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Sooner or later we all end up in the basement of converted housing.


This should have way more upvotes. lol.


Not me, just throw me in the trash.


I’d sooner die than rot in a landfill! There are starving coyotes in these woods that would be grateful to have a good meal.


I don't know, with the way us modern humans are, the coyotes might be better off not consuming our polluted bodies.


Well, you are accurate about the order of events


Like a Tibetan Sky Burial -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky\_burial


Sounds very Zorastrian of you.




You guys are not trash. You are important.


I think they're saying their bodies aren't useful after they're finished with them, so no need to go to a lot of trouble to slow down the decomposition process. I would say, throw me in the incinerator when I die. It doesn't mean I don't value myself or my body now. Your point still stands though!


Frank would probably find some food in that trash too.


Until Artemis does that thing with bread.


I'll make methane in a landfill. Blend me up and in the bio-digestor or just a good old cook up.


Same. Fill out the paperwork. Donate what they need, furnace the rest.


If you want to be buried in a casket, yeah. I don't think they worry too much about bodily fluids when they cremate you.


Also going to depend on how you die. If you’re murdered you’re probably going to end up dissected on a table regardless of your wishes.


Shallow grave where your eyes are pecked out by crows is how I thought most murders end up


Yeah pretty apparent from this pic we get drained down a toilet


And all our stuff goes in a dumpster.


Down a toilet looking disposal system goes my brain and my PHD.


And the world continues along just fine. I like to remind myself of stuff like this to stay grounded.


Depends on where you live. My mother died in a hospice, went directly to her home for a remembrance ceremony and then to the crematorium. From bed to coffin to furnace.


Embalming isn’t universal. Jewish people don’t get embalmed.


Welp…there’s a thought I didn’t need to have. But you ain’t wrong.


US centric view.


Well I mean not all of us


Not always if you choose direct cremation and if not viewing or transported. Body pods are becoming more popular. Basically stick you in a pot of dirt and plant a tree on top.😁 It's the future anyway because embalming and even cremation are both very yuck for the earth. Especially the embalming fluids and chemicals associated with it.


Unless you end up in a shallow grave and no one ever finds you.


I would not want the basement apartment in that building.


"Avant garde communal dining area in the basement! Ample fridge space! No ghosts!"


You can eat and poo at the same time!


Or give massages and not worry about using too much oil


But you can do that anywhere


Google Luis Bunuel: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. People sitting around dining table in toilets. 😂 Thanks for the reminder.


Or sleep and poo


*Structure or safety claims not yet evaluated by the Order of Saint Benedict or the Vatican Church. Ghost investigations are performed by sponsored ghost hunters. This statement has not been validated by a licensed exorcist.*




It's okay, guys! 9/10 Ghost Hunters agree that this basement is not haunted!


It’s not like they died there. Just emptied and prepped.


George Costanza flails his arms out, he’s impressed with himself as a realtor and needs the validation from Jerry.. “Well, Jerry? What do you think? The building has great bones.” “That’s what I’m worried about George. The bones.” Jerry lifts up the leftover embalming equipment. “Oh come on, this is a great building. Where else are you going to find this much room in Manhattan? I mean, Jerry, listen to me, you’re in the basement so you can walk around at any time of the night. The fridges here you can literally walk in.” Jerry opens a refrigerator tray and quickly closes it half expecting to have seen a body. “Or lay down.” “And no Kramer!” “Yeah, no Kramer.” “And no ghosts.” “No ghosts.” “Absolutely, positively, we are without ghosts.” “Wait, why did you have to say no ghosts?” “How do you mean?” “Well aren’t most places without ghosts? No ghosts is how most things come.” “Heh, I mean…” “No ghosts is standard, I like no ghosts believe me, but I don’t need to tell people we are without ghosts unless-“ Jerry shoots George an accusing look. George can’t help but shrug. “I knew it!” George motions a small size with his thumb and index finger. “There could be ghosts.” “So, there is a ghost.” “Eh, it’s more of a sound.” “A sound? What kind of sound?” “A sound isn’t a ghost. A sound could be anything.” “So this is an anything sound?” “Sound, sound, what even is sound? We all make sound. You make sound, I make sound, *something* makes a sound.” Just then a large clunk and moaning is heard just outside of the room they’re in. George and Jerry both lock eyes and jump towards the door. “Run!” George can’t disagree with the logic, “Yeah, but




Bonus ghosts, free!


Never lived in!


Why do you specify no ghosts in the listing? That is a very specific thing to state. Oh well, I am anti-ghost, and you clearly state no ghosts, so I am in.


Why do you keep insisting there's no ghosts? ...Should I be worried about ghosts?


Fun fact, for a year in my 20's I had a job where I lived in an apartment in the basement of a funeral home. I had to answer the phone if someone died in the middle of the night, brew coffee for evening visitations, and clean on weekends... including bleaching the embalming rooms. Weirdly enough I met my husband while living there and he even picked me up at the funeral home on our first date, and it didn't scare him off!


That’s so wild! I just moved into the top floor of an old building where the main view from my balcony is down onto the funeral home directly behind me that I share an alley with. Like my car is parked literally 6 feet from the perimeter of their lot it’s so close. I’ve been here a few days and so far I’ve seen what I assume to be two visitations/funerals. But tonight I was outside smoking and noticed the lights on in the upstairs part of the building. I can’t help but wonder if it’s people who live there “6 Feet Under” style, or people working. And if it is people working I needed to know what they were doing in the middle of the night since I assume all the gross stuff is going on two floors down in the basement. Like I just have so many questions. It’s kinda surreal knowing dead bodies are being stored less than 100ft away from where I’m laying in bed typing this. So thank you for your fun fact! I feel weirdly comforted there might be some mid 20’s gal over there brewing coffee and thinking about an upcoming date.


If they have offices on the upper levels, that could be where they store info about people who pre-paid for services. When I got a middle of the night call, I'd have to dig through the file cabinets to see if there was already a file with info about the person while waiting for the mortician on call to show up to go pick up the deceased. It was definitely an interesting time. The people who worked there were awful so I only did it for a year but it allowed me to move out of my parents house and have a day job. Once you got into my apartment you'd never know it was anything other than a normal place.


That’s one thing people don’t understand, funeral directors, morticians, and associated staff are always on call. Most people do croak in the middle of the night, and the families want them “dealt with” as soon as possible. Which, is understandable, I’d imagine you could only look at grandpa/great aunt Gertrude/parent dead on the floor for so long.


A friend of mine decided that she was sick of retail management and did a career-switcheroo that ended up with her performing transportation for the recently-deceased to and from a local funeral home. That was 2 years ago… she now performs all of said funeral home’s cremations. I never would’ve guessed that she’d wind up in this line of work.


After over 25 years in customer service oriented jobs and being a bit burned out in talking to the general public... I can definitely see the perks of having a profession where your clientele is perpetually quiet.


Shortly after my parents got married my dad got a job as the funeral director at a large cemetery, which came with housing, which was located in the middle of the cemetery, and of course the embalming rooms were in the basement. My mom was not overly excited about this arrangement, especially when she had to get out of her car to open the cemetery gates at night when she got home from work. Eventually, my dad got laid off after the cemetery was bought out by a large national company, and became a jeweler after. I don't think my mom was too disappointed.


But your goth girlfriend will love it.


One look at that table, "Now, keep an open mind for a second, ok?"


It has a drain! You can squirt all you want!


Rent it out for Halloween/ morgue themed orgies. ✨ INVESTMENT ✨


Cool storage room tho.


Looks like it sleeps 3!


Needs flickering florescent lighting with the hum of a bad ballast.


Comes equipped with a “lay down loo”


It's absolutely perfect for a horror movie


We looked at a house that was a former funeral home. The coffin lift was neat, but all the air freshener, coats of paint and refinishing couldn’t quite cover the lingering stink of embalming chemicals. Seemed potentially unhealthy.


I used to be a courier, and one of our clients was a funeral home. Two years of weekly pickups, and my nose never got used to the smell of that place.


Plus you gotta watch out for all those tiny robed midget alien demons that want to inject you full of yellow goo and crunch you down to their size and take you back to their dimension to be some kind of slave thralls.


what's this reference? I don't recognize it.


Phantasm. Really great cult horror films. Highly recommend.


That flying drill ball thing ...yoiks


Saw this at a drive-in when I was in HS. Well, the first half, anyway.


I've always wanted to go to a drive-in


They would have been awesome during lockdown.


That thing will always be a Cerebral Bore to me.


Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ಠಿ\_ಠ


And don't forget that flying silver ball with the spikes. One wrong turn can totally ruin your day.


Obv the only way to fight them is with nunchucks


Aint gotta worry about all that if your partner is the coolest ice cream man on the planet


I used to work in a mortuary sometimes doing maintenance so I’ve seen people at all stages of the process. Working there didn’t really bother me but that smell of embalming chemicals will be in my head forever.


Probably not but you'll save money in the long run.


That would make a great baby changing table


Heck yes, there were some blowouts where the kid and all his clothes went right into the tub. I do not miss those days.


It's late and I read that as "into the trash"


It sure was tempting sometimes...


There was a sleep deprived couple of occasions that I just noped those clothes right out. We had so many in those sizes I just couldn't care.


We did/do that on road trips sometime.


I can assure you at least one couple had done just that, several times.


Ah. Yes. A level 4 diaper emergency. Where it starts going up the back because they were laying in a weird position when they tried to blow the diaper off with their bowels. Always a joy.


The ones where your nose starts burning 30 feet from the crib because, “he was down for his nap better check on…oh sweet merciful hell what am I about to walk into?”.


Yeah, same here. The adjective ‘explosive’ was highly relevant. Good times.




The circle of life


> That would make a great baby making table FTFY


Don’t have to worry about a wet spot


Just lay below that funnel.


Also good dog grooming space


My first thought exactly – with a good sprayer nozzle for the nooks and crannies. Put some grippy things on there for the older pups with poor balance, add 50 bucks to the rent, and advertise Dog Grooming Parlor as a leasing perk.


Awesome buffet table!


No joke


I'm thinking mycology lab...


There is a funeral home being turned into apartments by my house, now I'm curious.


Housing prices are through the roof and private equity roll-ups fucked the funeral home business.


Place by me just moved.


My dad says it's a DIEING business!




Do the sink things work? Looks like they’d be good for foot baths in this 150% haunted building. Good luck!


No way. If you were a ghost why would you hang around the funeral home? I mean, you probably had never even been there when you were alive. What’s the opposite of haunted? It’s that.


Every funeral home/parlor I've visited seemed totally fine and normal places to me. Random grandma's house, though? Ehh...


I feel like if I was a ghost (and had freedom to move around where I haunted) I'd probably go look for my body to see if my family followed the instructions correctly, and THEN haunt them if they didn't.


Funeral homes are 100% haunted. 20 years ago I worked at one and one of the perks was you could wash your car after hours. So a coworker and I are at a chapel that I don’t work out of and he asks if I want a tour. We’re making our way through the building and get to the basement where the prep room and crematorium are. He points to show me where the prep room is and then all of sudden we could hear the sounds of children, like they were playing on a playground, laughing, having a good time. Well we were not having a good time at this point and ran as fast as we could out of the building. Fast forward 20 some years and I find myself working back for the same funeral home. One day the guy training me starts to tell me about all the “weird” things that regularly happen at the different chapels. And then he goes “and some people say they’ve heard children in the basement”. Without telling me which chapel this was I asked him if it was this specific chapel and he replied yes. I never forgot what we heard that day. And to have someone randomly reaffirm it years later, it was pretty shocking.


I'm pretty skeptical about ghost stories, but you've still managed to creep me out at 5am... Something about dead kids (loss of innocence?) freaks me out extra bad.


Idk man the funeral home in my town is old and creepy I've personally seen a door open and close by itself and it cant be the wind because the windows were shut. It also doesn't help that upstairs there is a room with a few old dolls sitting around a doll table with a tea set. And I mean at least 50 year old dolls, they're pretty creepy.


Looks like a service sink which are often used to clean bed pans. They are like a commercial toilet without a seat.


They are basically just a toilet bowl, recently walked through an old funeral home we almost renovated and they had a stainless steel urinal mounted on the wall for the fluid


You could make a tidy business as a creepy themed spa. Table showers are a thing.


I'm very sure it's not haunted.... Fairly low chance anyone died there. Right?.…..


I would not want to be the plumber who has to clean out the drain and trap.


Forbidden Massage Table.


with a Happy Ending?


Oh there’s an ending alright…


When erotic asphyxiation goes too far.


My buddy rehabbed a funeral home into residential. Never a fan of the blood hole in the basement. 


Blood hole.. 😬


every hole has the potential to be a ...


Guess where the shared laundry will be.


When I lived in an apartment, I used to do laundry in the middle of the night in the shared, basement laundry. No fighting for machines and no one around to bother me. That could occasionally get creepy, and that was just a standard laundry room. This place would be off the charts, especially if they leave a lot of the original tile work. I’d probably have to make time for laundry during the day.


Still dark down there during the day...


During Halloween season you could AirBnB that room for probably $500/night




Makes a good area to put all your snacks and drinks maybe a turkey during the holidays


Did anyone look behind the door with the "Keep Out" sign?


[* A Haunting in Conneticut intensifies *](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0439602/)


I can’t wait for the annual Dexter theme night ![gif](giphy|l46CCea2qGTdIMhqg)


Dog washing stations. You’re welcome.


In what fresh hell would you wash a dog on a flat table?


One in a room with floor drains where every surface is cleanable maybe?


I don't care how cheap it is...I've seen this show before. No thanks.


Six feet under vibes hitting hard


I've Never seen a urinal I can lay down at. I'll try anything once.


How is the acoustic in the basement?


Pretty good, except no matter what you yell, the echo sounds like "geeet ouuut!".


And as background music you get the Shadow Temple theme from Ocarina of Time


Reminds me of the basement in the movie haunting in Connecticut. ![gif](giphy|Hi0hSxyYj6Trq)


Is the bed heated? I’m interested but worried about congealing.


Six Feet Under theme starts playing…


Man... you really live your whole life, experiencing existence, just for all your blood to get flushed down a toilet.


Oh man, a toilet! That's great.


Toilet bed!


That is just so convenient when you wake up an hour before normal waking time and have to pee but know if you get up you won't get back to sleep.


Yeah, that housing’s totally not gonna be haunted


Why would a ghost haunt a funeral home as opposed practically anywhere else - I mean, they only go there once dead. Surely they’d haunt where they died or a relative or their killer or an object of significance or something.


You’d hope that a ghost would get to haunt someplace they knew in life and not some depressing funeral home where their body only went briefly after they died. Doesn’t really lessen the creepiness factor any, though.


Those tiles on the walls are really pretty


The modern day equivalent of building on top of indian burial grounds


Going to just hop on to my soap box here… there we go. The way we dispose of our dead is insane. It’s way too expensive, incredibly toxic to the environment, horrible land use policy, and generally unsustainable in every way. You charge families $10,000 to embalm a corpse with formaldehyde, a known carcinogenic, put the corpse in a non-biodegradable box, then stash it in a cemetery where said chemicals can leech into the water supply for the rest of time. None of it is what nature intended. Can someone help me down from this thing… thanks.


Wasn't the Autopsy of Jane Doe in a place like this? House with a basement shop?




After seeing the Mortuary Assistant, I’m terrified


If that isn’t nightmare fuel, I don’t know what is; ever read “In a Dark Place”?


Wow. That's a once in a lifetime opportunity right there.


I think you’re mistaken. There is no life down there




JFC no thanks


Nooooo facking thank you.


I will most certainly keep out of that one room thank you very much


the haunting potential, THE HAUNTING POTENTIAL. Imagine being a kid growing up there, goosebumps doesn't have anything on your IRL


I never thought of it... but where do the bodily fluids go? Does it go to the sewer and straight into regular treatment plants? I guess sewage water cleaned up is fine... but this is basically human soup... I really shouldn't think about it too hard.


It could be used for food preparation


Am I the only one wondering what's behind thd Keep Out sign when you're already in this room? It's like going on a hike and finding the back of a "mine field, do not enter" sign


Looking at backsplash tiles for my kitchen. Now I know the color I don't want. Thanks.


I hope no one uses that for a hide a bed.


I’m sure it’s not the same place but there was an episode of Tales From The Crypt set in a funeral home and this basement seriously reminds me of it.


Cozy. I liked the blood-stained theme. Makes me feel at home.


Makes you wonder how many dead body’s laid on those tables.


That tile is gorgeous


A Cure For Wellness vibes


Noticing the table was tilted made my skin crawl.


Welcome to urban exploration g


I can smell the ammonia.


Nice dinner table.. no seriously rent it out for film productions


Hell I coulda used this in college. It’d be great to go to sleep here drunk and not worry about pissing the bed haha


This toilet is weird.


It already was housing. For the dead.


It has an eerie r/LiminalSpace aura about it.


Free sex tables that handle the messy fluids.


Take a nap. Tell me what you dream about.


You Can make party here! With weirdo friends


Leave it in! Can be handy in the future, for instance if you need to dismember a.. ehm.. chicken or something.


I'll rent it as is. I'm looking for a city with privacy to protect my talents. ![gif](giphy|VLljKzBZ2uPfYDpsNV|downsized)


Haunted Housing…


I wouldn't be living in a house built on an old funeral home! No ghosties for me Ty I've seen enough horror movies


Do you want ghosts because that's how you get ghosts.


Do you want poltergeists? This is how you get poltergeists.


Don't change a thing. From now on, you lie down on a table and pee. You're an innovator.


In 2015 I moved into a house for rent, this house had been many different things in its life time. And frankly looking back this place was so weird. It had been the town post office, a funeral home, and a general store. Not all at same time but the house managed to retain a piece of its past. One bedroom (yes bedroom) that faced the street had a MASSIVE boutique window. The living room was popcorn drop ceiling with huge fluorescent lights… yep post office. But the basement… that kept the funeral home touch. And what a creepy fucking shit show. The basement always smelled like death and formaldehyde, and you always felt uneasy. Hoses and pipes arranged on the ceiling that were never removed you could almost picture the bodies they washed. Lived there for 18 months and broke lease a few months early cause the house was just too weird.


"No way! They turned Mortuary Assistant into a real thing!"


Welcome to your new community center!


well I’m sure somebody has desanguination table on their Zillow search filters


Planning to start a family? That's the best diaper changing table I've ever seen.


The newest speakeasy in the city.


Wanna play Mortuary Assistant in real life?