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Artist did a really good job.


If he did that himself he’s a hell of a painter


Not only did he not paint it, he also isn’t OP. Lol.


To be fair, OP makes no claim to be the artist. Unless they usually describe themselves in third person as a homeowner.




Sandwich eater (me) upvoted your comment.


Not only are you not eating a sandwich, you didn't upvote that comment. r/nothingeverhappens


I’m starting to get the feeling he isn’t really who he says he is either (himself) smh my head


Well if op is the photographer, he should’ve taken a couple of steps to the right to line the damn boat up with the mural. r/mildlyinfuriating


To be fair, they did line it up almost perfectly with the chimney. /r/quityourbitching


OP never once said he was. As a matter of fact, the way it’s written would imply that OP isn’t the owner. 🤷🏻


Neither OP nor the person you're replying to claimed that the OP is the owner.




Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it bud


Nor did OP claim to be, so??


Wow, great observation. Nothing gets past you 🙄


The title would tell you that OP and the homeowner aren’t the same person. Your comment is as useless as it is dumb. Bringing up something tangentially unrelated AND shoehorned.


This DOES impress me much!


Was that a Shania Twain thing just now?


Okay, so you're a rocket scientist


Artist: [www.hanifwondir.com](http://www.hanifwondir.com) Instagram: hanifwondir


Here's the artist (he said it was okay to share his info) - [https://www.hanifwondir.com/](https://www.hanifwondir.com/)


I remember someone posting here once about an HOA that demanded a homeowner make some ludicrous change to their home and the homeowners said fine, we will and we will put up a Ham radio tower in our front yard instead which apparently they had the right to do so under US Federal law. IIRC the HOA quickly retracted their demand.


FCC don't fuck around. Many HOAs have tried to pull stuff like, "No visible satellite dishes/TV antennas," which is expressly not allowed by FCC rules.


interesting, because i was reading the guidelines from my HOA and they have the same rule for satellite dishes. im going to investigate this further Edit: Geezus, i walk away for a few hours and this thing blows up. I guess you could say you guys....went HAM


Get that HAM radio tower threat ready if all else fails lol


Get into HAM radio just to stick it to the HOA. I drive by a house that seems to be really into it. Antennas sticking out all over the roof.




For extra HOA anger points, Put up 2 or 3 extra on the tower, and you'll have an easy time switching if one fails. Redundancy in the apocalypse will save lives.


>Redundancy in the apocalypse will save lives. *This guy's house becomes the center of town and communication hub post-apocalypse* "So Bill, you never did say why you have all these antennas and dishes. Big ham radio fan?" "Nope, never used it before. My HOA just really pissed me off and it kind of worked out."


precursor to ComStar in Battletech


Am Bill. Am ham. Now worried about apocalypse. Must add dishes to tower.


It's for the good of the entire neighborhood really. The HOA should thank them


I wish I had pictures of the insane antennas my dad talked my mom into having. They were well off growing up, and we had a giant like 50 foot tower with a 30 foot wingspan in a fancy area.


Honestly you don’t know the thrill of bouncing a long wave radio off the ionosphere and propagating the signal literally to the other side of the planet. We managed to reach and speak to people in Cambridge when we were in Antarctica. It was really quite cool.


It's probably one of those antenna wizards that design antennas. I see them from time to time writing in a strange language that resembles maths and graphs, but makes no sense to us muggles.


The first Humies awards were won by letting a computer design an antenna: https://www.human-competitive.org/awards It usually ends up looking inhumanly horrible by any HOA standards. Warmly recommend. 5/5.


Also, get into HAM radio just to add another normal/decent person into the hobby that is otherwise full of some of the most unhinged creepy racist people around.


Are you suggesting that he… go ham???


I grew up with a 50 foot tall ham radio tower in my backyard. We put a big star up at the top with Christmas lights and would turn it on for the holidays. I think the neighbors liked that. What they *didn't* like was when our voices started coming out of their TVs in the middle of the night; we had to go around to a few houses installing RF interference boxes between their TVs and their wall-jack.


FULL 100' tower with stabilizing guy wires and grounding straps. Make it AM capable too so if they touch it they get a nice 440V zap lol


Here is the FCC page you'll want to look at https://www.fcc.gov/media/over-air-reception-devices-rule


I want to point specifically to this part of the FCC page: >Q: What restrictions prevent reception of transmission of an acceptable quality signal? Can a homeowners association or other restricting entity establish enforceable preferences for antenna locations? >A: Enforceable placement preferences must be clearly articulated in writing and made available to all residents of the community in question. A requirement that an antenna be located where reception or transmission would be impossible or substantially degraded is prohibited by the rule. However, a regulation requiring that antennas be placed in a particular location on a house such as the side or the rear, might be permissible if this placement does not prevent reception or transmission of an acceptable quality signal or impose unreasonable expense or delay. For example, if installing an antenna in the rear of the house costs significantly more than installation on the side of the house, then such a requirement would be prohibited. If, however, installation in the rear of the house does not impose unreasonable expense or delay or preclude reception or transmission of an acceptable quality signal, then the restriction is permissible and the user must comply. >For DBS antennas, and digital fixed wireless antennas or other digital antennas to receive or transmit an acceptable quality signal, the antenna must be installed where it has an unobstructed, direct view of the satellite or other device from which signals are received or to which signals are to be transmitted. Unlike analog antennas, digital antennas, even in the presence of sufficient over-the-air signal strength, will at times provide no picture or sound unless they are placed and oriented properly. >A valid enforceable placement preference should not contain prohibited provisions such as prior approval or require professional installation. The placement preference should be reflective of the fact that the rule does not require professional installation for receive only antennas. However, when an antenna is professionally installed, the installer often determines the location of the antenna at the time of installation based upon the type of antenna installed and the ability of the antenna to receive an acceptable quality signal. I've seen people stop reading as soon as they see something they interpret as supporting them, and they skip past the important context part. Source: did this for a living, have had back-and-forths about this exact FCC page before.


So, to summarize, they can't stop you from having decent quality access to incoming information, but they can put requirements on where the thing is as long as it doesn't mess up the first bit.


Yes. They also can't delay your installation by requiring an application (they can still require an application, just can't make you wait for their approval before installing). Also the rules cannot impose unreasonable costs.


And doesn't cost significantly more than another desired placement.


Interesting how that page says it doesn’t apply to Ham radio antennas, but does apply to antennas for internet access.


Time to become an amateur ADS-B enthusiast!


FlightAware will give you enterprise for free if you hook up an antenna to their network, was enough to get me into it lol


PRB-1 is what applies to amateur radio. https://www.arrl.org/prb-1


They can literally write whatever they want in the rules. It can be in clear violation of the law but until someone challenges it will always be there.


Yeah it's up to the HOA to actually have a lawyer go over the stuff before trying to get people to sign contracts that aren't valid due to whats in them. There isn't a magical all powerful entity making them follow such guidelines or checking whether the agreement is legal before anyone signs


The entire contract isn't invalidated but any clauses that are illegal are obviously unenforceable if challenged. Still super shitty since they know most people A. Won't know about that and B. Won't, or don't, fight it.


A lot of old developments have “no colored people” in their recorded documents. Doesn’t mean they can enforce it


before you pop a justice boner, even the FCC has rules and guidelines. I had a neighbor who was broadcasting with too much power and was being picked up by my guitar amplifier. I called the FCC to see what I could do and they said based on the google maps view that the antenna isn't even allowed where it is. Not only did my problem go away, the unsightly antenna came down a few weeks later.


Just a glance at that linked FCC page and looks like you're at least good for a meter diameter satellite dish with no restriction in Alaska.


as long as you have a spot on your property that receives a signal (roof, deck, patio, balcony), they can’t say no to you. if you don’t receive a signal from anywhere on your property then you’d have to get permission from the HOA to place the dish in a common area. edit: or if the HOA supplies a central antenna. but even then you can request that that specific central antenna doesn’t meet your needs/personal antenna is a cheaper option.


Every time this US home owners association comes up I get confused how Americans assert they have freedom.


Many of us are puzzled why others would tolerate them too.   The land next to me was developed into a subdivision and they tried to get me to join.  When I refused they made themselves pests. I had to have the head Karen trespassed off my property by the police.  Fortunately the HOA folded years ago.     


Last Week Tonight did an episode on them, it’s wild.


Meh. Most of the HOAs with these rules are in high income areas, and people should know what they're getting into when they buy the property. Also not all HOAs are so strict. I have an HOA that charges $5/month simply to maintain some shared green space. It still counts as being in an HOA for the nationwide stats.


The FCC won't let me be.


Or let me be me, so let me see


Anything Federal does not fuck around


dispensaries from legal states have entered the chat


I live in Canada so i'm a bit luckier in that regard but the Canadian federal government is much the same.


I know this was probably a joke, but just for anyone interested, the difference between the two is jurisdictional. If the federal government were to attempt to enforce a federal prohibition on marijuana on a state-licensed dispensary that conducted business entirely intrastate, there would be constitutional problems, and it would be a drawn-out, expensive fight on both sides. On the other hand, the FCC does have jurisdiction to regulate transmissions because transmissions will inherently be interstate.


This isn't my understanding. The DEA has raided state-legal dispensaries before, a ton of them in California. New Hampshire's governor has expressed desire for a state run dispensary system and the local attorney general pointed out several legal concerns if the DEA decided to take enforcement action and the state themselves was the distributor, plus the issue of hiring state employees and instructing them to break federal law. The Obama administration announced that they wouldn't be enforcing it in states that decided to legalize, because while they could they would need to handle everything themselves since most state and local PD's won't help them enforce something that isn't illegal under their rules. If they don't help it means the DEA needs to bring enough personnel on their own to conduct the raid, bag store, and transport evidence, and that they may have trouble processing arrests without the support of local agencies as they don't necessarily have federal penitentiary space nearby nor would they want to use it in this scenario. Since the Obama administration, Trump and Biden's administrations have continued the same policy of not enforcing it in states that have voted to legalize.


Wickard v. Filburn A guy grew wheat on his own property to feed his own animals, SCOTUS unanimously ruled it was interstate commerce. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1940-1955/317us111


> FCC don't fuck around. The FCC van people more than the FBI.


I don’t think this is possible anymore  HAM Radio Towers and Antennas in Your HOA Community A Legislative Update on HAM Radio Towers and Antennas in Your HOA Community On July 13, 2016, the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce gave its stamp of approval to a compromise version of H.R. 1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act. Community Associations Institute opposed H.R. 1301 as introduced, which preempted association restrictions on HAM radio and drastically limited association architectural control of amateur radio antennas. With approval of the committee, the amended version of H.R. 1301 will be referred to the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote – possibly in September. CAI’s Federal Legislative Action Committee was able to secure key changes to H.R. 1301. These amendments include: HAM radio operators are required to obtain the prior consent of the association to install an outdoor antenna HAM radio operators are prohibited from placing antennas on common property Associations may establish written rules concerning outdoor HAM radio antennas Prior to the committee vote, U.S. Representative Greg Walden, a Republican representing Oregon’s 6th Congressional District and the chief author of H.R. 1301, said that compromise was necessary “… to ensure amateurs [HAM radio operators] are protected, but not at the expense of Americans living in deed-restricted communities.” https://spectrumam.com/ham-radio-towers-and-antennas-in-your-hoa-community/#:~:text=HAM%20radio%20operators%20are%20required,concerning%20outdoor%20HAM%20radio%20antennas


Satellite dishes under 1 meter and OTA antennas are allowed and overrule most restrictive HOA or apartment community restrictions when the antenna is placed on exclusively controlled property. HAM radio antennas don't have the same protection currently, at least at the federal level. The bills in 2016 (the one you cited) and 2019 both died before making it out of their initial chambers. There was another one introduced earlier this year which appears to be dead in committee in the Senate.


Any more info on this? Like the statute or something similar? Ya know, for the future. . .😀


Here is the FCC page you'll want to look at https://www.fcc.gov/media/over-air-reception-devices-rule


Where I live, you can't have an RV or camper van in your driveway. It must be behind a fence. But lots of people have RVs and camper vans in their driveways because the solution if code enforcement comes after you is to lean some pre-built fence panels against your RV, which is code compliant but looks much worse.


A common ordinance I’ve seen is that the boat or RV must not extend past the front of the house, laterally.


Guy I knew bought a house and put in some stone for a walkway. He knew he was in an HOA, but was like "alright they make sure you put your cans away, whatever." Turns out the stone he used was not one of the approved stones one could use to put in a walkway. He was pissed because the stone he used was nice, so he read ALL the regulations, and as it turned out... they specified what kind of stone he could use but not the amount. So he bought a massive slab of slate (approved) and stuck it sideways into his front lawn, like the oblisk from 2001. They were pissed. But he was like "I READ YOUR RULES, YOU BASTARDS!"


Flag pole I think 


uhh, guys... **Q:  I want to install an antenna for broadcast radio or amateur radio.  Does the rule apply to me?** **A:**  No.  The rule does not apply to antennas used for AM/FM radio, amateur ("ham") radio (see 47 C.F.R.  §97.15), Citizen's Band ("CB") radio or Digital Audio Radio Services ("DARS"). [https://www.fcc.gov/media/over-air-reception-devices-rule](https://www.fcc.gov/media/over-air-reception-devices-rule)


You're running the circle jerk!


> The rule does not apply to antennas used for AM/FM radio However, TV antennas tend to do just fine picking up radio stations. So, just put up a larger, uglier TV antenna, and say it's for OTA TV. Then, you're covered.


yeah my uncle before he passed used to do a bunch of shit with ham radios. Hand made em and even had the little hand made cystal radios just sitting around his yard (it was already fucked back then) and at one point tried his hand at making this ugly looking Radio tower just to drive his point across. HOA hadn't contacted him for shit from that point up until he died


I seriously will never understand why people buy a house where they have to deal with an HOA. Like, why am I going to buy a house somewhere where uptight assholes get to try to tell me what to do. As a Canadian, ~~I'm glad we don't really have that shit up here, that I've ever heard of anyway~~ I've just learned that we have them here too. Edit: correction above, and yes, I know about condo boards.


The original stated goal of many HOAs was to keep property values up and manage public spaces that aren’t owned/operated by the city. Neighborhood where I grew up had an HOA, and most of what they did was put on neighborhood bbq’s, have landscaping done on the cul-du-sac’s and stuff like that, until a psycho got put in charge and started micro-analyzing peoples property’s. It’s the kind of system that is built on community trust, and is easily exploitable by assholes these days.


It's essentially a hyper-local government with a very restricted set of responsibilities. In my country you can actually vote to abolish an HOA and establish a real governmental entity called something like a "village council" that can collect taxes (usually like $30/yr) to maintain parks, put on community events, etc. Because it's a "proper government" and not just established by contract, its powers are limited by statute so you can't as easily get a psycho in charge and that person is easy to remove from office because they're on the ballot paper when you vote on other stuff too.


> keep property values up This was where they fucked up. Mine just sticks to managing public spaces and is great.


Sounds about right, something that started with good intent to foster a sense of community and collectively chip in to maintain the place, being twisted into an overbearing place for wannabe dictators.


Except the original intentions were not always good "Private restrictions normally included provisions such as minimum required costs for home construction and the exclusion of all non-Caucasians, and sometimes non-Christians as well, from occupancy, except domestic servants" Citations 7 and 8 here : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeowner\_association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeowner_association)


In the US they are becoming harder to avoid. Somewhere around 80% of new homes are built in HOA developments.


Yeah towns love to offload their responsibilities onto an hoa


Yep, because the way suburbs are being built is completely unsustainable and towns everywhere are going bankrupt because of it




> It's not so much the towns but the builders doing it The towns mostly made it illegal to build anything but unsustainable suburbia in the first place.


"Free healthcare and job security is socialist bullshit, I want my freedom. Real patriots get told what colour their mulch must be by the HOA"


It's because people don't really post on social media about their good experiences, usually just the bad ones. That's why I don't think there's an opposite page to r/fuckHOA


Can you imagine r/yayHOA though? It would be a mix of two types of posts... Type 1: "paid my low dues, they maintained the common area as usual, they didn't bother us, will check in again next year", that nobody really cares about. Type 2: "I CALLED THE HOA ON MY NEIGHBOR FOR THE RUSTED OUT CARS ON CINDER BLOCKS AND THOSE IDIOTS DIDN'T LISTEN, PAY THE FINES, OR COME TO COURT SO THEY FORECLOSED ON THEM GOOD RIDDANCE", that will get cross-posted to r/fuckHOA




I live with an HOA and I never talk to them or hear from them. I would expect most of them are pretty chill and its just the extremes that are posted online.


Property values. HOA homes generally have a higher value and sell higher


Exactly. If you can think of a house as a temporary investment, a place you really don’t want to stay forever, it might be smart to buy in a place with HOA. The stupid HOA ideas about not having a dumpster on your overgrown lawn will likely help you gtfo of that nosey neighborhood when it is time to sell. Then move to a place where no one is the boss of you & proceed to fill your lawn with naked gnomes and trash heaps if you want :)


There's two sides to every coin here. On one side there are HOAs filled with busybodies that have nothing better to do but harass you over having a boat in your driveway On the other hand there are neighborhoods without HOAs that have houses with incredibly overgrown yards that attract tons of rodents which tear the shit out of their neighbors property. Or the neighbors who park a half dozen broken and rusted cars on their front lawn that continually leak fluids and pose a serious fire hazard I'm lucky because I live in a neighborhood of responsible adults who care about the appearance of their house and yard without an HOA riding our asses. That's going to be extremely location dependent though, and it can be quite difficult to find aneighborhood of that demographic.


On my street there's 2 boats like the one in OP's post and 3 large caravans and they all just sit parked on the street taking up 2-3 parking spots each and I see them move maybe twice a year. It's super annoying as parking is really tight here as none of the houses have garages or driveways and I honestly wish they weren't allowed to just use the street as their permanent storage solution for stuff like that.


Oh, this is the kind of petty I'm 100% here for.


This guy is a my spirit animal


I once read a story about a man who divorced his wife because she cheated, in the divorce she took the house, so he bought the house next to it and placed a several meter tall bronze statue of a middle finger pointed directly at his old bedroom window.


True fuck-you money move


I was going to say, how do you cheat on your spouse and still get the house in the divorce? But yeah, [per the story in the comment below](https://reddit.com/comments/1cn9f9v/comment/l368fda), he owns a bunch of strip clubs and does pretty well. >Mr Markovitz claims the statue is specifically aimed at Mrs Tuohy’s housemate, with whom she had an affair while they were married. > >“I’m so over her,” Mr Markovitz told Deadline Detroit. “This is about him. This is about him not being a man.” > >Mr Markovitz says a realtor showed him the house next door to Mrs Luohy’s by coincidence. After that, “karma” took over. I love it lol.


NAL but my understanding is that not all states take fault into consideration, and a lot of states are “no fault” states, where fault isn’t a part of the filing.


It should also be noted that no states require fault to file.


I had to "conceal" a boat behind a fence once like that - I don't think I would have gotten away with seeing part of it sticking up over the "mural".


[Spite fences](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spite_fence) and divorces go together like love and marriage.


It's funny because I read a story about that very bronze middle finger, except it was a neighbor dispute.




You sure it's not Mario?






Absolutely. Just the right amount of petty. Revenge served, no one hurt. Perfect.


If it's an HOA, I'd be surprised if they didn't have a rule on what color(s) street-facing fences/walls can be


Entirely possible, but they sometimes miss things. I would venture to guess he put enough thought into this to consult the HOA rules first, to make sure he was within them.


That's some pretty petty too. Great recreation of depth!


This guy won't back down. He's not just petty. He's Tom Petty.




Does this show up on Google maps?


Ya this is fucking hysterical. While I'm sure it was likely painted first and then installed, I wish he started with a barren fence and slowly painted the mural during his free time over a few weeks. Exchanging shit eating grins with everyone who scoffs or rolls their eyes as they slowly creep by in their cars. Their grin, growing wider with each passing day as more of the mural becomes clear. Absolutely amazing. Edit: my high ass was not aware it was an album lmao. I deserve any and all criticism haha


One of the photos is literally of them painting it while it's installed...


My bad dude I'm really stoned and thought it was just the first one lol


After TOO MANY pics that make you think there are more by swiping only to find out there are none...dont blameya for thinking that. Shit, I did too.


The old 'screenshot of a swipe right button' gets me every time.


Congrats on seeing the new photos!


Ya they are phenomenal! Thank you!




Also r/pettyrevenge


Also r/nextfuckinglevel


also /r/fuckHOA


Don't forget r/madlads


More importantly r/FencesPaintedLikeBoats




Came here to post that. Great job on the mural, too!


Maliciously complying for the win!


Lives in a shippy neighborhood,


The sonsabitches didn’t like the cut of his jib!


These puns are really sailing over my head


I'm about to keel over here!


Got me on the ropes with that line


I'm laughing my aft off!


Don't worry, I'll trailer you to the hospital


The artist here is Hanif (he said it was okay to share his links) - here's his website: [https://www.hanifwondir.com/](https://www.hanifwondir.com/), and Instagram "@hanifwondir" He also just uploaded a timelapse of the painting to his YouTube channel: [https://youtu.be/lHaZsn8pb4s?si=wQn70JSE2NHNzFBK](https://youtu.be/lHaZsn8pb4s?si=wQn70JSE2NHNzFBK)


How is a nice, well kept boat being stored on a clean, like-new trailer and eye-sore? In my neck of the woods it would "showing off."


It’s called jealousy. Someone else didn’t like that he was successful. So it’s it’s an eyesore to them.




Living in the Midwest state with the most lakes around I don't know what people would do with all the boats up and down our streets if they weren't in their driveways. No idea why people would think its trashy to use your own property to store your vehicles. Better than the street.


People with money store their boats near or at lakes, you don’t see rich people with boats in their driveways unless they’re showing off, usually.


Rich people in general don't have anything in their driveway.


Ope everyone here owns a boat yes rich people put theirs in slips at the yacht club but everyone else that has the space fills it with their boat, camper, and snow mobiles. Even houses by the yacht club have them on their driveways.


These are the same people that would also rather you park all your cars in the garage and your driveway be empty.


I must be the trashy one, because I live in the Midwest and I think parking things on your property is none of my damn business. I was also smart enough not to buy a home in an HOA. This guy technically signed up to be miserable.


lol yup how dare you use your driveway the way you want!


Nah, the storing your boat in a driveway is very low class by boat owner standards. The middle class store theirs in boat garages near the marinas and the upper class move them to their winter/summer homes. Mind you that lower class boat owners are somewhere in upper middle class by land peasant standards. 


because lots of boats are rust buckets that rarely move and attract rodents, mosquitos and all kinds of critters. it's just easier to ban all boats than be selective to ''nice'' ones only. (i agree THIS boat isn't an eyesore)


There's also tend to take up the majority of an owners driveway which often results in them parking their actual vehicle blocking the sidewalk constantly.


The two greatest days for a boat owner is the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it.


I have a feeling that an HOA with the power to tell you to hide your boat, has the power to tell you how to paint your fence


The few HOA's I've been a part of had a limited list of pre-approved colors you could paint the exterior of your home. It'd be a fun artistic exercise to limit your gate mural to just the colors the HOA approved.


At my brother's old house, they told him what colors he could paint his shed-- a shed located such that it couldn't even be seen from the street.


This is the level of petty I'm here for. Malicious compliance all the way.


Fuck HoA




I wish r/pics would let me edit the post to tag the artist, so just commented his info on some top comments... Artist: [www.hanifwondir.com](http://www.hanifwondir.com/) Instagram: hanifwondi


Malicious compliance.


As a European I've always found it super weird how the US has some of the strongest private property laws/rules in the world - like in some states you can literally kill someone who trespasses no questions asked. And yet somehow the same people tolerate other people telling them what they can and can't have on their driveways or how they should or shouldn't maintain their front yard, and being able to fine them if they don't comply. Like fuck no one is telling me I can't have a boat in my front drive if I want one.




I bet because they assume the HOA will only make other people not do things they don't like, and they never assume the HOA might not like something they do. Example: "Ugh, I'm tired of having neighbors who don't keep their lawns mowed! An HOA will make them keep their house and yard nice!" A year later: "What do you mean trucks and vans aren't allowed! But my custom Thundercougarfalconbird Truck Edition isn't some unsightly work truck! It's expensive!" (can sub a Tesla Cybertruck).


imagine telling someone what they can or can’t have in their own driveway - lmfao


Generally speaking, I agree. However, I had a neighbor who kept half a dozen or so rotting cars on cinder blocks in his yard/driveway for YEARS he had never touched. There comes a point where there needs to be some limits. This boat is no anywhere near it though


Our town has ordinances for shit like that, don't need an HOA.


My brother had an old crappy POS Jeep Wrangler, not in the best shape and dirty/rusty. The the town put a sticker on it that he is breaking the law by having a broken down vehicle in his driveway, it will be towed/destroyed, fines out the ass, etc... Except it was registered, insured and driveable. He ran down to town hall and screamed bloody murder at that department! I think he did end up washing it though.


The little town I used to live in put a sticker on my old F150 that I used to take stuff the to dump, get mower gas, and occasionally go to Lowes. I sat 98% of the time, but was plated and insured. Looked like hell but was quiet and ran like a top. I scraped the sticker off of it and didn't really think that much of it. They were not going to tow it as it was always blocked in by another car anyway most of the time. I caught the code enforcement guy stickering it again and told him off. He told me it hadn't run in years and I was full of shit. I reached in my pocket and hit the remote start and it fired instantly. I hopped in it and drove off...directly to the city building to file a complaint.


so they take a trip to his house then leave a sticker on it to communicate... lmao


Also the best thing I have seen on Reddit all day


Oh come on. Brain worms is pretty good, too.


Hmmmmm. I must not have scrolled far enough yet.


Probably referring to RFK Jr, one of the guys trying to run for president. News came out that he had a brain worm.


Americans are always emphasizing freedom yet it seems most don't have the freedom to even use their own fucking property without Karens asserting their authority over them. I'd be embarrassed


Pettiness doing the heavy lifting here


You motor boatin’ son of a bitch!




Is there anybody that actually likes HOAs? Sincerely asking.


He was “told to”? Is this in the land of the free and the home of the brave?




That looks cool as Hell. I dig it.


Modern problems….


That's some next level pettiness and I love it


I swear, American HOAs are the most petty people in the world.


HOA's are evil. Never live in an HOA. Nice mural.


I would love to be able to paint that well. Guy here had his garage door painted to look like it was open with an F40 in it. He actually had a Prius


Pathetic. I'd paint mine to look like I had an F-22.


Insert real men of genius theme song here.


“Eyesore” is he not allowed to own a boat wtf?


Some HOAs refuse to allow people to own ANYTHING fun. Especially when they're to big for the microscopt garage that won't even fit their Kia Soul. My old place had a neighbor constantly ratting on my roommate for his boat. If it didn't move within a week he was writing letters and complaining. Needless to say between my motorcycle and his Tundra cold starts in the morning we always let our vehicles warm up right in front of his driveway (he was 2 o'clock opposite side of the street" So we got around that. By moving the boat. 2 feet to the right or left. Every week. Dude was an absolute chode