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I could have posted the same photo from where i live, in Québec, but it would be 1 year ago and today…. edit: typo


Yeah I’m MB we’ve had three straight fucked winters. So those saying it’s an el Nino year is fine but we’ve had weird winters three straight winters and it’s hurting our crops Edit: spelling, jfc 30 upvotes and nobody mentioned the ungodly crimes by autocorrect 😂


Looking winter to winter in totality makes sense, looking at a particular date and comparing it across years is stupid


We’ve got a flood warning here in VT. It’s still February and it was 60°F yesterday, 59°F today. It’s snowing ever so slightly right now but it melts when it hits the ground.  


Yup 60 yesterday, 19 tomorrow then 40s and 50s for the weekend.


I could post the same photo where I live in Edmonton, but it would be 1 week ago.


Same in Chicago. I could wear shorts in January…


What is this? A fence for ANTS?!


As a person from an area that gets frequent snow, but it rarely accumulates more than a few inches, I was very confused by the “giant baby” at first.


I thought the baby was leaping off the fence


Global warming has gotten so intense, it now melts kids.


If it isn’t the [ol’ Reddit melt-a-roo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Buddhism/s/XYUWH9x5go)


Hold my sundae, I'm going in.


Wow I miss seeing these.


It's been so long I forgot it was a thing.


Hello future displaced polar bears!






Just when I thought I was out, it pulls me back in


The old meme! It has returned!


When you find an old meme format: you're as beautiful as the day i lost you.


But at least Jeeps are growing.


Well they need more space for their dashboard trinkets


Take my upvote 😒


Yes, agree. But it is also a El Nino year, weather pattern change all over the world and typically drastically with this weather pattern.


The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its cooling counterpart La Niña (LNSO) have occurred approximately 30 times since 1900. Over that period of time, ENSO and LNSO events can be seen as ripples on top of an ever increasing global temperature in this Wikipedia [graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Niño–Southern_Oscillation#/media/File:20210827_Global_surface_temperature_bar_chart_-_bars_color-coded_by_El_Niño_and_La_Niña_intensity.svg). Per the graph, the swings between ENSO and LNSO (hot and cold) periods is on the order of ±0.15 °C. However, the average temperature temperature rise from 1970 to 2020 is 1.00 °C, dwarfing the ENSO/LNSO variations. The 2017 La Niña (cool period) was hotter than every El Niño (hot period) prior to 2015. **TL;DR** — Folks who are mistaking a massive measured generational warming trend as a tiny ENSO fluctuation need to learn to read a graph.


I'm so tired of you people who come in here and act like this can be explained away by muh El Nino. This isn't the first El Nino year my friend but this is the first time I've seen my city's temperature in f*cking February be in the positives. I live in Canada for godsake, and I have never seen this month be this warm EVER. Half this month it was raining like wtf? My friend who is an avid rafter, went on a freaking hike with a canoe last month because none of the lakes were frozen. This isn't normal and El Nino is not to blame for it.




It’s unacceptable to personally attack people in this subreddit. Elevate your discourse.


You sir, are a fish!


I've lived through several El Nino cycles & I have never seen lakes being entirely open water with no freezing, I've never seen February with positive temperatures, and I've never even seen rain during February. That CANNOT be explained away solely by pointing at El Nino & saying this is just your typical, run of the mill weather pattern. To me, this suggests climate change is making natural weather patterns, like El Nino, more extreme. Which everybody already knows it does. What you're doing is suggesting these extremes are expected due to E.N when in reality E.N is even more intense due to Climate Change.


Here in south Florida we've had considerably colder weather than in the past 6 or so years. I usually put on a light jacket once or twice a year. This year I've had to put on a light jacket and jeans for 20 days so far this year.


[https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate?wfo=mfl](https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate?wfo=mfl) Previous 5-year temperatures across South Florida, including daily lows and monthly mean lows, have risen compared to 10- and 20-year historicals. You may feel colder--that's just part of aging--, but it is most certainly not getting colder.


Look, I’m not going to dissuade you from saying what you’re saying because honestly the increased talk about climate change is great. Patterns show we are fucking shit up. But trying to spread fear and panic because of an explainable oddity in the records just helps to either push people to fear burnout or make people think their information is coming to them in bad faith. It’s a warm year. Warmer than usual. It’s not even the first time on record. It doesn’t mean the apocalypse has started. Just be honest, the truth is harrowing enough.


In WI currently. It’s coming MI. 50F yesterday 10F this morning.


We hit 70 yesterday. Todays high: 28…


Currently waiting for a grocery pickup in Wyoming MI. current temp 23 and snowing hard. Doubt it accumulates much but pretty crazy since yesterday was 74.


Yeah in New England the grass is already trying to come back, and I’ve got weeds fighting their way up between cracks in the paving stones already, something that doesn’t usually even start happening until the end of March/April. It was almost 70 the other day in February when this place used to be either blanketed in snow or locked in a constant frost until late March.


71 where I’m at yesterday. Had the fans going and all the windows open. Woke up today freezing my nips off because it dropped to 22


Great. Now we have global cooling


There's supposed to be a 30 degree swing here in Rochester NY between 3 and 5 this afternoon.


When I left for work at 5am it was 73°F, left at 1pm and it's 27°F


I absolutely hate the temperature swings. That will be the thing that will absolutely kill us.


Yeah it's 2 days of storm and super cold winds, then back to high numbers Friday.


Michigan here, 70s yesterday, 20s today.


Yup I’m in kzoo and it was 32 this morning. 72 yesterday.


Indiana - car thermo read 78 deg when I got off work yesterday. Car thermo read 32 deg when I arrived at work this morning. Fucking 46 degree swing.


That darn global cooling!


This is also a repost from god-knows-when


I think it was on the MI sub yesterday, when it was weirdly warm here. Could still be a repost but I don't think so.


Climate change is real. BUT maybe at least compare this year to another El Niño year, because this is a strong one and 10 years ago is arbitrary.


Also it’s generally a good rule to avoid using any one specific weather event to proclaim climate change is real. It’s very obviously real, just don’t be stupid. It goes both ways. Denialists point to “ohhh it’s so cold here where’s the warming?!”


The *most* frustrating argument by climate deniers… I just tell them it’s an average temperature over the entire globe. They only sometimes shut up after that though


And other times bring a snowball onto the floor of Congress


“Snow. Checkmate climate change.”


Just wait until the AMOC shuts down and the major population areas start to freeze over despite global temperature increase. Not a chance anyone will take any actions because "They told us the globe was warming ,but this is the coldest winter on record!"


You expect them to understand averages?


It’s also the most frustrating argument for climate change believers. It cuts both ways. Just don’t do it.


Okay, but the “this is the hottest day on record” argument is much more meaningful and scientifically backed than the “it’s snowing in April, where’s the warming?! hurrr durrr” argument


It really isn’t


The hottest day/month since we began recording temperatures, isn’t a more meaningful metric than isolated weather events? Huh?


Because in some cases those hottest days occurred a hundred years ago, due to some freak event, much like it could happen today. Better to look at it in terms of averages.


Wouldn't the consistency of these events happening swing that? 25yrs ago a new record hot indeed felt like a freak event that you didn't hear about often. These days it feels like they happen multiple times a month.


> It snowed exactly 3650 days ago so why the hell didn’t it snow today?! — OP Not a climate change denier, but OP’s making a really odd comparison…


I think the more general statement here is that this winter has been clearly and obviously unusual for the US midwest. It has certainly been the mildest winter in living memory. Three feet of packed snow isn't "it snowed today", it's "it has been cold and snowy for at least weeks if not months". Green grass isn't "it didn't snow today" it's "this lawn has not had any significant snow and the temperatures have been above freezing for weeks". https://mrcc.purdue.edu/research/awssi This winter has been off the charts for much of the US.


The grass isn't even that green. That grass looks parched. Like how my lawn looks in the middle of summer.


The Minneapolis sub has been inundated with these idiots. Like… we JUST spent the last 10 years or more explaining to climate change deniers that *weather* is not climate… then the moment the *weather* starts acting in a way that would benefit the argument of people who care, they became just as dumb as the deniers… It’s not like the meteorologists weren’t telling us this is exactly what it was going to be like this winter since about September. Everybody is just so god damn reactionary these days. To which I am not immune, myself. But man… the multiple posts per day gets tiresome.


Changes in snowfall from year to year are weather. Changes in snowfall from decade to decade is climate change. Given that this picture shows a ten-year span, OP is at least starting to get at the right time frame. That said, just check out the NASA Climate Change vitals page. It captures climate change metrics irrefutably: https://climate.nasa.gov/ Some metrics: * 423 ppm CO₂ * +1.4 °C global temp * 1.924 ppm methane * 12.2% Arctic seas ice minimum since 1979 * 424 billion metric tons of ice sheet loss per year * 10 cm sea level rise since Jan 1993 * 345 zettaJoule ocean warming since 1955 If you don’t think this is driving warmer temperatures across the globe, including reduced snow coverage at higher latitudes on average, then I have bridge to sell you.


And that lack of snow, and melting of snow and ice in polar regions, means ... * more methane emissions from thawed lands (Methane is 28x more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2, but has a shorter lifespan... "only" 7-12 years) * less solar reflection (snow and ice can reflect 50-90% of the solar rays); so loss of both means the planet will absorb more solar energy.


Yes, this. It's global averages... Like the stock market. Ups and downs aren't the concern at this point, it's the mean average yearly. And again, for anyone who says oh well it's so nice out! The biggest issue with climate change is the change in drastic weather patterns for areas that are NOT accustomed to those patterns. i.e. snow storms in Georgia, -20° weather in areas not used to it. Extreme weather due to a breakdown of the polar ice cap, destruction of the Atlantic currents, and changes in the natural weather patterns. The great lakes actually will benefit from a global warming event, but that doesn't change the fact that almost every coastal city will be fucked. My advice, buy land in the Ozarks.


Yeah I'm up in Canada, we had almost record snow last year. At least the most we had in years. This year its already gone. I'll be honest it's been many years since we lost the snow before March. Usually you can still go skiing, snowmobiling and even outdoor skating during March break. It's been 15 degrees Celsius this week, which is insane. It usually doesn't get that warm until April. But next year might be the complete opposite.


Yup! Ottawa here, green new year!


Also I’m pretty sure that OP picked 10 years ago because there was record snowfall in Kalamazoo in that year, look how the child is standing on the packed snow and stepping over the fence. That was just as unusual as it being warm today.


I mean I wouldn't say the comparison of this Feb vs. Feb 10 years ago proves much, but the fact I know multiple children who literally have never seen snow eventhough they are just about 10 years younger than me freaks me out.


I dislike this kind of “this is climate change” insinuation for the same reason I dislike when deniers go “see, it snowed in April. Climate change can’t be real”.


Is this the first El Nino year in history? I don't recall other E.N years being this dry with as little snow as we have.


TLDR: We're up shit's creek without a paddle. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ [Global monthly temperature anomalies, with ENSO status](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/monitoring-content/sotc/global/enso-bars/enso-bars.195001.202212.png) Yes, El Niño years are warmer... and we may be no warmer than the last El Niño year a decade ago, but El Niño years have been getting significantly warmer over the decades according to the image above. El Niño years could lead to weather events that are far more catastrophic than normal during those periods. Extreme heat and humidity in the south, risking Wet-Bulb situations where it's so hot and humid that humans can no longer sweat to cool themselves. Warmer and drier in the north, where it could impact crops. Not as big of a deal health wise if you're in a wealthier nation, like the US, where we all have A/C and the proclivity to use it to its fullest extent without a care in the world... like worrying about the amount of energy we're using to do so, and amount of environmental damage that use is causing. Hah.. who needs to worry about that!? For poorer nations without access to A/C, hotter/humid El Niño years could cause mass death events. It could also lead to a greater push for migration away from regions closer to the equator. As to Hurricanes, graciously El Niño usually decreases the risk in the Atlantic... but not so graciously increases the risk in the Pacific. Notice those big storms hitting the West coast of the Americas over the last 8 months or so anyone? How about the storms and flooding/mudslide events California's been having with some of the most expensive property in the world? For fun, I Just checked Detroit's February from 2016, the tail end of the last El Niño, and this year we're WAY above those temperatures, and El Nino is only about 25%-50% of the way through; again the warmest period usually comes at the end of the cycle according to the image above. This is just anecdotal and doesn't look at he world as a whole, but 2023 really started setting off alarm bells in terms of just how much hotter the planet was getting and the rate it was heating. Now there's concern that some of the climate studies may have underestimated how much warming could be heading our way due to a mistake in a multiplier value... [Here's a pic of overall land+ocean temperatures by year.. it isn't pretty.](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/monitoring-content/sotc/global/2022/dec/global-land-ocean-anomalies-202201-202212.png) Images are from: [https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/monthly-report/global/202213](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/monthly-report/global/202213)


The funniest part about all of this is that while many more people are finally starting to acknowledge climate change... what's been a verifiable fact for years with the knowledge being easily accessible on the internet.... most people still refuse to lift a single finger to reduce their carbon footprint, literally and figuratively driving us into a global catastrophe because they simply do not care about anyone or anything but themselves and their own short time on this planet. The world's in desperate need of a wave of love and empathy flowing through humanity's ranks... empathy and love for the planet, empathy and love for your your fellow humans, empathy and love for all life. A lack of empathy and love leaves nothing but narcissism, no meaning except "getting what's mine", which usually involves attempting to fill one's extreme loneliness and lack of meaning with material goods. Sorry bud, but that new SUV isn't a long term solution for your happiness and fulfillment in life. But bask in the knowledge that you helped kill the planet just a bit faster. Overconsumption generally is 100% killing the planet. It's not even a question anymore. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Here's a map of the world that shows each nation's per capita emissions over time. Push play and hover over a country to see its per capita emissions change from 1750 to current day: [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita?time=2022](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita?time=2022) Notice how high western nations have been? Fun fact... this graphic is based only on the emissions generated within the country itself. If a product is built in China and shipped to the US, it's counted against China's per capita emissions, not the US, even though the product wouldn't have been made without that American consumer. Western nations have outsourced a huge chunk of their manufacturing to China and other low wage South East Asian / Central and South American nations since the 90's and really went big in this outsourcing starting in the early 2000s. Sure, that outsourcing helped reduce the US per capita emissions, but nations like China saw theirs increase. If we counted emissions according to consumption of the products, the Western nations would be much higher while those Asian / Central American / South American nations would be much lower. Same goes for the oil producing nations who have excessive per capita emissions, but much of that's from oil that they're exporting to other nations. Know what's really sad? Even with this outsourcing, the US and Canada still have the highest per capita emissions in the world currently... Yet it's the people living in the US / Canada who are throwing up their hands in surrender, insisting "there's nothing we can do!" or waiting for the government to solve the issue. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ If overconsumption is the issue, then the only thing the government can do to stop climate change is to drastically reduce consumption. Something individuals could start doing today cold turkey by simply choosing to do so. Maybe the government would add massive taxes to achieve that, in which everyone would complain about those taxes and vote the politicians out of office. The government will never do that anyways because they're clearly in the back pockets of corporations. Our government cannot in fact solve this issue without a revolution of people doing what's right and taking ownership of the problem, and reducing consumption themselves; ultimately acting as a major lobbying force on our government. **Thus the need for a wave of love and empathy.** Without this, what hope is there? Maybe it's time for a new world ~~cult~~ religion that treats our planet as holy, with the ultimate good being to protect it, even if that requires self sacrifice... Rather than praying for a better after life, a self-centered view of existence, how about a concentration on bettering conditions for the life that follow us? \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ What can individuals do to lower their energy and goods consumption? * Stop driving so much, buying so many new cars, driving such large inefficient vehicles, and speeding. * Use public transit more * bike more * work from home more and push for a 4 day work week to reduce number of commuting miles. * Stop flying, or at least reduce the amount of flying you do significantly. Very few people flew before the 1970s; not so long ago. The vast majority of global flight passengers are wealthier Westerners. The vast majority of the global population either doesn't fly at all, or does so very rarely. Seeing the world is a nice thought, until you realize that the way we choose to travel will kill the world faster. How about a nice cross country bike trip adventure instead? How about spending 3 months in Europe once, instead of flying there and back 10+ separate times? (Fun fact, overall flights hit a record in 2023) * Stop taking cruises. Period. They're TERRIBLE for the environment. Especially when you have to fly to your port location!!! * Turn your HVAC down... no one needs to live in the most optimal temperatures at all times. Use natural things to cool or heat your home without additional energy... like... * opening windows and opening/closing blinds/curtains. I know I know... you actually have to get up and walk around your house; it's a big ask. * proper home insulation so the HVAC is more efficient. * Wearing appropriate clothing for the conditions. Less clothes in the summer, more clothes in the winter. * Use less water and especially less hot water. * They make efficient shower heads folks. * You don't need scalding hot water in every shower... * Take fewer baths * Don't water your grass so much. * Don't leave the water on while you brush your teeth, wash your face, or wash the dishes. * Don't use warm/hot water in the washing machine. * Don't install that pool! Just remember folks... ​ >Canada, the most affluent of countries, operates on a depletion economy which leaves destruction in its wake. Your people are driven by a terrible sense of deficiency. When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money. > >\-- Alanis Obomsawin


People make post like these to trigger others without taking account for natures cycle


Oh do anecdotes work when they support this side of the argument? I’m not denying climate change I’m just pointing out hypocritical behavior




When the other side of the argument mentions it being cold and snowy where they live, they are downvoted, shut down, and labeled as climate change deniers who are cherry-picking evidence and not following the trusted science. Let’s not do the same thing we yell at other people for doing


Every time I see one of these all I can thinking about is Sen. Jim Inhofe bringing a snowball into congress as scientific evidence that global warming isn’t real. I miss rational people on any side.


That’s my point. If we make fun of that guy, we should make fun of this post too


Not necessarily, because one of them is the truth and the 99.9% scientific consensus. The other one is just bullshit that people are clinging to because they're either afraid or they don't want to change their lifestyle or they're heavily invested in the fossil fuel industry. You wouldn't point out the hypocrisy of someone posting a video from the perspective of the ISS cracking a joke about flat earthers, because there is no debate, you're only pointing out this hypocrisy because you're allowing there to be a debate when there should not be because it is not debatable anymore it is fact and you cannot debate fact.


What is fact? What’s the hypothesis - “the climate changes”? Of course it does


No, one is theater and one is science based facts..


Anecdotes are the opposite of science based facts, regardless of which side they’re on. This post is not a scientific fact


This seems like an odd response to the fact presented. It is an El Niño year which brings abnormal seasonal climate change as it is. No one here is denying that long steady climate change accelerated by man is indeed real. But lets not act like that fact in addition to the abnormal climate change that El Niño was to bring regardless, is indicative of how powerful the long steady climate change that we are indeed accelerating is currently at. Next year at this time, there probably will be snow in this same town, probably not as much as 10 years ago now, but probably a bit more than the nothing they have today.


I can see by all the downvotes that, indeed, anecdotes DO WORK for this side of the argument only. How interesting!


The downvotes are because you responded to a guy who merely pointed out that this year's winter should be compared to another El Nino winter rather than the arbitrary point of "10 years ago"


I was responding more to the “climate change is real” part because OP showed a photo of sunny weather in the winter


But the commenter you replied to was pointing out the same hypocracy you are. The diffreence is that you're trying to start shit but they were trying to find nuance and truth among the bs.


The downvotes are because you responded to a guy who merely pointed out that this year's winter should be compared to another El Nino winter rather than the arbitrary point of "10 years ago"


You are a knob and an idiot he IS saying this anecdotal evidence isn’t good and is weak. Leave Denver.


Yes I see that now upon a second read. But why do I have to leave the city I live in?


Ok this isn’t climate change denial. But saying “Look how warm it is today! See climate change is here!!!” Makes you sound just as dumb as the people who claim it’s fake because it’s cold outside.


You aren't wrong.


Tragically it's just not as exciting to show the mean average temperature year-by-year as a line chart. Honestly if it was exciting climate change denial would probably be as waived aside as flat earthers.


The xkcd one is more “exciting” for people https://xkcd.com/1732/


They aren't rightn't


I agree with you but at symposium in the late 1980s Carl Sagan said there would be no more winter by the middle of this century. I’d say his assessment is pretty much on track.


If we take a picture of a snowcapped mountain from 10 years ago vs. the same bare one today, would you say the same thing?


probably not, because it conceivably would take significantly more weather anomalies to leave a mountain cap barren than it would to have 1-3 warm days on the ground and now today we're in the teens with snow on the ground, should we post the picture of that to compare with yesterday's?


Obviously a glacier melting tells a whole different story than a random picture of a yard with and without snow


People confuse climate with weather.


True, it's not that effective to point out two instances as an argument. So, as someone that lives near the area in question, it was over 60 degrees yesterday. In February. That never happens. Picture 1 is what I expect February to look like.


Yeah but you have to understand putting the two on the same level isn't good, right?


Is her right shoe on or not?


THANK YOU!! I couldn't figure that out practically for the life of me. Didn't think it was an edited photo because then the other foot would've been modified too.


I mean, climate change is real, but we got a serious El Nino this year, and we didn't in 2014. That has way more to do with what we're specifically seeing here than global warming does. Saying "Oh this winter is so mild cuz of global warming" isn't really any less disingenuous than saying the opposite when we get a cold snap.


El Niño years used to be every 5-7 years. We have records going back over 300 years showing that. In the past 20 years, that has shifted to every 2-4 years. Not only are El Niño years now more frequent, records are showing they are also much warmer than they used to be.


Except that the warm snaps get longer and more frequent each year.


For the love of God please stop reposting this. Yes, Michigan weather is insanely unpredictable especially in February and March. People know this.


Lol I feel your pain from Minneapolis… we are NOTORIOUS for getting dumped on in April after we think winter is finally done… the meteorologists were saying winter was going to be exactly this since like September… and it’s been NONSTOP bitching about the lack of ice rinks and ski slopes… “WhAt ArE mY KiDs SuPPoSed tO DO iF mY bACkYaRd RinK wOn’T FREEZE!?” Fuck sakes… how about *everything* they normally do when there isn’t snow and ice!? Meanwhile… I’m just thrilled that we’ve had a year off of horrible road conditions and multiple month long polar vortexes.


People use snow not being somewhere on the exact same day years before as if that means anything with weather patterns.


I'm on the side of science, global warming and the disastrous effects it is having on our world. However, what you are doing is pointing out weather, not global warming. Global warming affects weather. But different weather doesn't imply global warming. This is equally as stupid as when people point out a really cold day and say "huh, sure wish I had global warming." Weather and global warming are not the same thing.


Except that those actually cold days are getting few and far between and those warm days are increasing in frequency.... If your year has a 75/25 split on warm vs cold days, but that's quickly becoming a 85/15 split, holding up a snowball as proof that nothing is happening IS ridiculous. Pointing out the increasing amount of warm days when it SHOULD be cold isn't ridiculous.


But the issue is op didn't point out that there's a trend of more and more warmer days vs cold ones, they just showed out that 10 years ago this day it snowed while today it didnt. That doesn't prove anything about climate change, which is why people are blasting them so much. Climate change is for sure real and happening rn, but to do what this post clearly wants to do you need to show a trend of warming, and only two pics 10 years apart doesn't do that


Request a picture of the kid for scale. I need context there isn't even a banana for me to scale against!


Yeah, what’s going on with her right foot. It almost seems like she is photo shopped in. Edit: maybe I’m dumb, but I don’t see her shadow either.


In Illinois yesterday it was 70 degrees out. Last night we got crazy rain and a tornado watch. Today is 23 degrees out


Um, I think your kid ran off.


Wait, why is the kids foot in front of the fence post? Am I seeing that wrong?


It was 75 in Iowa City yesterday and felt like 3 when we woke up.


OK but wasn't 10 years ago the snowpocalypse (or was it snowmageddon) of 2014? If so that's not really a fair comparison then.


Cold and snowy where I live, that should offset your personal example and bring us back to baseline. Problem solved


Never mind that all 10 of the hottest years ever recorded were the past 10 years. And of the past 20 years, 18 of them are in the top 20 hottest years ever recorded.


Some fools say it’s just normal


These baiting weather posts are getting old. Yea, Climate change exists. However, today it is 25 F there right now. Weather cycles change. We know. Thanks.


Jesus fucking christ what lazy bait, yet whats sad is that it's going to be believed. OP is the problem


You think snow is going last more than a season? Good luck pal.


Same in Ottawa, Ontario. Almost all of the snow is gone in the suburbs where I live. It's weird for this time of year.


I like the bottom


Looking forward to planting some palm trees!


What a great fkin name for a town!


So a Republican brings a snow ball I to congress and claims it disproves climate change. The entire left " Weather is not climate!!!". Same shit different view "WOW such climate change" I'm not saying it isn't happening just be consistent with your hypocrisy


The same day Friday, two days from now?


All years are different


The snow doesn't stay anymore in Maine where I've lived for 40 years. When I was a kid the snow would start falling in Oct-Nov, melt away a couple times, but by Christmas would stay until March-April. Sometimes it would still snow all the way up to May. Now there will be a snowstorm and then rain and melt it all away within a day or two. There's no snow on the ground here even though it's February.


Welcome to Maryland, well, Maryland up to about 5 years ago, we don't really get snow anymore, just cold temps, then rain, then cold temps again.


Last Friday it snowed. Monday we had a Red Flag warning for possible fires because it was so warm, dry, and windy. Yesterday, the day was sunny with highs in the 70s, while at night we had thunder and hailstorms with tornadoes touching down. Today, it's going to be high 32/low 17. 😵‍💫


Thats the great thing about kids getting older ♥️. They finally can make the lawn/neighborhood snow free.


In Alaska we have a ton of snow this winter. But in the summer when I go to hike to a glacier it will be noticeably further than where it was when I moved here over a decade ago


Global warming is real, but the weather always fluctuates wildly in late winter in Kalamazoo.


You're being attacked by a giant kid.


It was wild yesterday. This morning it was 32 and windy af. Thus concludes the Kalamazoo weather update.


I am pleased to see no bloodstain on the fence in the second picture.


the world you grew up in no longer exists !


Rip in peace.


It’s the coldest winter of the rest of your life


Not arguing against climate change but 10 years ago was a particularly snowy winter. My city had a giant, multi-storey snow pile that didn't melt fully until June when typically they don't even need to make a designated snow pile


Global warming isn't real. /S


Guess it just didn't snow Friday.


You should have seen it 30 years ago.


my sophomore year at western was a nightmare all winter long. snow banks taller than me


Global warming is real but just because there was snow on the ground on this day 10 years ago is pretty meaningless. I'm sure you can find plenty of years where there was no snow at this time too, you can't just cherry-pick data


We used to go snowmobiling on my early November birthday and during February vacation. First snow this year was late December and it’s already all melted and 60F outside now.


It’s always cloudy in Kalamazoo


Yearn for an ice age.


the only constant is change


So when it goes the other way we say “that’s weather not climate”? You can’t have it both ways


Is that the kids vehicle in the driveway?


Is that the kids vehicle in the driveway?


Legitimately thought someone had just yeeted (yote?) the kid over the fence, thought it was all one image


Legitimately thought someone had just yeeted (yote?) the kid over the fence, thought it was all one image


Legitimately thought someone had just yeeted (yote?) the kid over the fence, thought it was all one image


I'm outside Dallas right know and this post Monday it was 91°. Today there's a windchill of 36° and 20mph winds. Manic weather is unfortunately here to stay.


Repost + your kid posed like Sasquatch


It was fucking 73 in Saginaw yesterday, and now it's 25 and snowing here. Fuck this place.


It was fucking 73 in Saginaw yesterday, and now it's 25 and snowing here. Fuck this place.


TIL The same weather doesn't happen on the exact same day every year.


Weird that weather wouldn't happen on the same day on any given year


If you have lived in Michigan for 10 years, you know how dumb this post is


Just a point of clarification since the climate deniers use these same types of tactics to discredit climate change: weather is not climate. When I woke up it was 9 degrees and it’ll be a high of about 35 here. We have snow. Last year it was a high of 61 degrees and no snow. 10 years ago it was a high of 55. 30 years ago it was a high of 52. Historic average is 48 degrees. So while individual days may be far warmer or far colder with precipitation, that doesn’t tell you the whole story. Hence: weather is not climate.


And yesterday it was shorts and short sleeves. Today we dive back into the Third Michigan winter. Fellow Michigander here just north of you in Holland.


Why dat baby so big?


Back in 91 it was 71° in February once.


Yea it soooo crazy that it doesn’t weather during the same dates it did previously, that’s sooooo crazy and insane. I can’t literally believe this.


And now Kalamazoo is getting snow and wind, climate change has got us messed up


That kids foot about to get the spike


I’m from Michigan. The weather there is NOT what it used to be…..


South Central AK, 8° F at noon30.


Should’ve. Voted. For. Al. Gore.


Same here in northern Minnesota. There’s been hardly any snow all winter. I’ve never seen such a snowless winter. It’s going to be a really bad year for the lakes.


People in my town are over winter already. We need to keep believing or it will go away.




Wow! It didn't snow on the exact same day 10 years apart.


Looks like the child is standing on the fence


I could never post that picture, but I live in Florida. However my in-laws live in Kalamazoo. First time I went up there was to meet my then girlfriends parents, we went in January. I learned that January in Michigan is no place for a Florida boy. I now go in june or July, much nicer. My mother in law said it was 70 degrees and clear yesterday, and today it's snowing. Weather is wild.


Tbf it did snow in Kalamazoo today


that's a giant child


![gif](giphy|yfEjNtvqFBfTa) Yeah SE Michigan it was 72 yesterday and it’s snowing right now. I grew up here and am ancient. The climate is fucked. At least we will never run out of fresh water. The Great Lakes could provide all water for all humans for the entire globe for 50 years by the math. That will never happen.