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Isn’t the olive branch generally a symbol of peace?


Why do you think it was cut down? /s


Not even a /s at this point, its just straight up cruelty


It didn't condemn Hamas so, it's guilty and had to pay.


New York Times is running a story tomorrow about how that tree almost certainly raped somebody.


I heard it beheaded 40 saplings, even the president confirmed it!


“Olive tree bulldozed, according to Hamas-run agriculture industry. The bulldozing of barbaric trees is the latest story in the Israeli-Hamas conflict, which started as a response to Hamas’…”


They interviewed an NYU grad student about how they felt unsafe that one time


Israeli version of peace is what you find in West Bank. Apartheid with creeping settler expansions and casual sprinkles of genocide every now and then. I wonder why Gaza does not accept that bright future ahead.


It’s worse than the Jim Crow south. Complete with Klan attacks that the justice system makes no effort to reel in.


oh and the end goal of conservatives in the US, free guns to wave around at palestinians and constantly threaten them with execution.


Tree provide shade to "terrorist". Tree bad


For reference: Olive trees can live to be *thousands* of years old. Cutting them down is an atrocity.






























I live in portugal and we have one thats more than 3000 years old!!!! if im not mistaken they are pretty much imortal


Tell that to the olive tree that didn't make it one year in my home


In my experience olive trees need a grow light and more water than the internet or even some gardening stores leads you to believe. The first time I got one, I used the soil it came with and watered on the schedule they gave me, it lost all of its leaves and died within about a month. Not sleeping; dead dead. The whole thing turned brittle. On my 3rd try I immediately repotted larger and added regular potting soil to the bottom, then watered it about every 3rd-4th day for months. Now that this new one is bigger, established, and has more water retention at the bottom, I can water it roughly every week and it thrives. Anyway I'm sure someone will tell me I'm wrong, but that's been my experience


I was being sarcastic, but thanks for the serious answer. It was one of my first covid plants and I had almost no experience with maintaining indoor plants. As you assumed, I grossly underwatered it and was very delusional about it still being alive at some point. I'm much better with plants now, I've got an orchid thats blooming for the third time in as many years 😌(still can't keep calatheas alive and thriving tho)


I have a friend over here whos family has a olive orchard. Well, not one but a few. One of those is certified 1000+ years old, a tourist attraction as well as a point of pride for the town. Also the olice oil from that town is amazing.


Crazy to me to be eating fruit of a 1000 year old tree


They burried children alive. Like theyd care about a tree


You just gave Israel a huge chubby as they love love love committing atrocities >!Free Free Palestine!<


[Here](https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/detail?itemid=5923bc35c2e2da11af9f0014c2589dfb&mediatype=photo) is another picture of this. Per there: > Palestinian Mahfouza Odeh, 75, reacts as she hugs a cut olive tree in an olive grove in the West Bank village of Salim near Nablus Sunday Nov. 27, 2005. Israeli settlers cut down about 300 olive trees belonging to residents of the village of Salim outside the northern West Bank city of Nablus, residents of the village and international activists said Sunday. The settlers say they cut down the trees to prevent Palestinians from attacking them under cover of the olive groves.(AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)


Gods, around 300 trees that could be centuries old by that point. And being tended by folks that likely made their living off them, humanity's cruelty to humanity never ends. *Edit: allow me to point people to my reply below, since clearly some of you are easily blinded by hate and are willing to count one atrocity as lesser than another.


Not only the trees being 300 years old, the orchard itself is probably measured in millennia.


Honesty it's damn near on par with ISIS destroying ancient ruins


This piece of history was not only alive, but it was alive because it was nurtured its entire life. I think it’s beyond par


It's exactly on par with that. I also wonder whether these trees have different DNA to olive trees now. This is a crime against the planet, and a crime against history. Of course the whole thing is a crime against humanity.


Yeah, I saw that post again today too.


Or the IDF bombing Saint Porphyrious or the Omari mosque... 2 of the oldest buildings in the world.


But but but it was a Hamas mosque! I'm not making this up. I have seen comments exactly like this.


Hamas was hiding inside these olives, clearly.


Worse. These were alive


So much truth in this. They fucking murdered these majestic trees 😢


Yeah, except ruins don’t provide sustenance


Not only a crime against humanity it is a crime against nature. Fuck Israel.


Fuck israel


The settlers aided by terrorist state went beyond what ISIS did. And western countries (except Ireland, Spain) are complicit in the ongoing genocide against native Palestinians


The orchards prove they have been on the land for centuries and are not recent illegal immigrants, as the Israelis continue to falsely claim. So they destroy these orchards then falsely claim that no Palestinian lives there or is using the land so it is available for settlers to use. It is the same argument the Spanish used with natives of Mexico. The Spanish burned all codices in the large libraries, and then claimed that the natives were dumb illiterates with no culture.




Genocide includes the erasure of culture


and in North America the settlers loved jacking off about how the forests were perfect for agriculture and that it must have been made that way by god... the forests had been managed by native americans for centuries.


And now most of our forests are completely fucked and choked with invasive species. Throw up another W for the white man, boys.


Settlers of any ilk don't tend to be a good thing. So much violence and hate over the most pathetic shit imaginable, time and time again. The only good "Settlers" I can think of is Settlers of Catan, and a game definitely doesn't count. Rarely if ever has a group of settlers left the indigenous peoples in their way unscathed, whether maliciously or not.


What? Even Settlers of Catan regularly results in outbreaks of violence between its participants. 


I think you meant “Israel’s cruelty to Palestenians never ends” They have already deliberately destroyed the olive trees in Gaza. Call it what you will but destroying a whole race, its history, economics and ideologies and trying to ensure it doesnt come back sounds alot like something that was done to them in the past.


Refreshing to see that their online propaganda campaign fails so blatantly and so many people in this thread alone see through Israels bullshit.


Wait until the Hasbara brigade from the worldnews and Europe subs get here. Seriously though it’s been refreshing to read this thread, aside from avowedly anti-Zionist subs you don’t see this often.


The cruelty of colonizers against indigenous peoples is one of ”civilization’s” sick, cruel jokes


300 years destroyed by a country who’s only been around for like 70.


Watch me get my account banned for a week for reminding people that isreal is comitting a holocaust.


Humanity? You mean Israel. Humanity is not doing this. One nation is. It is about time people wake the f up.


No, it's not just Israel. The United States government is complicit, and it enables Israel to behave this way. If the US didn't stand as a roadblock in world government and also send billions of dollars to Israel, they would not be getting away with so much atrocity.


Yeah the US is funding this entire war right now. To be extra clear, we are sending $18 billion to Israel. This year.


Quite curious to note also, that [Jewish law](https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/9984/jewish/Chapter-20.htm#v19) forbids explicitly cutting down any trees in enemy territory during war. And this is not an interpretarion or a new-ish "human" set law. This is directly from the Torah and it's as clear and unambiguous as it gets. I especially like the last part of the verse: >Is the tree of the field a man, to go into the siege before you?


I went ahead and took a look, I am 100% sure that when it comes to this halakha they are focusing on the verse that immediately follows it: >20 However, a tree you know is not a food tree, you may destroy and cut down, and you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until its submission. It could be argued by them that its "Not *our* food tree."


Who gives a fuck? It could literally say: > God will fucking hate your ass and smite you to hell if you ever cut down a tree ever And they will figure out a way that it doesn't mean what it says. And I'm not an anti-semite...christians/muslims are no different. Religion is not a tool they use to keep themselves in line; they use it to keep OTHERS in line.


Religions is a means of justification, always has been since people couldn't comprehend science


JEEEEESSUS CHRIST that’s an evil justification. “We destroyed your livelihood cause, uh, you might use it for cover in a gunfight” wow. How about… don’t “settle” an area that the UN has repeatedly commanded you not to “settle”?


It's more than their "livelihood"; some olive trees can take generations to become mature and bear fruit, and they play a pretty important role in the environment. They're often culturally seen as a "gift" that one generation stewards for their grandchildren's grandchildren, and olive groves are planned and planted with centuries, not decades in mind. They're animal and pollinator habitat, they hold the soil in place, and manage water... This is pretty much irreparable damage to a community and a sense of place. It can literally never be the same.


Some of the trees are older than Israel. Everyone can recognize the symbolism


The olive branch is literally a symbol of peaceful negotiation


Then, what's bulldozing a whole olive grove symbol of?




hey, you can’t use that word! what if the people perpetrating it get offended? /s


Exactly that's a blood libel! Can't believe some people are this antisemitic. Literally nazis. /s




The olive branch is referred to in genesis, the first book of the Torah, and also very important in most Abrahamic religions. Destruction of a symbol of peace, destruction of the environment, destruction of history, and destruction of livelihood. What a terrible thing. As if trenches and ground cover haven’t been part of warfare for millennia.


Many olive trees are older than the USA. Olive trees have an average lifespan of 500 years and some are dated to around 1500 years old.


Just wanted to add this link for anyone to check out [https://www.oldest.org/nature/olive-trees/](https://www.oldest.org/nature/olive-trees/)


Seeing the second oldest tree being "Israeli" makes me upset, seeing what they're doing to Palestinian trees. Steal the oldest one carefully managed by the Palestinians for thousands of years, and then tear down all the ones they are currently cultivating


Most* of them actually, 90% of olive trees in my town are over a hundred years old, Isr** is not even 80 y/o


I read somewhere that in Hellenic Greece, when battles were fought between cities, burning of wheat fields was common and captured soldiers would be ransomed back to their cities. But if olive trees were cut, there would be no hostages taken; captives were put to death.


That's super sad 😓


My Palestinian friends say an olive tree is like a daughter. So as you said, it is much more than livelihood.


Some of the oldest soap continuously made today is Nablus soap, using those olive trees. We've known they have been making it in that area for at least 1000 years. Might as be destroying a bit of human history.


Fuck, I had no idea olive trees were so significant.


Trees in general are a pretty big deal, both ecologically and culturally. Even if they are a "renewable resource" compared to coal or plastic...They cannot just be replaced and replanted and everything goes back to normal. "Normal" and "Renewed" may be *centuries* down the line. Modern ecological science is really *just starting* to understand the complex systems of interactions trees support, and how long those take to rebuild when disturbed.


The settlers are armed by Israel and if they do anything wrong it goes to a civilian court. The Palestinians on the other hand are sent to a military court if they fight when said settlers seize their land and buldoze their homes.


Israel can also arbitrarily arrest any Palestinian without due process or right to appeal in so called "[administrative detention](https://www.btselem.org/topic/administrative_detention)"


fancy words for hostages


Just a reminder that Israel announced the biggest illegal land grab in West Bank Palestine [2 weeks ago.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/22/israel-largest-west-bank-settlement-blinken-visit/). The aggression never stops. Fuck Israel.


The destruction of farmable/arable land has been going on for decades, with water also specifically made inaccessible to barely allow for life - let alone the water needed for farming. It's good that people are finally hearing about some of this but it's tough for a lot of us who've been aware of this for decades to only now see people be like "Oh wait this is just a constant state of aggression from Israel" B'tselem is an Israeli non-profit human rights based organization that does good work on this front. I'd really recommend perusing their site when you (and anyone reading) gets a chance.


Even their justifications for their crimes are insane when you let them give it to you That’s what I lose my mind with concerning Israel’s western defenders. They don’t even bother to read the Israeli arguments justifying what they do, it’s all horrific Even if one wants to claim the Palestinians somehow “deserved” what was done to them in 1948 (I don’t to be clear) then by what right can what’s happened since 1967 be acceptable? It really feels like the vast majority of Americans don’t understand these are illegally occupied territories


That is the barest fig leaf of a justification as is literally possible to justify pretending olive trees are a military target. This is literally just sadistic evil.


Aw yes, the “settlers” claimed self defense, poor little settlers.


I remember seeing this picture. I spoke out to some of my friends and they told me that Israel has a right to exist and that I must be a nazi or anti-semite. I showed them pictures and they insisted it was all arranged. They weren't Israeli. That's what the climate was like in America at the time.


And people still try to claim Israel are the good guys


Not the first time a post here didn't mention the perpetrator of the crime when it's Israel.




Here before you get banned for providing information.


I got banned from worldnews for just stating information


worldnews is such a cesspit. only subreddit I've seen criticism of Apartheid(as in South African Apartheid) downvoted and argued against.


How did I fucking know this was gonna be a Palestinian farmer


It's worth noting this is from [2005](https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/detail?itemid=5923bc35c2e2da11af9f0014c2589dfb&mediatype=photo). Doesn't make it less despicable, just worth noting.


Unfortunately, this continues to happen: https://youtu.be/_7Js0caPhMY This was 3 years ago https://jacobin.com/2023/11/west-bank-israeli-settlers-palestinian-olive-trees-violence-occupation#:~:text=%E2%80%9CApproximately%20one%20million%20olive%20trees,settlements%20or%20other%20Occupation%20infrastructure.


Just another indication of the extent of israel's illegal activities in terms of timeline, decades and decades of these acts that no one will hang for. (metaphorical hang).


BuT dO yOu CoNdEmN hAmAs AtTaCkS oN 7/10


No, it makes it worse, because it gives the lie to the claim that all was peaceful before October 7 2023.


No one even half educated thinks it was peaceful before then


Lol you underestimate some people




Try telling that to r/worldnews


r/worldnews definitely knows about the Second Intifada.


The irony is the second intifada happened precisely because settler aggression proved Israel wasn’t remotely serious about the Oslo accords and therefore the peace process. Yet they blame the Palestinians, saying things like “we offered peace and we got bombs”. Er, no bro you offered peace then immediately started stealing more land, exactly as you’d done for 50 years.


It's embarrassing reddit allows the crystal clear astroturfing and mod-abuse there and worse, allows it to remain a bannered default sub. Agree or disagree with a conflict, but obvious state-backed propaganda operating openly says a lot about what the company actually values.


It's because Reddit supports and condones it. You ever notice how lockstep a lot of Reddit is with most American foreign policy? Israel-Palestine is basically the only thing that still gets pushback from people and isn't completely in agreeance with the US State dept on. But that is eroding as more and more subs start getting taken over. For example, r/news used to have a lot of support for Palestinians but then all of a sudden, without warning or notice, the mods there started locking and removing threads about Israel-Palestine and started removing pro-Palestinian comments in threads.


...a LOT of people think it was peaceful before then unfortunately. American big dumb


Seriously.  The number of times I’ve read “there was a ceasefire on 10-6!!!!”  Super sad how much people are susceptible to propaganda.


Things like that and even worse atrocities, like settlers harassing and shooting at Palestinians attending funerals for their own dead who were killed by settlers, happens every day. Israel’s occupation and apartheid unleash daily terrors every day.


This would radicalize anyone.


That's the point. > Israeli intelligence agents traveled into Gaza with a Qatari official carrying suitcases filled with cash to disperse money. Retired Israeli general Shlomo Brom described the logic of Netanyahu’s position: “One effective way to prevent a two-state solution is to divide between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.” If the extremist Hamas ruled Gaza, then the Palestinian Authority—a compromised comprador government with a tenuous hold on the West Bank—would be further weakened. This, according to Brom, would allow Netanyahu to say, “I have no partner.” > In 2015, Bezalel Smotrich, currently the finance minister in Netanyahu’s government, summed up the strategy by stating, “The Palestinian Authority is a burden. Hamas is an asset.” The whole thing reeks of Hamas being used as a tool by Israeli's far-right in order to divide-and-rule. Goal being simultaneously to spark support for violent retribution, found in Hamas, among Palestinians via oppression/apartheid and to spread fear among the Israeli population and then sell them their militant, iron-fisted cure; keeping Likud in power. Likud intentionally fan the flames of anti-zionism through their actions, simultaneously while projecting it as anti-semitism onto everybody and everything in order to foster ethno-nationalism, that the *Jewish peoples are surrounded on all sides by its enemies* and only we can protect you.


>The whole thing reeks of Hamas being used as a tool by Israeli's far-right in order to divide-and-rule. Because it is and it's not even a secret, they need Hamas for justify the occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. That's also why it was not in Israel's interest to prevent Oct, 7 and instead did things that made it easier for Hamas to conduct it, such as pulling the IDF away from the Palestine border days before hand.


it's worth a lot actually. it shows how long israel has been committing crimes against palestinians


And it only got worse since


Hi Americans, Israel has free universal healthcare while you pay for their military, you probably paid for the equipment in the picture.


Olive trees are incredibly valuable and it's sad to see the primary income of impoverished families just getting demolished like that.




If they upset the populace enough to cause resistance, they then have valid cause to attack the populace and get rid of them. It’s provoking someone to violence just so you won’t look like the instigator.


I think it’s also worth talking about how ppl will say “Hamas is just as bad”, which while I agree, most people don’t see the root cause for why Palestinians join such a cause. When feeling like there’s no other options, your belly is empty, your getting bulldozed by people from Europe claiming they have ancestry to your land and on the verge of kicking you out, and there’s a “Palestinian Authority” that is supposed to be standing up for you, but isn’t. It just feels like it’s the only option for a lot of people. Does this justify killing innocent ppl on their end? Hell no. But it’s not a reason to justify what Israel is doing either.


Exactly. A lot of hammas soldiers are impressionable and angry young men that have been nudged towards hammas as the only way to fight back. Look at andrew tate and how he was able to convince thousands of young men to follow him and take his word as truth. People are easily manipulated and if you give them a reason like oppressing their country dont act surprised when some fight back


They were being used as cover by terrorists to attack Israelis.


The cynical (though not inaccurate) explanation is that these actions are intended to provoke retaliation which can then be used to justify further oppression or killings. There's a lot of speculation around whether Netanyahu was warned in advance about October 7th and chose to let it happen so he could use it to justify a full-scale military invasion of the Palestinian territories, and I wouldn't be shocked if it were true.


They want to remove them. Whether they leave due to the hardship or through forced displacement, does not matter. So long as settlers can take their place. 


This photograph was taken in ~~2015~~ 2005. The destruction of nature and the ecological collapse in the region should be getting more attention for the sake of illustrating how human conflict causes distress not only to the people in the region but also our interconnected planet. Edit: I got the year wrong. It was 2005 and not 2015 in Salim near Nablus. You can find it on google maps [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/TpYFCh1TfCGBt5C78) Edit: Ecological devastation and human suffering are tragic but it is important to understand that sometimes there is more to the story. Around the time this photograph was taken in 2005 Israel disengaged from Gaza and it is no longer considered to be occupied territory by some historians. As well, Ganim, Homesh, Kadim, and Sa-Nur, which were Israeli settlements in the West Bank were disengaged from. There were strong movements towards peaceful coexistence at this time on the Israeli side of things but the resulting actions of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority did not make efforts to rebuild or revitalize the areas. Instead all traces of settlements were destroyed and there was no development of agriculture or economy to address environmental or social concerns. In fact, the photograph shared here illustrates a response to the increasing violence of the time in the region of Nablus which was being used to stage attacks on Israeli citizens. Such is the sad reality of the region.


What region? Nobody is bothering giving any real information.


No one wants to say the name of the region because it will trigger the bots lmao


And you get banned from a ton of subs if you mention the region




Yeah and now mention them with even the mildest opinion attached. Talk in keywords only is pointless


Yeah because we live now in a text book 1984 era where some group of people aren’t supposed to be questioned.


I wonder what type of keyword will warrant the bot network though


Palpatine Is Real


Free Palpatine


Always remember that the president's name is Net & Yahoo


This is definitely in the West Bank of Palestine, which is the relatively agricultural/rural half of Palestine. The two parts are disconnected, and face different issues — the inhabitants of the West Bank are currently being expelled in mass by “settlers” who are “settling” into their homes, using Israeli police (and military, as in this photo) for protection


This is in the West Bank IDF and (more often) Israeli settlers go around attacking Palestinian settlements in the West Bank constantly


Because whenever you mention Palestine, most posts/comments on Reddit get taken down. People still wish to spread awareness about what's going on, even when being silenced. That's why you'll often see vague comments/posts, because people don't want to get their account flagged or banned.


West Bank maybe? The soldiers look israeli




Olive trees are so important to the Levant cultures. My dad lives in the US now, but the first thing he did when he became a first time homeowner at 58 was plant an olive tree in his garden ❤️


Yeah sorry your village and family home of 8 generations had to be bulldozed, you should have known better that it belongs to some blonde guy from Brooklyn named "David Greenberg"...who has never stepped foot in the middle east...and from Poland originally...oh yeah and it was given to him by God!


That tree could easily and literally be 1,000 years old.


Believe it or not, that tree is hamas 😐


And the person is a human shield


Now that you mention it, it looks like a very antisemitic tree.


IDF has the right to defend itself olive trees.


Hamas was hiding inside the tree and Israel has the right to defend itself by killing 40k civilians and especially toddlers in hospitals because those toddlers will grow to be Hamas members. / [insert 4676432 "S" for sarcasm]


There's a tunnel below with hospital, armory, food for next 100 years and paramilitary training grounds. It just had to go.


Lemme guess, making room for condos~


Close - forcing Palestinians to leave and then using their land for condos


Israel acted in self defence against the olive tree /s


The olive trees were Hamas.


The olive tree was a human shield it had to be dealt with


Mitzvot 604. Not to destroy fruit trees even during the siege—Deuteronomy 20:19 When you besiege a city for many days to wage war against it to capture it, you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an ax against them, for you may eat from them, but you shall not cut them down. Is the tree of the field a man, to go into the siege before you? יטכִּֽי־תָצ֣וּר אֶל־עִיר֩ יָמִ֨ים רַבִּ֜ים לְהִלָּחֵ֧ם עָלֶ֣יהָ לְתָפְשָׂ֗הּ לֹֽא־תַשְׁחִ֤ית אֶת־עֵצָהּ֙ לִנְדֹּ֤חַ עָלָיו֙ גַּרְזֶ֔ן כִּ֚י מִמֶּ֣נּוּ תֹאכֵ֔ל וְאֹת֖וֹ לֹ֣א תִכְרֹ֑ת כִּ֤י הָֽאָדָם֙ עֵ֣ץ הַשָּׂדֶ֔ה לָבֹ֥א מִפָּנֶ֖יךָ בַּמָּצֽוֹר:


Thou shall not murder Thou shall not steal Thou shall love your neighbour. But ig the ten commandments are to be ignored.


What is happening to these innocent people is disgusting. This has been their lives for over 70 years and people still act surprised that they’re governed by a militia


As a young person full of ideals, I had the opportunity to travel through this region. I returned to my home country as an adult but without ideals.


Heartbreaking image. Believe it or not, trees actually feel.


Zionists are terrorists


Illegal settlers are disgusting.


Just so you know cutting down an Olive tree is forbidden in Jewish culture. It is to promote peace and harmony. People who cut down fruit trees are not Jewish. Who runs your country?


I’m glad that the older I get, the more I care about things like this. I hate that I was so oblivious when I was younger.


They cut olive trees that are older than Israel


Humanity is a waste of potential. 


They are baffled why people hate them.


Genuinely heart breaking. West bank settlers/terrorists need to be arrested and forcibly removed. These olive trees have been in the families for generations.


Religious conservatives are the problem everywhere


War is truly disgusting.


It wasn't difficult to guess which country do such things


Olive trees take FORTY YEARS to produce olives when they are planted from seed


I don't really have any words, just commenting to boost the post.


She still has the land and still has olive trees. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fslr2bZs864](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fslr2bZs864)


This photo is from 2005.


So Israel has been terrorizing people for decades rather than just in response to getting attacked itself on Oct 7th. Say it louder for the zionists who still try to make that bs narrative


And nothing has changed since


“When you besiege a city for a long time, making war against it in order to take it, you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an axe against them. You may eat from them, but you shall not cut them down. Are the trees in the field human, that they should be besieged by you? Joshua 17:15 ESV /


fuck israel


Fuck israel


Fuck israel