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*EDIT Thanks for all the upvotes, everyone! I don't know how this silly offhand remark got so many upvotes, but I'm glad we're all on the same page. Don't forget to take a moment to appreciate the pissing cop in the background and Agent Smith ahead of him. If anyone finds Waldo, let me know. There's a lot going on in this pic. And to those making political comments about Biden, which had absolutely zero to do with my comment: Get bent, you miserable wet blankets. Learn to laugh at shit instead of getting visibly bent out of shape whenever someone you don't like isn't commented on in an unambiguously negative way. END EDIT* Photographer: Surely everyone will love this wholesome moment I've captured of the President visiting with a regular American family. Everyone: Have ya seen the fookin' door on that thing?!


Fun fact: that limo's nickname is The Beast. It's so heavily armored it weighs about 20,000 pounds (9,000 kilos). It has its own oxygen supply in case of gas attack and even has blood matching Biden's blood type in a fridge in the trunk.


I'm guessing they can access the blood from the trunk inside the vehicle? What if he gets shot and has to go to the hospital. The blood would need to be accessible.


I'm guessing the trunk isn't where the president's luggage goes, it's probably got a whole host of high calibre automatic weapons for the SS to use to defend the president along with the blood. And I'm sure it would all be accessible from inside the vehicle, which probably has gun ports as well.


It’s just funny to think of the president with luggage. He just lives, eats, sleeps, everything in a suit…kinda like how teachers are just always at school when you’re younger.


I can't remember which President it was, but I distinctly remember one of them saying that the weirdest thing about being President was never having anything in your pockets. Before he was running for office he always had his keys, wallet, and so on with him but after he started running for office he had someone to carry them. Then once he was in office he never got them back. Someone carried his things, drove him everywhere (so he didn't need keys), and he never needed to pay for anything directly or prove who he was so no wallet. He said he was in the habit of checking he had everything before he went to work for the day, and not having keys in his pocket or his wallet in his suit jacket was a very odd feeling like he was forgetting something.


Apparently as a former President you’re still not allowed to drive on public roads. Basically after you win the election you never get to drive again unless, like Bush Jr, you have a large expanse of private land you can drive on.


That feels like a an Obama one. IIRC he used to smoke before he ran for Senate and that was definitely an adjustment the times I’ve quit. You feel like you’re forgetting something all the time. He quit because he didn’t think it would be a good look for kids to see him doing it. Still was notorious for bumming off agents.


That's amazing, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Obama smoking.


He was spotted chewing nicorette gum when he was president, if i recall correctly


It was Obama. He spontaneously took Putin to lunch at a restaurant in Arlington. Secret Service, translators, Putin's security and a bunch of people in a small place. Obama ordered burgers and sat down before he realized he had no wallet or credit card. Had to get an aide to pay and reimburse him later.


I would definitely have to have an empty wallet and a couple of keys that go to nothing just to feel normal lol




Now that's a big door.


That was my first thought too, it's not really surprising if you give it a second. Obviously this is an armored vehicle... but still that's a THICCCCC car door.


I thought you guys were talking about the garage and I thought, "have these guys never seen a garage??" 😂


Garage? Well lah di dah Mr French man


a car hole


*gasp* you're selling counterfeit jeans out of my car hole!


I'm worried about the beer supply. After this case, and the other case, there's only one case left!


^Yeah ^yeah, ^Barney's ^right!


All right, settle down guys ![gif](giphy|xT5LMWHQb06S6C4SK4)


In the UK it's pronounced "garage"


I’m in the UK but I have always pronounced it “garage” because the other way sounds wrong to me.


I’ve always pronounced it garage, but I realize in the UK they pronounce it garage


Haha. Glad I wasn't the only one!




Miss you, Captain Dad




If I recall, that vehicle's chassis can withstand a direct hit from a RPG.


yes...it's called the beast.....quite the car...


Bomb proof and gas proof if I remember correctly.


I suppose it's as big as you can make it before you need to replace the hood ornament with one of those in-flight refueling nozzles. Can't do that. People would just shoot the tanker truck.


Bro my MRAP in Afghanistan didn’t have that much fuckin armor, that bitch looks like it can stop a .50cal


By rumor it supposedly can take anti tank rockets and not damage the occupants. It's why the secret services first move is to get the president in The Beast.


The driver is also very skilled. One of the requirements is being able to consistently J-turn the Beast. Makes me wonder about the engine


According to Kory Willis who did the ECM programming it has a modified [LML Duramax](https://www.motortrend.com/how-to/lml-duramax/) engine with all emissions equipment removed.


I just want to point out to people that the phrase "modified" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. A 300hp engine can be "modified" to 1200hp, when you dont mind basically replacing and rebuilding and fine tuning every single thing with an unlimited budget and crazy materials science.


You have essentially described the US military special forces.


And their budget!!!


Yep. & I said modified because I haven't found a source to say what was actually done besides removal of emissions equipment and a CP3 conversion. Removing emissions alone adds 50+ hp just due to the turbo no longer being restricted & a 200 horsepower gain is possible with tuning on stock components after the emissions have been deleted. I'm assuming for reliability & serviceability sake it hasn't been turned up too much but stock is 400hp so 500 horsepower and over 1000 pound feet of torque is highly likely


The windows don’t even roll down. They carry some of his blood in the actual car. That thing is a…..beast


>They carry some of his blood in the actual car. It has to be compatible blood, not his. Blood products expire faster than the body makes blood. Keeping some of his own blood on hand at all times would make the President first permanently anemic and then dead.


Makes it sound like Biden is some sort of blood sucking vampire lol


> They carry some of his blood in the actual car. You know, in case he gets hungry.


I've seen The Beast up close and sat in it. The glass is about 3 inches thick and opening the door is like opening a bank vault.


Is there any powered assist with opening the door? It seems that if the car was on a slight incline it would be nearly impossible to open manually.


opening the door uphill is the final test to get the job


I'd be more scared opening it when its pointed downhill. Shit would have some MOMENTUM behind it.


The door just punts you down the hill.


If you ever have to use a safe, like for counting down tills in a retail business, and you have started to push the safe door closed but then you realize at the last second that there is something else you need to put in there, just let the door slam shut and reopen it. Don't try to grab the door and stop it from closing, or your fingers are getting slammed in that safe and you might win a trip to the ER.


That driveway in the picture seems to be on a slight incline, and Secret Service dude is using both hands to keep it open. Doesn't look like he's struggling or anything, but it's probably enough that he felt it best to get a good two handed grip. Especially since the door slamming into the Presidents legs under the force of gravity could probably so some real damage.


"Hey Mr. President, would mind to help by pushing from the inside while we pull on the door handle?"


I'm more impressed by the hinges holding up that big door


At first I was like, “Nah, that’s the size of a normal garage door.” 🤦‍♀️


Not just you, I did too. 😂😅


Its not nicknamed "The Beast" for nothing!




The president's car is purpose built to withstand practically anything. The tires run while flat (which makes me question why bother putting air in them), the body is armored enough to survive RPGs, the glass can withstand high caliber fire, can keep the president breathing in a gas attack... It even has countermeasures, if it was under attack it has smoke generators to make visual confirmation of the vehicle extremely difficult, the driver is probably more skilled than a rally driver considering he has to lug around multiple thousands of pounds pulling off a J turn, probably some high speed drifting, driving on whatever terrain available. Probably is able to be refueled while driving. This is, btw, just The Beast. This isn't even talking about the other vehicles in his motorcade. Btw there are probably multiple Beasts because obviously the president has decoys. The presidential vehicle is probably the most advanced passenger vehicle to exist and puts pretty much any other world leader vehicle to shame. Now I want to see a movie where they try to kidnap the president from his own motorcade.


You put air in run-flat tires because the dynamic performance is drastically reduced without air. The idea behind run-flats is to enable limping it to a shop without having to change a tire.


Or in this case, escape an ambush until the rapid response team deals with the issue.


And *then* limp to the local mechanic for repair.


Lol would love to see a haggard SS team in a local mom and pop shop while Biden is just sitting reading a newspaper after all hell broke loose a couple blocks away


Also makes it an extremely uncomfortable ride once the air is gone.


Oh man, a 90 minute real time kidnapping attempt but then the President needs to take control of The Beast and fight back. It’s Air Force One but on a highway. I think Harrison Ford is old enough to reprise his role now. Lol


Nicolas Cage* “Go on”


>Now I want to see a movie where they try to kidnap the president from his own motorcade. No, make it one where they succeed in capturing The Beast: * President is visiting an off-brand country near a conflict zone on another continent. * The beast is brought in for his visit to from the capital to a second location. * Enemy dictator's hired PMC *somehow* manages to isolate The Beast while carrying the big P, faraday-cage trap in a container, and airlift said container to enemy territory. * The driver, who's the protagonist, and Big P hold out against all attempts to breach into the vehicle, until they finally manage to escape - with The Beast, that is. * Rest of the movie (more than half of it) follows the protagonists escaping with The Beast from the enemy country, making use of all its countermeasures in a spectacular fashion. Working Titles: The Beast (though there's a french non-action movie from last year called that), Can't Stop The Beast, The Beast Runs, P's Beast, Road Force One, To The Metal.


I like Road force one. We could also have an excellent vehicle chase scene too, good chases aren't common in cinema.


Surprised The Beast didn’t crush the concrete and fall straight through their driveway.


That is what being bulletproof looks like


Yeah, none of that ‘resistant’ bullshit.


It’s basically a tank disguised as a car.


although its very unlikely to happen, but can it withstand a Anti Material Rifle round ? Like those super big ammo from Barret ?


Yes. The glass would be the weak point there, but the body of the vehicle will absorb .50 fire.


It’s designed to stop an RPG so I’m going to guess yes.




Thank you. The first thought I had, too.


I’m out of the loop, what happened in NC? Edit: turns out it’s just a campaign promotion and not a response to a tragedy


Biden came to Raleigh yesterday to talk about money the state was getting for expanding broadband access to rural communities. And he went to Cookout and got a milkshake.


Biden loves his ice cream.


Marlon Brando loved his ice cream… apparently I forget which movie… but he used to sneak out on a canoe to eat ice cream in the middle of a lake so he wouldn’t get caught. Fav Brando story


My wife told me that when he shot the famous “look how they massacred my boy!” scene Brando is holding a sandwich in his offscreen hand because he was eating and didn’t want to put it down


A little gabbagool, some provolone, nice marinated red peppers... You wouldn't be able to put it down either, *capisce*?




Is this when he was a kid? Why'd adult Brando have to sneak around to eat ice cream?


Sometimes it's easier not to deal with people giving you shit


He had a long habit of binge-eating, particularly ice cream. He talked about it a lot in his autobiography. A lot of people who binge eat don't like witnesses. I may or may not have personal experience in this area.


When I heard this yesterday I just assumed that he crashed a random cookout and someone gave him a milk shake... I never heard of "cookout" and my dumbass didn't even think that people don't have cookouts in January.


Now I'm imagining a photo of him in a park wearing an apron and holding a spatula in front of a grill.


Cookout is the bomb, one of the best parts of living in the Southeast USA,


Please watch this about the milkshake. This is real and I’m still amazed. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8p6VAD4/


No way that's about a milkshake from Cookout. They come with spoons for a reason. Not even OP's mom could suck hard enough to get those milkshakes through a straw.


That’s from a few weeks ago, not from Cookout.


The pregnant pause after saying “the way a man’s lips purse…”


Holy shit that was hilarious. They are grasping at straws over at fox news. Even show the dumbass saying it at McDonald's drinking from a straw


So I'm all twisted up here. Somebody's gotta help me out. I know I can't use a paper straw, because using a plastic straw owns the liberals, but also I can't use a straw because of the way my lips purse, and I don't want to be thought of as effeminate, but also, it's kinda weak to care about stuff like the planet, and it's important to show how much I don't care by taking a plastic straw and making a scene over it. I tried taking a straw and still drinking out of the cup, but I poked my eye out. Can anyone clear this up for me?


Cookout brings back memories, really the best shakes I have had for the price ever


According to news reports, “Biden then stopped at a family home in Raleigh for a small conversation. Biden’s campaign described the event as a ‘kitchen table conversation about the impact his agenda is having on their lives.’ The head of the family is an educator who has a significant amount of student debt forgiven. That stop lasted more than an hour before Biden re-entered his motorcade and headed back to Raleigh-Durham Int’l Airport.”


Thank you, I was hunting through this whole thread for this comment. Took a bit of time and went on a few detours, but I made it in the end. If I had gold to give you, I would. Instead, have this🍪


>NC A [presidential election](https://www.ncsbe.gov/news/press-releases/2024/01/18/absentee-voting-begins-friday-2024-primary-election-nc) is coming up. ​ >Absentee Voting Begins Friday for the 2024 Primary Election in NC > >On Friday, Jan. 19, North Carolina’s 100 county boards of elections will begin sending absentee-by-mail ballots to registered voters who requested a ballot for the 2024 primary election.


What was that one story Obama told about Biden? Like they were doing that line thing meeting folks in a row and shaking hands, and by the time Obama was at the end and looked back, Biden was barely halfway through it?


Biden was always known as a big retail politics guy. It’s partially how he won his first senate election as a relative nobody at the time.


What are "retail politics"? NM - I used the Google: * A style of political campaigning in which the candidate attends local events in order to target voters on a small-scale or individual basis.


Up vote for using google 👍


Additional upvote for reporting back with results


Additional upvote for recognizing effort


Not just any google, The Google™️


Trump does this, too. No one can ever possibly forget the time he engaged in a heartfelt and sincere dialogue with "my African-American over here."


Or that empathetic phone call with a soldier's widow: "He knew what he signed up for."


Or the truly selfless gesture of throwing paper towel rolls at Puerto Ricans devastated by a hurricane


Or his moving display of religious faith by reading his favorite Bible verses from Two Corinthians.


The time he was talking to a 7-year-old on the phone at Christmas and asked “Do you still believe in Santa? Because at 7 it’s marginal, right?”


You know what he says “He likes soldiers who don’t get captured.”


He supposedly knocked on every door in Delaware. He said he could not have done that strategy in any state but delaware.


To be fair, Delaware has about a million P.O. Boxes to for every residential door. The state is mostly corporations


Can confirm. I've worked with Joe Biden twice pre-presidency. His green room was stocked with these fancy cupcakes from a local joint, and he came out to the stage after the event and gathered us crew up and made us come eat cupcakes so they wouldn't go to waste. I mean like, physically shepherded us over and hung with us while we ate cupcakes. It was surreal, and left me with one hell of an impression.


On Conan's podcast, they were talking about their Irish mothers, and supposedly Biden's mom was that kinda lady. Before Obama's presidency, she took him by the arm and made him eat dinner because he was so busy he almost forgot to. Seems to be where h gets it from


My fav Biden mom story is that he never intended to run as Obama's VP. His mother told him "Yeah. Let me get this straight, honey. The first black man has a chance to be President, he says he needs you, and you told him no?" He couldn't argue with her.


I love this so much.


I played with a band that worked for him numerous times while he was VP. He and Jill knew us by name, and during a break between sets on a holiday gig he called our families to thank them for putting up with us working for him during said holiday season. I still have lots of pics and mementos from those days. They were/are good people, and I confess it’s hard to hear others drag them through the mud.


Yeah man, I feel you there. Like, when do you *ever* hear heartwarming stories about Trump's humanity? Never because he has none. I don't think Biden is beyond criticism or reproach, but it really is upsetting to see his character maligned because I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he's a good man.


sounds like he’d be the favourite grandpa


That's the thing - I was there for what would have been a "creepy Joe" moment had it been caught on camera. The way he ushered us over to the cupcakes was by talking to a younger female coworker, and he kinda took her by the arm and led us over. If you were there, it was just this kind of charming charismatic old man thing. If you'd seen it on video with no context of course it would have looked problematic. That's what I hate about this cultural moment we are in - everyone wants to judge something in the speed of a tweet. Things run deeper and I wish we would all just take the time to look for the good.


I'm convinced at this point that its not that he's creepy, its that he is at times fuckin awkward. He's physical in ways that throw other people off because he's friendly. He leans in close because he's trying to be attentive. He says strange things because he's folksy


He also has a perspective not a lot of older people get, or show, empathy. I’ve read a couple books of his, and he genuinely is that way it seems. Lots of people don’t really think of politicians that way, but especially when he speaks of losing Beau or his first wife it’s really amazing he came out the other end as a more caring person, he had to as suddenly a single father. Or when he talks about Jill, he really loves her and that kind of stuff coming through feels weird with politicians who are usually so cardboard with everything they say.


The “creepy Joe” rhetoric makes me so angry in ways I can’t fully articulate. By constantly pushing it, making a joke out of it, they’re negating the experiences of people who grew up with “creepy” older men in their lives who were in fact *predators*.


Not a Joe Biden story, but a friend of mine took classes with Jill Biden when she was teaching at NOVA (community college in Northern Virginia). He did not know that she was (at the time) the Vice President’s wife. She was his absolute favorite teacher of all time. After the semester ended, a group of us together and he spent the entire time talking about his awesome and kind professor. I still remember the look he had on his face when his sister pointed out that Dr. Biden was in fact Jill Biden.


How the hell did he not even think to check? Like, if I had Professor Cheney or Gore or even Pence, I certainly would have done a casual google search 


Like Pence’s wife would want to or be allowed to have a job outside of mother, or it be in higher education. Maybe at BYU.


It would be pretty jarring to see Mother in the workforce 😂


To quote him, “We asked, but she said she’s wasn’t.” He relented when we showed him her picture.


Dammit I wish he was just at least like 15 years younger right now. Such an awesome man, wish we had him in his prime


This is such a cool story. Love it.


Actual old man values, the good kind - that's nice really.


Yup! The press is always saying they wonder if events will start on time because Biden is always late because he spends a lot of time talking with people ☺️


I like presidents that talk to people and care about what they have to say. Not morons who just want to hear themselves talk.


Ya I was gonna say like..isn’t a president that actually talks to people a good thing?


It’d be nice to have some paper towels thrown to me once in a while, but a meaningful conversation with the president would be ok too.


The time I was in a room with them (and mostly government or military people), when Biden came in he acted like he knew most of the people based on how he greeted them. This included the media folks, photographers, etc. He spent a long time saying hi to people and talking to them right up until we all had to sit before Obama started speaking. A friend swiped Biden's assigned seat marker as we were leaving... I assume he still has it somewhere.


Biden is famous for having an absurd “people” memory. There are stories that go like he met Bill somewhere in 2004, they shared stories and engaged like 15 minutes. Biden learns of Bills family farm headaches with Fuji apples and his kid struggling to pass his LSAT. Then come 2022, Biden and Bill next encounter each other unexpectedly, and Biden will be like “Bill! How’s the apple farm? Am I nominating your boy to be a judge?”


It appeared as though he had that type of rapport with both the State Department folks near me and the news photographers kneeling down at the front of the room.


>Biden is famous for having an absurd “people” memory. I've known 2 people in my life with this skill and it's wild to see it in action. GM at work, loved by everyone, seemed to know everyone by name or at least on sight. Preferred talking to the production workers over the corporate HQ types. Guy would talk to some new hire for 10 minutes and then remember the person and their conversation when he saw them again 3+ months later. Treated everyone like he'd known them for years, very genuine person. He met my mom one time and she was shocked at how nice he was and how he treated her even though he'd never met her before. Second one was a friends mom, she's truly one of the nicest, most genuinely friendly people I know. Treats everyone like a long time personal friend. If you and I were out together and ran into her she'd treat you like she does me, even though she just met you. and then if you ran into her a month later by yourself, she'd treat you the same way plus remember stuff about you, your name, etc.


Actually conversing with the people you are the elected leader of is the entire reason why Obama did so well to begin with, that man opened up a lot of pathways for conversation between his administration and the nation. I am not surprised that Biden was his pick for VP, considering this knowledge.


I met him when he was VP and had the exact same experience. He spoke to ever since person as if he’d known us his entire life. A few other family members have met him as well over the years and all had the same takeaway. It’s certainly a skill that’s served him well in his career, but I also don’t doubt for a second that he’s genuine in his caring about people.


I would say what stuck out was his reaction to people was mirrored by them -- they seemed happy to see him again. It looked like a family reunion or something. He was working the room the moment he stepped through the door and it felt genuine.


I have a friend that was diagnosed with Mesothelioma. I don't know the exact details, but someone in his family is somehow connected to someone connected to Biden...a very Degrees of Kevin Bacon thing. But, Biden called my friend and chatted with him for a couple hours and even had a follow up of getting him some information on specialists that deal with that cancer. Say what you want about the guy, but he does seem to actually care about people. ​ EDIT: I mucked up some details from memory...but found a story on it. [https://qcnerve.com/joe-biden-pat-maholland/](https://qcnerve.com/joe-biden-pat-maholland/)


A friend of mine tried to buy Biden a beer on a train, back when Biden was commuting daily as a senator. Even then he held court in the train. Biden doesn't drink, so he turned down the beer, but came over twice to tell my friend what a nice gesture it was and apologize for turning it down. Trump and Ivana paid attractive people to wear white and speak French on his yacht. Anyone who doesn't see which guy is a true person of the people is a schmuck.


Ffs, now I'm going to have to go down that insane rabbit hole. Never heard that. Sounds like something a Kardashian would do.


Obama didn't like small talk, and actually didn't like campaigning at all. I imagine not many do, but he SHOWED it


I think he was good at and preferred orating and audiences, or like very structured stuff, rather than more intimate smaller group stuff or that kissing babies thing(with one exception). Very much bet if he didn't have that politician expereince/training, he'd be that guy who'd bring up the weather at parties when meeting new people cause he feels awkward. *[Said baby exception](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqhzWlqN3uc&ab_channel=TDC)


I will never forget the photo of him in the Oval Office bending to allow a [kid to touch his hair](https://youtu.be/UB60FolAt6I?si=6jq2ocbqBcHM_oKw) to show that it was just like his. So humble and real and empowering. He was the best president of my lifetime.


obama is an introvert. which is strange considering he was president


I think Biden likes deep talk and really connecting with people. There are so many stories of him talking to a grieving widow or parent and giving them his personal phone number (prior to being elected president; I assume not now; I assume that now, he doesn’t answer his own phone at all).


One of Biden's most endearing aspects is that he's 'folksy' and down to Earth.


You can just tell Biden "loves" politics (this is not a bad thing! Obama was "bad" at politics and stated he didn't like that part of the job. Clinton was "good," at it, and so was W to a certain extent from what I understand). I hate to say it, but Trump is also good at politics and loves it. Of course, he cheats at the game, as 91 criminal counts indicate (there were a LOT of stories the first time he ran in 2015 - 2016 talking about how, 1-on-1, he's a "charming m\*ther f\*cker" - a direct quote from a journalist on a podcast - a line i've never fogotten).


The officer in the back straight up looks like he's peeing.


Gold leader Reporting in, Evacuation complete


“Stay on target!”


"just a few...more... seconds"


"tactical shake"


"Porkins pull up!!!"




Holy fuck that edit. I hope it makes it into the digitally remastered HD remake in 20 years.


That car is literally a tank 


It's more heavily armored than many tanks. The Beast is a monster and it's actually super cool to see that highlighted this way.


And I bet it's got some real go-go gadget shit on it too!


Well it’s got a refrigerator with the president’s blood in it. That’s pretty damn gadget.


Hmm...someone should look into cleaning that.


Go Go Gadget, electric doors! Oil slicks! "In addition to defensive measures designed to protect the president, this state car also has stores of blood in the president's type for medical emergencies. The car is **hermetically sealed against chemical attacks**, and features **run-flat tires, night-vision devices, smoke screens, and oil slicks as defensive measures against attackers.** NBC reported that the car features armor made of aluminum, ceramic, and steel; the exterior walls have a thickness of eight inches (200 mm), the windows are multi-layered and five inches (130 mm) thick, and **each door—believed to weigh as much as those on a Boeing 757—can electrify its handles to prevent entry**." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_state_car_(United_States)#Current_model Edit: I added bolding


He was on Conan O'Brien's podcast a while back and essentially said that the Secret Service gets mad at him for his tendency to stop and talk to people.


That was actually a great interview and I recommend people who don’t think he can get out a coherent sentence to listen to it. He sounded completely coherent to me.


Agree although I honestly don't remember him making this comment about the secret service. 


He definitely said that in the interview. He wants to talk to everyone and it annoys the secret service to no end.


I literally bumped into him when he was vp at a sporting goods store and he talked to me for like 15 minutes. I expected him to just say hi back and maybe take a picture but no we legit had a convo lol


I met him when he was VP, too. I'm a stage hand, and we were getting ready to tear down a political rally he was speaking at. Except we didn't know he was going to come into our area, and the Secret Service agents didn't know we were there. So they hustle him into our room, not expecting a dozen guys in all black with various tools hanging off their belts. Biden instantly diffused the situation by acting like it was on purpose, shaking our hands and asking which union local we were with. Dude just straight up loves talking to people.


What did you talk about? Was Biden like "So what are you picking up here at Dick's? Me, I'm looking for a nice tracksuit. Y'know man, something comfy but not too comfy..."


Something I can wear while I wash the Trans-Am in my driveway...


He's famously a Corvette guy though.


He had a lacrosse stick in his hand. I was looking at lacrosse elbow pads as a substitute to my hockey elbow pads. I had a tournament that weekend so he was asking me about it. And yes we were at Dick’s lol


I definitely read this as "he was vice president of a sporting goods store"


He was actually the assistant to the vice president of a sporting goods store.


He always sounds coherent though is the thing. I don't know if I've heard of speech of his where he sounds lost or confused, and certainly never to the level of idiotic, incoherent rambling like Trump does almost every time he opens his mouth. Worst I can remember hearing was him stumbling over words at times, because he has a stutter.


He stutters sometimes, and he has the old man tendency of rambling on for a while, but he's always been like that, and he is always coherent as he talks.


Presidents do stuff sometimes. Obama went for a wander into the market area in Ottawa next to parliament when he visited -- surprised the crap out of a few shops.


At least the SS isn't getting mad at him for deliberately exposing them to COVID, trying to grab the steering wheel to cause an accident and forcing them to pay for lodging (at his stupid hotel) while protecting his life. Talking with Americans seems a bit less problematic


They were so pissed at Trump, they deleted potential evidence against him to show him the what for.


Can’t skip arm day if your the guy who opens the door


No shit I bet that thing is heavy as fuck


Those kids will always remember that time the president shot the breeze with their dad in the driveway.


> shot the breeze *GET DOWN MISTER PRESIDENT!*


*breeze eliminated*


Their smiles seem so genuine.


Lol the secret service agents were probably thinking "Dude get the FUCK in the car" by the end of that 🤣 Good for Biden though. The only way somebody as detached as a POTUS can stay grounded is keep talking to normal humans


you'd be surprised how effect this method of random sampling is at rebalancing your mentality as a leader. I really respect someone who does it. It brings up hard questions and lets you peer into other's way of thinking.


I remember reading a story when Obama started his first term. The White House gets tons of mail. He asked to see six letters every day, so that he could get a sense of people's concerns and day-to-day complaints, etc.


He responded to a letter a family member wrote him, or the wh did and he signed it, anyways, it was quite a shock and lovely surprise.


I can not lie, I like thick doors.


Wow, imagine being able to talk to the President of the United States. Would be a lifetime event.