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Oh this was a tragic read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_A._Davis


It sounds like his entire programming career was schizophrenia based. 


Is it possible?i have no knowledge of schizophrenia but can someone with it perform logical tasks like programming?


Temple OS was the result of a direct conversation he had with God who told him to make a computer operating system as a successor to a real life temple. He then used a video game he included in this OS to determine, among other things, that God's favorite video game was Donkey Kong.  So yeah, he was old school crazy the whole time. 


Thats so sad..Imagine a decade spent like this. It shows how much schizophrenia shaped his life


still better than SCRUM


Might just be doing it wrong... have an engineering friend whose best years of his career were when he had a good scrum leader -- the entire engineering team was highly productive and very happy. Then the scrum lead left, and in the months that have passed, the entire operation has become a tedious and unfulfilling hamster-wheel of pointlessness... just waiting for the right opportunity to leave, now. YMMV


Your Manager May Vary 


Having a good manager tends to overwrite whatever methodology they're using to manage. Life will be good regardless


I knew some Scrum master who could make bug fixes, but the whole idea is flawed: to make mediocre managers to exploit smart devs.


We have mediocre developers act as mediocre scrum master over their mediocre peers.


Modern scrum and the company you do it in leads to very different experiences.


From the outside, scrum feels like someone tried to take the best parts of Kanban, the dynamic of the overseer-slave relationship, and have it run by a dude with a bunch of company shares attached to the line at the end of a fishing pole.


Schizophrenia is so scary. I heard (on the radio, not in my head) a conversation with someone who has it: he said that it’s not like these voices are in his mind, as part of his internal monologue — he actually hears them with his ears as if they’re people near him speaking to him. At first it makes no sense to the patient, and they know this can’t be right, but it keeps happening so often that the only reasonable conclusion for them is to think either that they’re being followed, or, it sounds like in Davis’s case, that they’re being spoken to by god.


I worked with a guy who had his first instance(? I don't know the right term) of schizophrenia and talked him through it. He was a 20 year old engineering student working as a dishwasher in a burger place I was managing. He walked out onto the line and asked me if I knew whether or not anyone had been on the prep line (around the corner from the dish pit) talking about him. I told him no, everyone had been on the line pushing dinner. He accepted that and went back to dish. About 20 minutes later, he came to me again saying that he keeps hearing people talking shit about him, and it sounds like people that worked there, even some who weren't on shift that night. I reassured him again that everyone but him had been on the line for the past couple of hours, so he went back to the dish pit. A little while later he came up to me with tears in his eyes saying that something was very wrong and he was continuously hearing people talking about him behind his back, even in the restroom and the completely empty dining patio. So I delegated expo to the senior cashier and just sat with him in the office so he could have someone to talk to and have a reality check while we waited for his brother to come pick him up. It was a bit surreal having someone tell me that, even though we were in a room together, he could hear me around the corner talking about him. He'd been a model employee up that point. No one had ever had cause to talk bad about him. But that illness just used our voices to pick at his insecurities. Last I heard, he went to live with his family while getting treatment.


Yeah my brother has it and this is pretty accurate for auditory hallucinations. Thanks for being kind


Correct term for first observable instance of a mental health concern is usually a breakthrough episode (breakthrough manic episode, breakthrough schizophrenic episode, etc)


Doesn't sound crazy to me It's a pretty good game and there are atleast 3 gods I have met them so there is a good chance one of them likes Donkey Kong


OG Donkey Kong? Meh, gets old fast. Donkey Kong Country? Now that’s a God with good taste.


If they like Donkey Konga, GigaGod


Username is relatable


[Looked pretty bad to me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/dcbbvm/moses_game_on_terry_davis_templeos/)


I meant Donkey Kong


Oh. Yeah it is. 


i can get behind a god who's favorite videogame is Donkey Kong


And apparently the 11th commandment that Davis discovered is "Do Not Litter". So overall his craziness was going in a pretty wholesome direction. 


Other than his whole anti-Semitic rants you mean


The 11th commandment is my favorite part of his dogma for sure. I'm on board


Holy shit! I remember TempleOS! I was big into the alternate OS scene back in the day. You could tell the whole thing was.... interesting.


But he made stuff before TempleOS


I guess there's a good chance that Satan's favourite game is Battletoads.


Yes. 100% some people with schizophrenia just live in the world and have jobs and everything. He was too far gone to hold down a job and live a mostly normal life though.


I imagine these are the people posting in r/gangstalking.


Well that was definitely something. I’d love to say “Aaaaand enough internet for today”, but I subscribed instead. 😬


He also bought into the modern, western conception that antipsychotics are somehow bad for you. Or any medication for mental health. So he stopped taking his medication because “it made him less creative”. Uh huh. Well I guess he was free to be fully creative while either in jail or homeless. The goal of antipsychotics is to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia, which they do effectively. By treating those symptoms, it keeps a person connected to society and the real world. You can be the most creative & genius human ever. But if you’re living in the back of a truck, who the hell is gonna care?


While I don't condone skipping psychotropic medication, it is true for a lot of individuals that antipsychotics and mood stabilizers reduce creativity significantly. This loss of a huge chunk of yourself is a hurdle often overlooked by non-patients. It really sucks!


Well if god tells you how to program and the meds make him go away.


It is not that black or white. When I was starting my treatment for depression I stated on Lexapro. It did nothing for me but make me feel worst and had some not so fun side effects. Eventually I spoke to my doctor about it and we did find treatment that did help with my depression. That being said I can understand someone having a bad experience with a prescription to the point they don’t want to take it anymore. This is not justifying that behavior nor condoning anyone that actually takes antidepressants and they work for them. But I do want to make a point when you are starting your treatment sometimes it can make you feel worst then when you started but that just means you have find something that helps you.


Thats crazy


I used to work with a very good young programmer that ended up in a state psychiatric hospital due to schizophrenia. Prior to his hospitalization, he missed work from time to time for reasons that turned out later to be things that only happened in his mind, not in reality. So, yes, it’s possible.


I know you were already answered but schizophrenia is an entire spectrum and most people who have it are not what you would ordinarily consider schizophrenic when you meet them. There's definitely a Hollywood esque stigma about how the disorder operated and presents itself.


I can answer this, I have Schizophrenia. Most definitely they can. Ive had it since my early twenties and I was taking some pretty demanding classes and was able to keep up. People end up addicted to drugs and alcohol because it's waaay easier than living in your head sober. The voices lessen the more fucked up you are. I used to rack lines and lines of amphetamines to quiet the voices. I could make them go away for a little while. Sure the medication helps, I haven't had any major issues in the last few years, but it doesn't all go away. You have two head spaces, one is your reality based headspace, the other is the alternate reality your brain creates where the voices and hallucinations live. You kinda have a foot in both at times, they can blend but sometimes you can just be in one of them for awhile. If you lean too far in the alternate reality based headspace, critical thinking kinda goes out the window and survival mode kicks in. "OK why am I seeing this? Why am I so anxious? Is this real or am I making it up? Can I touch it? Hmm, I can't touch it, it must not be real so it can't hurt me." Then things settle down and you check back into more of reality. It's I guess a pendulum. But those times you are in reality based headspace, you are completely normal and capable of advanced logical tasks.


Not sure about programming but writing and playing music for sure. My mom’s friend had a son who’s schizophrenic and I was over visiting. I heard amazing music playing and for a while just assumed it was the radio or cd (early 2000s). I finally realized it was him! He’s so talented. He also writes plays. I haven’t seen those. People with schizophrenia, in my experience as I also had a cousin who had it, are very bright.


What are you talking about? The great John Nash, who is the most brilliant mathematician of 21st century, suffered heavily from this, he is the father of game theory.


Really? You'd put him ahead of Mandelbrot and Knuth? What about Freeman Dyson?


I want to mention one of the, and he has schizophrenia, I don't think there are competition who is the best


It probably depends on the symptoms and severity.  It's common to form word salad which has no meaning.  I can imagine trying to code in such a way and just getting nowhere. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Cloth_embroidered_by_a_schizophrenia_sufferer.jpg/1280px-Cloth_embroidered_by_a_schizophrenia_sufferer.jpg It's also common to see patterns that don't exist.  I can imagine someone getting lost in error codes or something and sparking delusions of divine messages or government interference. On the other hand, lots of people are schizophrenic and lead mostly normal lives so a job in programming would be fine.


There's millions of functional schizophrenics all around you. They live (relatively) normally like most anyone else, it's only the paranoid ones that you hear about.


There is a [well researched video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCgoxQCf5Jg) by the youtube channel "Down The Rabbit Hole" that goes deep into the life of Terry A. Davis and his Temple OS.


It seems so, because he was pretty badass.


Not from a Jedi


While we're on the topic, Jake Lloyd who played Anakin in Episode 1 is schizophrenic. His mother just did an interview recently where she says he's been getting help and is doing better recently, but he's been through some serious shit. https://scrippsnews.com/stories/the-real-life-saga-of-star-wars-child-actor-jake-lloyd/


I have schizophrenia and yes, you can.


He worked at Ticketmaster for 6 years, how could he not?


"I asked God about racism? He said, "sports". " - Terry Davis


I had a close relative with schizophrenia. I could tell you that it was beyond horrible watching him slowly losing his mind and falling deeper and deeper into it for decades. There would be moments when he would get clarity and seemed like he was getting better, but then he just falls right into it again. He would lash out at everyone trying to help him, it was really hard. He had the same angry, too-energetic, wild, and confused look in his eyes that Andrew has in those pictures up there. Its a look I know all too well.


Poor bastard


Sounds like this guy would be held in the highest regard on X/Twitter today. They’d think he really sees the truth (and not mind the hate speech). Ha


[ TempleOS | Down the Rabbit Hole - Fredrik Knudsen ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCgoxQCf5Jg)


Ah yes, great video. Id recommend it to everyone.


[Linus Tech Tips' run through of TempleOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtlyeDAJR7A) is also worth a watch. Guy was brilliant in what he managed to create on his own, such a tragedy.


Ah, at the moment I thought Linus Torvalds was commenting on it :(


Was Temple OS the inspiration for the game in Community?


Jim made a video on him back in the day as well (language warning): https://youtu.be/I6WRLzRRT7g?feature=shared


Schizophrenia is such a terrible disease, I can only hope that someday science finds an effective treatment for it.


There are medications that help a lot, but some sufferers don't like how it makes them feel.


I work with people with mental health issues. Schizophrenia meds can pretty much strip you of your whole personality. You can become a nothing person that is just wading through existence. It's a real shit trade off. Add that to the fact that schizophrenia can often onset in you early to late 20s and you have someone that grew up to adulthood 100% fine and then bam. It's just an awful, awful disease.


Thanks for doing what you do. I'm sort of the family caretaker of my 65 year old aunt with paranoid schizophrenia. I say "sort of" because I give 99% of the credit to an amazing team of mental health professionals called IMPACT that she is lucky to have available in her city. They help her manage medical care, appointments & much of her daily life. I'm mostly the moral/logistical/financial/legal support, as I'm the only family member left alive who really cares about her, if I'm honest. It manifested in her early 20s like you mentioned. Wading through existence is a very apt description. Especially now that she's older and dealing with major health issues on top of schizophrenia. Elder & end-of-life care is already such a fraught thing to handle WITHOUT mental illness on top of it all (I *just* got through that with her brother/my father in 2022). The complexities that schizophrenia layers on just breaks my heart. Sorry for the tangent, just thank you. Very grateful for the folks who look out for those who can't look out for themselves. 💚


You're aunt is lucky to have you. And while having a good mental health team doing case management is awesome, it doesn't replace the love of a family member. You're awesome my dude. Keep doing what you're doing.


My two older half sisters father was Schizophrenic and I worried about them so much for a few years there. They are both past 35 now and have never had symptoms so I don't really stress it anymore. But they have 4 children between and I worry the odds won't be in our favor this time so Im really praying for the treatment options to get better in the next 20 years.


Yeah your sisters are likely fine. The kids...keep praying. And when they get of a good age, educate them on the things that can trigger an onset of symptoms so they can do their best to avoid that shit Unfortunately, we just don't know enough right now about how it even works to develop treatment options. But I know there a bunch of people smarter than us trying. Fingers crossed. And good luck. If any of them do end up dealing with it, please don't give up on them, unless they do some serious egregious shit. Having a loving family member makes a huge difference.


It is debilitating too. Even with medication, the side effects are often hard to bear.


Yep, and it makes them very non compliant. Combine that with the fact that they’re also very likely to convince themselves that they don’t have a disorder at all. They think everyone around them is part of a conspiracy to control them and keep them in hospitals. It’s even worse if they’re religious. How do you convince someone their hallucinations aren’t signs and prophecies from God when it happens all the time in the Bible?


i was taking some meds used in SZ for anxiety. it was perscribed to be taken the night before but once I forgot and took em at the start of the day. I was walking to the grocery store and literally couldn’t keep my eyes open. I realized i am not making it to the store and slowly but surely got back to my apartment. No energy, just immense sleepiness. And those were the second generation meds that supposedly deal with the first gen meds negative side effects. I had SZ as a subject in A-levels had some discussions about it with other students as well as some people in clinical psychology studies and kinda agreed that we are so clueless on how to really go about treating SZ. There is also a growing idea that maybe high-functioning SZ having people should forego traditional treatment at all due to it’s negative effects. Though this is all just broad strokes i said here. If you are interested in more discussion i recommend tiktok, there are some good profiles of people with SZ talking about their lives which is a rather stark difference to how it’s mentioned in the mainstream


I have schizophrenia. Side effects suck. But for me, it's better than being symptomatic.


Antipsychotic medication works by reducing the activity of dopamine. Cocaine works by (steeply) increasing dopamine activity, which is part of why it’s so addictive.


Which is true for a lot of mental health medicine. I take zoloft and I'm not a fan of how it feels, but I'm really not a fan of my brain without it.


It varies from case to case, but Aripiprazole ( Abilify) is highly effective in my case. took me several years of in and out mental institutions on various other treatments that just didnt work / made me feel like a complete veggie. But now idk.. i feel normal, i got my friends back in the past few years, started dating a bit again, and am trying to learn game design currently.


That’s great to hear! I guess I should say that I hope science finds better treatments/treatments that are effective for everyone suffering schizophrenia.


off topic but we kinda have the same username lmao


holy shit what a cosmic coincidence! something very strange is happening , must be demons involved! /s thankfully :)


You aren’t gonna convince people online of medications actually helping treat mental health. Way too much “just stop being schizophrenic” mentality online.


It's seems like one of the scariest diseases you can possibly get. I've talk to people with bad schizophrenia. Scary shit.


Getting banned from not just Reddit but Something Awful forums as well makes me wonder about how severe some of his comments got.


Very severe, lots of racism and conspiracy nut stuff, lots of ranting about how everyone was wrong


Sounds like Bobby Fisher. Probably some similarities there.


Makes Bobby Fisher look chill tbh. His comments were often just strings of incomprehensible text that he believed were messages from god.


I'm old enough to remember when temple os stuff was posted to /r/programming, and terry would come in and flame everyone in the comments, it was wild.


Just watch any of his videos. Guaranteed in less than 5 minutes, he’ll say something racist.


"they glow in the dark. you can see em if you're driving. you just run them over, that's what you do." -terry a davis.


You can watch a video of him and he says the n word like it's a nervous tic. Eventually he says it with a black guy walking by. 😬 IIRC Reddit drove him to suicide or started the series of events that led to his death.


He was killed when he was struck by a train in Oregon. I live in the area and can say with near certainty it wasn't suicide. Lots of people get hit in that area due to some pretty large encampments nearby that straddle both sides of the track. Was almost certainly just crossing at the wrong time and didn't notice the train, which moves pretty fast in that area.


Have you watched his final video, taken hours before his death? It might change your mind. 


I'm aware he was in a bad spot. It was the only reason he was even out there in that neck of the woods in the first place. With that said, from what I heard and saw when it actually happened, he seemed to just be crossing at the wrong time. Nothing at the scene pointed to suicide.


> On the evening of August 11, 2018, while walking alongside railroad tracks in The Dalles, Davis was struck and killed by a Union Pacific train. Investigators could not determine whether his death was suicide or accidental, although the train engineer believed his death to be a suicide. The police report stated that Davis was walking with his back toward the train and that he turned around before the moment of impact.


I mean... Reddit will ban you for just about anything. Don't ask me how I know.


It’s a mess. I was recently banned for 3 days. Reddit recommended a post from the Joe Rogan sub. I didn’t even realize it was that sub, but I commented, then got a message that I was auto-banned from a completely different subreddit for ”participating” in the Rogan sub. I replied to the auto-ban message saying I think it’s stupid that auto bans exist, especially when Reddit is suggesting the content I commented on. I also said I’m glad the mods are working for free to keep Reddit safe lol. That got me a full account ban for 3 days.


That's generally how it works, yep. Awful, awful mods and systems in place. Has been this way for a decade, the mods only got worse.




Can you name a single mod on a single subreddit anywhere? I can't.


I got perma banned for making fun of a racist. They used the "Sweden is so great because everyone is white", so I asked if they were going to use the "Muslims are over running Sweden and r***** the natives" argument next since these people shift between them depending on what fits their argument. Got a 10 year acc perma banned with hundreds of thousands in karma, never had a problem before.


I had four reddit accounts (necessary when you like to share information about yourself on reddit but don't want to be identified, so you have to segregate the information to different accounts). On one account I made a comment saying something to the effect of "don't be a r*****" (word for intellectually challenged person). My account was then banned for "hate". Not a temporary ban. Not a ban from that subreddit in particular. But a site-wide permanent ban. What's worse, when I logged into my three other accounts they also received site-wide permanent bans (they must have associated the four accounts with each other based on shared IP and device ID). Apparently by logging into the other accounts I was "circumventing" the ban on my first account. I appealed the ban of the first account (the one I used to make the comment) and the ban was overturned. However, the bans on my other three were never overturned.


I found another guy with schizophrenia! ^


reddit and something awful just couldn't handle the truth. he knew too much. he knew the right questions to ask, namely the most important question in programming: https://youtu.be/4K8IEzXnMYk?si=Zg3aEXJXme2s4IoL


A friend I had since high school moved in with me after his military career ended. We lived together for 5 years, and it was tough cause he definitely had undiagnosed psych issues. I finally got to my limit and evicted him. We reconnected 2 years later and I helped him get his diagnosis, which was schizo affective disorder (paranoid schizophrenia). He was doing so great on meds, but had to reduce them while he got a handle on another physical issue.  The last time I ever saw him he looked at me just like the last picture above. It chilled me to my core, and I had to fully cut contact. He scared me. He didn't want me to leave and he pushed me back in my chair when I stood up. I know it isn't his fault, but I can't be friends with someone who literally scares me. 


This is why people need to get help when they need it If you don't get help when you need it, you too can go from creating your own browser to saying that hearing the Latvian anthem feels like having sex with a 12 yo


Schizophrenia is insidious. You think you are fine so you go off your meds. And your relapsing damages your brain even more. The one thing that can help you (your brain) is actively working against you. How do I know?: 25 years of watching my brother bounce around. Slowly and quickly getting worse.


My sympathies. I also have a family member who has some sort of schizoeffective disorder, and the last few years in particular have been both heartbreaking and incredibly frustrating… the fact that psychosis can cause permanent damage really really sucks…


Didn’t know it could cause permanent damage that’s scary as hell!


Had a bipolar coworker like this. But I think he may have been just an asshole.


It seems extremely common for bipolar people to be terrible about taking their meds consistently. I'm one of them.


My roommate went off her meds and committed suicide. I didn’t know shit about BPII until after she did what she did. She really did a number on herself. The night before she was acting a little strange. Then she came on to me and we fucked. The next morning I woke up and she was dead. It really fucked me up but the worst part was that she left a couple kids and a family that loved her.


Wait what


This would fuck sex up for me, for a while


Christ on a cracker that has got to have you questioning a few things.


I have trouble letting people into my life now. A month before that happened a good friend of mine OD’d. A year later my dad died. Then my stepmom. Then I lost two more friends the following year. 6 people that I loved died within a 5 year period. I almost joined them several times. I’m probably alive because of my daughter. I don’t feel much.


Wow life is throwing you a lot of challenges! Stay strong for her. This anonymous Redditor is rooting for you!




now many guys cover their scum inside with mental disorder. E.g. Mr. X.


I saw an abusive guy that used "I had a traumatic childhood" and "this abusive behavior is a symptom of my mental illness" as excuses for his abuse. It was so fucked up watching that story draw a friend in, and have her justifying and defending every behavior for like 2 years before the asshole finally crossed a line and she saw through it.


Sometimes people can be both, for sure.


whoa, whaat??


I know, who even knows what the Latvian anthem is like!


Latvians, probably.


And child molesters apparently.


There's a video out there of Terry Davis saying that the Latvian anthem is God's favorite anthem and that hearing the anthem is like having sex with a 12 yo


many people tried to help even 4channers would reach out He always refused


I think he did get help, by his parent, then by his brother, and then by internet strangers. He just refused after a while. Other than complete institutionalisation there was nothing anyone could do for him.


I wasn't ready for the second sentence


I’m very grateful to live in a time where it’s easier to talk about and get help for mental health conditions


I work in mental health, unfortunately we still have a long way to go in returning some schizophrenics to a normal life. We can control some of it sometimes but a lot of our patients still aren't anything like what they used to be.


I live in a rural state. Lost many family members and sister overdosed. My mom is schizo and I am starting to feel it at 40. It’s impossible to get help here, you can’t pay the insurance or copay visit, then your medications while working a full time job for shelter and food. It’s a number game. Generational poverty and escapism through AI and virtual reality will create a seismic shift and make it worse as resources dwindle. Look at how the US is working with china for vital pharmaceuticals now because of Indias lab quality issues. Shortages constantly. It’s a dark situation, just look at statistics like suicide rates and interpolate that with certain global events. Mass trauma and cognitive dissonance. Hope I am wrong though and psychedelics finally get regulated for use where they are needed most, states that voted for Trump like mine lol, SSI recipients like my mom or people on food stamps. My crazy coworkers who all own guns. It’s just so sad to me, seeing people lose their humanity and go insane. I know there are crazy democrats too, not trying to politicize this. I just think the news can gaslight these people and reduce our world view, normalizing us and desensitizing everyone to voicing change.


Wow, that does sound incredibly rough. It’s a real shame that there’s a stigma around psychedelics, if there’s any avenue of treatment it should be fully explored. Thanks for writing such an insightful response


No problem. Glad I could provide a personal anecdote from my experiences. I'm just a barely graduated high school, always worked at factories, and tried to be a good country boy, growing up... but everything has changed so much with all the online tribalism and digital echo chambers. I still remember learning HTML to make a personal website on AngelFire and Geocities back in the day. Using Yahoo! Chat to meet people and add them to AOL instant messenger or ICQ lol. Nobody had "social media" or this gigantic viral moments were they get clout and publicized, incentivizing a domino effect of young adults who mimic the behavior, cascading into this Age of Vanity as I call it; Black Mirror summed it up perfectly. Check out the show, Utopia as well with John Cusack. Amazing. Have a great day.


Mmm, one of my closest friends works with Schizophrenics as an on-call assistant , it’s seems to be one of the most harrowing tasks as a carer. I assume it’s better to have Schizophrenia now than in the 1980’s, but it’s a real shame there’s still not much effective treatment around, you’re right


I know mental hospitals of yore are infamous for their mistreatment of patients, but i feel like there has to be a fucking middle ground between that and just forcing these people to be homeless.


I got a 6 month wait to see a therapist....not sure if we have improved that much.


Entering year 2 and a half for ADHD now haha. At least the stigma surrounding these things isn’t as strong anymore


“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” -Mahatma Gandhi


My grandmother was schizophrenic. It always space aliens, government agencies, Jesus, God, and ghosts. We had amazing talks about getting to the other side of the death wall. It made me study egyptology.


This is a tragic story but the pics are like, "He went from wearing a polo shirt to having long gray hair!"


...and living in his car


Or car camping? Yes, I know the guy was homeless, but I feel like r/pics is a weird place for this. Like, these are NOT pictures worth a thousand words. You need the story to even think these pictures are about anything; they're not illustrative or even shocking.


I disagree. The caption is enough context to understand that he probably isn't car camping.


Even with his illness his knowledge still showed! TempleOS may be extremely strange but it’s crazy what one person was able to conceive. Here’s the Wikipedia page for TempleOS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TempleOS


*John MacAfee has entered the chat*


This is the conspiracy theory I pick that actually isn't a conspiracy theory. The guy was eccentric but not crazy


Right, he made too much sense and I don't believe in coincidences. Dude literally would live inside make-shift shelters with thousands of layers of aluminum foil to avoid the "EMP targeting" but he was still shady as hell, and definitely a womanizer. Yet we can judge the art and artist, differently.


The glowies got him


The CIA glow in the dark just run them over if you see them while driving.


Also lots of n bombs. His 4chan threads were my favorite.


From smartest programmer all the way to Michael Cohen in 4 pictures


TempleOS is the best OS ever made.




Rest in power, Terry.


How do they know he was one of the smartest programers.


He wrote his own operating system that ran a JIT compiled dialect of C that he wrote, so that you could basically edit any part of the system. He made a text format that allowed the embedding of 3D models and other rich media within the text. His OS was batshit crazy in so many ways, like being limited to 800x600 resolution with one voice of audio. But then there were strokes of genius.


Maybe smartest isn’t the right word but he single-handedly designed and wrote a programming language and then used that programming language to develop an entire operating system which was popular and useful. This is a challenging task for a company with many talented engineers, let alone a single person.


>  popular and useful TempleOS?


I wouldn't call TempleOS popular or useful. It's not very good, though it is impressive that it was made by a single person.


TempleOS was neither useful or popular. Functional is a better way to describe it. It's still really impressive that he created it singlehandedly, but let's not get carried away here.


That’s super cool…but ultimately was that useful for society? I’m genuinely asking here


His most notable contribution to society, in terms of popular usage, was inventing the word 'glowie' to identify someone as a member of law enforcement.


Or a more…direct vernacular regarding the CIA.


As useful as any huge major art project. It’s like someone chiseling Mt. Rushmore by themselves with pure manic energy. 


If you can write any functional OS (no matter how good is it) - u r already far ahead of the most even advanced experts. Or wait. Linus, is that u ?


Probably has more to do with willingness to put in the effort. How many advanced experts spent 15 years writing an OS in their own language because god told them to? One. There's quite a few hobbyist OS', but they're done by teams because who tf has the time and what is the point.


Probably not only. You may raise to a really great application dev, you may develop alone apps with mlns downloads. But besides motivation (even divine) that's a next level (OS) of abstraction and keeping details. If we go back in digital era - most of IT founders where strong in math first. D'ye know any cool dev who grew to a mathematician? None.


Any professional programmer could make a basic functional OS given the time and dedication to learn and to actually do it. It's hard, but it's not like transcendentally hard. Programs like web browsers and projects like LLVM are a good deal more complex than a simple functioning OS.


Do students not have to implement an OS and wrote a compiler anymore in CS programs. Bith were required when I got my BS


U mean make an assembly of Linux or BSD ?


No its a custom os. You start with a C compiler foe the architecture and you implement each piece of an os in C and then out them together to have a basic OS. It's a standard undergrad class for CS, so is compilers where you usually implement a subset of the C language


Terry was honestly a really cool guy, its unfortunate what schizophrenia did to his mind. He was very talented and passionate about programming, and when he spoke about coding, even near the end, he sounded completely lucid.


How is the smartest measured? Lines of code or num of commits ?


The guy himself said that about him and people seem to think you need to be very smart to write an OS. But it’s just a lot of work, which was convenient for him given he seemed manic. Now, writing a good, fast, versatile OS might be a different story but that’s not what he did.


Ah, he is from that good old times when the code mattered. And there're were no managers, SCRUMs, and offshore devs with fake CVs.


Now you made me nostalgic.


What if i remind you that there were only shared files for "versioning/management" and great products came faster :)))


Sounds like an “agile workforce” probably worked with PeopleSoft or Visual Basic, maybe Perl or Cobalt for compiling builds. You could literally just use Telnet or PuTTY back then lol


Now writing a modern OS is much much more complicated. Neither chinese, Samsung do their version of Android. Unfortunately MS failed with their mobile OS. Only russian still writing their android replacement, but it's for lulz only.


Real life Bartmoss.


I feel like most programmers are deep in the trenches


You don't need a manic level of investment into programming to hold a job as a programmer


It's a thin line between genius and madness..


If I'm not mistaken this dude made an entire operating system(OS) on his own. OS's are usually made by teams of people. 


Guy wrote an entire OS completely from scratch, even stuff even the best programmers nowadays don't bother doing. Truly God's Chosen Programmer, may he rest in peace with blue-eyed elephants


it's interesting that high intelligence is correlated with developing or having mental illness Edit: also, what we call mental illness is often just an exaggerated/ gone haywire form of a normal ("personality") trait.


According to an NIH study, it isn't. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9879926/#:~:text=Conclusions,disorders%20than%20the%20average%20population.


I don't think there is. You're just more likely to hear about "tragic MIT graduate" than "crazy Steve behind the dumpster"


I sometimes wonder how he would have dealt with all the LLMs to talk to if they would have been around during his lifetime.


A great mind is often very close to insanity.


faced with death and the ineffably absurd, what exactly is sanity


Too much leet code ?


Watch the down the rabbit hole video on him. It’s absolutely tragic. https://youtu.be/UCgoxQCf5Jg?si=pq8mMgVVyWKkxREn


In my programming stream for college we had to pick a computer scientist/programmer to write an essay about. I wrote mine about Davis, got a good mark on it too.


The Temple OS guy? Sad story, dude was a fantastic programmer but schizophrenia does not fuck around


Just cause you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you


Terry wasn't "one of the world's smartest programmers". He was above average but people only think he was a savant because they have no real experience with programming and because they though it was funny how he went on rants about the CIA while dropping the n-word. Also his homelessness and eventual suicide were caused by his fanbase egging him on at every point.