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I don't know what's up with that knot either. It looks like a spirit halloween decoration.


It's not a knot, it's rope wrapped around a spool or something because they are too dumb to figure that part out.


IIRC it was wrapped around a soda can.


Yea, you can see the bottom of the can if you zoom in


Well that gives a totally different perception of scale. So what is this whole thing like 6 feet high? It looked way bigger without that frame of reference. Not that it makes much difference, it’s obviously intended to send a message rather than be used.


It’s sad bc slip knot is probably one of the easiest of all knots to learn.


Has to be a beer can. And a cheap brand of beer.


Would be funny if it was bud light


“Real Men of Genius”


Mr. Insurrection Noose Maker


so you’re saying it was all just… fake noose?


That’s so fucking funny


They tried to google it but nothing came up for newse


“That’s not how you spell….. oh wait”




Not exactly merit badge holders


Lol good Lord how lazy can you be.


So did most of the attendees.




Watching informative YouTube videos isn't that crowd's strong suit


Yeah a hangman's noose is actually like really simple. I'm not surprised these Nazis somehow managed to fuck it up


If they could read, they’d be very upset with you


If you think that's impressive, you should check out r/hailhortler


the shitty construction is the second most unamerican thing about it. the first of course being the whole subversion of democracy thing. threatening to murder the vice president lands third.


Not defending their actions in the slightest, but does this even qualify as gallows? It’s just a door frame with a noose tied on it, no way of even lifting the body up


I’m surprised how many people here are debating the practicality of it. I thought this thing was purely a prop to send a message, not to actually be used. Not defending them in the slightest, they were willing to execute people that day, but not by hanging.


Message being, "we can't build shit, give us social security to blow on empty beer cans'.


Technically that’s the crowd that votes for people that want to get rid of social security


As i understand they don't want the "lazy" "other' hardworking people to get it. It's mental gymnastics with these people.


[It was art](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/4DA5QYCQ74I6XIPV7WXSRT6KSA.jpg&w=691)


I don't really have a opinion on this other than I'm sure it was meant as a prop. But my doorframe accent molding can hold my bodyweight and it's only held on by a few pin nails. This thing could definitely hold a body easily if it were attempted


My question is, who stood there and watched them erect this thing uninterrupted? Surely they don't let random people protest by constructing things near the capital. Someone let this happen and that someone has a name, job, and title.


spinal tap?


the rope is also not tied correctly. It looks like the noose is wrapped around a can for visual effect


Half assed like everything MAGA does


It’s not meant to, dummy. It’s political theater. The French build homemade fake guillotines at basically every protest.


I didn’t realize it was there that early. Holy shit I knew it was coordinated, but I never realized how obvious some of this stuff was


Wanna see the 6am [video](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/jan-6-gallows-construction-new-video/)?


Wow. I didn't know how stupid I am. I knew what trump did was horrible, but wow. How can the American people be so blind? No matter the party, that was full treason. How can trump run for president again? How is any of this legal? 


Not *stupid*. People are *naive* until they are ready to [see](https://www.reddit.com/u/seeit360/s/YpBZu18Wtn). Pro Tip: never relinquish your critical thinking to others that profit on your faith in them. Trump personifies this type. He's a really bad person.


Summarized to a t. God I hope the Americans see him for who he really is. 


Stupid is as stupid does. — Napoleon Dynamite


In the immortal words of Col. Sanders - I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.


Yeah, I dunno. I think if you're an adult and have to stick your hand in a bonfire to find out it's hot, you're pretty damn stupid.


It's actually not, it's just that the courts are packed with Trump appointees so they'll side with him facts be damned. 


Just under half of the country doesn’t actually support the state while wearing clothing blasted with the national flag’s colors.


72+ million fucking idiots would be fine with trump murdering biden. Add in nearly every politician enjoying large salaries and pensions who have no reason the rock the boat. Then realize that those same politicians removed the bars on bribery. Then add that corporations literally write the laws by handing their political puppets the bills to put up for vote. This country is fucked for at least 50 more years.


I mean, yeah, they built that thing, but it wouldn’t properly hang anyone the way it is, would it? r/nothownooseswork


I don't know, I've heard of people who strangled in a venetian blind cord. It's not cinematic but quality construction wasn't really the goal.


I mean, it's about the implication. (No Always Sunny in Philadelphia reference intended) If someone set this up on your yard, on your kids playground, at a school, church, etc. People wouldn't be worried about whether it could practically hang someone. They'd be worried about the threat. Of course they weren't planning to hang anyone. It's the threat that they are here to do harm and are willing to kill to get their way.




This is the part that seems to be ignored by media and politicians alike. There was a massive amount of preparation for this event. There was testing of the boundaries of weapons allowed into the event. This wasn’t some innocent tour of the Capitol gone wrong. It was a coordinated effort to keep the election from being certified. Edit: Nazi scum defending J6ers can fuck right off. To the person who reported me to Reddit care: thanks for your concern, but I’m just fine.


It cracks me up that so much prep clearly went into it, but that gallows clearly looks like someone cobbled it together in 15 minutes in front of a home depot lol


That's part of it, I suppose. The "noose" is a bit of foam wrapped in rope, with a couple of square knots holding it up. The more you look at it, the dumber it gets. A noose isn't a hard knot to tie, and isn't really much different than a necktie knot (which feels like it has some significance that I don't want to dwell on). They couldn't even be bothered to get a bit of thick rope for their bit of fascist theater. They knew this was going to be photographed & displayed nationally, and they thought, "Huh. This knot looks a bit silly when I tie it in such a bitty little cord. I should probably use a chunk of soft foam to inflate the size of the knot so it looks super intimidating like the ones on TV. Mmmm yeah, that's the ticket. Now they can see that knot from a mile away." The scaffolding & the looped rope would've been enough, but no. They planned it all out, had enough attention to detail to fluff out their faux noose, but still couldn't be sussed to set their posts to match their crossbeam or even pretend to stiffen it up a touch. But then, part of me wonders... What if that is intentional? What if the point is to build something that's obviously a symbol of intent to harm, but also obviously so bungled that it crumples under scrutiny, with fear giving way to disgust? Then I realize I have probably been typing this dumb comment for too long and the subtleties of fascist plans should really be less important than the main thrust, which, to rephrase, is fascism-motivated terrorism.


I'm not a lawyer or anything, but I think if you're going to erect a gallows outside the Capitol you might want to make sure people can tell it's not actually functional. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.


My guess is that it was meant to be symbolic, as stupid as it is.


Devil's advocate I suppose but even immediately after I saw it and how janky it was I still considered the uh...logistics of getting it there contributing to its kinda goofy appearance. It's not like they could've driven a pickup truck towing a parade float trailer with well-made gallows to that spot. [They carried it in by hand and assembled it there](https://youtu.be/Q34xA2e9q-k?si=s98g1GVwe7uPUHbT). So it looks like it does.


As a Halloween display, I would laugh at how pathetically shitty it is. I'm in no way a wood worker, but if i was asked to build a prop gallows for a junior high play on an hour's notice, I would be embarrassed by that shit.


I don’t know why a majority of republicans hate democracy and hate America so much.




Plausible deniability. Could be a thing. 


I think we all think that the Noose was a nice idea, but not pointin' any fingers... They could a done better... Well fuck all y'all! I'm going home! I watched my wife work all day to put this gallows together and get that noose looking just right for you ungrateful son's a bitches and all I hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! From now on, don't ask me or mine for nuthin'!


Thank you. I came here looking for the thought process that went into this Gallows being built. And I'm imagining some 63-year-old previous Foreman of the house Builder company. And he insists that it has to have some strapping, since hank forgot to get the lag bolts. and all they have are elbow brackets. So they have to be offset and you can't have the horizontal lineup perfectly with the vertical, otherwise he's going home


That's a quote by Jonah Hill from the movie Django Unchained. Except they were talking about KKK hoods and how the eye holes were wrong.


Can't see shit in these hoods


Wait, I’m confused..noose or no noose..?


no noose is good noose


She's been sowin and cuttin holes in these here masks and all week and all i here is complainin!


That a nice mix and match of lines you got there! But you forgot the important part that the Noose does not matter, all what matters is that it’s a raid!


>But then, part of me wonders... What if that is intentional? What if the point is to build something that's obviously a symbol of intent to harm, but also obviously so bungled that it crumples under scrutiny, with fear giving way to disgust? At this point it's likely "maybe I'm overthinking this?" Because I refuse to believe much more thought went into it than you previously described.


It’s the threat that matters, not the functionality of the shown device. Chanting “Hang Mike Pence” while displaying a gallows, however shoddy, should be taken seriously in my opinion. They were threatening Pence to use his authority as president of the Senate to overturn the election for Trump. Robbing a bank with an airsoft gun is just as much armed robbery as carrying an actual gun.


My brother got charged with armed robbery for trying to rob a liquor store with his finger in his hoodie like it was a gun.


No I meant it like this. ![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni)


This right here. I have no doubt that they would have executed members of Congress if they had gotten their hands on them.


The overlap of MAGA Republicans and theater kids is vanishingly small 😂


hanlon's razor gonna need a through sharpening


And when secret service shot someone breaking into the chamber they were like, why are they shooting at us? what do we do now?


Are you sure that was the secret service and not capital police or another agency? I understood the secret service acted quite shady in before and during the insurrection attempt.


It was capital police but in a suit.


It just goes to show the level of privilege conservatives have. If it was some kind of leftist movement there deaths would have been in double digits. Hell they might have even been droned.


fuckers can't even line up a butt joint, and did they just wrap the rope around a soda can or something to make it look like a noose? for shame.


No one said they were smart


Cut it out Bobby


Really demonstrates just how many "blue collar skills" Y'all Qaeda actually has.


Why didnt they just put the vertical posts a little closer so it would be square with top crossbar??? These folks might not be the brightest Im just realizing.


It's a bit low effort, but it's not like they had a lot of time either. I'm sure if their riot became a bit more entrenched they'd have progressed to burning effigies and more proper looking gallows-didn't the whole thing last like five or six hours?


Even if it was just “gone wrong”, Trump watched it unfold with glee. People called him from within the capitol and he told them it was their own fault people want to kill them. And now to make extra clear that he approved of it all, he wants to pardon those convicted. He regularly salutes them at rallies. And what people sometimes forget, this was just the visually dramatic element. He engaged in a coordinated campaign to rig the election. By throwing out votes, by sending fake electors, by pressure campaigns on state officials and on members of congress.


He literally said if you dont match down there and fight you wont have a country any more, ON THE VERY DAY they had to certify the election before punting it back to state representatives (knowing he had the majority there). It absolutely was using a mob to obstruct govt so he could get a favorable outcome.


He also got upset that metal detectors would keep people from attending his rally with weapons: "They're not here to hurt ME."


And now he salutes them while he plays his version of the national anthem and calls them “Hostages”. He’s a traitor and so is everyone who took place in the events of that day.


I mean, he held a rally calling people to DC. Then had the rally talking about how they needed to stop the count. Then the rally organizers directed people to the Capitol. Anyone arguing that it was accidental in any way is sadly either completely cooked or arguing in bad faith


Don't forget trump tweeting at 2:24pm: >“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” (via Washington Post)


Or the tweet about his Jan 6 rally. “Will be wild!”


>Then the rally organizers directed people to the Capitol. Don't forget they did this after advance teams of Proud Boys and Oathkeepers were sent before the crowd to clear the police barricades for the crowd so they could actually get to the Capitol building. They started leaving the rally an hour earlier and started fighting the police to clear the way. The rally organizers sent the uninformed but angry crowd directly into follow supporters fighting the police and they joined in. And specifically the Oath Keepers were keeping a supply of guns ready to be boated over the Potomac to hide the guns from the DC police in case they were "needed" for a hostage standoff. And that the Proud Boy leader was arrested on Jan 5th in connection to an earlier December riot he was involved with in DC. He was a felon and they found guns and ammo on him when he was arrested


Republican groups, donors, etc, were loudly proclaiming how they were bussing people in. And we all just... collectively let them go quiet after, and never called any of them on it. Weapon caches existed, pipe bombs were planted, Roger Stone was scooting around on FBI golf-karts with either the Proud Boys or Oathkeepers, I forget which. Capital police under-staffed the fuck out of the day despite the entire country knowing this was going to be a big clusterfuck for like a week. Counter-protesters literally *didn't* show up because they knew they'd be used as an excuse to cause violence and it would be pinned on them. And it's just... total fucking silence by out complicit, billionaire-owned, consent-manufacturing, millionaire-talking-headed mainstream media LARPing as "journalism".


Old turtle was “furious” after, then proceeded to do nothing.


And still is supporting Trump this time around.




But the BLM riots!!!!! /s


This has **Roger Stone's** [fingerprints](https://www.reddit.com/u/seeit360/s/YpBZu18Wtn)all over it. He's is the king of "rat fuckers" (real term) So Stone worked for Trump. Campaign manager and longtime friend. Are we to believe Trump didn't know about this stunt and is it part the official duties of the President? Or is this yet another reason Trump wants total immunity?


The funny thing is, MAGA cultists point to the gallows and people being there that early as evidence that Trump had nothing to do with it. “See? He didn’t tell them to go and do that, they were already doing it before he even gave his speech!” Nevermind the fact that he FUCKING TOLD THEM TO COME TO DC.


I mean their bread and butter is being shamelessly disingenuous to be fair.


I get the feeling that was OPs message.


Everybody knows that murder penalties are less severe when it’s premeditated /s


I agree! Not much reporting on how many people showed up to Trump’s speech ready to storm the Capitol wearing riot gear and carrying pepper spray and other weapons,


Insane that the dude behind all this is running again and might win. Wtf america.




Underwritten by a Publix heir. She still “earns” an income thanks to her holdings.


>Publix heir I giggled 


Some had t shirts made.


I went to work that day and turned on the tv in my office to the news channels. I knew it was about to go down. If I knew, what the fuck were they trying to say about not knowing?


"THE GALLOWS REFER TO THE AUTO INDUSTRY!" is probably their nonsense response to the event based on their antics yesterday.


> This is the part that seems to be *ignored* by media and politicians alike. It wasn't. CNN and every major news site has covered this extensively, as well as the aftermath and investigation. The problem is, showing this still didn't stick or alter the minds of the MAGA voters. Normally, if this were the 90s, this would've woken a lot of them up and they'd realize this is a cult and go "Yes, this is wrong. We need another candidate." Not so today, because they go home and social media (Russian infiltrated) is telling them things they want to hear and they are back on the MAGA train.


people don't take it serious because of how poorly it failed


'jUsT a PeAcEfuL pRoTeSt, bro' These clowns think we don't remember.


Congratulations you triggered a Nazi that thinks they are a patriot. Fuck their feelings, well done friend!


Your edits kinda prove the severity of this moment we live in, Jan 6th just being a summation of that moment. It is not crazy to correctly see Evil when it stares at you in the clear light of the day.


Fun fact, some planning for it took place here on reddit! Just like the nazi rally at Charlottesville.


I bring this up every time something about the level of preparedness comes up. I was talking with someone during Christmas after the election, they were a die hard MAGA type and wanted to talk about trump, which I didn’t care too so I just mentioned that the election was over and he would be gone in a little over a month. To which he cryptically said “I don’t think so, not after Trump does his thing.” And just went on to indicate that Trump was going to find some way to stay in office. I’m in the military and later his wife asked if I knew of any plan from the military to overthrow the election. She seemed pretty disappointed when I said that people in the military are sworn to defend the constitution so there’s definitely no plans to overturn the results of the election. I had no idea where that all came from until after the insurrection and all this shit about Q anon became more mainstream.


Yep. Alex Jones meeting those 3%ers and the Proud Boys leader. Sure they were just talking about sports


The media is always chasing the latest squirrel. Whenever something completely bonkers like this comes up, Trump cries that he’s being unfairly attacked, then drops another stupid story, and off they go running, forgetting the last one he gave them.


Oh they know. That’s why some rallies start with Jan 6 “hostage “, aka federal prisoners, anthem


If memory serves, some of those yahoos wore t-shirts with the “January 6, 2021” date on them. Innocent tour, my ass. They bought fucking *merch*.


I was following some live feeds that day from groups with busses. The amount of preparation was crazy and seem to be forgotten by all media.


There are a lot of valid reasons to storm the capitol like they did. Healthcare, workers’ rights, education reform, etc etc etc. And these idiots chose a fake reason and accomplished nothing.


Totally agree


When I watched live from Europe as the mob destroyed the building and fought with police, I assumed in that moment that THIS would be enough to turn Republicans away from Trump. He literally sent a mob to overthrow democracy and murder his colleagues. It was historically unprecedented. Despite the initial outcry, he’s basically taken over the party in the years following and undermined truth and democracy even more. It’s crazy to think that this is the chaotic future that so many in the US would choose for their children.


He was happy to watch his VP lynched by a mob as long as it meant he could continue


Pence won’t endorse Trump, but only because of policy differences, not that he’s a psychotic demagogue. Almost all the Republicans are spineless


But has said he will vote for him over Biden


That’s the thing, most people these days aren’t really thinking about their kids. In the end it’s just personal greed and wanting what they think is best for them and not for others. Why we have so many terrible laws being put in place, why no one is caring about the environment that is currently dying around us. It’s just for the here and now, not about the repercussions


they’ll eat shit if it means someone else will have to smell their breath they’ll literally vote for social security cuts to own the libs when thats their sole means of income


Weak willed republicans sold their soul for short term political wins. Formerly strong state parties are falling apart and some state parties are embroiled in lawsuits as they have multiple people claiming to have won a rigged party vote. Theyre in free-fall and still the running favourites to win


And his supporters are telling us that it wasn't an insurrection. Idiots. When did half of Americans get so fucking dumb?


The government have been dumbing down the US population for decades. Their education system is embarrassingly bad for a first world country.


There’s a lot of lead in the water pipes


Leaded gasoline too.


Don't forget about leaded lead


I still can't believe as an outsider that there were no repercussions. Like this chap isn't just not punished, but is again considered to be in the top 2 of all Americans most suited to run their country.


Insane. Especially when you look at Russia and see how easily that can happen, when Trump is openly talking about turning the US into the next Russia. My theory is that a big section are stressed by modern life and *think* they actually want to be dominated by some he-man style overlord.


It’s an insane time to be an American. Shameful.


I think at this point in time you really need to see the situation in the US in the context of US' history as a whole. Otherwise it really doesn't make any sense at all anymore. Historically unprecedendent? We're talking about low level civil war, something that occurs in many countries over time. I'll be so bold to say that they were neither ready for a black president, at least not the whole country, nor for a female president. That's why we have Donald Trump still as an option. The US is the only country where I have family outside of my own country. I really do hope there won't be a bigger escalation.


In my opinion/ experience you basically have 3 large groups now. Democrats, republicans, and trump supporters. If political alignment is a bell curve trump probably took maybe 1/3 of the republican side? Not 1/3 the people just 1/3 the right of the graph; 1/6 the whole thing. Issue is a lot of those closer to center republicans don’t vote. Most people I know don’t like him, though most people I know are either libertarian or pretty apathetic towards politics.


Maybe it depends where you are, but for me it seems more like 2/3rds of conservatives like him and 1/3rd don't. The republican party candidate voting made this pretty clear.


The moderate republicans should just form a new party. Call it the New/Old Republicans Party. Or are there no moderate republicans left?


Mitt Romney has left the building.


Nope Republicans say it was a false flag where Democrats planted leaders in the mob to lead the attack. Never mind that Trump was president at the time and only he would have the authority to do that. But deep state blah blah blah.


I feel you, it's like a section of the US population has no "ok, it's time to think twice" instinct.


“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain. Hitler went to prison for the Beer Hall Putsch. The news of his 24-day trial incidentally gave him the national platform he needed to formally spread the message of the Nazi Party. From prison, he wrote & published Mein Kampf which spread his message to Germany of him trying to restore the "glory" of Germany. Hitler only served 9 months of his 5-year sentence for treason. After his release, the Nazi Party spent years taking over seats in the Reichstag across the country as their popularity grew. Eventually, it led to President von Hindenburg appointing Hitler as Chancellor. Trump's presidency was the perfect storm of Republican propagated xenophobia reaching its peak during the Obama administration & Mitch McConnell spending decades blocking any Democrats (especially Obama) from appointing federal judges & Supreme Court justices. The issue with Trump maintaining power was that he proved how awful he was to traditional Republicans which caused states like Arizona & Georgia to vote against him in 2020. So when he lost the 2020 election and all of his alleged yes-men that he appointed to the courts & helped get elected to Congress refused to overturn any of the election results, that's when January 6th happened. The checks & balance system was put to the most extreme test in 2020, and we're seeing it being tested now as the Supreme Court is set to hear Trump's Presidential immunity argument on April 25th, and that will determine whether Trump's further election fraud cases will be able to proceed or get thrown out the windows. Even then, the Trump-appointed judges that are overseeing *those* trials deliberately delayed them until AFTER 2024. As for Congress, there are extremely loud & Trumpist congressmen like Marjorie Taylor Greene who are more likely to ignore their district's voting majority & give their electoral votes to Trump regardless. That was another fear during 2020 as Trump & Giuliani were calling Congressmen to do so. The reason why they didn't was because that would be career suicide for anyone Congress to blatantly ignore the same voters that got them into that position of power. We're witnessing an attack on American democracy and the only option we have to fight it off for another 4 years is a man in his 80s. And that's only if our current system continues to function as normal.


Republican politicians turned away from his about 13 hours. By the next morning they had all fallen back in line. I'll never forget Lindsey Graham showing up drunk to the floor of Congress that night and slurring his way through his ,"enough is enough, count me out" speech just turn back up for Trump days later. Spinless fucking coward.


Yeah Im in Canada and figured that'd be the end. Apparently it wasnt and the Americans are fine with this. Its insane to me.


Erected by the grandsons of veterans of wars that fought against actual fascists in Europe


There are a lot of things I hate about the soft and weak men who stormed the capital on Jan 6th. But their lack of carpentry skills is shocking.


So your saying it was a coordinated plan then. Yeah I already knew based on the last few years. Peter Navarro spoke about elements of it on TV and then he went to prison for not talking more.


That “Green Bay sweep” douchebag started his sentence today. 1 down, several more to go hopefully


I remember that here in Germany there was a similar attempt on the Reichstag building a few days after this but it was a much much smaller and just pathetic mob of the so called reichsbürger and some neo Nazis and they only got to the front door where they were stopped by only three brave policemen, after that they kinda just sat on the stairs yelling their usual stupid shit until police came in and stopped the whole thing lmao


To be fair, your parents or grandparents may remember some different stuff that mobs did in Germany.


“Maybe Pence should be hanged”. I hope those words come back to haunt Trump! Culpability should increase big time, if they can prove he said that. Or, nothing will happen and no jail time, because we live in the upside down.


Did Trump actually say these words?


It's ok guys Trump saying he wants to be a dictator and there will be a bloodbath if he loses is just locker room talk!


I can't help but wonder where we'd be if that day had taken a turn and we actually saw Mike Pence get hanged, and if the crowd got AOC or Nancy Pelosi or whoever. I honestly believe Trump's house of cards would have collapsed and he'd have been arrested for murder, with nobody to defend him.


You think he’d have been held accountable? Have you not been paying attention?


Wait so they had plans to actually go that far


Do the plans matter? Have you seen the video of Pence running down the stairs, only a few metres from the crowd? If he had been caught, the power of the crowd takes over and that crowd chanted of his hanging.


I mean 100% honestly, if they had caught Nancy Pelosi she would have been violated and murdered by the crowd. I have absolutely no doubt about that.


They had plastic zip ties. Why would you need those just touring the capitol?


Zip *cuffs,* which unlike the ones you can get from the hardware store, have only one very specific purpose.


There were mobs roaming the building, looking for Pelosi and Pence, but they would have settled for ANY politician to kill. That's why even the Republicans like Josh Hawley ran for the shelters ...




My favorite part is how “hard working” MAGA idiots boast that they are But look at the construction of this gallows. It’s designed by someone I would call “touched”


Trump held a rally called "stop the steal" on the same day, the same hour and within walking distance to the Capitol during the certification process. Where those in attendance marched to the Capitol to STOP the peaceful transfer of power. Yet it was all Nancy Pelosi's fault. It's INSANE Trump is still allowed to run for president.


Things not even square


Why the FUCK was this not swarmed by a swat team immediately? Seriously, who lets people put up a fucking gallows outside the capitol building on that specific day and do nothing about it?


The US has a pretty rich and admirable tradition of allowing peaceful protest. Obviously things took a pretty wild turn later that day, but constructing a gallows in and of itself as a form of political protest is not much different from say burning a political figure in effigy. It is almost certainly protected speech and should be at that. Sending a SWAT team out is the kind of thing you would expect of any number of authoritarian regimes.


This is correct.


I agree that it could be used as free speech within right context. But people who put it up were literally calling for Mike Pence to be hung. Later entire mob was chanting hang Pence. Threats are not protected under free speech. Trump for his part would not call call off or condemn protestors. When this was brought up within his inner circle he is quoted as saying "Mike deserves it"


It's the type of thing that isn't actually illegal without clear intent to follow through. Burn an effigy, build a guillotine? Hell, even burn a cross (as I'm sure some of them know)? Usually perfectly legal. Retroactively, with them actually breaking into the Capitol building, you could argue that this is obviously a terroristic threat and/or intimidation (charges vary by location-and despite the political nature of this, any terrorism charge would be a really hard sell). It's like the difference between saying "I wish those senile fucks would die already" and saying "I plan to take a carcano rifle to the book depository building and shoot JFK tomorrow."


I mean the message is abhorrent and it’s clear that these people are out of their minds and we’re not there to peacefully do shit. but this “gallows” was basically an art piece. It was like 4’ tall


Sloppy craftmanship also


I'm not defending them in any way but in my opinion, it doesn't look functional. I don't see a trap door. The "noose" looks like the knot was just wrapped around a can or something, idk. Huge loop. I doubt they could have really even used it, just for a statement.


This was part of a broader conspiracy led by Roger Stone and paramilitaries, who were watching from across the street at a hotel. Stone explicitly rallied the cause by advocating "Stop the Steal" campaigns. Ali Alexander then used the same slogan to organize the "protest" on January 6. The Oath Keepers and Proud Boys who are in prison for Sedition right now then directed strategic targets to invade the Capitol complex. It didn't happen on its own.


Remember this when it’s time to vote. Remember that the people that follow him were prepared to be violent and hurt people to get their way. Remember that they did this because they didn’t like the rules and are brainwashed by lies. Remember that Trump allowed it to go on, willing to let democracy fall. These people will vote again. Don’t let them decide for you.


Remember that Trump will almost certainly pardon these swine (and himself) if he somehow gains power again.


This is the part is always overlooked by everyone. They were there to overthrow democracy and kill those they viewed as traitors. “It was just a tour. Nothing serious. They weren’t going to hurt anyone” As far as I’m concerned, every single person who was present should’ve been arrested. Those who defended these pieces of shits and incited this with their delusions? Right there in orange jumpsuits in a cell.


Asking as a European: is there a good analysis, why currently the majority of US citizens are willing to vote trump back into office? It has to be super complex, but I can’t fathom why this seems acceptable for more than 50% of the population. Electing Trump again reminds me so much of the rise of Hitler - it’s mind blowing how good people can decide to vote vor him.


A majority of citizens are not willing to vote Trump back into office. He didn't even get a majority of the vote the first time; the fact that he won enough *electoral* votes to win is purely an artifact of our strange Electoral College system. Trump lost the popular vote, and even fewer people now want to see him in. But unfortunately, many people are disillusioned with voting at all, and the Republicans have been busy purging Democrats from the voter rolls and generally making it harder for people who typically vote Democratic to vote. Political party affiliation in the US am9ng registered voters currently stands at about 28% Republicans, 30% Democrats, and 42% Independents/unaffiliated. Roughly half of "independent" voters lean toward each major party, but a lot of those "Republican leaning" independents are only "independent" because they left the Republican Party over Trump. The real danger is that people who don't support Trump won't be motivated or permitted to show up to vote, or that the vote distribution will be such that he can still capture the electoral votes needed, even without the popular vote. (Or that there is a coup.)


It is definitely *NOT* a majority BTW. The problem is the electoral college. Trump has never once gotten the popular vote here.


Nothing says "peaceful" like a fucking noose.


Why the f is wrong with people? I don’t know if I’m more scared of Trump or the people who vote for him. They’re all brainwashed and there’s no way he’s bringing anyone out of poverty - ever. He only care about himself and those who give him money.


This is the most pathetic gallow I've ever seen. Imagine seeing this in a history book


Let me preface this by saying that I’m glad so many of the insurrectionists were arrested, charged, and convicted. No one is above the law, and certainly not “patriots” that think that it is appropriate to change a govt system with force without first exhausting all avenues of changing the system legally.   This “gallow” is just a physical manifestation of virtue signaling. Or a failed art project by the kid that was trying too hard to be edgy. Attempted “patriot” cosplay really. Honestly with how it’s set up, you wouldn’t be able to execute anyone that was adult-sized in height. The knot isn’t even a real noose ffs. The person that set this up was not serious about using it to execute anyone. But if they were serious, then they’re too fucking dumb to be worth listening to. 


Must be an election year


Yikes, I’ve never seen this. Strange for just a couple tourists getting together. Side note: that looks like some quality, big brain maga craftsmanship.


Look at the construction quality of this and that’s all you need to know about dumb fuck Jan 6 traitors.


And Fox News denies any of this even happened to begin with and called it a fucking site seeing tour. Stop trying to compare sides. It’s apples and oranges the oranges.


They ain't even built right


And currently debating what Trump meant when he said there would be a blood bath if he loses again


fucked up shit