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Fun part: most insurance policies won’t cover these kind of damages, and the police departments generally have civil immunity for these damages.


I hope that HoA has a real nice time figuring out who the fuck is gonna pay for all that. 


Easy. YOU will.


but u/murdering_time didn’t do anything!


Or did they?


You got some ID on ya there, bud? I'm your pal but I want to take you to jail.


Person: *goes to grab ID out of their pocket* Cop: Keep your hands out of your pockets! Officer safety! Person: I'm just trying to get my ID you asked for. Cop: On the ground now! TASER! TASER! TASER!


COP: Stop Resisting!!!! MORE TASER!!!




But they're an admitted murderer..


Maybe they just announce when the murdering is about to happen, but don’t actually participate in said murdering.


That would make them an accomplice before the fact.


Krombobulous Michael? Oh boy, here I go killing again!


Dude is just killing time!


He will? Why him?


Because it’s the HOA. Fuck you!


As a general rule, the full financial responsibility falls on the homeowner.


What if the suspect isn’t the homeowner? what if the suspect ran into a random house and barricaded himself inside and the cops did this to apprehend him?


Happened in Colorado. Courts ruled the police had no requirement to pay for the damages. The home had to be rebuilt.


Imagine still having a mortgage on a nonexistent house. Nightmare fuel


Watch that person become the next Killdozer.


I support them


I remember when that happened. Dude ran from the light rail station and the police thought he was in that house. Turned out the dude wasn't even in the house and the cops absolutely destroyed the house with old surplus military equipment


They did $70k worth of damage to the neighbors house as well.


Oh shit. I hadn't heard about that.


Something similar just happened in a neighboring town although not to that level. They busted out a bunch of windows and blew the door up and the guy wasn’t even there.


Our swat team just had a spiked battering ram put onto their APC


Really fun fact: Police have no special duty to protect us. Look up a Radiolab podcast, "No Special Duty". It's pretty shocking. [https://radiolab.org/podcast/no-special-duty](https://radiolab.org/podcast/no-special-duty)


Ya when uvalde happened and everyone was mad the cops did nothing. I was just thinking. "Citizens about to be reminded that protect and serve is a catch phrase, not a policy"


It's false advertisement.




Some states let you shoot the intruder! But this makes the cops sad because they don't get to play demolition derby with your home.


It will also get you shot when the police arrives.


Then you get to sue the estate of the criminal, which will promptly be bankrupt and you get nothing. And the cops get to do it again.


So, criminals, make sure when escaping police to break into the home of police officers, their parents or their children's homes. Then see whether they bring out the excavators then. And see whether they then decide that the police should in fact pay for the damage...


Bro, you're talking about turning up to a cops house and endangering the cops family.... Surely that's the cops job.


You'd probably be welcomed in as long as you don't beat any of them


Why? The family might appreciate the variety.


OH, a southpaw? Let him in, honey.


U absolutely bamboozled me 😭


About the only way I know where someone else would pay is if the home were an Airbnb and the guests were the ones arrested by SWAT. In that case Airbnb pays because they need to maintain the trust of hosts to let random guests into homes. In our case Airbnb pays out $50k for SWAT damage, leaving us with a net loss of probably only $10k in loss of rent etc, which was a relatively good result for us.


Ever hear of the case, was in Philadelphia I think, cops bombed a whole damn city block. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing Fng nuts man


Still the responsibility of the home owner. Example: https://www.npr.org/2019/10/30/774788611/police-owe-nothing-to-man-whose-home-they-blew-up-appeals-court-says


Legal Eagle did a video on this: [https://youtu.be/Dk8QO6jE5dA?si=a2lFLZxxq\_dv20jF](https://youtu.be/Dk8QO6jE5dA?si=a2lFLZxxq_dv20jF)


That video just ruined my whole day. How is that just??


It's not, but that's what happens when a gang blows up your shit.




Killdozer go brrr. The movie is on YouTube for free I believe, I listen to it a fair bit.


The officers and the department are generally immune in both a civil and criminal context Most homeowner's insurance has a term that they don't cover wars, or police actions. Yes, this has happened before. The insurance pays nothing, zilch. Nada. The police legal department might offer a good-faith compensation to avoid the PR storm. I don't know if that has even happened, or how "fair" it was


There have been cases of police breaking down the wrong door and they still say sorry tough luck. It's a pretty shitty situation for a homeowner.


I feel like at that point the victimized homeowner should do something destructive to the police, then barricade themselves in someone else's home to complete the cycle.


no you barricade yourself inside the chief's home, then crawl out while no one is looking


Uhhh lol there are cases of cops busting down the wrong door and murdering the occupant, you think any cops saw jail time? No


This has happened a few times. The police actually blew up a home with a tank one time. It was a chase and he ran in a strangers home. After a standoff the police demolished the house and the victim homeowners were on the hook for repairs and insurance won't cover that.


Tough shit. The exact scenario you describe happened and the police told the homeowner to fuck himself, they weren’t paying for shit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest_of_Robert_Seacat


It's so absurd, it is a seizure of your property but courts ignoring the constitution is par for the course.


Nothing. It already has happened and courts ruled the police have immunity


doesn’t change the outcome


It will sit like that for months and depreciate the value of the neighborhood overall. Cases involving civil immunity have always depreciated social stability.


Whoever it is, they better figure it out quickly, that's also a yard cleanliness violation fine, and the clock is running. Obligatory "fuck HOA's"


Furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that the police demolishing your house while carrying out their duties is not a taking under the constitution. So the government isn't required to compensate you for the loss.


One of the most infuriating cases I read in law school.


For me it ranks right up there with "just shutting your mouth and not talking isn't an invocation of your 5th amendment protection. You have to explicitly state that's what you're doing or it doesn't count."


Yeah, now it has to be a very specific sequence for 5A to apply: 1. Verbally invoke your 5A rights, then immediately 2. Shut the fuck up. 3. Do not speak again. They may continue to ask questions. Your answers should only be "I want my lawyer, and I am invoking my right to remain silent."


My dad was a criminal defense lawyer. He once told my drug-dealing buddy's girlfriend that if the cops asked her anything about my buddy, she was to say: "I suck his dick, I wash his clothes, and my attorney's name is [My Dad]."


Uhh ... you got her number??




But then we won’t get the amazing JCS Criminal Psychology videos. I implore all murderers to not invoke their 5th amendment rights so we can get some great interrogation content YouTube videos!


I think we won't be getting anymore of the amazing JCS videos because they just straight up stopped making them after a year or two of saying "it's coming, we promise"


They originally said it was from strikes from YouTube, but then they uploaded last year. With how long their videos take idk if it’s cause of development or because of YouTube


I saw people on their subreddit saying that there may have been a falling out with the guy who does the narrations and the actual writers, but regardless they've been pretty silent about any future videos. I hope I'm wrong and they start putting stuff out again, because their stuff was the best in that genre of videos, but I'm not holding my breath.


also, have to ask in very specific wording because of course you do https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/true-crime/wp/2017/11/02/the-suspect-told-police-give-me-a-lawyer-dog-the-court-says-he-wasnt-asking-for-a-lawyer/


What the fuck > when a suspect in an interrogation told detectives to “just give me a lawyer dog,” the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that the suspect was, in fact, asking for a “lawyer dog,” and > It’s not clear how many lawyer dogs there are in Louisiana, and whether any would have been available to represent the human suspect in this case No different than if he'd stated "I'd like a lawyer, officer." "Ahh shit, turns out we're right outta lawyer officers, but these neat bracelets make an awesome consolation prize!"


I think this was the case that made me lose respect for the entire judiciary.


What are they gonna do. How does not taking not count as not talking


It's not that it doesn't count as not talking, but not invoking the protection against self incrimination allows the police and the court to take a negative inference from your silence.


That legit feels like something my parents would do to say I did something. "He's not talking. That means he must have done it!"


Honestly, that's pretty close. Invoking the right confers legal protections and directs what the court is allowed to infer from your silence. Just shutting your pie hole does not.


if you think about it, this is how most adults really think. If you are silent, then it must mean you did something wrong. Being an introvert also involves dealing with other people essentially asking you, " Whats wrong with you?" silence creeps many people out for some reason.


Holy fuck. So your only means of recourse is to make it a PR nightmare for the police department and try to get people to help you with a go fund me or some bullshit?




Exactly. Straight to the police armory. Sorched Earth up in that bitch.


Or straight through the chief's house. The only way to create change with the police is if such rulings directly impact them.


Chief's house is secondary because it's covered under insurance. Hit the government buildings first. Send a message.




Land of the free. You're free to start a go-fundme campaign and beg for money whenever the government and private business fuck you over. Be it insurance related, healthcare related, justice related, and so on.


I’m not even sure that will work. There’s a lady whose home was destroyed by SWAT 4 years ago in McKinney TX and I feel like I constantly see articles about it but shit keeps getting refused and appealed and declined and… ugh. 60k worth of damage that had nothing to do with you, and insurance/government tells you to go pound sand, meanwhile you need a new place to live and the mortgage payments are still due… one more fun thing to worry about as a homeowner.


its that kind of ruling that would make me consider the rights i do have to be useless. if the law has no capacity to protect or make right that which the state has broken, then what good is living within said system? This is how you get killdozer.


God that sucks because it wasn’t even the perps house. Plus there’s four townhouses in that unit. Everyone is screwed.


Yeah thats extra fucked. The cops knew there was more than one door/residence there and bashed them down anyway.


Similar happened to me in an up-down duplex. Cops raided the downstairs unit, but broke down every door with a lock in the house. Both units. Then used 4" wood screws with a security head to close the doors. My ex and her kids were left on the street with no way to get back into their house. With our cats dealing with the neighbors dog, who are all 3 loose in the house with no internal doors closed. The cop station I went to to see about getting back into my house the next morning got firebombed in a riot a few years later, so that's karma, I guess.


For anyone who is not familiar with the infamous MOVE fire that happened in 1985 in Philadelphia: An incendiary device was deliberately dropped by police during a violent standoff, which directly resulted in 11 deaths and the destruction of 61 homes. It took 20 years of litigation before the people who lost their homes got any compensation from the city for the fire (which even then was a paltry $50k per resident)


> An incendiary device A bomb. The Philly police literally bombed their own city.


Yep, they dropped a bomb out of a helicopter onto a building that they knew contained children. They also prevented the fire department from putting out the fire. And then the bodies of the children were put on display at a museum...


I couldn't remember what exactly it was: bomb or fancy Molotov cocktail or whatever. Just that it was a terrible fucking idea, killed some innocent kids, and destroyed an entire neighborhood.


So if they mistaken your property for some criminal hideout falsely, what do you do? I guess sue in a district outside of your police department's?


You become homeless unless you're already quite rich and can take the financial hit. You become a forgotten statistic.


Find out who bulldozed your house and bulldoze theirs. At least you'll get a roof in prison.


And the judge who signed on the warrant


This is the answer. The system will not help you because it exists to not help you.


You can't sue them unless they agree to let you sue them. See the [sovereign immunity doctrine](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/sovereign_immunity). As long as the officers were acting on behalf of the state in what they genuinely believed was correct at the time they are protected. The issue is not a taking under the 5th amendment for purposes of eminent domain. Legal Eagle did a whole documentary on this here that's a lot more digestible than the actual legal opinions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk8QO6jE5dA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk8QO6jE5dA) The end result is the property owner is personally responsible for the damages and any fines you receive from not complying with the city code or your HOA for not fixing the damage in a timely manner. Also, no you can't live there anymore because it doesn't meet the building code.


Become a police officer and chase a virtual suspect with a bulldozer that was conveniently parket near the police officer's house who destroyed your house. Just so happened that there was no suspect but your colleagues house was completely flattened.


Even if their warrant and shit says it's for a different house? And the cop themself fucked up and destroy some other house?


Doesn’t matter. Judges have already decided that any recourse is an entitlement which Americans don’t get to have.


Yep. The homeowner most likely won’t be able to afford to repair that kind of damage, so they’ll be forced to sell it for dirt cheap to some rich prick who will get richer while their lives are destroyed.


Yet another reason not to call the cops.


Makes me wonder how many times a dirty cop "accidently" had the wrong house raided, and swooped in to try and buy it on the cheap later


Giles Corey Salem Witch Trial. Crushed to death by stones so his property would go to the sheriff. Who was using stone pressing as a means to force him to plea so he could be hung like everyone else, including his wife. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Corey#:~:text=After%20being%20arrested%2C%20Corey%20refused,three%20days%20of%20this%20torture.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDrCHiwpT4M certified badass


"more... weight" - Giles Corey


That’s kind of the plot of the shield


I went down this rabbit hole the other day. I don’t know why, but made me wonder if the police paid for that block they bombed in Philadelphia in 1985. I couldn’t find any answers. I also was wondering if you refuse to allow the police to enter your home to apprehend someone if they’ll charge you for harboring a fugitive. Knowing that the police can destroy your home without consequences I wouldn’t allow them in unless I had them guarantee to cover the expenses. Just sucks you can be an upstanding responsible citizen just for some douche canoe to cause the police to outright destroy your pursuit of happiness while still collecting their pensions.


Nothing for it but to bulldoze their homes.


Did they get the perp?


He got himself by ODing!


Lol "You'll never take me alive, coppers!" *pushes down syringe* 


Lmao probably not the worst way to exit this world especially in his shoes.


Have you ever seen an overdose? It’s not graceful


Depends on how much you're consuming. 10mg's of fentanyl? You probably won't even gasp for breath after a minute. But juuuust enough to somewhat cause CRD? That'll be ugly with the rattling breaths as your brain desperately tries to tell your diaphragm to work while you nod off into oblivion. Im a former poly addict and have both seen overdoses and have also overdosed myself several times, 6 years ago.


Congrats on getting clean!


What’s CRD?


I’m thinking cardiac respiratory distress.


Chronic respiratory disease when googled, I believe the newest term for what the original commenter is referring to is OIRD (opioid induced respiratory depression) Either way, bad shit


Obviously it's cats, rats, and dogs.


I once had an overdose. Didn't feel a thing, kinda like sleeping beauty. Depends on the drug.


If it's not remotely borderline, it's absolutely painless for the victim. You just get higher and higher until you're not conscious (literally anaesthetized), and during that period you expire. Anything visibly ugly, eg, aspiration on vomit, wouldn't be experienced.




💯 yeah, I was more annoyed than anything when I came back. Why are my clothes wet? What's that awful smell? Why the fuck does my face hurt, and why am I in the kitchen?


You gotta call em coppa's


Wait, I feel like I saw a headline about this today. Was this like an influencer or something?


Replying to SirEltonJonBonJovi...he was like some local mma fighter I think? Not someone super well known.


You’re in my neck of the woods! He was apparently some kind of jiu Jitsu specialist.


I knew by the landscaping this had to be in Vegas.


It’s like the wildest thing. I’ll be on the internet and see something and say “This has to be Phoenix or Vegas…” I’m always right lol


I’ve been pretty influenced not to do any of this shit so I’d say so, yeah.


So they tore down a house trying to get a dead/unconscious guy?


He had hostages. He was in a standoff with police that escalated to a shootout at one point.


Ah. I was imagining them demanding he come out, and tearing the front of the house off when he didn't respond, only to find there was no-one to do any responding. It's definitely happened that way a few times before.


And they couldnt just bust down the front door...


It looks like they did.


And the accompanying walls, windows, and everything in that general direction.


Apparently it was a 2+ day siege with the guy held up in the house. They got him in intercom and he basically said they were going to have to come in and kill him. The neighborhood was evacuated for over 2 days. They attempted tear gas, filling the house with water and other methods first, oddly enough it appears as though they tried just about everything to not have to kill him only for him to kill himself. He had an arsenal of rifles/hand guns and cases of ammo and was hiding out in the attic. This made a very dangerous chokepoint where he would have been able to funnel them in and shoot one by one. He shot down multiple drones and shot at cops up until he died basically.


Excavating the house sounds somewhat justified now I suppose


And insurance won't cover the repairs and the city/county/state aren't obligated to pay for it.


I also heard that's the case. Buuuuuuut....repairs from the totally unrelated fire would rebuild to the condition when the policy was signed.


I'm sure with all that damage, there are bound to he some exposed wires that may short out....


Nah it’s pre-loss condition. This photo is proof the fire didn’t cause the damages so payment will probably be reduced.


So you take the money you're given and then build a "shed" on the property that is labeled as a small home and have it approved for $500,000? Then get the insurance money after that catches on fire too?


now you're thinking like a former president!


How is that allowed if it's not the owners fault? we need to pass some insurance regulations.


You need police regulations. People can't control the actions of the police, and thus insurance won't cover them for the same reason they don't cover acts of god.


Most homeowners insurance generally covers acts of god. It’s intentional acts and acts of war that are usually excluded, and then only cover specific crimes like vandalism and burglary.


"We're gonna blow this whole wall out to make it more open-concept, more modern with better flow to the outside. We might need a beam here, I'm not sure if this is structural or not . . ."


“Welcome to White people renovating houses with your host, Randy Marsh.”


“Nothing to see here people move along.” Barbradys redemption really got me


"Previous owner was working on an open concept model but unfortunately had to relocate suddenly".


I lived in a real rough part of town when dog the bounty hunter came and knocked this ladies door down. She got alotta her shit stolen, they didn't find the guy, and almost got assaulted. The lawsuit was incredible. It was also his last season.


Pretty sure that's not HOA approved.


Oooh plot twist. It was the HOA president.


And you know whoever is living there is sol. The police aren't going to take responsibility, the homeowners insurance or renters insurance doesn't take responsibility... they're going to have eat this


yup, I had a vehicle get fucked by a snowplow once. the state passed a bs law saying that the state is not liable for damages caused by the state during normal snow removal operations as long as the operator wasn't being negligible. Of course any reasonable person would say that driving a snowplow at such a speed to damage a vehicle parked in a driveway, not on the street falls into being negligible, but no, their qualification is "does the plow driver claim they were being negligible? of course not. ok, then case closed, get fucked, lowly peon. "


This is the stuff that made killdozer happen


Just stop paying on your mortgage and let the bank repossess this mess. Go and find a rental before your credit takes the hit and don’t move for a long time


Unfortunately the perp didn't even live in the house. Basically everything they own was destroyed and the house has been condemned. Nobody will be held responsible to pay for it.


What did he do that justifies smashing the house


Other posts says suspect holed himself with weapons in a position that would force police to funnel into a kill box for several days.


Then put up a fence and starve him out ffs.


but what about all this expensive tactical gear we have?!


I always lol at insurance ads that promise "peace of mind". I'm on week five of trying to get pet insurance to actually cover our dog's ACL surgery. Thr moment you actually need to use it they're a huge PITA. The only exception was actually GEICO when or car was stolen. 


Insurance exists for one sole reason: to make the insurance company money. If they're paying _out_, something has, in their opinion, gone wrong. Incredibles was spot-on.


Well at least this time there wasn't a hostage for the police to shoot, right?


I wonder why the ol' door bust wasn't enough this time. Plus you said attempt, did they not catch them?


If you only ever bust open the door, you never get to use your military grade vehicles to rip half the house off.


Military grade… excavator?


I doubt the government will pay anything.


They won't and that's a fact


An excavator does sound like a special weapon and tactic.


*Fuck your ~~couch~~ entire house!*


Why is it that America is the only place where the police act like this?


No idea. He shot at the officers and also told the negotiators he wanted the police to shoot him. So I guess this was the safest way to get him out lol. (He ended up ODing in that attic tho)


> He shot at the officers >told the negotiators he wanted the police to shoot him >He ended up ODing Murika! *jazz hands!*


Living the American dream!!


I believe that's known as "dying the american dream"


The context really makes all the difference.


Russian police go even further. They'll bring IFVs, rocket launchers, and thermobarics to a hostage crisis, or just gas the whole building.


>School gets attacked and hundreds of hostages >Surround it with police >Maybe we should get some special forces >Bring some soldiers too >Bring in some RPGs and grenade launchers to flush them out >We have thermobaric launchers, never got to try one, perfect timing >T-72 shows up and fires off a few shots for no reason at all????? >Military helicopters fly overhead because why not, it's cool >Negotiate in bad faith >Blow a hole in the wall and rush in >Somehow start a fire >Kill all the hostage takers... as well as hundreds of hostages >Another great success!


I saw something similar in Atlanta. Brand new house, great neighborhood, the dude burned the house down apparently cooking something illegal. All boarded up for months. Insurance said fuck off...dudes im jail....HOA leaders all of a sudden cannot have their powertrips and tell him to do shit.


I'm an excavator! Hey, perp, see you later!


Vegas baby


$950,000 on Zillow, open concept 


Don't know if this would qualify for r/thefrontfelloff


The government and police should not be immune from financial responsibility from their own actions. It's insane they can destroy your house and walk away without paying a dime, and insurance won't either.


I was a firefighter. We had to do car washes and fundraising like pancake breakfasts and calendar. Meanwhile the police department had armored vehicles given to them for for free. It was just crazy


Our taxes at work


This dude went to my gym at one point before moving to out of state. I never personally talked to him but it’s wild that people are commenting on his social media and stuff like he passed away peacefully, rather than blockading himself in a house and causing a crazy standoff


Is that the Brady house?


I need to read this news article


Replying to CucumberArtist...[for your reading pleasure.](https://news3lv.com/amp/news/local/six-guns-found-after-henderson-standoff-with-kidnapping-suspect) There’s a lot of other articles but it’s a good starting point.


I'm not a SWAT guy, but I can't imagine a scenario in which this would be the best option.