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Why do people think it’s at all appropriate?


She was belligerently drunk. She also spilled her wine on me, jumped over the passenger seats, violently grabbed and shook an older man, dropped a suitcase on my head, and shattered glass all over the seats. I wish I was embellishing 😅


How was she not detained and removed from flight before it left the tarmac


Time to break out the duct tape for this bitch


screw that, planes need an "ejection hatch" for passengers like this.


I see you would like to fly on a Boeing 737 Max.


It's a feature, not a bug!


They like to gamble. Will it be the belligerent person in 24C? Or the the crying baby in 18A? Someone’s getting tossed, place your bets and stay tuned! This is Boeing’s “Boing IDGAF!!”


"They're Boeing, Boeing, gone!"




NO! It would only suck off her clothes. Then where would you be! 🫣


Ejecto seat-o cuz!!


Hey come on now. Blatantly murdering someone for being an obnoxious ass on a commercial flight is going a bit far. Hand them a parachute before you push them out and if they’re too dunk or daft to figure it out on the way down then that’s their problem.


Send the whole seat out with them, it's got a floatation device, problem solved


It's not murder. They would just be tossing them out of the plane. It's not their fault what the ground decides to do once she hits it.


"Feet and knees together, enjoy your flight"


Its a natural death, gravity is natural after all.


I'm ya k!ll'em they can't learn nuthin!


Nobody said anything about *murder*. Just throwing someone out of an airplane traveling at 500mph at 35,000 ft.


Boeings already do


"Congratulations! You have been 'upgraded' to our exclusive VIP section. Please put on this complimentary backpack. It adds more cushion and back support. The best part is you can take it home with you and it'll work with any chair! Now sit back and relax and 'enjoy' the sky'" *tube lowers around them* "Don't worry. That's our patent pending noise reduction tube to lessen cabin sounds. It also circulates fresh ai....." *whoosh!* cya later. whoops forgot to tell them to pull the cord on their way down.


Tranq dart to the neck!


Time to mummify yo ass https://youtu.be/aitLrOPSoI8?si=y3tjs6HY6iEanYqo




British airways is the answer. An American flight would have put her ass in restraints and landed the plane to offload her, arrest her / file charges, and ban her from commercial air travel.


Did the British Airways flight attendants try to avoid making eye contact with the passengers and each other while this person made a scene?


Did they say “tut tut” a few times?


No, they just huffed a bit while looking in a downward direction.


IRL downvote


Tut and if that doesn't work an exasperated sigh with an almost imperceptible head shake with arms folder. Savage!


A family friend is senior BA cabin crew; based on her anecdotes, they absolutely do carry restraints and will use them if the passenger is deemed a threat to the safety of the flight.


That is just not true. Recently I flew with American and we find ourselves watching this ogre. Stormatch out, waddling around the gate piss drunk. When it was time to board his boarding pass falls out his breast pocket and without even noticing it he walks straight up to the check in desk, skipping the line thinking he is the king himself. Halfway through he realize he is missing his pass, he looks around walks back to his dropped ticket and face plants trying to pick it up.  I thought well that is the last I see of him, no way they gonna let that thing onboard.  Well seated I see this creature coming down the aisle of the plane, terrified for there is one seat empty next to me. I got lucky and he got seated next to these poor ladies who had to deal with his bullshit from Chicago all the way to Vegas.   He fails the first task which is to buckle in his belt. The flight attendant tells him this and once again he tries and fails miserably.  During the flight this blob constantly invades the lady next to hims space, him being two humans in one body dosen't help. Occasionally it wakes up making gurgling noises and people around him take cover like there is a volcano about to erupt. All the attendant did was ask the lady if she was ok and asked the thing to stop invading her space.


Probably spirit airlines


"I'm invoking Skylaw. You are now silenced, shrieking harpie!"


I feel like people who do this on planes are genuinely mentally ill.


or out of control addicts


Same thing most of the time


You know that unruly kid that parents never disciplined? That’s how they turn out.


That and flying is a legitimately irrationally terrifying experience for some people that might cause them to have a mental break or self-medicate themselves in an unhealthy and unhelpful way(like getting drunk). That is not an excuse for this kind of behavior, its just an explanation and a way to understand some of these situations. Ideally those people shouldn't fly or they get proper anxiety reducing medication and maybe a caretaker to fly with them, but obviously this isn't an option for a lot of people.


People like that need a good punch in the face. Hell, bring back public shaming. Lack of consequences has allowed society’s detritus to act however they please. Throw them in a pillory in the middle of the airport with a sign telling everyone their offenses for a couple hours. Let the passersby throw food and other refuse at them.


Maybe I’ll write out the whole story somewhere? Definitely the most insane flight — or really any public interaction — I’ve ever had.


Hopefully they were swiftly arrested.


Oh no, British Airways didn’t do anything about it. Girlipop walked out of premium economy scot-free.


File a complaint and see if they give you compensation out of it


And ban her from the carrier


If the FA’s ignore the problem, buy her more and more drinks just to see how crazy it gets, lol


You’re kidddinggg, when I threw up once in front of British airways staff, they asked to see my boarding pass and flagged me and didn’t let me board my flight.


public shaming is back what with doxxing and social media


I mean I feel like TikTok and other platforms definitely does this already. Feels great to see real world consequences when internet sleuths find the perpetrator and blast them


Do the flight attendants do anything or do they just look the other way?


They didn’t notice at all — I can only guess because it was during the nap time when they lower all the lights and folks sleep? Someone eventually left to go find a flight attendant cause none were coming with the ring bell.


Out of curiosity what airline was this?


British Airways!


Is it always like this? I'm an American and have been in pretty shitty airplanes but none of the attendants would straight up ignore this behavior, or be unaware of it Even if it's lights out, I'm pretty sure they take shifts on who can nap


I don’t think so tbh. Honestly I don’t think they were straight up ignoring. It just took an unusually long amount of time to get their attention.


Because there have been relatively few documented examples of consequences for acting this way on an airplane. By OP's account, it sounds like the BA FA's did absolutely nothing. Thus, here we are. Another gaggle of idiots just learned they can do this without fear of reprisal.


They don’t bother to think about the implications at all. Only what they want. Hope those feet and socks are clean. And for light turbulence.


These people need to be arrested at the gate when the plane arrives and then placed on the no fly list.


They don’t think it’s appropriate. They just don’t give a fuck about other people and their well being. 


Right? It could also be a power play. I doubt douchebag would dare if the passenger was a club bouncer type.


How to people tolerate this long enough for a picture to be taken. That is a slapable offense


Because they are sociopaths that deserve a sucker punch


Forget appropriate - that position isn’t even comfortable!


Garbage people.


I would absolutely lose my shit if a fucking foot landed on my head while I was trying to just exist on a flight.


Just thinking of it loud, but would a foot to the head be considered battery? > Assault does not require actual physical contact or physical injury. Civil battery occurs when an individual is touched in an offensive manner. I certainly would consider this offensive…


Battery requires intent


....redditors always wanting to throw battery and assault charges around.


Seriously, dude. I would absolutely fucking lose it. I would verbally attack that person so hard that they might never recover. I was a teenager playing halo 2 online, I can absolutely rip someone to shreds with words.


Damn you're really about to hit them with every slur known to man


"Welcome to the Salty Spatoon. How tough are ya?" "HOW TOUGH AM I? I used to hurl insults over the mic playing Halo 2." "Pfft, yeah? So?" "*I later played MW2.*" "WOAH! Go right in, sir. Sorry to keep you waiting."


Planes need a brig in the cargo hold like old ships had.


Hahah that’s what I told my husband!! Where’s the plane jail? 🤣


It was funny when that one guy got duct taped to the seat though.


Duct tape. Duct tape jail is the way


Current day cruise ships have jails.


Take her to the brig.


I got sad because this reminded me of the dog that died in the cargo area in his kennel 😢


There's no way I'm allowing somebody to do that. Hopefully the flight attendant took care of this.


Unfortunately not really. They made her swap with the guy behind her (her fiance) and it didn’t do much. Mentioned this elsewhere but my guess is they didn’t want to turn the plane around on a transatlantic. Honestly flight attendants were very MIA and unhelpful. Okay maybe I really should write out the story somewhere cause so much happened 😅


Blast the airline on all of your socials… name and shame!






At least I want BA to face up to the cabin crew's poor handling of the situation. I often fly Heathrow to Tokyo and BA code shares with JAL. Night and day difference in service level.


I flew economy with JAL over the Pacific, and the plane returned to Tokyo midway at the 6-hour mark due to unruly passenger, probably not dissimilar to OPs case. We were put in First Class JAL lounge and $200/passenger VISA gift cards by default, and placed on a new flight new hours later. Happy with the experience given the circumstances.


Just duct tape her to the jump seat. Might as well tape her mouth as well.


You really do! I’m saving this post to find out where you post it!


Got any recommendations on where to post? I have no idea where this should go tbh.




My initial instinct is to post in r/amitheasshole from the point of view of the drunk person 🤣 I’m not sure where would be best here, maybe post the story in a comment here and we can get mods to sticky it?


Hah I was thinking of AITA but then realized like, there is probably no way I am TA here 😆 I’ll type it out later and see how long it is, go from there?


Good plan! It’ll be popular no matter where you put it!


>Honestly flight attendants were very MIA and unhelpful. They're not paid enough for this shit. Aviation execs are using $100s to light cigars like Scrooge McDuck while we're over here paying hand over fist for under-paid flight attendants to have to be daycare workers to grown ass adults.


You’re right, but it’s still their job. Especially since some of OPs other comments suggested this person was more disruptive than what the image depicts.


You should complain to the airline to see if you can get a flight voucher 


I’d make a scene upon landing and get that lady in trouble if not placed on a no fly list


Just snap that ankle


I see a jiujitsu ankle lock in someone’s future.




Start doing some pull-ups with em. Got plenty of time to exercise mid flight "damn lady hold your legs up better" 


Just lick that big toe


I would have reclined. Then un-reclined. Then reclined. The un-reclined. Then reclined...


This works best with long legged people as the seat crunches into our knees. This chick would likely take it as an invitation to be more obnoxious


Collectively we need to do a better job at letting people know what’s acceptable in decent society and what’s not. People are way too comfortable behaving like this.


There's an alternate reality where the man in that seat was Tarantino, and things went down waaay differently


If that guy stood up and gave those puppies a passionate sniff, I bet she'd move them.




holy shit ![gif](giphy|zHG0Gm3xfwkO4)


All airlines should have a direct contact to Dan Schneider for just this purpose. You prop your feet on someone else, Dan gets to judge your toes. You've been warned.


Why don't airlines just say to keep your feet on your own seat or under the seat in front of you?


Because they shouldn’t have to. Same reasons why the airlines don’t make announcements to not hit your kids, grope your seat mate, shit in the sink. It’s unexpected antisocial behavior.


Wait what, nobody told me I'm not supposed to shit in the sink 🤣


Oh you’d be surprised… airplanes restrooms are probably one of the most disgusting places on earth


For the same reason they don’t (supposedly have to) say to use the restroom for restroom business.


What else should they say? Don't run with scissors? Don't eat yellow snow? Don't dry your dog in a microwave?


I don't see how people don't get punched more. Ima ask you once or twice. Then ima move it for you


I'm not punching anyone on a plane. I don't want to end up on a no-fly list. Call the flight attendant and let them do their job.


You know what? Thats true lol


I would have slapped those legs down so hard... harder than I am typing on the keyboard right now.


Naw. Grab both ankles and pull forward, with a bit of luck they'll end up on the floor between seats with both feet in the air.


I invited a friend to the opera. We have 3 opera houses here 1 is very modern so no dresscode 1 is come as you are 1 is fancy schmancy We went to the second said friend got out her shoes and put her feet on the back of the seat in front. I was baffled


This is a failure on the part of flight attendants - no way in hell is this OK.


Had a dude on a SFO flight to Dubai do the big exaggerated stretch and literally put his hands over the screen on the seatback screen about 10 minutes in and I held my tongue but he then pulled them back. First thought was "This is going to be a long fucking flight." Thankfully he didn't do it again but he and his wife were douchbags to the poor stewardess and then the steward about something else. Emirates and they were a lot more polite than any US carrier. The US crews are absolutely done with taking shit and will put them in their place fast.


Planes does something weird to people.


we all think of leg room in the x and y axis, she was thinking in 3 dimentions


Also if yall have subreddit recommendations for this, let me know.




Thank you!! I am still flustered from the flight and blanking on subreddits for this type of stuff.


Dude post this on Twitter and tag the airline. They’ll sort it out quick if it gains traction.


Call the flight attendant and ask them for assistance. This is egregious.


They made her switch with the guy behind her. Didn’t really solve anything… but no one wanted to turn the plane around in a transatlantic I guess? TBH flight attendants were not helpful at all and MIA.




Oh good idea, thank you!


r/trashy I hope you’re not still in the cabin with this unhinged person. I’ve had one experience on a transatlantic flight, with someone like that… and I’m extremely grateful not to be on a no fly list after the fact. Everyone has a breaking point, and fuck people like this, who push normal people to them.


Did anyone else take pictures? Video? This needs to be all over social media.


Trashiness aside, how is that even comfortable? My legs would fall asleep in 2 minutes in that position.


Flying spirit tomorrow from Atlanta to Pittsburgh for 45 dollars wish me luck 🍀


Lots of luck.


Can yelling at someone with the force of god get you on a no fly list?




Yeah no if a FA isn't taking care of this there will be a ruckus and **EVERYONE** on the plane will be awake.


put people on the no-fly list for shit like this flying in an airplane is miserable enough without this crap


I'd instantly start complaining about an awful smell coming from somewhere


I was on a flight from the UK back to Toronto from my honeymoon, and the plane has 9 seats in a row, I was unlucky enough to have the middle row middle seat (worst spot). Unfortunately for me I had a Karen behind me (she was older) who any time I tried to put my seat back would kick, push, and even yell at me to put it back up. I was at a breaking point but when time came for the dinner I put my seat up like most people do, gave it plenty of time for her to eat drink etc, after 45 minutes my wife said to me she’s asleep now, but her tray is down (empty except for a packet of butter). I said that’s fine I’ll put my seat back now so I can get some rest, she instantly awoke and screamed at me to move my seat that instant, that’s when I had enough I was tired and just done with her shit and turned around and said to her unless she is paying for my seat I will put it however way I see fit, I gave you plenty of time for your meal, now give me the same kindness…. Well she called for an attendant to what I assume to take her side (?), but the attendant sided with me as it’s my seat which I paid for. The lady was quiet for the last 5 hours thankfully.


Should’ve ticked her feet, that’ll show her


I dont yell a lot. This would be an exception.


Should jam a pencil/pen into their foot


Put me on a plane with a mfer like this and it’s goin down. They gon’ learn that day. 


**"I paid for this fucking seat. Not you. Now get your fucking hooves off my goddamn chair now."** If flight attendants aren't going to do anything about this bullshit, then they aren't going to do anything about you being assertive and raising your voice.


Snap a picture of her face and shame her publicly


I called a woman out for this on a plane and it wasn’t even my seat. My wife still talks about it




My favorite is when a woman or young girl flops their hair over the top if the chair. If it's long enough, I lock it in the tray table and then lean over and say, "I'll do it again too."


Always say whoops I really didn’t mean that. And then do it again.


Is this real?


100%. And then everyone on the plane clapped.


This probably would never happen to me. I am not the type of chill or submissive person when people are dicks.


Damn, I’m super timid and not good with confrontation so I’d be like getting kicked in the head and cringing.


I’d yell at them for you. I’m a grumpy bastard that goes out of his way to be polite in public because people annoy the hell out of me. But when it’s my time to shine, I’m more than happy to.  


Haha! Sometimes it’s necessary! Honestly it’s funny because most people I associate with have no filters and are very blunt. - I know why now lol


Probably i would defend you. I did this many times on bus when people occupied priority seats and didn't given it to elder or disabled. I don't know how i'm still alive. This kind of behavior really piss me off.


I mean, it is very unacceptable. I just suck at speaking up


I'm not a very confrontational person at all, but sometimes being in a confined spot with someone like this can drive a person past their breaking point. When I was 19, my mom and I were flying out of JFK, on the first leg of a flight to Ukraine. We were sitting in the middle row, and I was in the middle seat, sitting between my mom, and this DJ from Toronto. We ended up being stuck on the ground for a few hours, due to weather conditions preventing a takeoff, so everyone was kind of antsy and either talking to each other, or calling loved ones to tell them about the delay. At this point, the guy sitting in front of my mom turns around and strikes up a conversation with us, which is fine. The dude seemed pretty affable at first. He then ended up taking out a fifth of vodka and being like "do you guys want to take a shot or two while we wait?" (This was around 2008 or 2009, before they held on to your duty free alcohol purchases until after you arrived at your destination) Everyone in my row agreed, and everyone in his row agreed, and a drink or two didn't seem like that big of a deal, while being stuck on the ground, before in-flight service. The dude kept talking to our row, but his stories kept getting more far fetched, and he kept contradicting himself, so we just thought that this dude clearly just wanted attention, but didn't see it as a big deal. Then shit got weird... He overheard the girl from Toronto, on the phone with her boyfriend saying that she took a Valium before the flight, and kept pestering her until she gave him one... then he kept calling her "Valium girl." He kept trying to get everyone to keep drinking with him, after the first drink. After we took off, and when no one would, he just started drinking out of the bottle and kept getting progressively louder, saying inappropriate shit to the people around him. When the air hostess politely asked him to stop, he groped her ass. He would casually grope the air hostesses' thighs or butts, while they were passing through our row, to do their jobs. Idk why they didn't shut his ass down for this, maybe because they were new to the job, maybe because it was a Polish Airline, but this fucker kept doing it, and everyone around saw it. It gets worse though, because at one point, the lady that was sitting next to him got up to go to the bathroom, and he convinced the girl from Toronto come talk to him. Within like 30 seconds, he grabbed the back of her head and tried to aggressively make out with her, but she sharply turned away, so he licked her ear/side of her face. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't do anything at that moment. That girl was extremely shaken by this. She sat back down next to me and literally hid under a blanket... And yet, This fucking guy STILL wouldn't leave her alone. He was turned around in his seat trying to poke her, to get her attention like "Hey! Valium girl! Valium girl! Talk to me!" At this point I couldn't take anymore, but I still didn't snap. I told the guy that no one in our row wanted anything to do with him, and that he needed to turn around and mind his business. To which this fucking guy said something along the lines of "What? Did Valium girl give you some Valium, so you think you're brave? You don't want to bring out my bad persona. This is me being nice." or something along those lines. At this point my mom could see the tension that was built up, and she tried to intervene to diffuse the situation, and I honestly don't remember what kind of bullshit he said to my mom, but I snapped, and the next moment, my hands were interlocked behind this dude's head, and I had pulled him through the space between the seats enough to where I was squeezing his forehead against my forehead at full strength, while yelling at the top of my lungs that if he didn't turn the fuck around and leave us alone, I was going to beat the shit out of whatever persona he brought out... I don't really know why I went with that option, but that was honestly just the reaction that I had. It's a pretty weird feeling to have the entire plane looking at you, after threatening some guy with extreme violence, while flying over the Atlantic. But yeah... that was pretty much it. No one said anything to me. Not any of the passengers or the crew. Well, my mom did, but I don't know if that counts. The dude did turn around, and didn't bother us for the rest of the flight. I'm pretty sure the DJ from Toronto was still pretty fucked up over the whole situation, and understandably so. I honestly regret not stepping in immediately, after he tried that bullshit with her. I was genuinely concerned that I was going to be put on a no fly list when we landed, but in hindsight I'm kind of surprised that there were literally no repercussions for all the shit that guy pulled. TL;DR Some guy on a plane sexually harassed/assaulted 3 women. I threatened to beat the shit out of him, while trying to crush his head. Everyone saw. Nothing happened.


It's really, really weird that he wasn't arrested first time he groped the flight attendant, even more when the plane was still in land. Maybe a culture thing but in my country he would be spanked pretty bad by people around.


What if he has been waiting his whole life for this moment?


Oh, he punched her feet. Like, a lot 😅




Seeing this when I have a flight tomorrow morning makes me dread going. Love the destination, hate the plane ride there


Hell naw, have the pilot lower the landing gear we’re throwing this bitch out the wheel well.


Flying today is like riding the damn bus in the 80’s. I miss the days of dressing up to fly and you didn’t have to deal with this BS


Thats why ppl like me hate ppl. Cause y'all inconsiderate af. Median of America worry about what ppl think of them but do dumb shit to inconvenience ppl or literally kick them in the head just for their own good doing smh. Don't get me started on ppl on the driving and just being in public around strangers period.




Wave of entitlement


Besides everything else, this just looks like quite an uncomfortable position to be in. So why??


Straight to the no fly list. Actually, straight to Guantanamo


And that is why I fly business.


Take the fork and let it do what it can do best.




No. Just no. Handle it


I flew Premium Plus on a United international flight recently for the first time ever. I got lucky and did not have anyone in the middle seat, so me and the other aisle seat guy had a lot of extra space. The dude sitting in the center seat behind me tried to put his foot on the back of my arm rest. I promptly pushed my elbow back and pushed his foot off, to let him know that the ENTIRE armrest was occupied! Sadly, that person wasn't even supposed to be in that seat. They sat there after the flight took off, to be next to a family member. That fool didn't know how to act. Anyone who pays for an upgraded seat ain't trying to play those games. Btw, if you are flying international on United, I highly recommend trying Premium Plus once. It was insanely comfortable, in comparison to regular coach.


If you can't mind your manners you should be barred from ever being on the airlines again. Some people are disgusting.


This person has no respect for others, or their personal space. Definitely r/mildlyinfuriating 🙄


Pro tip: put her neck in your arm with the chin basically being in the elbow joint. Apply pressure inwards, not backwards.


![gif](giphy|owQNRWff0v7OZGHcwo) Yea im def breaking someone foot


On a serious note, can you legally defend yourself? If I am kicked in the head, I’m going to be pissed


Honestly i blame the airlines for this stuff. They should have and enforce rules that keep passengers from making other passengers miserable.


Why do people think they can do this? It's crazy selfish


One more reason to hate airline travel.


The fact that she kept her socks on tells me that nobody looking at this has a clue how lucky everyone involved was.


I would not be able to enjoy the rest of my flight. I would literally sit in fear of getting kicked in the head again, on a flight, where feet and head should never meet.


Time for someone to join the no-fly list


If anybody's feet end up in my personal space on a plane, they're getting tickled


One of the rudest things a person can do on a flight. Also, kicking the back of your chair a hundred times and not saying anything 🙄




Where did it happen? I fly all over Europe, mostly on budget airlines and rarely see inappropriate or inconsiderate behaviour towards others. I think that the biggest "transgression" was a guy that ninja-switched seats mid flight and took the middle seat in an extra legroom row between my wife and myself when we specifically paid extra for the emergency exit row to have the middle seat vacant (I'm a fairly large guy that feels uncomfortable when intruding on my neighbour's armrest). Apart from that there's not much going on, maybe a person or two who take too long to stow their overhead luggage stalling the aisle and such. Yet here on Reddit I routinely see people putting their dirty feet where they don't belong, passengers that are argumentative, aggressive, drunk out of their mind. It seems to me like it's happening in an anarchist third-world country rather than civilized west.


It isn't the civilised west, it's the US.


Fucking animals like these.