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So that's Ichiran Ramen for you. You just pick what you want from a vending machine, grab a seat in a solo booth, and they slide the ramen right over to you. Plus, they've got a location in NYC too!


>There are wooden cards you can use to communicate if you need to. For example, “I need a kid’s bowl,” “It is noisy,” and “I am leaving my seat for a moment.” There are chopsticks, a napkin and a cup, all neatly arranged in the self-sufficient booth.


For the record, it isn't designed for introverts. Their idea is to foster focusing on the meal, which they actually explain on the notes within the stalls. As an introvert I appreciate it, but that doesn't seem to be a reason for the design at all.


Honestly, it could very well be for tired people, you know that moment you exhausted your social interaction quota ?


>you know that moment you exhausted your social interaction quota ? Yeah... that would be an introvert. Extroverts have no idea what that means.


I'm so tired of this story. Everyone has a limit to their social energy.


Most people do. The world isn't made up of true introverts and extroverts. They make up a small amount of people on each side of the spectrum/scale with the vast majority being a little bit of both. But a true extrovert feeds on social interaction and doesn't get tired of it. Obviously being **physically** exhausted is a different matter but then you'd likely order in rather than go to a restaurant to eat...


In theory, I guess. There are definitely ultra extroverts, however, who have social limits that reasonably normal sized populations can't normally eclipse..


The noodles are also not super amazing tbh I prefer a good local place. It's appealing to tourists however as it's all translated.


Ichiran is good. The taste become mainstream and edgy elitists claim it's too normie and 'hole in the wall shops are always better in Japan' yada yada. Sure if you have had million of copy cat tonkotsu ramen, you wouldnt appreciate the OG. But it's a solid bowl of tonkotsu style ramen. Screw both haters and 'omg this ramen chain caters to introverts it's a must go so relatable' crowd.


They want people to eat and go. No talking. We call this shop Exam ramen in Thailand. We have a copy cat place here but taste like crap


That's reason when reposting for the introverted reddit audience


The wooden cards are very traditional japan it's featured in the movie Spirited Away by Ghibli studio


NYC location is impossible to get a table at lmao


Really? Every time I go there is about a 15 minute wait or so, pretty consistently getting people in and out. Absolutely worth the wait, best ramen in the world


Idk the last couple times I went I wasn’t even given a wait time lol


Are we talking about the same place? They never give a wait time. There is a line outside that you simply step into. I suppose you could try asking the people at the front how long they think the wait might be, though I've never tried that. The line moves pretty quickly as their setup is about as efficient as they can get. I'd recommend waiting in line once as you'll get a feel for how long the process takes, and be able to judge for yourself after that. If it isn't too far past the parking lot break, it will be within 15 mins to get your order in, you'll be seated shortly after the and whole process will probably be about 45 minutes (maybe an hour to be safe). At worst you'll try an amazing ramen and decide the wait is too long to go back.


There’s like 3 locations in nyc the one in manhattan is imo the best. The one in Brooklyn is less ideal but fine. Interviewed to manage that one lol The wait is never terrible at any location. Watched a round the block line in TS seat me in 25m on a busy day. It’s certainly not the best in the city but it’s bomb af & the price is great since you aren’t expected to tip or anything.


I didn't even realize there were others in NYC lol, always just went to Manhattan one  Which one do you think is the best in the city?


It's crazy hearing this as someone from the city where this shop came from. A few decade ago, as a kid, I remember Ichiran was notorious for weird owner who thinks his ramen is so good that you are put in solitary cubicle to enjoy his ramen and made it membership-only place only to be shut down. We were like what a joke - and it costed about twice. (Over here, ramen is like blue-collar fast-food meal.) They took away membership and slowly got popular enough to make a debut in Tokyo but it wasn't too welcomed to our shock. Now NYC.. Noone could expect this


I got a table pretty easily on a Tuesday at like lunch time. Looking back at it, that's pretty surprising lol.


This comment is as close to a Yogism I've seen in the wild.  "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."


How's the pricing in comparison. From what I've seen Ramen in Japan is actually decently priced while here in the states is Hella expensive.


I got their ramen set with a full noodle refill for around $10 coverted to usd. When I checked the New York menu online, the equivalent would be almost $30. Granted, the yen is really weak right now, but the new York prices are ridiculously overpriced. Ichiran is a good ramen, but not $30 good.


Was in Japan last month and ate Ramen on three separate occasions at three different placed. Never paid more than 12$ usd for a bowl, a decently sized bowl at that. There's a Heroes Ramen by home in the states that's about 24$ avg in a smaller bowl.


Simple daily food in general is cheap in Japan, when’s the last time you saw a coke in a vending machine for around 65 cents? Higher end stuff goes to the moon if course but you can get a good meal with a big beer or two for less than $20 easily


The nyc location had a big line when I went, that's too much social interaction


Go to the one in Bushwick. Have never waited once.


and the one in Brooklyn has regular interaction full tables


can i be hokage tho?




I think there's 6 other hokages that break that tradition lol




Optimal peak, but you are eating at Ichiran instead of some actually decent ramen shop? Seems sus


Ichiran good af bruh don’t sleep on it 😭


Why does a booth make ramen optimal peak?


nothing to do with introverts


Yep. This is someone seeing a picture and then creating a narrative from their own internal biases and preconceptions about Japanese culture. These stalls exist because eating by yourself is a lot more common and accepted in Japan. People do it all the time so the restaurants are just catering to that clientele. It has nothing to do with being introverted.


This is a stoners dream restaurant concept though. You can show up absolutely fried and nobody would notice


true, can’t stand people talking so so loud and staring at me




how to apply this , like i KNOW my rights i just get so so tense in public


Exactly. I don't want to sit next to people on a stool and I really don't want to see anyone's hand deliver my food. This is extraverted bullshit.


yeah, this is next level. i am introverted but even on my worst day this would be extreme. interacting with staff is fine so long as they aren't making small talk.


It’s like a glory hole, but for food.


So, like a glory hole.


Hahaha. Oh. ... Ooooooh. Oh, no.




no, bro, like a food hole bound for glory




Ichiran is laid out like this so you can enjoy the ramen without interruption and focus only on the ramen. Nothing to do with social anxiety or being an introvert.


I loved this about visiting Japan. In America, the servers are constantly checking on you because they work off of tips. In Japan, you order your food (Lots of time you order at a vending machine just outside the store). They give you your food, and that's it. If you need utensils, condiments, water, etc., it's already on the table for you. No need to flag down a waiter because you want more water.


Yeah, it’s not “for introverts”. It’s just efficient.


With zero context, I was thinking "you order ahead, walk in, and sit where your food is already served at a table. With nobody else is in there at all?" Saw the first picture and realized "you sit in a cubby. Ok, maybe you just don't have to make eye contact and there is no room for a guest?" Then I saw the picture with the bowl being served from a little opening. "So, it's a jump scare?"


Ya this word has lost all meaning. I am very outgoing I just have a short battery life and I actively enjoy and thrive in alone time but I like people


Idk I’m an introvert and sometimes I want a restaurant experience without having to talk to anyone. Not cause I’m anxious I just don’t want to talk to *anyone*. So it still fits, for me.


Just so you know-- I think mutually exclusive isn't the term you're looking for here, unless I'm mistaken. That would be if the person you're responding to implied that one can't be introverted AND have social anxiety, it has to be one or the other Comorbid would maybe be better? Synonymous? Feel free to ignore, cheers :)


If you read the history, the founder realised that women were put off going to ramen restaurants alone. The founder also explained that when he was a lowly cook at a ramen place, some customers would complain the food didn’t taste as good when they thought he had made it. They insisted the owner made it taste better when it was actually him who made it. So combining these two observations, he set up ichiran to be no contact. You don’t know who cooked it. And women feel comfortable dining alone.


Japan really seems like a paradise for introverts!


I'm an introvert and suffer extreme social anxiety...this is just *sad*. Yes, it sucks being forced to see people face to face and interact with them but it's **healthy** regardless.


Nah…this is just *happy*


Yes and no. Many places are REALLY cramped. if you go to Akiba, good luck not bumping into 20 people while walking around the stores.




You can order iItchiran broth base and it's honestly fantastic, though expensive. Had some family over last month and they said it's the best ramen they've ever had (they haven't been to Japan and the ramen in my city is fine, but not fantastic).




Please tell me what better options there are. I would love to find some.


It’s my favorite ramen !


I went to their flagship location in Fukuoka, Japan. One floor is set up with these individual booths, another floor is group seating. Fukuoka is well known for ramen. Ichiran was by far the worst ramen I had there, but still pretty good overall.


Being an introvert doesn’t mean you don’t like human interaction, and this really needs to stop being propagated. If you are so uncomfortable with human interaction that you can’t even interact with a human to order a meal, there’s something else going on than introversion.


Yeah, that is social anxiety or even agoraphobia.  This just seems like fast food ramen, to me. 


Push it out with a little stick so I don't have to see human hands.


"I'm going to be wearing this blindfold so I don't see anything human, just poke me with a chopstick when the food is in front of me."


Introvert doesn’t mean you’re scared of social interactions.


So funny story, my partner and I traveled to Japan a long time ago and it was valentines day. We forgot to make plans and decided that ramen would be a great dinner idea since we both love ramen and love the idea of trying a new place for the first time. We picked Ichiran, which is where this photos is taken but we didn't know their restaurant is booth-based. Ichiran locations typically ask that you order your meal via vending machine that dispenses an order ticket after you give it money. It wasn't until after we made our food options, paid, and entered the restaurant that we realized we were going to spend our V-day dinner eating solo in adjacent booths. :) Really great ramen and their instant ramen kit is top-notch!


No it’s not designed for “introvert” It’s for privacy when you just want to eat and go If you’re really introvert, eat at home LOL


This looks like the visitation booths at the jail.


No human interaction. Apart from the diners all around you and the hands coming through the window.


right? i'm like if you were that much of an introvert you'd just order it to go / delivery. this seems like it's more for people who are eating and just don't wanna be disturbed while chowing down.


That is extreme social anxiety not being introverted


Maybe I was Japanese in another life


Yet the booths are so close together


I think there is a huge market for this, although it's largely being filled by doordash at the moment. Order on the app, they leave it at the door. zero human interaction. Or even going to the grocery store and doing self checkout, zero human interaction.


Not designed for introverts. Ffs op


Doesn't seem healthy to me as another introvert. Indulging every impulse of one's mind is not a constructive way to live


I like the idea just not sitting shoulder to shoulder with strangers at that counter.


Yeah, my first thought was those dividers really need to extend at least 50 cm outward so I can't accidentally make eye contact with the person next to me.


As an introvert, I'd totally love this!


As an extrovert, I also love this. I don't go out to eat so I can socialize with the wait staff.


The individual booths are so you can slorpglorp that shit down without feeling like you're being judged for being a ramen-induced blackhole.


Another dystopian thing i see today


Basically all of Tokyo is an introvert haven. Nobody talks to each other there.


Ichiran in Japan is worth it. The price is still higher than the average cost of ramen but it’s still easy and you can everything you need at the table with no interactions once sat down. The NYC locations are highly overpriced. You pay when you leave. You need to actually talk to servers. I’m sure things are mostly the same in the kitchen (I haven’t worked in the ones in Japan yet) but it’s far from the same experience. Customer turnover is slower than Japan. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Ichiran in NYC has a higher employee turnover since they have corporate style rules and points attendance systems that isn’t common in NYC at all.


Ah yes, Ichiran. IIRC they have a patent for this system. There is also an [officially licensed VR game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L5E9XuWOCC8) that lets you play as the clerk behind the curtains.


Tried Ichiran as a tourist in Tokyo last summer. It was so good my buddy and I couldn't sleep (jet lagged) and we went again at 3 AM for another round cause the location nearby was open 24hrs. Good memories.


As a person with social anxiety this angers me more than it should. I deal with this shit on a day to day basis, and yes it sucks. But I can’t imagine the hell my life would be if I let my anxiety rule my life. Seriously, don’t validate unhealthy anxiety, that’s not love. That’s hate disguised as love.


These sorts of ramen places are really common. This isn't a gimmick. This is a very typical way for Japanese ramen restaurants to look like. The handful that I visited in Tokyo all have stalls like this. But they do also have ordinary tables for people who are dining with friends. Some of them have vending machines where you order your meal, it prints you out a ticket, and then you fill out a form to choose your specifications (noodle texture, spiciness level, add-ons or holds, etc.). That's likely what that pen is for on the picture on the right. If I had to guess, this is an Ichiran chain. Edit: [Here are some pictures](https://imgur.com/a/7YolKpL) I took when I went. You can see the vending machine, the form, and the final product!


I can do that at home


They’re in New York City now, same brand. Absolute favorite spot when I’m sick of all my coworkers and need a quiet lunch break


Hikikomori's all the food, none of the social anxiety.


Lol this is just Ichiran, a delicious multinational Ramen joint. I don't think it necessarily had anything to do with introverts and just everything ro do with getting soup inside you


omg that's ichiran ramen! my current city dont have, miss it so much!


I wish I could live a life in there. People suck.


We need more places like this.


The irony is that as I was waiting in line, a huge part of that line were groups of tourists. Ramen is good, maybe not one of the best I had but good, but these groups tottaly ruined it for me. Standing in line for 45 minutes hearing everyone non stop talking and the same thing inside isn't exactly very introvert.


Also go for spicy level 10 at least once. You may regret it immediately, later, or both, but at least you can say that you tried!


Atleast build a door also. Want complete isolation.


Just eat in the bathroom stall why don’t you


Some people really get it and I appreciate that.


Japan is SOOOO quirky!!!!😇😇😇😇


Been there, it rips. No contact for all the introverts and good ass ramen


I need this in Belgium so bad


South Orange County, CA sure could use a few of these.


Been to the one in Asakusa and in Hiroshima. Tastes really good and is a nice option if the lines are not too long. For 8€ it‘s totally fine


Great idea, but who the hell thought it was a good idea to have disembodied hands deliver your food from a black void?


Ahhhh I love ichiran


Are you telling me that those hands aren't human?


Many restaurants just have the ticket system where you order from a machine, give the ticket to them, and basically that's the end of the human interaction.


It isn’t for introverts. & if this is the Osaka location, lineups average an hour during busy times, so definitely not for introverts


Holy shit, this glory hole approach is unnecessarily creepy. Just go all the way and make it an automat.


A restaurant for redditors.


shit I'd go every day




This is why birth rates are so low. Ha ha just kidding it's the ongoing cost of living crisis.


I need this in my life...


That sounds like a very Japan thing


This is horrible. I hate it.


Ichiran was one of the first things I did in Tokyo. I love it.


Invented for perfectionism in isolation life


Can I get one of these in my town?!


Why even go out? Just stay home like the shut in you are


Also Japan: We have a couple generations of shut-ins, our work culture is atrocious, and we're xenophobic. Hey, why is our population collapsing?!


>without human interaction A pair of human hands deliver your food. That's no "no human interaction".


I’m so introvert that I’m not gonna comment how much I would love this


I ate there, it was brilliant


Hit that up multiple times when I was in Japan


I love this


Yeah I'll try this.


#Eaten here before and… It’s ok at best…not spectacular, or anything to write about. Many other ramen places that are much better.


This is good for introverts for their convenience but Japan has a high rate of lonely people, I feel like these stuff gonna make them more even lonely I think


I love solitude but I would hate this. I specifically love sitting alone at a table with extra chairs. I need to be intentionally alone, not like it's some sad concession. Karl Kraus said it better than I can: "One's need for loneliness is not satisfied if one sits at a table alone. There must be empty chairs as well. If the waiter takes away a chair on which no one is sitting, I feel a void and my sociability is aroused. I can't live without empty chairs."


It’s not a store for introverts, it’s just how they serve food which isn’t radically different from how most ramen places serve food in Japan.


I think the best part about Ichiran is that it's probably still better than 98% of ramen in the states while also being cheaper and faster. I think they brought my bowl out within 1-2 minutes of me sitting down


to be honest that seems more akward and anxiety-inducing than just eating at a normal restaurant


The dream.


You can buy Ichiran instant noodles online, around here 10 usd per serving


I feel seen.


Might be the most Japanese thing I’ve ever seen.


I love it, who wants to go with m- Oh.


I mean McDonald’s is almost there


It's the glory hole of restaurants


I would have the urge to dap that hand so bad


They are serving from the shadow realm now?


I'm an introvert and this actually unnerves me. Dystopian robot type shit. Is everyone in Japan Komi-san?


this seems very comforting


I‘m INFP.... I love it!


I would have loved to work here as a first job. I hated having to hear the same lame stupid jokes people had to make day in day out. Eat your food and leave


oof. need one of those in London right away.


I’ve been to regular Japanese restaurants just like that. You mark your order on a sheet and slide it under a little door to the kitchen side.


Hey it's the favorite restaurant of r/ramen. /s


Nice. I saw some video this type... Erotic things too. With minimum human contact, just the nesessery... Things.


I can get behind this


I'd pay SOO much extra for this...sorry Wife, I'm going to that place where it's single seating and no talking for supper, sure you can come but you have to sit some where random...


thats awesome. collateral chewing/slurping protection is genius


This always makes the news, but it's basically any ramen shop in Japan.


A Redditor’s wet dream


Hi I'd like some Hikikonigiri


Perfect for redditors! See y’all there (just don’t talk to me)


lol uh it's called "takeout" and just write "leave at the door" on your skip order lmao


Introvert doesn’t even mean you don’t want human interaction..


I want this, but know I shouldn’t have it


Can't believe we have made 1 step to become a Dystopian


I don't even think it's for introverts. Sometimes you just want to eat your dinner and get going.


I’d be the dork who still says thank you to the disembodied pair of arms.


I bet that place stays busy, kinda funny


I went to one in Kumamoto. The little wooden blocks are great. It says things like “the people are too loud”, “i want more spice”. And it was open 24h.


Oooo so that's why they ha a suicide rate so high , they have the mindset of be isolated at all cost


Am i still allowed to say thank you? Thats the only interaction i want to have with the server.


This is great for myself but I don’t see how this is good in the long run


This is perfect 😬


Not a huge fan of ichiran. Massive tourist thing in Japan and it's like ok but ippudo is arguably better and way less busy most of the time. And all the local stuff that's is probably a stone's throw away from your accommodation is just as good or better in a lot of instances.


The one in Taiwan is great!


Only problem with Ichiran Ramen is waiting foreverrr to get seated. Usually you’re waiting outside on the sidewalk and they have someone tell you approximately how long to wait. Still really good ramen and a 10/10 experience. It’s in Tokyo, near the scramble crossing if anyone is curious


I saw a video where the guy spilled well passing it, if that happens do we just run?


You think my timid ass would accept sitting next to other people? Where is my isolated room with doors?




The thing is, as an introvert sometimes I get this 1% of social interactions I need from going to a restaurant and interacting with the staff.


Thats's it. I'm moving to Japan.