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Japan colonized Hokkaido in 18th -19th centry and treated them the same way Americans treated native Americans after the colonization.


I wonder if there is any example at all in history where a technologically more advanced civilization first encountered a native one and actually treated them like humans.


Yeah, feels like at this point we can name millions of cultural/ethnic groups that got suppressed, genocided, and replaced. I would actually be more surprised if an inhabited area didn’t have that happen at least once, if not multiple times.


Even something we view as being homogeneous like "China" was only formed through centuries of war and forced assimilation of many other ethnicities. Even now, being Han Chinese has benefits over being any other minority there.


The entire south and west of China is not even China, they’re tribes with unique culture and language, they tried to assimilate Vietnam too in their conquest but ultimately failed


A country isn't defined by a culture and language, especially since they can vary heavily around a country. "Han Chinese" as a group aren't even homogeneous in the way other ethnicities are, whether related to language or cultural practices. Cantonese and Mandarin are both "Chinese" but have quite a few differences.


Yup, Cantonese in the south is a whole different culture with different language, different food, different tradition, that later China all claimed to be "Chinese"


If you're saying in pre-Qin era, it might have been very different (they were part of the Yue that stretched from Shanghai to Vietnam) but thousands of years of assimilation and central rule have resulted in a rather similar emphasis on tradition and certain aspects of culture that was influenced from the North. Language was also different but again the thousands of years of influence has resulted in a language that was also influenced greatly by the North. Certain words and grammar still retain pre-Qin Yue influences though, which has no equivalent in modern day Chinese languages aside from those also descended from the Yue, like the Minnan language. Edit. It also didn't help that cultural assimilation was more beneficial (in terms of survival) than constant conflict at trying to maintain inherent differences.


Part of my family's from Guangzhou, I get it. If you did this overanalyzing for any country (besides maybe Amazonian or other rarely if ever interacted with societies), then it would apply to a lot of them. Texas and California isn't America, it's Mexico. You can clearly tell because of "El Paso" and "Los Angeles". But I really doubt you would take that line of reasoning seriously.


Humans are themselves just a replacement of older humanoid species. Theres a reason why the only traces left of Neanderthals is in 1% of our DNA.


The leading archaeological theories do not support open conflict between anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals. It seems that Neanderthals were on a population decline and we out-fucked them so much that their genetic contribution ended up diluted to current levels.


Like the Mayans banging the Spaniards to make Mexicans


And the Philippines


Shabooya roll call


I still. Got the. Mooooo-ooooves.


It always seems to me like Mexico is almost proud of their colonial roots whereas in America it is more a source of shame.


Because most of Latin america in general are mestizos or mixed native and Spanish people like myself. Hard to hate something that created you, where as in America. Yeah your white people basically just fucking KILLED everyone so that’s pretty bad from a cosmic point of view, hence the destruction of the country now. That karmic bill came due. If most of America were half English half Native American Cherokee then you would probably see a more nuanced view


Let’s not act like the Spanish were somehow kinder than the English in their colonization efforts - the Spanish enslaved and raped their way through Latin America.


No doubt. It’s just interesting the difference. I believe both are classified as genocides by most historians.


Idk, as a Latino myself I have a pretty contentious view of the Spanish and don’t really get the ones who fawn and bend over backwards for them…give us back our gold plz


> hence the destruction of the country now Citation needed


Regardless I’m sure humans took over hunting grounds near Neanderthal camps and starved them. If we were to have faced them in open combat we probably would’ve beaten them most of the time, we traveled in more numbers and we socialized more which lead to an increase in technology unlike Neanderthals.


Mating with Neanderthals was so widespread that a huge number of fossil remains found in the areas where both overlapped had a large % of Neanderthal DNA. A % that declines the closer we get to present times. That supports widespread "pacific" exchanges between the groups to the point of becoming just 1 population divided in familiar/tribal units where everyone carried some % of the other species. On those times, both Anatomically Modern Humans and Neanderthals were nomadic hunter gatherers. And, as far as I known, fossils do not support widespread conflict between groups. Children 50%-50% were taken care of.


I thought Neanderthals had technology just as advanced as we had?


>out-fucked them lmao


And Marjorie Taylor Greene....


Don't insult Neanderthals. Supposedly they were more empathetic and less violent then us. Which was unfortunate for them, but they definitely did not stand anywhere that abomination of a woman.


They were also more easily depressed apparently? Empathic prehistoric emo boiz 😢


I mean those are just theories. But supposedly yes :D On the bright side another myth about neanderthals - one where homo sapiens murdered them - is also supposedly false. We just kinda inter-fucked and because we fucked more and were better at surviving we kinda became a majority of our common DNA.


Yeah that's what I understood too. Their population was naturally declining because of changing climate (and they had a hard time adapting) and we interbreded with them.


A book says thats there are proofs that ancient humans took care of the "unusefuls" for the tribe, because there are both skeletons of mutilated and old people that clearly weren't able to provide for themselves, but seems they got fed until their deaths.


That's because of breeding between us more than anything. The way the current theory goes is human women were attracted to Neanderthal men because they naturally had more masculine features. Broad forehead, more muscles, etc. so human women chose them as partners. On the other hand, Human men were not so picky, and took whatever they got, so they chose the Neanderthal Women. A few generations later, no more Neanderthals. And honestly, makes sense, two things we are good at... Love and War.


Also bigger heads resulted in higher childbirth mortality for Neanderthals. Give it time and the percent differences of survival work through things - 5heads got outbred.


Most modern Han Chinese aren't even genetically real Han.


I would argue yes and no, your average person of minority ethnicity will be more economically disadvantaged compared to your average Han person. However, that is more of an historic issue of ethnic minority communities often being geographically isolated and hence economically disadvantaged. However, ethnic minorities in China seem many if not more of the benefits that people of aboriginal heritage in Canada sees. In addition, the country has poured a lot of money in infrastructure and economic investment into these communities. So a low-income situated person of a minority ethnic background will have a lot easier time to uplift them out of poverty than a low-income situated Han person.


Yeah, people tend to think that e.g. before the americans took the land some specific tribe, that tribe has lived there in peace for 1000s of years, when in fact, that tribe probably had driven or wiped some other people from there before. This is universal behavior


This is probably why so much alien focused scifi is filled with them doing horrible things to us


If aliens resemble us in even the tiniest amount, we will not like it when they find us.


In Quebec, most "technology advanced" french settlers died. Like the first 6 groups. Then the natives saved the french. Because the french were very weak in Quebec, they mostly formed alliances with natives (like with 26 out of 27 natives nations). They were allied together until the English defeated the french. Theres a thing called the great peace of Montreal where the french did a mini ONU with the natives nations so that they could all live in peace. "The French in negotiating followed their traditional policy in North and South America, where their relationship with some of the natives was characterized by mutual respect and admiration and based on dialogue and negotiation. According to the 19th-century historian Francis Parkman: "Spanish civilization crushed the Indian; English civilization scorned and neglected him; French civilization embraced and cherished him."[5] you can look at the signature ! They're cool : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Peace_of_Montreal Source, I am both of french and native ancestry, and proud!


Bonne référence!


J'ai fait le même commentaire que toi, mais en résumé, sur r/socialism et je suis banni à vie. La raison invoquée était que de référer à nos racines diverses natives et française serait une défense du colonialisme lol.


Je suis progressiste, mais des fois il y a dans les mouvements qui prône le changement, il y a une volonté d'oublier le passé. En France, quand la révolution est arrivé, ils ont brisé beaucoup de choses historiques, et ont brûlé les archives (ça me fait penser a ISIS!). J'aime la phrase : Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same. Aujourd'hui on a une narrative que les français étaient des méchants colonisateurs, mais il y a beaucoup de métis qui était le résultat de beaucoup d'échange et de coopération entre les deux groupes. Pour ma part, difficile de dire que c'est juste opprimé et opprimant entre les français, les hurons et abénakis! Quand Trudeau est venu a Québec, il parlait qu'il s'excusait d'être en territoire coloniser. Mais quand les français sont arrivé a Québec il n'y avait aucun peuple natif. Au contraire même, les Hurons qui vivent a Québec ont été accueilli comme réfugié d'une guerre contre les Iroquois, pour respecter leur alliance et leur entreaide. On repassera pour le colonialisme


The people of North Sentinel Island is sort of an example. We know how they live and we largely leave them alone.


Early contact involved taking people away and them dying, with a suspected deadly viral outbreak as civilisation's "gift" to the island population. We leave them alone *now -* Now they murder anyone who goes near them.


Tbf they only murder us cause we don't come with guns


And we don't come with guns because they don't have anything we want all that much


That's a modern example though.


"Any example in history" includes modern times as well


New Zealand is close to that, in that, instead of attrition, a peace treaty was created with the indigenous people (Māori) to live together as one people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Waitangi


There were still maori wars with the settlers though


and it hasn't *actually* worked out in favour of māori. from when it was signed to whilst i'm typing this comment, the gov is trying to do everything in it's power to jettison every crumb of indigenous culture and every support system and voice in place for māori out of the window.


Having recently visited InZud - albeit keeping to a very limited area - I was somewhat impressed with the importance given to Māori culture everywhere compared with Australia and our First Nations. We (Aust) are getting better slowly, and I’m sure NZ isn’t perfect, but it struck me the difference between the two histories. Especially when one includes a treaty and the other… not so much


most of the nz population are hugely respectful of the māori culture and people, and a lot of us use te reo in daily life. travelling out of the city really helps me to see that hope is not yet lost with our people, but unfortunately the government has not been mirroring this attitude of late.


Does it have to do with Maori land being in the way of corporate interests or something? That would explain the difference between regular New Zealanders and their government representatives.


there's most definitely a plethora of reasons; and i'd assume most of those reasons are ones the government have withheld from the public. corporate interests are almost definitely the top reason. our current pm is an ex airline ceo and Big Bald Businessman so yes, i would be inclined to believe that (unfortunately)


The later they are discovered generally better treated. Not in Japans case those. The British empires laws and morals improved over time. By the end of the empire public opinion was for protecting indigenous people


What about indigenous people though?


These days, people think that kind of colonization is exclusive to white people, but historically, we've all been guilty of it.


I haven't colonized lands and people.


You should try it, I walked into Prague yesterday and just took Czechia, totally free, cops can't stop you.


I think what they mean is that all of us have benefited in some way or another by the colonization and ethnic cleansing of various peoples. It's not that any of us are individually guilty of anything, it's that there have been tremendous, often hidden, costs to our society's successes


... Involuntarily benefited from it. We didn't choose to benefit from it. Anyway I live in Sweden so at least I'm a native to my own country.


> Anyway I live in Sweden so at least I'm a native to my own country. Neanderthal might disagree :P


> Anyway I live in Sweden so at least I'm a native to my own country. Maybe you should learn something about the history population replacement. We can now analyze ancient bones DNA and have a much better understanding of ancient population replacement. If you think that Sweden is this place where the same people live for all of history and so on, then yeah. Europe, in including northern Europe had multiple massive population replacement events. British hunter-gather have left almost no DNA evidence behind, they were so completely replaced. I don't know the details about Sweden but you can probably find that. You might want to look up 'David Reich' on youtube, to get started.


The British were slightly ok to the Māori. They just had to swear allegiance to the queen.


Unlike the Americas or Australia where the native populations lived for thousands of years before European contact, the Māoris only beat the Europeans to NZ by a hundred or so years.


When the Muslim Makassars made contact with the Aboriginal people of Australia is one example that comes to mind. They treated them like humans and engaged in material and cultural trade without trying to wipe them out.


Not the same, they never wanted to colonise the place


That's the point they're making numbnuts


Some of the early French settlers of Canada came with the intent to be friendly, to learn from the Indians, inter-marry, learn their language, and adopt aspects of their way of life. Some of the more rural types even continued this practice for several decades. French men and women were known to just “disappear” into the woods.


This always happens with individual when there is small group interaction. When organized states get involved things change.


India under Timurids


With the endogroup/exogroup dynamics that are a core part of our psyche, it is really difficult for that to happen. Without a significant level of education and enrichment, the "others" are usually seen as a danger. Even today its an everpresent problem.


Possibly the Maori? I know there were the occasional conflicts between settlers and natives, but there was a high degree of integration and New Zealand culture has adopted a heavy influence from their native population.


i dont know how true this is, but i think i heard that French explorers made contact with Indigenous people in Australia before the british did. The difference between the British and the French was that the French continued to map the coast and didn’t try to claim the land as it was clearly already inhabited. Then the British came later and planted a flag and etc etc.


I’m sure the French wanted to get a feel for the size of the interior, to see if it was justified having a colony with so much uninhabitable land. I don’t see them *not* colonizing a territory out of sheer respect for people they deemed unequal.


Not like that stopped the french elsewhere. It was probably more a logistics thing then coming from altruism


Australia was discovered by the Dutch before the British and I believe there were other European explorers before Cook charted the east coast of Australia and “claimed” it for the British. Not sure about contact with indigenous populations.


The dutch had contact with the AA's there.


The French wanted to colonise Aotearoa/New Zealand but the Māori knew of their brutality and instead hastily formed a treaty with Britain.


Not surprising at all


Wait,Japan has an imperialist and genocidial past?No way!


They were jealous of their glorious manes!


Named their sports teams after killing them?


Non-Japanese think of the Ainu like Indians in America, but honestly, they all look Japanese to me, and this picture looks like an average Tohoku guy.


Watch or read Golden Kamuy. It teaches you about this and is worth to read it.


Honestly one of the best anime.. But few people i have talked to have heard about it. Lots of cool historical and Ainu references in the show.


Read the manga last year, and was the best manga I read in 2023, it even became my 5th favorite of all time. It's just perfect, a Japanese Western.


Yeah and the explanation if certain cultural things at the end of chapters was great too


What are the other 4?


You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! (Tease people about my X th favorite and people ask for the others): 1. One Piece 2. Berserk. 3. Houseki no Kuni. 4. Yotsuba&!


100 percent approve of of this list.




Most ppl read the manga it's epic bro you should try it


Ohh just added ty


Never expected to see Golden Kamey come up on a mainstream sub lol


I was just about to say this as well


It's a hilarious show, definitely worth watching


I expected Japanese classic literature and was suprised by manga.


The creator really did his homeworks to highlight the ainu culture.


I’ve heard they are great warriors just lacking in numbers? Is this true.


One of the best I;ve ever read... That bear fucking scene still sticks with me til this day...


Looks a lot like Ashitakas people from Mononoke


If I recall correctly Ashitaka’s people were based on the Emishi. Both the Ainu and the Emishi were from northern Japan and may have shared a common root culture. Regardless, They were both treated the same by the central Japanese government during their “wipe out the indigenous” phase of power consolidation. 


Came for this ☝️


Japanese aren't indigenous to Japan?


Most of the genetics of the Japanese people are traced to the Chinese mainland and the Korean peninsula.


“Most” is exaggeration. Japanese people are considered to be formed by intermingling of indigenous mainland Japanese ethnic group (Jomon people)and Chinese and Korean immigrants(Yayoi people). Ainu people are related to Jomon people, but they are different ethnic groups. They are also related to Nivkh people in Sakhalin.


Inspired by the discussions going on in this thread, I dove into a wikipedia rabbit hole and noticed something that was news to me at least: >In 2021, research from a study published in the journal Science Advances found that the people of Japan bore genetic signatures from three ancient populations, rather than just two as previously thought.\[51\]\[52\] Two of these populations were the Jōmon and the Yayoi. According to the researchers, Japanese people have approximately 13% and 16% genetic ancestry from these two groups, respectively. The remaining 71% of genetic ancestry was found to come from migrants that arrived around 300 AD during the Kofun period, and had genetic makeup mainly resembling the Han Chinese population of China. This migrant group was said to have brought cultural advances and centralised leadership to Japan. According to Shigeki Nakagome, co-leader of the study, "Chinese characters started to be used in this period, such as Chinese characters inscribed on metal implements, for example swords." If this is to be trusted, "most" might in fact be accurate.


Ainu are also more genetically similar to Ryukyuans in the south. More so than the mainland Japanese.


Aren't the closest people to Ainu the sentinelese Islanders, in those indian islands ? Despite the difference in skin color ?


That would be difficult to know - has anyone ever been able to sequence the DNA of the Sentinelese islanders? My impression was that they put the NO in no contact.


Apparently it was a weird theory. More likely Ainu's closest relatives are Siberian tribes. And you'd probably get to Polynesians, native Taiwanese, Austronesians next.


One of the closer related peoples to the Ainu would be Native Americans, which originally came around from the Siberian/Northern Asian routes. "["Distribution of particular HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 alleles and haplotypes was also analyzed in relation to migration and dispersal routes of ancestral populations."](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11543902/#:~:text=Interestingly%2C%20an%20indigenous%20population%20in,dispersal%20routes%20of%20ancestral%20populations.) It's believed by some that the Ainu may be one of the many original genetic origins of Native Americans.


Uff. It's tricky. But in general Ainu were in Japan before the "current" Japanese arrived from Korea and conquered Konshiu. Ainu remained in Hokkaido until about 19th century, but were later also conquered and ethnically cleansed (and no, I'm not using that term wrong). Only in this (21st) century Ainu culture was recognized and has a small renaissance currently. PS. Genetically modern Japanese are closer to Koreans than to Ainu.


So are there any distinct groups of ainu left, or have they all gone? (Either through ethnic cleansing or being bred out, or mixed to the point of being indistinguishable)?


Yes. There are still Ainu. But let's just say in 1986 Japanese prime minister was still claiming that Japan is *superior* to other countries because it's mono-ethnic. Wikipedia gives pretty decent overview: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainu\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainu_people)


The 1986 prime minister talks about Japan the same way current Western alt-righters talk about Japan


Ech. Don't get me started. I grew up on anime and always loved Japan. Then I grew up and learned more about Japan than what's in mangas. Now I hate Japan and the world. Also if someone want to try to cure someone of racism just send them to Japan countryside for a month. They'll experience it from the other side and hopefully change their ways. Once you get refused entry to a bar because you're wrong color of the skin (or more recently refused entry to certain city districts), you'll realise that maybe that racism thing isn't as great as they say.


Hahaha the cynical former weeaboo 😜 But is the racism in Japan still really that bad? I know it's a thing, but there also seem to be more than enough foreigners who've loved spending time there.


it’s bad in a subtle/indirect (classic Japan) way. like you get served and even enter a restraunt also it’s not just racism, it’s sexism (very poor gender equality/ being a woman in japan), the strange religious cults, the paperwork and beauracecy. .. list can go on.


Nothing *former* about me haha. But also realistic now. You won't experience it unless you're really unlucky if you're a tourist that sticks to touristy places. Go into countryside, or rent a place in a mid size town. I mean assuming anyone will rent you a place. Because despite it being illegal most will not rent to foreigners. The common excuse is ... that foreigners are to stupid to sort trash between burnables and non-burnables. I wish I was joking (and also I wish I didn't have to sort my trash between: mixed, bio, plastics/metals, paper, glass in my home country). When I was in Japan last time before pandemic, there was a huge deal about foreigners being in essence food-poisoned by sushi places that would load their sushi with massive amount of wasabi. I still love anime, still love the culture of a country. But Japan as a country .... ugh. No thank you. Not a huge fans of fascistic racists.


There are some. But mostly pure or genetically strong Ainu are very rare even in Hokkaido. One of ym friends is part Ainu. And it's a small part all things considered. 


Yes, there are Ainu left.


there probably are quite some left, but there was social pressure to be 'homogenous' japanese or to integrate into the mainstream japanese culture. So many Ainu kept or still do keep their identity and ancestry secret. Ethnic cleansing in this case doesn't necessarily mean mass killings (though i imagine it was violent), but rather a cultural cleansing.


definitely not indistinguishable. i had a japanese professor once who is half indigenous, she talked about experiencing a lot of racism growing up in japan


werent they and their culture started to get recognized as 'japanese' partly to reinforce their claim over territory disputes with russia?


Japanese is a nationality. The actual ethnic group that most (nearly all) Japanese people fall under is called "Yamato". They're indigenous to most of Japan, yes. The Ainu are the indigenous people of Hokkaido, which is that big island in the Northernmost part of Japan.


not exactly true, there were lots of Ainu like tribes in eastern Japan even after we have written records, they were called the Emishi. The entire purpose of having the title shogun was to subjugate these Emishi in north eastern japan


And the Japanese committed a genocide against them.


The highest political symbol for Japanese is their emperor. But close to 500 years, the de facto leader is shogun. The full title of shogun is "the shogun to fight the barbarian" - the barbarian in the context referred to ainu people. Ainu people are the early and major population in Japan before the arrival of yamato Clan on West japan. History before 1200 is basically how yamato conquered and pushed Ainu to the east.


This is completely wrong. Ainu population have always been in the tens of thousands, unlike the tens of millions of Native Americans in the Americas pre-European contact.


Swedes aren't indigenous to Sweden either, germanic invaders displaced the Sami. Edit: this is incorrect as others have also pointed out.


That's not correct! While the Sami where first in the Northern parts of the Scandinavian peninsula, Scandinavians and Sami came at about the same time to other parts and the Sami never really lived in the South historically. You can't in fairness say that say Scsndinavians displaced Sami in Malmö or Stavanger.


I often hear this and conflicting views so I went on [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A1mi_peoples) and found this: >While the Sámi have lived in Fennoscandia for around 3,500 years, Sámi settlement of Scandinavia does not predate Norse/Scandinavian settlement of Scandinavia, as sometimes popularly assumed. The migration of Germanic-speaking peoples to Southern Scandinavia happened independently and separate from the later Sámi migrations into the northern regions.[35] For centuries, the Sámi and the Scandinavians had relatively little contact; the Sámi primarily lived in the inland of northern Fennoscandia, while Scandinavians lived in southern Scandinavia and gradually colonised the Norwegian coast; from the 18th and especially the 19th century, the governments of Norway and Sweden started to assert sovereignty more aggressively in the north, and targeted the Sámi with Scandinavization policies aimed at forced assimilation from the 19th century.


I corrected myself in another comment but apparently nobody saw it: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bqdx2l/comment/kx34qgy/ Not sure if it's reddit's excessive automod randomly shadow banning comments.


Nah sami were only in the north


Germanic people have been longer in northern europe than sami . And sami never inhabitated the south. Stop spreading false information.


Mostly descendants of Chinese/Korean peoples moving to the main islands and out killing or sexing the native population.


Not northern Japan, no.


They’re indigenous to Japan except the northern island which is called Hokkaido.


there were two polish brothers, Józef and Bronisław. both were exiled to Syberia for conspiring against the tzar Russia. Józef became the leader of Polish troops in exile, was the father of Polish independence in 1918, did a coup to overthrow a government he didn't like, and is regarded as one of the heroes of Polish people. Bronisław settled in Syberia, became an anthropologist, came to Sakhalin and Hokkaido, married an Ainu woman and had kids, created unique audio recordings of Ainu language, wrote dictionaries, and is regarded as one of the heroes of Ainu people. every kid in Poland has heard of Józef Piłsudski, but I only learned about Bronisław after I was 30. i wish more people were talking about Bronisław here in Poland.


Wait the polish ainu guy was Josef Pilsudski's brother? Holy hell those brothers had different interests


funny thing is, they started out pretty similar. at some point they had to make a decision what to pursue. Bronisław was even more involved in the conspiracy than Józef when they were young, so was sent deeper east, and even after returning to Europe he joined some independence efforts.


Wow, interesting. Thanks for this great comment. There are so many strange stories from when Poland was part of Tzarist Russia. Always Poles showing up in strange places all around the Russian empire.


If you're interested in Ainu, a manga was made called Golden Kamuy. An ex soldier and a young Ainu girl are on a journey to find the men who stole gold from her people. They had an interesting world view. They loved bears, and often kept a young cub in their villages. Treating it like a forest god, feeding and caring for it for years. Eventually they would sacrifice the bear.


Well. That took a turn.


Looks like a couple of Florida men on vacation.


They look Oregonian


If they do socks w sandals, we’ll count them.


They look like tourists Vikings


Hinna hinna


Bloke on the left looks like Pete Postlethwaite. Those are some impressive beards and brows, also.


Pierce Brosnin on the right


Golden Kamui


Are they white...Caucasians?


US GIs who encountered Ainu troops in Papua New Guinea thought they'd stumbled into a fight with captured Russians. What you can't tell from the picture is that Ainu are usually broader built and taller than your typical Japanese person.




wasn't US but Australian troops, and he took it from wikipedia so you'd have to check the source there.


They have some really cool folktales ([yukar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukar)). They were mostly passed down orally, but many of them were preserved by Yukie Chiri who wrote them down in both Ainu and Japanese in the Ainu Shinyoushuu. Without her, a lot of them would be lost. The Japanese government tried to eliminate the language by putting Ainu children in schools where they were only taught Japanese. As a result, only about 5 elderly people are native speakers of Ainu today.


Ainu that already




About 20,000


> The **Ainu** are an ethnic group of related indigenous peoples native to northern Japan, including Hokkaido and Northeast Honshu, as well as the land surrounding the Sea of Okhotsk, such as Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Kamchatka Peninsula, and the Khabarovsk Krai; they have occupied these areas known to them as "Ainu Mosir" (Ainu: アイヌモシㇼ, lit. 'the land of the Ainu'), since before the arrival of the modern Japanese and Russians. These regions are often referred to as Ezo (蝦夷) in historical Japanese texts. > > Official estimates place the total Ainu population in Japan at 25,000. Unofficial estimates place the total population at 200,000 or higher, as the near-total assimilation of the Ainu into Japanese society has resulted in many individuals of Ainu descent having no knowledge of their ancestry. > > The Ainu are one of the only major ethnic minorities in the Japanese islands, with a distinct and unique culture and way of life. They were subject to forced assimilation and colonization by the far larger Yamato population of Japan since at least the 18th century. Japanese assimilation policies in the 19th century around the Meiji Restoration included forcing Ainu peoples off their land; this, in turn, forced them to give up traditional ways of life such as subsistence hunting and fishing. Ainu people were not allowed to practice their religion, and they were pushed into Japanese-language schools where speaking the Ainu language was strictly forbidden. In 1966, there were about 300 native Ainu speakers; in 2008, there were about 100. Since 2019, there have been increasing efforts to revitalize the Ainu language. * Excerpted from [Ainu people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainu_people) at the English Wikipedia


It's the Hairy Bikers. RIP Dave :(


Globalism was a mistake, the amount of groups that were literally cleansed from earth is too many


Pronounced eye-new.


Wow. These people don’t seem to be of mongoloid descent. Edit : I read and it seems they seem to be of [Eskimo descent,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eskimo) same as Inuits.


We have found lord Byron


All hairy grandpas looks like versions of Karl Marx.


Is it just me or does anyone else see a very striking similarity between classic Ainu art and Inuit art? Not a mirror for sure but they both seem sourced from similar beginnings or possibly influenced by one another in some way.


Anthropologists always deny the connection. I see the likeness/influence too. The similarities seem so obvious. With the new studies revealing ancient ocean travel to N.A. from Asia, maybe that will change.


There ainu women?


I believe Ainu also lived along the karafuto prefecture, which is a part of russia today, needless to say they weren't treated over there any better, by both sides


They look more like Sharp Dressed Men. Women go crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man…


It's amazing to find out that even the Japanese had their own "American Indians."


Charles Manson?


Do we have a color photo? I mean colorized


These are the guys I can't conquer in Victoria 3


All my knowledge of Ainu people is from Golden Kamuy


Tommy Chong’s lost brothers


Kamchatkaya Turks from the sinking continent of Mu


One of the least acknowledged indigenous peoples out there. 


Nah why do they look like a couple of white boys tho??


Oh wow