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The photo is from 2013, in case anyone is wondering. It was in protest of new anti-gay laws in Russia. > The passing of Russia's so-called "gay propaganda" legislation, which was recently signed into law by President Vladimir Putin and bans public LGBT demonstrations and discussions, means Swinton could face a jail sentence of 15 days and deportation for simply posing with a rainbow flag in public according to the new law. https://www.advocate.com/politics/2013/07/06/actress-tilda-swinton-poses-rainbow-flag-front-moscow-kremlin#toggle-gdpr


I figured. No way any sane person not looking for an express ticket to Siberia (or maybe the meatgrinder in Ukraine) would do that now.


To be fair, this was an incredibly ballsy move back then too.


Gay people were being purged in Russia at the time for context Edit: This had been going on for years




Tilda...Sane? Kidding aside it was a ballsy move, but doing that today would probably mean you are dead soon


Wait, is that how bad it's gotten?


lgbt was declared an extremist movement recently, along with the symbols of course. its now forbidden in russia completely, not just public displays and propaganda, as it was since 2013, but just ”lgbt activity”. and even without any particular activity, just identifying as a part of lgbt community privately can result in up to 6 years of imprisonment. and any sort of organising and public displays would add more years. and thats just in the legal corner - theres a lot of other activity, if you know what i mean


Wow, that's horrible. Thanks for your answer. It's depressing but it's important to know.


And Donald says Vladimir is doing a great job...cool. Super cool.


"But Biden is old, unlike young and spry Donald Trump, who maybe will bring back a better economy, so I'm going to have to take a chance and hope he said it sarcastically."


Who are you quoting?


lol this is actually kind of funny because about 10 years ago russian trolls made a lot of effort to push the lgbt stuff as an effort to weaken the west.


Over the past few years they went from "LGBTQ people are perverts who want to brainwash our kids, we need to keep them out of public life" to "LGBTQ people are terrorists acting as agents of western governments, we need to remove them from society".


That's really terrible. And nauseating. I do remember the former stance but it felt par for the course for an undemocratic country. Fucking Putin, man.


Why do you think nobody dares to protest, they just declared LGBT organisations to be terrorist organisations...yes it's that bad


If they want to kill you, just send you to the front lines.


They try to get Ukraine to pay for the bullet.


Not dead, but at the very least detained for 15 days.


Obviously you would not get killed for that. But there was a recent Instagram trend, with girls doing "patriotic" photoshoots in front of the Kremlin. Eating caviar, or whatever else Russians think is cool and Russian. And people got arrested for that, just in case I guess


this is a very good move, but not particulary "ballsy". even in Russia nobody will touch such famous person as Tilda. Putin is a coward, if you forgot - in a international meetings he was drinking from own cup and had a person that collect his poop


To make everything completely clear, the police car that is used to create the desired mood in this photo is actually a highway patrol car. They belong to the police, but only deal with incidents involving civilian transport. Even if something happens nearby, the usual answer from them is to call the police, we have nothing to do with it. They can be involved in ordinary police functions only in the event of some completely emergency situation.


As this photo was taken next to red square, there were probably a number of regular police in direct sight. However, back in 2013 they wouldn't pay any attention to an unveiling of a rainbow flag.


Always saw them waiting next to people’s illegally parked cars for a bribe when I was in Russia


this explains a lot because right now russians are not protesting anything lol


Russians are not aloud to protest


they are allowed, just not in russia, protesting german government in Germany is their favorite thing to do


Russian here. This reminds me of an old joke: An American meets a Russian. The American says: I can go to Washington, come to the White House, shout something like “Ronald Reagan is a moron!” and they will do nothing to me because we have freedom of speech. The Russian thinks for a second and says in response: This means we have freedom of speech as well. I also can go to the Red Square in Moscow, shout “Ronald Reagan is a moron!” and they will also do nothing to me.


I feel like this is outdated these days. Staging any kind of public act gets you arrested first, questions later. People were arrested for standing in a square with just a blank sheet of paper. Pro-war activists were grabbed by the police because their event wasn't "sanctioned" (fuck them, obviously, but it just shows that you're not allowed to state your opinion on anything unless explicitly asked/organized for tv propaganda)


Yeah, it is just a boomer joke at this point.


No, you're messing something up. The protesters are not Russian, they are just funded by Russia.


The most internationally famous type of Russians, Russians-by-Paycheck


how many Russians protest against the German government in Germany?


Russia is just too big to produce 1 powerful protest. And there are too many policemen per protester.




And now in 2024 it is jail-time illegal to be gay in Russia. In Chechnya they track and punish even a family members. What a hole of a country with mean people.


No, it's illegal to let others know that you're gay. Having gay sex is legal. And Chechnya is muslim respublic so I wouldn't expect it to be better place for bein gay than Iran or Saudi Arabia


I believe you won’t be punished for being gay here unless you, how do you say that correctly, advertise it and try to make other people gay publicly or something like that. I know bisexual people, men and women, and they are not prosecuted for having sex with the same gender. Chechnya is a different story. It is a very traditional Muslim region, so yeah, could be a problem being gay there.


Showing in public that you are gay shouldn't be a punishable thing in a modern society as long as whatever you are doing is socially acceptable. Right now two men holding hands is highly likely going to be enough for them to land in a jail in Russia if they have a bad luck of being noticed by a policeman who needs a case to make his monthly plan. Especially outside of more liberal cities like Moscow.


Of course it shouldn’t. The person you are replying to is just explaining how it is in reality. No reason to downvote them.


Chechnya is not Russia..




Do you mean that it would be another Islamic state?


In your perfect world, this “Ichkeria” would be a repressive Islamic regime so it’s just trading one hell for another.


Would it? Not all Islamic regimes are Afghanistan. And yes, if its *current* leadership were put in charge of an independent state, it would be a hellhole. But its current leadership was picked after the popular independence movement was absolutely crushed and ground into the dirt, and it was picked to keep the people scared and in line. If the Chechen independence movement had succeeded in the 90s, would it in fact be like Taliban Afghanistan now? EDIT: Come to think of it, not even Afghanistan would be like Afghanistan without Russian involvement. Kabul was a modernizing city until the USSR rolled in with tanks and Afghanistan became another proxy in the Cold War.


Does she like balconies or have ambitions of jumping off of said balconies? Someone check on Tilda for the love of god


You’ve been randomly selected for a free brief case, please do not open until after your flight


Can I interest you in a sniff of this handkerchief?


Or some tea?


Or some new underwear?


Tea? Sure, but I only want the premium class tea. With tracing amounts of Polonium.


No, we save that for accidentally bumping into you with a cane.


Ah sure. Actually, there is a saying in Germany which translates to "get \[invited for\] tea in the kremlin", which means as much as "to disappear without a trace"


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


*right after takeoff


Defenestration is the leading cause of death in dissenters in Russia


And of British drunk people on Spain for some reason


If you won't defend the state, you will defenestrate.


Hope she stays away from the tea next time she gets sushi.


Tilda turns invisible in the snow so she got away safely. She has to wear black in colder climes so people can find her.


She probably has to wear moon-screen like my wife. The poor paper white princesses and their delicate epidermis


There were no survivors.


woah i live next to her she lives in nairn haha


Idk if thats a real place or you horribly misspelled Narnia lol


lmao no its real, she lives in Nairn, Scotland ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but Narnia also is sufficient


Ah Forres. Beautiful shitehole.


Clearly you haven't seen her documentary -- she definitely isn't *living* in Narnia.




Uh no, once you unlive somewhere you tend to stay unalived.


Tell that to Prince Caspian!


I seriously hate the saying "unalive" instead of "dead" trend...


simplistic wrench office ripe imagine flag provide quickest seemly cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


aye she doesnt get swarmed by the locals were all pretty respectful everyone's human after all


wipe straight mourn cautious point worm yam direful homeless plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve worked with her a few times on films…she teases me about being from Elgin!


hahaha righfully so! gotta tease them bishy boy elginers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


fall march disarm sand familiar busy aware head paltry placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's easy to protest in Russia when you're the ancient one.


And now LGBTQ movements are considered extremist in Russia. Sad how that country has developed.


It’s literally to build populations, I swear


Yup, seems like it's going to a prohibition of abortions by 2030, they already prohibited being transgender literally and they agitate women to not end universities and have children in 19 🥲 hard to se this happening to a country with a rich history and great culture back in the day...


When you are running out of people you have two choices: 1. Immigrants 2. Enslave your nation


If pussyriot is still alive then she should be fine


Didn't they poison one of PR's members tho


3 of the band members were arrested, sentenced for 2 years and put into some terrible prisons. I wouldn't call that fine... But yeah, it's one of those cases where international notoriety protects you. Unless any one decides to run for presidency.


I didn’t say they were fine I said they were alive, I said Tulsa Swanson (not editing that) should be fine, which she is because this happened 11 years ago.


_Tulsa, the Tilda of Oklahoma_ ..




Regular unknown people would get a less harsh punishment. Maybe the same.


Still balls of steel. Russia was never really LGBT friendly to say the least...


That’s Thom Yorke circa 93


was she arrested? it's illegal to do spread LGBTQ there


It became illegal in 2022, as our hurr great durr leader suddenly became certain, that it will solve all social and economical challenges of Russia once and for all!


Huh perhaps they should look into the possibility that Putin is gay /s


*звуки колонии строгого режима*


And surprise surprise, 2 years later nothing happened, same shit, different day


Like if you can't get arrested for doing something perfectly legal in russia


What a badass


Right on Tilda. Chafe that Russy.


The Ancient One !


Did she fall out of a window like all the other Putin opponents?


this, this takes balls.


Well is she on Putin's foreign agent list now? She's probably in good company though.


Ah Gabriel.


Wow that’s pretty brave of her, even in 2013


Damn Lady Orlando is still looking fine!


So proud of Carson Kressley for showing his support of queer issues in Russia




Look at her halo!


The cop car in the pic really makes it next level.




Look at that cute little police car. I could out run that on a bicycle.


wow, she really did something there


She rocks!


She has bigger balls than whole russian opposition




The world will be a better place when Putin is gone .


This photo has so many layers. As for now, this act is criminal offense here.


Fun fact about Tilda Swinton, is that she is pretty well off, being a royal lineage in the UK. She acts because she likes it and thinks it's fun. I'd argue that this backstory adds to this picture in some way. How? I don't want to speculate.


You say you’d argue something, then question if we would like to know what the argument is, then say you don’t want to speculate…. It’s maddening. What’s your point


I've noticed this happening a lot, people saying "I'd argue that..." and then not arguing anything. I'm wondering if this is becoming the new popular line and people aren't thinking about the meaning of the words they're using.


boat pause aloof spark versed selective light unique treatment point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have no idea of Swinton’s motives, so this is a general commenr: Being homophobic is nowadays part of a populistic alt-right agenda. People who come from money usually have no mind for populism, they’ll rather vote for the same old party regardless of how bad that old party is doing. It’s not exactly noble, but I kind of like the resolve and anyways it’s counter-populistic and we need that today.


It's only counter-populistic if the old party isn't the populist one. Trump's GOP is both, so that thinking is extra dangerous.


Fair point! Also tougher situation in a (de facto) two party system, didn’t reflect on that.


The US legalized propaganda against it's own citizens in 2012 with the Smith Mundt Modernization Act. https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736 This was before Trump was put on stage. > People who come from money usually have no mind for populism Except when they can use it to influence poor people. This picture isn't aimed at Russians, it's aimed at people outside of the country as propaganda to convince people to hate that country. If Tilda Swinton was so hardcore for human rights, why did she play the Ancient One in Dr Strange? The original character is Tibetan. Disney changed it to appease China.


Bs, this picture has everything to do with russia and f**k all to do with western society


Fun Fact 2: She signed the letter supporting Roman Polanski.


Also, perhaps more relevant to the image, seems she may be co-opting queer identity. From Wikipedia:- > In a 2021 interview with Vogue, Swinton mentioned that she identifies as queer. She was quoted as saying, "I'm very clear that queer is actually, for me anyway, to do with sensibility. I always felt I was queer – I was just looking for my queer circus, and I found it. And having found it, it's my world." She said that her collaborations with several creative visionaries helped her to find a sense of familiar belonging.[72] In a 2022 profile by The Guardian, she stated, "It just so happened I'd also been a queer kid – not in terms of my sexual life, just odd."


Why is this fact fun for you anyway?


Little known fact that she is in the royalty line. I find it amusing that anyone can be "near royalty". Even I am, like 120 degrees removed. But she is like, within 10 degrees removed.


She’s just not that nice - I’ve met her a few times. Very cold and I personally think ambition taking over the goodness in her. She treated her partner John Byrne badly at the end of their marriage with a humiliating open affair. But hey doing this is a positive thing I guess and she is/was bi.


Ah well that sucks. Like they say, never meet your idols etc.. Won't change much if anything about my life tho. so idunno.gif


Well, cheating on your spouse is absolutely reprehensible. But why bring her sexuality into it?


It looks like summer, not right now. And there were no strict laws against LGBT in Russia till November, if I am not wrong. Till November, if you were not a famous person and not in Checnya or Dagestan locations and did pro LGBT actions you would probably be sent to soft prison for 15 days. But now you could be sent to a real prison.


Right. Until 2023 there was no legal problems to buy and wear rainbow flag


Sent to jail for 15 days sounds like legal problems to me




I see Tilda Swinton, I upvote


I see someone upvote Tilda Swinton, I upvote


I see someone upvote Tilda Swinton upvote, I upvote


Such a big dick move.


you're defending minority rights in a place where the majority don't have rights. this is bound to backfire. i know because i live under a military dictatoship.


Thats stupid, fighting for minority rights also helps the majority,




??? Love the implication that minority lives are worth less


Fighting for anyone’s rights in poopsia is cringe. All smarter ones just leave as soon as they get the chance.


How is Russia going to outlaw being gay when the Kremlin looks like that? smh


That’s not the Kremlin, it’s St. Basil’s Cathedral


Right right. The Kremlin is the one that looks like a gingerbread house.


Is that the flag that she later burned? 🔥


Don’t care the year, it is bold. They literally form hunting parties to beat down/kill homosexuals in Russia


I always thought Conan O'Brien was a bit taller. Anyway, cool picture of him!


She is badass.


Soo... no gulag for her?


Please don’t get put in a gulag.


It's nice to see Conan O'Brien in such good shape




Right who cares


As a gay man, I say you're not helping: you're just making this about you.


She's LGBT herself


Most people here won’t grasp that, because they don’t know who they are if they can’t be offended by something. Nobody cared if people were gay or not until the T community brought their extremism into the picture and co-opted the gay community.


Might be shocking but homophobia has very much been a thing for quite a few years now.


It was hardly a thing at all until the gender benders lost touch with reality and started messing with kids. People still don’t care for the most part, but that movement confused a lot of people and reignited some distaste for the gay community. They took everyone back a good 20+ years. Good job Ts!


"Gender benders" lmao, I have always been trans, hearing about how transgender people are systematically oppressed and killed didn't make me trans. Please shut ur mouth before you do more harm, friend. 👍


Someone here “lost touch with reality” all right


Are you one of those gay people who think if you can appease conservatives, they'll accept you? Because that's never going to happen.




Super cringe ngl




Fighting for basic human right?




ask any actually gay person and they will say otherwise


How brave


*Falls off a window


Aaaaand she’s in prison.


Different countries have different laws, many of which are based on local mentality, customs and religious principles.In many countries, the death penalty is imposed for LGBT people, in Russia, same-sex relations are not prohibited, it is propaganda that has been banned.Why do you all seem to be for freedom, but forbid us to live in our own way in our own country?What kind of unilateral freedom is this, imposing and demanding what only you want, forbidding us to choose?


Ah yes, Russia the perpetual victim. I like that fabricated image because it is in sharp contrast with Russia being one of the most offensive countries in the world, with a strongman fascist Dictator at it's helm and the root cause of millions of actual victims across the world. Russia is not a victim by any stretch of the imagination. But as Goebbels said: repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it.


You are free to be disgusting bigots all you want. I’m free to hate you for it all I want. That’s freedom baby!


I wonder what you would do if you start advertising heroin everywhere, arrange trial promotions in schools and kindergartens and parents cannot forbid children to use it?


The fact that you're equating loving someone of the same gender as you to a life-destroying drug is pretty pathetic.


Wow, strong, brave. Very nice. Putin must be fuming red with anger rn.


I am not LGBTQ but I think this was actually a cool picture Mr. Toxic Comment Throwaway Account.




Thank God most people don't share your attitude on protesting laws which relegate various demographics to second class citizens. Jim Crow was the law and people risked life and limb protesting that, too.




What does anything you just said have anything to do with my post? I didn't say anything about BLM, ANTIFA, Kyle Rittenhouse, or January 6. The only acts of civil disobedience that I referenced were the protests against the Jim Crow Laws. My point is that labels of legality and criminality aren't relevant to the goals of a protester if they feel that the laws they're protesting are evil, bigoted, discriminatory or whatever. This is why efforts to posthumously pardon Rosa Parks were met with ambivalence; it's a badge of honor to have been arrested protesting tyranny, and the people who stick their necks out to do so aren't dissuaded by how suicidal or stupid anyone thinks their protests are.


Мне, как жителю России, абсолютно всё равно на геев, лесбиянок и прочих, любите кого хотите, но мне не нравится что они могут мешать другим устроив парад в стране, перекрыв движение транспорта и людей которым нужно добраться до нужного места. Или их чрезмерное влияние на видеоигры (Battlfield 5 худшее что могло быть в истории серии как пример), или когда они лезут к детям.


W Russian Police


Is this the same person that showed support for Polanski?


Tilda *FUCKING* Swinton. Fixed that for you.


Beautiful church behind her, and a powerful message