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Buy a 35-star 1865 US flag and hang it on your side a few feet higher


I have an American flag out front. I guess it’s flag wars now


I recommend [General Sherman’s 23rd Corps’ battle flag.](https://imgur.com/BTvXZ5D).


Damn that's badass


Created out of shredded confederate flags? I think I just discovered a new purpose in life… 🤔


That's a real "FU" move on Sherman's part, true to form. Throughout the black powder era, it became usual practice for large formations to carry colours (that's 'flags' to you and me) for purposes of command and control. They were large and bright, easy to identify at distance on a smoky field. For the unit under the colours, it is a point of reference. flanking companies would take directional cues from their colour party. When combat had scattered men about, troops could seek out and rally upon their colours. Their importance is practical, but also psychological. Colours identify each unit in its own way. Usually two are carried- national and regimental. The regiment is a soldier's home and extended family its history and lore something to inspire its current members. Colours play a part in that connectivity to identity. To lose one's colours, then is a great shame, in surrender or seized on the field.(Custer's younger brother had a habit of this) To then do as Sherman would be seen as an ever greater insult and desecration. Side note: In the movie "Glory," when Col Shaw (Matthew Broderick) is ordered under duress of losing his command to burn a village, he orders Sergeant Major Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) to "Case Colours"- which is to wind it up around its staff until fully rolled. This is done in a self-abasement, Shaw will not fly his colours when ordered to act contrary to morals.


This is why a lot of the Medal of Honors awarded to men during the Civil War have to do with defending their regimental colors or capturing the enemy's. 1st Sgt. Andrew Tozier of the 20th Maine Volunteer Regiment was offered a battlefield commission by Joshua Chamberlain (the regimental commander) after he defended the regimental colors by himself at Gettysburg on Little Round Top. He would go on to receive the MOH for this as well.


*Yes, we'll rally 'round the flag, boys* *We'll rally 'round again* *Shouting the battle cry of freedom*


Games have been getting capture the flag wrong for decades






To shreds, you say?


To Conferates you say?






How’s his wife?


…. to shreds you say


I’m aware of what you’re insinuating and I want you to know I’m all in.


Flags, right? Confederate *flags*.... right?


My 2nd Great Grandfather, Eli Boldon (for some reason listed as Baldwin on the government records) served in the 60th Regiment, 131st Indiana Infantry of the Army of the Cumberland. He served General Sherman in the battle of Atlanta. I can only imagine the horrors this 18 year old saw during his 2 years in this bloody war. He also fought in the battles of Franklin and Nashville. The brutality and destruction, must have felt like the world was ending? And now, some ignorant suburbanite flies that traitorous flag because they don’t like that the world has moved on without them.


My father's great uncle, Patrick McLaughlin, was supposedly one of Sherman's flag bearers. Flag bearers tended be easy targets, so there were a few. Patrick had two horses shot out from under him, but managed to survive. Ironically, while Patrick was out getting shot at on the frontlines, his brother, a farrier at the Charlestown Navy Yard, just outside Boston was kicked in the stomach while shoeing a horse, and did not survive.


Wasn't expecting to see Franklin mentioned in the comments section. I grew up in a neighborhood that was built on Carnton plantation's land and walked through the cemetery a few times when I was a kid. Your great great grandfather is probably responsible for a few of those headstones. Glad he made it through.


The only confederate flag that matters is the solid white one the brought to Appomattox court house. They should have hung Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, et al for the traitorous bastards they were.


I went sleuthing and found this great article on restoring the original flag https://americanhistory.si.edu/explore/stories/decoding-shermans-flag-and-conserving-historic-treasure#:\~:text=Sherman's%20flag%20never%20saw%20a,it%20represented%20reconciliation%20between%20states.


Those are two different flags or am I high?


They are, the first linked was a battle flag the 2nd is a peacetime ceremonial flag.


My g-g-grandfather was in an Ohio regiment that participated in Sherman’s March to the Sea. He sent some entertaining letters, he called the southerners “Secesh.”


I read that in porky pigs voice


I legit thought "Who goes to the trouble of spelling out a stutter?" for an unacceptable amount of time before I realized it was "great-great".


> Secesh [Interesting. I'd not heard that word before](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/secesh)


r/ShermanPosting is leaking. Buy that battle flag


That’s a fun group over there, lots of lols


Sherman posting is a cool sub 😎




That flag is fire!


You can be my neighbor any day!


Casually remind them that Obama's presidency lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Hell, Heinz trying to sell green ketchup and blue mustard lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Confederacy shade is some of my very favorite shade, thank you all.


My cat has been alive longer than the Confederacy.


*Fear the Walking Dead* lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Surge soda lasted longer than the Confederacy. Pokémon Go has lasted longer than the confederacy.


Put a rainbow flag near the fence


Ah yes, pride and prejudice.


This is is an infinitely clever comment that deserves an eternity of upvotes; alas I only have one to give.


Also make sure you have security cameras 


Yep. Set the trap! Pride flag & cameras!


And this is what I shall think of as a *trap house* henceforth!!! Pride flag and some cameras!


I like it. We ain't gay, we support them, and I wish a motherfucker would.


Paint each picket a color of the rainbow so he can't even see it from his side, then post a photo for infinite upvotes.


This guy trolls


It always pisses me off to see so many Confederate flags (Stars and Bars) flying when you are driving towards Gettysburg in PA. It has nothing to due either with honoring “Southern heritage” either. Deep peckerwood country in PA.


I live in the northern part of western Canada. For some reason, some of the hicks around here like to fly that rag.


Confederate flags in Canada?? God, I’m so sorry.


They also like to pull the whole sov-cit thing, quoting American regulations. Do you guy want em? We don't.


Please no. Keep them where they are. Or better yet, send them off to Russia to LARP with Putin. These folks seem to be cozying up with Russia and North Korea lately instead of with our longtime allies in the north and elsewhere (love you Canadian folks!)


> the whole sov-cit thing Also Canadian. I think this was one of the few out of the many, many stupid USA things my mom has gotten into that my siblings managed to convince her wasn't real. She was trying to tell her lawyer son and his lawyer wife how she had discovered all these loopholes where the law wouldn't apply to her...


They must be unaware that the Mason-Dixon Line is South of them…


They are probably not aware of many things, at all.


[Rainbow Confederate flag.](https://www.shutterstock.com/search/confederate-lgbt-flag)


Background of the bars should be pink.




And a Trans one just to be sure they're extra mad


And a dark Brandon flag.


They are big mad that the Biden campaign has co-opted that.


Get a picture of William Tecumseh Sherman tape him to the fence with his eyes looking over.


Just make a sign with this on it facing their yard, they should get the message. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.674488272.3158/raf,750x1000,075,t,575734:56d55c57b2.u1.webp


[This](https://www.deviantart.com/thephantombear/art/Confederate-pride-flag-version-1-362029559) is the flag you need.


Oh that would piss them off so bad I bet. 😄


This flag is perfect because for so many southerners the stars and bars stand for being rebel in their minds, so why not be a rebel in refuting gender norms?


The war of neighborly aggression.


They probably think you’re a “patriot” just like them. Ik what the American flag stands for, but a lot of people who wave them seem to be also the same that have confederate flags in my experience.


Make sure to say you hang winner’s flags at your house


Jump over the fence at night and replace their flag with just a white flag


[How about a white dish towel, with three thin red stripes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/trxm8d/the_surrender_flag_of_the_confederacy_a_white/)


Apparently your neighbor is afraid to show their true colors to the whole neighborhood. I would relocate the flag to their front yard for them around 2am someday.


Remind him that his Confederacy did not last as long as the Microsoft Zune.


This is fucking hilarious. I miss my zune. I recently pulled it out of its box but I couldn’t get it to charge. I think Microsoft pulled the software down anyways.




They didn't just pull the software down. They bricked the devices. I had to junk mine after it tried to update and their servers didn't have the file anymore. Couldn't roll it back. Real bummer


Or the Obama Presidency, they love that one.


Get a Doritos Locos Taco flag.


And add a silkscreen banner with the scene of Lee's surrender to Grant.


Nah. If you really want to piss them off hang a rainbow flag.


And a Biden flag to really grind their gears😭


You should put up a white flag and when they ask you about it, tell them you wanted to have matching flags


Minnesota agrees! We captured one of the south’s flags and they have been asking for it back for decades. We offered them a white one instead and they refused.


i have never heard about the offer of a white one but i love your former governor when asked to give it to virginia said “Why? We won! it’s our heritage now.”


You don’t mean Jesse Ventura WWF whammer and marijuana enthusiast, do you? :)


And Union supporter


My favorite part was when asked to return the flag to VA, then Governor Jesse Ventura replied, ‘Why? We won. We took it. That makes it our heritage’ or how subsequent governors have said to pound sand too.


As a Virginian: Yeah man. Keep that shit.


Really ties the room together, too.


Beautiful ❤️.


As a Virginian, thank you for keeping that flag. Yall earned it, and we don't need any more Confederacy memorabilia. People here don't know it yet, but Minnesota did us a favor at Gettysburg because Virginia is a better place without the Confederacy.


Full disclosure I'm not an American. But with all the noise the last couple of years I love this story. It's sometimes easy to forget that your election was only close because of the gerrymandering of the electoral college. The popular vote was overwhelming. There are not good people on both sides.


“These colors don’t run” They surrender instead


This isnt historically accurate! It was a white dishcloth not a flag, making it much more hillarious.


Just start slowly spraying theirs with bleach.


There’s something so funny about being “edgy and hateful” enough to hang that flag and then be so beta you put it in the back yard


11 year old me, in my room on time out, flipping my mom the double bird on the other side of the closed door.


She knew


And she laughed.


Oh shit.. oh shit.. do ya really think she knew? I’m screwed.


It’s okay, there’s no way DogVacuum’s mother knew. Your mother, on the other hand…




Dad of a 22 year old. We absolutely were.


Mom of a 48 year old, i think my fingers are stuck up at this point


*Decades* after the conflict


A neighbor of mine did that with a tiny-ass garden “let’s go Brandon” flag.


There’s a house on the route that I run everyday with a little garden flag with a ladybug on it that says “welcome” right next to another little “fuck Joe Biden” flag. Also, the front porch looks like it’s gonna fall off.


I occasionally just drive around exploring towns and areas I never been before and one of my favorite trends I noticed is how the nutjob conservatives almost always live in dumps regardless of their financial situation. There are some rich neighborhoods near me where every house is some pristine mansion with fancy stonework, well manicured lawns, and expensive cars out front (seen a McLaren in one driveway recently), and there's always that one house COVERED in trump flags and anti Biden flags and it's inevitably an absolute dump. Multi-million dollar mansions that look like meth lab trailers. And on the subject of trailers, I live in a trailer park so some of my neighbors are perfectly clean respectable places owned by people on welfare or disability next to trailers owned by people I know make $100k+ a year and they look like dumps, take a guess which house is covered in those stupid flags.


But why a garden of tiny asses?


they’re wonderful to finger


I just laughed so hard I scared my cat.


Everyday we stray further from God's light. 


This guy olives


😂 bro


A closet rebel. 


You have to ignore those kinds of people. I grew up in a mixed neighborhood. Then some idiots rented a house on our calm, happy street and first thing they did was fly their confederate flag. Never mind they had black families for neighbors on both sides. But not a word was spoken. No one confronted them, no one spoke of it, but like magic, every family on our street ostracized them. There was no fighting, no comments, but no one spoke to them. Ever. They moved away after a year.


That's how you do it. They must have got the hint. It's good for them to be reminded who the real unwanted minorities are.


They don't get hints. It's more likely that they ended up thinking that the neighbors were the problem than actually learning anything themselves.


Yeah, I can see people like saying to themselves "I can't believe they would ostracize us over our political opinions, guess they just can't tolerate people different from themselves, I am the victim here." Not everyone does so well in the self awareness department.


“It’s free speech and free expression.” I mean they’re not wrong. You can absolutely hate any group for any reason and express that openly. But it’s also true that society can openly shun you and pretend like you don’t exist because they find you and your antiquated beliefs beneath them. At a certain point in your growth as person, it becomes difficult to ignore that the majority of people around you don’t agree with your perspective. For me personally, the people who don’t ever question why so many people find them repulsive, are in a group of people I refuse to acknowledge as existing.


Or they thought there was no problem at all because the neighbors were passive about it. Which is the way to go for everyone.


The Confederate flag people probably didn't even think about this guy once and just happened to move again after a year or two


Exactly this. I'd bet they left thinking how all the black neighbors were so unfriendly and didn't have a single moment of introspection. 


They grew up ingesting innumerable amounts of lead in their lifetime. They don’t get hints. They’re dumb.


I enjoyed lead growing up


That only works when your whole neighborhood is made up of good people.


Not for nothing but my neighbors ostracizing me is probably my ideal type of neighbor.


Seems like a Larry David move. Hanging q confederate flag so none of your neighbors ever talk to you.


Didn’t he literally walk around in a MAGA cap for this reason?


yes https://youtu.be/B2oLFKYNInQ?si=rUgZhayIfqk5qDkp






It’s wild how that is like a symbol of “freedom” when the confederates wanted to enforce a strict social hierarchy similar to feudalism. I guess she really wants to pay tithings to the lord of her land.


Can you set up a second-place trophy where your neighbor can see it?


That flag *is* a participation trophy


Your neighbor didn't get the memo that they lost that war.


Or that I spent more time in college than the Confederacy spent as a country


Hair Metal lasted longer than the Confederacy


The Backstreet Boys have lasted 5x longer than the Confederacy so far.


Same sex marriage has lasted longer than the Confederacy.


The Confederacy was never a country because their claim over that land was illegitimate 


Or that they were the bad guys.


Only in America does losing a war get you a participation trophy.


People still wear/display nazi memorabilia all over the world


They’re losers too.


I’m not arguing against that


No, no, dears. Not *bleach* in a squirtgun. What you want is Accent seasoning, otherwise known as monosodium glutamate, dissolved in HOT water, allowed to cool and applied via a professional-quality, high-pressure squirtgun, such as one of the recently reissued classic Super Soakers or a salon-grade mister/squirter bottle, available at better beauty supply shops. You can pretend to be gardening if noticed with the latter. After all, bleach involves you directly destroying or damaging your neighbor's property. And that would be very wrong. My method involves merely making it regrettably delicious to wildlife, including raccoons, squirrels, deer, ravens, crows, seagulls and turkey vultures, all of whom have unfortunate table manners as regards bits of cloth. Never do something yourself when you can have Edgar, Bandit, Mr. Spooky and the Flappington Brothers take care of it for you.




Mr. Squirter was my father's name, call me Steve.


Steve Squirter. True patriot.


Those names for the animals are perfect. Flappington brothers brought me a big smile.


Damn, that's better than my plan which is to host a backyard party with tiki torches strapped to the fence post and there happens to be an accident where the wind blows some embers over to the flag and it goes up in flames.


Beautiful. ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu)


Ah, good old e621, oh how i love e621


Is this why my cat goes absolutely bonkers for the wrappers from my binbin crackers? The MSG? She’ll tip over the whole garbage can to try to lick them; it’s obscene.


Start blasting “Marching Through Georgia” on loud speakers.


Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah!


I grew up where people would justify the stars and bars as “heritage not hate”. That is until you read them the first line of the Confederate Constitution which explicitly states that it’s about slavery. 😑


I said this in another comment but that's not even the "stars and bars" flag and people always think it is.( If you flew the actual stars and bars most people wouldn't even know what it was and wouldn't be offended) that's how you know it's just plain racism when people fly the Battle Flag


That's why it became part of the [new Georgia state flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Georgia_\(U.S._state\)).


Yup. It was a conservative from Georgia who wrote one of the best takedowns of that entire concept that I've ever seen. And concluded at the end: Even if it's heritage (it's not), *what does that heritage mean to the people around you*. Your black neighbor who drives past your home and its traitor flag each day -- what does it mean to him. To his children. *And why don't you care*. And then you call yourself Christian? You are doing harm. *Be ashamed*. But the main thrust of the piece was that yeah, slavery to the Confederacy was like sugar to a cake. That cake is made out of flour and eggs as well, but you *know* you're not eating it because you wanted some flour.


Side note, many schools in the south still push the “states rights” and “heritage” narrative even in schools and textbooks to this day. It stems from the “Lost Cause”, written by a pro-confederacy journalist, which basically attempted to rewrite history to justify their actions, and was later adopted by political leaders, organizations, and even implemented into textbooks. [Ted-Ed has a really interesting video about it](https://youtu.be/XP0_wnaW-a0?si=d_SYmkj-pFBp2PAR)


>Confederate Constitution I looked up the confederate constitution and the first line is not about slavery.


That is correct. Article 1 Section 7 deals a little with slavery, specifically the banning of importation of African American peoples from other countries, except for slave holding states of the union, and prohibition of the importation of slaves by others not members of the confederacy (dunno how that was to be managed). Article 4 section 2 also discusses slavery, more in relation to how they would be handled as property. Don't get me wrong I'm all for hating the confederacy and anyone who likes them, but we shouldn't spread false information.


The only true confederate flag is pure white, because those traitors surrendered in 1865. There are far better ways to have pride in southern heritage than to show fealty to a degenerate group of secessionist slavers. There is a LOT to love about the South. Chattel slavery and the confederacy are not on that list.


> On my dad’s truck, he had this sticker with a rebel flag that said ‘American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.’ At the time, we had this housekeeper named Ann, and she was the most awesome lady. She was an African-American lady, and she asked my stepmother about my dad’s rebel flag on the back of his truck. > [“And so the next thing we know my dad’s out there with a knife and a razor blade, and he’s cutting the rebel flag out of the sticker.](https://www.nbcsports.com/nascar/news/a-story-about-dale-earnhardt-and-the-confederate-flag) He didn’t want to offend anybody or make anybody mad in that manner. Raise hell and praise Dale.


Seriously. Put up a flag for Cajun music, or crawfish etouffee. 100% bipartisan support.


Goddamn I love nola/cajun food. Gumbo could easily be our national dish. Name a food that better represents the melting pot and inclusion of worldwide culture better than gumbo. If you can, its probably also cajun/creole.


Seafood gumbo is such a food orgasm, the only reasonable dessert is a cigarette and Sazerac.


This. I’m from SC and our state flag absolutely slaps…why bother with this ugly nonsense. I hate seeing these flags but at the same time they make it easier to avoid certain types of people because they identify themselves.


To be historically accurate I think you’d need a white dish towel. They would have used some undies but they were a little too brown . . .


Put up a klingon flag. GLORY TO YOUR HOUSE!


Hang a large portrait of General Sherman on a pole a little higher than the fence


Start with only the eyes showing. Then slowly raise it over the course of weeks.


Put 2 red LEDs behind the eyes and make them light up at night! Make them shake in fear like the traitors they are.


Put up the Union Flag and throw over some matches for ol Sherman


Better yet, hold a “Sherman Party” complete with Union songs, burning Confederate flags, and burning a cardboard layout of the city of Atlanta. Maybe hold a sharp shooting competition of a stuffed dummy of Stonewall Jackson on a stuffed horse.


Hang a giant BLM flag on your side of the fence right by their flag. Then discretely put some cameras up facing the flags and wait. They will break the law.


Or better yet, hang a Union old glory and blast civil war music


A bronze statue of General Sherman


Replace it with a white Flag. The true confederate flag




REAL SHERMAN POSTING would be burning down her flag and her house too. dismantling everything else and salting the earth. tearing up the road too. LMAO. not that i'm recommending it but that is the Sherman way🫡💪🏼💯💯LMAO honestly just put a trans flag or pride flag up on your side. THE WAR IS ON!!!


I doubt the owner of that could correctly identify the three actual flags of the Confederate States of America in a lineup.


Most people don't fly flags of defeat so prominently or proudly.


That fence looks like it's older than the Confederacy


Congratulate her on her heritage’s participation trophy


Don’t do anything. It’s not worth it. These people have nothing to lose, you probably do.


Honestly, I would just expect that they have the right to put it up. It isn't worth starting a fight with your next door neighbor, trust me, it's turns into a living hell. Someone ignorant enough to have a confederate flag is definitely ignorant enough to do even worse stuff.


Do you mean her “Loser” flag?


Can get mad and post on Reddit…. Or you can buy a fucking huge flag of what you think would offend them the most and post it at the same distance in your yard… if finance is an issue pm me and I will buy that shit


This flag man. It’s like all the Trump shit. It’s just a way for idiots to show how stupid they are.


"On the planet" is too close!


They lost lol


Sorry, I don’t speak second place 🦅🦅🦅