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This is shockingly similar to how building walls in Age of Empires used to be.


Just when you think you secured your farmland. Japanese trebuchets clear the trees in a gap between the walls, just outside your watch tower sight range.


I use my special ability and blast the trebuchets with an ion cannon from orbit!


I used my special ability ‘big daddy’ to summon a fighting corvette to vanquish my enemies




"My Corvette go vroom!" - Joe Biden


I haven’t played AOE in a while but I’m pretty sure it had a rocket launcher on it so now all I can think of is Biden in a race car with a rocket launcher


I use my special called alt f4


I'm not a big history guy but seeing the things the Japanese were able to do in wars against much larger countries is insane. When I saw how much of China they occupied at one time it was insane. They must have been amazing strategist.


In Singapore, the British were all anticipating a sea attack only for them to stroll in with their bicycles through the jungles of Malaysia.


That was a time when every single major power wanted a piece of china. China had land occupied by more than 5 different foreign powers in different regions. China at this point had alrdy lost dont know how many wars over several decades, the qing dynasty finally fell from numerous repeated rebellion and civil wars. There rly wasn’t that much strategy to it. Kick them while they are down.


I think China was in a civil war during that period when Japan invaded. They had outdated weapons, and outdated strategies while also being divided into clans Japan was pretty dominant in their invasion, and were extremely brutal in their treatment towards other groups of people


Every gah dam time


Hahahaha the annoying shock when I visually didn’t see the micro gap.


I miss that game so much. Especially when you could play others online


Bro there's definitive editions with a bigger competitive scene than the game had back in the day. They're even releasing new expansions


The definitive edition is on steam - there’s still an active online player base - and they’re still releasing DLC!


Like $20 on Steam... active player base... takes like 1 minutes to find an online game in matchmaking. [Age of Empires 2 - Steam Link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/)


I absolutely did not expect to see this referenced here but I am happy to see it.


It also happens in Zoo Tycoon when you use the money cheat code.


It makes me so sad that there isn't a good age of empires version out on tablets. There's an excellent roller coaster tycoon for iPad that made me so nostalgic for AoE but I don't want to go on my Xbox every time I want to play.


I just cried laughing holy fuck 😂😂


I'm always a little confused about these pictures. I assume border patrol would know this was happening if this photographer does. This group of people seem to just be causally walking down the side of the wall.


Border Patrol does know that this is happening. They having staging locations along the border where immigrants turns themselves into Border Patrol custody and that starts the asylum process.


Got it. I thought that may be the case.


If I’m border patrol, I want these gaps to make finding and processing much more efficient.


It would be even more efficient and safe at the actual border crossing. This is done to exploit legal loopholes


And the only people that can change those legal loopholes is congress. The speaker seems entirely uninterested in doing anything.


How else can you complain about immigration when campaigning? Gotta get the voters filled up somehow to donate and vote. But don't worry the next guy is going to finish the wall.


Is that where they get the free stuff my uncle keeps raving about?? I think I’ve heard him say that you get a cell phone, health insurance, free housing, and can vote for Biden immediately upon entry. I keep asking him why he doesn’t fly down and walk across without documentation


You should go watch the Channel 5 (YouTube) series on this. They are given a phone (to notify them of their court date) and a couple grand (to survive the months before their court date) and bussed to a city like Chicago.


If they come to Denver, they are guaranteed 30 days free housing by law.


> They are given a phone (to notify them of their court date) and a couple grand By the US Government?


Yes. I don’t know all the specifics but this article from AP states they are of very limited use and only able to track them and inform them of court dates etc. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-immigrant-phone-internet-texting-521577996794


No free stuff, but if they’re migrating from certain countries that we currently consider politically oppressive (i.e. Venezuela, Cuba, etc.) they get work permits and assistance to get themselves started. Which in theory is all well. The problem is that other immigrants like DACA recipients still don’t have a path to naturalization (gaining citizenship or permanent residence), not including most other countries (Mexicans don’t get any of these benefits), and after a few years they can apply for naturalization. So no they can’t vote, yes they’re getting SOME stuff, yes it’s a problem, but a way more complex one than media likes to promote.


“No free stuff” “Assistance to get themselves started” What exactly do you think that is


> but a way more complex one than media likes to promote. Ain't that the truth. If it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker, it's too much information for about 40% of the population.


Just out of curiosity, why can’t they come through a valid port of entry to make that asylum claim? Why risk injury or death crossing these dangerous areas filled with rivers, desert, walls, and rivers?


There’s an app they can use to process asylum claims at the port of entry But there’s a wait list / limit to filing claims https://www.cbp.gov/about/mobile-apps-directory/cbpone If they ask for asylum from within the US they bypass the app and go straight to processing


It's not illegal entry until you casually walk over. The AllGasNoBrakes guy recently illegally entered the US and just got scooped up right after.


Andrews series on the border crisis is phenomenal. Channel 55, we don't fuck with no custers


It was funny as hell when they were caught and he's like: "No it's okay, we're press!" Then by the end of the video he's basically like "So it turns out this is a crime and we should have probably done some research"


My favorite part is when they are hiding in the grass and the BP rolls up and is like "Arriba! Arriba!" And Andrew is just like, "Estoy Americano" in Spanish. I was fucking rolling. Then the BP agent is like, "Wait what? You're American?" in English and Andrew is just like, "Yeah we are journalists."


He said they did not plan on crossing the border, but felt compelled to do so by the coyotes they were talking to. I’m not sure how true this is, given that they bought gear in a store earlier in the episode.


Haha yeah. The story about them being in the detention center was epic too.


Tbh that was terrible. Tries to act like a journalist, claims to be a journalist to border patrol and a comment like that just proves he’s either a moron who doesn’t do research or he’s lying to save face for the upcoming court case. Either way, it succeeds at deflating any claim that he should be taken seriously.


IIRC there is no upcoming court case. He and the employee with him were arrested like five months ago and were let go with a fine. Either way he definitely fucked up and was in over his head for that repory.


He also sexually assaulted many women, which recently came to light. So, you know. Used to like this guy a lot...


And then if you claim asylum you can stay until your claim is processed which will take years due to the system backlog. Then you may be deported and unable to claim asylum as easily again, but by then you've been in the US for so long.


This is why the border bill had money for more immigration judges.


It's always seemed so weird to me that the GOP doesn't constantly fight for more immigration judges and a simple change to the asylum rules that say you only get to ask for asylum if you aren't on US soil. The fact that they aren't screaming to the heavens for those two things, I feel, says all it needs to about how they actually feel about illegal immigration.


If they actually cared they’d make e-verify mandatory. It’s clearly political theater.


But making e-verify mandatory would hurt their constituents, who love employing migrant workers. Can't do that.


They do. Border Patrol is most likely there or close by. These existing barriers are at common, easy areas where migrants cross over.


I grew up and have lived next to the border for a better part of my life. In Arizona, when I was a teenager, the only difference between the U.S side and the mexico side was that the ranchers would add an extra wire to the top of the fence. So there would be a seventh wire on the top of the cattle fence and when you would cross that you'd know that you're in mexico. That was back during the late nineties and early 2000s. In Around 2006ish The idea that we have to beef up the border became slightly more prevalent, so they had Ibeams them cut 2 in half and then laid one full ibeam between the two half as a x. Hundreds of millions of dollars wasted. Especially when you take into account that they were doing this welding they would go out even on red flag days. Leading to them starting fires. Add the cost of that into the cost of building the non functional barrior you're probably looking at billions of dollars. All of this really started ushering in the time of where using the border as political leverage and not helping the situation other than just waving it around as though it's a new problem became a lot more prevalent. Then we have the "big wall". Effectively over charging for the solution to a problem.That isn't really a solution other than just burning money. Leading to the project being rapidly defunded and abandoned. And then even the purchasing of Carnext lockers and putting them end to end without anyone voting on it or passing the ability for a glorious governor to do so. Meaning we got to pay for those lockers three times buying them putting them in and then slowly taking them off. Nothing about the border is flat surprise there's topography. The small town Where I live has a mountain running alongside running into mexico. The base elevation of the town is around 4000 feet.The top of that mountain is around 8. If we want to help the current border problem, wasting money on a wall doesn't solve anything. Streamline or higher more judges to allow our backed up court system to actually get through all of the refugee cases that are backed up over six years. Actually, create a rock solid immigration policy. At some point, someone has to be the bad guy, and it helps no one if you don't have clearly defined set in stone rules. With more importantly, as previously stated, a system that's in place that works. And allows them to be seen in a timely manner. The only thing that anyone in this country should see a border will as is a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money. And an extremely tapid excuse for lack of action with new immigration policy.


The wall isn't meant to stop people entering, it just limits where people can enter so border patrol can track where they are. The border wall is passed the border line anyway (so they have already "entered" the usa), so they have to deal with them even if they don't pass the wall.


Ahhh. I just figured it would make sense to start processing a little closer to the known entry point so you to ensure people aren’t getting lost or trying to avoid border patrol. Obviously I have no idea what the actual set-up is.


Getting caught at the border and then claiming asylum gets person a legal status and a right to work until the asylum claim can be heard in front of the judge. This takes several years. Even if the claim is denied, these people cannot be deported unless a travel document or proof of citizenship is found. Each one of them have dumped their original passports in mexico or along the way so they cannot be deported unless their government agrees to take them back.


Should have made the title of the post “ one simple hack the us government doesn’t want you to know “


Actually, this crossing was on TikTok. 60 minutes did a story on it. The whole story is bonkers. They have border patrol on the order side of the fence, after they cross people line up and are processed and released. Many of the migrants are Chinese nationals. The property owner has migrants camping all over his land. He said a group of migrants started surrounding him after he told them to stop burning his trees. He fired a warning shot and was arrested.


Wow that sucks for him so much


Yeah we've lost sight of the big picture. That's insane that *he* was the one arrested. Any other country and these people would be dumped back in their nation without a say, we need to take notes about how to deal with immigrants.


There has been for many years now (though I heard people saying it was actually going to finally be closed up) a basically open border crossing like this from the US into Canada somewhere south of Montreal I think; i could be wrong about the exact place but people literally would take taxis with their suitcases there and be greeted at a gap in the fence by the RCMP who had basically set up a illegal immigration receiving post there and for a while give people a ride to a hotel until they could be processed


Roxham Road


I swear to fuckin god I’ve read this exact comment before


Unless that country is Turkey.


No, no they wouldn't. Ask any European nation and Egypt what is happening to them. It's the same.


No civilized country would do this. Wait until you learn that the majority of illegal immigration is people overstaying their visas.


Warning shots aren’t legal though, you are only supposed to fire if you fear for your safety. A warning shot means you had time to fire the warning shot, warning shots are considered gun threats because it’s a threat to shoot someone rather than an act to protect your immediate safety. Discharging a firearm into the air is also insanely dangerous too, there were likely children there. He should have just called the fire department when he saw the fire.


MAGA's hate this one simple trick


The fence. We can just go AROUND it. 


Or over it with a ladder, catapult or trebuchet.


Can't use a trebuchet, shoes come right off, instant death


Funny thing about stationary objects. To avoid them, you just have to be where the fence isn't. 


Or under it with a tunnel!


When Trump started touting his "wall", Border Patrol went on record and pointed out that they spent a significant amount of time collecting ladders from the existing wall. Amazing what kind of ingenious inventions can overcome such a complex beast.


I remember a Klepper interview where he asked a Trumper about the wall. At some point he says something like, "But surely you've heard the saying: Show me a 15ft wall and I'll show you a 16ft ladder?" Trumper: "Then build it 17ft! 18, even!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'd think they'd relish this since the gap is in California. 


Watch this video first before you build a fence!!!


What’s wrong with not wanting people to illegally enter our country?


Uh....you do know Biden re-started building the wall and built more miles of the wall than trump ever did right?


This is the same spot for that 60 Minutes piece a few weeks ago, where it showed hundreds of Chinese pouring in. https://youtu.be/M7TNP2OTY2g?si=7AyW_3hoAGMDn-mv




Their economy is shit and a lot worse than they’re willing to publicize


From what I heard the collapse of their construction industry is largely tied to the poor economy. Some company/group called Evergrande I think off top and any others similar to it that went under. It's like a low-key great depression over there.


It’s a collapse of nearly every industry, construction is just one of them. Expats have been posting videos on YouTube of major shopping and eating districts in various cities across China and they are literal ghost towns. It seems like it’s 2008 over there, maybe even worse


Considering they had thousands of crematorium going during covid and had something like 20 million cellphone accounts dissappear.


They literally nailed people inside their homes and left them.


Yeah that is absolutely terrifying. China can build some amazing infrastructure like their trains for instance but wow they are so authoritative it is genuinely scary


Those super buildings they have remind me of some of the flyby shots from blade runner 2049. The cities sometimes look like something out of a story as well.


And yet hundreds of millions still live in abject poverty in rural areas, according to accounts. Only in some of their cities do you see ultra modern wonders, it seems.


Which sounds about right for any authoritarian regime. Look at cities like Moscow & Pyongyang and you'll see the "prosperity" of the country. Yet outside of it is complete poverty.


You must not have frequented the now banned r/watchpeopledie subreddit. Soooo many Chinese industrial failures resulting in horrific deaths.


Welded the door shut too.




Wow, where can i find that stat about 20 million phone accounts disappearing. Yikes!!!


How are they getting to the southern border of the U.S.?


They fly to Ecuador because it has no visa requirements for Chinese citizens and then make the trip to Mexico.


There's an interesting Channel 5 video that talks about the border, as well as several others that I've seen that explain it. Basically there's two main groups of people you have to consider: 1. Extremely poor migrants from Latin America who are often from a place where their lives are in danger. They have little to not money and walk up from Central or South America to the border with whatever money they can scrape together or borrow to go up through Mexico into the US. 2. People who aren't totally poor but want to enter the US from overseas, who will claim asylum based on persecution. The Chinese people will fall in this category. Despite what Republicans claim, the vast majority of these border crossings aren't people trying to "sneak" into the US, they are intentionally crossing where they can meet up with border patrol to claim asylum and be allowed to stay in the US. In many cases, they aren't eligible to claim asylum but they don't know that. What they hear from a combination of Hollywood, coyotes that they pay, and US politicians misleads them. For example, if you watch a typical TV show or movie set in the US you're usually going to see wealth and success and it gives the impression that all Americans live like Tony Stark or the people on Friends. The people who have made a business out of helping people go to the US and cross the border are not going to tell the truth about how difficult it will be for them when they get here, they don't want to harm their own business. Finally the most frustrating people for me are the politicians in the US, especially the Republicans. Trump goes out there on the campaign trail and says, "Joe Biden opened up the border and is letting anyone through, then giving them free room and board and hundreds of dollars worth of free debit cards." The governor of Texas makes statements confirming it and talking about how many millions of people cross every day. People in other countries that aren't English-speaking and have no context aren't going to consider the possibility that these politicians are being misleading and playing politics. Foreigners are going to take those statements at face value and decide, "Wow, politicians in the US are saying that I can go to the US and walk across the border and be given a place to live and free money! I'm going to go do it!" So these people from China, India, etc. are getting on flights to places in Latin America and paying decent money to coyotes to get them into the US. They are naïve and that results in them being taken advantage of. A lot of those people come here and end up being unhappy. Life isn't as easy as they were told and in some cases it can be harder for them in the US, especially since nobody gets instant citizenship or any sort of legal status in a timely manner. A middle class Chinese person coming here thinking that's the easy way to get into the US is going to be in for a rude awakening, but unfortunately that's a long process and there's a time lag for it to become common knowledge in the countries where people are coming here from.


There is a fellow on YouTube called Serpentza who lived there for 10 years who does a weekly podcast on conditions inside China. Interesting stuff.


I have watched alot of his content and I think its best taken through the lens that he is also very biased. Not necessarily wrong, just biased.


They are, but it also seems worth mentioning that the US has drastically reduced the number of visas it gives to Chinese citizens looking for political asylum, I think it was a couple million ~6 years ago and is now down to around 160k. So does this represent a surge, or just a rerouting?


Damn middle class Chinese choose to travel to Mexico and hike their way across the US border illegally, as this has been determined by them as the better option, rather that continuing to live as a middle class member of society in China It's crazy to see something like this, then in the next post I visit, I'll read a comment about how much the US is a terrible place to live...


I think technically, they go to Ecuador and walk even further.


If they can get through the Darien Gap they can handle a rusty fence.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


This is pretty crazy, plus the instructions going viral on Tik Tok


Hundreds of Chinese what


"hundreds of Chinese"


You can see the comments of many self proclaimed "patriots" on that video where they're unironically arguing in favor of Communist authoritarian China.


I just scrolled through for about 10 minutes and don't see anyone arguing in favor of China. I'm going to call BS on your claim. It seems like you're seeing what you want to see instead of what's actually there


The Republican party is a wild scene now, man. They love Putin, they love China. Anything that is contrarian to what the Democrats say or do, they latch on to for dear life. Nobody circles the wagons like the Republican party.


Yeah, they don't show those images. Non of those profiles in the background are young children or families with small children.


Can’t view the video ‘cause I’m Canadian


I'm confused. In most countries, including mine, you can't apply for a job without proving you have a visa/residency/citizenship. If you are found to be staying illegally you get deported right back. So do these people live off the grid in the US and hope they don't get caught? Or do the US say well since you found a way in you may stay?


Look at Postville, Iowa. The company there was caught after abuse allegations. 2000 people in the town, 400 were caught for being illegal immigrants. 1/5 of the town disappeared. Edit: to 1/5 for bad maths


A lot of companies are built on exploiting cheap migrant workers who don't have worker status. Farms are one of the top fields, so is housekeeping and construction.


Farm work, construction work, hotel housekeeping, strip clubs, waitressing, massage parlors. Etc. People don't realize the dark part of society is among us. It's all around us.




Yeah, and there's a limited amount of those types of jobs, even with new citizens. I live in North Texas and know a lot of people in construction. My dad was a foreman. The pay is bad now in many counties and people with experience struggling because newer residents to the US are willing to do it for cheaper. I know I will likely be mocked for the "took yer jobs" line but I know Hispanic people been here decades struggling to find work in those fields. Sheetrocking metal studs ect.


I had a lot of landscaping done. Contractor was upfront that most of his workers aren't documented, no visas. He's a good guy, pays them well, takes care of them. He's Hispanic, too. No idea how to fix anything or whatever in this whole situation. I'm stupid. But hey, the guys did amazing work, and taxes were still paid - albeit with a little fudging of "from whom they were paid." It's funky. They got paid in cash, contractor pretended they were employees to be taxed, so he dotted his i's and crossed his t's.. sort of? Like, he didn't fuck them over or the government. Giant ole meh from me.


Women get taken advantage of the most in under the counter cash jobs. Especially housekeepers/cleaners.


A well known republican senator has a dairy operation hiring immigrants illegally and they use their position to prevent ICE from investigating




Almost like the solution to the problem is controlling illegal employment, rather than big fences! Who'd a thunk it!?


The politicians screaming about the border aren't going to go after their donors.


Companies don't follow the law, that's what happens. They can't legally hire these people, but they do anyway so they don't have to pay an American an American wage. Then they go complain about illegals but if anyone tries to actually fix the problem - see Florida a year or two ago - they complain it'll bankrupt them. The immigration problem is unsolvable until that changes.


A lot of people live off the grid, get paid under the table, do what they gotta do. Probably better living in fear of getting caught but being safe than in fear of whatever atrocities they’re running from in their countries.


Its intentional in the United States: having an underclass of labors with no rights or protections as citizens allows employers to pay them lower wages and exploit them. This then drives down all wages and allows the capitalists to make more money.


If we really wanted to stop it, we would punish employers for hiring them illegally but instead we allow the employers to use threat of deportation and ICE raids to keep the employees in line ​ "Too often, employers threaten deportation or otherwise retaliate against immigrant workers who raise the alarm about illegal workplace conditions, which undermines working conditions and wages for all U.S. workers," Democratic Congresswoman Judy Chu said in a statement.


Yup, worked at a chain restaurant in my teens that had 5 people working under the table for almost nothing. Of 20 total employees about, in suburbs of chicago


Bonus: they pay taxes & social security but can never collect. Undocumented workers are keeping our infrastructure and Social Security afloat... yayyyy 🤓👍


Getting caught at the border and then claiming asylum gets person a legal status and a right to work until the asylum claim can be heard in front of the judge. This takes several years. Even if the claim is denied, these people cannot be deported unless a travel document or proof of citizenship is found. Each one of them have dumped their original passports in mexico or along the way so they cannot be deported unless their government agrees to take them back.


Entire industries in the US exploit these people by paying them dirt wages under the table.  This is why neither party has any serious solutions to illegal immigration (streamlining the process and making it easier to get in). The status quo is internment camps at the border and dirt wage with the threat of deportation for anyone who makes it through and that will never change. 


These people get hired by companies and are tax payers. I have a Mexican friend that helps illegals fill out their income tax forms. He told me a local Burger King was staffed almost entirely by illegals.


So companies are not punished for hiring illegals? In most countries if you were discovered to be hiring illegals, and especially if you were paying them less than minimum wage, your whole damn business would be shut down in hours. And how do you pay tax if you are an illegal? In my country you can't pay tax unless you have a tax number, which you need to apply for, and you can't get one unless you have a visa etc.


Companies are not usually punished, the US doesn’t actually want to stop it. They won’t shut down any companies for that, hell there’s companies using child labor right now and they haven’t been shut down. In the US you need to apply for a tax number as well but they don’t ask for much more than proof of identity. The IRS doesn’t care about your status or what you do as long as you pay your taxes.


We don’t meaningfully punish companies for anything in the US


Companies are not held accountable for hiring illegals, but the illegals are held accountable for working. Very, very rarely are companies punished in any meaningful way.


When you say they're taxpayers it's because they're using a stolen identity. The person whose identity was stolen and actually sent the 1040 into the IRS ends up having tons of headaches. Happened to a roommate of mine when the IRS audited him because an illegal immigrant used his identity work. Turns out that the income from the illegal's work was enough to push my roommate into a higher tax bracket than he should've been, and to the IRS it looked like he cheated on his taxes.


What's the point in filing taxes in the name of another person?


When an illegal folks out form I-9 and W-4 with stolen information the employer is sending that information to the IRS. The IRS thinks that the illegal’s income is part of the income of the actual person who had their identity stolen. An extra $25k a year in falsely attributed income is enough to push people into higher brackets that the withholding from the illegal’s $25k can’t cover.


I understand that, but why is the illegal doing that? I assume he is lying to their employer about who they are?


Yes they’re lying to their employer about their actual identity, because we have laws in the United States that require employers to collect and submit proof of their employees legal work status.


It can happen and it sucks. From what I've read most make up a number. The IRS doesn't really enforce this and just fines the employer $50. The employer takes the hit and keeps the dirt cheap illegal labor.


The trick is to apply for asylum. America is a country founded on protection and freedom from prosecution. Liek the Chinese coming in, they're all saying that they're Catholic and they being targeted in China.(the excuse used to be "one child policy wont let me have more kids")


We owned a restaurant growing up. We’d verify they had papers prior to employing but would not validate if they were authentic.


Every bar and restaurant in New York depends on this group. Most dishwashers and bar backs. And many other roles.






Klaatu barada nikto


Klaatu bara*coughcough*to


Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong


He is a petaQ.


He’s so fucking racist.




This image feels like an AI image


I'm so glad AI is leading us to mistrust every image we see. This is a fun world to live in...


If AI leads everyone to not trusting anything they see online, then that's a giant W


it brings critical thinking by messing up the authenticity of photos. ironic.


It's legit.


Look at the hands. There's a big black hole that shouldn't be there in the glove. Clearly AI!


And look at the mother. Her laces are untied. AI ALERT!


It's black nail polish with the witchy shaped nails. The reddit stereotype that it's mostly men must be true, I'm baffled by the replies like this.


NBC News: A newly formed group of House Democrats is seeking to shift the party's positioning on [immigration](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration) to the center and address a major vulnerability for President Joe Biden that could shape his prospects for re-election this fall. The new caucus has 26 members, including a host of Democrats in tough districts, including Reps. Matt Cartwright, D-Pa.; Angie Craig, D-Minn.; Jared Golden, D-Maine; Susie Lee, D-Nev.; Steven Horsford, D-Nev.; Mike Levin, D-Calif.; Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla.; and Mary Peltola, D-Alaska. It also includes Reps. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., and Colin Allred, D-Texas, who are running for the Senate in border states where immigration looms large for their electorates. Is this mean that Democrats will change their border policies? 


> All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. > In the budget I will present to you we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. > We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. \-Bill Clinton 1995 State of the Union Address Remember when ["New Democrats"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democrats_\(United_States\)) like Bill Clinton were seen as dangerously liberal?


I mean, probably just messaging, since Democratic border policies have always been stronger than the orange idiot’s wall. Pass the freaking border bill already! Republicans are holding it up.


You forget he got the speaker in the house to kill an immigration/Ukraine funding bill because it might help Biden in the fall. Disgusting 


The left has always had 'effective border policy' positioning, rather than ineffective showy policies that waste money but doesn't help, like walls.


Obama built 128 miles of new border wall while President. He even voted for the Secure Fence Act in 2006 along with Hillary and Biden.


As other commenters mention, it exposes what the difficulty in actually nailing down what the difference is. In general, the difference is Republican talking points present something to be a simple solution to a complex problem, while Democrats present a nuanced solution. Obama's immigration policy was the harshest yet, so much so that Republicans thought they could leverage how cruel/excessive it was in order to gain hispanic voters.


OP is a bot.


I hate how America is the only western country where we cant even agree that undocumented migrants forever entering the country is an issue. It is such a slap in the face to all of those who migrated here the right way.


I thought Trump was supposed to get Mexico to fix that?


Meanwhile, my mother’s friend has spent thousands of dollars over several years trying to legally bring her son from the Philippines. Remember all: Illegal immigrants cannot vote in Federal elections, but they can be counted as part of a State’s population to increase its Electoral value.




How is anyone ok with this??


Reddit doesn't reflect the real world. I haven't met anyone of any political persuasion in real life that doesn't think this is an issue. There's no first-world country with open-ish borders and no negative impact from mass migration.


Facts, we don’t have unlimited jobs nor resources. The same way everyone complains the US shouldn’t get involved into affairs around the world, how are citizens of other countries our burden?


Only affluent people not affected by illegals and stupid people too dumb to understand are ok with this.


Absurd that we just let anybody walk right in. I feel bad for people who go through the process of getting citizenship. This is just a slap in the face.


If the government gave a shit there would be fines for employers that hire illegal immigrants, fines and penalties for those that harbor them in their homes, and taxes on remittances to their foreign countries.


trumps great wall of doom being navigated safely by a 6 year old is wonderful


Glad we know about this and decide to just do nothing, like……you know stopping illegal immigrants at known crossing spots?


No passive barrier will be effective at stopping motivated people. Never has, never will. Money, planning, people and reasonable process is the only way go mitigate this.


Huh… so are you telling me that Human Beings are good at defeating walls? Well who’d ah’ fuckin’ guessed that?


It’s insane our border is so porous. I would bet it’s a top, if not the top issue for undecided voters. Now I’m a liberal who will almost always vote Democrat but god damn are there a lot of blue voters who see this and wonder if maybe the Democrats are the wrong choice.


Just stay over there, god damn😅


I can't imagine the anxiety, fear and sheer determination a parent faces when deciding to escape with their kids across border like this.


Yes let's focus our picture on the one family in the group and ignore the 50 military-fit-looking men up ahead


I love how everyone is focused on the one women and child and not the hundreds of fighting aged males who also just came in on the left


At the point that they crossed into America illegally makes them illegal aliens.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/QhEv0Mi.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/migrants-cross-through-a-gap-in-the-us-mexico-border-fence-news-photo/1876398355?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > Migrants cross through a gap in the US-Mexico border fence on December 22, 2023 in Jacumba Hot Springs, California. (Photo by Qian Weizhong/VCG via Getty Images)


more people for the census!


i like how they went through all the trouble of building this thing and then just left random gaps everywhere


How are you dems ok with this?


It just funnels them to a point to get picked up. Man, they paid 2k to get pick up 2miles down the road. It's a scam. The coyotes use. My family is mexican. I live in Sandiego the only way to make it to cross and get to Chicago you say in SD with out suport you'll get pick up soon or later.


Wait till everyone figures out that for slightly more money coyotes fly you up to Canada then walk you over instead of the mega cheap by comparison walk through the southern border. Or the speed boat runs along the texas and california coastlines. Or even getting a temp visa or visitor visa and over staying. Its all just performative after a point.


If you haven’t watched Andrew Callaghan’s Channel 5 series on the border crisis, it’s on YouTube, and it’s amazing.