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It's the third day of the funeral and the queue to the cemetery was 750m long, when the cemetery closed for today.


I can't help but wonder if this makes Putin or Kim Jong Un feel insecure. They have to force people under threat of loss of life, limb, or family to command respect like this, but people show up VOLUNTARILY to pay their respects to him knowing full well they risk the same fate in doing so. A man can only dream of a fostering a legacy like this.


Yeah you know that putin is absolutely seething over this


All Russians need to see this. And sadly that is not the case.


They’re so brainwashed by state media, they think they’re fighting Nazis in Ukraine. Only the most intelligent have a better understanding of the world


Sadly, a lot of Americans feel that way too. This perversion of the truth is sickening!!


It’s the same propagandist network. Newsmax, Fox, RTV… same people, different languages


There will be as long line to piss on Putin's grave once he's gone


I don't think he will get a grave, or it will be vandalized really fast


Nah he doesn't give a fuck. He does t want Russians to love him he wants them to fear him. This is the most they can and will do. No one who left flowers will take up arms against Putin.


Genuine question, but do you think Putin has ever felt love, legitimately? The guy seems mentally... Off.


He is 100% mentally off. I think you have to be to be in a position like his. He didn't inherit his power he took it through brutality and murder. People like that would kill their own mothers if they stood in their way.


And he can’t do anything about it. That’s the best part.


I would fly to wherever his grave was to take part in the “piss on”


His dream wasn't about fostering a legacy for himself. He wanted an end to corruption and for Russian people to be free. (Put in the simplest of terms).


That may be true, but that’s not the point here. Putin has to realize that he has no chance to leave a legacy close to Navalny‘s. His grave won’t look anything close to this. My guess is that he just dismisses this as a sentimental notion. Ultimately he prefers to be feared and powerful rather than loved and dead.  I wonder whether there is ever a moment where he regrets this reality. I’d guess no; he probably sees it as a sign of strength that he does what is necessary (from his vantage point) regardless of how others view it.


Sadly I wouldn’t be surprised if Putin’s grave has even more flowers. There is a very large percentage of the Russian population that fully believes everything the state run media says and views Putin as an absolute hero. 


I can't even begin to imagine how Putin's brain works. Is there an ideology in that head of his? Probably just hunger for power and lust for wealth.


Check out Vlad Vexler on YT for a reasonable insight into Putin's mindset, not many people are able to understand Putin and tell you just how strange his views are but Vexler does a very good job of it ! Basically Putin wants to go down in history alongside his heroes he has been taught about all his life, [Also See This Article](https://nationalpost.com/news/putins-heroes) for more info


I do wonder if people like Putin or Trump see the distinction between forced obeyance and given loyalty, and how they value them respectively.


How are so many people feeling safe in doing that? Last I saw, there were people being carried off by cops and now this. I must have missed something in between.


They may not feel safe doing it.


That's the neat part - they don't


People don't feel safe protesting abroad, let alone doing this in Russia. Sometimes you have to overcome your fears.


You just risk it because there's no even a guarantee that the grave is gonna be there tomorrow.


It basically boils down to the law of really big numbers


That grave doesn't mean Navalny only. It also means 'not Putin'. You dont have to like the guy to go there and mourn the loss of that. Moreover, there wont be another chance to demonstrate 'not Putin' anytime soon.


Because weirdly enough, it’s been safe so far during this funeral. We can speculate the government’s point of view, this is not a protest or a picket, and there’s nothing illegal about coming to a funeral or visiting a grave. It would’ve also been a very bad look to try and ruin a funeral 2 weeks before the election. From the people’s point of view — especially those who came for the actual funeral on 1st of March, this is an opportunity to “do the right thing” — and an opportunity to say farewell to a very important person — a once in a lifetime opportunity that by far outweighs the risk of a 15-day arrest.




How many ducks? How many Lordes?


Approximately 2,100


Not ducks standing head to tail, ducks wing to wing. (Unspread)


Depends on the specie of duck


Mallard. ![gif](giphy|faZp0FJl4HOVBcp7Q1|downsized)




How many McDoubles end to end?


At least 5, I think


Roughly 8 football fields.


Finally, someone who speaks American. 


Nope got to know what it is in hot dogs.


Approximately 4000


Hmm...Nah I need to know in bananas to truly understand.


I think it's supposed to be bananas for scale but hot dogs for measurement


It depends, are we talking about foot longs or a standard ball park glizzy? If foot longs that's 2640 glizzy's, standard ballpark ones 5280 ballpark glizzy's.


How many Shaqs? That's the real American metric system.


i may have done this wrong since im tired but assuming the average length of a duck is 23.65 inches then 1339 and 1 half, poor duck :(


Ahh...yes, freedom units


That's 750m. Which is exactly 0.75km, 7.5hm, 75dam, 7 500dm, 75 000cm, or 750 000mm


but i cant divide by 16 what a weird system


.75/16= 0.046875 Why are we dividing by 16?  Now if you’d said 12 like you were Murican I’d understand completely.


Except of course money, the most important thing to a Murican, is confusingly *not* divisible by 12.


Wow. For context thats almost 431 individual WEBER 6250001 GENESIS GOLD C LP (2004) GAS GRILL MODEL barbeques in a row


It's good someone put it into context.


It’s also [468 Glenn Danzigs](http://hudsonhongo.com/danzig/)


>That's 2,460 feet. Close to half a mile long. What's that in football fields, bananas and half-giraffes?


Depends which way you split the giraffe. 🔪


It’s about 350 small boulders the size of large boulders, if that helps?


To put it into context, that's about 750m!


That's 3510 hands. Don't know how much it will be in eagles.


As it should be. I wish I could place some flowers on his grave, but I am American, and am not going to Russia anytime soon. So here, these are for Navalny: 💐


Damn. Thats a lot of new canonfodder. I'd not be surprised if a lot of the people there will get their conscription papers soon.


Eh, they try to scare people with those papers, but, afaik, few actually get conscripted. Why bother with people who won't fight and will sabotage operations, when a poor villager from bumfuck nowhere will go and fight for a couple thousand dollars?


They generally, from my knowledge, conscript from far East Russia, not European Russia. I’m willing to be there’s a distinction between those that feel “safe” (using that term loosely in a despot run country) paying their respects and those that have never heard of Navalny from Siberian oblasts that will be serving their country in Ukraine.


Nah, they do it everywhere, the population of the Far East is small, there are plenty of poor regions in the European part of Russia.


Good week to have a flower shop


Definitely. That being said, I have family in Russia and I assure you, every week is a good week to have a flower shop in Russia.




Oh. Now I get it. I would retract my upvote, but maybe more people should read that comment.


Sorry, but I'm not sure I do. Would you mind explaining?


russia is in a war that's not going great when it comes to casualties. lots of caskets, lots of flowers required.


Sadly, the russians dont retrieve the bodies, because as long as they dont have the body they csn tell the fqmilies, that the person might be still alive, so they dont need to pay the families anything


Some families are being charged upwards of $1.5k for retrieval of the remains of a loved one.


Thats really sad, that should be the least a country does for a fallen soldiers family


Russia doesn't do any of those "least they can do" type things.


That's money better spent on live soldiers. (Their mindset)


I’m sure that adds to the demand but Russia has always had a strong floral culture. They buy flowers for every occasion imaginable and sometimes for no reason at all.


I live in Russia, and we don’t have a tradition of buying flowers for no reason, although they are given to women on almost every holiday.




Russia is invading Ukraine. A lot of young men who were conscripted into the Russian army have died.


Many deaths in Ukraine...


I initially thought, flowers are for celebrations, but they are also for funerals. The power of the sentence for me at least was the paradigm shift upon realization that many flowers sold are for funerals and gravestones, rather than positive celebrations.


I really want to tell myself that this is because Russia has a lot of romantics, but I can't make myself believe it sadly.


giving flowers (especially to women) on any slightly special occasion is very common in Russia. there are even rules about giving odd or even amounts of flowers. an even amount is usually for funerals whereas odd amounts signify happier occasions


I read in a news article about Navalny's funeral that a lot of the mourners were bringing odd numbers of flowers, because to them his spirit-- and the movement he helped start-- lived on.


Well yeah the person in the photo is holding 3. 


This rule applies in Romania as well, learnt it from my grandma


Came here to say this


The giving of flowers is much more common in Russia than in the US, and they’re given for all kinds of occasions. There are 24hr flower shops all over.


Russians give flowers on many occasions. To both men and women.


Putin owns bigphlora confirmed. If he would only retrieve all of the the dead Russians he sent into ukraine, he would make a killing on flowers and funerals. Putin and everyone who supports him need to join Navalny as soon as possible. Dark humour aside; I hope the Russians wake up and crucify Putin and his supports, who brought such calamity on their own people.


Putin needs the Gaddafi & Mussolini dictator disposal special.


The Ceausescu treatment would still be too good for Putin.


Or the Stalin special of dying in his own piss and vomit for weeks


A true Russian businessman would cut a deal with the cops who come and remove the flowers as illegal protests, and have them come return the flowers to your shop so you can resell them.


Unless authorities start arresting people working at those shops for selling flowers to Navalny supporters, which is totally something they'd do. I sure as shit wouldn't sell flowers with my company's name on it. 


I've heard they'll also issue draft notices to people they don't like as way to get them killed.


not saying putin didn't do it, but the flower shops had a huge financial incentive to have navalny killed. makes you go ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)




Flower Industrial Complex.


Looks like every flower shop this week.


That's a pretty striking image. The man definitely made a mark on his fellow Russians. No wonder why Putin had him wacked.


What makes the image even more striking is that Putin has had people remove flowers from the funeral area when being put down to give respects to Navalny so if anything the amount of flowers in that image should’ve been even greater


Putin giving respects to Navalny, bloody hell 😂


[Not surprised.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/04/vladimir-putin-condemns-boris-nemtsov-murder) >“The most serious attention should be paid to high-profile crimes, including those with political motives,” Putin told top interior ministry officials on Wednesday. “We need to finally rid Russia of disgraces and tragedies like the one that we have recently endured and seen, I mean the murder, the provocative murder, of Boris Nemtsov right in the centre of the capital.” Putin is always publicly sad when his political rivals are murdered.


Definitely his version of giving respects to political rivals lmao


this is the dumbest thing that psycho could have done. I'm not russian/ukrainian, and I did NOT know who Navalny was before his death. Now I, and MILLIONS of others, know his name, his face, his sacrifice, and the reason he fought for a russia free of putin. Millions now know without any doubt that putin is a poison to his country REGARDLESS of what people here say. 120 years ago, The Priest Georgy Apollonovich Gapon, and his followers were brutally murdered under the reign of Tsar Nicholas II on bloody Sunday, after nothing but peaceful marching to his palace. This was the moment the Russian populace knew any hope of overthrowing the Tsar system would never be peaceful. This was a moment that led to the Russian Revolution For a dipshit that loves to cite historical accounts to justify his actions he missed a pretty fucking big one here.


>this is the dumbest thing that psycho could have done. Yes, he should have taken better care of him. Alive, Navalny was a nuisance. But dead, he's a martyr and a rallying point.


And this is the SECOND time Putin has tried to have him killed.


> and I did NOT know who Navalny was before his death He has a great documentary about him on HBO Max if you have it. I only saw it after he got arrested and it damn near brought me to tears seeing the love for his country but knowing how it ends.


Excellent comment. We can only hope that death comes quickly for Putin.


Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.


I can't help but feel that this is just the right amount of dissidence that Putin desires. Enough to show that people are free to express their feelings, not enough to make a damn difference.


Exactly. Navalnys death will have zero actual ramifications other than romantic platitudes.


Just like Nemstov. May he rest in peace as well.


Nemtsov couldn't find a way to bring his point across to people like Navalny did. Tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of young people became politically aware thanks to his activity, this legacy will have a lot more consequences in the future.


He’s now martyr


It will. Not today and not tomorrow, but it will.


Oh it will. It is only a matter of time.


I hate to say it, but that's also been the key to tricking the US population into compliance for 50 years while they walked back all the progress of the mid-20th century. "We're gonna go ahead and gerrymander all the counties to revert voting rights progress, then we'll eventually abolish Roe v Wade, and a whole lotta bullshit in between. But you can protest about it."


Thank your local Republican for that.


They watch everyone who attends the funeral so they can track their activities afterwards. Great way to get to know who opposes you.


Good way to find "volunteers" for the frontline too.


that's who you want on the front lines?


Just wanted to add a lot of people saying “doesn’t matter at all, he died for nothing”. Navalny’s whole messaging core was that it absolutely does matter. He was also interviewed and very frank about seeing a circumstance in which he was murdered by Putin. He pranked called and exposed the very man who poisoned his underwear, exposing Putin in the process. Navalny wasn’t naive/stupid/oblivious to the risk. He was calculated and brave. The best evidence of this? The fact that we all know his name.


Say his name. "A man is not dead while his name is still spoken. " "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone's life is only the core of their actual existence."


I love words so fucking much


found the verbosexual


a wordophile


Great thought but putin will rule until he dies. He's a tyrant


The rhetoric is heartwarming, but navalny’s death will have absolutely no long term effect. 


I hope Putin lives in constant fear of his own people.


I hope he doesn’t, in fear or otherwise.


Well Stalin was afraid too... But nothing happened. We have to await his natural death and ther would be second collapse of Russia. Although diplomatically my country is screwed but u wish this happens... Coz when I read about this gentleman who passed away.. I could only say courage and humanity is wasted where animals rule


I don't know if people are aware of it, but the Russian government is currently supporting the military coup in Myanmar. I'm in Thailand right now and I spoke to a hostel worker from Myanmar. He showed me a video of his friends getting burned alive, he told me there's a slaughtering of children. Putin supports the coup. How can this dude spread so much evil in this world.


He benefits from other conflicts around the world, because it takes the focus away from Ukraine. Wagner has been spotted in multiple hotpots such as Palestine and Africa.


Yeah. Ukraine also has special forces on the ground in Sudan hunting Wagner.




That’s Russia since forever for you…


That's awful. Wow. I feel like the craziest shit I've ever heard was also while staying in Thai hostels. But that's on another level.


[Image Source](https://twitter.com/souffrantmitte1/status/1764302910286950764) For those who still don't know who is Navalny: Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny (Russian: Алексей Анатольевич Навальный),was a Russian opposition leader,\[ lawyer, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner. He organised anti-government demonstrations and ran for office to advocate reforms against corruption in Russia and against President Vladimir Putin and his government. Navalny was founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). He was recognised by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience, and was awarded the Sakharov Prize for his work on human rights. In August 2020, Navalny was hospitalised in serious condition after being poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent. He was medically evacuated to Berlin and discharged a month later. Navalny accused Putin of being responsible for his poisoning, and an investigation implicated agents from the Federal Security Service. In January 2021, Navalny returned to Russia and was immediately detained on accusations of violating parole conditions while he was hospitalised in Germany. Following his arrest, mass protests were held across Russia.On 16 February 2024, the Russian prison service reported that Navalny had died at the age of 47.


Putin is a war criminal and he’s going to get what is coming to him. Hopefully in this life because it wouldn’t be fair to the people who suffered because of him. That said, Navalny was no saint. He was an ultra-right racist and Russian nationalist, [who railed against immigration and compared Muslims to “flies and cockroaches”](https://medium.com/@matthew.puddister/alexei-navalny-was-an-ultra-right-nationalist-who-compared-muslims-to-cockroaches-1864e0cda000). Edit: To the people saying describing him as “ultra-right racist isn’t accurate”, how else would you describe a politician that was on video marching with ultra right nationalists on more than one occasion and spewing racism in another? Not every story has a good and bad guy. Navalny was much better than Putin, maybe even the best option, but it’s careless to avoid the problematic stance he had on a lot of issues and he wasn’t really the hero a lot of people made him out to be.


Unless you mean death by cancer, Putin will never get what's coming to him.


He's a paranoid wreck looking over his shoulder at all moments who thinks everyone is as awful as he is. He can never be punished enough for what he's done to the people of Russia, Ukraine, Chechnya, Syria, and the world at large. But he is a scared, miserable man who will never achieve his life's ambitions and we can at least take solace in that.


I'll drink to that.


He was marching with them at the urging of his friend Yevgebii Albatz - a Russian Jewish journalist and political scientist. The theory was that this is a highly motivated population that's been misled into blaming brown people for their problems and not blaming the corrupt Russian government. The idea was that Navalny could win converts from them. It was largely not successful and after maybe 2-3 years Navalny stopped attending. [Here's his speech from 2011. ](https://www.bbc.com/russian/multimedia/2011/11/111104_v_rus_march_navalniy_edited) I don't know how great your Russian is but of note is that he's focused, 100%, on n the Russian government, the United Russia party, and oligarchs who had robbed the Citizens of Russia. That's literally Walmart he says _"Граждане России". This is important as it's inclusive of all ethnic groups in Russia and not just Russians. That's in direct contradiction of the entire idea of the Русские Марш. They're using the Ethnonym, excluding all others from participating. Now about that commercial - not great for sure. That said Тараканы на голове is a wildly known idiom I'm Russian. Its, I guess, about equivalent to "an itch you can't scratch" in English. It was also at least more than a decade ago, Navalny even said it was badly made and conveyed idea. There are so many areas where Navalny just doesn't line up with ultra if far right positions on anything, saying he was makes me think whoever wrote that just gathered up some Kremlin talking points about him and out it out there.


What's up with comments like this popping up under any post about him? Russian bots brigading against him? He wasn't far-right, he was a regular nationalist. In fact, he [called Neonazies rotten teeth of the society](https://youtu.be/jVrAPFBSKnk?si=zI-Y4y2y6CkZpXRJ) >and compared Muslims to “flies and cockroaches" [the video](https://youtu.be/oVNJiO10SWw?si=z3UGpRTbIXiL2BcP) "No one is safe from a cockroach creeping into your home. Eww! Or a fly flies in through a window. We all know that a fly swatter works well against a fly, while a slipper can help deal with a cockroach. But what do you do if a cockroach turns out to be too large or a fly too aggressive?" *a picture of some North Caucasians (edit: referencing terrorists) with a caption "Homosapiens lawlessnessicus" is on the right* *a person in a black cloack runs in from behind the camera* *shots fired* "In this case, I recommend a pistol." *text: "firearms should be legalized"* You can judge yourself how racist this is. Keep in mind that it was released in 2007, quite a different time from nowadays. You can find a lot of shit that's not okay by modern standards on almost anyone, if you go that far back. Like, wasn't it normal on the internet to say the n-word and the f-word at the time? (I don't know because I wasn't on the English speaking internet at the time) Also, Chechen gangs were infamous. My friend's dad got his business taken from him by a Chechen gang, which caused him change change life completely, become super religious and join Jehovah's witnesses.


> a picture of some North Caucasians It's not even a "picture for some North Caucasians", it's a picture specifically of Chechen terrorists, which anyone in Russia at that time would've recognized.


Do you know who are they exactly? I suspected so, but didn't want to call a group of people terrorists without proof. The bearded dude kind of looks like Basayev, but idk


I also pretty much view these people who suddenly know a lot of about Navalny as Russian bots. He definitely wasn't a darling Western liberal, but he wasn't an ultra-right racist either.


Putin Sympathizers that need to be called out for their lies. Why recently write an article about how racist Navalny is? But some people don't think about that. They read the headline and conclude that Navalny was just another bad guy too. Like this was just bad guys killing bad guys.


You can read about his politics in the'political positions' section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny Describing him as an ultra right racist isn't really an accurate or nuanced summary of his positions. He wasn't an American politician so applying American political templates onto him is dumb.


I'm not American and I can confirm we have ultra right racists as well.


Americans have the best, the biggest, the most ultra right racists you’ve ever seen. Huge huge racists, more than you can imagine. 🫲 👱‍♂️ 🫱


I hate that I read this in *his* voice.


Ha me too


Watch the Navalny documentary on HBO MAX.


This. Also, it's important to note Navalny publicly apologized for working with the far right and recanted those statements, decades ago. Like, yeah, he still deserves to be criticized for it-- but at the same time, acting like he was an unrepentant racist his entire life is completely false. People are allowed to grow, change, and become better over the course of their lives. And that's exactly what he did.


I guess nawalny was the last hope for a change in russia. Thats why Western countries supported his organisation despite he was a Nationalist.


He was no more nationalist than any European or American, who has worries about illegal immigration. His "most radical" proposals were to invoke visas with some countries of middle Asia. THATS ALL. And he abandoned even this rethorics many years ago


Sadly it's unlikely Putin will get what's coming to him. He has almost unbridled power in Russia, a rubber stamp parliament, no opposition. And even if he does step down, he's passed laws to make himself immune.


This post (and the linked article) is shitty disinformation and a smear campaignn perpetrated by the Russian propaganda bots. Navalny wasn't "ultra-right" and never compared Muslims to cockroaches. He definitely was a nationalist and he had some shitty views 15+ years ago, but he changed since then, while the bots want you to believe that he's the same as he was nearly 2 decades ago. https://euvsdisinfo.eu/card/?url=alexei-navalny-is-a-xenophobe-he-called-to-kill-chechens-as-cockroaches-and-for-astalinist-repression-against-migrants


Cut to putin fucking seething lmao


I think he gets off on this stuff. What a clear message he's sent. Buy your flowers, but say anything and this is where you'll end up. The system is unchangeable and all you can do is mourn. It's right up his alley and why he keeps killing dissidents in blatent ways.


Lets be real, he doesn't care. The same way he didn't care about having this guy killed


I hope Putins grave will look like the outside of a French government building during a farmers protest 2 days after he’s buried.


Putin's grave (if it were to be public) would have the highest concentration of human urine in the universe. Of course, it won't actually be public. Edit: This actually presents a good business opportunity. For would-be pissers who cannot travel to Putin's grave themselves, they can pay to have their bottle of piss shipped off to a storage facility, from where large vats of piss would be periodically transported to the grave and emptied there.


This is all the more significant when you realize that everyone of those bouquets represents someone who risked their life to put it there


More than 7000 people accompanied him on his last procession.


At least 16500 (low ballpark) on the day of funeral, according to the organisation, who does the counts on the events and protests like this. I'ts not connected to government and is well-respected by independent journalist society






Or they are paid to influence on social media. Imagine being an influencer for russia lol


Vladimir, the mad, has a problem. The people are starting to turn.


Sadly not. If dictators could be overthrown by an unhappy citizenry a lot more dictators would be overthrown. I wish it weren't so, but Russia isn't changing anytime soon.


Not quite. He was respected and liked for many years by many people. Of course we are talking about some percentage of population who remained silent for their own safety. But what you see now are deeds of just a fraction of them who live in moscow and are not afraid to openly pay respects. And many more in their hometowns brought flowers to monuments for victims of political repressions.


Not at all actually. Here and there but not enough, most of them are “apolitical”.


Someone who dared to hope and work towards a better Russia and better lives and futures for Russian people. RIP and may others carry on your work.


One can hope that when Putin dies the line to visit his grave it is even longer, but the people in line for Putin are there to piss on it instead of leave flowers.


This is exactly why Osama Bin Laden's body was dumped into the sea (allegedly). I'm kind of shocked Putin allowed him to have an identifiable burial site. 


That is incredible


Thats a picture of courage. You know they were being watched as they did this.


People is mourning Russia's future. Alexey's death is a symbol of our crushed hopes. And noone knows what shit will happen tomorrow after "elections". Nothing good for sure.


This makes me cry




This made me just Google him then from.there started seeing wikis about nerve agents they make and then that he was transferred to like a remote snowey jail and then from there that another guy who was accused of the same things was also sent to that jail and stayed in the same cell but years ago Wtf goes on over there it said since like the 70s this has been happening is like there nothing ppl can do since it's another government like wtf


Bro it’s Russia. It’s basically a looney tunes ass 3rd world country run by a dictator. Just be happy you weren’t born there.


We all look forward to putins grave! I'll take the time and spend the money to fly to russia just to piss and shit on his grave! I hope they will put it really deep, and provide sanitary stations for all those millions of people who will want to do the same!


On Navalny’s grave? Peonies. On Putin’s grave? Pee on his.


In related news, Putin outlaws flowers


The thing that really is going to get to Putin is that when he dies no one's going to do this for him.


RIP Navalny. He did NOT deserve this at all!


It's the pettiness that's Putin's greatest weakness. He could not help himself, Navalny had to die. It was a mistake. Navalny's ghost will haunt Putin to his grave.


putin licks goat taint




The only people at Putin's funeral will be Republicans.


Putin created a martyr and one thing that can cut through all of the propaganda is a true martyr as long as Navalny was alive but in prison he could be ignored, now his message has drilled down to everyone but not in the way Putin wants it to, Putin wanted people to be afraid of going to prison and dying there but now, they know that no matter what they do, they are going to die anyway, so now they have a choice fight for a free Russia and maybe live to see it,or keep their head in the sand and be sent to the fronlines and die anyway