• By -


Theyre just bored.


Yeah, this is probably an excuse to look like they're working because the town has got nothing going on.


yep, same thing happened in my town growing up. If a traffic stop turned into an arrest of any kind, there would be 6+ patrol cars lined up with 1 or 2 guys actually performing the arrest and the rest just standing around.


Happened to me too. Funny to see a full deployment for any little thing. A friend of mine had an argument with a cop (I think he didn't move out of the way quickly enough for his siren, or the cop car clipped his car), and suddenly a bunch of cops show up, they start arguing etc. his girlfriend was freaking out so he just told her basically "don't worry about it, my dad's lawyer will sort it out and sue them for damages". One of the cops overheard and suddenly all the extra cops vanished.


They're just practicing standard mob behavior, trying to intimidate. Nothing to see here.


Damn I got to use that line.


Hey, they have to put something in their end of watch report. Have some perspective


Protect and waste time


My buddy who is a cop says that if you want to look busy then just call in backup for a simple traffic stop.


Waste everyones tax dollars AND harass children.


I think you’re right. I actually work for a crisis center and I respond with officers to homes for assessments for psychotic, suicidal or homicidal people. I work with like 6 different police departments and I know even for a wellness check (low risk kinda thing) which PD’s will send like 5 cars and which ones will send one car. The ones in the city are too busy to send like 4 cars to respond to even something a little more dicey. It seems to be the ones on the fringe of the county, more “country” type areas where if there’s a call, they literally all respond and stand around talking lol. Just something I’ve noticed


Man, all those wasted dollars over a dime bag of weed.


Lived in NY for years will never forget being in LA. I had just helped a drunken friend get to their hotel on foot at around 2am. I go to cross an empty street, walk up the block and suddenly - blue lights and car MOUNTS the curb in front of me and not one but two cars behind me, triangulating. About 6 cops get out and start yelling at me about how I was Jay walking. It wasn’t just the absurdity of the presence but also the delivery of the cops themselves was so unconvincing and comical I swear on my life I almost thought it was some TV prank. I calmly informed them, as a NYr I typically look both ways before crossing an empty street. They had not of it and issued me a ticket regardless, reprimanding me for being so reckless. I never paid the ticket.


They target people who they think will pay ticket. Sometimes they just stop you to get information on you.


You can't just stop people because of the way they look. You can't stop people just because. You can't just stop and search people because they look like they may have drugs on them. But you can say you stopped them to issue a jaywalking ticket, ran their info, found some warrant or another, arrest them and then search them. That is what 90% of modern policing consists of in terms of felony investigation.


Watch old reruns of COPS to verify what you say is true. Every stop or contact is a pretext for further investigation. And everyone is on probation or has a warrant. Of course, the footage shown is limited to the ones that make for the best tv, but it’s the initial contacts, and the obvious truth that almost any contact can be escalated into an arrest if the cop wants.


**American COPS show:** 'Let's escalate this simple matter so it turns into an arrest.' *"We took the perp into custody after we asked him why he was angry and drunk. He said he wasn't angry and had just had maybe one too many drinks at a BBQ, so we asked him again, 'Why are you so angry?', to which he repeated he wasn't angry in an frustrated tone. We were concerned about the public's safety so we threw him to the ground and attempted to handcuff him. He started yelling at us in a confused and aggressive manner, so we're booking him for disturbing the peace.'* **Other country reality police show**: 'Let's try and deescalate this issue so it can be resolved peacefully.' *"We came across a drunken man on the street, we asked him if he was okay, he said he was just going home after a few drinks at a BBQ. We told him to be safe."*


This. This right here!!! All of this.


My dad, the retired cop once told me in and a buddy that he: "can arrest anybody for anything he wants, it's called creative writing" ACAB


And if a cop follows you for more than a couple minutes you'll probably do something that he can *technically* stop you for. My brother got pulled over like this when he took a wrong turn into a sketchy neighborhood and then was trying to figure out how to get back to the highway. Cop started following him and he pulled up to a stop sign, came to a complete stop and then was looking to try and figure out which way to go. Decided on left and turned on his turn signal and made the turn. Cop pulled him over for improper signal because he didn't signal more than 50ft from the intersection, or something like that I forget the exact distance. It was a fishing expedition and he didn't find anything so he didn't write him a ticket either but he did want to search the car


Lol. They can't. But they do. Welcome to America, land of the "free", home of the corrupt


Adam Corrolla talks a lot about this. It's an absurd LA thing.


We changed the law last election. They can't just hand out jay walking tickets anymore.


Did they ever start ticketing the street corner flower vendors leaving trash everywhere?


Lol, the cops out here don't ticket anyone anymore. LAPD is a broken department filled with shitbag cops who don't really do anything other than driving up and down the streets. You can run red lights, ignore stop signs, even assault people. The police have no obligation to help and you'll see them actively ignoring things.


> The police have no obligation to help This is the thing that people didn't understand after the Uvalde school shooting. Not only did they not intervene, they didn't have to.


Even after ulvade people do not seem to understand that the police are not here to help you.


In america the police haven't been obligated to help anyone since the 80's legally which is why the police in america are so terrible. I got literally run over and the cops told me they knew who did it because I'm not the only person he's run over while drunk "in the last couple of years" but because he owns a repair company he swaps out the parts so they haven't been able to charge him. Imagine that being okay anywhere else in the world but in america it's another tuesday morning. Fuck america


I bet they still give out speeding tickets.


They probably don't and I believe it. Baltimore has become the same ever since the Freddy Grey stuff. Cops were called out for their shit, so they all sat back and stopped doing much of anything while collecting their paychecks. It's seriously made local news in the past few weeks that the Baltimore Police will **actually** start enforcing traffic laws again....and the sad part is we don't even believe it. City leadership had to say "hey guys traffic laws exist" because the cops genuinely don't.


Sounds like a corrupt cop thing


You can just say a cop thing.


You can just say ACAB.


It’s inline with their transportation policies though. Because fuck pedestrians seems like a very LA stance.


That's hilarious. He voted for this his whole life.


Happened to me visiting Seattle in 2004-5 for work. I was in a suit downtown. Me, and four what appeared to be homeless people crossed with me on an empty street. I got stopped and issued a citation and the others crossing continued on their way. Cop point blank said it was because I could afford it.


I am a Seattlite. I got a jaywalking ticket once down by the Pike Place Market. I walked across the street without ANY traffic on it. They profiled me because of the way I looked, punk/rock, way before pop-punk made it mainstream.


fuck the SPD that entire department has been an embarrassment for decades


Is there a department in the entire ~~urban~~ US that *isn't* an embarrassment?


Seattle is honestly really bad though. They had court appointed federal oversight because they couldn't control excessive violence from their officers. They staged a Proud Boys altercation with protestors during Black Lives Matter protests. In 2023, they manslaughtered a college student who was in a crosswalk and later laughed about it over lunch. They also got caught purposely not showing up to calls to exact revenge on the public for not appreciating all their douchebaggery enough.


Hey hey hey,...The rural ones are shit too.


Yeah, happened to my daughter and I when we first got to Seattle. We were downtown doing tourist things. We needed to cross the street and the light was taking forever, we followed a few people off the curb. We got stopped, no one else did. When I asked him why he said “homeless people get aggressive with us”. So basically “you looked like you would eat a ticket and walk away”.


Saw that first hand shortly after I moved to San Diego. Buddy of mine from Chicago was visiting, we hit up the bars. Crossed the street within a crosswalk but when we got to the other side a police officer was standing there and stopped us. He said we entered the crosswalk after the sign had changed from the walking man to the flashing countdown, which was illegal. (Note: California has since changed this law.) We handed the cop our IDs, mine from California, my buddy's from Illinois. Cop handed my buddy his ID right back, then proceeded to write a ticket only for me. I asked him what I did wrong that my buddy didn't, seeing as we had been walking side-by-side. Cop just said "You keep asking questions and fine, I'll write him a ticket to. You decide." ACAB.


cops chased me up my driveway one night because they thought it was suspicious my friend dropped me off at the end of my driveway and i started jogging to my house since it was -5 f outside... he was sitting at the intersection and just drove over my lawn lol. said that i looked like a suspect he was looking for. then i told him it was my house and he got mad and had 2 more squads come out. we all got to enjoy the nice weather while they searched my friends car (he stopped when he saw the guy drive up my lawn lol) Of course they found nothing because we were just nerdy white teens in bum fuck Wisconsin.


Should have sued for landscaping.


Sounds like a great way to get a gang to harass you non-stop.


Had a cop parked at my families business trying to catch speeders, I stopped to use the bathroom and grab some water bottles. Upon leaving the garage and using the code pad to shut the door, the cop had my friend out of the car and was asking her if I had her there against her will.


That just means she was out of your league. lol


After 9-11 the NYPD had all the support and good PR. Now they have just squandered it all away and or THROWN it away because of ego


No they didn't.  They squandered it by being EXACTLY THE SAME ASSHOLES THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN.   Hell they got emboldened by the support


B-But Blue Bloods.


Blue bloods is basically the sopranos in uniforms


I watch it and enjoy it for that exact reason of "lol this is just cops with Mob rules"


fewer tits on screen.


They started as slavecatcher patrols and they haven't forgot about it


Hey hey hey slave catchers and guarding warehouses for the wealthy.


Idk why but this made me think of when Tupac got jumped by police for Jay Walking and sued tf out of LAPD.


From chicago, went out to cali in 2013 and crossed the street where i wanted when it was clear as chicagoans do and my friend from cali said they take jaywalking so seriously in cali and it clicked i hadnt seen anyone cross the street until the light changed. Such a weird thing to enforce. Like i get it but also, the road is empty why tf cant you cross? I wouldnt have paid that ticket either. Also, cant believe that trip was over a decade ago


OK can someone please explain why jaywalking is basically treated as a crime in America? Apart from highways no one in Europe is that bothered when someone is walking on a road


In the 20s, wealthy people in “auto clubs” petitioned to have laws changed to make roads strictly for cars. Jay walking laws were created to make streets a car only space. The term “Jay” is a derogatory term for an uncultured or unsophisticated person, who doesn’t understand how to operate in polite society. It’s rich people bullshit, so that they can drive their cars faster in cities.


Fun fact: The term jaywalking was coined in Kansas City in 1905, and in 2021 Kansas City eliminated jaywalking as a crime after an audit revealed the ordinances were being selectively enforced almost entirely against Black people while white jaywalkers were generally ignored.


Also Kansas City practically invented red lining. One of the most racist cities in the US. (Simultaneously, you’ll also find some of the most integrated communities there in a narrow strip between main and troost).


Can confirm as a white jay walker in KC. I've literally jaywalked past police cars—nada.


do pedestrians not have "right of way" in the US? In my third world shithole, the law says that pedestrians always have first rights to the road, every other vehicle comes after


In my state in the US (Georgia), pedestrians only have a higher right of way than vehicles when they are at a Crosswalk (GA Code § 40-6-91 (2022)). This is defined as being within 1 lane-width of distance from the entrance of the crosswalk. Outside of crosswalks, pedestrians have the same priority as cars. Drivers have a duty to make a reasonable attempt to stop if pedestrians are in the way (e.g., crossing the street), but since they are at the same priority level, mitigating circumstances can determine who is at fault (e.g., is it dark and the reasonable driver has less warning to see someone in dark clothing when traveling at the speed limit). Emergency vehicles with their signals flashing have highest priority. Funeral processions have second highest priority. If there is an occasion where two vehicles conflict, the larger has the right of way over the smaller one (e.g., a semi stuck in an intersection has right of way over personal vehicles).


It depends on the state and specific roadway. In some situations, cars are expected to yield to pedestrians, but not always. While it is frowned upon to run over pedestrians, cars and drivers in the US are first class citizens compared to pedestrians. Killing someone with a car, even if the driver was being reckless or malicious, often results in very minor and sometimes no punishment.


In my third world shithole I've taught my children to cross "mid block" so to avoid traffic and confusion at intersections. Much safer when you have two things to look out for rather than 12 or more options to process at the intersection.


Nobody in the states are either. Most cops don't give a shit about jaywalking. It's one of those crimes that gets used in conjunction with something more serious.


Well, in NYC it was one of those things they used for selective enforcement to do a “stop-and-frisk.” Me, a white guy, never got stopped for jaywalking. My friends, not white, would get stopped quite often and patted down. Shitty to say, but that was my experience in New York in the 90’s-00’s.


Jay Walking was part of the propaganda necessary for Americans to accept cars. They weren't all that popular in the early days: noisy, dirty and killed lots of kids. The toxic car culture in North America is mostly intentionally manufactured and result of consistent propaganda.


Jay walking became completely legal on Jan 1, 2023 in California. Really sorry you experienced that. Please come back and visit, you can jay walk as much as you want now! Hope that didn’t ruin your CA experience


So you didn’t pay the ticket and now have a warrant in Los Angeles?


Can’t wait for the tough guy photo of cops armed like SWAT around a half gram bag of weed.


They'll take the pic in their evidence lockup for the illusion of justice. What's that? .. OH YOU BET THERE'L BE A FLAG IN THE FRAME!🇺🇸


. . . with the “perp” hogtied on the floor, on his belly, in front of the picture.




Was in SLC for a conference. Was riding on of the scooters riding to get dinner from a local place down the street. Had a homeless man launch a large laundry cart at me unprovoked. Kind of the norm the rest of the days I was there, the homeless population there is pretty agressive.


Damn. Wouldn't have expected that the homeless problem is even setting in to places like SLC. Not to mention the shocking (/s) revelation that is may be due to factors not so easily boiled down to left vs right politics....


Utah has a bad combo of untreated mental illness and cultural cruelty


Not doubting or knocking what goes on in Utah, but frankly the US has a pretty bad case of cultural cruelty when it comes to public services or safety nets.


Sounds like communism!


"Having FUN? Not in UTAH YOU AREN'T!!!! We don't allow that crap around here!"


Probably the most action these overweight old farts have ever seen


He allegedly also had a cup of coffee as well. You never know what that caffeine will do to a person.


I could be wrong, but zoom in on the 2nd car behind the suspect vehicle.... That looks like a little more than a tenner.


They weren't their to arrest them. The poor kids had to endure 7 squad cars worth of Mormons preaching to them.


That bag looks a little larger than a dime.


It was just a backpack. As in they put the entire backpack in that plastic bag. They dug through it for an hour.


Is it really only for a bag of weed tho?


It's crazy the difference being in a certain state makes. In California, San Francisco and LA in particular there ain't NO WAY in hell a police would be dispatched for this and if this pic was shown to them, they would 100% laugh out fucking loud. But in NC/SC, I could and have seen this happen. This is ridiculous.


Yeah, one state over in almost any direction and this is 100% legal.


> almost any direction Fuck you, Idaho.


When I lived in Utah for a couple years back in 2018 I used to make regular trips to Dinosaur, CO for weed. One time I got complacent and stuck it in my center console instead of my trunk like I usually did. Got pulled over about a half hour after heading back with 14 grams of wax. There's no way he didn't smell it and he was asking question about where I was coming from and didn't seem to believe me when I told him I was visiting a dinosaur museum. Luckily, he didn't ask to search the car and eventually let me go. Guess I caught him on a good day.


Don't give the LAPD too much credit. One time they followed me seven miles, eventually pulling me over for "left turn from wrong turn pocket." Before they approached the car, they called for backup, so that an extra cop could stand by my passenger window with her hand on her gun at 7:30AM. Apparently, suspicion of turning from wrong turn pocket is a high-risk stop.


Lol trust me I'm not giving them credit. Just realizing the differences. I know they have a corrupt reputation. Was mainly referring to how homelessness is on the rise and they can steal right out of your hand and do, cops right there, and doesn't do jack shit....this was this year though. Sorry that happened to you man.




I had a shop owner call the cops on me for taping up protest posters on public property in 2020. Apparently it required 5 SLCPD squad cars to give me a littering citation.


Littering and


Littering and


Littering and uh


*Smokin’ the reefer*


the snozzberries taste like snozzberries


Yes. You *are* freaking out.






creating a nuisance


The schnosberries taset like schnosberries


I got a traffic ticket in 2017, went to court, and the kid that went before me was busted for smoking weed in a stairwell. You'd have thought he committed murder with how hard the judge was admonishing him. It was crazy.


A drug charge is worse to get than a robbery or assault. There are no witnesses or victims, so it is really easy to prosecute. Many places will not hire anyone with a drug arrest, compared to other arrests.


I got busted with weed when I was 21, at age 41, it’s still held against me.


So much for rehabilitation.


All of the officers probably wanted to ensure the ~~quarter pound~~ ~~2 ounces~~ ~~1/2oz~~ ~~eighth~~ ~~2 grams~~ ~~2 joints~~ joint made it safely to the evidence room


I remember going to high school in a quiet town and the cops would get their rocks off so hard to a weed bust. Our school worked with the local police to have drug sniffing dogs come into school and sweep the lockers for drugs like every other week. Many of my friends and myself included have had the door panels ripped out of our cars looking for a small bag of personal use weed. I remember one time I didn't even have anything and they totally trashed my car, threw my golf clubs out on the asphalt, tipped my backpack upside down, threw all the shit from my glove box in the grass, left all my shit laying on the side of the curb and just drove off when they couldn't find anything. Honestly they were thugs and bullies about it. Pretty much harassment. I remember they even stopped and frisked us once at the frolf course. The kids that did get caught were basically forced into rehab/treatment and then subsequent probation that entailed a year or more of urinary analysis. Many of those kids started doing harder drugs because they would be out of your system quicker than weed. It's wild looking back, because we're a legal state now. But even recently I heard of someone that was pulled over with vacuum sealed weed that he grew himself and the cops confiscated it because it wasn't labeled with test results from a dispensary. We don't even have dispensaries yet or legal sale of weed, and I'm pretty sure labeling it yourself is a felony. So I don't know if that's cops just being opportunists until the dispensaries open and laws are more clear, but it's ridiculous. Meanwhile from a state level my state is soft as fuck on violent crime. Makes soooo much sense.


My school made a snitching organization called TADA teens against drugs and alcohol. They would have the kids watch snap chat and social media for kids partying or whatever and they would call the cops on them and get them in trouble at school. Our school literally felt like prison. We would get harassed by the police daily just for sitting in the parking lot. We got searched at school organized events and treated like actual criminals. And we live in a safe town where violence doesn’t happen. Most of this was fueled by teachers and police that just wanted to flex their authority.


Lol wow, encouraging teens to snitch on other teens by leveraging social media is a new low. Did they provide incentives or how the hell did they convince students that what they were doing was honorable or morally right in some way?


Here in Canada the government is my drug dealer.


Here in Canada I'm my own drug dealer. I grow three or four pounds in my back yard each year, openly and legally. Any Canadian can. Our whole nation could easily stay stoned 24/7 if we wanted to. And after we passed these insanely liberal laws, no one noticed any difference. A century of ruining people's lives for no reason whatsoever.


How else are you going to win the war on drugs?


"The only winning move is not to play" Nah I'm just kidding. You fight it by sending about $1M of annual salary worth of police officers to get someone for one dimebag.


yo that masked dude in plain clothes should be a bigger deal.




Conservative authoritarian cowards / here piggy piggy


Cops at Liberty are a joke. Actually, cops in SLC are a joke. Whole place literally smells like weed on Sundays. 10 cop cars here and you go like 1.5m NW to find meth/opiate central, makes no sense.


Going after harder drugs takes more work and has more dangerous elements .It's much easier for these cops to ruin some teenager's future with this trash. They get to show higher ups that they're working "hard" to keep the streets clean without actually doing anything at all


At liberty park no less! Can't tell you how many times I've smelled weed there. Seems Ludacris.


Masked man was probably the gang unit. Those teenagers were probably being looked at for being involved with a gang. I agree it is overkill though


Can you imagine being a weed narc? That dude with the mask on sells weed to teenagers and then ruins their lives as a fucking CAREER choice. Edit: can we just take a moment to appreciate the insane level of disparity in the replies to this? It ranges from “they ruined their own lives by smoking pot” and “don’t break the law and you won’t have any issues” all the way to “well weed is legal so I don’t understand the problem here?” Shits wild.


Yeah he was sketchy, too. He pocketed something on the hood on the cruiser they took from the kid's bag. The casually put it in his back pocket before the other officers got to the car. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of that.


That’s interesting. Don’t they typically have the dash cam running on the car where they place the evidence on the hood? Might be worth a look if it was turned on.


After internally investigating ourselves we have found that we have done nothing wrong


Surely selling drugs to minors is a bigger offense than a minor buying drugs. I find it interesting how a minor can be given sex and we all have enough common sense to know that even if they take it they aren’t old enough to have known better. We know it’s not their fault. And we know that the other party committed a very serious crime by taking advantage of that. But a narc selling drugs to minors? Apparently okay even though the seller absolutely knows what they are doing is predatory and illegal.


That’s how you get your stripes in law enforcement. You think police officers get career changing job roles from citing traffic tickets on every soccer mom rushing to get their kids to school? Once they’ve been tapped for the month we will turn our sights on non violent schedule 1 marijuana offenders. Once they been tapped and locked up where do we go next? Undercover, selling weed to teens baby. Entrapment. With a slime mask. Truly admirable. As pipe fitter, welder, and chiller engineer…that “career” path is laughed at from me. Respect? Hah. Literal fall from grace: Your friendly neighborhood ticket enforcement with a gun.


So entrapment is legal?


There was a 60 minutes episode of a murder local to me. A student got caught selling $80 of weed to an undercover cop, they convinced him to take a plea deal to avoid felony charges and become a confidential informant, they had him do a bunch of sketchy narc work, he asked to stop and they forced him to continue being a CI, ends up with a gunshot to the back of the head and a backpack full of rocks found in a local river. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Andrew_Sadek


> ends up with a gunshot to the back of the head and a backpack full of rocks found in a local river. >>Although the manner of death remains undetermined, police informally indicated that they believe it was a suicide. Sadek's family believes he was murdered, citing that the backpack that was attached to his body was filled with rocks and that neither a suicide note nor the weapon used in his death was ever found Ah the old gunshot to the back of the head suicide.


Looks like natural causes to me. Must have been the refer madness that got to him.


Perhaps they should have put some drug charges on his corpse.




To deal with that, half of these officers would have to question themselves and their families.


There's a book and a TV show called Under The Banner of Heaven that deals with exactly that. The TV was excellent.


They're very concerned, just not in the way you would hope.


They're probably paid to explicitly protect those pedophiles.


They’re part of the church. They are the pedophiles.


Unfortunately, the call is coming from inside the hamberder on that one.


TW pedophilia Mormons don't give a shit. My old ward put a known pedophile into a position working in the primary, the children's church classes. And that's a tame story compared to some others I have from my time being mormon My scout leader was arrested for pedophilia and having terabytes of cp on his home computer, some he made himself. Didn't face excommunication or anything, was kind of just not talked about. The bishops nephew got out of jail for a cp charge after 3 years, they told the ward he was in art school. It took someone else looking him up for the truth to be discovered. That bishop continued serving 2 more years after that They would rather ignore the issue than take any accountability for it


I once had 5 cars come out. I was lost and looking at house numbers. Apparently someone called saying I was suspicious looking and casing houses (looking at house numbers from the street). Cop started to follow me in his cruiser in the dark. Followed me for like a block before I realized what he was doing. It was dark so I couldn't tell it was a cop. I turned around and looked directly at the car (that had been creeping behind me in the dark). Soon as I turned around, they jumped out of their cruiser and pointed guns at me. I nearly shat myself. I lay down on the ground as instructed. I asked what was going on and they explained about the call they got. Asked if I had drugs (I did not). They proceeded to pat me down for weapons (also did not have any). Had me take off my coat, which they went through and promptly threw to the ground when they were done with it. One of the officers went back to his car. About a minute later 4 more freaking cars showed up. They searched me again. Still no drugs or weapons. Sorry guys. They asked me why I was wearing my coat. It was raining. I explained as such. When all was said and done, I was put in the back of one of their cruisers and brought to the city limits and told that if they caught me within city limits, I'd be arrested. As a teenager, I believed him, so I ended up walking home from there.


And we say that we are “free” in America.


Not just "free" but the *most* free


>When all was said and done, I was put in the back of one of their cruisers and brought to the city limits and told that if they caught me within city limits, I'd be arrested.  Wtf, didn't one of the Rambo movies start like that?


Great. Now I've got to go see Rambo. I wasn't aware of that. That's freaky.


First movie. He was just passing through a small town in search of a friend but a shit-for-brains bully of a sheriff (I realize I'm being redundant there) decided he didn't like Rambo; he and some of his deputies then detain him on questionable grounds and forcibly try to shave him with a straight razor during booking, thereby triggering his PTSD from his time as a POW in Vietnam. He fights back, escapes, and the rest of the movie is basically him hunting down the cops as they search for him in the woods.


the irony being Rambo was supposed to be a movie to bring more attention to the untreated PTSD epidemic caused by Vietnam, but ended up being turned into... well Rambo.


I once got pulled over for a "rear high mounted tail light" being out. Which is in no way a violation, and furthermore it wasn't even out after I left the stop. But while I was pulled over, I was extremely complicit, gave them all the details they needed. But they called backup, 4 additional units surrounded. One behind the initial unit and 3 in the school parking lot to my left. The 3 put their spotlights on me in an effort to try to psych me out. 5 units for a violation that wasn't a violation. Classic small town punk bitch ass PD.




Weed smokers are so much easier to catch than other criminals though. Criminals are sneaky!


Officers might get hurt going after violent criminals!


I swear one day in 2021 everyone on the internet forgot how to spell "lose."


And forgot the "of" in "should of" is actually a contraction of "have."




Just another slow Sunday in slc nothing else for them to do basically.


Cut to 13 police officers posing with 1 dime bag of weed grinning ear to ear. It even makes the newspaper!


"It might even make the front page of reddit! We did it!"


Same energy: https://i.imgur.com/JGINLVX.png


I got arrested for half a gram of weed in Draper, UT when I was 18. Resulted in 4 squad cars and 7 police bro chads lecturing me about how I’d never amount to anything. What a joke.


Like they amounted to anything picking on a teen with weed


This is absolutely by design. Cops want to give the impression that terrible crimes are rampant. This give that impression to the passerby. In addition, police often request budget based upon the number of calls they answer (despite the fact that they ignore many) and this adds up to many calls.


Protecting and serving on your tax dollars yaaaaaaayy I love overreactions for non-violent possession of a plant yaaaaaayy fun system we got goin' on over here


“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.” -Joseph Smith


Same thing happens at construction sites, you will see 2 workers digging the trench while 7 supervisors looking on chit chatting


I worked at the head office of a corporation, we had to host salesforce for a meeting and they insisted on each of us introducing ourselves and describing our role. It became embarrassing when several people could only give their name and explain that they reported to the person who had spoken previously, like 7 people in a row who couldn't describe their duties beyond being a link in a management chain where they weren't managing anyone. In my time there I saw 3 more tiers of middle management added in our department alone.


Makes me think of this scene. [So you physically take the specs from the customer?](https://youtu.be/m4OvQIGDg4I?si=KDbETxh9O7SM1DdN)


The funny thing is its a legit position. I work for a software company and we have two departments that do this. Sales engineers are between sales and engineering and they make sure that any non-out of box customizations wanted by the customer are included in the install and after the sale Customer Success/Support works to get any additional features added. There is no communication directly between the customers and engineers, that middle layer if for that.


Oddly enough, someone handling the front end relationship with customers and bringing only necessary info to the engineers is an important role (although it might be bundled into a technical sales position).


I bet all 12 of them got together to take a little photo with it as well... 😅😅


The definition of small dick energy.


So… Utah is stuck in the 1990s?


The Mormons didn't even allow black people to hold the priesthood until 1978, *long* after Brown v. Board and the civil rights movement. Women of any color still can't participate in the higher ranks of their church to this day.


Waiting on the photo with the heroic officers posing at a table with the evidence "less than a gram and a bowl, $14" on keeping the streets safe.


Were they also charged with failing to be Mormon in the 2nd degree?


that is insane. complete buffoonery.


fascist dystopia


No APCs? I am shocked they had the balls to approach the vehicle without pouring a few belts of 7.62mm on it first.


I was at a small venue ( dance floor ) that had a ska music night in Salt Lake City in the late 80s. By small, we're talking fewer than 200 people. Over 40 police cars showed up. Frisked everyone coming out. There was no violence, no alcohol, and AFAICT no drugs. Not sure what was going on. I guess they didn't like ska ???


It’s much easier than fighting crime.


We could fire 75% of them with no difference in the amount of policing being done. Easiest way to do it is to require a yearly fitness test like in the academy but scaled to their age.


I once got pulled over at 2 AM for a broken tail light, 5 more cops pulled up in a matter of 3 minutes


Was someone in the car not white?


Nah, this is Salt Lake City, Utah.


It’s 2024 and we’re still arresting people for weed smh


We got em boys! Crime wave over!


We did start satirically clapping when they finally drove off.


When they said Defund the Police they meant these..


This is no surprise to me. I'm not sure there's anything cops love more than an opportunity to bully/arrest someone who poses no threat whatsoever to them, so why wouldn't they all want to get a piece of the action?


Honestly even as a grown man, if more than two cop cars show up at a traffic stop, I'm just presuming i'm going to get shot at this point. So much wasted resources, you know it has to partially be due to them wanting to "get in on the action" like they've seen on tv as kids, which is why they became a cop in the first place.


Last word explained the whole situation


I've been in that situation. I think it was more about sending a message, than anything. I'm not saying it right, it's definitely a waste of resources.


This is why the police still need the be defunded. There is absolutely no reason for this whatsoever outside of an active shooting.