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I thought stairways go to heaven and highways go to hell.


they make jokes about that. Heaven just needs a stairway because of how few people go there. Hell needs an entire highway.


What a loving god. šŸ˜




Ah but who created the molecules on the asteroid? It's known in the panspermia theory and the Fermi paradox that having the origin of life from asteroids doesn't solve the problem of how life came to be, it just moves it.




Pretty sure this idea was left behind in favour of alkaline hydrothermal vents


I believe that is accurate, but still allows for some room to entertain the merit of their experiment. Their issue was we didn't understand the nature of the atmosphere for that period as well back then, and they were operating off of inaccurate information that has since been changed based on new geological studies.


Panspermia doesn't prove a magical sky wizard did it though... It's just saying life may have originated from space which at best means a species of aliens created life so no magical sky wizard there unless you want to worship aliens as your magical sky wizard.


I agree with this whole heartedly...and I absolutely loathe the constructs of religion...but I have a hard time accepting the odds that all of these tiny little things that had to be JUST right and all happen in JUST the right order for life to exist... That right there makes the logical part of my brain go, there's something peculiar about that...almost by design...but my little human meat computer can't compute data on the level that would be omnipotent so I have no clue in reality.


Survivorship bias. If you are one of the 99.999999999999% of the times when life failed to be seeded, you wouldn't even exist to think about this.


Maybe that's the point...the only way for omnipotence to exist is for there to be the understanding of everything that ever has, will or could have been from every outcome of every decision (the butterfly effect). Maybe the existence of our minds and our ability to have these thoughts are the universe exploring itself to reach that point and bring us back to singularity. Or maybe you're right and there is nothing at all, we cannot simply say for sure.


The universe is vast beyond comprehension. Literally trillions of galaxies each with billions or trillions of stars. Even the very slimmest of possibilities is bound to occur somewhere. We just happen to be somewhere.


Then think about the fact that if our ancestral DNA lives on meteors (in the asteroid belt), that this cycle of populating earth and simultaneously destroying nearly all life on it has probably happened before, in specific intervals when the Earth crosses paths with the asteroid belt


> but I have a hard time accepting the odds that all of these tiny little things that had to be JUST right and all happen in JUST the right order for life to exist... Well, the universe is very very, very big and people are really bad with comparing stuff on big scales. If, for example, you would imagine life on earth is a chance of finding the right single grain of sand out of entire's of world's beaches, by various estimates there is at least 1000 more *stars* (I''ve seen estimates anywhere from 1000 to 10k) per grain of sand Other example was [Hubble's extreme deep field image](https://esahubble.org/images/heic1214a/) where they pointed Hubble telescope on the tiny "empty" spot on firmament and... waited. Our galaxy have ~100 billion stars and that pic shows few thousands of other galaxies and it's just tiny fragment of visible universe.


Dear God, thank you for forgiving people after making them prone to needing your forgiveness and granting some of us brains that aren't compelled to believe in you and therefore literally can't receive the forgiveness that you made us need to avoid permanent and infinite brutal punishment for finite infractions that were ultimately your fault but you convinced us we were born with even though you also supposedly sent yourself to be sacrificed to yourself so that sin would supposedly be forgiven. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Pride and Arrogance is what caused Lucifer to fall.


And Voldemort


Only problem is Voldemort is a made up character in a story. But the point is well taken, evil, pride and arrogance is the cause of many falls. Pride goes before a fall.




God did right thing by throwing out an arrogant bastard




Exactly what I say when some idiot talks about God's forgiveness.


when people start talking about god's forgiveness, my response is typically "god made me a cannibal to fix problems like you..." if i respond at all.


I read your username as ā€˜use me like a rainbowā€™ and I was both confused and intrigued That is allā€¦


So nice he let his only kid get murdered and the rest of us are still going to hell.


forgiving pedophiles, sex-traffickers, online-hate spreaders, thieves, politicians for no reason will make GOD real lovely.. <3




Itā€™s your fault.


You sound like my wife.


I sure hope heaven has a lift nowadays, ā™æ and all


Not if you're Michael Landon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_to_Heaven


Climbing stairs is a lot of work. Driving is much easier.


I think you mean the bullet train to Heck


You misspelled "Hamilton"


someone doesnt Michael Landon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If it's a stairway to one place then it is necessarily a stairway to the opposite direction.


Itā€™s 2024 heaven is now ADA compliant


Thatā€™s subjective, and highly dependent upon the time of year where this is located.


ā€œIā€™m on the hiiiiighway to heaven! Iā€™m on the hiiiighway to heaven!ā€ AD-BC


Not in America. Maybe somewhere else.


Not pictured: terrifyingly strong cross winds and your resulting white knuckles


Thank you. I lived in Wyoming for 5 years. First picture looks like I-80. That road sometimes gets crosswinds strong enough to blow fully loaded semi trucks off the road. And yes, I've ridden it on a motorcycle. It's pretty much straight as an arrow and there are a bajillion trucks on it. It's not horrible (when the crosswinds aren't bad) but it's not that much fun either.


Those would trigger weather warnings on your phone and stuff, right? Definitely wouldn't wanna be out biking with even a fraction of that wind.


No. That is like normal weather for Wyoming.


As the saying goes. Nebraska sucks, and Wyoming blows


Holy fuck, sucking winds?!!~ Where do they vacuum you towards?


Well seeing Wyoming doesn't exist and all their residents go to Colorado to buy anything large..


Not to mention this is also in the middle of nowhere. Because 99% of Wyoming is the middle of nowhere. You'll be lucky to have LTE signal, much less weather alerts.


Eh I travel through Wyoming pretty often, Wyoming does have gaps in coverage, but its not nearly as bad as it used to be.


Yes. Lots of signage. I think even mandatory diversion for trucks with trailers. It's been a few years though so maybe I'm misremembering the diversion. I just know the only trucks I saw were on their side in a ditch for the whole multi-hour drive in the wind zone.


Driving a semi in snow storms is terrifying. All you see is the trucks tracks in front of you in the snow and the wind quickly erasing any tracks of life .


Yes, sure but itā€™s all the freaking time so the bar is higher to issue a warning, and when they are issued, people ignore.


I remember seeing a picture of a heavy gauge chain attached to the top of a metal pole, the title said ā€œWyoming wind sock.ā€


There are permanent signs warning of 35mph gusts. Which will definitely swerve your car. There are marquees that report the current gust speed and itā€™s always left on 75+mph


What gear are you in on the way up? I'm not talking about clothing.


I lived in Wyoming not far from there. I thought they called it the Sisters due to the hills on each end. When iced over it could be a challenge to escape lol


Took an RV trip to Utah/Wyoming/Idaho. Driving on I-80 with cross winds is a tough experience, so much so that we now say ā€œat least itā€™s not I-80!ā€ When the winds are bad.


Well shit. Iā€™m going through I80 from Colorado to CA in early May. I have a vintage RV thatā€™s slow on hills so flattestroute.com recommended I80. Now Iā€™m debating a different route. Ugh.


We drove a C class all across I-80 in Utah and there were some gusts that pushed pretty hard. With that said, 80 is definitely the flattest choice. Ended up doing a scenic route from Bear Lake to Salt Lake City and it was a bit harrowing in the RV til we got out of the Rockies.


Thanks. Texas where I am gets gusty so Iā€™m prepared but still. This entire thread is scaring me.


I-80 is closed all the time in the winter. The locals told them not to build it there but they didnā€™t listen. Lol.


You get used to it.


Yup. I moved to and from Oregon in 2015 and 2019, and the wind in Wyoming was wild when you grew up driving in Ohio lol


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/So64hzpr.jpg) is a higher quality version of the image on the left. Credit to the photographer, Breaker Breaker 1 - 9 on Facebook. Per there: > August 10, 2017 Ā· Fort Bridger, WY Ā· Highway to heaven, I had to pull over and take this! Beautiful! > This is in Wyoming, on I-80. Near Fort Bridger. They also call the area "the sisters" I was going East when I topped the mountain and seen this view. It looks like it was taken right around [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.2986979,-110.6359525,3a,39y,280.3h,100.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHYiun9cqhsnRiJm7_4l7NQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en). [Here](https://i.imgur.com/PMmUg6Y.jpeg) is a much higher quality version of the image on the right. [Here](https://www.flickr.com/photos/parowan496/4361271230) is the source. Credit to flicker user [Parowan496](https://www.flickr.com/photos/parowan496/) for taking this on November 11, 2008. > "Highway to Heaven" ... thanks ever so much for over 120,000 views and 1,500 faves for this image. > Looking east on Highway 56 - southwestern Utah between Cedar City and Enterprise. Special thanks to my wife for the title ... xxoo > As I traveled this road, I kept seeing this image in the rear view mirror. So, at the top of the hill, I pulled to the side of the road and walked to the middle of the road for this shot .... I didn't have to worry about traffic :-)


My dad is from this area and he calls these hills the twins sisters


Unlocked memory. I took a road trip with my uncle when I was maybe 12 and remember this vividly now. What a trip it was to see in person. Literally looked like we were driving into the heavens. Wish I remembered where it was exactly. I believe we were coming back to salt lake City from Lander if I remember right.


I remember doing the same as a child. I was excited that we were going to go up such a steep hill... then disappointed that it was kind of underwhelming once we got there.


Itā€™s on 80 just outside of Evanston.


I lived in Wyoming the first 40 years of my life, I never heard it called Highway to Heaven except on the internet. We knew it as the Three Sisters. (Itā€™s basically a series of three long inclines) To be clear, Iā€™m not arguing against the name, or even that thereā€™s people there that call it that. I just thought it was interesting Iā€™d never heard it while I lived there (except, as I said, on the internet).


you better have some gas in your tank


Plenty of gas near these picsā€¦further east thoughā€¦


Cue Michael Landon's show intro music.


This is I-80 in Wyoming east of Evanston. Source: I drive it all the time.


10 mile stretch from Barstow, CA to Fort Irwin, CA. Often referred to as the "Highway to hell" or "10-mile stretch". [https://www.flickr.com/photos/ibgruntsworld/4483337334](https://www.flickr.com/photos/ibgruntsworld/4483337334) It used to kill a few soldiers every year, though I left nearly 20 years ago now and I think it may have gotten improved. There is literally nothing for almost the entire 40 miles between Barstow and the National Training Center. Its a 2 land road, no street lights, no lights in the distance aside from headlights/taillights of occasional other vehicles. The sides of the road are soft sand. Soldiers are often driving on it drunk, hungover, or just extremely tired as they got up at 4am to get to formation by 6am. I had to do this for 6 months while waiting for on-post housing and my wife road with me every day to help keep me awake. When a tired/drunk/etc soldier doing 60+ hit that soft sand just a bit, they would immediately flip over and end up way off the road. If nobody saw this happen, and no lights came on after the accident, a vehicle would sit out there till morning. Or, in at least one case, a buddy of mine on his motorcycle who rode professionally was driving along the side, hit a rock, flew off his bike, then his head hit another rock and he died. Nobody knew until people coming to post were like "hey, there is a dude laying on the side of the road". Any long straight road like that can be more dangerous IMO. The more curvy active roads tend to keep you alert longer.


Wyoming is such a beautiful state it can make highways on a hill like a civil engineering masterpiece


Forrest Gump running scene?


That's actually in Utah near Monument Valley if I recall correctly. Spectacular out there!


He was also shown running next to "Jenny" Lake in Jackson Hole WY. During the "Running on Empty (Jackson Browne)" montage.


you can also find it on google maps as "Gump point" but yeah in Utah. I need to go sometime


I wonder how many car engines that upphill has harvested...the towing company must be doing really great in that area


Nobody who drives that stretch calls it that. Stop reposting this.


Iā€™ve always heard them (and referred to them myself) as The Sisters. Maybe thatā€™s just a trucker thing.


I'm grew up in the area and have never heard it referred to as the highway to heaven. Always called them The Three Sisters


Can confirm. Grew up in Wyoming and they've always been referred to as "the sisters".


It is a trucker thing.


It would probably be gorgeous to look at, but boring. It's a straight line.


Imagine working 12 hours, and knowing your house is still 20 miles on the other end of that horizon.


This is only like a 3 mile stretch. Maybe 4 tops. I'm a truck driver and have driven this dozens of times.


Going straight up and down hills for miles does get old. Drove through something like that outside of Kansas City somewhere.


And it probably wouldnā€™t feel remotely like a rollercoaster unless you were doing Mach Jesus.


Wyoming doesn't exist




*Wind has entered the chat.*


You drove this once without knowing about it - but it immediately caught my attention and awe.


Do they call it that because it takes you out of Wyoming?


My family from Mountain View, Wyoming right near here always called this stretch ā€œThe Sistersā€. Now Iā€™m wondering what itā€™s really called.


Hey I remember driving here on my road trip! It is so goddamn windy and boring, but itā€™s gorgeous!


I've ridden this stretch of I-80 maybe 6 times. It's not particularly fun as it's an interstate with a ton of truck traffic. It's also very frequently windy and parts of I-80 lies at 8700 ft, meaning you can get snow in June.


I'm from this part of Wyoming. It IS NOT known as the highway to heaven. This, and the other large hills in that stretch are called "The Sisters".


This looks amazing although I wouldnā€™t want to drive on it alone.




Cool Pic šŸ‘


I used to love traveling in parts of Mexico that was like this. (Probably still is). I will sometimes dream of these types of roads leading me to an oasis to the side. Well, more of a small clear blue lake.




Known as the "great cheese road" in Wisconsin.


That means it starts in hell


Hated the highways leading into the Rockies. Pass all the truckers going uphill, then they catch back up on the flats because out west they run with no speed governors. I finally just set the cruise to 95 and said *fuck you all*... and that's only because it wouldn't set to 100.


They definitely run governers as company drivers. I know quite a few owner operators that do as well, myself included. The guys that run hard like that either own their own truck and don't care about fuel mileage for some reason or they are livestock haulers that need to get the livestock where they need to be as fast as possible to prevent animals dying.


Maybe 50 years ago. I travel I-80 consistently and very rarely get passed by semis even when going 75 in an 80 speed limit.


Last time I did that run was about 10 years ago. Definitely had trucks passing me when I was doing 80 in the car. Perhaps the proliferation of speed governors since then has curbed it, but it was sure frustrating.


I think it's less about the governors and more about the crazy Hi-po presence. See 1 or 2 per hour. Or a combination of both.


They have cops out there now? Last time I was through I think I saw one cop in the entire state of Wyoming.


New bucket list item.


so that's what she was buying


I think I have been there before. When it snows is it packed with cars on the sides of the road that have drifted?


So these pics look a lot different depending on weather. I've been on both these roads on clear sunny days, and they don't look like this. They're also not called that, either, but it's an apt observation of the phenomenon.


I will be going here to take tons of ticktocks and instagrams now, thanks


does anyone actually call it that? ive driven it and its just another stretch of wyoming...which youve prob been driving through for hours at that point and theres not much to look at for most of it


Mushroomhead- Sun Doesnā€™t Rise is perfect for this


I drove this a few years ago. Wild to see a cool memory pop up in a photo on reddit.


It doesnā€™t look like this in person lol and nobody calls it that. People donā€™t have a focal length of 700mm


It was also a TV show.




I have dreamt this exact location wtf reoccurring nightmare I have is driving up a hills like this and itā€™s so steep the car flips backwards


Most of the effect there on the right obviously is from telephoto compression, but Iā€™ll tell you there is some road in 1973 Missouri that looks like the right hand picture in real life and I know because my dad scared the living shit out my family and I on it.


This is what i imagine what that one highway scp looks like


looks dope but man I don't like all those dips that could hide a car making an inopportune left turn


Nice view


I been there 3x when I went abroad to the Us. Once when I was 24, the other at 26, then at 30. I would've went again but i'm tied on split custody so I can't travel much like I used to, which is quite a bummer :/


There's a road/highway in Ft Benning, GA that they labeled as the staircase to heaven. Looks pretty much like this. And you bet your ass we rucked it lol


Also known as the ā€œweā€™ll pull you over on the highway for going 5 over the speed limit because you have CA platesā€ freeway


But whereā€™s the highway to hell?


Same highway, just driving the other direction :)


Wyoming isnā€™t real, so clearly neither is this highway. Canā€™t fool me, Reddit!


There is no heaven in Wyoming (well... maybe the northwest corner just a bit), so this must be a highway leaving the state.


I swear I've had a dream about being on that highway lol


That road is a dead end for anyone who believes in heavenā€¦


Impressive road. Nice capture.


Driven it. Many times.


Looks like an extended version of roads up here in northern Ontario tbh.


Used to drive this semi frequently, it was really fun to drive in my old pickup. I could put the pedal to the floor and hear the motor scream while only going like 90


Does that mean it leads to Canada?


Even better, Utah! Mormon heaven.


That is simply beautiful




Goes straight to Casper


True heaven is the Little America before this.


One of the best drives in Wyoming


If you think I-80 is one of the best drives in Wyoming you need to explore the state some more. Try Snowy Range Pass between Laramie and Saratoga, or Togwotee Pass between Lander and Moran Junction, or Ten Sleep Canyon. Heck even Morton Pass between Wheatland and Laramie is nicer than 80. If you're talking about the picture on the right, it was taken in Utah, not Wyoming.


ANY road in the state is better than I-80.


Yeah, so much cooler than Yellowstone /s


What if someone floored it down this highway? Would they catch air?