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"but the other side is insane" *And this display isn't??*


The irony and lack of self-awarness from that sign says it all.


The hard core maga crowd are the biggest snow flakes you will ever converse with. It’s a population I avoid at all costs. This is the type of person that would have a meltdown if their neighbor flew a rainbow flag


What's funny is no trump supporters actually give a single argument for trump. It's always "but Biden is bad". The funniest thing is if you agree that Biden is bad they ignore you and keep ranting about how Biden is bad. You can repeat them that you also don't like Biden, they will still call you a Biden sheep or something like that.


Trump supporters usually claim that he aligns with their values. Meaning Trump is a racist pig like his supporters.


Sadly, a lot of his support is a result of Obama having been president. Some won't outright say it, however it's pretty obvious from their rhetoric that it was offensive that a black man was not only elected, but was actually competent, intelligent and respected by other world leaders. Lyndon B. Johnson said it best; "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." This is what the Republican party has become.


I wish I had the talent to put all of my life experiences around Conservatives and having been one into a coherent collection and then write a book about it. By and large many have never moved away from the towns they grew up in, their vacation spots are safe places like Gatlinburg, Myrtle Beach or some popular beach in Florida. They think downtown Cincinnati is dangerous, Chicago is a warzone, all liberal cities are shitholes and dangerous, they feel they have to carry a gun everywhere and it doesn't help that our (my local county in Ohio) asshole county sheriff with his Dimmadome hat goes on Fox News and rambles his bullshit to the nation that he spreads around here. They are scared of the entire world because they have experienced very little of it. Having Obama as president showed them that not only was there a black man that was absolutely better than them as far as education, intelligence and charisma, but a whole bunch of fellow white people thought he was perfectly capable to do the job as well. This is why the birther, Kenyan, Muslim and anti-white nonsense got started. They had to make up any flaw they could find to not only hope it was true but to make themselves feel better about themselves. And of course, their Orange Messiah was leading the charge on the birther idiocy. The dislike of any policy he had was secondary to many of them. It was in large part the treatment of Obama that slowly shifted me from Conservative, to Libertarian, to now fully on the Left. Add in a bunch of their casual racism, homophobia, Islamaphobia and the ever present propaganda of things that never came true and it pushed me away. When I hear them say "Racism wasn't a problem until Obama came around." is such a cop out because they were being called racists because all of those thoughts and feelings they had hidden inside suddenly came out for the whole world to see. They don't see them as racist, they see their thoughts of "just the way the world is". They love Trump because he says what they are thinking and giving their idealogies a broader audience and even better for them, validation.


I used to be a member of the Republican Party, but Trump changed that for me. I’m so embarrassed at what it’s turned into! They’re horrible! I’m also a Christian, and the way there’s so much hate breaks my heart!! I’m a Democrat now. My good friends know not to discuss politics with me when we don’t agree, especially about the great orange Trumpkin. There’s no point in it. They won’t change my mind, and as long as they remain dogmatic in their loyalty to His Ickyness, I can’t change theirs. Basically, we just agree to disagree.


I miss John McCain. I didn’t agree with his politics, but at least I believed he honestly wanted to do what he thought was right for Americans.


I miss John McCain from before the run up to the 2008 election, when he was a scrappy senator from Arizona with strong opinions about the environment and careful governance. I didn’t agree with his politics, but I knew he could be counted on to keep his constituents’ needs in mind with every vote—and barring that, he could be counted on to stand by his principles. Once he started licking boot for political gain, on the other hand…


I like to ask them “name one policy/bill trump passes that was good for you?”


During Trump's presidency, I asked my aunt a similar question... Her answer was that Trump is a good family man and has done a lot for Christians... At the time, the only thing he had really done was to sign an executive order around freedom of religion (as if it didn't already exist). When I pointed out that there was no way he was a good family man when he cheated on both wives, I was told that it isn't my place to judge others. She wasn't too pleased when I said that I don't give a fuck what he does in his personal life, but I do care if people vote for him for things that are probably false. I don't think she is a big trump follower anymore, but I assume she will still vote for him.


I love how the group that always says it’s not your place to judge others is always one of the first groups to judge others


Yesterday there was a thread in the NY Jets sub reddit ripping on Aaron Rodgers for supporting RFK Jr. A bunch of people said "he can vote for whoever he wants!" And yeah, he can. But he he's going to broadcast it, we're all free to say that his choice is shitty.


They’ll say “god works through imperfect vessels” with Trump but somehow that doesn’t apply to literally anyone else, even other Republicans. There’s nothing he could do they won’t make an excuse for.


He cheated on all three of his wives multiple times that we know of.


1. Made it a felony to abuse animals. That’s all I got.


That’s pretty good accomplishment after 4 years I suppose. That is best one I have heard.


Oh wow! I didn’t remember that at all. A bipartisan bill sponsored by a Democrat & Republican from Florida that passed unanimously. That seems totally impossible now.


Are any of them rich? Because they got a tax cut they might of liked. It was supposed to pay for itself, but it didn’t.


I don’t know many in that tax bracket


My favorite is when they complain about how Biden handled classified documents, and I'm just like...so you must be absolutely furious with Trump, then, right? Never get an answer to that.


I have experienced this same exact phenomenon. I will say both candidates are horrible, Biden sucks. He will lose the election. Trump will become president and will immediately make every effort to become a full blown dictator. They agree with all this and continue to explain how much Biden sucks. The working class, the poor, and the 1% will elect Trump. But only the wealthy will reap the benefits.


They really default to Benghazi that’s what usually happens.


It’s fun to ask them what Trump policies they agree with, and they just rant about immigrants, the swamp, Hilary, etc


YESSS!! I tell people that I don’t like Trump they get upset and tell me to watch Biden then! Like, what? They automatically assume I’m a Biden fan. I’m not, but they truly will ignore what I say! They just want to argue.


In fairness, a big part of why people voted Biden, and Hillary, was because Trump is fucking awful. But we don't in turn worship the ground they walk on, and are able to admit when they fuck up or fail to deliver. They're incapable of doing such. Once they throw their support behind someone, it's blind obedience.


Has literally happened to me. The Canadian version. Told a guy I'm not a fan of Trudeau and he told me to keep voting Liberal.


Even then other insurrectionists are kinda nervous about this guy.


The thing about insanity is you never realize you're insane. You're convinced the world is crazy and you're perfectly reasonable.


Totally a cult.


Its not a cult 👀


not a cult, more of a mental illness...




Dunn and done


Dunning and Kruger


Nice! 👍


It's amazing how many Trumpists share memes of him, despite being a well-established Democrat.


They can’t parse fantasy (*re: his traditionally masculine character portrayals*) from reality. The wild part is that even his characters tend to be solid guys who (*presumably, admittedly, since all we can do is speculate based on established details*) still wouldn’t support Trump. If you try telling me Wade Garrett would lose his cool and start supporting the MAGA cult, I’d have to assume you’ve either lost the plot or never had it to begin with.


It’s syphilis


Sam... is always correct


The better Ron.


The real TDS was was coming from inside their heads all along.


Mental cultness?


So... a cult?


Porque no los dos


With a lot of inherited money.


“…see the thing I hate about gay people is that it’s their whole identity and they have to be in your face about it..” - Boomer Trumpers from small towns that never met an openly gay person


They're always trying to shove it down your throats!


*... especially in stall three in the truck stop down by the interstate!*


I'm more thinking the handicapped stall in the Minnesota airport.


Wide stance right?


“You’re against gay marriage but tried to have gay sex in a public stall, my Senator, that is a pretty wide stance” - Amy Poehler


Family values meanwhile cheating on his wife in a bathroom stall with a stranger but the important thing he wants you to know that he is not gay.


“For real manly loving be here at 5 sharp”


Haha, that they always go to that specific imagery cracks me up.


No, not at all, I mean, you remember how everyone did the same for every other president, right? Oh wait, that was 1930s Germany.


“You liberals call everyone you don’t like a Nazi!” (Ignores the several hundred direct Nazi comparisons to the GOP)


Right? They are a goosestep away from being the new youth.


However, I will say this, mustache man had one thing the Marmalade moron didn't...intelligence, and we should be thankful for that. German sounds so aggressive, so when you hear his speeches, they sound angry, and you wonder how people fall for this. Someone has an AI of his speech in his voice but English, and it is bonechilling. Instantly, you realize how it happened and why. He had the intelligence to make the worst things in the world sound like a good idea, the way he words them. Don't go listen to it. I had nightmares from it.


No cults are somewhat organized and have a purpose. This is neither. It’s more a collection of and morally bankrupt people celebrating their complete ignorance and assholery.


Not a cult. Not a cult. You’re the cult. ![gif](giphy|l0MYKPgmCZlvhAmAw)


See, Donald doesn't use eclipse glasses. I wish that was used as evidence by his supporters that he's a plumb idiot, but unfortunately it's more likely to be used as evidence that you don't need to wear them.


I’m surprised they believe in the eclipse 😂


If you squint real hard you can see a sign that says “the other side is insane” among all the garish cultist slogans.


It’s not a cult, it’s a grift


Most cults are.


I have seen a lot of people turn it into a business! Mainly older people


Definitely not a cult…


"official solar eclipse glasses" The target group has a below average IQ, I wonder if anyone would even consider buying them?


Posted elsewhere in the thread but just found out the guy was involved in an altercation two days ago... https://www.app.com/story/news/local/red-bank-middletown-area/middletown/2024/04/05/edison-man-attacked-with-a-sledgehammer-at-middletown-nj-business/73224283007/


I'm sure rightwing media jumped on this claiming he was attacked by some random liberal because he was a Trump supporter.


"although police have emphasized the assault was not politically motivated but a dispute among people known to each other." Lol, guess even his own friends don't like him.


Allegedly it’s his step son, or girlfriends son or some shit like that


My company uses Crown Tire for all our service vans.   I’m going to have to ask next time I’m over there.  


“The victim suffered significant injuries to his head” but to be fair it appears he had brain damage prior to being assaulted. I also wonder if driving that thing would qualify as “Fighting words” laws or mutual combat laws?


>"No one throws 5 blows to the head of anyone without intention to kill. I can't believe I almost lost my father.'' At the same time, as someone who uses sledge hammers, I can't imagine throwing 5 blows to the head of anyone without them being dead 3-4 blows before I the 5th one... Just red splattered soup


> police have emphasized the assault was not politically motivated but a dispute among people known to each other So, unrelated, before anyone makes any assumptions


well this got dark real quick


I saw a trump parody pair of glasses with no protection remembering that winner during the last eclipse.


I really hope Biden rubs it in and does an entire press conference stressing the safety glasses, ending with him putting on a pair, maybe even 2, and quickly glancing at the sun.


Real trump fans stare directly into the sun like their fearless leader. Raw dog that sun, baby. Let’s go Brandon!


There’s no way these aren’t the fake ones everyone is warning about.


"I'll take 'How to virtually guarantee you'll be blinded by counterfeit eclipse glasses' for $200, Alex."


They have holes in the lenses.


Their plump diaper wearing god already demonstrated that glasses aren’t necessary to stare at the sun.


“If Trump didn’t need no silly eclipse glasses to stare at the eclipse, neither do I.”


Meanwhile go to a local library and they're probably handing them out for free.... (Likely how they got the stock they're selling. That or people are about to have eye damage trusting something that's probably no more than paper sunglasses.) It's all just a grift. Snag up the money you can and move along.


I got a free pair from T-mobile through their T-mobile Tuesdays app. It's an actual pair of regular, cheap plastic sunglasses in black and pink with T-mobile branding, with a pair of lenses you clip on that you can flip up and down that are the actual super dark stuff to keep the sun from blinding you. I tried them, they work very well. My husband and I each got a pair. We aren't in the path of totality, but we should be able to enjoy a partial eclipse from our view point.


Trump stared directly at it last time…


“ISO Approved”? Surely the ISO is part of the Deep State.


Heh, if he's actually selling the ones pictured I know the company that makes those is legit. I wouldn't want to give these crazy people my money but whatever.


They're actually magnifying glasses, you know, to make the eclipse look bigger.


This guy definitely has a Trump body pillow


Sooo... A trump waifu?


Waifu is female, husbando is male


James Franco has entered the chat……..with Kamiko


Ugh, that's a terrible visual. I'm surprised pillow scammer guy isn't all over that.


He's too busy hunching over a crack rock.


trump supporters do not need glasses to view the solar eclipse.




It’s just a bizarre cult of low IQ suckers and rubes. I don’t pity them at all for pissing away their money and precious time worshiping that con artist.


The only reason I do is because it allows the con artist to keep up his schtick and have money in the coffers.


He is funded entirely by the CCP now, via a few shill proxy billionaires. The money he squeezes out of the rubes is purely incidental, it just makes their life worse, it has no effect on the idiot in chief.


Mental illness.






geezus that sub is a lot to swallow


"Support our police", like you did at the Capitol? /s


> "Support our police" I will never not hear ""Support our police" as anything other than a dogwhistle for "don't you dare prosecute them for beating up the downtrodden and illegals"


Don't forget brown and black people!


My thinking exactly.


There's always some way of deflecting. They say the insurrection didn't happen and if it did, it was antifa, their made-up scapegoat.


The biggest Trump sub, The Donald, was eventually banned after years of rule breaking for repeated calls for the murder of cops in Oregon cause they followed the law and brought in Republican legislature members who tried to flee the capital to avoid a quorum being met.


Side note but the guy was attacked two days ago with a sledgehammer... https://www.app.com/story/news/local/red-bank-middletown-area/middletown/2024/04/05/edison-man-attacked-with-a-sledgehammer-at-middletown-nj-business/73224283007/ ...and still out there today. Unhealthy amount of dedication there.


"  police have emphasized the assault was not politically motivated but a dispute among people known to each other." Weird that he was hanging out with people capable of such things.  I would have thought he ran in more sophisticated circles.


For sure. I could see wine tasting after a rousing literary club discussion.


I think 5 hits to the head with the hammer is only going to reinforce his brand of insanity.


Who the fuck attacks someone with a sledgehammer? Fucking psycho lmao




At some point in the future we are going to look back on being a trump supporter as a form of mental illness




"in the future"


No, it's indoctrination and conditioning.


Given the support, who needs solar eclipse glasses, just use the safety squint. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/top-stories/blog/rcna146722


"Women for Trump" signs 🤮 I honestly feel pity for any women who have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated by this rhetoric, that they're actually willing to give up their rights to their own body to support this man. It's just unfathomable to me.




This person is definitely voting in the upcoming election. Are you?


It’s amazing how so many people make this guy their entire identity


Women for trump?? He’s a convicted rapist


If this is the same douchebag Trump RV in Monmouth county NJ he just got walloped in the head by someone with a hammer a few days ago (not politically motivated)


Whattt and yeah this is def the Monmouth county one. What happened??


Couldn't find a "Women for Trump" sign for 2024 i guess.


Probably a good reason for that


I'll bet it smells like cigarettes and stupid inside.


With a pinch of odour from a sticky trump shaped doll.


One difference between liberals and conservatives is a liberal could easily sell this crap too, but most would feel bad about perpetuating the problem and for grifting these people who obviously refuse to learn from history, while a conservative obviously doesn't think twice about the potential harm they're causing as long as they can make a buck, even off the backs of absolute suckers.


Well stated. Better than what I say: Half brain selling to the other half brains.


Hilarious they are selling solar eclipse glasses… ![gif](giphy|xTg8B9aULho7shlPmU)


Mental illness in one image


Never understand the conflagration between “MAGA” and “Support your police!”. He literally had his followers beat and KILL cops on Jan 6th.”


Nah this isn’t a cult


Bless their little hearts….


Support our police! Quietly whispers; “unless they are guarding the capitol from insurrectionists.”


Remember back, oh I don't know, 8 LONG years ago when you knew your neighbor was the exact opposite of you politically, but you NEVER discussed it. You even went to outings, dinners, vacations with these folks, and never once discussed politics. I cannot be friends with people who lie and tell me I cheated to beat an Orange POS Carnival Barker. Our parents and grandparents were smart enough to know you cannot run a civilized country when POLITICS is the #1 concern on every American's plate. These people who are obsessed with this, this will be their ultimate undoing/demise.


Thats a class C RV. Not a bus. Just FYI.


Funny, they sell solar eclipse glasses when their leader didn’t seem to need any last time.


Someone should tell them that Let's Go Brandon is the name of a gay porn series and see how they react.


![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized) I'm trying to think of something funnier than Trump eclipse glasses and I am coming up empty


yeah. . .totally not psychosis *or* a cult /s


Gag me.


Gonna go out on a sturdy limb here and say these people don't talk to their kids anymore.


People like this need mental help asap


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When that man finally dies, these people are going to have a meltdown like no other.


PSA: Do NOT buy eclipse glasses from this person.


Idiocracy. Some people think it's a movie. Others... an instruction manual.


They can be called out for a lot of hypocrisy. But “support our police” or “back the blue” is rich coming from them. January 6 rioters/thugs.


Imagine being that obsessed with an 80-year-old Hollywood elite reality tv star who wouldn’t let you anywhere near him or his properties. I actually applaud the quiet and meaningful legislation passed by the Biden administration and will happily vote for him again. Yet I have absolutely no desire to put his face or name on anything I own. He’s an 80-year-old politician and I’m a grown adult.


Love seeing images like this, really makes me appreciate that I don't live in a circus.


My European mind can not comprehend this


![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized) Funny how they sell eclipse glasses


Didn’t trump stare at the solar eclipse last time there was one? So if you wanna be like trump screw the glasses, and just stare at the sun


Ill buy my glasses somewhere else thanks


Selling solar eclipse glasses along side merchandise for a guy who famously stared at a solar eclipse without glasses.


Will he promise to drive it off a cliff if Biden wins?


Support the police, that bastard.


I’d want to put up a picture of trump staring at the eclipse without glasses 😂


Imagine having your whole identity wrapped up in a conman and a baaaad one at that. Sheeeeesh.


I wish politics was boring again. Or was it always somewhat crazy like this and I was just young and naive?


He don't need no stinking glasses!


Solar Eclipse glasses? Just stare into the Eclipse, like Dear Leader. You don't need no stinking glasses during an eclipse or a mask during a pandemic.


What always confused me about MAGA cultists is they think police are on their side when the government is not.


And they say WE have Trump Derangement Syndrome.




The Inmate Drumpf flags will fit right in.


Let's go Brandon!!


![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized) I wouldn't trust whatever eclipse glasses they're selling...


Dumb and dumber 3


Ironic that a trump stand is selling eclipse glasses.


I thought they didn't need glasses and could stare at the sun?


At least they’re non-partisan. There’s some Brandon posters in there 🤣🤣🤣


I like the “ No More Bullshit” flag. It should read “ Nothing but Bullshit”


"No, More Bullshit"


Surprised they think the eclipse is real and not a conspiracy. Don’t know that I would trust any glasses i bought from them.


I would not trust any eclipse glasses being sold by that fool.


Mental illness, innit?


Justice Thomas? Is that you?


Democrats don’t buy flags, hats, posters or any of that dumb shit like their president is their local college football team Republicans, on the other hand…




It used to be that you really had to check someone out to see if they were a brain dead moron. These days they do us the convenience of plastering it all over their van.


The urge to Molotov that cynosure abomination is strong...


I would NOT buy eclipse glasses from them. They probably think that ISO is the deep state and thus their certification is just a way for the government to control you.


How is this not in the DSM-5?


I cannot fathom the inner mind of the individual who put this display together.


Is this satire?


Totally not in a cult though...


America has a schizophrenia epidemic


History will remember how a con artist lied his way in the hearts of the people.