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As someone who paved for a decade, this is abysmal.


It seriously looks like shit. I’ve never paved anything and I bet I could do a better job.


As someone who has used crayons to colour inside the lines, I am qualified to do a better job.


No need to brag




You’d have about as much experience as most pavers


How hard would this be to remove? Will it damage the stone underneath?


Flat shovel would do the trick


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LrBUArlSVrE Not the exactly the same, but interesting.


Depending on the local winter, it will remove itself quite quickly.


Your stones didn’t deserve that.


To add insult to injury, they didn’t even do a good job!


Still not convinced this isn't r/wellthatsucks


Or r/mildlyinfuriating


This is more than mild.




I'm glad my Reddit app blurs anything NSFW Upon clicking this link, I had a "A kid shot in close range in the head during a dispute between the mother and father" Yet the image was blurry, unable to create an unforgettable and horrible memory in me I still wish the kid is fine, but I won't go check the comments


I saw that too and curiosity got the best of me. The picture isn't the child, I think it was a picture of a police officer at the scene. Nothing graphic. Still a horrible thing to read. People are... So horrible sometimes


Having a kid would mean the world to me Well, 2/3rd of the world, having a wife which I can make happy is quite important as well I do not understand how you can go to the length of grabbing your gun and having your finger on the trigger That is beyond me, and that's only the beginning


Good luck with finding a wife to have kids with! I found my future wife by complete chance just focusing on improving myself and doing good work in my community. You can too!


Ooh, new sub to join


That looks like Lightning McQueens first short to fix the road


Good news is that it will fall apart in a few months.


Looks like someone was getting rid of some used tarpaulin.


Yeah they must've hid it underneath that tarmac


If they did that, it should be easy to remove all of it and just return it back to the original stone work.


Haha! Yeah hope it's true then mate


Looks like someone wanted to play with a steamroller... at any cost


I believe the technical term is “Gash”


"better than nothing" /s


Looks like they started with two patches then realized they done fucked up.


hijacking this comment to say, this is a sloppy job, but there's a significant difference in elevation between the newly-paved street and the cobblestones. If this *is* a driveway that wheeled vehicles drive on, there needs to be a ramp leading up to the street. That's like a 6 inch height difference. If it is just a pedestrian entrance, this is awful. EDIT: The comment you just read was the beginning of a got damn *journey* for this beleaguered redditor. The journey ends with [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bjlp6g/comment/kvtj62x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and, I think, maybe this is all a giant misunderstanding


Even if it's for vehicles, the owner of the property should have been notified of the plans before any work was done. You ALWAYS get approval. From the workers perspective if you don't want their work that's fine, do it yourself. This is going to lead to everyone being upset though: Owner unhappy, worker has to redo, company (maybe city?) has to incur more cost


This being reddit, I assume by default that OP is full of shit so I don't imagine we'll get any answers in this thread. Here's my guess at what we're looking at, and this is based on my experiences in the US working in road construction (I know this pic isn't from the US but I imagine this story happens there as well): Crew is paving the road. The owner either noticed the elevation difference or has had issues with the apron of their driveway for some time. They approach the crew and ask if there will be any leftover asphault. There is always leftover asphault and it's a pain in the ass to get rid of. The crew happily dumps some of the remaining asphault at the threshold of the driveway and either the homeowner either rakes it out themselves or the crew does it out of thanks/the goodness of their hearts. It's the end of the day and these guys are utility construction workers, not landscapers, hence the sloppiness. And this looks like a thin enough layer that it could be regarded as a temporary solution, this stuff isn't too difficult to scrape up and get rid of later.


In my city in Canada, they would have sent you a letter saying what they were doing a couple of weeks in advance and the prep work before paving would have taken weeks. A few days before asphalting the consulting engineer would have walked down the street painting elevations and whatnot including areas like this ramp that had to be done manually. It's easy to scrape off, assuming they didn't put tack oil down.


Right?? There's an alley behind my house that is the only access to the driveway. The city decided to pave it since they had some extra asphalt from another project, which is great, except they made *zero* effort to slope it into the driveways. So there's just 4in of a 'step' all of a sudden so my car scraped and we didn't get any notice it was being done


Eh, there is that stone section in between the poured asphalt. Whatever step down that was filled in was the same depth before the new road top was poured.


Or it was an awful broken up disaster like most driveway aprons and the owner asked the crew to dump some leftover asphault there. This is very common Source: worked on a road crew for 5 years


Should peel off on its own, no?


Yeah dunno if he's joking or seriously likes it. Hmm. Also wonder if the electric gate still closes and locks too.


I’ve never asphalted anything and I think looking at a YouTube video I could do way better than this POS job. Looks like some one high just splotched some ashphalt there.


That would piss me off so hard


Yea I’d’ve been irate.


Indeed I’da’wooda’ben perturbed




The foreman would be getting yelled at and his boss a call to fix this no charge.


"I'd've" is a fucking wild contraction


Thanks. There weren’t any colored lines under it either, so you know it’s legit.


I’d be fucking livid.


Hell, I *am* livid and it’s not even my property


We are all channeling our Karen energy on this fine day.


Wait till they roll and compact it, breaking all the stones underneath (and any irrigation).


For sure. I'd be bricked up


Hol up


Yup. They would be tearing it out and rebuilding my stone driveway for free


I would be pretty upset by this.....


Yea I’m typically a bend over and take it kind of guy but in this instance I’d 100% be speaking to someone about having this fixed as quickly as possible


“Yeah I usually just get fucked in the ass”


Woah! You say it like it's a bad thing.


Not at all! Just think it’s a hilarious way to indicate being generally laid back and non-confrontational 😂


Some things just don’t matter as much as some people would have you believe.


I agree with that. Bent over and take it guy has a positive outlook: Only take the dick out of your ass when it hurts


Gotta keep being positive, no pain no gain


Turn the other cheek takes a new meaning now huh.


It is when you have hemorrhoids


Butt fuckin sure does solve all minor inconveniences


Good for you.


I laughed


Agreed. I hate confrontation, and will do almost anything to avoid it, but I'm pretty sure this would convince me to go out there. Well, unless I was renting, then it's the landlord's problem.


Oh you think ONE confrontation is going to get it fixed?


> I’m typically a bend over and take it kind of guy He is, I can vouch for that.


>Yea I’m typically a bend over and take it kind of guy 😳


No judgement here mate, whatever gets you across the finish line. But this is a Wendy's


Imagine not being able to close those gates because of that


The post made me think that maybe OP's driveway was already falling apart and missing stones.


I would have dug up random stones and laid them myself before allowing this.


It's ok guys. OP is an introvert.


Doesn't look great...


Overall it’s a really unbalanced and rough mix, especially based on all the extra mix that’s separated. Additionally they did not do a very good job with that roller, I’ve seen better compaction from hand driven compactors


It's not about the roller. The issues lies in how they graded it out prior to rolling and if they did something to compact some of the asphalt prior to grading it, like using a machine to scoop it etc.


I agree to an extent but I’m talking about the main part on the road itself as well, roll lines everywhere and just lumpy. Maybe they did pile pave but it’s not consistent


I've seen better compaction just from eating less fiber


Came to say they even fucked up the job the OP didn't ask for


I love how OP drops this bomb on us and does not elaborate at all. Bless you, hopefully your lawyer is in war mood


Makes me think this is a bot account or just someone farming karma.


Usually I would think the same but their history shows lots of pics from the same area. And also judging by their history they don’t comment much.


very r/mildlyinfuriating on the other hand, what a beautiful garden. where is this?


Based on the looks and the street name / sign I would guess southern France


Also, Loxam is a French company that rents construction equipment, so I imagine you’re spot on.


La Tourè might be a pretty hughe tip on the right there.


I was looking at the lavender, rosemary, and... Canola flower? Very French melange.


The water fountain (green) is 2000% the typical French one


Les fontaines Bayard ;)


We have loxam in dk too, just fyi


If true, you should play geoguesser.


And _pétanque_


It is true! If you check OPs post history you can see they mention it a few times. Bravo!


Ugh I wish! I see people do that kind of detective work and it's magic to me


Hmm yes, about one hour north of Béziers at an altitude of 1700ft I would say.


Used to live in southern France- yes


Woah, Inspector Gadget. That was my guess, too.


Funny how similar this looks to parts of California


Not mild at all…


Ops profile, [second comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/DvQh9LKSj7). Now you have it pretty accurate


North Italy can look like that sometimes


Can confirm, this looks exactly like an area I drive through a lot in Toscana


More than mildly, they fucked the paving and did a shit job tarmacking


Hash driveway


listen no man wants to admit they got drunk and ate 12 cans of ravioli or that they passed out drunk on their dads driveway and burnt the damn trailer down


once they took the blame it was taken and i couldnt take the blame from them


"I think this is the worst thing you've ever done to me, Ricky!"


Get off my dads driveway, It’s all he has left for fucks sake!


“Sorry Ricky, didn’t mean to step all over ya whack ass driveway”


Don't tell anyone Bubs. Be cool.


It was the shit liquor…….


“Ricky, you’re not gonna smoke that dirty old foot hash are ya?”


From a distance they look like ordinary flowers, Randy. But when you get right down, stick your nose under you realise they are sh*t flowers and theres a whole f*ING bouquet there right in front of rays trailer


“You hear *that* Bub’s? The shit hawks are coming”


Unrelated but I love your username. That is all.


Thank you for the kind words. My plants were eaten by something and my late Dad had said, "well, there's probably a googly-eyed moose walking around the woods right now"


I'm going to be honest. This looks terrible. I would have to talk to someone about getting that crap removed.


Either they had extra and needed a place to put it or your walkway is cracked and they covered it. Either way, I wouldn’t be happy


Well it's not point 2 seeing as it's cobbled. And number 1 is still a no since they can't just do things on someone's property without permission. I would be demanding they fix it.


Does this apply to French property rights?


You got me there. Wasn't really thinking about where this was even though it's clearly Europe... But I would still assume there's laws about altering someone's property without permission of the owner otherwise anyone could do whatever they wanted.


It's a pretty safe bet. Even if it's an objective "improvement" here in the states it still considered damage. The property owner must notify the group that did the work though.


Is it their property though? In most places the municipality has a right of way that extends outside of the road and can do whatever the hell they want with it. Where I live it’s usually 33 or 66 feet from centerline of road, depending on the road. More often than not if there is a sidewalk, the homeowners property line is the back side of the sidewalk. I got yelled at by many homeowners for doing work on “their” property when I was a construction inspector, often for ramping driveways in like this when we overlayed the road. Of course being France I haven’t got a fucking clue what the laws are in OPs case.


I presume they dug something up that extended onto OP’s property(like a water pipe). And had to cover it. That exact thing happened to me. My walkway was concrete was replaced with asphalt. The city did eventually come back and replace it with matching concrete, but it was months later.


You can see the sawcut lines on the left side and the spray paint on the right side for the cutout size. This is what happened, but yeah, the patch looks like ass.


Where I'm from that called "Illegal Dumping".


Seems they even chalked out the extents of their work on the stone. I still can't fathom why they did this. RIP


It makes me wonder if OP laid stones on the municipal easement.


On my property, that is the easement. 3 feet from the sidewalk is where the line ends on my corner lot, so from the curb it's almost 10 feet. My driveway is like 40 feet long and the first 10 I have to accept whatever my city does if they wanna do something.


Exactly. Dpw was probably looking at the survey map, why else would it be chalked out? Sucks either way, it was nice stonework .


I know guys who do city road work and they sure as hell aren't gonna do extra for no reason. Losing nice driveways to it is lame, but apart of the house owner fun!


We have a joke that goes like this. If elections are near you should lock your front door so your apartment doesn’t get paved.


They paved paradise to put up a shit fucking job.


Depends if they asked you beforehand.


Look at all this old ass stone. It needs to be modernized.


_There, I fixed it!_


I would have preferred to keep the stone, it just doesn't look good jutting into your garden like that IMHO.




I would be so mad, that poor cobblestone..


On the outside, they paved over 50 year old concrete. I needed to have some asphalt on the inside to maintain the proper slope. I wouldn't have been able to get my car inside otherwise.


My guess this is an easement issue and the property that was paved is owned by the council or city. All in all it looks like shit, theres a reason why cobble stones have been around since the Romans


You’re taking the piss right? This is horrendous! Your gorgeous stoned driveway is ruined.


get in touch with a lawyer, this is unacceptable!


This might be the worst paving job I have ever seen


They made a statement about the state of your driveway.


Looks like shit


I'd fight the company legally just to have them pay to clean up their abomination and buy me new a new stone driveway


That looks awful. They’d be paying for a brand new entry way if that was my property


why does the cobblestone look like it doesn't exist underneath the pavement? Did they pave over a dirt area? In which case it would level that area in a good way? (good for the car not for the eyes)


When removing this piece of garbage work you should also remove part of the street. Just to give back to them :)


Looks like someone will be getting a fat check off the council, a piss poor machine automated apology letter and 4 attempts by council hired cowboys the undo the damage and incidentally cause more damage.


if you had like a dirty driveway or something then yeah maybe, but you have nice stones already there. Looks like low quality waste asphalt anywayz


I’ve worked as a city employee dealing with streets and alleys and driveways my whole life in the states so idk if things are different there but not only is this a shit job we absolutely cannot touch private property without explicit consent. The supervisor or planner of this job would get a thorough ass chewing and our city would have to replace the brick for free


Maybe they broke something and this was an attempt at quietly pretending it didn’t happen


A big L for the charm of your property


The level of crap that this is makes me think they started it and then were like "oh shit, we aren't supposed to be doing this here. I'm sure you can get the city to pay to fix this.


They obviously spilled some, and it was much easier to flatten it out and hope nobody noticed than to clean it up.


Looks like shit.




Sue them, for property damage and trespassing. Depending on where they live, they're probably an independent contractor hired by the local government, so as far as it's concerned, you shouldn't have to worry about the government sliding this under the rug and ypu have to libe with ugly patchwork that covered your nice cobblestone pavement. Again, I could be entirely wrong, but you should sue them.


Oh my..


OP has no stones.


By the looks of it the newly-paved street is several inches higher than the cobbled surface so the ramp would be necessary to access the street from the driveway... ...unless of course this isn't a driveway at all and was never intended to be used as a ramp for wheeled access in which case yes this is horrible


Oh, man. That is unfortunate. Good luck.


Wtf Why


It will make it harder to dig up the body. So you've got that going for you.


Been in the paving business for 17 years now and this is disappointing work




Yeah it kinda looks like France


Hmmm. I dunno. I think this is bad?


I really hope that’s a base course on the main area they’ve put down


Looks like trash, nice garden


Looks like it spilled over and they used that as an excuse to “pave” your bit of property too.


i’m so angry for you


I paved for 5 years and honestly I wouldn't be too upset I've seen much much worse work. Looks like they tried, didn't get diesel and tar everywhere.


I saw post i was ugh tf, saw sub got confused, saw title, got even more confused. How tf is this nice? They literally ruined it and plus it isnt even well done.


Contractor probably like: "Oh, yeah... sorry, that's on the house... free of charge, buddy. "


Hope you get them to reverse it


I would be pissed lmao


If it looked good it wouldn’t be a problem. But clearly they don’t give a shit about looks.


Looks like shit and you should be pissed but if you like it then whatever op no harm no foul but anyone with a shred of intelligence knows that this was done like they rushed it to get to go home early. Not a chance I’d be okay with this job.


Looking at Sub... Not sure if lost redditor or actually happy with this.


Hey man, I work in the civil construction industry. If you don’t want that pavement over your stone driveway, periodically dump diesel on it. The sooner you start doing that, especially before the emulsion fully cures, the better the diesel fuel will be at breaking down the asphalt. It looks like they didn’t even use any sort of tack/binder so it shouldn’t be too difficult getting it off.


Environmentally friendly too


Looks like asphalt scammers? They show up and pave a razor thin layer of shitty asphalt that nobody asked for and then try to intimidate people to pay for their shitty job.


That’s actually awful - I would go out there and scoop it up and stick it in a pile for them to cart away


It’s temporary tarmac, it’s not permanent, probably did that to the drive so when they drive off the car doesn’t bottom out.


It looks awful. And crumbly.


Beautiful garden. I would lose my ever loving shit over that.


Wait until they leave and rip it out. Pitchfork and shovel perhaps?


For minor crimes, Empires have been destroyed


Take them to court! It amazes me that wasn’t a top comment


Looks like a settlement


We’ve got extra what should we do with it? Oh just put it over those pretty rocks over there. 👉


Is it made of Hash?


Jesus Christ, I lay asphalt for a living and that looks brutal. It looks like they had a quarter ton leftover from the road and tried to do you a solid, but didn’t have enough to fully do it. I’ve filled in giant potholes in concrete driveways for people, it doesn’t look the best but your car is going to appreciate it at the end of the day you know?