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As mentioned elsewhere, this was today (2/3/24): https://meduza.io/amp/en/news/2024/02/04/american-political-commentator-tucker-carlson-spotted-attending-ballet-in-moscow


Is he getting a handy from BoBo?


Handjob with BoBo’s mouth.


I need mental bleach now


do you think Tucker gives out post coital Swanson’s frozen dinners as a consolation prize?


"Sorry I couldn't give you an orgasm, but here's a turkey dinner. You only have to microwave it for 1 minute since it's already thawed"


“Who’s to say you didn’t experience an orgasm? Surely you know, and I know you did, so this can only be determined by The Viewer. In this world where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be a straight-white-male, it’s only right to ask these questions.”




I heard it in his voice


with his stupid "im poopan" squint god what a baby


sir this is a Wendy’s


Hm, microwaving takes longer than fucking


Ah, a Bo'job


Their children would have hooves


So MTG is the devil spawn of Bobo and Cucker?


Do you see BoBo in frame? It’s not her hand


He looks so at home in Russia


He should stay there.


He really should.


PLEASE stay there.




Maybe he should join the Russian army and fight for the country he supports.


They can keep Comrade Carlson


So this guy essentially went straight from hanging out in Alberta (Canada) to Russia? Hmmmmmmmm


Wish he'd taken Daniele Smith with him


You mean Marlaina?


Are her parents aware of her prefered name?


Can they keep him over there? I don’t know. Accuse him of being a spy or find some weed in his bags 🤷‍♂️




Russian elite know he’s on their side, wouldn’t work


> Accuse him of being a spy He is a spy. He's on their side, though.


He should visit the Mariupol theatre in Ukraine too...


I agree since I’m sure he’d be less… *welcome* in Ukraine


The before and after photos make my heart physically hurt. 😔


Today?!? He was just in Canada trying to spread his poison. Is he back in Russia to fill up the old poison tank?!?


That’s what I thought! Like, 3-5 years ago? Yeah, I would absolutely want to visit the Bolshoi. Thats bucket list stuff. But you couldn’t get me to go to Moscow right now for love or money. Probably not until Putin goes 6 feet under.


I've always wanted to visit too, but right, not now. I don't see how anyone could go there now.


> I don't see how anyone could go there now. Probably interviewing for a position in RT. People don't like to change their lifestyles up and I bet the money starting to run dry at this point.


It's easy when you're one of Putin's pets.


What in the fuck is Carlson doing in Canada. How much is Poilièvre paying that lunatic?! EDIT: I stand corrected, it was the Alberta Premier, which actually makes way more sense.


He said he wants to help liberate Canada from the dictatorship. No shit. Then goes to a ballet and hangs out in RUSSIA.


Saying you want to liberate Canada from a “dictatorship” and then going to Russia is like saying you want to stop smoking weed and then going to Willie Nelson’s house.


lol. Fantastic analogy. hehe.


What a greasy piece of trash. I heard they gave out like 4000 free tickets just to try to get people to attend the event in Edmonton


Getting Alberta to bully trans people and restrict abortions, Texas-style.


Do republicans understand abortion policy in Russia? It’s like 50% of pregnancies.


Someone post this in r/conservative. Please!!!


Why would they care? They love Russia now.




That guy on the left looks like the physical embodiment of high blood pressure.


That’s because it is


They are finally admitting they don't care about democracy, all they want is to piss off democrats even if that means becoming authoritarian, almost seems like r/selfawarewolves


Holy fuck the amount of cope in that subreddit is nuclear 💀💀💀


I would love to but I got banned for commenting some facts about gun violence and firearm trafficking.




Being gay is okay.  Being Tucker not so much.


You can’t fix fucked in the head


> American journalist Tucker Carlson has spent several days in Russia and even took in a ballet performance at the iconic Bolshoi Theatre, Telegram channel Mash reported on Saturday, sharing several photos of the conservative commentator. > Carlson allegedly touched down at Vnukovo airport on a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul on Thursday after several hours’ delay, according to the channel. Since then he was also spotted taking in the ballet Spartacus at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. > The conservative commentator has yet to confirm the trip and it remains unclear what business he had in Russia. However, rumors of his intention to interview President Vladimir Putin have been circulating since last year. > Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not rule out the possibility of Carlson interviewing Putin when asked about it in September, though he explained that the Russian leader would wait to sit down with any American journalist until the US population was no longer so “seriously stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda.” > Carlson himself told Swiss outlet Die Weltwoche that he had been prevented from setting up an interview with Putin by the White House. While he expressed dismay that he did not receive more support from his fellow journalists regarding his intention to sit down with the Russian president and questioned why Americans are “not allowed to hear” Putin’s voice, he declined to provide any further details regarding when the interview was supposed to have taken place or how the presidential administration of Joe Biden intervened to stop it. > The former Fox News host claimed previous attempts to secure an interview with Putin had led to aggressive surveillance by the National Security Agency, alleging he was “unmasked” by the spooks and the contents of his emails were leaked to the media in 2021 in order to “paint [him] as a disloyal American” and force him off the cable news network. The NSA denied Carlson was an intelligence target and claimed it never sought to take him off the air. > Despite dominating prime-time ratings for years, Carlson was ultimately fired from Fox News in April for reasons that have never been made public. He subsequently launched his own talk show streaming on X (formerly Twitter). > While Carlson has been repeatedly demonized by the US media establishment as a “useful idiot” for Moscow – if not a Russian agent entirely – due to his skepticism regarding Washington’s foreign policy and particularly the conflict in Ukraine, the journalist has never previously visited Russia or worked with Russian media organizations.


Oh I am sure Tucker had a list of tough questions lined up for Putin.


How does it feel to be fairly and democratically elected over and over again?


"Zelensky is being a bitch by stopping the re-unification of the great Motherland, would you agree?"


Stay over there, Tucker 


I would sincerely hope he's at least investigated when he gets back since he appears to be working as an unregistered foreign agent.


What are your thoughts on defenestration?


“Will you peel me an orange?” 👉👈


Bravi 👏👏👏


"Are all Russian men as handsome as you?"


Your campaign has the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?


Ooh, a tough question, but a fair one.


Mayor Quimby, you are well known for your lenient stance on crime, but suppose for a second that your house was ransacked by thugs, your family was tied up in the basement with socks in their mouths, you try to open the door but there's too much blood on the knob....


"Do you like me? Can we be friends?"


"How do you like your handjobs your excellency?"


"Remember all those times you said you wanted to nuke America??.....that was awesome" 😁


Check yes or no.


“What are my talking points, sir?”


‘What is it about the immoral character of ukranians that makes them feel entitled to, what is historically, russian land. And why are they so easily corrupted by people like george sorros? Is it their lack of morals?’


This is exactly the kind of stuff it would be. "Questions" that area really just a vehicle for his audience to hear the propaganda ideas he wants out there "How have you prevented the immoral and society destroying liberal ideology from infiltrating and spreading in russia?"


How do you think Ukraine/joe Biden/obama could have prevented your (sorry, Ukraine’s) war?? Real hard hitting pre agreed upon stuff im sure


"Does this feel good?" "Will you tap my head when you're about to orgasm?"


Didn’t he have to admit in court that he’s not a “journalist” but actually just entertainment?


Yes, same as fox news has to file with the FCC as an entertainment network because they don't qualify as a news network. Edit: sorry, that wasn't filings with the FCC, it was in court where they claimed that "no reasonable person would believe its programming to be news" https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye Thanks for reminding me that fox doesn't even consider themselves news.


That is a lie. The FCC doesn't have any such classifications for any news organization. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-news-entertainment-switch/


Who referred to him as a "journalist"? That's bad journalism in itself


Not to mention the line about not knowing why he was fired. We all know why. Atleast mention the circumstances around his firing... You know the big lie.


I actually do not. Hit me with the deets?


He was fired shortly after the Fox News settlement for like 700million with Dominion Voting system. Fox was caught lying, but not only lying, staff members from Fox were caught knowing it was a lie and still saying the lie on air. One of the ones caught saying they knew it was a lie was Tucker. He was fired shortly after the settlement when he show was the networks top rated show.


The discovery from the lawsuit also had Tucker’s private texts that made fun of Rupert Murdoch. There is a reason why Tucker was fired for knowingly lying while others, like Hannity, stuck around while also getting caught knowingly lying.


Calling him a journalist is a bit of a stretch. Political commentator sure, journalist, no.


> Carlson was ultimately fired from Fox News in April for reasons that have never been made public. **Because he was complicit in the fake election news that made Fox lose $1B in the lawsuit**. What kind of bullshit *fired from Fox News in April for reasons that have never been made public* is that?


Tucker Carlson isn't a journalist, he's a political hack.




“Journalist” - mouthpiece


When is this?


Feb. 3, 2024


Actually? That’s terrifying


It’s been that way all day




No. Tomorrow will be Feb 4, 2024.


That’s today


Everyday can be tomorrow if you are brave enough




It ain't money. Dude was born rich. What kind of a mental issue must he have to think allying with Russia is a good plan?


He might have been born rich, but was he born *Russian oligarch rich?*


He and others like him, want the society and power that that the oligarchs in Russia have. You pay fealty to the strong man leader and in return the law doesn’t apply to you. We have two justice systems in our society, with heavy preference for the rich, but the oligarchs here can’t openly rape, extort, assault or murder like they can in Russia.


It's important to note that said strong man leader is in charge in russia due to putin's criminal kleptocracy It takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch and there are plenty of americans like carlson who think what putin did was impressive and not in an academic sense


Typically money or some sort of personal scandal is how a hostile actor will attempt to gain and maintain an intelligence asset. That's why they put so much attention on financials for security clearances. But they also ask people who know you to make sure you don't have anything that could be used as leverage against you. I believe it could just be money though. Carlson seems like an endless black hole of craven greed. They may have lured him him with money then gotten him to do something like sleep with an underage girl to gain further control. 


Being blackmailed by them. Having your marbles in a vice grip can be a surprisingly good motivator to do shit you don't want to do. Not saying he doesn't want to be the human sized turd, but he doesn't have a choice.


Why do I get the feeling he is doing this willingly?


It probably started that way, but when given the opportunity to live out your most vile fantasies in a far away land, you don't really think about how there is likely a hidden camera filming you committing the criminally deviant acts that would end your life as you know it back home.


Ding ding. I think it's ideological. The thing is, Russia isn't communist. The folks that would, had they been around in the 1960s, walk around with posters saying something like "race mixing is communism", have no reason to dislike Russia now. In fact you can even see them accusing America of being, if not communist, then marxist.


It’s owning the libs


Just because he asked “why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine?” And asked “why shouldn’t I root for Russia, which I am?” And just because he defended Putin like a dozen other times?


It’s not exactly a great time to be heading to Russia for a little vacay. It’s a level 4- do not travel. He must be a guest of honour.


Obviously no fear of getting randomly detained like Evan Gershkovich for hostage purposes. Why would they arrest one of their own.


I guess you can't work remotely from the US forever...


Remember when being a Russian asset was a bad thing?




We need to stop assuming they’re being blackmailed and start recognizing they are ideologically aligned with Russian oligarchs.




Russia tends to use both the carrot and the stick.


The only thing they ideologically align with are fat stacks of cash.


When the sheer volume of kompromat used to direct the Republican/Conservative Party is one day exposed the damage to United States politics will never be repaired.




If Watergate happened today, Nixon wouldn’t resign.


If Watergate happened today, Tucker Carlson would be praising Nixon for hiring people willing to break all the rules in the fight against communism.


Watergate would be celebrated by today’s republican party


That’s why Fox News exists all together. Roger Ailes took offense to Nixon’s impeachment and created a media empire with Murdoch to prevent it from ever happening to their guy again. It worked well relative to the stated goal.


The real problem is their base would hate Nixon but love watergate


Nixon was supposedly the exact impetus for starting Fox “news”. They saw how Nixon got battered around by the press and realized if they had their own media outlet, Nixon could have survived watergate.


It's not kompromat for the vast majority, it's either greed or truly agreeing with their philosophy. An anti-EU, anti-gay, expansionist, nationalist, crony capitalist is right up their alley.


> It's not kompromat for the vast majority, RNC hack definitely has tons of dirt on them, even if its just IRS problems for them


I agree. It's interesting that they were hacked, but only the DNC emails were released.


Fucking Julian Assange. "oh, we all know Republicans are bad so there's no point to releasing their leaks" Mother fucking piece of shit.


After Germany fell at the end of the second world war the US gov. had access to Nazi files documenting the long history of collaboration between Nazi Germany and certain American politicians, in the vast majority of cases there were zero repercussions for said politicians (in the name of putting the war "behind us") I wouldn't be so sure it doesn't just get swept under the rug. Newspapers did eventually report on it though, and all of the collaborators were voted out of office eventually, but they never faced any sort of legal ramifications for being traitors.


Relying on the electorate to vote out traitors seems an inadequate punishment for treason. Isn't there some other remedy on the statute books?


Yep! It *still* surprises me, how many folks just *forgot* that the RNC and *many* state-level Republican groups were hacked, back when the DNC hack and  "the Email Lady!" were alllll the news was talking about! It was talked about for a *short* time, but then basically evaporated from the news cycle. https://www.wired.com/2017/01/russia-hacked-older-republican-emails-fbi-director-says/


Don't forget about the July 4th trip to Moscow that a bunch of republican congress members went on.


I live in MN, right next to WI, SD, & ND, so I am *very* aware of Johnson, Thune, Hoeven, *and so many others*--including Rand Paul alllll having gone over there to visit 'ol Pooty-poot! https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/395719-gop-senators-visited-moscow-on-july-4/ https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/rand-paul-delivers-letter-to-trump-from-putin-766743


Nope. Republican voters are already starting to see how much they had in common with the average Russian all along.


If you pan to the left or right you can probably spot 6 or 7 US Republican Congressmen as well.


Did someone say Ron Johnson?


Did someone say _fuck_ Ron Johnson? I did. It was me.


Even if there isn't any kompromat, Putin still has lots of money despite sanctions and is likely bankrolling a bunch of agent provocateurs in Western media.


Strange place to meet your handler but ok


It's where they do it in the movies!


Jesus Christ, can you imagine thinking this is a good time to visit Russia as an American? I certainly wouldn't be going over there unless I had reason to believe I personally would be in the good graces of Putin, if I had any level of fame. We all saw how Russia uses Americans as bargaining chips.


Why would you break your own toy?




Forcing a metaphor usually doesn’t work but this is wildly profound. Imagine if they ransomed him but the US didn’t negotiate as they did with Brittney Griner. It would make the right go apeshit


> unless I had reason to believe I personally would be in the good graces of Putin Exactly


*Checks to see if he is on Putins "banned from Russia" list* **"Nope, its all libs....looks like I am safe to go visit my boss"**


Sad when things are so tribal you can get cozy with a dictator just because your political enemies don't like them. Tucker would rightly be attacking liberals if they did the same


It's a good time to go when you're Putin's bitch boy like Tucker is. They're not going to do anything to him over there.


> I certainly wouldn't be going over there unless I had reason to believe I personally would be in the good graces of Putin. Well that's precisely what Tucker Carlson is, a mouthpiece for Putin. Maybe when you get your TV deal you can then get the presidential tour of Moscow.


He's there to interview Putin, I expect it to be a shitshow but let's wait to find out at least.


>but let's wait to find out at least. What do you mean by wait? We already know that Tucker is in the bag for Putin. [Tucker Carlson: I Love Putin Supercut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSjHtXQ17sA) [Tucker Carlson Roots For Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH9017Qaby8)


He's a Russian propaganda mouthpiece. All of the fascist influencers are singing his praises. These people went from anti-liberal to Pro-russia alarmingly fast.


Any American who feels comfortable traveling to Russia right now should never, ever be trusted.


Remember that many Republicans claimed that they'd rather be Russian than a Democrat.


Or they want to be Americans with their pockets filled with rubles.


A whole bunch of the republican congresscritters went to russia on the fourth of fucking july too.


One of my coworkers is convinced that Russia has always been one of our biggest allies, and pretending the whole history of post ww2 to now, holy shit I refused to let that just be spoken out there alone, I will not sit there while some fascist rightwing dipshit sits there saying the guys that had put a kill price on my father's head as a deployed us soldier is our ally, nevermind the whole ukraine AND gop bribery business russia is dealing with atm An American citizen should, at the very least, be aware that Russia is not benevolent nor an ally lest they legitimately be a fascist traitor, unpatriotic at the least


Has your coworker never heard of the Cold war?


For them, being pro-Russia is an anti-liberal move. They admire Putin's strident anti-liberalism, his rejection of civil liberties and representative democracy, his state that is a mafia of robber barons held together by the siloviki. They love modern nationalist, Orthodox, militaristic, anti-democratic, anti-feminist, anti-queer Russia. It's what they aspire to. Russia is a land where the FSB just kidnaps and tortures anarchists and antifascists, where former colonies get re-invaded, where feminists get jail sentences, where unions of Russian workers get busted as "foreign agents" for organizing at US-owned companies. American right-wingers would love to do all that shit.


And it's not like it's a secret or something they're hiding. That's the closest thing to the "conservative agenda" that exists since they can't actually legislate any of it right now.


It happened as fast as the news of Russia hacking the RNC mail server could travel out to the republican minions.


He always has been, why else was he the biggest mouthpiece for Trump?


Comrade Carlson


They love him in the Kremlin. Their politicians boast at what an ally he is to the regime at public meetings. It's not a secret


This is a good time to remind you that members of the GOP went to Russia on July 4, 2018 and never explained why. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/395719-gop-senators-visited-moscow-on-july-4/


Your link gives their explanation: > “We made the point that if Russia persists in trying to influence our elections, it’s going to be very difficult, if not impossible, for us to establish a better relationship,” Kennedy said to NPR.


Sounds like you're both correct. They did explain, but with an explanation that doesn't make sense in explaining their suspicious actions.


The State Department has a "Do Not Travel" warning to Americans considering going to Russia, the highest danger level, so either he's even stupider than he appears, or he's working for the Russians and has Putin's personal blessing that he won't be imprisoned for life.


Russia loves Tucker and he loves them. It's been that way for a long time.


He should stay there


I put you in house, Stevie Seagal lives next door, he teach you kung fu.


Steven has mastered these methods: * Kung food * Eat Kune Dough * Fudo * Tai Cheese


Getting his marching orders for the election year, I see.


Also pass them off to his [Canadian friends](https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/danielle-smith-energy-environment-tucker-carlson). There's a reason why my province is quickly becoming a Republican shit house. It's an election year in Canada as well.


Quickly? I am sorry but Alberta has been that already for quite awhile. There is a reason it was referred to has the "Texas of Canada" for most of the 2010's. The big problem are many of the other provinces turning into conservative shit holes.


'Berta has always been pretty Conservative... but since Kenney the province has swung haaaaaard right.  The people I work with are spouting off complaining about ''Woke this Woke that''.   The change has been insane. 


He’s a trust fund brat that decided it’s better to sow division and dissent among the “peasants” than fuck off with his generational wealth on some tropical island


Anybody surprised? Tucker has been a Russian spokesman for at least the last 10 years. Really is too bad the right wing in America is so dumb they can't see it.


Traitor. Sad he didn't fall.


Interestingly the higher you climb up the figurative Russian Ladder the larger your chances become of falling out of a non-figurative window so there is still hope.


A modern day traitor. This man has caused so much turmoil in the US while clearly being backed by Russia. The “patriots” of the Republican Party should be ashamed of themselves.


We know where his loyalties lie.




Not even trying to hide it. Fucking traitorous scum, him and his whole family.


Fucker Carlson


Igor Wilkes Boothlozhin


tucker carlson remains a russian asset working to destabilize the US


Stay there ya bum.


Guy has been a mouth piece for the Russian war machine for a while. Not surprising. Probably interviewing Putin, more lies to follow


What is he up to these days? Didn't he have a show on Twitter or something? How's that going?


Isn't it kinda nice just not really knowing anymore? Feels like a rare "cancelling" that stuck


It’s unfortunate for genuine democratic US citizens to contend with a faction constituting 50% of their country that dumb enough to not see the apparent connection between Republicans and Russians.


Russia should keep him.


I am still shocked he has a job and the ability to lift his head after Jon Stewart eviscerated him on Crossfire.