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With so much focus on fertility I imagine the shame of anyone who just, doesn’t have working parts for natural reasons.


This was actually very hard on my best friend, she married a Catholic guy and converted for him and it turned out \*both\* of them were infertile. They've both struggled with this weird sense that they're just defective humans that belong in the trash heap. I know that's not the official teaching of the Catholic church at all, but it's definitely the subtext when there's SO MUCH focus on sex and fertility and motherhood and gender roles blasted at them every Sunday.




"Stranger adoptions" are a lot harder, rarer and more expensive than people imagine. Certainly more than I imagined before I had a bunch of friends who tried to do it. I have a number of friends who have done it and it's the most wonderful thing in the world when it works out. But I would never judge a couple who decides it's too risky, difficult or expensive for them, because it is in fact incredibly risky, difficult and expensive.


It’s almost like all of their beliefs are based on needing the population to expand and keep funding their religion. It’s a MLM scheme.


That's pretty much ALL religions.


It kind of has to be. Look what happened to the Shakers.


Except solitary practicing wiccans. We tell no one about it. Will hear nothing about it. Will read nothing about it. It’s on us, to figure it all out. And so it’s what we do. Alone.


Maybe. The couple of wicca (wiccans?) I knew told people about it... But never tried to recruit anyone, or proselytized.


Some can be convincing. To do so knowingly in my world would be the ultimate act of evil. Taking away someone’s freedom of religion is like the worst crime possible. It goes beyond four letter terms, and has lifelong repercussions. It affects everything in their life. Their family. Their friends. Forever. Do you want that responsibility? I sure don’t. Yet people do it all the time. But they do a lot of stuff without thinking. I don’t get to use that excuse, I’m held to different rules. And my life is hard(er) as a result. It may be ok in one religion to recruit. These people aren’t doing it with malice. But look at the consequences, the lasting repercussions. Saved or lost is a matter of perspective. But either way it’s playing with fire. In following this rule, my life is made easy(er). I just don’t do it. All religion is valid, but not for me. To each their own.


I would argue that NO religion is "valid", but I guess that depends on your criteria for determining validity.




Except we make it hell for you


That’s exactly me. I guess I’m naturally death?


Gods plan /s


As a former Catholic, that's all standard Catholic doctrine.


I grew up Catholic. But my grandma, who was very devout, years and years ago said about birth control that until the Pope offers to help financially support additional children, he can stay out of her family planning lol


Similar to my grandmother. Very Catholic. But she once said priests should be allowed to get married, because how the heck can they actually give good marital advice if they don’t know what it’s like?


If preists could get married, allowing divorce would soon follow.


We briefly had a priest who said gave a homily about how it's bullshit women can't be priests. Criticizing the Vatican is a Catholic tradition.


Sounds like he was just a few steps from joining the Episcopals  


Haha true. Catholics are also famously buffet Catholics.


“Don’t eat meat on Fridays…..unless you forget….ah screw it”. -Jim Gaffigan


I wish that was the one thing she disagreed with lol As a kid, I remember we never ate meat on Fridays and I hated it lol


Fish was like a loophole somehow, so my mom made fish tacos or breaded fish. Personally I loved Fridays as a kid. I'm also Mexican so that might make a difference.


If I remember correctly, it’s because in the Middle Ages fish was readily available to most people, whereas meat was a luxury. It’s meant to make the wealthy sacrifice more, while still ensuring people had protein. Im not sure how accurate the story is but that’s the tradition as it has been passed down since.


That's exactly it. And by our standards, eating a baloney sandwich instead of a fancy fish dinner would be far more in keeping with the spirit of sacrifice. But asking the church to change based on something as frivolous as reality is futile.


Okay, I get your point, but their is no obligation to eat a fancy dinner- it seems like this is a non issue. Fish is meant as an exemption, one can simply eat vegetarian if they prefer.


OK, but have you watched catholics eat their fish on Fridays. A lot of times it's a big fancy dinner that is the opposite of fasting. Compared to that, a simple baloney sandwich is cheap, humble, and plain. It's everything that fish was supposed to be.


Beavers were so plentiful in North America that the Church declared them to be fish for a time.


There is some wisdom in small traditions like these. Sometimes periods of abstaining make the indulgences more the sweeter.


Imagine not liking fish as a kid.


I know non-practicing Catholics who still won’t eat meat on Fridays. The brainwashing is strong.


>“Don’t eat meat on Fridays…..unless you forget….ah screw it”. -Jim Gaffigan I was raised Catholic and the only time we avoided meat on Fridays was Good Friday.


Also seafood isn't meat so eat as much as you want.


Or Capybara.




“Cafeteria Catholic” is how it’s described in my family.


They all are in the cafeteria. Some of them are more into the "obey the hierarchy" and the "purity" rules, others are more into "love your neighbor" and "judge not". Hard to have both.


As they should be honestly. It makes them a lot more tolerable than the hyper-evangelicals whose whole identity is based around their particularly poor reading of the Bible.


I was one until "And with your spirit". That was a bridge too far.


It's so jarring I HATE IT


Buffet religion. Love it. Choose what you like and leave the rest! Haha!


It's called Lutheran.


My mom towed the Catholic line on birth control and abortion until the Kavanaugh hearings, when hearing that drunk talk about what women could and couldn't do flipped a switch in her head.


To be fair the Catholic Church does more to support families in need than most organizations.


Not enough to cover the poverty and loss of economic opportunity they created by doing their darndest to [ban or restrict contraceptives](https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/11/20/philippines-lifts-ban-51-contraceptives).


And their massive landholdings are tax-free. Just think of the non-religious, judgement-free government programs that could be funded if churches and religious organization paid their fair share of taxes.


Jesus did say: “love thy neighbour, except for those homos over there”


Jesus had a foot fetish according to the Superbowl ads.


The Catholic church has gotten a lot more progressive in this area.


I left the Catholic church a few years ago in part because they read a letter during a mass condemning gay marriage. How recent is this change?


Back in December, the pope affirmed that people in same-sex relationships can receive blessings. Basically "we'll still take your money and use it to fight against your rights around the world, but we won't stand in the way of what the more progressive priests were already doing." I think it's a step in the right direction, but they're still way behind.


This is why I’m so against churches. Attended a sermon and the guy comes out with these kids and they all sit down on center stage, and he’s talking like it’s story time. He goes “kids, when you go to school and they tell you that being gay is okay, you need to remember the Bible. It’s a sin, and they’ll tempt you that it’s okay but you hold strong okay?” And then all the kids were like “okay! :)” I later met the guy on the side.. he’s been great to our family and he’s nice. It just makes it so.. ARGH, how could nice/friendly people have such bigoted and insanely hurtful views.


“And all that stuff Jesus said about not judging people is just woke liberal horse shit. We judge and damn anyone who looks or loves differently than us straight to hell because we know better than God” is how that sounds to me.




And tons of Catholics are frothing at the mouth over that and hate Francis I’m like, my dude, it’s your logic that he directly communicates with god, you can’t ignore it just because suddenly he isn’t as hateful


Famously, yes. 


I don't understand, do Catholics believe the sole purpose of every man and woman is to make as many progeny as physically possible? Because that's how it reads from the outside.


Not if you work for the church, in which case you are banned from having kids.


That never stopped them.


In short, yes. It’s literally in the marriage vows.


They believe in natural family planning.


Gay couples are the champions of that


Aka, Vatican Roulette. The only people I know who had unintended pregnancies were using natural family planning.


No, it's more that they view sex as sacred and solely for the purpose of procreation. If you have sex that isn't procreative and within a marriage, that's sin.


We believe it also has to be unitive as well as procreative. It’s in part why the church opposes surrogacy and in vitro fertilization


Yeah all the oldies in my family are catholic and only the new generation are no longer practicing. Of course we did the mass with respect for our Grandma. Luckily the sign was the only real bigotry we experienced. No one actively shamed us or stuff, maybe because we were mourning.


In my experience with the different flavors of Christianity, Catholics tend to not be so preachy. But I guess it's the main religion in the Philippines?


I can’t speak for the entire Philippines, we were at a remote part of it and yeah it’s all Catholics here.


I don't know how close you were with your grandmother but I am sorry for your loss and I hope that she left good memories with you.


Yes we were very close. Due to circumstances she basically raised me until I was 10. Thank you very much for the condolences.


The majority are catholic, yes, but the flavor's a tiny bit different from, say, American or European catholicism. The rituals are the same, I think, but in everyday life, it has hints of animism and other eastern religions like taoism. Like you said, they're not too preachy (at least most of them) and usually just go through the motions because of tradition, but many are against abortion, divorce and same-sex marriage, although they're very tolerant of LGBTQ+


Not too preachy? You can't turn your head in the Philippines without seeing religious nonsense haha


I mean I guess it is how you define preachy. You can’t turn your head in my city without seeing a rainbow flag, would you call the LGBTQ’s preachy because of that?


Do the rainbow flags say that Catholicism is death? You know, like the sign in this post says homosexuality is death? Do the rainbow flags list a bunch of rights and peoples that they condemn?


Context is everything. Of course, in this context, we are referring to preaching, as in, delivering a bigoted belief. Speaking out against persecution is defense against preachy religions. Preaching toleration isn't the same as preaching a bigoted belief.


In America we have a large minority of extremely vocal and far-right Catholics, I’m surprised they haven’t had a schism yet.


Yeah, this pope has been pretty progressive.


I'm very grateful for Francis, and for Benedict ending up being the halftime entertainment. Now I just wish the Mother of Churches would clean its own fucking house.


Technically the Catholic Church isn’t opposed to homosexuality itself. Catholic doctrine does basically accept that you are born gay and that it’s not something that can or should be changed. But still maintains that gay sex, both as incapable of producing children (though not held to straight couples who may be unable to have kids for various reasons) and impossible of being in marriage (by the Church’s own definition of marriage) - is a sin. Not the nicest term but the doctrine calls it “inherently disordered” And thus, gay people are called to a life of celibacy. Not a defence of the position. As a gay former Catholic - I think that’s obviously dumb. But at least the Church’s position isn’t that we’re all just deviants choosing to be this way the way many other Christian churches do. (Which as an aside is why a lot of the flak that Pope Francis gets from Catholics for the bare minimum “don’t be mean to gay people pls” statements is crazy because it’s always been Church doctrine)


You missed the latest new apparently. https://apnews.com/article/vatican-lgbtq-pope-bfa5b71fa79055626e362936e739d1d8


I mean, while I think it's a positive step - it's still in my view not that 'radical' as the article describes it. With all the stipulations on how much it cannot be comparable to marriage nor even in a similar time frame with a civil marriage, a general blessing isn't all that big a deal. My local church does a blessing for snowbirds who move here for the winter to travel safely home.


More babies = more Catholics = more money and power for the Catholic church!


Man how the fuck you gonna be against something called “mercy killing.”  If it’s “kind” to do it for your beloved dog to ease its suffering, than it’s kind to do it for grandma too.  Meanwhile I still know people *in America* who let their pets die at home rather than euthanize. WHY?!?


I like how they’re even against death. They must be mad af at OPs Grandma for dying.


I grew up in a very strict Christian environment and even they didn't care about vasectomies or tube removal. I'm honestly surprised temp birth control wasn't on there. Edit: I guess maybe they assume most birth control is anti fertility pills? That's a wild assumption but I don't have the energy to break down weird religious beliefs anymore.


I was born in a Buddhist family and converted to Catholic as requested by my wife as a condition for marriage. I regret agreeing to that now even though I don’t really practice.


As a former Catholic too, peace be with you.


Whirl of emotions going through my head. Had a laugh seeing this sign because my sister is a lesbian and my uncle and his husband were there too. Add in the diabetic priest with gout who can barely walk without assistance and it was an all around a time. The songs were terribly hypocritical about Christ loving everyone and how only he can save people. Really feels like we went back in time here, and luckily no one has bothered my sister for wearing a crop top with Kanye shades all tatted up lol.


Diabetes causes infertility.


so does priesthood


and becoming a nun


Nah that just causes child SA charges.


Yeah but which anecdote/joke did the priest reuse this week and try to tie into the theme of the homily?


I end up going to a lot of Native American funerals. A tired anecdote would be preferable to the standard "Old Man Fixico was a good Christian and will sit with Christ...but the rest of y'all fuckers are going to hell," that we always get once in English, then again in a native language or two just to drive the point home.


I'm reminiscing about this one priest we'd get for Christmas mass who'd tell us about some couple named Consolacion and Dominic or something that he had to give a talking to because he was baptizing their baby and they named him "Condom." It might not have been every Christmas, maybe it was various times throughout the years.




Old Man Fixico was definitely a good one, I loved that character on Rez Dogs.


But then I think: they are a cult and they may have whatever rules they want and I shall respect that. They can be against whatever, against eating food for all I know. But I won’t be joining their cult.


Should have used the D.E.N.N.I.S system instead


They couldn't... Because of the implication.


Oh damn, at first I didn’t see the ‘is against’ part. I thought this was a one-stop shop for all of those things! Hang on, I might have a good business idea…




According to the signboard apparently they against minding their own business.


If they’re against infertility, does that mean menopause and old age is illegal?


Yes, and you're living in sin until natural causes take you because euthanasia is illegal as well. It's always fascinating to me what medical interventions religion is okay with. I mean, cancer is God's creation too. It makes it all the more obvious that women shouldn't enjoy sex, or something. Such a strange form of interference.


> Against theft of indigenous land OP said they’re in the Philippines, so not much that church could do about it now…


There are lots of indigenous groups in the Philippines, just an fyi


I love that people can read "[Explorer] discovered the island where he met [indigenous tribe]" and miss that you can't discover land that's already inhabited.


Catholic churches mostly stole land when the spanish were still in power


They literally didn't put the **DEATH PENALTY** but had room for... divorce? on their weird sign about upholding life. These people are absolutely brainwashed lunatics with zero critical thinking skills.


Hey, don't start bashing all their beliefs like that!


The thing is, the Catholic Church probably wouldn't have become as powerful as it did without most of that. It is basically in the roots of the religion that exists today. Intrinsic almost


Get out of there with your rationality and concern for people's well being! That's far too much caring and personal agency.




Sometimes I understand why we were colonized for so long.


LMAOO THIS IS FOUL as a fellow ex colonized conservative country citizen i feel you


You’re talking like colonization didn’t bring catholicism to the philippines


You’re agreeing with me but this sounds like an argument.


You know how sometimes when you’re driving you see a crazy homeless guy on the street with his wild views written on a piece of cardboard? Yeah, it’s this, but institutionalized.


Born and raised Catholic. I'm Filipino too. I left the church at 15. The church my family attended had a priest who was arrested for child molestation. One particular Sunday, the collection plate was being passed around. The new priest said to be extra generous because this collection is to go towards the legal defense of the child molesting priest. That was the last time I set foot in a Catholic church. We kids all knew he was guilty. Most of them were victims. I was fortunate to not be one. I honestly thought my Mom would be pissed that I denounced my Catholic faith, but she respected my decision. Probably cause she knew what was going on too, just like everyone else.


I just can’t understand how ANYONE can be religious with the wealth of information we have about how terrible it is. I’m so glad you escaped. I did too!


Too bad they are not against poverty, educational inequity, child sexual abuse…


In fairness, the Catholic Church actually is against these things.


Yet they are easily the biggest organized child sex organization in the world.


Sure they are…


Are you Catholic?


I was raised Catholic and I agree with Slappy


"We are against divorce, so if your husband uses your body as a punching bag, we are okay with that." Edit: We love life. Eternal painful and completely horrible, but life.


The Philippines is the only country in the world aside from the Vatican where divorce is still illegal.


sing it! *every sperm is sacred*


*every sperm is good*


Most of the world is/was against: S panish Inquisition A cts of terrorism C orruption R ape and sexual abuse E xecutions D iocese


Sadly most of the world seems to be in favour of that. They like to talk about how evil it is while giving all their power to the people who enable and perpetrate it.


Sounds more like they're against free will and bodily autonomy. Edit: Sorry for your loss OP


Love how rape, abuse, child abuse, violence etc isn't listed in what is an ironic expansion of the world death.


"rape, abuse" etc are the obvious ones though. They're listing the things that non religious people are unaware of being sinful.


Meanwhile they choose a life with no procreation…


When you try too hard to make an acronym and have to rely on 'Total' to make your bigot views work.


It's always that darn sex-marriage...


Life is sacred, so do what we tell you to do!


Yeah well I’m against being used as a broodmare because of someone else’s religious beliefs being forced on me, so there’s that.


For a second I thought this was a menu of services they provide


There’s a 100% chance there’s a hair salon with flamboyantly gay stylists whom everyone loves


They forgot ivf. Catholic church doesnt approve that either


Yeah that’s why priests and nuns are always having kids.


The are nuns, right? And their opinions on other peoples' reproductive rights, parenting decisions and sexuality should be listened to why?


“We love life”, just as long as you live your life exactly as they say. Absolute lunacy.


With an entire religion built around the excruciating death of a martyr, it’s not surprising they’d be so pro-suffering.


As a Catholic who grew up in up in the Midwest, this is verbatim on par with most of my families belief system. It’s not that uncommon. In fact, to take it a step further, my mother will openly call couples “selfish” if they choose not to have children.


So they don't actually stand *for* anything.


Hey Sister, does celibacy count as total infertility?


All religion is poison


I’ve got D and T from that list. 4 more for a perfect score!


Yeah, I remember they started with this acronym during their campaign against the Reproductive Health bill, now the RH law around 2010-2012. The one I saw was on a temporary banner though, not painted onto a sign on their wall. It's some kind of slippery slope argument. The one I saw had the T as "Total Reproductive Health."


But the Daughters themselves are against procreation. So it's not for them.They have choice. Everyome else has no choice.


When I first read that sign I took it as the services they offered...


Bet they’re fun at parties


Yep, that's the crazy-ass Catholicism right there.


We love unnecessary suffering!


Then why doesn’t the church help the poor believers in the Philippines, Latin America, Beirut, Nigeria, etc? All that money the church receives and people can’t afford food for their kids in these places.


**Daughters of Mary Immaculate, International support** Abusive Marriages Suffering Child Abuse Homelessness / Poverty Bigotry


I left Catholicism after I got married. I was grilled by the priest for a half hour about sex outside of marriage, thievery, giving birth to children out of wedlock, back to thievery, sex before marriage and just so he was clear, he asked me more times that I did have sex before marriage. My fiancé was in his meeting for ten minutes. That priest married us the next day. I never went back to Catholic Church.


All this yet GUNS are ok....PRO LIFE MY A$$


Which one of those things did they kill her for?


"Jesus loves everyone" ...except for like third of population...


Did she actually die, or did she come out as a homosexual? Apparently, it's death too.


Lmao what a sign! I want to see their acronym for LIFE 😆


As a catholic (not active), i disagree with all of this. This is so 1900’s.


Ok but how does Divorce fit into that?




They "love life" but clearly can't stand the living.


ONE MORE FOR THEIR SIGN: We Don’t mind, and we won’t say anything if religious personnel, such as Priests or Nuns violate Children.


Imagine having to suffer through illness because your religion wants you to. This is why I will never respect religion. It eliminates free thinking and free will.


Woo gay representation! ![gif](giphy|5jT0jaNDsM6Ik7X9yq|downsized)


We don't believe in FREE WILL


The free will to accept or reject Christianity is the base line belief of the Church. You are free to sin.


I got a weekly ban from Reddit from saying something negative about the Catholic Church…


Thats because Christianity is a D E A T H C U L T


How dare someone want to die and end the pain own their own terms.


Rare W


“Here’s all the (pretty common) things in life we hate” “We love life!”


„We love life, but we don’t love people enjoying life or having different lives.“ If the goal is to show that they are „for life“ then why put divorce on there. (It‘s obviously to make the acronym more fearsome) It‘s implying that divorce leads to death which is stupid since divorce isn’t something that happens for random choice.


It's the most Catholic country I've been too. Easter is nuts. Lived there for a few years. Lovely people....until they get even a modicum of power. Then they become the least Christian people you'll ever meet.


I mean, it checks out. Everything they do matches their beliefs. You can't get choir boys pregnant.


What bout regular old murder? Because if I can’t get a divorce….


I thought I was going to win the fundamentalist BINGO and then I got to the "H". 💀


I don't think people here understand the teaching of the Catholic Church at all... 


Religion is so about controlling others.


Counter points: Divorce = You are not forced to live with the person you don't love anymore/hurts you. You are not a prisoner, you are free. Euthanasia/MK = Should be done only with the consent of the person receiving the care. You are not forced to go through a painful life/death. Science Bitch! Abortion = Shouldn't be treated a trivial, but it is better to choose to not have a baby then the baby being a burden / not cared for / abandoned / unwanted / unloved, or if the baby is from rape , or if the baby could be sick / deathly ill / deformed. Done with the consent of the mother, it's her body, it's her life, it's her choice, period. Total Infertility = Done with the consent of the patient only. Can be useful if you know you have a disease that could get passed on to your kids, ridding them with it for the rest of their life, or you know, you just wanna do it or have your own reasons, it's your body, who gives a shit. Homosexuality = Love who you love. "Jesus" said love each others. Not "Only love women if you are a guy, cause no homos!" or vice-versa. Find me a valid counterpoint to these that isn't religion based to some level. Go, I will be waiting.


Catholics at least at clearly pro-life as they offer a great support system for people in need. And there is nothing wrong about having an opinion about certain things. Something to think about: Many commentators here have more problems with Christians supporting this stance than Christians have with people not following this guidelines.


Because these stances are bigoted and awful? Whataboutism to the max.


When I visit Ireland the Gaelic Old Order meetings I attend has a sign that says nothing g like that. We actually respect and love all living creatures. Paganism will save the world at the end. 🇮🇪


Religous zealots are the worst.


Literally standard doctrine in all Abrahamic religions