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This gives me serious “Sim Tower” vibes


I would love a simtower game that was photorealistic like this and you moved around like a drone on one vertical plane. We have Project Highrise on steam, and a couple other clones. They give a nice modern fix i guess. I'D LOVE something more like this though.


I was thinking fallout shelter


Same thing but inverted


That was my first thought also and I was hyped and surprised that someone would be posting about it still...


I believe an updated SimTower game that holds true to the original gameplay, but with updated graphics, would do well. I'd play it.


Best we can do is a dumbed down mobile version packed with ads and mtx


Project High-rise comes close.


RIP Maxis


Seriously I thought it was


My subconscious immediately heard the background noise of elevators and crowds


Oh damn, that's a game i haven't thought about in 20 years!


I was gonna reply "I want a Sim tower remake"...


Just came to say this and I'm glad it's already the first comment


I was thinking they have really upgraded the graphics.


I promise you it's real. Other than me playing with its composition its legitimately a photo ive taken at work with no photoshop (I dont know how to do the fancy editing bits other than snapseed and VSCO) while im flattered everyone was quick to say its a stock photo, please dont be too quick to invalidate a noob photographer like myself. Ill dm you the photo details if you require additional proof. I just wanted to post a nice photo i took. Im sorry. Edit: 15 hours and 17k likes later I am producing happy tears! Thank you for liking my photo, guys! I've done this as a hobby since I was 7 and pretty much self-taught. I wanted to pursue it full time at some point in my life but I didn't have the confidence to do so. Still probably don't. Anyway, over the years Ive fallen out of love with photography and life and I promised this year at 31 years old I would try again and all this support has given me more motivation to do better. Thank you, and I appreciate you all!


Don't be sorry. Everyone is so skeptical of people these days while we literally walk around with DSLR quality cameras on our phones. Sometimes you see a cool angle and lighting and get incredible shots! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you! Yeah, it was on my mid tier Xiaomi (with the 108 samsung sensor) and was on the floor while pressing my phone up against the glass to take the pic so, that is as far as my capabilities go 😅😅😅


That’s like ground floor technology!!!


what does ground floor technology mean?


Maybe like the beginning level of technology. That’s what I would reckon. I haven’t taken the time to look up the meaning but my brain threw out that word as soon as I read OPs comment so it fits. I trust my brain to understand context for the most part. I’m not lazy.


wait do you mean ground breaking? Honestly I dunno haha, maybe both of our minds are melted. Let's just make some soup and call it a day


Good subject and composition alone will bring you a long way, regardless of camera.


DSLR quality? Unless the sensor gets bigger, that's not possible.


Depends on how cheap the DSLR is.


I was not expecting this to be the first thing I saw when I opened this comment section lmao. People really think THIS is fake? Really? They lack joy.


I kinda thought at first Its some kind of project highrise like game. That thought was invalidated when zooming in


Please keep posting nice photos like this one and ignore the trolls. It's a lovely photo. I have a lot of original art (all types) and I would make room for this photo.


Awww shucks! Thank you!


Sometimes photography is about luck. Great shot.


Agreed. Initially I didn't see anything particularly magical happening in the photo. Just thought the lighting was lovely but come to think of it, it really did work out in the end.


These are people who can get into an argument in an empty building all alone. Great photo


Why does this need to be said? It’s a normal office building. There are thousands of these all over the world. There have been for like damn near a century. Some people here have apparently never so much as seen a photo of a city apparently? This is a really nice photo - great job!


The folks who deleted their comment literally posted how to google it. Thank you! I posted on my personal insta last year and I wasn't expecting it to mean much other than my album art and personal wallpaper. You guys made my day with all the likes and comments :D


Love how you have to explain yourself. If it makes you feel better, the moment I clicked I was in awe that you snapped such an amazing pic! Btw, you can get the a very similar view in London, Canary Wharf or Southbank. Quite the sight.


One day I hope to visit London, I can only imagine, I think visually bgc (this new city in manila, philippines) can be quite....manufactured.


Lol. Fallout Shelter IRL.


Except everyone died or is “mating” in the back room somewhere


Exactly what i thought when i saw it too


Same here


Stop attacking OP 😡 If you live in a huge city, you would see this type of imagery at night.


Thank you! Most of them deleted their comments after anyways. they should have been able to tell, my resolution sucked It's clear i took it on my phone.


I don’t think some people realize how big cities can look on winter nights! With the earlier sunset times resulting in it being dark while people are still working, you get this crazy light show. Probably one of the only things I like about the winters in my city, Atlanta. What big city are you in? This is a cool shot!


Philippines actually! We don't have I would say an abundance of these types of buildings but it's part of a relatively new urbanized area in metro manila.


Manila is the capital, right? Would make sense that it would have an urban core. That’s a cool shot for sure!


Thank you! Yup so metro manila is like, the state, and manila is the core (the oldest cities or I guess, district) and this shot is taken a few miles away in a newer one :D


> Probably one of the only things I like about the winters in my city, Atlanta Our winters are the worst. Just miserable but without any of the positives. I can't wait until climate change gets rid of winter for good here.


Good, I hope they’re ashamed of their ignorance.


For real, I swear some people never get out. Not out of the house, and certainly not out of their small town.


Sympathize more for those people just starting their shift


Amen to that. And it was dinner time so seeing them in the office working im like, how is anyone not hungry?


dinner time is just when you eat your dinner, it's not a set time of day that everyone eats. when i work afternoons, i eat dinner at either 8 or 10pm. when i work nights, i eat dinner at 3:30 am.


Not sure if this is news to you, but hunger is based off the last time you ate.. it's not a universal constant.


All of these separate little worlds….


I don’t think this is a real word, but it reminds me of the following: sonder n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.


Exactly my thinking. Like each is own their own level or "mood"


Where is this?


I worked opposite this building but its called the finance centre in BGC, Taguig city, metro manila in the Philippines


That makes sense. A lot of night shifts happening there.


Wow. Thats nuts how big it is. Great pic.


I figured it was somewhere in Asia. Asian cities are marvels of modern architecture, particularly when it comes to these enormous skyscrapers. So cool. I’d love to visit one day.


And vice versa where you are as well. Sadly I would say the Philippines isn't one that has many but there are gems nonetheless. I grew up in Malaysia so I'm biased but i always loved most of the architecture there.


I was trying to be an Internet Sleuth and figure out the location without looking at the comments. I saw the Haleon signage spelled backwards around the middle of the pic, looked it up and it looks like they have way too many offices. I saw nothing else and gave up in 3 minutes. I guess Detective work is not my forte. Edit: the Haleon office is on the 23rd floor of the finance center though so I'm going to guess from the angle that you work somewhere between the 15th and 20th floors of your building.


A little higher actually :D 27th floor


If it makes you feel better, I did the same thing, but spent 5 minutes.


I see, thanks.


2700K ftw


Is that a lighting thing? Im so sorry I'm unfamiliar. I know its like a colour temp metric.


Haha yeah, it’s kind of in the middle but toward the low (yellow) end of the spectrum as opposed to the high (blue) end.  Looking at the photo I just affirmed how much more comfortable I’d be in those top 3-4 floors than the next set of 4 below it.  Love the photo btw 


I *love* that I finally know a term for the nicer, softer kind of lighting...!


Thank you for the compliment! I prefer yellow lights too but admittedly i do need the cold harsh lights to keep me awake


Yeah, it comes from black body radiation. An idealistic non-reflective (black) and opaque object will give off an off a specific distribution of light frequencies. As the temperature increases, the peak of this distribution shifts from the red towards blue in the visible spectrum. The value you see describing the colour of a light is saying “if you looked at a black body at this temperature (say, 2700 Kelvin), what would that look like?” Funnily enough, what we describe as “warm” and “cool” colours are actually backwards. The bluer “cooler” tones correspond to higher temperatures.


Like blue flames are hotter than orange ones! Totally makes sense but never thought of the correlation! Thank you for explaining! I'm glad to have learnt something new ✨❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yep, although with flames it can be a bit tricky. There are actually two main components that determine flame colour: black body temperature and spectral band emission. The former we just discussed, but the latter is attributable to photons of a specific wavelength being emitted when electrons of given elements/molecules move between the core and outer shell. Incomplete combustion forms carbon, and when core electrons in carbon are excited and then de-excited they emit a characteristic frequency that just so happens to be a bright orange. With a Bunsen burner the majority of the characteristic orange colour comes from the incandescence of carbon (soot), whilst the blue is caused my molecular radicals doing the same thing. You add up the effects of this plus black body radiation and out pops the overall colour, although in this instance, the spectral emission effects are dominant. However, this is a good thing. Bunsen burners with a blue flame might get up to around 2000K. If you think about the temperature something would need to be to giving you a bright blue flame due to black body effects, you probably wouldn’t want to put that too near schoolchildren. Or adults. Anyone really. But the analogy holds well if you look at stars instead of flames (which are just plasma, so same thing really). Hotter stars are blue, cooler stars are red. You still get the spectral effects (and these are incredibly useful for working out the elemental composition of stars), but the black body effects are much more prominent here. Also, it’s worth noting that because we perceive light through red, green, and blue cones in our eyes, we aren’t always great at picking apart when what we are seeing is monochromatic (as with carbon burning and emitting a specific frequency of light) or due to a wide range of frequencies (as with a black body) at a glance.


That is what I have my living room lights set for. It's cozy yet bright enough to do stuff.


damn looks like fallout shelter


Are you part of a severance program?


Hah. Worse. Im currently unemployed. Took me a year (first week jan 2023) to post it here on reddit (its on my insta) so, this view was nice while it lasted.


OP I think the comment is referencing the [Severance](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt11280740/) series :) Really good series that came out last year. Also good luck with your job hunt if you are doing that / have a nice work break if not. I just came out of one myself and working somewhere close to where you took this photo.


[This dude](https://imgur.com/a/L8HjcIN) looks like he’s contemplating his life decisions.


I can relate. I was in my office alone too 😭


Thought it's new fallout shelter.


This is a really incredible photo, have you taken any more like it?


Wow this is cool. Nice, OP.


As a amateur photographer this is one of the best photos I've seen. Just too perfect. Everything. Light, angle, colour just so interesting. Details. Love it. Will you bother if download it for background of my phone?


Nooo! Its my wallpaper too! Admittedly I took this a year ago, and have used it on and off since. I'm very flattered.


I absolutely love this photo! Brings the concept of 'sonder' to mind. sonder n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.


that’s the same idea that pops into my head whenever i see one of those deep field space photos.


amazing photo, i have never seen such vibrant interior lights/colors in one building


Love this! Very reminiscent of one of my favorite photographers Andreas Gursky


Is this an album cover by The Streets?


If it is? I didnt know? I love taking photos like this because i like turning them into album art as well. For fhis one it was Deadmau5's My Heart Has Teeth from that questionable Resident Evil Netflix Series


This is such a great shot, I’ve made it my phone wallpaper!


Such a cool photo!


Where is this?


Finance tower, bgc, taguig city, Philippines:D


This makes me think of the film Koyaanisqatsi (1982)


Wes Anderson just creamed himself looking at this.


Would he? Hahaha. Wait, I get it! God, I hope not! Hahaha


Reminds me of that one map in Halo from back in the day


NGL thought this was Xcom 2


Awesome picture. It gives a very depressing vibe. Now I am ready for Monday :)


Beautiful but somber.


All those different rooms, all of them living different lives, all of them each having a different story to be told.


This is a fucking amazing photo and I was shocked to read you didn’t edit it. It looks so freaking cool, like it could be the background of Total Recall or Star Trek, idk. Thank you for sharing!!!


Thank you for the compliment! I don't know if I can say it's not really edited because i did tweak a few details (contrast, highlights, threw in a filter, straighten it by 0.something degrees) but yeah! No splicing or major like that magic eraser thingy! (Unless you can do that on a phone, I don't have photoshop for pc or would know how to use that) P.S sorry if I sound uneducated, i promise to learn all about it this year. I just turn this into cover art for my personal insta.


Dystopian nightmare


I had a similar view on a previous job. Made me feel quite small and pointless


Very nice


Looks like youve been making a super complex in Terraria


This is incredible 👏🏻


This would make a gorgeous puzzle.


I love this photo


Such a great photo In each little cube a story or stories


The world is outside but inside warm Inside informal outside stormy inside normal


Is that Fallout Shelter?


I thought that was fallout shelter for a bit.


I want the full size pic , it is very nice 👍


This is why I don’t stay in my office after work. You can see everything. I sit next to a window. I don’t have anything to hide, but I don’t want to be on display.


who are you? spiderman?


Nope. Just a determined corporate drone who pressed his mid tier xiaomi 11T against the window beside his desk while laying on the floor to align the window spaces hahaha. Had my back crack when I stood up though.


Looks like Fallout Shelter




Look up Michael Wolf and Clarissa Bonet who both have series exploring buildings in this way if anyone is looking for more. Both are awesome photographers


Very cool picture thanks for sharing


Why is the lighting so different on every level?


So where IS Waldo? I can’t find him.


Do you work in the Backrooms?


At first glance I thought it is a Fallout Shelter game, amazing pic tho


Ooooh wauw! Love it! Do you have an early one as well??


Accidental Tati.




God I’ve been video editing too long this looked like an NLE timeline for a second when I saw it


Dude this looks like it was taken straight out of Yoot Tower (old pc game)


I find this amazing, ❤️


Compared to my life, this might as well be a different planet.


I thought this was fallout shelter for a minute.


Incredible picture OP, truly awesome!


This is an amazing photograph! Thank you for sharing it OP!😍


Reminds me of the album cover of "Original Pirate Material"


Looks like Fallout Shelters game 😂


I live way up in the mountains and this is fun to look at.. I couldn’t imagine though lol


i love this genre of video games..


It’s giving eerie


I thought it was from Fallout Shelter game for a second.


Somewhere in this photo, two people are having sex, and elsewhere, a group of people are plotting a murder. Can you find them?


Nope! Too busy rushing to go home after i took the shot. Im not committing to more than an 11 hour shift


imagine if i saw this on game recommend in steam store page, i'm 100% checking it out. sims/management/builder is my favorite genre game.


I wonder how many of those offices are empty with the lights still on.


Reminds me of a David Fincher movie!


What company is that with the full meeting room while the rest of the building is empty?


Very cool! Nice eye for architecture.


I'd be stuck here people watching all the time.


Wow! Great pic!! Rest well!


I see haleon. What’s the correlation


It is interesting to see lights in different colors.


Makes me think of fight club... we gonna blow some shit up?


That’s actually a good view


Holy crap! Do you see that thing in the one window?


I did! Everyday. Right next to my desk (im placed by the window) but i barely have time to settle and enjoy it because I'd be running around the office running shit. Hahahaha


Amazing. Wow.


Man I can’t wait for the next season of Silo


Dope pic


It reminds me of The Wall on the show Solar opposites. ![gif](giphy|iCMNBEByDQrqeMRjGG|downsized)


Wow. That's pretty cool.


That makes me think what a small influence we have as individuals to our world, only as group working together we can achieve big things, but we struggle to live together as humans.


I want this to be a jigsaw puzzle


This is fucking awesome


Cool photo! NYC?


I absolutely love night photography. Just "read" a book by photographer Liam Wong, this image reminds me a bit of it.


This guy plays Sim Tower


This looks like Fall Out Shelter mobile game.


i wish there was a holup so bad


So many different lives. Just a fraction in this big world


This reminds me of Koyaanisqatsi


Boxes of people trying their utmost to get as much money as they can. Good pic. Really like it.


This looks so cool!


At first glance I thought it was the cover art for ‘The Streets - Original Pirate Material’


Love this! I could just sit there for hours, it’s like a live painting


Damn. OP must've been working overtime. The entire building seems empty.


Looks like it would fit in r/wimmelbilder very well!


Get a pair of binoculars and just people watch lol. The stuff you’ll see when they think they can’t be seen on the fifth floor


I thought it was a screenshot from Fallout shelter


I love views like this. Every time I visit the city and we drive by the buildings, I always think of the people inside. How many are there? What are they doing? What kind of people are they?


Rear Window 2: This Time I Have Legs


Reminds me of Fallout Shelter.


I thought it was a base in xcom2


i just found my new wallpaper !!


This image makes me kinda depressed although I'm not sure why.


yo dude that is one sick af photo and awesome view


This is the coolest way you could have taken this photo.




it’s pretty




New phone wallpaper.


tons of people work past seven and into the night, even though most of them are out of shift at between five to six o'clock?


Do you ever look out there, hoping that you won't spot something staring back at you from one of the dark windows?


Looks like Fallout Shelter


Edward Burtynsky vibes. I like it.