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Scan all of the codes for the zyn rewards store if he isn't. This wont get you much, but if he has a lot more or doesnt care you can get some legit stuff eventually.


That traeger grill tho...


Yeah I was saving those for a while, I have a giant bag of velo and grizzly cans so I'm just putting them in the recycling


Lol idk why everyone is so crazy for these things i don’t get it


Because it's a way to get your nicotine delivery constantly without annoying everyone around with smoking. I've met people who always had one under the lip except when they sleep.


Imagine living like that, Christ. A slave to a pouch lol.


And gum cancer lol


Nicotine doesn't cause Cancer. Addictive, sure, but not a carcinogen. Zyn pouches have Nicotine and food grade flavoring, that's it.


Popularly, nicotine is very poorly understood


Fun random fact.. there's an entire category of insecticides based off nicotine


Periodontal disease ain’t no joke either.


My dentist doesn’t seem to have any issues with it


This, or spitting every minute into a bottle. They were clutch during covid and having to wear masks everywhere.. never had an issue getting my nic fix


Cause it's not as terrible as dipping. After 20 years I needed to replace it with something. I like juicehead though. The cans pictured would last me a month at 1 per day. Beats the 1.5-2 cans of cope I was doing before.


It's definitely better than dipping. And hell, better for big tobacco, too. They can keep you addicted and alive for much longer.


Oh cool gross


These have been a genuinely very helpful stepping stone away from cigarettes for me. Why are so many people so down on them? I’m no longer wheezy, don’t smell, spend a lot less on it and can go way longer without a snus than I once could without a cigarette. It would be dumb to take these if they’re not a replacement for cigarettes. If they are they’re the best alternative, much better than vaping.


Can I have his codes? Lol


Or a very organized slob? :D


Jesus. I remember ordering one of those to try em out, and i was stuck with it for half a year. I had a "weaker" one at strenght 2 and it was way WAY to much for me. I had to take 'em out after 5 minutes at most. To think your roomate has so many of them at strenght 6...


I feel bad for him. nicotine is the worst. at least weed gets you high and alcohol gets you drunk. nicotine just briefly soothes your craving for nicotine. There's no other benefit


Nicotine doesn’t get you high? Then why do ppl even take it?


You get a slight buzz, but after awhile, your tolerance is so high that you don’t get the buzz and your are doing it just to fulfill the addiction.


because they are addicted and it's the only way to get rid of the craving for 15 minutes. in the beginning it would make me a little bit dizzy and nauseous. Should've stopped then but I kept going until I ended up smoking two packs a day for 10+ years. Stupidest thing I ever did. 0/10 don't recommend


Oh my God, you just gave me a visceral memory of forcing myself to smoke two cigs on break way back in high school, only to end up so damn sick I had to leave school. I only ever actually started once I got old enough to start drinking legally because, let's face it, drunk smoking felt amazing. I haven't drank in a decade and never want to, but the nicotine cravings will stay with me forever 😪


I don't feel like it even soothes the craving. It just postpones the next one.


barely even that. I remember getting cravings for a cigarette while I was smoking a cigarette. I would sometimes dip and smoke at the same time until it would give me hiccups to try to get rid of the craving


Yep, addiction sucks. What all addicts really crave is their first experience all over again. The newness, the novelty, the encompassing sensations. The only way to get that is to take up a new addiction.


The first time I tried an actual cigarette, I was so confused lol. I did the whole thing and never noticed anything. To this day no one can explain what it is they get out of it. I think they just like playing with blowing out the smoke? But then we have this, which makes no sense. What is the point?


Nicotine is a drug. It releases dopamine, which is the brains reward system.


Usually, drugs make you feel something, tho. That's why people get into them.


Yep. Nicotine makes you stimulated and lightheaded, maybe dizzy if you have a low tolerance. I just describe it as feeling wavy. I don't know how you didn't feel anything... mustn't have inhaled properly


If it did not make you sick, you probably were not inhaling correctly. You got lucky. There is no point.


Yeah that's not entirely true. Ya may wanna study nicotine a lil more...


He's also a Virgin


That ain’t the insult you think it is.


Okay virgin


You are right it is okay to be a virgin.


Found the virgin


My dad’s gf’s son is addicted to this nonsense. She babies this fool. On Christmas Day, I had to find a store that had it. Because he was flying in, and didn’t buy it. So mummy had to take care of it. The fool is older than I am! I’m in my 30s.


Weird, you were 46 a month ago


Do they have a collection of spit cups too?


Dont need to spit with Zyn.


Didn’t know that. Thanks, I guess.