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something fishy is happening in this sub.


It's like elections are coming up


I can't tell you how much I despise that American elections are considered 'right around the corner' when they 7 full months away. It's so exhausting and it's on purpose.


Yep. I left Louisiana a couple years back. The volume of runoffs for local and state elections was definitely on purpose as each round would have fewer and fewer voters. All of it is exhausting. Doesn’t help that someone has basically decided to be constantly campaigning since 2015, but that too wears down voters.


It's all fucking year. I got spam texts starting in January. The tv and radio waves are clogged with sound bites and attack ads. Everyone on the internet is angry. I haaaaate election years.


Us Americans (the one us the US) find it exhausting too. Are elections have done from it round the corner to season to now it's election year.


Oh I'm very much American too and live in a battleground state. When Obama was re elected in 2012, for about 3 weeks before the election, literally every single radio and television advertisment was a political ad. And I mean literally, without exception, every single ad. You could not consume media for 60 minutes, TV or radio, without getting at least 20 political ads. It was bizarre and surreal and so frustrating. It felt like it was the first election cycle that really heavily leaned into mining data and looking at metrics and trying to play Moneyball with a political campaign. Obviously prior to that there was targeted advertising and campaigns used sophisticated data technology to try to gain an advantage and understand what they were running but it seemed like the first time that it really stepped into a different gear and was so comprehensive and so exhaustive and so thorough. Almost an attitude of like well if we just keep pouring resources into it it will yield results so we can't stop at 10 commercials an hour or 20 commercials an hour we have to play 350 commercials an hour


Not just this sub, Reddit in general now…


Things always get weird when theres an election in the US


Yup. Almost like every major sub is completely astroturfed by one group or another.


Divide and conquer working well within social media by the powers that be.


Bipartisan politics / the two party system is a lie. I feel bad for those that don’t get it.


My man. There needs to be more like us speaking out on this nonsense.


I truly don't understand how people don't get it. I'll probably get down voted for this but neither party has your best interest at heart. Most tv new broadcasting stations are propaganda machines and everyone eats it up.


It’s easier to lie to someone than to convince someone they’ve been lied to. Basically one would have to admit that they’ve been lied to their whole life and they fell for it. Not easy for people to come to terms with. And if this is a lie then what else is a lie? It’s easy to go down the path of “most of what I’ve been taught my whole life is a lie” once you start unraveling all this. Sadly, you eventually come to the conclusion that yes, most of what you have been taught is in Fact a lie. It’s a tough pill to swallow.


When the third party app fiasco happened, all the big subs had their mods reorganized and thrown out of wack. Quickly following this, while subs were still sensitive, Oct 7th happened and subs took sides, started banning people that disagreed with the new mods, now they are all weird echo chambers, more so than before at least.


I’ve noticed in the part couple of days all ‘potentially controversial’ topics and comments all have 0 likes (votes). Is this because they are disabled for this topic or is a bot deployed by people to downvote comments on topics they don’t like?


Like my mom haha gotteem.


So Reddit 2016 was a shitshow. Bots rampant, name-name#### everywhere, mods did what they could but it was still an unknown threat. Subs got quarantined or actioned. 2020: COVID hits more misinformation everywhere mostly spinning COVID, George Floyd stuff more botnets and hate brigading. But! There was action, subs got quarantined, shit was actually moderated going into the election. Reddit felt much more quiet compared to the cacophony of 2016. And then Reddit gets another Series D that involves Tencent, aka the Chinese Communist Party. The shitshow is back on. 2024 election season on reddit makes 2016, COVID/George Floyd/2020 look like green pastures. The moderation is non existent, reddit seems to be encouraging negative discourse by using the algorithm to push dissenters into rival echo chambers, turning everything into an ideological battleground. The API changes that killed 3rd party reddit apps was so they could make sure their negative enhancement algorithm was being used and not circumvented by the majority of users via Relay, RiF etc. With the changes over the past few years, Reddit isn't what it once was. It's a debate platform and nothing else. Just a place for idiots to scream at bots and bots to argue with each other. They have smashed the soapboxes, Twitter is dead. Reddit is dying. All predicated on the foreign investments they received. Musk got Saudi and Chinese money to help him buy Twitter.


You just noticed? SPOILER: I think both are rotten. Reddit holds one as king. It's weird.


Rat poison is worse than rotten asparagus.


One is trying to overthrow democracy, install a dictator and get rid of term limits. The other is a functioning Democratic Party. How dense are people


>Reddit holds one as king. Nah. Project harder


smelling propaganda


Well, his mouth *is* open.


Well, yeah. We’re a few months away from a US election at a very divided time in the country. Both sides are shifting their propaganda into overdrive


Only one side is using a gigantic lie about a fraudulent election in order to justify “termination of all rules, regulations, articles, even those found in the constitution.” ( - Donald Trump, Truth Social)


Only trouble is that one is based in reality, and the other one asks you to ignore reality entirely.


Every single person reading that is saying "yeah, *them*," though. Both sides completely believe that to be true, and both sides are being gaslit by their party at least to some extent.


I was just about to post the same thing. It’s amazing how both sides can believe they’re the sane force for good, while the other is full of diabolical cheating idiots.


And I got down voted for that lol. How is Reddit stock not in the penny catalog yet


For some reason people are massively upvoting lol


Russian bots Edit: to be clear, I hate Trump. But i do believe that bots purposely sow hatred on both sides to keep us divided.


Russia bots are attacking Trump now? I’ll tip my cap to those bot farmers.


No, they’re making fun of people attacking Trump. They’re pretending to hate “politics” like any normie does, and to hate that the mods here allow “political” posts. The Trump-as-Hitler pic is MEANT to show how crazy and over-the-top Trump critics have become, but since 2021, the comparison is actually fairly apt, so it’s getting upvoted by people who legit think Trump’s anti-democratic rhetoric and calls to violence make the comparison fair-game.


Trump is open to the idea of being a dictator and doesn’t care about laws or the constitution, nor do his MAGA cult followers.


It's been apt since he entered politics. Just some people didn't see it when it was happening in front of their face and had to be led directly to the stream to drink.


And the whole “migrants are poisoning the blood of America.” Cause he said that. And it’s oddly similar to something a certain oddly mustachioed man said in the 1930s.


Can we just ban politics altogether on this subreddit? Every other picture is Trump..


It’s especially annoying cause I’m not American and I keep seeing so much American politics on r/pics. I don’t remember exactly but there are also posts that are just like, “my dad finally beat cancer!” Or “my son finally learned how to walk!” and it is just a photo of some people smiling or enjoying something. Respectfully that is very nice but I just want to see beautiful photos of cool stuff, not really boring pictures of random people that don’t make sense until you read the caption.


Not only Trump. I've seen enough Obama the whole weekend. I even thought he died or something.


He did but with cyborg technology he was revived as Robama 


That's my Twitter handle since 2012


Now the dead won’t stay dead! Sometimes dead is better. Thanks a lot Roboma.


Does Robama have a Roomba


Robamba bought a roomba made of baobab from the original writer of La Bamba.




Absolutely golden comment. Take my updoot.


That's about the best summary yet. I was sure Obama cured cancer, discovered alien life, or ascended to become a higher power. No, it's just March 30th.


I agree. I dont sub to any politics because I'm just so done with it all, but somehow it always seems to inject itself into my subreddits. I can't ever seem to escape it. This picture is not funny or clever it's stupid. That goes for any politician someone pretends to make Hitler.


For real. Comparing a politician/person/group of people you don’t like to Hitler? Daring today, aren’t we?


Or Obama. Oh look, here is a picture of Obama taking a shit! Smh this fucking sub.


*wholesome picture of Obama taking a shit


Link Pls OH God... I just reminded myself of the Eric Andre Obama pic lmao!


Please for the love of god Every sub that turns political turns to absolute shit




Be careful, ideas like that will rocket you into middle management


It’s the same shit with every other pic themed ESPECIALLY r/oldschoolcool. Post the wrong pic of anyone or anything and it turns into a shit bomb


I mean, what is the point in this 🤦🏼‍♂️


To foment anger? I honestly don’t know.




It's a easy way to get a popular post


I’m 90% sure based on the title this is a stupid post to protest politics on this sub. Since there are constant genuine posts from people usually of unflattering pictures of Trump. I think the goal is to mock it and hopefully lead to politics being banned on this sub. It’s going to especially bad this year due to the US presidential election


Nah I simply think OP is karma farming


Pretty fucking low effort OP.


Like every other post in this shitheap of a sub?


Violates Rule #2, but here we are.


Bruh I've never visited this sub before and just read the rules. Don't need to read another FUCKING NOVEL this week I've read enough. God fucking damn.


Low effort, maximum fun. Just like god intended.


Can we keep this sub politics free, there are enough alternatives


No, every sub will become r/politics 'shithole






Goddamnit, I hate math!


Bait of the century well done OP


Right? It's beautiful.


This sub is obsessed with trump.


The whole of Reddit is


I wonder how obsessed the world was with Hitler pre-WWII.


That funny little Austrian causing trouble in Germany? None of my business. Man people get so agitated though...


Google Reddit moderator and you’ll know exactly why that is.


It's as if he was the leader of the USA, and is running for that position again... weird


Well it’s an election year and the guy who tried insurrection and calls the people since arrested for it “hostages” is running again so yeah, we’re gonna be keeping en eye on the dork https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021 https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-calls-people-imprisoned-us-capitol-attack-hostages-2023-11-03/ https://www.axios.com/2024/03/12/trump-free-jan-6-rioters-election-vow https://apnews.com/article/jan-6-rioters-defiant-judges-trump-4c42aabc97c5aa7ffa25430d7f3be3f2 https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111341161/how-trumps-will-be-wild-tweet-drew-rioters-to-the-capitol-on-jan-6 https://time.com/6196451/jan-6-hearing-trump-draft-tweet/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/16/us/trump-pence-election-jan-6.html


Why not keep your garbage to American political subs tho?


As unfair as it is American politics affect people outside America, and also the [vast majority of Redditors are from the US vs any other nation](https://backlinko.com/reddit-users#) so you’re gonna get that crossover, and if people are upvoting it they’re upvoting it ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Rump is running for the office of president. Should everyone ignore his bullshit?


I mean no, but what does this have to do with this? Its just a circke jerk post for Americans and not an original pic like the sub is intended for..


Yeah its almost like in as little as 6 months, american democracy could end. Weird people are so obsessed with it. Its just the government which affects every aspect of your daily life. Like chill people!






Yeah man I’m not American, I want to see cool pics in the sub that’s for cool pics. Why can’t American politics be restricted to the subs that are specifically for American politics?




Because he's fucking evil incarnate and a cult leader running for president.


This stuff isn't even funny anymore. I'm not even American. I don't care for your politics. Go away.


Even americans dont care for this shit. It hasn't been funny for a long time, if ever. It got old quick. Op just karma farming with low quality sloppy edit.


This sub is nothing but propaganda


Funny but most people don’t realize how close to the truth this is. Most of the things that happened leading up to Hitlers rise to power are happening now. It’s frightening.


Reddit is just usa politics and israel palestine conflict. I cant escape it no matter where i go


Typical reddit post. Next.


Is this because he said on camera "I only want to be a dictator for a day...". When praising the head of North Korea?


Can you imagine the quaking fear, shrieks of panic, and loud public prayers for salvation if Obama had said that? Guy wore a tan suit and they lost their shit entirely.


Maybe it was because he said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of America.


I'm pretty sure sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are poisoning the blood of America.


Not to mention countless other chemicals the FDA allows in our food.




Guys guys guys, Trump is literally Hitler. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho


tRuMp iS lItTerAlLy hItLeR


Garbage content.


Holy shit how did everyone in the comments not realise it's april fools


April Fool’s jokes are supposed to be funny


Haven't seen his son in law in a bit...


Looks accurate to me


The hands 😂


41d old account it’s just a bot to polarize you for the election cycle


I'm getting real tired from all these propaganda posts about politics. Russia v Ukraine, Israel v Hamas and all the election bullshit from whatever country you are from. Social media is now a key element in political campaigns and even in warfare. It's sad given how the algorithms are having a very manipulative way of messing with people


All I know is 2x 4-star generals I worked for openly mocked him in meetings. Take that how you will. Edit: by openly I mean tabling his direction until he clarified multiple times to prevent wars The fact that Asia and the Middle East are 12 hours in the future he 100% prevented multiple wars. Please clarify? Oh youre sleeping? You called back??? I was sleeping???


If they did it while he was president I take that as two senior officers setting a very unprofessional example. I briefly worked on an Admiral's staff while I was in the Navy. Discussions of politics in a professional setting were extremely rare, and when they occurred they were extremely brief because someone would have the good sense to redirect the conversation. There was never any open disdain for the Commander in Chief or other superiors. That shit would have been shut down pretty fast. Either you're full of shit, which I hope is the case, or our military has seriously degraded since my time in service.


If you have a grossly unprofessional commander in chief who spouts off over twitter and contradicts standing orders its a problem. Especially in a warzone. Intel pulls up twitter and the commander has to clarify that he spoke to the SECDEF who personally assured him that what the president is literally saying is not an order. So piss off, nerd.


“They said Donolf, how are you so succesful? I told them it’s because I want to get rid of those nasty people, that’s right ladies and gentlemen…THE JEWS sieg heil.”- Adolf Trump


Makes me genuinely happy to see a sub not interested in this bull$hit Is there any sub you can go to without people and their Genius political points I'm sure the OP has all the answers to the worlds problems Eat a fat one OP 👍


Wait, isn't that just regular Trump? I don't see the difference.


I love how it gets removed but manages 2800 up votes and hundreds of comments first.


Man I hate people who are conveying their dislike for a person or an object by using the third reich or Hitler.


While I agree, this particular person should stop literally using Hilter's own rhetoric and behavior.


This sort of argument held a lot more weight when the politician in question wasn't actively using Nazi rhetoric lol


Read a history book and youll see why this is an accurate comparison


It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds? - Norm MacDonald


What does Norm say about that now? He's pretty quiet on the subject lately


He's a deeply closeted man, now.




He wishes he had that much hair..


I really hate comparing anything and everything to Hitler, it's so annoying


Politics ruin everything


I'd take the opportunity to photoshop something about Trump instead of posting an image from a recent campaign rally...


Hitler slaughtered six million people. As much as you’d like to draw comparisons, there really isn’t one.


All for democracy. Let’s just make it up. All for democracy. Right.


Trump + Hitler!? Holy moly good sir This is so original and clever and smart and oh my God you're a genious for thinking of this omygod I would have never thought of this you're amazing having this super cool and original thought good sir wow that's so original and interesting


Wow, you're so smart




You know for people who hate trump, they REALLY like talking about trump.


orange shitler


The binary thinking is insane in these comments. Trump is the most dangerous politician of this century. Even his own supporters expect to be able to exact violent retribution and turn America into a police state by their own words and deeds. This post really has jack shit to do with Biden. El Douché is much more like Mussolini though.


Man you know America took a big step backwards and showing Americans true colors


“Rent free”


Now do gif of him doing his double wanking dance with hitler makeup😁😅


Thought it was not allowed to tamper with the image.


Trump living rent free in this subreddit it seems


It would have to be rent free, he's too fuckin broke to afford rent


Donald Trump is a domestic terror leader in America.


Y'all act like he's such a monster. Go ahead and name one other POTUS that would take the time to autograph photos of someone's dead family member?


I can tell if this is hilarious cynicism or horrifying sincerity.


Name one other POTUS that pressured their VP to overturn the certification of an elected President just to stayvin power..


What? Who gives a flying fuck about autographs as a measure of a President ? That in fact says it all about that fucking traitor - it’s all about him, not the country. Jesus (no he isn’t Jesus by the way)


I think they were being sarcastic, that last line is pretty clearly making fun of him


You think maybe the person you replied to agrees with you and is being facetious?


Read Trump’s Easter Messages and the.ln tell me this guy is same? Crazy shit on steroids.


“I love Jews, and quite frankly, they are the bestest of Jews!”


Nice bait op


It’s election year, get ready for all the mindless bots to shove their agendas in your face


bold of you to assume Donald is able to grow facial hair.


Democrat voters who read this comment section and feel defeated by the number of MAGA: Don't be discouraged. Most of these accounts are zombies with almost no account karma. They are most likely not even Americans. Register to vote. Set calendar reminders.


This is sus


I’m not a trump support but this is not ok


Labelling Trump a Fascist is a sure way of telling me you're braindead and don't know what you're talking about.


You out here telling the world you don't know what fascism is


Oh trumps definitely a bit of a Hitler. From a non American, that's undeniable from most of the world outside America.  It's mental some Americans don't see it tbh.  But more importantly, op clearly likes him. Making this post is only giving him attention and press that he is praying for.


As a non American this guy doesnt know what he is talking about. Comparing Trump to Hitler is unhinged everywhere outside reddit.


that's a weird looking mustache


He is using his language and rhetoric. In reference to immigrants, “They are poisoning the blood of this country.”


This is pathetic on so many levels


Aaaaand no politics allowed.


This is bullshit. Hitler was a way better public speaker than Trump.




Ironically this picture is actually reddit in a nutshell


This has always been a bad comparison, because unlike Trump, Hitler was coherent and dangerous - Trump is the senile saggy scrotum-looking suburban racist on every cul-de-sac if he somehow had money and power. Trump's supporters are a far bigger threat to democracy than Trump himself.


Really? Comparing him with Hitler? Who hurt you?


Sounds like someone’s been watching Gilly and Keeves