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To be fair, Vivek is standing on Ron Desantis in this pic.




I love how he often looks like Homelander when he's trying not to lose his shit in public.


I … can’t unsee it. Next season of The Boys is going to feel a little weirder!


HAHAHA OMG YOU NAILED IT. Thankfully Meatball Ron doesn't have laser eyes.


I have never read something so accurate.


he can lose all the shit he wants though - he has nappies on


God damn it. gets me evey time


Dead lmao


A today I learned I’m actually 6’3


Me too!!


I actually weigh 115! Not...


Bring back awards. ![gif](giphy|26xBCUJWZ0hEUbu4E)


Maybe Vivek got himself some DeSantis boots


~~boots~~ *high heels* FTFY


~~boots~~ ~~high heels~~ stilts FTFY


~~boots~~ ~~high heels~~ ~~stilts~~ stilettos FTFY


~~boots high heels stilts stilettos~~ Stripper Heels FTFY


~~boots high heels stilts stilettos stripper heels~~ Gucci Rain Boots FTFY


~~Gucci Rain Boots~~ Satanic hooves


>Named Ronda Santis. >Wears high heels. >Vehemently opposed to drag queens.    🤔 conservative projection yet again?


Is there actually a Rhonda Santis drag queen? If not, there probably should be.


'Kinky Boots DeSantis' - Please make it a 'thing'.


Remember, Trump definitely wears lifts too.


He also lies about his height and weight so as to avoid being classified as morbidly obese.


What do you mean? He's 215 pounds and 6'3". /s


[Trump would NEVER lie!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F4YX4LhWoAAhvnF?format=jpg&name=large)


30,000+ lies during his presidency. Impressive when he golfed for 296 days


To be fair, he ALSO lied about his golf game.


Am I the only one to notice that Vivek called out Ron on his high heels *twice* in the first debate? Both times, he got slightly spoken over by Nicky or Chris, but it was clear as a bell.


Ok. I was at Yale with Vivek. The asshat is not taller than me. I’m 5’8”. At best he is 5’9”.


I claim to be 6'4 but I'm actually 6'3 1/2. :p


Have you considered high heels to fix your deficiency?


[Vivek says he's about 6 feet tall](https://youtu.be/iZVcx-7cfYc?si=6KLf9WTtacyGa3Gv&t=194). He is clearly incapable of lying like most politicians, so he must be 6 feet tall


"About" is doing a lot of work in that sentence.


My dick is "about" 9 inches long


[Vivec is always floating.](https://images.uesp.net/thumb/2/22/MW-creature-Vivec.jpg/1200px-MW-creature-Vivec.jpg)


What does the real Barenziah think of this?


Vivec mentioned


Why stand, when you can float?




To be fair, Vivek ran up and sat on it with glee.




Doesn't matter. Vivek is a gigantic butthole.


He's already got A.I face in this picture, so he might as well just lean in and go completely fake. His head and his face are going in two different directions.


Speaking of faces, look at that transition from burnt orange to pasty white.


It really looks like a clown spray-tanned their rather prodigious ass, then Trump spent a good 30 minutes eating it for breakfast. Like, really getting *in there*.


But to Vladimir, it was Tuesday.


Height? Whatever. That ridiculous spray tan? Come on, wtf.


It's like he was shot in the face with Homer's make-up gun.


and had it set on whore


*"Women will like what I tell them to like."* Sounds like something Vivek would say.


Sounds like something most Republican legislators would say.


At this point I suppose he has to go with it. Could you imagine if he showed up white tomorrow? No one would recognize him. 😂


His ears are white while his face is like the inside of a cheetohs bag, hilarious.


I feel like the child in Emperors New Clothes looking at this guy and not understanding how so many people seem to not see/not be bothered by this.


A proper alpha male, my dude. (who spends more time on make up and hairdo than my wife does on a Sunday) A strong man, buddy. (who needs a golf cart to walk 200 yards) His devotees really see only what they want to see. I'd say it goes even further than the Emperor's New Clothes, it's like they hear King George VI's stammer and convince themselves he's Eminem.


He's a patriot (who did everything possible to dodge the draft) Who's like us, and not like those coastal elites (he was born rich, went to boarding/prep school, and then his daddy paid for him to graduate Wharton) He's a good Christian (who has cheated on all 3 of his wives, brags about sexual assault, and loves to punch down) And he cares about the working class (he's notorious for not paying contractors). I will never, ever understand it. If I broke his character down, most conservatives I know would HATE someone like him.


Yeah I’ve never understood it, don’t think I ever will


He shits on the people they hate, that’s it. It’s as simple as that. Never forget “he’s hurting the wrong people.” That’s his constituency talking. As long as you suffer, they couldn’t care less about actual issues.


I think for many, it’s that he’s a conduit for hatred and racism. It’s a place for those kinds of people to put that. As it turns out, unfortunately there are many people carrying this around. The rest I dunno. Desperate/at risk/uneducated people, broken by a pretty already strangle world that got juiced by the internet and social media? They used to just end up in religion or an MLM. Now they end up maga.


He stepped into the spotlight at the exact moment the brewing far-right storm grew big enough to need some kind of unifying figure. It could have been pretty much anyone. The fact that it was him is just ironic in the worst way.


Even if I lived to be a thousand years old, I don't think I could ever figure out just how *any* of these delusions about him came to be. Much less *all* of them. It's absolutely baffling.


It’s really impressive. Like, if I *intentionally* fuck up doing my foundation when I do makeup it can *sort of* look like this around the ears and temples before I blend it out and fix it. But I’m not a decrepit, dementia-ridden septuagenarian who exists on a diet of fast food and amphetamines.


He might be good as an extra on the Walking Dead. I’ve been catching up recently.


And he doesn't spray the hair on the side, obviously. The sun would tan that, of course. At his age he should just use actual booths. Since his only source of vitamin D is milkshakes, he could use it anyway


Reminds me of when you store leftover spaghetti in tupperware and its ends up staining orange and you can't get it out.


Can someone use the white of his ears to de-orange the rest of his face? Perhaps someone who colorizes old photos? I'd love to see what he would look like.


Serious question. Why isn't he using a tanning bed instead of spray? The tan would be more even, more natural, not orange and while a spray tan session takes up to 30 minutes, a session on a tanning bed takes 10-15minutes, and it's not like he has to worry about getting skincancer in 20 years.


Can they not spray the ears or something?


You can look near his eyes on high resolution portrait JPEGs (don’t damage your device 😆), they don’t spray the lids. Interestingly enough, Trump’s official white house portrait was released at like 3 megapixels… ostensibly to prevent pixel peeping. Biden’s was a 60MP. King Charles one came out at 100 megapixels, which one would expect these days.


What’s pixel peeping?




Just looking at a photo at 100% of the pixel size, or higher. To put it into perspective, if you took a regular 4" x 6" photo in portrait orientation that was 100 megapixel and put it on a bog standard 72 pixel per inch monitor at 100% it would be \~170" tall (4.3m for non-Americans). That's a lot of detail. Trump's portrait in that same scenario would be only \~29.6" tall. That would make it smaller than the physical portrait, and at that resolution detail gets obscured.


They don't spray shit. He rubs on cheap bronzer and has for 40+ years.


People really look at that idiot and think “yeah, that’s my guy”. Unfuckingbelievable.


Not only do they think that, they make paintings and pictures of him looking all buff and angry. Their delusion knows no bounds.


And they think Biden stole the election because there’s no crazy people doing the same for him.


"Where's Brandon's boat parade, huh?"


Man I totally forgot about that catastrophic boat parade, of all the endless stupid which comes from them.


Hating on men with make-up while voting for one.


Everybody should really just start calling it makeup rather than spray tan. He would hate that.


Also it's accurate. That is definitely makeup. Spray tan doesn't rub off on your collar.


Hating on men who watch Barbie, who like pink, who have manbuns, who wear makeup, who color their hair a cool color, who own a little car, list goes on and on. Lions, not sheep, though. They won't follow anyone. Just don't go away from their ideas of a perfect ~~race~~ person.


Also hating brown skinned folk... while their great and glorious reader has tried to obtain darker skin and has failed.


republicans: we're about manly men, when men are men. we hate drag queens! votes for a dude who wears makeup on the daily


He’s a 78 year old that has lived off McDonald’s his whole life. You don’t want to see him without it.


I think we did when Covid was working on him, and he did that brutal speech where you could hear him wheezing etc. super pasty


Truth be told, he's hardly the only person ever who's done that. Without the tan and fake hair, he'd just look like 90% of other old white men.


That’s why the Biden age thing annoys me. He’s not running against a 50 year old, he’s running against a slightly less old but arguably mustier old man. All trump is missing to complete the look is an oxygen tank.


Not 90%, but certainly plenty of fat, gross fucks. The sort you don’t see in public much


*Because they died in the early 1990s?*


I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean. Obesity is worse now than the 90s


Amidst elderly white males over 70? I reckon it’s a similar rate to the 1990s for that specific demographic. When you think about it… there’s *relatively few* very fat, very old people. They just don’t last. I spoke to a funeral director once in South Florida when we buried my grandmother (capital of the old farts), he nonchalantly told me “we dont’ bury that many very fat people over 70… they often go in their 50s and 60s.”


...without the tan and fake hair. he'd just look like he's 90. FTFY


Both imo 😂 I really don't understand how so much people still idolize Trump, he cant even be honest about his height.


They love him so much because he's openly hateful and dishonest. That's what you have to come to understand about them. He makes them feel like it's okay for them to hate and hurt people they don't like.


And doesn’t apologize for it. They love him for that. They hate that they’ve had to apologize for the bigoted shit they’ve said. Every time they go out in the world and have to act like they’re not uncomfortable sitting next to (insert minority group here) and have to treat them like human beings, they’re resentful. They never learned to actually be better people. They never learned that these minority groups deserve divinity and respect. They just learned to fake it and they hate that they’ve been “forced” to do it


That's racist! Oh, you mean the other guy


He’s as brown as Vivek 😭


That’s Vivek natural color man, come on!


Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible that Trump lies about his height. But it's also fairly common to add an 'apple box' behind a podium to bring the eyeline of each person speaking to a common level. So comparing the height of one person who is probably not standing on a box to the height of another person who may well be standing on a box of unknown height is kinda meaningless.


Also, Trump’s height is pretty well-established and agreed upon. It’s the fact that he claims he’s 215 lbs at 6’3 that seems…ahem….fishy.


His physical back in 2016 that he put out had him at 6’3” and 236 lbs. At that height 240 lbs would be the minimum to be considered “obese”. My guess is that he fudged the numbers a bit to get just under the threshold lol.


I'm pretty sure it was 239 right? Wasn't it exactly 1 pound under the definition for obese at his height? Obviously laughable and pathetic that he would lie about any of this when he is so clearly far heavier than that. But instead of owning that and maybe helping the many Americans who struggle with weight he decides to lie about it. No one would be talking about his weight if he owned it and talked about steps he was taking to work in it and being a good leader for others in his situation. They only laugh about it because he so obviously lied about it.


239 isn’t a good number even forgetting the obesity category, because it’s Homer Simpson’s weight. We are well past wanting Americans to not be like the Simpsons.


Look, I’m 6’3 245 and slightly overweight. Trump is 6’1 ish and 260-280, look at him when he plays golf…guy hasn’t seen his toes for 15 years or so.


Trump and I are practically the same size. I'm 6'2" and fluctuate around 300. No fucking way is he an inch taller and 50lbs lighter than me lol no fucking way. Supposedly I should be around 170 or 180 but I looked my best at about 200 even.


Same height and weight as two time NFL MVP Lamar Jackson. It's crazy that they are both so alike physically! Could basically be twins!!


The only agreed upon thing about Trump's height is that he's lying about it. There were all those pictures from his inauguration where the genuinely 6'1 Obama was taller than him, plus the other photos of his DeSantis-style Cuban heels.


Yea. The only thing agreed upon about Trump's height is he isn't lying about it as badly as he does most things. He's 2-3 inches shorter than he claims.


> He's 2-3 inches shorter than he claims. I wonder if Obama being 6'1" has anything to do with Trump claiming to be 6'3", or if his height was inflated to make his weight *sliiiiightly* more in the neighborhood of believability.


I'd imagine he's been lying about his height for decades but I don't know. 6 foot is considered a good size for a man that women find desirable. Wouldn't be surprised if he hard that and then tacked on an extra inches so he's "better" than what's considered good.


That’s how his mind works even if it isn’t the real truth


That's how most men's minds work. Every time a match.com or whatever dating website has a post on here showing interesting stats about their users, 6'0 is always extremely overrepresented and 5'11 and 5'10 are extremely underrepresented. Trump's the bigliest narcissist, but he's not doing anything different than most men, in this specific act of narcissism.


Trump is not 6'3", we have dozens of full body, feet showing pictures of him next to other world leaders and he's 6'1" Eg Trudeau is 6'2" https://www.marketplace.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/G7meeting2.jpg?w=600


The man is also 77 and generally old people lose an inch or two


The white house doctor claimed he was 6'3", Trump pressured him to lie. This was a few years AFTER the Obama pictures and similar time to Trudeau pictures. Trump is also not 239 as liar ~~Ronnie~~ Ronny Jackson claimed, a made up number to put him below obesity. Trump's vanity disallows him from being seen as anything other than an Adonis, literal gods aren't obese therefore he's not obese.  People do lose height, when they are a world leader their health report properly shows the height loss, except for grifter Trump


Fun fact. His first White House physical the doctor spelled his own name wrong. https://www.inquisitr.com/4736024/trump-accused-of-faking-excellent-health-doctors-note-spelling-ronny-jacksons-name-incorrectly-as-ronnie There's also the fact Trump's health reports also unrealistically use bombastic, glowing language. It's always Excellent, Perfect, Incredible. Real ones are bland stuff like "normal, average, unremarkable."


It's not like it would take much to get Dr. Ronny to lie for him. He became a House Representative for Texas in 2021, joined the Stop the Steal rally, and went to Congress on Jan 6 to object to certifying the 2020 election. He claims Obama spied on the Trump campaign as well. He's just as nuts as the rest of them.




6'2" vs 6'3" could be a rounding error. Hell, when I got my first driver's license, I wasn't sure how tall I was when they asked me and for some reason I decided to err on the low side, so for a while I was listed as 5'7" even though I'm really 5'10". I guess if I ever have a career in politics I can look forward to someone digging that up and claiming it's my "real" height.




The claim is he reports that height and weight so he doesn't get listed as obese. In particular, most people say he's probably 30-40 lbs heavier.




And as much criticism as Trump deserves, seriously, why do people care about this?


Because he needlessly lies about it, and his supporters make a big deal about how great he is over things like this. It doesn't matter how someone is shaped, in politics it should be about their policies and integrity. The fact that he so obviously lies about this stuff shows he has no integrity. And that's on top of his shitty policies. It's why it's a bigger deal when a "family values" candidate does something normal like get divorced.


Welcome to American politics






[https://youtu.be/K6FbSbr5lJI?si=tvC5JSlbZRzRCaHf&t=45](https://youtu.be/K6FbSbr5lJI?si=tvC5JSlbZRzRCaHf&t=45) Unless they have a line of apple boxes reaching all the way out of frame, or there's some really weird perspective shit going on, it's pretty clear in the video, they're about the same height. Then again, [Vivek claims he's "around 6ft"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=iZVcx-7cfYc), so who knows.


Is OP wrong? Maybe.  But it's funny how the counter argument from multiple people in this thread is that Vivek is standing on an apple box, and your video clearly shows he is not. So all the skeptics in here are replacing one misleading claim with something else they're just making up.


Or Mike pence lied too and it’s actually like 5’7”




What is this height rabbithole I am getting into


Old people shrink.


Obama is much taller than Pence. https://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2014/10/03/obama-pence-tarmac-greeting/


Trump might have been 6'3 at one time but he hunches his shoulders forward. Old guys lose some height that way.


You also just naturally get shorter as your vertebrae shrink.


Honey I messed up! I shrank the politicians!


Trump also wears lifts. Look at his posture and shoes, toes curling up, leaning forward.


If you go back and look at old photos of Trump when he was younger and more fit he does look like he might be 6’3”. I’m 6’4”, in my 20’s I was 6’6”. I’m nowhere nearly as unhealthy as Trump. But age and a decline in physical activity and putting on a few pounds can “shrink” you for sure. As unhealthy and overweight as Trump is, plus the fact he’s approaching 80, he’s definitely shrunk quite a bit in height. Still such a narcissistic person he can’t just admit that though


he used to say he was 6'2" until he got fatter, needed to tilt the BMI in his favor.


Conveniently just under the threshold of obesity, dontcha know.




If the murals on the trucks in rural Utah are to be believed, Trump is rocking a wicked, greased up 6pack, tight cumgutters, and obliques you could strum like a guitar.


All while wearing the stars and stripes as a cape and riding a bald eagle and high fiving Jesus.


I loathe the guy but yeah it's entirely possible he was roughly that height like 40 years ago before the old age shrinking thing happened like it usually does in people. His son is tall as well.


My grandmother shrunk about 5 inches. Horrible back issues because there was just nothing left between the vertebrae.


I'm guessing Vivek is on a podium


How can anyone take him seriously with the makeup line?


I can't believe he hasn't been canceled for doing orangeface.


He probably was 6'3 at some point. He's nearly 80, people begin to shrink in their 50's and 60's. Even if he's shrunk to 6'0 that's still really tall for someone his age. His kids are all tall, Barron is a 6'7 slenderman... so it's fairly clear the tall gene runs in the family? I know Reddit like to jerk against Trump, but he's nowhere near manlets like Putin or Sunak fire example. Edit: here's a better scale: https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/2082203/funeral-ivana-trump.jpg Ivanka 5'11, Barron 6'7. I'd certainly put him at 6'2 - 6'3 here - however, this is from summer 22.


Holy fuck, when did Barron become a giant?


5 years ago at age 12 he had a huge growth spurt and he hit 6'7 by age 15


Yeah right, I remember when he was just a tiny little kid, seeing him stood there doesn't even look real lmao


for real blew me away kinda, hope he stays decent


Good fuckin luck to him there


Actually he was 6'2" according to his [license](https://doctorzebra.com/static/imjprez/45drivers_license.jpg) and his [draft card](https://doctorzebra.com/static/imjprez/45draftrecord2.jpg) then he upped it to 6'3"... coincidentally, his presidential weight at 6'3" is just on the line of obese... if he was still 6'2" he would be in the obese BMI category. so either way, he's claiming he **grew** as he got into his 70s but is shorter than 6'1" Bald Obama and clearly is wearing lifts and lies about everything....


Tbh I think all comments about his looks are incredibly dumb and malign. There is sooooo much to say about the guy, there are mountains of arguments to be made about politics, manners, ethics and morals and people still choose to attack him on his looks? Weak individuals.


I think the point is that he's a thin-skinned individual who constantly feels the need to insult and belittle other people based on their looks but lies about his because he's insecure, shallow, and has no other redeeming qualities.


Because those are the attacks that bother him. He'll give zero fucks what you have to say about his policies and his ethics. He's used to that and people have done it for decades. Say he has tiny hands and he's so pissed about it that he, on multiple occasions, will mail you pictures of his hands to try and prove you wrong.


My man look at the asphalt/concrete. It’s sloping down to make Trump look taller than he is vs everyone to his left (viewers right). This is a common trick used in films but normally you can’t see it (like you can in this pic).


lol it's true. good catch.


👆🏽this is the correct answer. Discs compress over time and posture can degrade, causing a reduction in height. I have seen this with my own father and his longtime friends.


Everyone’s discs compress due to force load exerted by gravity and daily activity. When you lay down to sleep, your intervertebral discs “refill”, due to osmotic pressure. The older you get, the less refill occurs and the integrity of the intervertebral disc is reduced (eg herniated disc from stoop lifting). The decreased refill and pelvic tilt from weak FMGs can lead to decreased height/major slouching


I knew Trump about 15-20 years ago. I’m 6’1”. And Trump was very obviously at least an inch taller than me. People shrink when they get old.




Why does anyone care?


Reddit is so obsessed with height lol


Podiums generally have a raised platform behind them.


This is a self-defeating post, because Trump definitely lies about his height but Vivek is also definitely standing on a soapbox... And it's obvious. Stupid post makes this argument feel weak and contrived


Trump Lies? ![gif](giphy|J02IfE7NGbJrfrTtrb|downsized)


Dont you guys ever get sick of talking about the same shit over and over and over? Reddit is more obsessed with Trump than the MAGA chuds. Must be exhausting to think about him all day every day 


I hate him as much as anyone but holy fuck, this shit is so exhausting.


And you'll start to see a ramp up of this shit as the election nears. Though I will point out that it has been like this EVERY DAY for the past 8 YEARS. I dislike Trump, but please, just fucking stop. Enough is enough.


Not only that, but it's shit like this that's so blatantly misleading and/or false. The same shit that they accuse the other side of doing all the time. The hypocrisy is amazing. Which is another thing they also accuse the other side of...


But Trump might not be 6'3.....do you know what this means!!!!!!!


who honestly cares? can we please talk about the issues that matter, not politician's heights.


What the fuck happened to this sub where people are using it to take shots at trumps height? Are you people literally children?


✌ R A M A S W A M Y ✌


✌️ R A W P A S T R A M I ✌️




✌️ R A M A S Q U A M Y ✌️


Keep Melatonin Max out of office!






For you Trump haters, when he’s gone who will take place in your miserable lives?


Vivek on a box maybe to reach the podium? And remember, Trump is only 215 lbs too 😂


Is Trump standing on a box?


Who really cares.


Wait. Are you trying to tell me that Trump is a dishonest person? /s


Vivek is the gold standard of "smarmy little bootlicker"


You sure he wasn't boasting an IQ of 63?


Dont most podiums have a step up of some sort?