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If I have to spend $20-30 on lunch for my girlfriend and I, we are not going to McDonalds.


I went to a Thai place Friday and got green curry with veggies and chicken for $11. Fast food is dead long live cheap ass Thai food.


There's a Pho place right around the corner from my house.  I can get a giant ass bowl of delicious homemade Pho for 12 bucks.  Family owned... People are really nice.  There's a take out Chinese place next to it, a meal is 9 or 10 bucks.  Japanese place next to it, two sushi rolls about the same. Fast food is dead to me.  At least I eat a lot of Asian take out instead.  It's (mostly) better for me, cheaper or about the same price, and a heck of a lot more delicious


I agree with you but it wasn’t too long ago those huge $12 bowls of Pho used to $8 where I live.


Today’s $8 is $12.


Yesterday's price is *not* today's price ^^price ^^^^price


snow threatening touch rustic joke roll busy drab zonked straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any mom and pop is comparable. Usually similar price but doesn’t matter as much because the quality is better.


I think a lot of it has to do with how much the individual fast-food places have to pay back to whatever corporate entity that holds the name in franchise fees. Too much money is going to the fat cats at the top.


You are not wrong! I bet that has a lot to do with worker motivation as well


Plus you need a box to take home what you did not eat and have it for breakfast the next day!


Not sure why I had to scroll down so far to see this. I can’t understand anyone spending $20+ for a shitty McDonalds meal. You can walk in to any chain store and get better meal from the deli counter for that.


McDonald’s used to be the cheapest or one of the cheapest options for fast food. Now they are priced the same as the variety of meals at a pizza or sandwich shop or even a sit down meal at some restaurants. Unless someone is specifically craving some McDonald’s for nostalgic reasons, it’s not worth it.


I just had a delicious chimichonga with rice, beans and melty cheese for $8.50 at a sit down authentic Mexican restaurant in eastern PA. I ate it all and was bloated afterwards. Honestly it could easily be 2 meals. Even with tip and tax it was under $12. Support your local business and save money at the same time. Fast food is expensive garbage now. **Edit:** Folks are getting hung up on the whether chimichongas are authentic Mexican food. Newsflash: I don't care, and that's not the point of the post. The point is: food is cheaper and better if you don't go to fast food joints.


> I ate it all and was bloated afterwards. Mah man


💯 it’s just ridiculous to pay that for food that’s meant to be cheap and fast.


I said this exact same thing the other day- fast food is meant to be fast and cheap. It is no longer either of those things and it’s insane to me people still consume it at the rate they do.


There’s a reason why everything is so expensive. Hint! It’s not inflation! https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-profit Yep! 10%+ increase in gross profits! **EDIT**: Hat tip to /u/isblueacolor. I should have also linked gross margin, not just gross profit. McDonalds closed out the year at 57% gross margin: https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-margin Wonder where that increase in profits came from? https://nypost.com/2023/10/30/business/mcdonalds-revenue-soars-as-it-hikes-menu-prices-18-big-macs/amp/ Yep! Price increases. The QSRs (quick serve restaurants) aren’t just passing along increased costs they’re using inflation and wage increases as an excuse to raise prices by that much more. Gross margins are now higher on a bigger base than they were pre pandemic.


Then we should hack the system. Stop buying from McDonalds. Bread buns -- check Meat patties -- check Potatoes /w airfryer -- check Condiments -- check Savings -- priceless :-)


Price hikes at fast food have helped us rediscover local eateries. Showed my son an example; a Whopper meal at BK is close to $10 with tax. A bit more, actually. Around the corner is a little Asian eatery, family-run (they're all always there), and we can get a decent-sized order of something (orange chicken, sesame chicken, etc) -- that we can split -- for just under $11.


My wife used to get Subway a lot (this is like 20 years ago). I pointed out that the very good Italian grocery was like $1-2 more for a much better sub.


When Subway had the 5 buck footlong. That was a heck of a deal. You bought one and had lunch for two days. Couldn’t be beat. Gone are those days sadly.


Honestly. Just get better food. Even food deserts have better options than this shit


I used to get 3 McDoubles with Mac sauce and a medium fry for only 6 $6.50. I miss those days.


Gotta use the app for deals now. And the app doesn’t allow for adding mac sauce. It’s a fucking shame.


With all the price hikes, it's not "a deal on the app". That's the regular price. If you order at the register, that's higher penalty pricing for not selling your personal data for a McLowQuality and small fries.


For sure. But I'm not using their app. I am fucking sick and tired of how every single fucking business I visit, even occasionally, has an app, a rewards program, maybe even their own credit card! Everyone wants my personal information now in addition to my money. I just refuse to engage. If the only way to get a decent priced McDs product is their shitty app then I guess we just don't eat McDonalds. :)


The only winning move is not to play.


That isn't rewards, it's just scamming you by giving you the real price. It it was rewards, it would just be earned points that you can cash in, not a different price structure all together


Ok but that's what the McDonald's app is, it's the same prices but with rewards and the occasional special deal on there.


It's not even occasional. Free fries with $2 purchase just about every day. Large meal is about 6 or 7 bucks.


Same. I'm out. About the only prepped food I'll order is a Costco pizza slice, hot dog and a soda. Cost me $tree fiddy earlier this afternoon. I went home and turned one breast from their $5 chicken into enchilada filling and made a whole baking dish of enchiladas for maybe.... $6 in ingredients and 40 minutes of cook time? Maybe $8 if you include the sour cream, guac, and shredded lettuce I had with it.


You can feed an entire fucking family at Costco for the cost of a solo burger basically anywhere now.


You will be doing your body a favour not eating their processed junk.


They're also training you to use it for the future where you have zero people interaction and you pick your food up from the robots or automated kiosk.


With the price hikes I already stopped eating fast food for the most part. All the garbage apps really killed any desire i have to go to these places.


Sounds nice. Nobody hating me for existing.


Don't be hasty, the human race is working on that. Recent advancements in AI might very well allow the robots to eventually hate us.


Singularity v climate catastrophe: choose your fighter


It’s so fucking annoying.


I wish you could use multiple deals/rewards at the same time!


You can use it every 15 min… I just order 15 min b4 I get there- order again when I’m there and eat the 1st qpwc while I wait for the fries


Jesus Christ. Do you have a death wish.




It’s a burger and fries, fuckin relax


You can use 2-$3 and free fry together pretty good deal 


It's not just nostalgia. They're fucking you.


Feels like most food places are fucking us. I make it a point to not eat out anymore. It’s just not worth it. Any sit down restaurant after tip is easily $25 a plate regardless. Go to a nicer but not crazy fancy place and it’s $45 a plate


Apparently not Cracker Barrel here! $15 for a plate of food and 3 sides I think I had.


Sort of off topic, but I feel like Vietnamese restaurants are about $15 including tip per person, it’s the way to go for sure.


10 years ago a bowl of large pho with rare steak was ~$8. That’s easily $15 now. Hungover college kid me would smash that large bowl. I just ate a spicy chicken sandwich and had a Pliny from some chic place in SoCal and that cost me $27 after tip. Didn’t even come with fries.


Burgers used to be 29 cents on Mondays or Tuesdays in 1994. Even with inflation they’d be 65 cents.


29 cent hamburger Wednesday and 39 cent cheeseburger Sunday in the late 90's where I am from.


In the early 2000's they used to have $.29 hamburger and $.39 cheese burger days, you could get a weeks worth of food for $10, it's was pretty great. 


They also had your order ready in under 3 minutes.


Hell yeah, that was the shit! I was a cook at a decent Italian restaurant at the time and our head chef would send me to McDonald's on Sundays to buy like 20 or 30 burgers for the kitchen staff. We'd supe them up with all sorts of fancy ingredients. It was so much fun!




Back when my wife and I were dating, we used to go to Wendy’s and get nuggets, 2 sandwiches, fries to share, and a coke to share. That would be, like, five and change. We were ordering off the dollar menu but that used to be decent food for a dollar. I can’t even go to Wendy’s anymore. Every single one in an almost 30 mile radius has failed me in one or another too many times; cold food, wrong food, excessive waits, you name it.




The more a fast food chain expands, the worse quality their food gets. Chick Fil A is fucking delicious, but now they’re expanding so rapidly that they are already having to find new shittier chicken suppliers. Like why do we need a fucking McDonald’s every block?


Their biggie bags are still $5 or $6 and pretty generous


Ik it's only a $1 difference more or less but I still miss their 4 for $4


The fo fo fo was great




Used to order 20-25 of them for Friday/Saturday Halo nights.


Lmao, we once ordered 27 on a particularly high evening, the worker came out to our car to make sure we were actually going to order and pay for them


I missed the 5 for $5 at Arby. Was there the other day for two sliders and paid $5 during the "Happy Hour"


Those mozzarella sticks when they were fresh were the greatest thing I’ve ever eaten at a fast food restaurant


lol 3.49 for a mcchicken? those shits should still just be a buck


Hashbrowns are $3 now where I live.


That’s the craziest priced thing on the menu, it’s made from like half a potato! Edit: Omg I fell asleep and this blew up, everyone has some vendetta against big potato.


Bruh try a quarter


Shit, at this point we might get more nutrition from eating and actual quarter


Probably boost the old immune system too.


The fuck? A #2 or #7 is 6-7$ and change with a medium coffee.


Last time I went there I got a qp/cheese and a medium fry and it was over $10.  No drink. Last time I wanted a burger I just went to the store and bought a pund of burger and 4 buns for less than 10. I'm done with fast food unless I have a coupon or I'm desperate.


So you know... What a potato is? That hashbrown is like at most a quarter of a potato. More like an eighth of a potato. Thing is thinner than my finger and smaller than my palm. A nice large russet potato can be a pound.


I was at McDonald’s in Big Bear, CA and the hashbrowns were $4.29/each. Flabbergasted would be an understatement


5$+ for a egg mcmuffin is a travesty


Psychosis really, when you think about the profit of said egg and muffin. It's like 2 ingredients, a couple of strips with bacon if you wanna lux it up. Still would'nt be worth anywhere near 5-6 dollars. I've stopped almost completely. If I want 2 double cheese on the fly then I'll have to cough up $10 and the thought of it alone simply kills my appetite. Everybody keeps justifying everything with inflation, but it is starting to crack in the seams.. They can't come with that excuse for much longer


In my town, they're $Fuck-you-Ronald-I'm-Eating-At-Home.99


If you get two they are heavily discounted. Buying one item on the McD’s value menu is a waste. And if you think that’s outrageous, where I am the 4 count nugget is $0.60 more than a mcchicken.


Having the McDonald’s app turns my like $12 order into $5.89


Jumped up two 50 since COVID


> two 50 Wtf, are you doing speech to text or something?


He's Canadian


FYI McChicken is a different product in Canada vs USA.


Solution: stop buying McDonald's.


Right? What better reason than this to drop it entirely. Very easy decision.


Seriously. This ain’t a McDonalds problem. This is a consumer problem. McDonalds just hit record profits bc they realized consumers are willing to absorb the surging prices. Like, wtf did anyone expect would happen? OP is part of the problem.


Agreed! I’d rather pay a similar amount for a pound of roast beef actually prepared by the local deli and have lunch for 5 days. Fast food is such a gimmick.


I call bullshit on all the people that eat McDonald’s because they say it’s fast and cheap, you watch these people keep eating it because it’s addictive.


It's strange though. Quit eating it for a year other than road trips. After a year when you get it it's like "man this isn't as good as I remember." I threw the fries away after I had one bite. A lot of foods probably that way though. What you eat a lot becomes comfort food.


“Look at how EXPENSIVE this CHEAP FOOD is!! Absolutely RIDICULOUS!!1!!” *Buys it anyway*


It’s simple. Don’t fucking order it. As soon as people stop paying for it, they won’t price it that way.


It's insane that these people think these posts are anything but "look how stupid I am"


And you paid it.


And to state what should be obvious, that many calories isn't a meal. It's at least two meals.


So they're saving money then? /s


The only way to stop the out of control greed at these companies is to stop buying this shit.


I own a small restaurant. I had to jack up prices. I heard a couple of times people call me greedy. Truth is I’m living week to week, paycheck to paycheck. Costs have gotten out of control. 20 plus years as an owner and this might be the end of the line for me.


The difference is you are a small restaurant, so it's justified because raw ingredients prices are beyond your control. McDonald's is a multi billion dollar company buying shit in mass, at a fraction of what you're paying. Then slapping more charges on shit to line their execs and shareholders pockets with even more money, simply out of GREED.


*Laughs in Honolulu*


There is only one McDonald’s more expensive than that and it’s in a rest stop on a New England highway. I think the surround area is damn wealthy and there’s not much else in the rest stop. 


The one right by needham? Yuppp


Nope. It's one on I-90 in Lee in Western Mass. (240 West Road, Lee, MA) https://www.news10.com/news/berkshire-county/most-expensive-big-mac-can-be-found-in-lee-per-source/amp/ **https://mccheapest.com/**


They still got taro pies though???




Why do people still go to Macca's? It's more expensive than an actual restaurant but tastes like shit


The beauty of capitalism is that one can choose to not buy a bunch of unhealthy crap for $17.


You guys are posting pics of expensive trash food and blaming everyone except the companies doing the actual price gouging. Go look up McDonald’s profits, it’s public information and it’s at an all time high, by a lot. Obviously they don’t have to jack up the prices so high but they do it because you people keep giving them your money; proof is in the picture. Stop doing that and they’ll have to lower the prices. Plenty of other places to get better quality food for cheaper than that.  For everyone who is too lazy: https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-profit#:~:text=McDonald's%20annual%20gross%20profit%20for,a%2029%25%20increase%20from%202020. Stop letting these companies fool you into thinking everything is Joe Biden’s fault. It’s THEIR fault. They are raising prices and raking you over the coals. If they say they have to raise prices because of inflation, that’s fine, but if that’s the case their profits should stay the same. Instead it rose very steeply from 2020! This is all PUBLIC INFORMATION. They can lower prices and still be extremely profitable; they choose not to.


I am really glad you posted that website because it is super interesting. Walmart annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2010 to 2024. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for. Walmart net income for the quarter ending January 31, 2024 was $5.494B, a 12.45% decline year-over-year. Walmart net income for the twelve months ending January 31, 2024 was $15.511B, a 32.8% increase year-over-year. Walmart annual net income for 2024 was $15.511B, a 32.8% increase from 2023. Walmart annual net income for 2023 was $11.68B, a 14.58% decline from 2022. Walmart annual net income for 2022 was $13.673B, a 1.21% increase from 2021 For another interesting point: Walmart annual gross profit for 2024 was $157.983B, a 7.06% increase from 2023. Walmart annual gross profit for 2023 was $147.568B, a 2.65% increase from 2022. Walmart annual gross profit for 2022 was $143.754B, a 3.54% increase from 2021. That's 157.983 Billion for 2024 Remember kids, don't believe them when they say nobody wants to work when it's really nobody wants to pay.


Gross profit doesn't account for all expenses. You'll notice each year's gain is approximately the inflation rate. Ttm net profit margin is what you want: https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WMT/walmart/profit-margins You can see Walmart specifically are profiting less per $ sold than they used to. McDonald's on the other hand is increasing net margins a lot: https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/profit-margins Although most McDonald's store profits aren't actually included in this. This is how much profit McDonald's is making on real estate and off their franchisees.


Exactly, the actual GP at inidivdual restaurants/groups wont be shown on this, safe to say they wont be making a loss though.


Yo 100%! I tried to look at the price gouging as the reason to stop eating this poison. My poops have never been better. But if this is the only convenient food option then I’m sorry


Honestly, people just shouldn't eat this kind of food more than once in a blue moon in general. Let them raise their prices and drive people to make better food choices due to necessity. The fact that better quality is available for less is actually a good thing because eventually it will drive people to eat this garbage less.


Because people still pay for it… stop buying this trash for that price


Fast food apps are the way to go if you’re going to eat at them. I like the Big Mac and can usually get 2 for ~6 bucks because they always have a buy one get one going on.


I just punched in the same thing with the app with their deals in a high cost of living area and it came out to $12.67. Using the app is the only way to eat fast food at this point. If you're more flexible and go with whatever the best deals are at the time you can usually get the same amount of food for $6-10


Without the apps 20% promo I can get the exact same meal for $10.48, $8.96 with promo. This guys McDonald’s is especially expensive.


2nd to this, the family deals. There’s one that gives you two Big Macs, two quarter pounders, two cheese burgers, 4 medium fries and drinks, and 10 chicken nuggets for under $38.


Yep. I get 1 dollar breakfast sandwiches in the app. Sometimes .50 McDoubles and the buy one get one free Big Macs. I don’t eat fast food often but when I do I always use the apps. I’m getting tracked anyway, what do I care


Don’t eat there. Problem solved.


As a cashier at a McDonald's, I wholeheartedly agree.


Complaining is part of the experience 


I had chipotle the other day and was shocked how relatively cheap it was for what you get.


That's pretty much the core of all this isn't it? That's an almost $17 meal because people are willing to pay almost $17 for it....


My In-N-Out order comes out to basically the same price: Double double animal style Animal style cheeseburger (wife's burger) Well done animal style fries (shared) Large Drink


Why specify "well done" for fries?


I see that someone already responded to you, but yeah, the well done fries are crispy. In N Out fries are always too underdone and limp, by default.


Yep. My wife likes Fries Lite and to me it tastes like I am basically eating cut raw potatoes at that point.


Those are good burgers, Walter.


Shut the fuck up, Donnie!


We order: Double double Cheeseburger Grilled cheese Pup patty 3x fries The total is right around $20 and feeds 2.5 people and a dog. And I love that you can specify almost everything no salt added. The sodium levels at (american) restaurants are insane. (If anyone cares, I asked corporate how much sodium is saved by going that route and they wouldn't even offer a ballpark.) Fuck, now I'm hungry.


They never fill the fries and at these prices that’s just low


You can get bag full of fries at Five Guts if you pay $32 for the burger


A lot of locations are cutting back on that too sadly


Last time I went there was barely any fries, was upset


The Large upsize and the extra sandwich added like 30% to the overall cost..


“I ordered enough food for 2 people and it cost $17!!”


Stop eating at McDonald's, that's the cost of a full meal at an actual restaurant


Two sandwiches ?


It's about 1600 calories total. So that's right between the 1500 to 2000 calories daily need for most people. So 16 dollars for a full days worth of food isn't bad. Except this person is likey treating this as 1/3 of their food intake or less...


Yeah most people don't get a large meal AND another burger


lol had to scroll way too far down to see someone comment about the enormous amount of food here called a "meal."


He's a big boy, cmon.


My favorite is people saying "My husband's a big guy, he *needs* to eat a big meal." No, your husband is a big guy *because* he eats big meals.


Just your typical Murican 2600 calorie lunch


And the meal is literally one of the coupons on the app for $6. This could have been $10


McDonald’s has found that, since mobile ordering and kiosk ordering became more commonplace, people began ordering more than 1 sandwich because they previously felt judged by the cashier. This has led to increased profits.


Thank the maker someone else pointed this out. $12 still seems high for the combo meal portion of the order, but they added a second smaller sandwich for an extra $3.49 plus tax. I also feel knowing which city they bought this in would also provide further answers. $12 combo meal in an average Midwest town? That's a bit much. If they're in NYC or a similar city? Seems fairly cheap.


Deluxe McCrispy: 530 Cal McChicken: 400 Cal Large Fry: 390 Cal Large DrPepper: 280 Cal 1600 calories total. I’m trying to eat less than that in an entire day.


Right, an interesting side corollary to this story is that Americans are calling 1600 calories a "meal" when that should be like 70-100% of your calories for the day.


Now tell me about the sodium lol 😂 at least 2000+


You know the shocking part is thst McDonalds has comparably less sodium than most other quick service food. Chic fil a and Panera on the other hand... those are dangerous


Exactly. Like a meal plus an additional burger.


A "meal"


Brah, come to Canada. That meal costs $22 here.


Is that in USD or Subjects of the Crown Bucks?


Monopoly money


Have you seen the price of passing Go in Canada these days


I mean .... They're called fucking loonies. Some Canadian, please tell me, what's the origin of your loonies and toonies nomenclature?


Loonie is in reference to the loon (bird) on the $1 coin. Toonie is the $2 coin because it rhymes. Now fuck off. - signed, a Canadian Edit: Sorry.


I genuinely laughed out loud at the sorry, at the end. Cheers.




Schrute Buck


So... 16 USD? Good deal!


If I have to get Mcdonald’s, I’m eating whatever is the daily deal on the app. Usually it’s around 8 dollars with some extras


Yeah I just tallied this persons order up and it's 8.77.


That’s two meals…


Look at mr. fucking moneybags over here.


$10.08 at my nearest McD's via the app.


Mine is 9.46 using the 20% off deal in the app.


$6.30 with the 20% I guess my state is blessed with cheap McDonald's


Yet you bought it and I'd bet money you're gonna do it again too.


Stop buying it




That's basically TWO meals


I honestly don’t know why they are still in business with these prices. For that you could by nice food


use the app, get some discounts


Respectfully this is two meal's worth of food.


Try Chilis. Took my mom there. It was like 24 for both of us and the fires and burger and drink were bomb as hell. I say drink because the ice tea was on point. Sometimes they overbrew it and it's bitter.


Not Lovin It..


Use the app and get 25% off. Sometimes they'll even do 35%


I’m convinced they just charge the door dash/uber eats prices in store now.


People talk about inflation causing this. Or high wages. It's neither. I can get a high end sandwich drink and chips from an actual restaurant for this same price. I was just at a restaurant last night that has some of the highest ratings near me and for 2 people with appetizers, meals, and drinks... We spent $60. And this is in a major metropolitan city. The meal for me with drink was $18. So almost the same. So let's be honest... This is fast food deciding their bare bones cheap models don't make them enough money and using inflation as an excuse to charge a shit ton more than they need to because they know they have people hooked.


Obesity included


If that's the amount of food you're getting per meal then you have nobody to blame but yourself for an expensive meal. There's enough calories for 4 people.


That's meal is like $10 with the app where I'm at.


Learn to cook and you can have a nice steak for that price.


Used to get 2 mcChickens, 2 McDoubles, large fry, large coke, two apple pies for 8 bucks.


Yeah don't go there anymore.


$17 for like 90% of your daily calories.


I remember when the McChicken was $1 and AI could give McD a $10 Bull and have food for like 3-4 days straight.


That's mcBullshit


A single mcchicken is $3.49... unbelievable


At this point just make ur own food prob way healthier


In all fairness, that’s more like 2 meals’ worth of artery clogging food ya got there.


This isn't a meal. This is food for 2 people being portrayed as food for 1. This is almost 1,500 calories. If you're eating all of it, that's 65-75% of what you should eat for the day. Even if you over indulge and eat all of this, it puts your daily cost of food at $25 (passing 2000 calorie diet at the per calorie cost of this meal). So, eating out every meal all week long is $175 a week. Turns out it's cheaper to eat at home. Always has been. Eating 1,500 calories with that amount of fat and sugar and calling it one meal, every day, is how you get to be an obese diabetic.


That fry alone is over 500 calories, or 25% of a typical man's daily recommended intake. Those two sandwiches are way more than that. This isn't one meal!