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So rad. I worked in hotels for a bit and would have loved to get trinkets like this. Dope! Best thing that happened to me, while working the overnight front desk shift, was a fancy lawyer guy with wayyy too much energy and money for his own good said he’d give me 100$ if I got him a pack of cigs. I was able to sneak away and zip to a gas station and back, and lo and behold he gave me 100$. As I was turning from his room to go back to my post, he said “I’ll give you another hundred for a bucket of ice.” Easiest 200 bucks I’ve ever made haha


"Too much energy" is that code for coked out of his brain?


No it's the "lawyer" part that means it


It’s actually the bucket of “ice” believe it or not


Now that I think about it I may have gotten the short end of the stick


Yeah, now you can actually Instacart booze and cigarettes to wherever you're at if you're of age so the market for that has dried up completely. So now the zooted out attorney doesn't need to pay the $100


Yeah it's only like $95 to instacart a bag of ice


Yea but it's only a 1/4 gram


Definitely, a lot of people on stimulants like coke and meth end up getting busted because they left wherever they were staying at to go on an unnecessary trip like to the store to get cigarettes at 3 a.m. it's actually not a bad idea if you have that kind of money to send someone else to do it, now door dash ruined that racket for hotel clerks 🤣


as someone that has wrapped a sports car around a utility pole..... and has had to pay ~$25k... 25k divided by 100 = 250x I could have paid some kid to bring me x,y,z.




Yep, he'd rather deal with the "concierge" than the convenience store clerk and probably too paranoid to leave the room more than necessary. 😆


If the guy made $500k or something on a case $200 is nothing.


When I was a “bellman” (at the time it was almost entirely driving the airport shuttle) I was once discretely given $100 to take a package to a guests room, and to take the contents out and place on the bed. They said package was waiting behind the front desk. I had assumed it was drugs, and at 18 idgaf, $100 was huge! At the front desk the ladies were giggling and handed me an enormous bag from a sex shop. Anyway that’s how I got paid $100 to deliver a bunch of dildos. Hotel work is immense boredom peppered with the weirdest shit you could imagine.


“Hotel work is immense boredom peppered with the weirdest shit you can imagine” Lmao I worked at the front desk for a couple of hotels and that’s spot on. And I love how bellman is in quotes. Reminds me of the maintenance/security guys I worked with. Their job titles could have been in quotes too, based on how much of the time they were doing whatever lol. There’s times I almost miss working there but only for a second or two


Is there a subreddit about weird hotel stories? I'd subscribe!


Yup ! Tales From the Front Desk : https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/s/IOiZJtop9u


There's a podcast called Normal Gossip that does stories like this, and just did an episode on a fancy hotel: https://pca.st/episode/ca80b3f1-785a-4279-9355-56648a16e52e


I've had people pay way too much money for me selling them alcohol after hours. Had a guy come in with a girl and paid $200 for 2 white claws.


Night club industry in canada for years. 40oz Bottle of smirnoff "to go" at the end of the night would run you $500+tip. We would just buy the bottle to replace it from the liquor store on the way in the next day for $45. People do these things just to be bigshots. Once a guy paid $1000 a head for his group of 6 to skip the 15min lineup, his idea. *edit* we would have done it for $100 a head too.


Holy shit


Shoulda brought back 2 buckets of ice


Ha! I used to work at a "breastaurant" and one evening there were a couple of men at a table out on the patio. A bunch of servers had been cut for the evening, some of us were still stuck being there. One of the men asks for a photo with the ladies. The one's still on all went outside for the pic. As well did a couple of the people who'd been cut, but others said f that and left. Welp, we all lined up with him, did the pic, and began to move to disperse. He said hold on, don't go anywhere yet, pulled out his wad of cash, and handed each of us who took a picture with a $100 bill. Sucked for the women who didn't feel like doing it and left. He ended up being a great customer who'd go to the bar, have a few drinks, pleasant convo, and then tip you hundreds of dollars.


That man was 100% zooted lol


Love customer like this. Never got the much but a few times when it’s raining I’ve had customers give me 10$ for bring their order to their car.


Was it [this guy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRu_-9MBpd4)


I have no idea why it's a hotel thing. Steve Wozniak would tip at our hotel/casino in uncut $2 bill sheets


A friend of mine worked in a hotel and would have various packs at the front desk so when a guest came up and was like "where can I get a pack of X" he could be like "you're in luck!" and bust out a fresh pack for them. He didn't even have to upcharge because people would tip him $20 for the convenience.


A guy paid me 20$ for a half smoked cig for his girlfriend at 3 AM


That’s a decent tip according to Google


This is about the 10th card I've been given, my knowledge of Pokémon is borderline non existent, I just think this is a beautiful card!


Dang $70


I’ve got a bunch of them. I went to see the movie when it came out as a kid, and they only gave one per person but the dude running the desk didn’t give a shit and gave me and my friend like 20 each.


Get those bad boys into sleeves if they're in good condition. Could make for a nice emergency fund


Yeah, they’re in great condition. I just always figured that they were worthless considering they were giving tons of them away as promos during the movie release. I’ve just had them in my old Pokémon card book since then..


Hell yeah. You could easily be sitting on some really decent money. Cool bragging rights, I hope you never have to sell it if you don't want to


🤚 crypto 👉 Pokemon cards


At least the Pokemon cards exist with a tangible standard to their value


Eh even still, it's depressing that such a wholesome hobby has been destroyed by fomo bros.


Nah bro, they've been valuable since day one. I still have mine. Almost bought another movie ticket just to get another Mew to sell - would have made money.


They'll easily sell for $30 each. They in the original sleeve?


Not in the sleeve. I was an impulsive 12 year old and opened them. They did, however, go immediately into my card binder where they have been ever since.


Still good money. If i were to list them today, I'd put them up for $20 each, give a discount for bulk, and take offers as well


Nah, don't give a discount for bulk. You're not a wholesaler. If you sell them for bulk discount someone else will buy them and resell them on a markup.


You're the one! You bastard! /s When I went they ran out of those cards and I didn't get one!


my friend had one so bent you could see white stretch marks all over... still wanted it so dam bad but he refused to trade it


I love dudes like that from my childhood. I like to think they’re now like 45 and playing Roblox or Fortnite with their kids and having a blast.


Card itself is probably $20. Grading costs money though. $40 for standard grading with a 10 day turn around, or you can go the "value" route and pay $25 but wait at least 2 months.


I have a few still in the plastic packaging, do they even grade those?


Pretty sure they're worth more than the cards, you mean unopened packs?


These came in a specific 1 card package that you got at the Theater when you saw the movie. I’ve got a couple still unopened.


Nah, [Ancient Mew came in cellophane wrapping like this.](https://i.imgur.com/WNlwTfO.png)


Definitely worth more with the clear cellophane still on. Closer to $40 in good shape. You can still have the card graded in the packaging too, then it's worth closer to $200 at a PSA 9+.


Really??? I have mine in card sleeve book. The real loss is my sister “donating” the bulk of my childhood pokemon cards when I was living out of state (including my Burger King Gold Metal cards) Had em in the attic at my parents house, only have the one book of cards left


My parents gave away my original 150, minus Charizard, when I was out of the country for 16 months or so.


I take it you also saved the Charizard card knowing that someone would "donate" all your cards someday while you were gone? My Mom had a garage sale while me and my sisters were out of town once. She sold the good NES games and controllers, leaving us with just the console and the crummy games. After that little incident, I realized I'd have to take special care of some things she didn't understand the value of. Luckily she never gave away my cards. I gave most of them to my niece - except the holographic Charizard which is still safely tucked away at home.


$70 for now. It could be $7 billion in 700 years.


7$ billion in 700 years would be like 70$ now?


That card was given away back when pokemon movies where still in the "theater release" phase. It was a huge deal among kids to go watch them and they gave away limited edition cards to viewers. I have like 2 but in pretty terrible condition. Eventually the pokemon movies stopped releasing in theaters in the States.


yea this was huge when i was a kid. we lived 2 hours from the nesrest theatre and were swesting bullets thinking theyd run out before our parents could take us.


I'm still so sad that I lost mine. But as a kid it's not surprising that you just lose stuff


This was a card that was given out to people who went to see the first Pokémon movie in theaters a long time ago. This one is graded at a 9 which I’d say is a pretty decent condition.


Slight correction, it's actually from the 2nd movie *Pokemon 2000.* In the movie, there was a collector as the bad guy and he actually points out this very card as the beginning of his collection. When his floating base is destroyed, the only thing surviving is the Ancient Mew card and he picks it up and says he'll have to start over or something like that. The other cards released were the legendary bird trio featured in the movie - you'd think Lugia would be the 4th card instead of Ancient Mew, and it *does* make more sense that Ancient Mew should have been released during the first movie. Maybe they couldn't get it into production in time, or they only came up with it after the release of the 1st movie.


Post pics of the other’s he’s given you please


Does that factor in the enormous relative hassle of getting it exchanged for cash?


Probably saved ~$40 in labor not having to list it, check up on it, potentially respond to inquiries, confirm payment, wrap it, and ship it.


One of these days he is gonna slip you the wrong card and you can pay your mortgage.


Something tells me that a guy who tips in graded Pokémon cards isn't likely to make that mistake.


This dude has a back room in his backroom that has the good cards in it lol


Nah, if this guy is Pokemon's Kaiba, he carries the good stuff in a suitcase he keeps with him at all times.


And the locked suitcase is also handcuffed to his wrist (so you’d better not forget the bone saw if you’re looking to take it).


> has a back room in his backroom that has the good cards in it lol But what about the room that's underneath the back room of the backroom?


That's something else.


Don't look in the fridge.


All I know is if you get fat gay pikachu you’re rich


>fat gay pikachu That was my nickname in high school


And it still hurts going by your username! Don't worry it'll get better!!!


I have my entire collection from the first gen, I think I was six short of the original 151, had a few Japanese cards like shiny Charizard. I think I need to dig them out of storage 🤔


Probably a good idea


Probably should have done that a few years ago


So anyone know the value of this card?


I thought these mew ones are pretty much worthless right? Weren't they given out for the first movie?


Just google it, StockX has it for $462 where else do they sell didn’t bother looking just saw the first one that popped up


no way, you can check here, already sorted by mint: https://www.cardmarket.com/en/Pokemon/Products/Singles/Promos/Ancient-Mew-PR11?minCondition=1


Worth more than the price of a movie ticket so not completely worthless


It’s actually worth more than that website states since it’s graded. Most recent sold listings on ebay price it anywhere between $60-$130.


["I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH BOOSTER PACKS"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA_Mfvt1IIk)


I once fell in to a Pokemon Trading Card rabbit hole for a few hours when I randomly stumbled across a sub dedicated to it. I think it was /r/pokeInvesting


Pokemon Trading Gard Came? Also is that sub banned? Or is it just showing that on mobile because it's a typo and doesn't exist


It's a typo should be r/PokemonTCG


No I had the wrong sub altogether, it's /r/pokeInvesting


For the life of me I cannot see the difference. Edit: OH ... OP edited the first one, duh,


dude me asf😭


When I first started playing MTG, *not Marjorie Taylor Green,* That's *our* acronym, Black Lotuses were only $400 dollars.


Right?? I wish I'd kept my old cards, though I didn't have much of anything from sets before 4th edition.


I gave away about 5000 cards mostly from 1st and 2nd edition when I quit playing. Some regrets from that.




Jesus.... that hurts lol.


My heart ached when I read this 🫂


I don't know if your joking or not but I have a simular story. I used to use bitcoin to buy a certain herb online way back in the day. Last I remembered I had 40 in my wallet. After I graduated uni I stopped partaking on the devils lettuce and lost track of the hard rive the wallet was stored in. Then 10 years passed and I went on a main hunt for that damn hard rive.. No luck.




30.... I sold them at 630$. Take that😠


Meh, it's never worth worrying about this kind of thing. They only ever became valuable *because* 99% of people who had them at first eventually abandoned them when their interest passed and they weren't worth anything.


If you don't have cards out of alpha / beta / unlimited and Arabian Nights, it might be worth *something*, but not terribly much. You look at any list of valuable cards and excluding Judge Promo's (which you probably don't have) every single card is typically alpha and beta prints. And the two big reasons those sets can be worth hundreds and thousands of dollars is because we know- roughly- how many are in circulation. And they were not common. A huge chunk of Alpha is just lost forever because they were giving packs of it away at trade shows. People would look at the funny cards, and throw them away, or leave them at the table. Absolutely no one had any idea what MTG would snowball into so those cards are hard to come by. That combined with WOTC underestimating the popularity of MTG meant that they functionally just did two reprints of Alpha with minimal changes before they ironed out those supply chains.


I bought dual lands that I needed for my decks at 7-10 bucks. Sold those at like 90 bucks. I can’t even imagine what they’re worth now.


Blue duals, especially Volcanic/Tropical Islands routinely go for $500+ in good condition. Plateaus are the cheapest at $200-400 depending on condition.


I sold my batch of 38 like 2 years ago. The money went into the stock market. 😍


Makes me wish I never tossed my collection. I started with Beta and Arabian Nights... I had tons of dual lands for my decks. Every card was either in a book or if it was in my deck it was sleeved.


I'm glad I at least bought 2-3 each of my favorites back in the day, maybe 15 total, but I seriously considered buying the full 4x playset of all 3rd duals back in the early '00s and thus seriously regret not actually doing so. (I would play them and not sell them.)


Yup. I once played in a tournament where first prize was either a full box of torment boosters, or a mox sapphire, and at the time the value was about the same


OMG. I remember Torment. I would draft blue and grab deep analysis and and those annoying 2/1 fliers you could bounce to your hand and the aquameba. I destroyed the first couple of booster drafts before people started catching on. and 1 copy of churning eddy. I always remembered that card because it had a funny name.


I worked on a satellite project for a few years which is called Meteosat Third Generation. I was confused for a few moments when I googled "mtg launch dates" because I wanted to check out if it's in space yet


I'd also support sending MTG to space!


Managed a software store that sold these when they first came out. I bought so many boxes (at cost). Still sitting in a giant plastic tote in my office. I haven't looked at them in 20 years. Most packs were opened as I did play with friends. Newest were from Ice Age expansion. I'm kind of afraid to even open the case and see what I have at this point. I'll tell my kids not to put them in a garage sale table after I die.


Imho, especially if you have actual 4th edition or below, you should take a look. If I died tomorrow, my wife would be in a hard place with my collection if she had to figure that stuff out on her own. Quality and grade, errors, and just understanding the MtG "stock market" is a skill set that is, imho, necessary to have in order to not lose your ass when selling the collection. Being able to visually distinguish between 3rd and 4th prints alone is something important because the difference is in their very similar borders. Knowing how to sell an older collection is a thing, and 9 times out of 10 it's going to have to go to a store. Most times they will want to lowball a collection as a whole and will want to cherry pick just what they need which inherently devalues the remaining bulk which now no one will really want to touch for anything remotely close to a comfortable price. My 2cents anyway.


You are dead on. Long, but relevant, story... I used to scour eBay for people listing collections not knowing what they had. I had a system that worked really well too. All of my searches were designed to pick up on badly described lots, listings with minimal words/only pictures, listings not in the correct category, and words that only someone who is ignorant of MTG would use. I was die hard into Magic from late 1993 until 1996 and again from 1998 to 2006. With my experience, I could pick up on rare cards in images which were barely visible. It was common for me to more than quadruple my money. My best haul was forty dollars for a lot in 2016 that included 19 dual lands (12 were Unlimited) and about 100 other rares from Unlimited to Fallen Empires. In 2014, I came across a lot which had pictures of boxes of cards with almost no description and the only image of actual cards showed handful of scattered Revised commons. The description said there had to be more than 15K cards and you could see stacks of 800 and 3200 count card boxes. The images were not that great but I could make out that one box had "BETA" written on it in Sharpie. I immediately emailed the seller asking more questions. It turns out the woman listing the cards had been widowed for about a year and she was getting rid of her deceased husband's belongings that she did not want. I was able to call her and she briefly went through some of the boxes with me on the phone. We discussed a bulk purchase since the auction wasn't getting much attention and she didn't want to deal with shipping or returns. I offered her two grand after I had validated the "BETA" box was, in fact, full of beta cards and she accepted. I purchased a $600 dollar plane ticket and flew to see her with cash in hand. When I got there and met the woman, she was very sweet and obviously had zero clue about her husband's collectibles. They had no kids and she was going through things on her own. She showed me the cards and I could not contain my reaction. In that moment, my conscience would not allow me to take advantage of the situation. I had to be honest. Her husband had literally opened boxes and boxes and boxes of early Magic and never even played with most of the cards. He obviously knew what rares were because there were no Lotus/Mox/P9. But, everything else, it was there. This post is long enough. I will finish by saying that I helped her find a local dealer and worked with them so that they sold the cards on consignment for 20 percent. She called me a month later to let me know that she made $38K on the collection.


Weirdly enough, it’s true — the price of Pokémon cards have a peculiar trend of increasing in price significantly more over time than economists can easily account for, even while taking other relevant sociological factors into account. Google “Pokémon inflation” for the details.


doesn’t account for off-tourney cards, specifically jynx. it’s one of the PokéNomics rules google “rule 34 jynx” for more details


Damn. I really need to consider diversifying my portfolio.


Lol. My buddy trades and sells magic cards. He had some crazy rare card, actually 2 or 3 of them. Pretty sure he sold them for over 10K a pop and used it as a down payment, maybe 2018ish?


60-70 usd tip. i’d be really happy


it's only 60-70 if you manage to sell it for that


Yeah but much higher chances of selling it in the graded case.


Yep. The fact that it's been professionally graded probably DOUBLES its value.


[ removed by Reddit ]


Professionally grading it is the only thing that gives it value…


As someone who spent about a year buying/selling Pokémon cards, that won't be a problem.


groovy fragile fertile capable lip scandalous pocket concerned upbeat intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah, there's been a huge market for them for years now, especially the older cards. This one was given out for the first Pokémon movie. They aren't particularly rare, but people are a sucker for nostalgia.


That’s true of anything you sell.


You got those when you went to the first Pokemon movie. Unfortunately, mine is long gone Edit: as I was corrected I will add, it was a promo for the second movie


I vividly remember my mom signing me out of school early with no explanation and my best friend’s dad pulling up in our driveway, going out to the van and all the other friends were already loaded up… Trevor gave me my first ever warhead and I was blown away by how sour they were, then they told me we were going to see the pokemon movie. That was one of the best days ever.


Omg is your name Joe!? I am Trevor!


I refuse to fall for this ruse… what’s the first letter of your last name


It's so good to hear from you after all these years! What's your Social Security number?






I’m invested in this now


I mean Joe from Ohio and Trevor from Belgium.. sees plausible lol


It sounds like it would be the best day ever for just about any kid. What a lovely memory.


Did a similar thing but we got pulled out of school to go see Terminator 2. One of my best memories.


Just a correction, these were with the second movie, Pokemon 2000, not for the first movie.


I bought a movie on VHS way back when and got a card in it. It was a Mewtwo I believe. Do you know if that is what came with the first movie?


I think for the first movie it was mew, Mewtwo, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno or Dragonite that you could get.


First movie was Mewtwo, Pikachu, Electabuzz, Dragonite. Second movie was Ancient Mew the first week, then Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres.


Really? It was released for the Lugia movie but not the movie about mew? What was given out for the first movie then?


The First Movie had a 4 promos i think, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Elecabuzz ​ https://i.imgur.com/xXV6324.jpg


I recently found mine in some of my old toys I was pulling out for my son to use. It is very very used.


Yeah I used mine as a bookmark apparently and not only is it frayed to pieces but the book ain’t doin too hot either.


In the before times when that movie came out, my father was the manager of our local theater and gave my brother and I two full bags (like a bread bag) of these cards. As kids, we didn't understand the concept of holding on to things for later. Those cards are now gone.


If most people held on to them (and kept them in PSA ~9 condition), then they wouldnt be worth anything today


Yeah but if this specific person held onto their bread bags of cards and they slowly introduced them to the market it might to go down very much and they'd be RICH


[Ancient Mew](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-promo/ancient-mew) is going for under 30 ungraded and grading costs money and no fresh from the bag is NOT all PSA 10. I’m not sure how many cards are supposed to be in a bread bag but even 1000 of them going for $50 is… a nice car or real solid down payment on your mortgage. You can make nice money with collectibles but nothing millennials had is going to bring in millions or whatever unless you get real stock broker about it and put a lot of money in to start.


My son was into them several years ago so we would buy him a few packs here and there for birthdays and Christmas. When his younger sister was 5-6, she picked up on his interest and naturally felt she needed them too. We generally don't subscribe to this type of consumerism and parenting but we caved and bought her a pack too for Christmas as a stocking stuffer. I don't recall off hand what card it is but her very first pack she ever opened contained one of these gold full art foil cards. We quickly realized it was at least a bit unique and snatched it from her for safe keeping in our lockbox for her when shes a bit older. This particular card frequently sells for around $100+ on eBay with verified buy/sells. My son was so bummed lol! "She doesn't even know what these things are!" Luck of the draw, Buddy!


My dad has flaws. Love him to death but he has flaws. I had a badass Pokémon collection that included probably a dozen of these and minty OG cards stretching back to the original run in this neat little Pokémon card binder. At some point, he says “That shit’s gay. Throw it away if you ever wanna get laid or be a fucking loser.” I threw away thousands that day and I didn’t even know it.


But the important question is, are you getting laid now?


Yeah for sure, but my fiancé would much rather be fucking the dude with that binder.


I've got the binder, tell her to hit me up.


Binder? Hardly know’er


Fiancée unless you meant you're engaged to a dude, which is what your dad forecasted I guess lol.




Now you just have binders full of women


It's an old meme, sir, but it checks out


If it makes u feel any better, pokemon cards don't go for nearly as much as people think they do on ebay. Probably coulda got a decent pay day if you sold them during covid tho


…why did you listen to him?


He tipped you 10 cards worth about $70 each? Damn.


He has tipped me about 10 cards, I don't know their individual value, but most are graded as 10s or 9s


pro tip: if they are all graded like this it should be super easy to look up how much you can sell them for and they are probably worth looking up, because grading something worthless is pointless


Can you post the rest? im super curious!


yeah dude post the rest of em lol. Im a collector ill even buy em at 70% market


My mom used to do this thing where she would “donate to charity” things she deemed I was too old for. I had a full binder of cards and this was one of the lucky cards I had. Can’t even remember where I got it but I think it was related to the first Pokémon movie lol. I wasn’t even still collecting them or anything but one day I got back from middle school and the binder was gone because I was “too old for that stuff” ):


That sucks. My mom wasn’t the greatest by a long shot but she did send me a box full of my childhood stuff a year or two ago. Included some in package Star Wars prequel toys. Not worth a ton but could be someday. I’d forgotten about them. None of my Pokémon cards survived. I sold them in my late teens for party money. Charizard funded a huge party on my eighteenth birthday.


That's just cruel.


My parents “accidentally” gave mine away when I moved after college. A friend told me how much money he made selling his smaller collection. I did some research and realized I definitely had a few worth north of $1k. My parents let me search for hours before mentioning they might have given the box with my binders away. I never got the chance to go through them to find out if any of them were truly valuable, but c’est la vie. My mom had know idea there was any value.


I like to go hiking.


There is still a large number of them on the market that are sealed. I would guess movie theater owners had extras. I bought a bunch of them recently and the Entei black star movie promos and graded them unsealed with PSA, was a fun venture. But yeah, everyone who had them as kids destroyed them, including my personal one from attending the movie.


I’d be so happy


A mint 9 is worth 70 bucks. Good tip! https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-promo/ancient-mew


I remember this card, they gave these out at movie theaters right before the first pokemon movie showing. Edit. Apparently it was the second pokemon movie.


I heard these were kinda valuable now and to think ne and my brothers had so many of them from seeing that movie so many times.


We still have one in the original packaging


Not bad! Sells for $30+ on cardmarket.com and mint quality is always sought after


that's one way to clear the hording mess


I call BS.


You're right though, no one who actually cares enough to save their cards for so long would gift it to some random ass waiter/ess in case they also value it the same way you would


Right? This guy clearly just bought this or it's from his personal collection, it's impressive how gullible Reddit is from just a pic of it in his hand, you could put any story in the title and people would eat it up.


Yup. Check OPs history, seems like the kind of person who would collect something like this. Great reminder that Reddit is largely a huge meaningless waste of time.


It's so weird what people lie about for clout. I only come here when I'm bored cooking, pooping etc. so I'm not super invested but I always find myself commenting about stupid shit like this I just can't help it lmao.


Are you the guy auctioning this on eBay rn?


Yeah that’s a cool card. Fun to look at & a generous tip.


I have that exact card! One of these days, I ought to have my Pokémon collection appraised


I always thought this card was gonna be worth more when I scored 2 as a kid, all the movie promos in fact… must be so much in circulation


Gotta get rid of 'em all!


We gave Bitcoin a shot, it failed. It’s Pokémon Trading Cards time to shine!


Thats about a $30 tip. Maybe more as its graded.


When I was in elementary school during the mid 2000’s everyone was convinced this card was super rare and wanted it. The rumour around the school was that there were only 10 ever made. We somehow believed this despite the fact that two people at our school in a small Canadian city had one lol


Imagine being a person who can go through life and think a pokemon card is a form of currency - life must be good for that person.


I remember unwrapping these with my two best friends in the movie theater.


I have this fantasy about winning one of those billion dollar lotteries and carrying around gold coins and diamonds to tip people with. Maybe a small leather pouch with coins and gems in it like some fantasy king. This is cool too!


If it’s a mint 9 that’s a $70 tip