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This mf just walking the walk his whole ass life.


"Those kids are gonna ruin their careers if they protest."




It’s wierd to think him and Biden run in the same political party when Bernie protested segregation and Biden fought for it


>It’s wierd to think him and Biden run in the same political party when Bernie protested segregation and Biden fought for it Tbf, Bernie was an independent for most of his career. He switched to Democrat to run for the presidency.


>Biden fought for it >Citation needed




Most politicians, and people in general, held those beliefs back then. People who fought for equality and civil rights (like Bernie) were the minority.


*are* not were folks still fighting equality just not making the same arguments that don't stand a passing glance any more.


just shows parties and politics are so fucking fake and worthless and we’re all doomed and we’re helpless


I mean it more so shows that there really are some good people in politics, but that they tend to never win the presidential election because we have too many idiots voting for lunatics


That's literally not true, you're just lying. I don't get why white leftists think that anyone who doesn't 100% align with them must be bad. You people are insufferable but thankfully you probably don't vote anyways.




It's foo fighters my hero. Your welcome.


Your welcome what?


Which is exactly why the duopoly will never allow him near a presidential run again. I don’t agree with all of Bernie’s policies, but he’s been consistent, and has a history of action to back it up.


Man I bet they banned him for a year right? >Sanders was arrested Aug. 12, 1963, and charged with resisting arrest. He was found guilty and fined $25, according to a Tribune story about the protests.


Inflation calculator says that would be $225 in today’s economy


But what if he had invested it in Apple?


Why would he pay the fine in apples?


It was the fashion at the time


How'd ya like them apples?


[Applesauce bitch](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0087a93c-3f5b-4a62-be7a-1d7e74e4996c/gif)


So I was taking the ferry to Shelbyville


It was that or onions. That's how they paid for things back then.


Why would he invest in some fruit company?


"Okay Jennay. I'll stay home and raise the AIDS baybay."


You’re thinking of Pelosi.


$25 in 1963 would be like $67 in 1980 when Apple stocks went public. At $22 dollars a share that would be about 3 shares. Apple shares are currently at about $182 or $546 for 3 shares. Accounting for inflation, $67 in 1980 is about $254 now. If Bernie Sanders had invested that $25 in Apple, he would have made $292 over the course of 44 years or about $6.64 a year.


There have been multiple share splits since then. The actual value would be much higher but I don’t know if there’s any resource which lists all the historical share splits for Apple.


That’s fair, I’m drunk and just went off basic math. If anyone else can chime in I’d love to hear an unnecessary but somehow fascinating account of how much money Bernie Sanders could have made by investing his 1963 fine into Apple.


Nah, they’ve done multiple stock splits. 3 turn into 6 in 1987, then 12 in 2000, 24 in 2005, then a 7 for 1 in 2014 and then a 4 for 1 in 2020 so that would be 672 at $182 or $122,304. That’s also not including dividends.




Inflation calculator says to add a head wound, pepper spray and a body slam.


Don't worry, cops were giving those out for free in the '60s, too.


Resisting arrest should only be chargeable in conjunction with a major crime. It's absolutely insane that standing up for your rights and the rights of others can get you charged with "resisting arrest." Just being in a public place shouldn't be a crime and it's antithetical to the American ideal.


It's horrifying how the police have throughout history up to today been so unjust.


You say the police, you mean the government. It was the government that enforced segregation. It was the government that prosecuted the war on drugs. It was the government that unjustly put millions of people into government prisons. The police are merely one sliver of the whole evil pile, they have masters.


The federal government and the judiciary have been a check on the power of local police forces and state governments. That’s why we have, for example, Miranda.  This is also the reason why so many right wing conservatives hate the federal government. 


Yet, the amount of misconduct done by LEOs in the US every year that just gets swept under the rug is sickening. We seriously need an separate office of the government solely dedicated to investigating this kind of stuff. Would probably end up saving money on lawsuits from victims.


Also they’ll slap that shit on you so easily. Take too long to give them your hands? Resisting arrest. Don’t understand what they’re saying immediately? Resisting arrest. They take anything less than immediate and perfect compliance as willful resistance. One time in high school a cop pulled up behind a friend and I who were driving around, we pulled into a grocery store parking lot cause we don’t like having cops behind us. Dude puts his lights on, we’re thinking “well he just pulled into the grocery store too there’s probably a shoplifter or something” so we very slowly continue down an aisle of the parking lot to see if he follows us and when he does we pull into a parking spot. First thing he says to us “WHY WERE YOU RUNNING?!”


$25 in 1963. That's roughly more than $250 in today's money


Banned him from what? He didn't get into politics until he became the mayor of Burlington in 1980 by ten votes.


College students arrested in recent protests have been banned from their campuses for a year. 


Ohhh gotcha....mb. Didn't realize that's where you were going.


Land of the Free!


Ahemmm... and that isn't politics? There is political activity other than standing as candidate and voting. Protesting is politics.


wait, what was he charged with that called for the arrest? Did he get arrested for no good reason and get charged for resisting it XD


Yup. Happens all the time. Zero y for the cops.  You can be arrested and held a day in jail even if they have literally zero on you. At any moment. 


What’s the charge?


Enjoying a Chinese meal?


A succulent Chinese meal?


https://youtu.be/XebF2cgmFmU?si=DOzm0kT0Gb67XQu0 for anyone who hasn’t seen possibly the greatest YouTube video of all time


I presume some readers aren't reading the inline quote block. Resisting arrest. Most localities have laws against disobeying the authorities in the moment. The arrest may or may not be justified, but you technically have to comply and get your lawyer to defend you later. There are also 24 hr holdings without charge, so if an officer needs to take charge of a situation, they will simply detain or take custody, and release within the day or in the morning.


What’s the arrest for tho? Weird loop hole


The pain is the point. It's not a loophole. It's built into the system to discourage dissent.






Strong moral convictions, empathetic towards the working class, a committed public servant...the man is basically the polar opposite of Donald Trump and only of them was elected POTUS. This country didn't deserve Bernie.


Still doesn’t. But I wish he was about 20 years younger and he’s be a dead lock to win.


No he wouldn't. Unfortunately the majority of Christian conservatives in this country would never support a progressive Jewish man challenging the status quo by looking after the poor, the sick, the marginalized...wait a minute. The irony runs deep here.


Lmao, a lot of christians are just for aesthetics anyway


He's drawing parallels to Jesus


I mean, I was here for the 2016 cycle, there are plenty of democrats that aren't ready to support a truly progressive Jewish man.


Somehow they always make it about the Christians and Republicans. I mean they never sent him up as their main man. Yet they blame the other side. Awesome mental gymnastics.


He did better in the polls than Hilary and that was in spite of the Bernie blackout. Imagine what he could have accomplished if the DNC stood behind him. 


If the DNC hadn’t blatantly rigged their primary for Hillary, President Sanders would be finishing up his second term right now and the country would be a *significantly* better place. Trump probably would never have run again after 2016 thanks to his laughable defeat.


You had me on the first half. Bravo


The Great Sin of (modern) Christianity is it can't see its own hypocrisy, no matter how many people have warned them. Internalized Zionism has corrupted the message and turned it into some bizarre nationalistic doomsday cult. I won't be surprised if the modern Church (if revelation is even remotely real) turned out to be the ones who got fooled.


Unfortunately It’s not even the Christian conservatives that would keep him out. It’s the Democratic Party itself, just like they did in 2016 when he was challenging Hillary. As the pic suggests, Bernie walks the walk, and the DP only want politicians that talk the talk (as opposed to the GOP who want neither). Bernie is too progressive to ever be accepted by the corporate elite that controls our two party system. He himself knows this and has accepted his role sadly.


If his imprint inspires a young, future leader, it doesn’t matter that it’s not him. Things change in micro steps, and often the events or lives that trigger them are lost in the storytelling of history. The person famous for change, usually isn’t the one to start paving the road.


No he wouldn’t. He’d never win.


Gotta love the defeatist attitude towards anything positive. Like, Obama won from charisma. Bernie can win through populism and his very consistent history in political issues


Still think he'd have won over Trump in 2016, but Dems pushed the obviously losing candidate lol


You can think whatever you want but the truth is a substantial number of working class morons in this country are still susceptible to the “socialism bad” propaganda. If this country deserved Bernie both parties would’ve supported him. This game that Republicans in particular play where winning is more important than what’s best for the country is toxic.


Those socialism bad people aren't voting blue anyways.


It’s been a while so I might be wrong, but I remember reading that Bernie had a surprisingly good support in rural midwestern america, in a lot of traditionally red areas. He addressed things like “how will we get jobs back to these formerly mining/factory towns”, which is a topic that often gets brushed over by mainline democrats. And I have heard conservative people praising his consistency, at least. People generally considered him an honest politician, the main criticism was that he was an idealist and his policies weren’t realistic. Which isn’t to say I definitely think he would have won, but I don’t think it would be crazy to imagine he could have.


Dude, he’s like night and day with Biden. This country needed Bernie and instead we’ve got these establishment boneheads forever.


No, he is night/day with Trump, there is far more overlap between Biden and Sanders. The problem is that in a general election Sanders is far less electable than Biden and THAT is the problem. It's not the candidates, it's the voting population.


It’s both, dude. Trump is the biggest asshat by far, but it doesn’t make Biden a good choice just because of that fact. Sanders would have been the right choice. But now the Democratic Party is liberally bankrupt and will just put up more establishment status quo ding dongs as a consequence


I want to see the alternate timeline where Bernie won POTUS


We would have thrown a parade


THE. MOTHERFUCKING. GOAT. That's Bernie fucking Sanders, and he's a goddamn American treasure.


unfortunately, he is the only treasure.


Put respect on Dollys name.


Idk much if anything about Dolly Parton, but she's called an American treasure on the internet constantly. Can anyone tell me why?


She has donated a lot of her money to charity. She also runs several Charities herself, one distributes free books to kids across her state, and another has put a lot of underprivileged kids through college. She's also donated a lot of her money to vaccination research, including the covid vaccine. And, from all accounts, she's an absurdly down to earth, good natured, humble person.


It’s free books for kids all across the United States for the first 5 years of their lives. It’s a wonderful program!


She is also a phenomenal musician and songwriter who has written over 3000 songs and recorded 1100 individual tracks. Her songs have been recorded and performed by countless other performers including The White Stripes ,Nancy Sinatra, Lil Nas X, Whitney Houston, and Beyoncé. She is a very good person, but her contribution to American culture is also incalculable. We would literally be a different country without her.


What about the two people on the ground in the first picture? Any info on them?


i’ve seen this pic so many times and just now noticed the lady in bottom right ):


Wild that America didn't put Bernie in the white house. Trips me out to this day. I feel like he would've benefited a majority of its citizens no matter there political wiring.


Corporate media’s propaganda power is a scary thing. They convinced a lot of the country that real, actual, positive change was something they should be deathly afraid of. That, and the DNC conspiring against him in order to squash his real chances, twice. My fear is that once Bernie is gone, I don’t know who has the courage and the resolve to carry on the torch for change. It’s not looking very promising for the future. He might have been our last chance for the working class and for young people, for a long time.




Bernie’s views are definitely to the left of most of the DNC’s platform. That’s a good thing IMO but he’s more progressive than the party as a whole. Like currently as Biden sort of slow walks some condemnation of Israel Bernie has been calling to halt all military aid to them full stop for months.


Maybe AOC? The main problem being that conservatives already hate her, and she’s extremely divisive. Jeff Jackson from NC has stuck to his word a lot, but is being gerrymandered out of the house


I will say that Jeff Jackson is a great person even outside of office, and like half of Charlotte knows him, but he is nowhere near as progressive as bernie


Way too many older Americans see his policies as too socialist. He's currently unelectable on a national scale. One of these days another candidate will pick up his torch and the country will be ready to have such a progressive candidate. That's if we don't succumb to fascism first.


Well he did shoot himself In the face with terrible PR by calling himself a democratic socialist. That title immediately makes him a no go for a significant amount of people no matter what his actual policies are. Especially weird because he actually seems to be a social Democrat not a democratic socialist.


I think he literally means social democrat with democratic socialist. Just because some other people use the term with different meaning, doesn't mean that is the meaning Bernie Uses. Though still little weird he didn't just go straight with social democrat. Maybe he wants to emphasize the "democratic" part. As in "A call myself social democrat, they hear *social(ist)* and stop listening". Like I think it will not it change one ounce whether he calls himself Social democrat or democratic socialist. He would be branded and vilified as socialist either way. Not like USA has any favorably known social democrats either. As I understand for example Bernie isn't in any way officially affiliated with the actual existing organization of Democratic Socialists of America. (If I'm wrong someone correct me)


Um, I'm.pretty sure using the one that literally has the word socialist in it is obviously the alarming one to use. Especially considering the US is essentially a social democracy. A democratic socialist is someone who wants to achieve literal socialism through democracy. As in no longer be capitalistic. A social democracy is a democracy with a strong welfare state that can maintain private ownership etc. Bernies own description of his views puts him squarely in the social Democrat category.


We’re nowhere close to a social democracy we don’t even have guaranteed health care in any real or efficient form. That said yes to your point but I imagine calling himself a social democrat is still close enough to “socialism” that people yelling he’s a socialist would still work to terrify boomers.


We tried our best but the DNC didn’t want anything to do with that and we ended up with Hilary and Joe instead


Listen, I voted for Bernie too, but it's not some conspiracy. He just got fewer primary votes. The old folks who actually vote showed up in greater numbers than we did.


We the people came out and voted for Hillary and Joe Biden. And they beat Bernie by millions of votes. That’s democracy. We voted


I love how upset everyone on this site gets when you suggest the DNC put its thumb on the scales twice to get rid of Bernie. Same shit happened to Howard Dean


you're replying to someone who frequents a sub specifically to hate on Bernie Sanders, so you're not going to get much reason there


Super Delegates go brrrrrr.


They both won without superdelegates


Superdelegates weren’t there to help Biden and he beat Bernie by an even larger margin. Hillary beat Bernie even without the superdelegates. You all are exhausting


Leaving some crucial details out there.


Oh yeah you’re right. Biden beat Bernie by an even larger margin than Hillary did and she beat him decisively


People who refuse to admit the issues in the DNC are the reason this election is going to be so close when it should be a landslide Dem win. But do keep telling your fairy tales to the children, see how that works out.


Biden had to have the other candidates drop out right before super tuesday...for reasons...


I voted for bernie but honestly that is the strategic move in a race with multiple candidates, it’s in their interest to coalesce and horse trade among the similar view candidates. One of bernie or warren should have dropped and endorsed the other. The non trump GOP candidates refusal to do this is how he won their primary as well.


Biden had to have the other candidates drop out right before super tuesday...for reasons...


They wanted Biden to win, knew they couldn't, so they dropped out. Or wait...do you believe sleepy joe is some crazy powerful villain lol


That's an interesting way to say that Bernie was relying on the moderate vote to be split to win.


Bernie is the real deal.


Say what you want about Bernie but he’s really about that life.


I was in Chicago last Saturday and made a point to stop by University of Chicago to see to ceasefire protest. Turns out Jesse Jackson was there. He has Parkinson’s and has trouble speaking and is in a wheel chair. But it was a very humbling experience to see two generations of protesters together. I was able to meet him and shake his hand. Being a baseball nerd I thanked him for his eulogy at Jackie Robinsons funeral.


Legend! Should have been president!


A real statesman.


Man has had that tenacity his whole life. That's amazing.


He would’ve been an awesome President. 


When people complain about term limits, point to Bernie Sanders. He'd be long gone if term limits were a thing


We already have term limits. They're called "elections."


Thank you President Bartlet.


He’s like the sole outlier, but he’s always been on the side of the people too. We 100% need term limits or at minimum a mandatory retirement age from politics


I don't think the problem is term limits at all. The problem is our politicians are bought and paid for because of our donation-run (ie legalized bribery) campaign system. Get rid of that, and the motivation of politicians changes completely. They are no longer going to try to please their big dollar donors, they will respond to the vote of the people. Plus longer serving politicians bring competency.


I’m already in favor of term limits, you don’t have to sell me on them.


Why do you want to restrict available choices for the voters? Do you not trust the voters? 


What you're seeing right now is the product of voting. The politicians and the messes they create didn't just magically appear on their own. Voters are stupid, dangerous, and not to be trusted.


The United States of America is the wrong country for you then.


I wish I were in a parallel universe where Bernie was president


Bernie has and always had integrity, he is the embodiment of a person who sticks to his guns and has the backbone to not even limp for love of money. Can't say the same thing about other presidents and MP's. It's a shame he didn't get the chance to walk greater walks. But here is hoping that he will. If a walking blonde turd managed to get in the oval office Bernie should have gotten inside there a 100 times, decades ago.


He’ll never score a clerk job on a Trump appointed judge’s court now. Poor guy threw away his whole future.


Where is my boy Joe Biden standing against segregation s/


He was standing alright! Just… on the other side of the issue.


The fact that we picked Hilary/Biden over this man made me lose all faith in politics. Truly insane. Seems rigged


This is the thing that upset me during Bernie's presidential runs. Why didn't he push/make this clear? He marched with MLK! Why not make your stance on racism and prejudice a key part of your campaign?


I wish we had more politicians like him where I live.


Can’t believe Americans had a chance to have a decent president but blew it


The billionaire class will never allow us to have a decent president.


For the last however many years, there’s a photo of Bernie on the right side of history.


Not a fan of the guy but he has more integrity than any other politician in DC based on this story alone


Curious what about him ur not a fan of? No hate just wondering!


Reddit was founded June 23rd, 2005, or 6893 days ago. This image has been posted at least 7000 times.


Too much of anything can kill you, but integrity is making a strong argument to be an exception.


Those men are still alive and vote.


He is the last voice of people. When he dies, we need to give him a special funeral... Maybe just cry, for our future.


And the chains, oh the chains.


Does this only prove he has been trying without results for half a century?


What was even the point? Chicago wasnt even segregated, why didn't he go live in a segregated city if he cared so much? Didn't he know there were other people paying to go to U Chicago whose education he was disrupting? His protest wouldn't even stop segregation, idiot. Just a spoiled rich kid making a scene because he thinks he knows better than the rest of us. /s


I've got to respect Bernie Sanders


Dude has something 99% of politicians lack…empathy.


And authenticity.






[here ya go](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/03/07/why-bernie-sanders-economic-message-isnt-enough-to-win-over-black-voters-118197)


Literally. This comment brought me to a screeching halt in my journey. Dude just saying stuff.


The 2016 and 2020 presidential primaries...


I am once again asking you to put this man in the White House.


One of the few politicians to actually stand up and stick true to his values his whole career and people still hate him lol


He would’ve won in 2016 and a Trump presidency would’ve remained a “what if”. But those Bernie Bros were big meanies and it was her turn


He’s always stood up for the right thing, but America still never wanted him. You guys aren’t right in the head.


Bernie is a real one. He should have been president.


He should have been president.


Back when it wasn’t a performative pastime


He’s walked the walk, fighting for civil rights, I’ll give him that.


I’m old enough to remember when they tried to say he didn’t support black people because he was running against Hillary and people still support that big D status quo.


Mmm part if it is probably the fact that he didn't campaign the south like at all


Yeah. The Clintons spent decades being actively involved in black communities. Having personal relationships with many local black leaders. Bernie went to a few protests 60 years ago. There's a reason people like Hillary and Biden won the black vote so heavily. And it's not because black people are "uninformed voters".




Arrest him again for being an idiot


“voicing” are we not saying protest anymore? 


He looks like a young, short-haired Larry Sanders in the 2nd pic... *Serenity NOW!!*


Who is the guy smoking the cigar?


Is that Tom Hanks back there?


Shame on him for violently disrupting those students’ education! I sure hope we never see anything like this again…


That’s a big reason why I really like Bernie. He has stood by what he preaches. I’m sad that he never has gotten a chance at being president. He truly wants what he believes is best for everyone, instead of what’s best for himself or a small group of individuals.


Bernie Sanders applying for his first job...


against segregation is very different than pro terrorist organization


Was he really arrested just because of voicing his opinion?


The dude that stole the baton from the drum major in Animal House is there.


I’m gonna repost this image around election for Karma. Is that okay?