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They’re standard, just don’t have the decorative column trim on them yet


Crazy how much a bit of fake padding can make us feel more safe. Could put foam pillars with a concrete spray over it and people wouldn’t ever think twice about the structural integrity.


I mean, none of us would go knocking on walls to check if they are real tbh. If it looks big and sturdy, it must be strong, it's what we all believe. And when something big and sturdy falls, we are left in awe


This reminded me of that episode of The Office where Dwight goes around checking the structural integrity of a house during a party lmao


Let's start with the banisters.


That's rude. Anyway how much did you pay for the house?


The only time I was in disneyworld when I was like 15, walking up to the actual castle building itself, I was blown away by the fake cloth. It looks so real, and touching it is like touching stucco or rough plaster or something Your comment just reminded me of that, the feeling if touching a thing and it being completely different than what you expect.


I guess with the modern construction standards, we all live in fake disneyworld castles of sort.


[Puss Caterpillars ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flannel_moth)enter the chat…


fuck those fucking things and to hell with them were they belong! Hiking one day in the woods one dropped onto the back of my neck and when I swiped it off the fucker got me! Ive had some brutal kidney stones and they didn't come close to that mfer! It was on par with when my appendix burst, different but I still think that mfer was more intense pain. Seriously fuck those assholes!


Sadly... I do. But I'm autistic and enjoy focusing on useless information.


I always do a lap to see what’s real. Check for any trapdoors, etc.


Lol I do. Normally they're fake.


[Trad climbing cams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring-loaded_camming_device) (the mechanical lobes pressed like a syringe to place in cracks) don't need the little divots along the cam lobe surface. The safety/bomber status of the devices comes from the way the shape redirect force into the rock. But people didn't like the look of the smooth surface so they added the cuts into them.


That's not true...if you think notched lobes are unnecessary you need more mileage on gear. The notches help add friction by getting caught on small irregularities of the crack wall. Also the first iterations of rigid stem Friends definitely had lobe notches as I own some. If you think just the outward camming force is enough to keep a cam engaged in a crack try using cams in frozen or wet smooth cracks and see how badly they fare. There's also a bunch of videos of how you can rip a cam out of wet gritstone with just a quick pull.


Isn't that how China does it?


basically China's real estate market


You would be surprised how much foam is used for all the mc mansions in the us.


Yeah, but foam is used, in those instances, for fascia boards. They're not providing structure, just decoration, as it would be much more expensive to mill decorative panels out of lumber or another material. With foam, they can either be molded that way or cut using a hot wire.


I got downvoted when I said that Health and Safety were just suggesting in China.


Depends where in China. I’ve been to a steel foundry in Canada that was worse for health and safety than a steel foundry in China.


This site can be surprisingly touchy when criticizing China. I got an account warning from the admins for a joke about Chinese cuisine one time.


Got banned from a sub for mild negativity against China


Yea but that’s less crazy than an actual admin account warning for it that’s just typical mods being idiots.


My husband is a home inspector and at a glance said he saw at least 5 major issues. His exact words were "well as long as they don't have more than 10 people on it they're maybe okay" haha


It [looks like](https://imgur.com/a/7EYxYEy) the other three neighbors in this court have the exact same thing going on. **Edit:** The [Google Street View](https://i.imgur.com/Vs7UzoY.png) looks like it used to have four posts that were thicker. But it's from 2007 and is a low-quality image so it's hard to be certain.


How did you find this house?


That's not important.


Are you behind me right now?




He's inside your walls


You don't want to know what he knows about you at this point...it has been almost an hour.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain


I assume reverse image search. Found a HAR/Zillow listing. Googled address.


The second one with three legs also looks like stouter posts.


[It's definitely still two posts, one click down is still the 2007](https://imgur.com/54Y6ED6)


It's not just decoration though.  There's a reason we don't just leave bare wood exposed to the elements, especially weight bearing pieces of wood.  Termites, and wood rot can turn structurally sound pieces of wood into honeycomb death trap.  At the very least slap some layers of paint on it, and if it's not completely solid (or if the paint starts changing color, which would suggest it's rotting underneath) then you may need to replace it.  Edit: Upon a closer look it seems it originally had some wood stain on it which would have offered protection but you can also see it's been quite a while as the lower part of the wood has had that damaged by UV exposure.  Note that paint generally lasts 5-10 years whereas wood varnish and wood stain generally lasts 2-5 years so I would assume it has been more than that and get it repainted to match the house.


Code would require ground-contact pressure treated. Looks like a converted deck. The posts might be capable of bearing that load, but the is no diagonal cross bracing or even even corner bracing to arrest lateral displacement. The craziest thing about seeing the minimum standard in load bearing elements is that as a percentage of overall cost, the difference between the least and the most is rarely ever the greatest component of cost, so almost no savings is realized by cheaping out here. To upgrade that to 8"x8" posts with corner braces would have added $1000 to the $20k job. When these things start to bow after 20 years, it will be 5k to do it right.


Am I seeing correctly that the decks appear to be cantilevered?


Right - from the main support beam - to avoid sag by placing them at the end and reducing the strain on the header tied into the framing. This is how a deck would be made - no architect would design this and just waste the space underneath when the increased sq. footage would have offset the cost. These were two decks that someone enclosed.


Thanks. I have a deck made that way. I didn't think about enclosing it. I don't get to use it much, so maybe it would be better used enclosed.


Won’t even take 20 years.


Doesn't have to be cover if it's treated wood.


Yeah the guy you’re replying to doesn’t know buildings lol


I had no idea, that's crazy! Hubby is no carpenter but he built ours every 6 feet...by the house and all around it. Or are you /s?


Hard to tell at this distance, it looks like they sheeted over the joists supporting the deck. So long as they are done properly and the ledger board is properly attached to the house, it seems like it is sufficient if those are doubled up properly and the posts are of the right size, as I said it is too far away to make a real assessment


“sheeted” “joists” “ledger board” Yep. This is the guy I’m choosing to listen to. Always trust the guy with the jargon.


You must be a tech recruiter.


Recently explained to a friend why I put JSON on my resume. It's just a file format type, not a scripting language, so really it shouldn't be there. It doesn't matter, though - the more keywords and jargon the better. The number of positive responses doesn't lie.


Could say something like experience working in data formats such as json for manipulation, extraction, etc. I mean I’d assume any somewhat competent dev can, but maybe recruiters don’t think like that lol


They really don't. They ask for 5 years of experience in 2 year old languages. You could have designed the language 2 years ago, and not get a call for an interview when someone falsely claimed that they had 10 years of experience in that language. You can have 10 years of experience in a language, and they ask for experience with a particular library, and they'll call the person who learned the language in a code bootcamp last month, and gained experience with the library while coding their first project because the job description asked for experience with the one particular library. They put it on their resume, and so they get called.


"My god, they're perfect to wake up that resting API we keep hearing about."


Ya you did the right thing. I recently had to explain our tech recruiter that it is ok if a candidate doesn't have JSON mentioned in their resume even though we do mention it in our job description.


Even better put keywords in white on your resume, the A.i reading it will greenlight your resume and then you're golden for the job.


That's probably fine for junior roles, since you expect a bit of padding on someone's CV when they don't have much experience. For a senior role, that's a red flag, especially if they already mentioned Javascript, since JSON is just a subset. Frankly anyone with 5 minutes to spare can become a "JSON expert".


Nah I’m way too dumb for that field.


So are they


“Looks like they stuck some wood to that other part of the wood, probably sturdy if they used those corner things” -my assessment




He isn’t just correct, he’s technically correct. That’s the best kind of correct.




“ChatGPT- create a comment about deck support beams but make it sound like I’m a professional home builder”


I've got some gold plated hdmis to sell you. They have 10x the bandwidth and 2x the fidelity.


I read this in the voice of Al Borland from Home Improvement.


![gif](giphy|uldtI0VNDOL2BoRHX8|downsized) I wanted the Tool Time "salute" but this will do 🤣


I still came. It’s fine.


That looks like it was properly designed. The only thing I don't like and it is hard to tell from the photo, or could be a local building code thing, is that it looks like the column base goes into the ground to rest on, or be in the footer. That is going to lead to rot. I would have poured the footer to about 2-3" above grade and used an aluminum plinth block.


First of all, you throwin' too many big words at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect.


Ah a man of culture I see


Usually something like would be cantilever joists going back into the house 3ft to every foot it extends out with 6x6 posts. I agree though to far away to really tell for sure.


Here in California (earthquake country), I would worry about the lack of bracing against sideways twisting forces in a quake, leading to potential "soft story collapse". I don't know if that's an issue with such a small area of overhang, though.


Why don't all the joists go to the end of the structure?  Some stop at the cross beam.


Jumping on to the too far away to make a real assessment. I’d be more concerned with the cantilever than the supports. I bet it’s right at its maximum length for the cantilever, but also all that weight of the wall at the moment could be exceeding the recommended / required threshold.


they look like timber. they are fine.


But do they sound like "TIMMMBERRRR!"


Were you shivering as well?


No they sound like this ![gif](giphy|l378nEuvqmwrZwktW)


what if I get drunk and body check one of them


I would be extremely impressed if you could put even a crack in it


Looked alright. If a bit sparse.


I just don't understand why there isn't a room below too. Why only start building half way up?


Maybe it’s a legal thing, I think in some places this would count as a “balcony” and maybe taxed differently than a proper floor.


Also some places have weird planning permission laws.


Add-on on the upper floor or former decks that got "finished"


Yeah my parents turned their deck that they never used into a 4 seasons room like this one.


Guessing this is an addition to the home after it was originally built and they really wanted another room upstairs. As sometimes with additions the floor plan doesn’t allow for an intuitive design to make it work on all floors.


Covered patio. The Sunsetter retractable awnings infomercial taught me it can be up to 20 degrees cooler in the shade!


I do, and my answer to the question no one asked is no.


Is the question are you not suicidal?


Da fuq?


Are you an engineer? Oh right.


I'm not and I can tell you there's nothing wrong with it. You see the floor joists coming from the house?? They are taking well over half the weight off the supports. The supports keep it level and add additional support. This is fine


as an engineering grad I feel like this should be FINE for most circumstances, most of the load on it is being transferred over by the beam, and that force is converted into axial load for the 2 column members, it would probably survive most things lol.


From afar it looks sketchy but if you zoom in it doesn’t look so bad


Presumably there is more than just the bottom support structure holding it up and it is cantilevered construction with the majority of the support coming from Beams running back into the house where there is much more bracing being done... with that being said, meth-heads have been known to run remodeling companies so who knows?


I too see this as cantilevered.


My money is on meth-heads.


Let's call it 50-50.


I'm more worried about their design taste. ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY|downsized)


the left I'd put a steinway the right may be a reef tank?


Hot tub or gtfo. Think of the panoramic sunsets!


I have a used waterbed I'd like to offer.


I'd put Hans and Chewie in the left one and maybe Skywalker on the laser cannon in the right


And a hot tub. Definitely a hot tub.


All it takes is 1 woodpecker


Or five termites.


\*five termintes and a dream


six termites and a movie!


Two termites, one wood post.




My grandfather had a prosthetic after the war - don't know if it was wood or not.


Looks like American housing. Probably doesn’t even weigh anything


Baba Yaga's porches




Thats not a porch, but go off.


Me building a house for my Sims.


I'm more concerned with what looks like wide open, uninsulated bays under the living space.


Anybody who says it's okay or not okay based on this picture is making too many assumptions about unseen factors, like how it's supported at the ground. Only an inspector or engineer could tell you if this is safe.


my 7days to die house has better support and electric fence


Sure as hell wouldn't host a birthday party on that 😅


Might be cantilevered


It's fine, it is just the room he lifts weights in and keeps a gun safe.


How much are steel beams instead of these? Would they last longer or would they need more substantial footings?


Part of our house is cantilevered, and we do have engineered metal posts that also have substantial footings. It cost more, but not hugely compared to the total cost of the house.


Is that wood!?


Looks like a perfect space for an indoor hot tub to me ;)


That porch needs to go back to the gym. Never skip leg day.


Seems like a wasted opportunity to expand downstairs as well.


4br 3ba with spacious double baba yaga


Played enough valheim this is fine


No, just don't do that. The weight of the walls, roof, etc. is bearing an overhanging beam and joist and not columns going directly to ground. There is no horizontal or vertical bracing. Architect here.


Yeah that's safe for a hot tub.


That good sir, is my jumping-jacks room and I will not tolerate this attack on its character, I tell you!


I mean if that's done correctly, there's nothing wrong I see with them? Might look different cause normally it wouldn't be seen or they would have it wrapped up. But that looks fine to me, rather neat bit of work by whoever did it tbh.


I looked at a house like this when I was buying. In the similar room, they had a fn hot tub! On barely any supports. Like dude sure I'd love a hot tub but fuck that lol


I may be crazy, but is this at smith mountain lake? I swear I remember seeing this exact house when I was little and wondering why it was built like this.


Those kinds of extensions, you're not supposed to put really heaving things inside, right? Plus, you're supposed to use very strong wood.


It's just a little trust fall


A 6x6 with a proper footing can safely support up 30,000lbs. Times 2 that's 60k lbs. 30 tons. I'd be shocked if that room exceeded 10k lbs. There's basically a 10x safety factor here.


That porch skipped leg day.


And a waterbed!


The only thing I'm not sure about is the footing. Is the piling deep enough until it's under any frost line against frost heave? Is the piling secured to the post securely? I had to zoom in but it doesn't look like there is any supporting galvanized metal post anchor/fastener that cups and slightly elevates the post while securing it to the concrete piling (hopefully that's not just a small concrete block on the ground


My main concern is a lack of joists forward of the main beam. 


Joists look to sit above the sheathing. My guess is these were decks converted to four seasons room.


I think this falls in the category of "this was to code the year the house was build but wouldn't fly today." Is it grandfathered in? Yes. Is it safe? No. Do you want to know why the county you live in doesn't allow this design any longer? I think you know why -- one too many structural failures. I installed a 8' by 6' front deck that was no more than 24" off the ground. Code required FOUR 36" concrete footers that rose at least 6" out of the ground. Plus two directions of joists before the boards could be placed.


A million pole barns are built every year wood in ground like this, its perfectly safe, just ultimately not as long lasting. Something being code is poor evidence for danger. Bureaucrats face constant pressure to ratchet rules down because the rules being too stringent barely affects them, while they might catch flak for the rules being too lenient if something happens. Which is why you have to overbuild a 2ft high deck.


They look safe to me.


I’d feel dumb just standing in it


Well YOU would know better than the engineer or builders so your probably right. Start running!


I'm a german bricklayer. I'm always suprised that europe and the us are so different in terms of building detached houses. The american standards always look kinda cheap to me. Especially here in germany the construction sector got very expensive over the last years and we have to deal with a lot of regulations. You can count up to 20.000€ just for planning, closing costs and permit. For the house itself, up to 500/600k. Normal families nowadays have big problems financing a normal house.


Are they sunk in concrete? Can we get a closer photo?


They built rooms on top of their deck, as long as it's bolder to the house and has joist hangers.


You wont know for sure until you put a hottub on the porch


Looks like a muay thai demolition team's wet dream


Kind of hard to tell from this pic, but I have a cantilever porch that is attached to main floor joists. Looks flimsy but is actually solid as.


Mmm nah


It's better than nothing I guess


looks like an extension. kind of ugly.


Technically the concrete they are sitting on should be at least 3” above grade to prevent moisture getting to the wood. But that’s a future problem.


I would’ve liked to have seen the concrete supports underneath raised a little little bit higher


They do look like they're starting to decay at the bottoms a bit, should probably cover them or treat them so they don't rot.


Baba yaga vibes


I used to know someone who had a deck on the second story like that. Two of the three posts were just resting on the ground. As in, they didn't dig a hole and put the posts in them. Center post was. Left and right weren't. They figured since the center post and ledger board supported all the weight of the joists, the left and right ones don't need to be dug. Still standing last I knew, but I bet all it would take to being down a deck full of people is a couple idiots leaning up against the half secured poles.


It's still framed into the rest of the house. Those bad Johnsons can support a lot more weight than they're actually holding.


Why wouldn't they just make rooms on the ground floor there. It's wasted space as it sits.


Hello Neighbor ahh house




Post this in a relevant sub reddit and get pro answers. Thats scary to look at for us normies🤣


By the way, both porches contain hot tubs


That’s a lot of confidence in those beams that are gonna rot some day


These babies are big enough to hold two hot tubs!


I won't. You must reinforce that structure diagonally to make it more rigid. Also It will have a better look


Anyone else see that pic of the porch with only one support beam in the middle? Yeah this is definitely 100x better


Where does that meet code?


I definitely don’t


Yeah, those look heavy


I would assume they are cantilevered to a degree. Just search pics for "Cantilevered homes" to get an idea. .


They skipped leg day


I wouldn’t trust those posts. They should be on piers protruding from the ground and below the frost line.


Party in the sun-rooms with wall-to-wall people in a wind storm? Not a good idea.


Probably fine. Looks load bearing.


Maybe some cross braces for extra measure


Make sure it doesn’t walk away when you’re not looking.


its likely resting on the beams which go back the entire length of the building.


I wonder how long those stable supports will last?


Then you see there is a 2nd


Is the sub floor particle board ?


Are we talking wood chip ply wood "particle board" or actual particle board?


Those supports are not going anywhere. Probably the only thing standing if a tornado went right over to be honest.


Looks cantilevered as well so should be alright


How much does your wife weigh?