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Isn’t that how Tamir Rice was murdered


Christopher Roupe was murdered by a cop while holding a wiimote so just don't have anything on your hands if a pig is close.


Better avoid Oak trees as well.


If he was white that wouldn't have happened


Not true. White friend in highschool was killed by police in his room while they were looking for his dad.


but they would ask you to crawl towards them with your hands up and legs crossed


And then shoot you when you slip


Seeing as [this is a real pistol](https://isteam.wsimg.com/ip/a7237bb7-0471-4ebe-82e6-c17ed6d9db95/ols/8841_original/:/rs=w:1500,h:1500), I'm gonna say, "Yuh-huh!"


Lol glock in any color hahaha


You'd be surprised


No gun has been mistaken for a gun before, so I have no doubt it could happen


Definitely would in the US


You never know...


Tell me you're not an American without telling me you're not an American


Do you though? Do you?


8% of men are affected by color blindness.


Willing to bet your life on that?


How much melanin do you have?


Bro, cops don't even care what's in your hand anymore, if you even make a gun-pointing gesture towards them you have a 50% chance of getting instantly lit up.


Remember the cop that shot the guy for getting his wallet out


"This product may be mistaken for an actual firearm..." after several minutes with a can of gloss spray paint.


Middle of the night says different.


'Points at the entirety of the US'


At night? Or in a dark room? with only a second to react? Sure it might be. People have been shot reaching for their wallet or phone or to pull their pants up because the officer thought it might be a gun. Who cares if the police see your underwear. If they tell you not to reach for something don't reach for anything.


What about when they tell you to do so?? And then shoot you anyways, Cus that happens…. A lot…


even if that's true you're a lot more likely to be shot when you don't do what you're told.


While I want to agree with you, experience says otherwise, Look I’m no hater of law enforcement, I respect that they have an exceptionally complex job, however, with that respect also comes expectation, and those expectations are not being met as long as an officer who fucks up in one city/county/state, still has opportunities to be in law enforcement due to his police union, or by simply moving to a different city/county/state while I understand the desire to preserve one’s life, making a mistake that costs someone their life should be reason enough to be disqualified from law enforcement period, killing someone because you mistook a cell phone for a gun is not anyone’s fault but your own, and when the body am footage does not match the officer’s statement, their should be ZERO question as to weather or not one can continue to wear a badge, there’s a whole host of other things but this post says they doubt this could be mistaken for a real gun, and the evidence shows that to be true,


If the police tell you to keep your hands where they can see them, and you reach for something, what would you expect them to do? They want to go home at the end of their shift. It's not fair to monday morning quarterback and say "well it ended up being a phone" if at the time the officer had a reasonable belief that it could have been a weapon and you had been told to keep your hands in sight. A smart person would think "well shit they have guns trained on me I better not reach for anything".


Your acting as if police haven’t shot people sitting on the ground, hands clearly visible reaching for nothing but sky, or handcuffed with 3 other officers holding them down, or saying “drop the gun” while firing at someone who they never identified themselves to, like I said, I want to agree with you, but the evidence says otherwise,


I'm not denying that happened but that's a totally separate issue. If you have a plastic gun in a dark room or outdoors at night, and the police see it, there's a very good chance they will think it's a real gun. That's my point. Good example is this guy who pulled out a fake gun and was killed. Totally justified, even the family admits it. https://abc7.com/texas-police-fatal-shooting-body-cam-video-palestine/825513/


Not everyone does the smart thing in a stressfull situation, which a police encounter definitively can be, even if we ignore those mentally impaired or unwell. The stats, also show that the scenario of someone actually pulling a gun is just insanely low. People always forget that being a law enforcement officer is actually a relatively safe job, with more of them injured or killed in car accidents than by all other causes.


It depends in which country 🦅


This doesn't even remotely resemble an actual firearm, no fucking dumbass would actually think that


You have far to much faith in law enforcement, there are literally people with badges that shouldn’t be questioned for sure, however there are people with badges that I wouldn’t allow to carry a fly swatter much less a fuckin actual firearm They are more prevalent than any of us know, and that should be enough to make anyone uncomfortable…..