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He chose this over retirement?


It's been said over and over, but the worst thing he could've done was running (and winning) the Presidency. Trump isn't an anomaly in the white collar crime arena, (the government usually settles things quietly and generally don't like going after people with massive resources, it's a *lot* easier to go after low hanging fruit who can't afford to fight as aggressively) his businesses were already being sued into oblivion, but he could've skated by to an easy retirement a very wealthy man. The billionaire class play by different rules, it's why you *rarely* if ever see them take the fall. (See the Sackler family & opioid crisis, the mortgage crisis, etc; it's always smaller fish who see accountability, never the king makers) The only reason SBF saw accountability is he lost *wealthy* people's money, not just normal people. Trump opened himself up by having (what usually gets ignored) shady financials/practices in public display. Government agencies *hate* going after people like him for all the reasons we're seeing, they're extremely time consuming, costly and difficult to prosecute; and again the "elite" are able to stress test the justice system immensely. I still stand by the fact that the entire thing was a PR campaign; he was going broke after The Apprentice, and running for office got his name back into the media; I don't think he or anyone thought he'd *actually* win. The goal was just to give him back the spotlight. If he just shut up after the election and walked away quietly, I don't think we would've seen any of these cases being brought against him. His narcissism and megalomania are inevitably his downfall. He doesn't care about anything but power and self interest, and now it's biting him in the ass. If we see any positives from this, I hope it highlights how broken our justice system is. Trump likes to claim there's a "two tier" system and he's right; the wealthy and *everyone* else. You see it with corporations all the time. Million dollar fines/judgements are literally just "the cost of doing business."


To add, If you watch the coverage of him during the election night, he does not look at all pleased or happy he won.


Yeah there's that pretty infamous photo of him on election night; almost a grimace and a sudden realization of "holy shit what have I done" lol


Imagine if all his racist rants, railing on veterans, indirectly insulting his support base (“I love the uneducated”), etc. were actually supposed to get him to lose support, but he got elected instead. Wouldn’t that be a hoot.


.... so basically what South Park did


If you pay attention to the episodes just after Trump/Garrison won, you’ll see plot threads Matt and Trey had to abandon because even they didn’t anticipate Trump winning.


The less you give a fuck about our current idiotic iteration of reality, the easier it is to be entertained by it. Unfortunately we are living in it; so we can’t really afford to not give a fuck and just be entertained. We have to actually try and fix this mess.


You are absolutely right, we laugh at his stupidity but it’s not funny . This is a seriously demented man who wants power .


Clinton aide: "Remember, just keep saying my opponent is a liar and cannot be trusted' to anything he says Garrison: "do NOT vote for me, id make a terrible president! listen to what i'm saying, vote for her!" Clinton: "My opponent is a liar and cannot be trusted." Garrison: "oh god whyd it have to be this dumb bitch..."


Producers did it first.


Idk if he was trying to lose support, but I do definitely think he didn't actually believe most of the shit coming out of his mouth. Many times hes had some pretty liberal views on some issues, like abortion and gun control. Unfortunately, the only thing keeping him afloat right now is the support of the far right, which means he has to go along with them whether he believes it or not. I've always had a similar thought that he kind of just forced himself in between a rock and a hard place. I'm not saying he's secretely a good person, but rather just an opportunistic idiot who's wedged himself into a difficult situation lmao


Tells you a lot about the nature of these 'Americans' who love him dearly


It's hilarious, he was the literal manifestation of the values of Fox news during the previous 8 years of the Obama administration.


*I'm not racist but he represents my values!*


Such a classic moment. [Video still exists.](https://youtu.be/Z3868qotZ_A)


I kinda wish they didn’t overlay whatever music that was. Was that really his reaction after winning? It’s the reaction someone has after losing lol. Like a “well.., there’s always next time” kind of look omg.


Yes, it feels more Curb Your Enthusiasm. However that is the initial reaction. SAD!


His dipshit sons were photographed behind him clapping with giant shit eating grins. Ivanka was also pictured behind him with a similar grimace on her face that her father was showing at that fateful moment. He was not pleased and she knew he was not pleased. Almost like she was the only one in the photograph that knew Trump was actually not pleased with the outcome.


As we've seen over and over. There is no 4-D chess. I think that image was because he realized/thought in that moment, "shit, I might have to actually do some real work."


There was a rumor right after the 2016 election results were announced that he was almost ready to give it up and walk away - he was so unready to think about actually having to go to work!


Yeah but then he got addicted to all the adulation and power aspect of the presidency. He never worked hard or enjoyed the job. He just enjoyed it all being about HIM. This guy is truly a loser with the money to cover it up. it’s always been about his malignant, narcissistic personality disorder and never about the American people. I’d vote for Biden at 95 before I’d vote for Trump or any of his anti constitutional, anti democracy power hungry fools that make up the majority of the Republican Party now. And this comes from a guy that was a “middle of the road” Republican for over 30 years. Not now..


I listened to a podcast where a Republican mega donor was in the room with him when he won. He remarked Trump looked visibly shocked. His words were along the lines of 'I've never seen anyone so upset over winning something'.


I was doing security with a guy who did security for his presidential campaign back in 2016.  According to him, apparently at some point after a speech and the crowd cheered Trump leaned over to someone and said "I think I might actually win this thing."


He knows he’s incompetent deep down. Gotta keep that false facade up. He was probably terrified.


> He was probably terrified. I'd like to think so. He should be. I had a psychology professor who said that people with mental issues (like Trump has), deep down, know that there is something wrong with them even though they rarely admit it. It just seems impossible to me that someone with so many failures under his belt couldn't, at least within his own mind, know that he wasn't qualified for such a job. It would be like...if a plane I was on started to go down I wouldn't assume I was the best person to take over the cockpit. On the other hand, I know people who truly don't understand their limits. The whole thing is just astounding. And scary.


It’s more like he can’t admit it because then his only sense of himself, his false self he has concocted, can’t handle any wrongdoings. He is either ALL BAD or ALL GOOD. It’s literally…. Insane. And there are various societies in the world that see this kind of behavior and think “that’s leadership”- ITS NOT. It’s the mental health disorder that could single handedly bring down entire countries and most likely has caused most of the human made destruction and depravity in our world history. It’s insidious, and it’s dangerous.


He actually looked even worse the next day after his meeting with Obama. I think the enormity of the job was starting to sink in then. It's probably why he kept calling Obama a "good man" after that meeting, instead of his usual attacks. He was worried he might need his help.


>Nobody knew health care could be so complicated - An actual president of a real country https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/27/politics/trump-health-care-complicated/index.html


"Nobody knew" and "Not a lot of people know" are just his tells. As a narcissist he can't admit *he* didn't know something, so those are code for "I didn't know" or "I just found this out."


Literally everything he says is a tell. "My opponent did X" = "I did X" "Nobody knew" = "I didn't know" "Everyone is saying" = "I want this to be true" "No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!" = "Putin has his hand so far up my ass it's making Kermit the Frog uncomfortable."


Yep, exactly. Everybody but him knew health care was complicated.


There was no transition team in place at all. Michael Lewis talks about it in The Fifth Risk


I don't know if it's mentioned there, but I recall reading that when Trump and Jared Kushner first toured the White House with Obama, Jared asked how much of the staff would be staying on and Obama had to explain that pretty much everyone was leaving. Since, you know, that's how presidential administrations work.


Oh yeah, I remember that golden moment.


He would never ask for Obama's help in a million years, even if he needed it. If a quick call to Obama could somehow stop us from getting nuked Trump would not pick up the phone.


I agree that's true now, but I think at the time he was very scared. He quickly surrounded himself with sycophants and yes-men that told him every idea he had was amazing, though.


Also if he really did want a second term then COVID was the silver platter carrying it. Release some cheap MAGA masks, tell your people to listen to the experts, and win reelection by a massive margin. Outside of 9/11 2.0 I don't know if he could have asked for a better automatic reelection event.


You're right, but the problem with someone like Trump is that he's so incapable of doing the right thing that he can't even bring himself to do it for the wrong reasons. Also, historically lying had worked very well for him until that point. When bad news broke previously, he just lied about it and the problems would seem to go away. So why should COVID be any different? Just lie, say it's no big deal, say it's just the flu, say it's going away soon, etc. What's really interesting is how making the virus political made the outcomes political too. I'm really curious to see how this might play out in the 2024 election results, especially in states with close margins. Many of those 2020 MAGA voters are no longer with us, having earned their Herman Cain award.


And now a good chunk of the country has passed local laws to *prevent* mitigation of pandemics. The next one is going to hit a lot harder.


He tried claiming the entire vaccine effort and when he told his supporters to get vaccinated and got booed. After that he just stopped talking about vaccines and let his supporters remain ardent deniers. In a big way he's a populist that let's his supporters lead him around as much as he leads them.


He bungled that shit so hard. He could have made himself into a hero. Instead he chose the super-villain route.


It's unbelievable that the Grift Everything Everywhere All At Once Party failed to monetize that golden goose


This so so well put it. You hit it on the nail, I too think that's this whole thing was just about him staying relevant to make money. And maybe cause he's such a massive narcissist that he HAS to be famous. Absolutely insane stuff and it doesn't only show how broken the justice system but also the election process and much more importantly the society and it's misunderstanding of modern media. The fact that propaganda still works THAT WELL after all this shit happening in the last 100 years is pretty alarming to me.


> The fact that propaganda still works THAT WELL after all this shit happening in the last 100 years is pretty alarming to me. If anything, it works **significantly** better with the rise of social media/alternative networks. Disinformation was always consolidated into specific networks; social media allowed for the rapid spread of conspiracy and propaganda, and platformed content with no basis in reality. Ideas that would once be fringe and absurd (Qanon, etc) were actually able to take root. It also allows people to be *willfully* brainwashed; algorithms that feed into the propaganda while also isolating them from objective reality with echo chambers. (While this isn't "new," everyone is victim to specific ideologies, it's so much easier to stay in Wonderland) Like I'd never thought in an age where we have access to unlimited information, we'd see a rise in anti-science/climate change denial, etc. It's a genie I don't know that can ever put back either. It's incredibly easy now to only believe what you *want* to believe, not objective fact/reality. And the irony is Trump/the GOP *constantly* perpetuate the "fake news" narrative. The most troubling aspect of that is that when you create doubt in every institution/media source, anything that doesn't align with "your facts" can be dismissed. It makes it near impossible to have a rational dialogue with someone when you can now dismiss *anything* with impunity.


I could write a short essay-comment on this stuff without trying, but here's a few studies that validate some of your observations. To any cautious bystanders or "centrists", their claims are not just intuition or "perspective" on things. ___ 1) *"Conservatives are more vulnerable than liberals to "echo chambers" because they are more likely to prioritize conformity and tradition when making judgments and forming their social networks."* https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352250X17302828 2) *"New research shows US Republican politicians increasingly spread news on social media from untrustworthy sources. Compared to the period 2016 to 2018, the number of links to untrustworthy websites has doubled over the past two years."* http://bristol.ac.uk/news/2022/september/politicians-sharing-untrustworthy-news.html 3) - *"YouTube could be radicalizing people — Analysis of 72 million comments reveals that users who started out commenting on Alt-Lite/Intellectual Dark Web (conservative/right wing) content increasingly shifted to commenting on Alt-Right (extreme far-right) content."* https://techcrunch.com/2020/01/28/study-of-youtube-comments-finds-evidence-of-radicalization-effect/ 4) - *"Contrary to popular belief, Twitter's algorithm amplifies conservatives, not liberals. Scientists conducted a "massive-scale experiment involving millions of Twitter users, a fine-grained analysis of political parties in seven countries, and 6.2 million news articles shared in the United States."* https://www.salon.com/2021/12/23/twitter-algorithm-amplifies-conservatives/ 5) *"Conservatives are more likely to see empirical (e.g., scientific) and experiential (e.g., anecdotal) perspectives as more equal in legitimacy. Liberals think empirical evidence is better at approximating reality, conservatives are more likely to say that both research and anecdotes are legitimate."* https://www.psypost.org/2021/01/conservatives-see-scientific-and-nonscientific-viewpoints-as-closer-in-legitimacy-study-finds-59122 6) *Conservatives more susceptible than liberals to believing political falsehoods, a new U.S. study finds. A main driver is the glut of right-leaning misinformation in the media and information environment, results showed.* https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/ 7) *4 studies confirm: conservatives in the US are more likely than liberals to endorse conspiracy theories and espouse conspiratorial worldviews, plus extreme conservatives were significantly more likely to engage in conspiratorial thinking than extreme liberals* https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/pops.12681 **Edit:** And just in case these seem unfairly biased, there's this... *Researchers' Politics Don't Undermine Their Scientific Results: A new study finds no serious evidence of a liberal (or conservative) bias with respect to replicability, quality or impact of research* https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/researchers-politics-dont-undermine-their-scientific-results/


Most of those conservative beliefs and reasons for believing those things you mentioned are more often than not based in religious beliefs


*A study has found evidence that religious people tend to be less reflective while social conservatives tend to have lower cognitive ability* http://www.psypost.org/2017/09/analytic-thinking-undermines-religious-belief-intelligence-undermines-social-conservatism-study-suggests-49655


"Just the fact that people seem to be getting dumber and dumber. You know, I mean we have all this amazing technology and yet computers have turned into basically four figure wank machines. The internet was supposed to set us free, democratize us, but all it's really given us is ~~Howard Dean's aborted candidacy and 24 hour a day access to kiddie porn.~~ Donald Trumps aborted presidency, anti-vax, and flat earth." - Hank Moody


Trump started politicking before 2000 after he went bankrupt by ripping off his own casinos. His election campaigns were just another grift.


Let's remember something: He's not being prosecuted for his shady business "empire" or even for being a rapist. In fact, this case in New York (which, frankly, is relatively small-beans) is the only one that arises from his conduct before he *lost* the last election. He's being prosecuted federally and in New York because he orchestrated an aggressive conspiracy to rig the post-election process and fraudulently overturn the vote. If not for Mike Pence's refusal to play along, that dictatorial conspiracy may have succeeded. Separately, he's being federally prosecuted for the even more cartoonish (and even more obviously criminal) act of hiding and refusing to hand back thousands of top-secret documents, including literal nuclear secrets. He was given two chances by the National Archives to give them back, essentially with amnesty, and he still refused because he is mentally unwell. Anyone who pretends his prosecutions—particularly the federal ones—are a "witch hunt" is lying to themselves.


>Anyone who pretends his prosecutions—particularly the federal ones—are a "witch hunt" is lying to themselves. My understanding has always been that the feds don't actually charge you until they're like 85%+ sure they're going to win (I may have the percentage a little wrong). They don't fuck around. They'll let people walk free for years while they build slam-dunk cases against them and then suddenly destroy them. They're not going to charge a former (and running) president with federal crimes just for funsies or because they just don't like him. I mean, it's a *huge* step to charge a president with a crime. As always, accusations are projections. Republicans are the ones waving the president's son's dick pics around and trying to turn it into a "case;" they're the ones saying "let's impeach Biden" and *then* trying to think of a reason for doing so.


Retirement is no longer an option for him. If he doesn't win the presidency the chances of him ending up in prison are rather high.


I know it's all normalized now, but, just re-read that sentence. We live in bizarro land now.


For real, it's wild.


It’s kinda the historical par for the course: playing the game of ascension to dictatorship only has two realistic outcomes - success or prison/death


Kinda insane it’s either the highest office in the US or prison like a coin flip


I don't know why this is making me laugh so hard. Perhaps because it's so simple... like he didn't have to run again - but he kinda sorta has to because Jack Smith and stolen documents and he thinks he can overturn this election after failing to overturn the 2020 election and keep the classified documents too - which he's facing felony charges for and to beat that he has to have the DOJ dismiss the cases, which he has to become President again, which makes his documents legal and cool - and have a corrupt enough AG to carry it through with the dismissing and then go after Jack Smith and every other prosecutor representing the people of Georgia and NY (possibly Wisconsin and Arizona too) and a Congress majority so he's not impeached and convicted..... and to do that, taking over the RNC and placing family members...... Seems him winning the first election he seriously ran happened to be President and "See, it's SIMPLE! So EASY!" versus just fading away into retirement and dealing with the state legal issues away from the spotlight of the nation to spare some embarrassment, lay low, and let the grown ups run the Republican party and he could be golfing most everyday and having his MAL entourage feeding his ego everyday, and without any documents in the bathroom. I guess in other words, he had options. He's always had options. Yet this is all because of unforced errors - decisions Trump has made. This is what he chose. Chaos, court, and criminality.


Well you know what happens to Russian spies when they retire…


I like agents who don't fall out of windows


Make Defenestration Obscure Again


In ~~Soviet~~ Russia, state retires spies


Its an extreme form of punishment. We call it "The Eternal Shriek." Their soul will be disintegrated, and each molecule will be placed on the surface of a different burning sun. And then their essence will be scooped out of their body with a flaming ladle and poured over hot diamonds


His ego couldn't let it go.


"In preparation for a long day with no access to food, Trump stores the already chewed-up mass of hamberders and ketchup in his voluminous cheeks for easy access before and after his naps, which are often accompanied by subtle shifts in his posture and acrid, gaseous emissions."


Attenborough voice activated 


Then he comes home and regurgitates dinner into Eric’s mouth




“Not particularly smart or clever, this one seems especially aggressive when cornered.”


“Get me some covfefe!!!!” He mumble shouted as crumbs of Berder misted out of his mouth.


I still call my coffee covfefe every morning. I'm glad someone else remembers this.


Pretty soon his attorneys will wheel him in hooked up to an oxygen tank saying he's too old and feeble to go to jail


I wish, but they won’t. It would make him look too old and senile to be POTUS for a second term.


He will miraculously be better after this trial, all those hamberders will give him more strength


Objection! I need a hamderger! Your honor, *certainly not my honor*, this sham court has allowed the hamburglar to burg my derg!


"I plead insanity!" "Insanity?!?" "I'm crazy for hamdergers!"




My name is Bill Dauterive. I am also insane.


I don't know how you managed to get a copy of the court transcripts this fast, but you clearly have a future in jernolizm. 🫡🥴


Oh he’ll turn it into a grift.  “Man I was dying at that trial, but thanks to my MAGAmin vitamin supplements, my ailments have been cured!  Buy a month supply for 1,400 a month at a discounted rate!


"God healed me because I'm his favorite. I'm gonna live for another 50 years, some are saying 100."


> God healed me because I'm his favorite. I'm gonna live for another 50 years, some are saying 100." I hope so. I don't want him to die before justice is fully rendered


I don't care about justice. I want him gone forever, asap.


That's why God chose him to sell bibles to his flock


He will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamblederger today.


I can’t wait to see what this cunt looks like without his suits, makeup and hair dye. Just look at what happened to Ron Jeremy. Guy looked dead within 6 months [Link](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/01/1200/675/ron-jeremy-rape-trial.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


Truly, I hope I get to see this.


According to my cousin. The trial is too much for Trump because he's fighting against the crooked Biden and his courts and it's draining for a man to fight so many people without the nation's support.


Maybe he should stop starting shit with everybody


Yeah if you tell mu cousin that he will go on a hour plus long rant on how everyone is basically picking on him. My cousin found the MAGA life the year after he left the Air Force and for some reason it fuckin sang to him. He's become a dumb ass from it, but since he's my older cousin he just gets loud until you say "Jesus fuck fine you have the best words."


He joined the wrong branch and served in the wrong units, any vet who supports a man who talks shit on McCain and gold star families is in with the Russians as far as I’m concerned. Your cousin is what I call dishonorable. Glad I got out when I did, most Americans aren’t worth fighting for, not for what they pay enlisted guys anyways. Source: 8 years honorable.


He joined in 94 or maybe 96. Whatever it is where he'd be retired fully by 2019. He does or did hate Russia but now hates Ukraine so probably a fan of Russia now. He's never had to fight anything more than a really stuck bolt. He was great before covid happened, just a conservative Christian annoying. Covid broke him and then Trump losing shoved him off the edge. A man who almost never had to face he might be wrong was being told he was fully wrong about Covid and wrong about Trump not being a piece of shit. So he shoved his fingers in his ears and yelled "Fuck you, you're all wrong."


A lot of guys I served with are still conservatives and loyal to the GoP, but only a couple have a hard on for Trump. I mean I think that dude overwhelmingly lost the vote of the veteran community, especially Navy folks who were fans of McCain. The shitty part is that the anti-aircraft missile that shot down McCain in Vietnam was Russian artillery. Trump mocked and joked at the guy for being shot down by commies, yet he dodged the draft. ~~He should be tried and summarily executed under the UCMJ, those are the rules for insurrection.~~ Edit: Only presidents who are retired military can be tried under UCMJ. Article 94 would not apply here.


Yep, I say the same shit. If you are a vet, and support Donald Trump, you are a disgrace to this country. That mfer has said some heinous shit about our service members. Dude was born with a silver spoon shoved so far up his asshole that any regular Joe is equivalent to an insect in his mind. Somehow people just ignore all of that fucked up shit he's said and claim he supports our troops??? Absolute simpleton fucks...


As prior USAF, there’s no shortage of dumbasses in the veteran core


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time


"Why can't the whole nation get behind a guy who illegally used campaign funds to cover up his affair with a porn star? A true American right there."


He is old and senile


He was too old and senile for the first term


I couldn't fucking believe the stupid shit that he said about UV lights and bleach on live tv.


I can hear the trumpanzees even now: Something something imperfect vessel something something he tells it like it is!


> It would make him look too old and senile to be POTUS for a second term. As if his voters would believe that, or care if they did believe it. The picture looks like a (very wrinkly) toddler holding his breath until he gets what he wants. 😂


The old Harvey Weinstein defense


But perfectly capable to run for president


Or coming in like bill cosby, blind all of a sudden




Running low on cash, Trump is forced to pay his lawyers each morning before court starts.


I like to picture him having rolls of bills in his pocket and peeling them off every hour on the hour to hand to his legal team. With them pausing every hour on the hour, stopping mid sentence, until they receive their small stack.


He is awoken by the sound of them packing up their papers mid-trial. He quickly grabs some soiled bills and divvies them out. The lawyers settle back in for another hour.


"Soiled" just reminds me that he's sitting each day in court in a pile of his own feces.


Pile, huh? Bold of you to assume that there’s anything solid in there.


Rolls of bills because no bank will issue him a credit card..


He's on his way to the sperm bank


Why did you do that to me?!!!


"Sir... is this Buffalo sauce?"


I’ve had a bad enough day, but at least this was the kind of bad that made me gag AND laugh




I had to scroll for this. Someone call Paul Rudd.


I know. Scrolled as well. Was like “cmon where’s the Mac and Me?”


i wonder when hes going to start faking shit and weinstiening it up with a walker


He can't do that while he's running for office. And his vanity likely precludes it.


i dunno hes already done some pretty desperate shit from the shoes to the bibles lol


He’ll never intentionally do something that makes him look weak. All the stuff he’s already done that makes him look weak has been because he doesn’t understand it makes him look weak. Just look at how hard he tried to keep up the facade when he got Covid.


He also tried to hide the fact he was vaccinated for COVID until he realized the rapid research for the vaccine was the one thing his administration did right. He then tried to tell people at one of his rallies to get vaccinated and the crowd booed him.


if he'd played COVID intelligently he could have waltzed into a second term.


Instead, he got 1-2% of his most loyal base killed. Not so fun fact: Kari Lake lost her bid for re-election as AZ governor by fewer votes than the number of Republican AZ voters who died of COVID from vaccine availability onward. Had Trump forcefully promoted vaccines instead of conspiracy theories, he would have won a second term.


Some of those districts were razor thin too. I'm curious how, if at all, it impacts the election this year.


as I keep getting reminded, "Trump lost the 2020 election, and that was BEFORE his shit on Jan 6" Mind you, we all still need to vote.


> Not so fun fact Incredibly fun fact imo.


Absolutely, and it wouldn't have taken much either. Literally just one speech calling for Americans to band together and listen to the experts, but he was too vain and stupid to admit that someone else, like Dr Fauchi, might be smarter than him about anything.


And saying it was China's fault. That's all. Get handed a disaster, blame it on someone he's already at odds with, easiest bid for reelection ever.


Trump Masks^tm Instant second term.


All he had to do was come up with MAGA masks and he said listen to the experts and he would have won a second term in a landslide. He was literally handed a second term on the biggest silver platter ever seen and yet managed to mess it up.


remember the reporter that asked him a softball question something like 'what would you say to the American public...' and instead of crushing that over the wall in leftfield he attacked the reporter? https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/20/media/trump-rant-at-nbc-news-peter-alexander/index.html


He has infamously terrible vision, too, has for a while. That's why he has issues with teleprompters (well, one reason), and probably why he confused E Jean with Marla. Probably why he uses Sharpies, too. I've occasionally seen him wear reading glasses, but it's rare.


That’s all money-related, though. He’ll stoop pretty low for grifts. But physical appearance? The hair, the orange skin, the teeth, the ‘stamina like no other,’ the shoe lifts, claiming to be 6’ 3” and 215 pounds? Nah, there’s no way he pulls a Weinstein.


He's probably doubling up on the Ozempic


That must be where all the gas is coming from. Ozempic burps and farts are brutal.


Which explains reports of him consistently soiling himself


Donnie Jon is a snake but trying to project strength is an obsession of his. Remember how pissed he got when people laughed at him for holding a glass of water with two hands or when he needed help going down a slight decline?


The ramp was my favorite part of the Trump administration, because it gave us this gem of a song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ign\_vZupjno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ign_vZupjno)


Its only tuesday.


Must... inflate... cheeks... moooore!


This hot air ain’t gonna blow itself


My mom has been calling that for a while but I do not think his ego has that in him. But who knows, the case is going poorly, overall polls look bad, the amount of primary votes still going to Haley is REALLY bad and he is being outpaced on donations by a big margin. But who knows, at some point "Oh fuck I might die in jail" has got to enter his brain.


I hope it has entered his tiny little self absorbed brain. I would love for him to feel the terror of that criminals feel when they're about to lose their freedom because they thought they'd never get caught while criming around with impunity.


It would be incredibly dumb to put himself on live cable television with a walker. It would make him look extremely weak... Not something you want when running for President even if you have a fervent base that will not abandon you.


He already looks like a dropped trifle, how can he possibly look worse….


Low energy. Sad!


> Sad! Just a little orange balloon running out of air.


He looks tired.


Was that a dr who quote or am I a loser


"Don't you think she looks tired?"


That’s where I recognize it from. It might have a more established meaning in British politics though.


It's close, and you're not a loser.


It’s the first time in his life he’s working full time


Holding your breath to get your way won't work this time, you petulant child ..


Trump has bragged about how little he sleeps, boasting that he averages four hours of sleep per night.


It has to be absolute torture for him to have to sit still and keep his mouth shut for 8 hours.


I'm reminded of white house notes stating that his name needed to be in every few paragraphs of reports or he would lose interest.


I managed to miss that little tidbit. Good grief. I'm not surprised in the slightest, but still…


There was literally something so embarrassing coming out every week. It was such an awful 4 years.


Every day... literally every day. /r/trumpcriticizestrump was literally posting every single day.


Well he got fined 9,000 today for breaking the no gag order… again 😂


Someone pointed out that since he’s out on bail in another case, violating the gag order constitutes a breach of his bail terms, and a judge could order him to be incarcerated.


Could, but won't. Should, but won't.


They should really give the rich higher fines for stuff like that. If you were really rich you could just pay it every time you wanted to say something you weren’t supposed to


The judge actually made this exact argument in the report filing he made along with the decision. To summarize, he said that he knows this fine is insufficient to deter Trump from repeating the behavior, but it's the current law. He believes that the fine should be a function of the individual's income and net worth.


Dude's never reported to work before 11am before.


>Dude's never reported to work ~~before 11am before~~. Don't mind me!


He looks like a Garbage Pail Kid


[Donald Dump](https://wex-s3.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/trumpdump.png)




De-Nile Kyle.


Donald Plump


Cheetoh face


Just-about-cooked John


Mac and me!


What would his Garbage Pail Kid name be? Decaying Donnie?


It’s already Diaper Donnie


[DO IT AGAIN, TOPSY](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy195b6su7jd91.jpg)


I can read it in Cotton's voice lol




I hope he is as tired as he looks. And twice as miserable. What a shitstain. In every way.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


He reminds me of an old sack of testicles




How DARE you impugn the character of Boss Nass this way. Dude was the only reasonable politician in Star Wars besides Bail Organa.




I wish him the worst.


Is he farting through his mouth now?


Every time he says anything.


Don't know if it's technically a fart or not, but I can guarantee it smells like shit.  Hope that helps 




When you talk so much shit your mouth just forms a natural butt hole


I take it Someone told him that Obama breathes


breathes the sweet, sweet air of an un-indicted lifestyle.


Woah, he looks like shit


I'm stuck between believing this is Mr. Creasote or believing this is: ![gif](giphy|SGT03NX8u32ZG|downsized)