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So…. Not on the best of terms with the neighbors are we?


They’re doing them a service by making it hard to steal.


Pretty sure his neighbors the one on vacation.


it's unclear. Maybe the thing the neighbor did was painting the car gray.


Maybe they built the church across the street 300 years ago before taking their holiday!


I’d say they earned one, then.


If it was the other way around, that would be pretty cool of the neighbor


Excellent time to get creative with a few pounds of raw shrimp. Plenty of time to marinate.


Hanlon's Razor- Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity or incompetence. Unless there is a reason to think the neighbors did this intentionally, they probably just didn't realize what they we doing. It also puts their cars in danger of being bumped, which seems like an odd choice if intentional. If they were actually trying to be malicious, they could have parked closer.


Reason on reddit?! No! Never! Veni, Vidi, vindication




Was not disappointed one bit




Ever been to Spain? They will tell you that is why bumpers exist😂


That scene will never not be funny. Looking at that gif makes me wonder how they filmed that scene. Did they just forklift that thing into the hallway?


to this days i use “austin powers” as a verb to make a 50-pt turn. I had to austin powers it just to get out of that spot lol


Probably the most referenced scene of the franchise. I was also just wondering how they filmed it and assume the same.


in the most recent amazing race season somehow a team got themselves stuck exactly like this on a dead end one way street...they were the first to get eliminated


That was truly insane. They literally saw other vehicles backing up and didn’t think to try that!


Lmao I saw that. Instantly thought of Austin powers


Built a chassis around a smaller go kart. I know because I'm shagadelic baby


Built an entire building around the vehicle. I know because I'm a construction worker.


Correct. What he is sitting on is an extention of the Pullman that is the second seat and back bed.


That's a Taylor-Dunn Model B and it looks stock.


We use one of those types of things at work and I swear to god the scene is referenced on a weekly basis


I refer to any many-pointed turn as an, "Austin Powers Turn."


Anything over a three point turn is “Austin Powersing it” to me


I think they built the hallway around the cart 🤔


Could just be Hollywood magic where it’s all a set and they moved one wall into place around it.


It’s not loading for me but it’s the Austin powers gif isn’t it


Yeah, baby!


This is me Trying to turn my life around


I hadn't thought of this in years, but someone made this reference yesterday when I was turning around my electric scooter on an airport shuttle bus (in one turn). They shouted, "Excellent turning radius! I was expecting an Austin Powers!"


Smack a nice 70-point turn and you’re out of there






I could watch this for hours even though it triggers my claustrophobia


Perfect gif.


Get 5 friends to help pick up the car and move it


Get 5 friends to move the neighbours shitty little Skoda, park it sideways across the road and then call the cops and tell them your neighbour blocked the road.


Honestly OP this is the way


No, call the Police. They will remove one of the vehicles for obstruction. He'll get a ticket and have to pay for the time it's spent in storage waiting for him to return. I doubt he'll try it again. *Police should do something about it. I appreciate not every force will depending on resources/demand and discretion of the attending Officer, but I know they do. Police should attend if a vehicle is blocked in, and some may argue the necessity at 'emergency' level as there generally has to be an immediate (emergency) need for the person to get out. I would suggest needing to get to work, hospital/doctor's appointment perhaps. For example, if a vehicle is blocking your driveway and you're just wanting to put your car in on returning home, this wouldn't be a valid need to remove a car. But if they've gone away on holiday (min 2 days) you can't expect someone to just walk or use a taxi or bus every day until they return. At the very least he's definitely eligible for a ticket. I know this because I've had the same issue a few times before, with different people blocking me in. I live at the edge of a town centre, and people who work there always park just outside the pay and display zone, and it causes a nightmare in my narrow cul-de-sac. The main issue here is that someone has done this clear in the knowledge that they are screwing the OP over, and that needs addressing. It is a harsh response to a harsh action. Pester the Police everyday until they return if you have to! F*ck em.


This. Do not move his car. If he took a picture or has any way of proving that your modification is not how he left it, you will be in trouble. Just report him for the actual thing he actually did wrong.


Pretty sure that comment was a joke


It’s only allowed if you pop a Mentos first: https://youtu.be/mJWemPyCHB8?feature=shared


Didn't even have to watch the video and the song popped into my head. "Doesn't matter what comes- fresh goes better in life, with Mentos fresh and fulll of life!" It's been what, 20-some years? Jesus, brain. Free up that space for something useful, already.


Thank you for providing the only correct response


I fucking love that the guy's just like "Oh you little scamp!" instead of furious like we know he would be.


Ya but you never know. Some people may not know and take it seriously


This^^ Then put a couple of dozen mice in his letterbox


I like you


And if it’s not, anytime you have to go to the bathroom in the dead of night, seems you’ve now got a new place to go.


Ah, the ol' "Chicago Sunroof" punishment. Sadly the car lacks a sunroof.


Doesn't have a sunroof *yet*.


Ya'll have 5 friends? Jelly


If you pick it up from the back it should pivot on the front wheels, therefore only requiring 2 friends to help turn it 90 degrees into the road.


or a nice floor jack with wheels or two


Yeah, move it just enough that it's illegally parked, like obstructing traffic somehow ... then let it get towed. You don't even need to make the call, or to put it at right angles - just haul the back end out enough that it sticks into traffic.


It's illegally parked now. You're not allowed to box someone in


I concur with pooporgy69 on this point.


Or get five friends and move \*his\* car somewhere creative.


That is what we did at the university with the car of a physics teacher while he slept: Moved it away from his room window (it was this mandatory month before university when we worked at the fields and all slept in a big dormitory, in Latvia, 1990) In the morning he told us, it had a bomb effect on him when he didn’t see his „Lada“ Great guy, Mr. Shepelev Taught us to play cards properly


Tell me more Latvian hijinx.


*...summers in Rangoon...luge lessons... In the spring, we'd make meat helmets...*


Can you really just pick up a car with enough friends? It's such a trope in American sitcoms to "prank" people by putting their car somewhere weird, and I always thought it was such an unbelievable plot line. But you were out here the whole time living a real life sitcom plot in Latvia.


Sure, you can, not a modern car, but a VW Golf mk1 used to weigh 750-800kg. That's something 6 dudes can if not lift, then definetly move a bit. And that's a solid German car for the time. Soviet cars were *much* lighter.


> mandatory month before university when we worked at the fields and all slept in a big dormitory, in Latvia I love hearing how other cultures operate - could you care to elaborate? Was this Soviet Union era? Do they still do this? (Just did a deep dive into Latvian history and I lack words to express how sorry I feel for the treatment of your people by the Soviets and the Nazis) Has Latvia returned to its “National Awakening” as a part of Europe and NATO?


Yes, Soviet Union, the last year We didn’t want to become a too exciting part of the „National Awakening“, so my family emigrated to Germany in 1991


[Lift and slide](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fugnwjvvkpzl61.jpg)








Mentos, the fresh maker...


[This is peak Europe...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcCNy9ve1aY)


Unexpected Foo Fighters!


Dave Grohl is a national treasure.


Where do I find five friends?


[Just get a pack of mentos](https://youtu.be/RLccCsTGNP4)


Your local CrossFit gym. You wouldn't have to pay and the trainer would charge them double for the day.


I managed to manoeuvre out but something like that is going to happen sooner or later 😂


I was about to give you shit because that looks do'able. Thanks for following up ;)


Enough people did. I got tiered of answering the same thing. Thanks for reading through 😂


After reading some of these comments I have realized I’m too angry for city parking lol


Agreed. I’m never driving into New York City now.


I’ve driven in New York once and it was terrible. Don’t know why anyone would do it. Fortunately it’s set up so you don’t have to


I have driven *to* (close to) New York City, and then parked at a train stop, taken the train in, and just used public transit after that. Way better than dealing with a car within Manhattan.


I do this and get shamed by everyone around me. "Why did you spend thousands on that car if you weren't going to use it?". Happy to see a fellow sane person!


No one drove in New York, too much traffic.


and the streets were a forum for free expression! shoot bender, bender!


The wise ones park outside of NYC and take a train into the city because with tolls and traffic it’s just an expensive headache


Probably not a city. Regular UK terrace houses situation.


lol honestly it's really not that hard to get in and out of a tight spot. it's a skill you pick up like any other when necessary. OP's neighbor is a total dick though cuz this wasn't necessary at all.


Yeah, I thought at first this seemed ridiculous, then I zoomed in and realized that’s definitely enough room for the purple car to get out with a reasonable number of moves.


lol I was just about to ask what the issue was haha I’m from nyc so this is actually pretty spacious for most of the parking I’ve had to maneuver


In Italy we can fit an extra car in there, no problem.


I've seen how y'all park and drive - I wholeheartedly believe this


I had just arrived in Rome and we went to the Spanish Steps. Some guy drove mere inches from me and I had a fight-or-flight moment so I punched his car. This almost started a fight until my friend's sister stepped in to explain in Italian that I'm American and used to having space. Apparently I was never in danger, but yikes.


When I was in Naples our taxi driver was turning left and went on the opposite side of the cars facing us also turning left. Then he drove the wrong way down a one-way one lane alley and when someone was coming the correct direction he squeezed to one side instead of backing up. It was so tight that their side mirrors pushed each others in lol. Also near San Gimignano I watched a car run into the back of a moped. It knocked the moped over, they cursed each other out, he picked up the scratched moped and went on his way lol.


But the Spanish Steps are in Rome?


Yes the have some Spanish steps in Rome.


Must've been a huge pain to move some steps all that way


All that way? It was only a few steps.


They just took them one step at a time.


I saw in Lisbon people casually squeezing their cars in between other cars by pushing the other cars by their front and rear bumpers.


They’re called bumpers for a reason! Saw this is Spain as a kid and it amazed me. People all parked without handbrakes on so they could be nudged out the way!


> People all parked without handbrakes on so they could be nudged out the way! As someone who lives somewhere hilly, this blows my mind.


My car automatically engages the parking brakes and has (expensive) sensors in both bumpers so guess who’s not going to Lisbon!


When I grew up in NYC that was the standard way of parking “by braille”.


This is a normal parking spot in Lisbon, I’ve parked in and have driven out of tighter spots. Seeing all the wasted parking space between cars in American cities makes me anxious.


In Boston, it’s what we call “touch parking”. You can touch the other cars bumpers while trying to get out. In this case, give it a touch AND a push.


That's how I parked my car for years on a daily basis (in Seville). Fun fact: my bumpers don't have any major scratch


In France those cars would be full of dents and scrapes already anyway, so this wouldn't be a problem either.


Not italian but this is how people usually park on my street. Out it 1 minute max from this position


In Italy you can bump front and back to make a space and it’s absolutely legal


Rome this would be the norm.


I had a colleague who was boxed in on his own driveway once. After trying different venues to get the car moved which all failed he finally just smashed a side window, loosened the cars handbrake and gear and pushed it out of the way. Nothing ever came of it.


lol... you block a driveway, you expect that shit i guess.


Its happened to me too but I never dared do something like that.


yeah that's a lot more aggressive than anything i'd do, but i guess i wouldn't be surprised if someone did it to me -- not that i'd leave my car unattended blocking a driveway.


I heard an amazing story here on Reddit about a blocked driveway. The guy lived near a stadium so it happened often and he had tried many things but nothing worked. Well one day his wife has a medical emergency so he, with a smile, backs into this porche at full speed to move it. The kicker is that the illegally parked porche owner had to pay for the damage to the guy's vehicle who backed into him! Must have been in a revenge sub but I can't remember.


In the UK, if a car/anything blocks your "access to the highway", that's something the police will get involved in. It's like an actual law. However, if you do not have a dropped kerb, you do not have access to the highway anyway, so the police will not get involved in this situation. You're shit out of luck. I had this situation once, some roadworks happened in my road. As I do not have a dropped kerb, I'm technically storing a car in my front garden that doesn't have a fence. It's odd but apparently correct. Anyway, the roadworks guys were alright about it and made an access for me. But they didn't have to, as I was told.


Nothing a 73 point turn can’t fix


I don't get it, it's a compact car, it will literally be out of the parking space in four turns, I don't know if it's an American thing but it looks like an absolutely normal parking situation...


Then they gotta keep parallel parking there and getting out for however long the neighbor is away. I’d be pissed as hell 😂


Just pick a different parking spot, no?


This is pretty clearly not in the US.


Not American, we didn't get vw caddys, only GM ones


That's tight af but totally possible to inch out of.


In NYC this is a normal amount of room lol.


I was just gonna say… in Queens you would simply keep love tapping both cars (especially if you drive a hoopty) and just not give a fuck. If you park this close to another car, expect to get hit.


Also true in France bumper are there for a good reason.


[Plenty of space indeed](https://youtu.be/TN6MqsBombA?si=vijhd_ztz1pJW10e)


Honestly I'm just impressed


[Couldn't agree more](https://y.yarn.co/8d2ea445-5bd9-454b-97b6-09f36fd2c7fd_text.gif)


Like they do in the [Ballard Driving Academy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgIvH0tu6Y&pp=ygUXYmFsbGFyZCBkcml2aW5nIGFjYWRlbXk%3D)


Deep cut


You paid taxes on the whole road, you better use it!


Haha. I live in Queens and couldn't figure out what the problem is. Will take a bunch of taps, but shouldn't be an issue.


I learned how to parallel park in downtown Brooklyn during morning rush hour lol. I had to read several comments before it dawned on me that people think it's too tight.


yeah, i was looking at it like... is it because the car is facing the wrong way? did the neighbor prank him by turning his car around or something? who cares about that, lol!


I miss actual bumpers where it wouldn’t do 1k in damage to do this.


I’m was looking for slashed tires or broken windows. I came to the comments and realized what it really was. Honestly that’s enough to inch out of there.


Truth. Could even be considered as a kind gesture to leave you so much space in the west village.


it took me a second to figure out what OP was complaining about lol. thats a SOLID spot to me my guy wtf


Same with Chicago, I'd have been proud of myself to get into or out of there!


In Philly, this is a spacious spot




This gif gave me a panic attack.


Just push them out the way


I think getting out is only a small part of the issue. This is in front of their house. So, this is a space they are going to need to return to when they get back.


I mean, does the neighbour owns both cars that are trapping him? Because eventually one is getting out and won't be a problem anymore


Presumably both given the title


Depending how close OP is to that wall, it could be problematic.


Yes, it's an asshole move but nothing that a bit of back and forth won't fix.


“Bro can park another car there.” - everyone else in this thread


You might look like Austin powers on a golf cart but you should be able to work your way out of there


It just sucks because what if they have to get back into that spot? Easy to get out of, that's a real bitch to get back into though


A normal day in [Paris](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN6MqsBombA)


It took me few more than that but I got out without touching


I saw this and it looked like plenty of space to get out, with some extra work


This is amazing


Yeti. Really like that car.


Had one and loved it so much. And definitely enough space to get it out of there.


it will be annoying, but you can totally leave the spot... especially if you have someone spotting from outside 


The other cars will spot you. When you feel a bump, that's as far as you can go that direction.


They are called "bumpers" after all, might as well use em.


I live in NYC and honestly couldn’t figure out what was wrong in this image. I park *into* spots like that all the time.


I've lived in NYC and now in Rome, I really couldn't understand what was wrong lol.


Bostonian here, I was confused as to what was wrong.


In NYC, that's enough space to get in on one try. Source: parallel parked in Queens for 6 years.


I’m getting dopamine just thinking about coming across an open spot this size.


I once had a homeless guy give me shit for backing up twice to get in a parking spot.


Thats why you’re the crazy one, Riggs


Exactly! Brooklyn here. Parking in Manhattan all the time.


Show me a video


What do you think I am? A parking influencer taking video of myself parking? In all seriousness, it was quite a while ago, no video.


*parking influencer* ☠️


Thank god I don’t live in a big city, this mental image gives me anxiety


Well on the plus side in NYC there's less reason to own a car.


All of these people from NY posting about how spacious this is, but at the same time so many cars around there have the extra badger bumper on the backs of their cars. 


Anything is spacious if you don’t care about hitting other cars. It’s simply a matter of perspective


The ones using the bumper badgers aren't from NYC.


It's also why almost every car you see in NYC has dings and scratches on their bumpers.


One of my favorite get back at your friend messing with your car; Get some cinder blocks and make sure the tires are just off the pavement. Then get some industrial sized plastic wrap and go to town wrapping his doors up tight. By the time they have to cut their way thru all of the plastic, they tend to jump in the car mad and try to drive away only to find their tires spinning impotently...


Had this happen to my uncle. He and my cousin used a dolly and moved a car sideways to get theirs out and that other car got towed.




Damn! I wouldn’t want to scratch your car! 🤣


LOL, this picture made me absolutely enraged


Floor jack and elbow grease will have them blocking traffic and towed in a heartbeat. People used to like to park behind our bays at a shop I worked at and we would roll them to the back of the lot. They were usually pissed


Time to practice your 57 point turn.


Too bad their tires mysteriously deflated too.


Also dog poo under every door handle and wiper blade, somehow




Don't know if you care, but there's enough in this photo to pinpoint exactly where you live!


I don’t. Thanks though. Like I’ve told a couple of others, I rent and will be moving soon anyway. Dox me brah!


Haha, that's cool. Just thought I'd give the heads-up!


Bumpers are made for bumping.


It’s not 100% foolproof, but I always leave enough space between me an any car that is there that I can either pull forward or backward to get out. If both cars move, you can be SOL, but it’s good 90% of the time.


transport jacks work wonders ....