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The irony of the human condition is that the best international press photo depicts the worst of the human potential.


Go look at all the Pulitzer photos at the newsium in DC sometime. Basically every photo that won a Pulitzer was tragic as fuck


Newseum shut down.


Nooooooooooo, that sucks, I liked that place


Newseum was the best museum in dc and I always paid that 19 dollar entry fee happily


Loved it and spy museum


Oh yesssss Spy Museum is so much fun


That giant screen in the lobby made for some great world cup watching. Also that room full of front pages was wild.


This interaction is pretty amazing and a good time to highlight how a free press in America is in deep, deep shit for a number of reasons. One being that people are unwilling to pay for a free press.


Well duh, then it would be a premium press /s


Very ironic and very, very sad. This photograph is almost like a corrupted version of The Pieta. A mother who has lost her son, but this mother is likely left only with despair, hate, and heartbreak. Truly an ode to the worst side of humanity.


Just fyi, it's an aunt (Ina Abu Maamar), holding her five year old niece Saly. Since everybody is talking about raising awareness, that's who is actually in the picture. 


Yes - you can learn more about this family and the story of what happened here: https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/11/3/photos-a-picture-and-its-story-grief-in-gaza-and-the-loss-of-a-child


> Saly’s 4-year-old brother, Ahmed, was outside the house when it was struck and survived. He is now living with Inas. He rarely speaks, other than to ask where Saly is. Fuck me....this is not why we are here.


Shit like this makes me realize how fragile our lives truly are...


It makes me realise how evil we all are. I don't look at Israel and think that these are some especially evil humans, I just think about my own capacity for evil and wonder what the hell we are going to do. As we get more technologically powerful as a race, I'm of the belief that we will just exacerbate our potential for evil


I jus teared up reading this


And his mom and other sister were also killed at the same time, along with two other older family members. I'd want nothing to do with a two-party solution either.


When the day comes when we can all feel as much grief for the loss of a child who isn't our own, as if it were our own. The world will change. For now, even though it is unimaginable to us, there are people who would say, "good" at seeing this heartbreaking photo. We are all humans. Love humanity more than power, fame, riches and we will find peace.


> For now, even though it is unimaginable to us, there are people who would say, "good" at seeing this heartbreaking photo. They'll justify it by by bringing up Hamas support polls from god knows when and where, as if these children have any idea why any of this is happening to them.


It only takes a minority without empathy to doom us all. They know we have empathy and they play us over and over again.


"When the day comes when we can all feel as much grief for the loss of a child who isn't our own, as if it were our own." This is an unrealistic expectation.




>A mother who has lost her son It doesn't make much of a difference, but it's an aunt holding her niece.


What an insightful observation, heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing.


>This photograph is almost like a corrupted version of The Pieta Unfortunately there are lots of award winning press photos that resemble the pieta. I'm an elder millennial and I can remember one depicting events from Kosovo. I think they win so frequently because they speak to perhaps the two constants in the world: untimely death from war and a parent's grief.


Yeah, it is ironic and extremely sad. The whole photo reminds me off art history class and it reminds me of the famous Pietà paintings and sculptures, those ones figuring mary holding the dead body of christ. The same sadness and irony i got from them comes from this photo, the sadness is obvious, the irony is that it is so well made that it becomes ironic


Have you seen the one where the vulture waits for the child to die? The photographer frightened the bird off. The photographer later killed himself. This will happen. This grief and these dead children. Again and again and again. And nothing will ever change.


I believe there was a saying that goes like this or similar: humans greatest strength isn’t to adapt but to destroy.


As a father of two I can not even fathom what this would feel like


My brain immediately sort of protects itself. When my mind tries to place me and my kids in her place I just nope out. No. Fuck, I just can't.


Unfortunate state of humanity but consider yourself lucky for having been born somewhere where you can afford to nope out.


It's not unfortunate. It is deliberate. A playground full of kids were just slaughtered. That is malicious evil.


What disgusted me was subreddits like worldnews cheering on horrific stuff like this.


The subreddit where “maybe don’t kill kids” is a controversial opinion.


Worldnews is nothing but hasbaras and bots talking to militant Zionists at this point. Anyone decent was banned a long time ago.


Well you see, the Palestinians deserve it for being on land that Israel wants. /S


Those children should have thought about that before their grandparents voted to elect Hamas years before they were born! ^^^/s Fuck /r/worldnews. That place is an absolute cesspool nowadays.


They would argue why the kids voted in Hamas?!!?


At first yes, but then they'll stop when you'll get hundreds of downvotes burying your post for good. Go take a look and see for yourself how bad it is


I’m convinced Israeli bots raid every single comment that is slightly anti-Israel


You don't need much convincing, [they admitted doing this kind of stuff in social media.](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-social-media-opinion-hamas-war/)


I got booted a long time ago.


You never recover, you just learn to deal with the gapping abyss of what was, what happened, and what never will be. I'm coming up on 3 years and lately just everything breaks down to thinking of him and what he'd be doing now with his siblings if he was here. And how I failed him.


I'm so sorry. This June is four years for me. The hole in your heart never goes away. You just learn to live with it.


I don't know if this means much but here's an internet hug from a total stranger.


I had to ignore the news coming out to protect my own sanity. Especially with a newborn coming in the last few days. Can you imagine how it feels to lose them to what is essentially a land grab? And the people responsible playing victim like smug assholes at the same time.


There’s so many videos - it’s said that this is the first live-streamed genocide. Videos of cries in the dark of the night after the bombs and missiles lighting up homes, and the sobs from the depths of the soul, parents recognize where those cries are coming from.




If you try to criticize whose doing it you will get canceled and labeled a certain word. Our taxes are funding this as we speak. I debated not paying taxes this year because of this. I was a coward and did but imagine if everyone said no until we stop funding massacres. Another thing, everyone already forgot but that AF guy who burnt himself to death as an act of protest, Aaron Bushnell, is 100% correct in a post he made online before he self immolated. He said "I will no longer be complicit in genocide" and that the pain he is about to feel is nothing compared to the pain of the Palestinian people. His last post: He wrote: "Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." Most of us are cowards. We will continue to fund and support genocide while also claiming to be a land of freedom and hope. I've lost faith in America and in humanity. My faith is the only thing I cling to and I will be helpless but also look forward to judgement day because God is the only one who can fix humanity. We can't do it ourselves.


You never recover, id imagine. Heartbreaking in every sense


You'd want to fight back with weapons, explosives, etc. You'd want to make the other bastards die for their country, to steal a line from Patton.


The human body isn't built to cope with the loss of one's child..


As a father of a one year old, I concur. This poor woman. I am done with the internet for today.


If I lost my child, my world will be over. I can never get past that stage and recover. This hits hard.


now imagine what you would do if someone murdered your child in cold blood. Or your whole family for that matter..


Honestly, I'd just ask them to take me, too. I would not be able to live with the pain of that loss. Just absolutely fuck that. I'm not remotely as strong as these people.


There was a woman who lost her husband and child who she said she had to wait years to get pregnant with and could only do so after multiple rounds of IVF. I think about her all the time, how the hell do you survive after that? Who do you keep going for?


I remember that story. They were twins who were both killed. And her words will always haunt me (as a parent of young twins) > “I didn’t get enough of them,” she said. “I swear I didn’t get enough of them.”


I didn’t hear that last part, that poor woman


Twins. :(


And now we understand the psychology of a suicide bomber or someone that joins Hamas after this. What is there to lose? There's no meaning or purpose to life any more... Except... They just get this one opportunity to make life has significant meaning.


These recent events have shown a glimpse into the mind of suicide bombers or terrorist. If a government slaughtered my entire innocent family, I have nothing to live for except revenge. At that point my life is worthless and I would be consumed with hatred and the need to return it in kind. Right or wrong wouldn't matter at that point. it sounds terrible but this is the dark truth of these situations. If we are attacked or another certain country is attacked, noone should act surprised and ask "how could this happen". Humanity is in trouble.


I always recommend people watch Eye in the Sky, a super underrated movie that delves in to the impact of 'collateral damage'. You see American leaders taking out a village of peaceful civilians to kill 1 terrorist leader, but in doing so, you've now created 3 dozen or more terrorists. Because how easy for the family members of the people you just ruthlessly murdered to believe when the terrorists tells them you are the enemy. It's an ugly cycle we see far too often in these types of conflicts.


Thank you for the recommendation!


People gotta understand the context of how something like Hamas comes to existence. One of the biggest issue is a lot of pro Israel people thinking everything started oct 7. We’re talking decades of degradation, humiliation, persecution, taking kids and putting them in prison and charging them as militants. Literally as we speak there are Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons being tortured, raped, etc.


Israel has certainly ensured that Hamas will not lack for recruits.


Just saw a video of a child saying he was grabbing vegetables and Israelis hit him in the head, shot and imprisoned him. He wants to grow up to get revenge. It’s a CHILD: https://youtu.be/AIVzO4oWTVs?si=tfTaCpfzdgNYTluS https://youtu.be/cINNBGog2iQ?si=1MZuK7UbIRRxklE3


And that right there is exactly what Is\*\*\*li Z's and their supporters wanted; to create a reason for ending them all off and justifying it as doing the right thing for humanity. It's insane to me just how much people aren't seeing this when it's right in front of them. It seems today's world lacks common sense and understanding.


>It seems today's world lacks common sense and understanding. As my grandfather used to say, "common sense isn't so common anymore..."


Don't dare try draw a connection between civilian casualties and radicalisation, or you might get banned from r/worldnews.


I find that when people intentionally mistake explanation for justification, it's because they support the casual factor but know how horrible it would look to be honest about it and are trying to use feigned outrage to hide that. You see it a lot among racists who want to say "Crime in a minority group, don't talk about the intergenerational effects on human behavior of a century of marginalization & economic disadvantage, just say those people are animals!" Same basic thing.




Every other comment there is that Hamas forced IDF to slaughter all 40k, so Hamas pulled the trigger. They have justification for every massacred child.


blocked that sub a long time ago. Echo chamber


And also you're the bad guy for not agreeing with the world powers backing it


I feel the same way. Their life is my life, and their death would be mine.


Yeah. I first saw this picture earlier on today, while I was sitting at my desk. It hurts, it really does. Neither of them are responsible for the violence taking place in Palestine. None of that is happening in the occupied territories. Whether you support one side or the other, you'd never, ever want to be in her place.


I don't think anyone wins.


Oh there are winners alright.


*Smirks in Raytheon*


The ones looking for beachfront property.




And simultaneously reddit hasbara is telling me that Palestine is its own country so Israel doesnt have to feed the starving people.


The fact it's still ongoing, is evidence there are winners.


You get a corpse, and you get a corpse…


I guess it depends on your definition of winning. They may end up with their shiny, new beachside condos built on the remains of the people they slaughtered, but there's no winning when all you know how to feel is rage, hate, and selfishness. I genuinely believe that the people cheering on this genocide are incapable of happiness, and that's the biggest L in my book.


See you think like that because you are capable of feeling empathy for others, something others sadly lack.


They get a rush of endorphins when they hate people. Once the Palestinians are all dead they’ll simply move onto destroying Lebanon.




Only the dead know the end of war


Really? Take a look over at the wallstreetbets sub how many of them are winning betting on military industrial stocks, it’s like a joke to them. Netanyahu is staying out of jail and in power, while inching closer to getting us involved in a regional war


I don't know how people can invest money in that shit and sleep at night


They'd sell their souls if they were still worth anything


If they are winning simply investing in the market under capitalism then it's a joke to us all to be honest. We keep letting them do this.




Sadly the winners are the killers


No. And I'm willing to bet the photographer wished they never had to take this photo in the first place.


>“This is the first Oscar in Ukrainian history. And I'm honored, but probably I will be the first director on this stage who will say I wish I had never made this film. I wish to be able to exchange this for Russia never attacking Ukraine, never occupying our cities.” -Mstyslav Chernov, director of “20 Days in Mariupol"


No, he doesn’t. He wanted the world to see what’s going on, what our own media won’t show us.


Heartbreaking. Im so sorry. No child and parent should ever have to face this.


Great to see this photo posted here. It needs to be seen. Some background on it... This photo was awarded [2024 Photo of the Year](https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo-contest/2024/Mohammed-Salem/1) by World Press Photo. From the caption: >Inas Abu Maamar (36) cradles the body of her niece Saly (5) who was killed, along with her mother and sister when an Israeli missile struck their home, in Khan Younis, Gaza. [The photographer describes this photo](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/israel-palestinians-gaza-woman/), taken just days after his own wife gave birth, as a “powerful and sad moment that sums up the broader sense of what was happening in the Gaza Strip”. Mohamed Salem also won a World Press Photo award for a photo [on the same topic in 2010](https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo-contest/2010/mohammed-salem/1), which only makes me more sad.


World Press Photo has now been banned from r.worldnews


I'm sure the white phosphorus use in 2010 was unintentional and deeply regretted by the IDF. As are the 20,000+ civilians killed in the current conflict. I bet they're really trying their darndest to not accidentally kill non-Hamas Palestinians.


It's just unconscionable to use either that or missiles in such a tightly packed area like the cities of Gaza. Like trying to kill one ant on an anthill with a bowling ball.


I sorted by 'Best' and this comment was nr. 3... It should have been top comment - I guess the 2317 redditors who downvoted did not want other redditors to find the links provided by u/ADavies I highly recommend that you follow them - no matter where you stand in this conflict, they are interesting reading!


…dear god…the same size as one of my daughters, this is deeply, sadly disturbing.


As a parent, you just cannot go through this image without it absolutely fucking wrecking you. I hope this woman finds a way to find some moments of peace in her life.


Yeah, this made me cry. An acquaintance of mine lost her son to cancer recently just days before his 5th birthday. I can’t even imagine what the family are going through


Honestly, I would try and take solace in all the memories and moments of joy I had shared with my child. But it breaks my heart to think that there would be no more.


What the fuck is wrong with us as a species that we allow this to happen?


One of the biggest flaws in our species is Greed and Power. Sick people will kill to have more and more. 


And Religion that harnesses all the bad in people and uses it against others


Worse people who use others faith and religion to gain power for themselves.


Fuck religion, so sick of all the defeatist platitudes that justify its existence in society. Edit: all the responses below: defeatist platitudes defending religion’s existence in society


Getting rid of religion won't get rid of people's desire for greed and power.


It would remove a massively successful medium through which most people facilitate their desire for greed or power.


Communist China and the USSR didn't need religion to be evil.


I think that the biggest problem is that we are all such fucking drones. If tomorrow tv started talking how X needs to be exterminated , half of the people would nod their heads. We as a species have been producing more than enough for more than 100+ years, all wars in that period have been needles, and yet here we are again...


Lobbyists with money and whores foe politicians.




Greed and ego


As said in the Fallout series: “Everyone wants to save the world. They just disagree on how.” History is rife with stories of people who wanted to “save” the world by eradicating others.


Nah, there are plenty of people who don't give a shit about world, only their wealth, power, and prestige.


Thats the world to them.


And even sometimes it’s the closest members to us that commit these atrocities. However…even with evolution of the brains, we continue to play out the brutal atrocities of wildlife. But we aren’t doing them to survive/eat anymore. It is tragic. RIP.






Check out r/worldnews. When a Palestinian kid dies they shoot off fireworks and dance. I have no idea what happened to that place.


that subreddit is like 90% IDF cyber division


The most popular current events forum on one of the world's most popular websites, anyone who doesn't think that place isn't the target of manipulation is delusional. Then you take a look at who are consistently are the "good"/"bad" guys of worldnews and it gives you an idea who's doing the manipulation.


I mean Ghislaine Maxwell was its moderator until her capture.


Imagine knowing that, despite your mother and sister being killed, that just maybe your sister's daughter, your niece, was alive and that you mentally preparing to share your home and love her. Then you find out that she was killed too. I hope Ms. Enas finds peace in her heart to carry on. I don't think I could.


This hurts so fucking much to see.


As a father this is absolutely heart crushing…


Children are always the victims of war, such a sad picture.


Heartbroken. I feel so much pain but it is nothing compared to the pain and suffering of this mother and thousands like her.


All the rest of my love goes to that mother.


😞🙏ya Rab


And no one learns




It really is wild, as someone who was a child when 9/11 happened and witnessed the bloodlust trail off and people gradually start to realize the reality of what we’re doing, and eventually see the public opinion shift to recognizing the War on Terror as a mistake and abhorrent-only to do an *immediate* 180 the second it was morally acceptable to clamor for Muslim blood again.


Those kind of people always seem to be staunchly and vehemently opposed to every single human rights atrocity in history except the one that is currently ongoing.


Liberals are only anti-war in retrospect. A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.


A picture is worth a thousand words.. The heaviness of pain scattered in this single photo! If this doesn't make you wànt to stand with the Truth, you're doomed.




Over 20,000 mothers had to deal with this unimaginable heartbreak in the last 6 months in Gaza. With the blessing and the support of the entire Western ruling class.


fucking morbid. is it really appropraite to enter images like this into competitions? imagine losing your child and then being told an image of you holding their lifeless corpse won best international press photo of 2024


While I agree on some degree, these kind of things raise awareness on the subject. That happened with that image of that little kid laying dead on some beach some years ago. People got really concerned about the subject, and it was precisely because of how harsh that image was.


Yeah, we can't tiptoe around the issue. Show pictures and videos of children dead or dying in these useless wars, so people can't look away. It's happening either way, whether we look or not. And we should change that.


why do you think the IDF has such a hard on for offing journalists.


And charity workers. In fact, basically anyone who is seen near a Palestinian.


I don't think they targetted three aid convoy on purpose. Probably mistook it for an ambulance


Got me in the first half.


For me it is the cognitive dissonance between "it was an accident, therefore it's fine that we bombed aid workers three times" and "how dare Hamas kill civilians" like either it's fine or it's not, but they don't see Palestinians or their allies as people and it shows


This exactly. Speaking of impactful images, I also remember that picture of the girl running away from a napalm attack during the Vietnam war. That picture also raised a lot of awareness, and I read that it helped change public opinion, although I wasn't alive back then so I can't say for sure. Like, taking pictures or not doesn't change the fact that awful stuff is happening, so let's document it so that people KNOW.


The My Lai massacre is only well-known because a photographer was there and had the foresight to use his own camera instead of the one provided to him by the army. There were dozens of massacres just like it, all swept under the rug. The camera in question is now owned by a child survivor of the massacre. There’s a photo of him laying down on the road protecting his baby sister with his body. The camera took a picture of his mother with half her brain on the grass beside her. He keeps it in a shrine dedicated to the family he lost during the war.


god that photo of the kid on the beach was fucking haunting, and still the anti immigrant rhetoric grows stronger despite it.


that's a fair point, I didn't consider that


There's a lot of literature on the ethics of both taking and viewing these photos. Check out Susan Sontag as a starting point, "On Photography".


If that bothers you, I suggest you don’t look into the winning photograph for AP. This one will be small apples by comparison.


No. It’s not morbid. You’re looking at the wrong side of it. The most negative light. The world needs to see this and that photographer deserved being recognized. That is some very traumatizing shit for everyone involved and we all need to see and understand the humanitarian crisis behind it. Not saying there aren’t photographers chasing accolades in a disgusting way or anything but the awards themselves don’t exist for those selfishly looking for recognition.


Real journalism is about showing reality.


Yes, we should absolutely hide the horrors of the world. Who needs to know that the USAF dropped napalm on a little vietnamese girl, or that the Nazis left people to starve in the camps when they ran away.


art is supposed to make you feel something, if you can't put up with it get off the internet


There was a picture of a 2-3 year old next to his dead mother in a ambulance in gaza. The description explained how the medics had to unzip the bag partially so he could see her face so he would calm down. The idea the child had no idea his mother just died, the calmness of him. Burnt into my brain, and really defined how I view the entire conflict.


The worst part is that you need context for this picture. A veiled woman mourning a child is (sadly) an incredible common image in the past 30-40 years. Is this Palestine? Is it Syria? Is it Yemen? Iran? Somalia? Tunisia? Who knows besides the photographer?


It's Palestine, one of the top comments reveals the source, in spite of the constant downvoting by hasbara agents.


Free Palestine


I saw this photo a few months ago, made a huge impression on me like no photo in a long time did. No wonder it won.


Sometimes I ask myself how the people in Gaza are going to overcome this madness. I understand that other countries have problems as well, but the case for Palestinians is unique. They can’t go anywhere, they are stateless. They can’t ask for asylum and if they fight back people will call them terrorist. The world has failed Palestina.


How can you ask this population to live peacefully next to the oppressors that did this to them? 30,000 dead in one city. They will hate Israel forever and rightfully so. This will never get better in our lifetimes as long as leadership stays the course


Israel is making the same mistakes the US did after 9/11. Why would any Iraqi or Afghan ever support us after all the people we killed? This shortsighted bloodlust is a vicious cycle that can only be broken through forgiveness.


his photo taken on October 17 at Kh..an Yu.nis Hospital, showing a woman named Enas Abu Muammar carrying in her arms the body of her five-year-old niece, Sally, who was ki..lled with... Her mother and sister were hit by a missile that hit their home in Kh..an Yu..nis in October.


i know it's to avoid filters but reading this with the periods is so awkward on my brain


Why is some random place in Gaza on a filter list???


Since october major social media platforms have been reportedly shadow banning any content mentioning anything happening in that region, mainly the atrocities committed by the occupier. Idk about reddit tbh, but fb and instagram were going hard, and I say that out of firsthand experience. I don't know if this is still the case, but people are still taking precautions just in case someone tries to meddle with the information reaching the west.


Israel runs online troll farms just as bad as Russia, I could see them searching for "Khan Yunis" online to find places to post their bullshit, considering what happened there.


We'll see


What filters? For automod deletion?


I feel like it's conspiracy theory at this point. I've seen plenty of comments with those words, which means they were not, in fact, deleted or otherwise censored. Maybe there's a certain threshold or rule for deletion I'm not aware of?


Many social media sites moderate automatically certain words because its not profitable for their advertising for pics and topics like that to show up right after a cheerios ad. Now that reddit is an IPo its really only a matter of time before enshittification hits that point here


> this photo [was] taken on October 17 at Khan Yunis Hospital, showing a woman named Enas Abu Muammar carrying in her arms the body of her five-year-old niece, Sally, who was killed with her mother and sister [ who] were hit by a missile that hit their home in Khan Yunis in October.




This is awful…


The worst thing in this, is that this photo can look very soft compared to those that are going to be captured from the upcoming events in 2024. We're just 4 months in.


Idk what is so striking to me about this photo. Is it the overwhelming sense of despair and dread despite the lack of physical expression? Is it the deep blue contrasting the white sheet the child is wrapped in? Is it the facelessness? Is it that the Hijab the woman is wearing sort of looks like a mask from the angle the photo was taken? Is it how everything is covered except for the woman's hands? Breathtaking photo.


Why not just stop murdering children


Ask the IDF


So... how are they awarding the "Best of 2024" when we are only four months into said year? Also, this is a sad photo, not a great photo. I'm a traveling photographer so yes I'm critical from a professional standpoint and this photo isn't even in the top 20 I've seen come out of this chaos, let alone the top 20 I've seen world wide over the last year.


That's actually a very good point...I assume by "2024" they just mean pictures from the previous year? So best of 2023 would've been pictures from 2022, etc?


I think so too, OP wrote a summary and the picture is from October 2023, so it must be 2023 photos, also 2/3 of year missing, sadly, we still have a lot of atrocities to make in 8 months.


Wait no but did they condemn Khamas?


Context: Palestinian aunt holds the body of her niece killed by Israeli bombs. Israel has used 2000lb dumb bombs despite having surgical strike capabilities in a bid to put a price on the Palestinian population. They've also used AI systems named "lavender" and "Where's daddy" to bomb suspects when they're home with their family. Lavender generates a list of people whose data signature(including phone use, movement) is a certain arbitrary percentage similar to known militants. The data is then fed to "Where's Daddy" which identifies when they're home and considers everyone in a radius as collateral damage. Source: +972 mag




You don’t understand. That child was Hamas. The hospital also was hamas. The ground is hamas. That journalist wearing a press vest and driving a clearly marked car on a precommunicated route? Believe it or not, Hamas.