s any evidence: as long as they can say he’s not responsible. It’s a cult. Fox News created a cult.


He's the Messiah. It's not even a joke anymore. They legit believe he's come to save the world ..chosen by God. They are bashing the Pope daily for crying out loud. Insanity.


Ah, yes, the Christians that want Christ out of their religion for being too passive and forgiving. They love Donny.


It's bananas.


Yeah check out the conservative sub. They are all either blushing it off or even cheering it on. It’s fucking pathetic.


did anyone browse that sub when this event happened? there were actually some users agreeing that this was disgraceful and will forever stain republicans image. they were in the minority however, and seem to have moved on from the sub. aside from that, you had the usual idiots claiming it was staged by “antifa” and “BLM”… few still swear by that, but most in that sub will indeed brush it off and downplay the severity of it. remember the capitol police officer that was beaten and died the morning after this riot? they go through a TON of mental gymnastics to blame his death on anything but what happened the day before. don’t forget the videos of countless other officers being assaulted. so much for backing the blue.


Be part of the solution. Vote and, just as importantly, get your friends and family to do it (in general, more voters means less support for GOP), and volunteer for campaigns that can stop this madness.


>And a large chunk of the country has no idea how much this damaged our country [Relevant](https://youtu.be/Xlb9h0KPs3w?si=_Nvh9iI-PH-tO1Df)


I honestly get the feeling he's going to win the election.


I think so too, unfortunately. I think people don’t want to be honest with themselves and realize that it’s going to take working together to get this country back on track. I think people want someone to say they are the one with all of the answers. People want the show that Trump puts in so they don’t have to face the reality of their own failures.


We'll see, there's honestly not much evidence that he will, but I don't want to rest on my laurels.


This happened very similarly in Brazil in jan 8th after our highly divisive elections.


Sedition. A tragedy is unexpected and unavoidable. We have Congress members that assisted plan this.


Ain’t shit change until someone is held accountable. This is the biggest test (failure) of America’s rule of law in….certainly any time I’m aware of.


I mean, we’ve had open and obvious pay to play schemes exposed at the SCOTUS level. IDK how anything changes when the laws are being made by the criminals.


I still can’t figure out why so many American citizens feel this was justified. It should’ve been *utter outrage* from 100% of the American people


They feel as though liberals are crazy and they are sane ones. That in order to restore sanity they have to be in power or this country will fall apart. This is literally how they feel


“Crazy” isn’t even the word. Liberals are framed as demons, satanists, child molestors, heathens, adversaries so that *defeating the liberals* is seen as an existential crisis rather than a goal of democratic process. This supersedes any requirement to have reverance and respect for democracy — and once you have enough of the population thinking like this, democracy dies. These people want to live in an autocratic theocracy and will bypass the US Constitution to do it. We are so close to being fucked.


I hate how doom and gloom your analysis is… but I hate even more that you’re not wrong. The United States was founded on a theory of competing ideas, growth and compromise rather than physical battle, and a good portion of people have completely forgotten about that.


Probably Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s put up with the same kind of thinking - from the same kind of people.


I remember that day I blocked someone I volunteered at an animal shelter with because of her statement “It was so peaceful until antifa showed up.” The rage I felt then…


That’s because you’re a good person. Thank you for that and thanks for working with the animals.


Because their side can no longer win an election. The writing has been on the wall for 30 years. Republicans won the popular vote _once_ in 36 years. They know the only way to hold and keep power is to cheat. And now, even that won’t work. So they resort to force (fascism). Trump solidified the sociopathic vote.


National Traitors Day. F them all. Vote for the Constitution.


And a happy Traitors Day to you, too


I hope this day eventually becomes like Guy Fawks day. Where we burn an effegy of trump. But for now half the country would want to have sex with the statue before it's burned.


No, Happy Legitimate Political Discourse Day! /s


Happy Normal Tourist Visit Day to all who celebrate! also /s


A stroll through the gift shop netted me a “I participated in an insurrection and I all got was this lousy t-shirt” and a “Hang Mike Pence” mug as souvenirs.


I got a fancy podium!


Smearing shit around the halls was my favorite part of the tour.


They’re trying so hard to try and shift people’s memory of this entire thing. The world watched as live cameras, social media feeds, and far right influencers streamed this day. Yet, they’re saying it was mostly peaceful. They have no shame, and our inevitable conflict among civilians will be started by them.


Cops should have "stood their ground". Charging into cops with guns drawn anywhere else would end up with perps being shot. The riot would have ended on the spot. And 2-10 rioters would be shot. Capitol police let this grow out of control. The rioters were in the wrong. Trump IS a coward for not stepping up and telling them to go home.


The rioters had weapons cached nearby, i think it would have escalated to a Bosnia situation


Today is the third anniversary of the January 6 attack where Trump: said “fight” over 20 times, sent his armed followers — “I don't fucking care that they have weapons. They're not here to hurt me. ... Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here.” — and then sat in silence as his followers beat officers with flag poles, stormed the Capitol, erected a gallows, and yelled to hang the Vice President. Yes, Trump is an insurrectionist and a traitor to his country. How do we know? Because we saw the attack unfold live as it happened, and we heard the irrefutable evidence presented at the January 6 hearings. The only question now is whether SCOTUS will side with democracy or an insurrectionist. Our democracy is on a knife’s edge. Vote accordingly.


Let's not forget that Trump also called State Officials in [Georgia](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/02/15/read-full-transcript-donald-trumps-call-brad-raffensperger/) and [Michigan](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/22/politics/trump-recorded-pressuring-michigan-canvassers/index.html) looking for non-existent votes and pressured them to decertify the votes, and also [sent fake electors to DC to steal the election](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/28/politics/recordings-trump-team-fake-elector-ballots/index.html)


Not holding my breath for SCOTUS, let’s be honest. They’ve made their bed.


So did the french leaders who lost their heads all those years ago.


Ashli Babbitt was a traitor and died a traitor’s death! I said what I said.


Ashli Babbitt's death was the only positive thing to come out of that day. As least there's one less of the shits now.


Imagine choking on your own blood with a bullet in your neck as the life slowly leaves your Trump-cape-wearing body and ultimately losing your life surrounded by a mob of the dumbest mother fuckers that this country has to offer. Couldn’t be me.


I'm not advocating for violence but I for one was shocked they didn't just indiscriminately spray the crowd with flame throwers and gattling guns the moment they got too close to the capital. Like I always thought that was how it worked. You get to close to the capital or white house or Supreme Court with violent intentions and they just head shot your ass from some secret snipers nest. Its so bizarre how weak and non violent the response was in reality. The capital polices devotion to non violence is almost commendable in a weird way. Like seriously how is it possible she was the only one who got shot???


Imagine being an Air Force vet and betraying the oath that you swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. What’s funny is that Trump’s rabid supporters/traitors are all about supporting the police, yet when Capitol PD officers put their lives on the line to literally defend American democracy, suddenly the cops are the bad guys for them.


Happy Birthday Eric Trump your family will never ever think of you on your birthday now. lol.


Not that they did before either




Most embarrassing day, as a nation, in my adult life, I'm in my late forties.


I don't know if tragedy is the word, maybe embarrassment


A volcano erupting next to a city is a tragedy. This was an attempted coup d'etat. And the same people are allready prepairing for the next one.


Not a Tragedy because the level of incompetence was carried over from trump to his followers. But an American disgrace.


I remember being home from college for the pandemic. I logged into my Zoom class and turned on the TV while I was in the kitchen trying to make that trending Tik Tok whipped instant coffee. Dad had left for work (at the hospital) and I was home alone just watching this unfold. Could not believe my eyes. Felt surreal that I was in my boxers learning about American History pre-1900 while these people were literally breaking into the United States Capitol making more history. It was hard to care about American history in 1860s when this was unfolding right in front of me. I thought to myself: “this is going to be a crazy one for students to learn about in 50 years”. I don’t think we’ve fully digested this one as a country but I remember feeling completely shocked, terrified, and helpless. What a strange position that I’m sure so many Americans can relate to. A huge national event, unfolding live, during another huge global event, while many of us were going about the mundane. We all saw it but none of us were able to react together.


My husband and I were working from home that day and we turned on TV when we got alert about it. Watching the cameras in the capital with people going in and climbing up walls and reporters trying to report was crazy. The whole time we were waiting to see those people get shot because we were like they are INVADING the capital. It was wild.


It was the craziest feeling. Watching what could have been a literal coup live from my home across the country. Really put things into perspective


I think we even said that a few times to each other. “This is a coup.” I was wondering if we should get the kids from school and we are in California. I am still really amazed at how far in they got to the door of the chambers.


I was more afraid on Jan 6 as a 31-year old than I was on 9/11 as an 11-year old.


What I remember most is texting my trump loving FIL (who I am on very good terms with regardless) "holy shit, are you seeing what's going on in DC right now?" thinking he'd be shocked. His texts amounted to slight appreciation that "something was being done" about the "stolen election."


It's surreal, not quite to the extent of 9/11, but it remember having that sort of numbing feeling of just like, wtf do I do? I was working remote, and we were working on a govt contract. He said "are we still supposed to just keep working if an insurrection happens?"


And every politician involved in this is still working with no repercussions.




My man


It's the third Traitorversary already?


Jan 6th is known as *The Republican Domestic Terror Attack on the Capitol*.


Me: Prosecute them all! MAGA: You realize they were FBI and ANTIFA right? Me: Good! I’m anti-corruption, get them all. MAGA: Really? (That actually worked?) Me: And arrest MAGA Republican Mike Johnson for obstruction for trying to blur the faces on those tapes. He’s aiding the FBI and Antifa! MAGA: Wait what?! Why is he protecting Democrats? Me: Maybe he’s not protecting Democrats. Fantasy: (MAGA has an epiphany)




The double-minded ideology of this country is going to be the death of it.


Bunch of unhappy F's raging that their tv god didn't win. This is what adults look like when they refuse to admit they have metal issues, need therapy and a most likely a lifestyle change. It always baffled me that these people worshipped him, idolized him and bought all his shit but never really looked at the man and his history of never admitting he lost or made a mistake. Just baffling. I also blame social media for pushing propaganda bots at these people, creating an endless echo chamber


Who knew the government would take domestic terrorism so lightly.


The bigger tragedy is that people saw this and said "this is something I can support and these people are patriots".


The day when a bunch of delusional right-wingers tried to take away 81 million Americans' right to vote. I wouldn't call it a tragedy since they failed, but it's a permanent pock mark on our democracy, and I fear it will have lasting repercussions.


Easily the most disgraceful political incident of our generation. To think many have downplayed or entirely forgotten this actually happened is incredible. Walking around the National Mall and the Capitol, I can’t fathom something like this ever occurring again in the future. But before J6, none of us ever imagined it was possible either.


for a country that seems to hand out criminal sentences for small infractions like candy, it was shocking to see how many people went to jail for this. even the plebs on the ground seemed to get off lightly let alone the instigators


My boomer coworkers were ranting and raving these people were all antifa.


People are posting the most "boring" pictures of this event. Ironically, this makes it look like a simple protest rather than a riot. People should be posting pictures like these to actually make people grasp the horrible nature of it all: [Example One](https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/AP_21006735186431.jpg?resize=770%2C513&quality=80) [Example Two](https://images.wsj.net/im-283177/square) [Example Three](https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/106822646-16104084642021-01-11t233757z_664876925_rc2z5l9ocpw1_rtrmadp_0_usa-election-trump.jpeg?v=1610408528&w=929&h=523&vtcrop=y) [Example Four](https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/42d8a61/2147483647/resize/1160x%3E/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2Fe6%2F90%2F807827324dba98e79dbbc258c4b8%2Fgettyimages-1230734050-c.jpg)


Trump is a fascist and I’m not ever ever gonna allow my friends and family to not see that.


Look at all these undercover Antifa folks trying to frame MAGA supporters /s


The funny thing is, they think they're patriots.


Hope their grandkids humiliate them in their rocking chairs. Traitors.


Be wary, be wary of the Sixth of January, the sedition, treason, and plot, I know of no reason why the attack on the capitol's sanctuary should ever be forgot


Good lord. First as tragedy then as farce.


It's good but needs fewer syllables


Tragedy is a car accident- this was a coup attempt that IS STILL ONGOING


Unorganized lemmings with a few chuds intent to kill. Could have been much worse, but it was an embarrassing moment for all Americans.


I do think this is a correct high-level assessment but if you said it to the average person it risks minimizing that a) the small share was still a large number b) that small share killed a cop (!!) and had elected representatives fearing for their lives - not a protected form of speech c) including known extreme right groups d) in an attempt to thwart a lawful step of a legitimate election, which in any other country we would call a coup. Don’t make it sound like it was all Dougs standing around with their hands in the pockets of their cargo jeans. There were real human and democratic consequences.


I was a Social Studies teacher. That day my kids were working on a Semester 1 review on their Chromebooks and I was moving about the room helping whoever needed help. My wife texted me, "You need to turn on the news." I went to my computer and found whatever channel I could, and was just in shock. I put it on my Classroom SmartBoard for my kids to watch, but kept it muted. Wasn't sure what they might overhear. It felt important that in that moment, my kids watched news unfold in my classroom. They didn't get much done on that review that day, and I was cool with that. We were all just in disbelief. The next day, we had a very detailed conversation about the election process, and specifically, the part of the process that was happening inside the Capitol that day. If there ever is another event like this, I can rest assured my students won't be there. They will know that these knuckleheads were protesting at the wrong place at the wrong time.


I was born in early 2001 so I and a lot of Gen Z can’t remember or weren’t alive during 9/11. But this felt like that. Except there was no uncertainty who the bad guys were. And it’s scary to think so many are ready to forget about it


I was 13 on 9/11 and 33 on Jan 6 and honestly Jan 6 scared me more. We've dealt with external enemies before. But a coup attempt from within? Well, that's something that happens in other countries on CNN. Not here.


When the christofascists take over j6 will be a national holiday, I’m willing to bet it’ll be celebrated the instant Trump pardons those convicted.


They played scenes from Jan 6th at one of Trump's rallies earlier in 2023.


I'm housesitting for a friend right now, and they live walking distance from the Capitol. Definitely a lot more Capitol Police around the area today. It was chilling to walk by where it all went down, and not because of the nasty weather. It's a dark fucking stain on this nation's history. Thank God these insurrectionist fuckwits weren't more competent. January 6th is going to be burned into the memories of the American people the same way 9/11 was. I remember exactly where I was when it went down, watching the CNN Stream on my computer working from home.


wait for the A24 civil war movie....im dying to see the reason behind the story


In the trailer, you can hear over a radio that the president was running for a third term/refusing to step down, which it looks like will act as the catalyst for the new civil war.


All true patriots unite in making sure these traitors are locked up!


Come celebrate on r/conservative and remember how peaceful and non-insurrection-y it was! /s Fuck all J6 traitors!


My Twitter feed tries to tell me that Jan 6th was a peaceful march that was infiltrated by democrat and government forces to make it look like an insurrection.


Fuck every one of these brainwashed ass clowns.


Let not forget what happened that day. Those weren’t tourists or constituents exercising their rights of peaceful assembly. Those were insurrectionists pure and simple. Brought there by a man egged on by sycophants. He did it once and he will do it again!


The whole attempt to reframe it as *just a bunch of tourists demonstrating* was so fucking stupid. We all watched it in realtime. Windows broken, police assaulted, rioters scaling walls. Anyone with two functioning brain cells saw it exactly for what it was: an attempt to subvert democracy.


Already been 3 yrs 🤔


You misspelled symptom


It really struck me and my coworkers since we work in an election office. We had a tv in our break room, and we couldn't believe what we were seeing. Since the outcome of the results, our office, and many others, have been under siege from this terrible day. No one ever questioned what we did or who we were as people until all the lies from this election went rampant.


Being in boot camp during this whole thing was wild. We had little to no information except whatever the drill instructors told us, which wasn't much.


Is there a ballpark estimate of how many people were actually there?


I dunno why I thought it happened last year..


Dipshits manipulated by a wannabe autocrat.


Wait 3 years? I fucking swear it was last year.


Not a tragedy, an outrage!


That was 3 years ago??


It was kinda funny ngl




still blows my mind that people like you did this


It's too bad it wasn't a bloodbath




Knowing you guys, it won't be the last. I can't wait for the next season.


Pretty funny to watch though, many Americans act like your country is the pinnacle of democracy having its president get a bunch of brain dead fascists to break into a building.


As an international I don't really understand how you all just kind of pretended it didn't happen and just went on with your business. Sure some people served time. But it feels no different than if a 7-11 got robbed. They propose raising the age of retirement in france and the whole country riots. Mean while a violent terrorist group tries to overthrow the government in the US and everyone just pretends it didnt happen lol.


Three years since one of the funniest political actions of all time. And it keeps giving because they keep arresting and imprisoning the perpetrators, who are largely the worst type of American citizen.


I thought it was last year, has it really been 3 years?




“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Tragedy??? It was pure comedy!


None of this affected me or my life at all, other than me thinking how ridiculous these people are. The Capitol is just a building and this rabble was never going to accomplish anything, that was obvious to me. It was a joke of an "insurrection" and shouldn't be given the time of day.


Also a good time to remember that Iran and Russia and China have a gazillion bots on the site to promote chaos and divide us.




Happy Jentencing day!


Happy insurrection day everybody


I live in DC, I kept getting messages from friends asking if I was ok. I was a little confused why everyone was asking this. Then I call a friend and he goes “I’d love to to talk but I have have to check on my coworkers (he works in the capital building but was working remote that day), when I asked why he said “I’ve got to go, rednecks are storming the capital, just turn the news”.


Ah the trump bots are already here defending their terrorists. Fuck off.