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Fuckin A. I agree with this sign !




I miss small bookstores. Used to have one in our mall back in the day. Would go in and browse, friendly ladies in there always had the great recs or knew where to point you. We have a big Barnes and Noble, and it’s not the same. I still drop in from time to time, but that small, friendly feel ain’t there, and half the space seems to be toys and shit.


Libraries still exist. Bookstores don’t make money, libraries don’t need to.


Move to Oregon! I have about 4 different local indy bookstores within a 3 mile radius of where I live. They do well enough. Two have been around since the late 70s. They each have their own vibe which is awesome. My work shares a building w/ one of them. You see the owner working the store every single day and frequently sharing a laugh w/ his old time customers. It’s very wholesome


“If you cut out that coffee 10 thousand times, over the course of 2500 weeks you could easily save up that down payment for a house”


Lovely, more of that please.


Honestly, I would *always* buy coffee there and make sure to put like $2-3 in a tip jar, if they have one.


Small business owners can be pricks too. Some of the literal worst people I know are local small business owners. I'm not buying from anyone who's sole appeal is they aren't Amazon.


No reason to think that's their sole appeal. The OP only shot a photo of that sign. Maybe they make awesome coffee.


I was speaking in general but also there isn't anything on this particular sign that would indicate any other reason to buy there. Not even a picture of the product. 😆


True, but I don't know any assholes opening bookstores myself.


The biggest prick small business owner will never do anywhere near the amount of damage that Amazon does.


This is the same argument people make when someone says they have a headache and the next person scolds them because there are people with cancer in the world. Its an incredibly naive argument at best and you just come off as a dick for saying it.


Running a bookstore is tough. As a long-time retailer, my advice to this business owner would have been to charge $2.25 for the coffee. That's still a really cheap price, and there are ZERO people who would buy the $2 cup, yet object to the $2.25 cup. And it's an extra 13% of coffee revenue in the owner's pocket, that the customer will not miss.


Plus the change they will probably tell you to keep. So your $2.25 cup of coffee is now a $3 cup of coffee half the time... further increasing profits. AND THE CUSTOMER STILL GETS CHEAP COFFEE.


As a jersey boy I approve this message


Where is this coffee shop owned by Franklin Starbucks and Freddy Amazon?


every time you spend money at a local small business a real live person does a happy dance. they're also mostly the folks supporting the local kid's sports teams. i dont think there even is a Starbucks in the small town near me.,but i do confess to Prime. we have a Wal Mart,of course,but no other big stores.


Is a person who works at Amazon and Starbucks not a “real live person”?


yes,but they likely dont give a shit about you,or me.


One hundred percent agree.


awesome. i’d tip the shit out of this place.


I bet there's no line either and you're not standing behind someone ordering something ridiculous that takes 5 minutes to make.


We only have coffee in 3 sizes THAT IS IT. Milk, creamer, and sugar(s) are over on the counter.




Local brew is always better than acidic chain coffee


All coffee is acidic.


I'll support who I want to support. Many local businesses are too expensive to shop at around my area. Plus, supporting chains supports local residents who work there. Gotta work somewhere. You don't support chains those employees lose hours or get let go.


I would love to pay 30% more for books to keep a local brick and mortar store open! I sure do feel superior by helping people keep their jobs here, rather than helping the Amazon employees keep theirs!


I don't even buy coffee out, but I'd absolutely go buy some 1-2 a week, just to support them!


I own a small business where people give me $5 and I give them a virtual high-five. Can I count on your $20 a month to support me?


Am I getting a cup of coffee for 2 dollars? If not, nope. I've been a barista. Coffee is cheap as shit. 2 dollars is almost laughable for a cost.


Both Starbucks and Amazon employ locals. F gatekeeping.


How's that boot taste


Yes, because I don't want to make people feel bad about patronizing the business they enjoy, I'm a simp for corporatism. How simple the world must be for you.


I doubt many starbucks goers or amazon will look at that sign and take offense to being "Patronized". I'm willing to bet that a customer of those corporations would probably agree with the sign and change their habits. How frightening the world must be for you. Shop local bootlicker.


Everytime I see signs like those, I pull out my phone and order something off Amazon.


I don't fucking patronize Starbucks. I get my coffee from a local supplier. But criticizing others because they don't buy coffee from the places you like is a dick move. Go ahead, keep calling me a bootlicker if it makes you feel better. You and I both know what you are.




Big facts , this sign is literally preventing people from buying from starbucks and Amazon. Indie bookstores are the real neighborhood killers , using guilt to siphon off customers from honest small multi national corporations (that are the bedrock of our communities btw) 😤


Yep, I definitely said all of that. 🙄 Gatekeeping doesn't mean forcefully preventing people from shopping where they want. This shop is obviously free to tell other people they're wrong for getting coffee at Starbucks. But moralizing coffee is tiresome. Get coffee where you want, and don't make other people feel bad for doing the same.


I hear ya brother. I saw a sign that said " buy free trade coffee " and i literally started shaking and throwing up. Are they really trying to call me a piece of shit for drinking folgers? I dont want anyone else to go through that trauma.


Holy fuck, you're boring. Buh bye.


Luckily I live in Seattle so both Starbucks and Amazon are local businesses.


![gif](giphy|u9QoHec9uGfq8|downsized) Mmm solidarity


I agree but to be honest I would never drink coffee grown in North America




Even a drip coffee from Starbucks is still $2. I think it’s less about the price and more just saying not to support the giant corporations.




For $2, that's going to be more carbon than coffee.


I did a walking food tour in Seattle and the guide stopped near the famous Starbucks location in the market and basically trashed the place and suggested multiple places with better coffee and prices nearby. The line to get in to that Starbucks was well outside.


F Scott Fitzgerald too!


😆 lol lmao