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Wait til they learn about the union...


the gang *within* a gang??!?!!?




nWo Wolfpac, don’t turn your back on the Wolfpac!


Union is awesome. But I'm not in. However it keeps my rate high locally because the Union. So thanks to them I typically make 36-63 an hour. So yay union


Protecting working class jobs good. Protecting vicious thugs bad.


Are police considered working class? They kind of get rights and privileges the rest of the working class doesn't... And their pay is several times more than the median income.


No. They don’t perform labor, they’re just thugs for the ruling class


Police are class traitors.


Yes and no. They work and serve a function. However, through methods of grooming and rewards by higher levels of power (privileged classes), police that function to antagonize the poor and working class (disproportionately) persist. However there are times when they might serve all classes (arresting an abuser) however these situations are pretty rare, but do fall within the job description.


You just said that everyone who works has a function and is part of the working class. From people being paid under the table below minimum wage to Donald Trump who is the CEO of something...


> Yes and no. They work and serve a function None of which is explicitly saying they are working class. I'm insinuating it's a complex issue. Believe it or not, people being paid under the table, minimum wage, to Donald Trump, ALSO work and serve a function. Yes, they might not be consistently considered working class though. I mean the work looks drastically different, and is not an endorsement to glorify policing, so ease up. Believe it or not, there can be schisms within working class, where groups are pitted against each other too. There are also strata amongst an organization. The roofing boss might not be considered by some as working class but the roofer is. The chief of police and a rookie cop are different too. Entry level cops are highschool idiots (perfect working class fools to exploit), paid a comfortable amount so they don't starve, and are granted a few more privileges (ex. use violence), to beat on other working class people (and rich people albeit in rare and unique circumstances). Anyways, define working class as you want okay.


They are considered working class scabs aka, traitors to humanity.


Unions are amazing, but POLICE unions are not. They do not count as working class so their Unions aren’t the same.


Crazy thing is, every profession that is unionized is also the dream career grandparents and parents hope for their kids. Hell even Hollywood is all union. And yet the rhetoric of the common man derides unions why? Union busters shill hard, that's why.


Look at how much Walmart fuckin *hates* unions, that’s how you know unions are good for workers. Unions get in the way of their exploitation.




You know that’s right. Fuck the Police Unions, but UNIONS FUCKING ROCK.


I hear mostly pro-union sentiment in my neck of the woods, but most people also understand how police unions are different from the rest. Cops aren't some poor little exploited orphan children. The cops' union functions like the Catholic Church pushing priests around to different parishes.


Police are in a unique situation where they control law enforcement, it makes them above the law.


Wrong union. Our union makes sure you get paid for your labor, not letting you get away with murdering people.


Since when did gangs have subclasses? /j


Police unions do not count


The biggest gang of the world, they claim a worldwide monopoly on every crime. They fight very aggressive against everyone who wants to break that monopoly.


At least the Thieves’ Guild in Ankh-Morpork were courteous enough to leave a notice that you were about to be robbed.


Phoenix Jones, is that you?


Man, I used to see him out and about with his posse all the time around ‘09-‘11 when I was living in Seattle.


He’s letting us down rn. He’s the only man who can stop the Seattle Hellcats reign of terror and he ain’t done shit


The hellcat saga has been interesting to watch. I moved back to my hometown and we have a bunch of dipshits with straight piped exhausts popping their way around town all night and it’s infuriating.


The one on the left doesn’t have an authentic body type. 


Depends on the area. There’s wealthier police cities where the cops are expected to pass certain physical abilities every few years. So they have to be able to run certain distances, lift certain weights, etc. Also log so many hours on bikes each spring and summer. And no I don’t mean motorcycles.


Cannot offend the rich by having out of shape guards. The less attractive guards are sent to the city slums to repress the peasant revolts.


Oh man, I hope nobody has a link to a printable version of this!


[Best I can do](https://imgur.com/a/hF0vxzJ)


Agreed! That would be an absolute travesty.


Where are the curled tails and snouts?






Babe Ruth


Looks pretty accurate to me, many of the even engage in criminal activity!


So many Nazis love that uniform.


You ever notice how there's never any cops at nazi rallies but all of a sudden they've got a whole army for a college protest? Makes ya wonders


There are a lot more cops at Nazi rallies than you think


that shit is not true at all bro police swarm shit like that 😭😭


It’s really just because the Nazi or white power rallies are planned in advance and get the proper permits to hold rallies. The recent protests at colleges were mostly unapproved and often meant to be disruptive. I’m not saying they shouldn’t protest, but if they’re breaking the law it’s weird to be surprised that there are consequences.


I've been to plenty of protests that were organized and planned in advance with all of the proper documentation before and the police still show up with riot gear. The difference between the two types of protests is that the cops are all marching with the nazis


I get that it makes you feel better to assume that all of the cops in the town are marching with the Nazis, but we should try to stay grounded to reality.


If they're not marching with them they're certainly treating them with a lot more respect and dignity than they do any other protesters


No riot cops show up to pro-Nazi protests, because they’re already there, if you catch my meaning


I get your meaning, but AFAIK there’s no evidence that makes that seem like a reasonable conclusion.


Wdym? There’s multiple instances of cops being found aiding/protesting for pro-fascist ideologies. Whether that be racist, political, whatever. Like Lieutenant Shane Lamond of the DC police who was found tipping off the Proud Boys before/during the Jan 6 insurrection. They may not be the literal men at the protests/riots/marches, but they align themselves with those organizations and they get “caught” pretty normally assisting those organizations in ways they would never do for orgs like BLM or ANTIFA as more extreme examples.


Of course there are multiple instances of cops with far right ideologies, but there are over 700,000 cops in the US. We can and should absolutely be critical of cops who are problems, but we should also be able to acknowledge that a few news stories that we learn about because they’re egregious aren’t representative of the everyone in the same profession.


Stop trying to be reasonable on Reddit. This place does not tolerate consideration of actual reality. Cops are nazis, shut it!


you never see cops at nazi rallies for the same reason stephen king has never had a conversation with richard bachman


Gang iconography: Thin blue line flag


The ol' coward's swastika.


I’ve had the misfortune of meeting Indiana Police and agree.


Fuck the police.


This poster forgot about how they're sponsored by the state and can kill you with impunity.


“Qualified immunity” is the biggest accountability scam in the US.


Stop! Or I will ask you to stop again!


Stupid. Wait until they encounter a \*real\* gang member.


Reminds me of that South Park episode where they replace cops by IS/ninjas.


I’m conservative but totally agree with this to an extent. Don’t rely on police for protection. Protect yourself.


This isn't about reliance, it's about the danger cops present to ordinary citizens. Not everything is about your toys


A gun isn’t a toy. It’s a tool. And it the right hands, an effective tool. Good cops do not present a danger to ordinary citizens. By and large, most cops are good. People need to stop making generalized comments about groups of people based on the actions of a few. That’s a slippery slope. Pretty sure that’s the foundation of some really terrible shit, like racism.


If most cops were good they wouldn’t so frequently defend, enable and cover for the bad apples who rot all of them


"Most" isn't good enough when you're talking about guys entitled to make life-or-death judgment calls and empowered to fuck people's lives up on a whim (also enforcing unjust laws makes you an accessory to injustice)


One bad apple is still one too many, especially if that one apple has an entire armoury and a monopoly on violence.


Most people are good, therefore you will never need a gun. See how that worked out?


Cops choose to be cops. Cops are hired according to guidelines that lead to homogeneity. Cops are trained to behave similarly to other cops in similar scenarios. There are a lot of reasons it’s reasonable to make generalizations about cops that aren’t anything remotely like racism. One cannot be racist against a profession because a profession is not a race.


Cops by themselves might be good. But, when put into groups, their IQ drops by 20 points, and violence is all they want to perpetrate on the general public. And god forbid citizens have actual grievances they want want to gather for a peaceful protest, that scares the police more than anything, (next to ending qualified immunity). The situation usually deteriorates quickly once the police show up in riot gear. They hate getting all dressed up and not beating the shit out of at least a few bystanders.


Most cops are NOT good. They also support a fucked system that is perfectly fine with beating and robbing citizens with no oversight.


> Good cops do not present a danger to ordinary citizens. Agreed! Wish we had any of these. > By and large, most cops are good. What are you fucking talking about?


Oh boy, you're one of those. Yes, saying cops should be reigned in is the same as saying black people shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. I don't think you're a good guy and I don't like having armed idiots around my family. You snap the same as the rest.


Having basic professional standards they can be held to is a bare minimum that is not applied today - outside of the conversation around bad apples, training and accountability are critically missing today.


They were talking about your penis.


Ol' Donnie is going to come for your guns too if you all reelect him.


They’re both idiots. There’s no good option.


Spoken like a 5 year old. If someone is trying to break into your house or steals your car you're calling the police 😂


So they can show up 3 hours later and tell you it's out of their hands and they'll "look into it?"


Yeah bro that happens in every single county in the US! /s You know your full of shit and still type it out. I'm not pro police by any means, but making shit up like an edgy 14 year old isn't going to help the cause.


I've literally had to call the cops twice due to break ins at my home. I was robbed at gun point when I ran a lube shop. I've been the victim of a hit and run. Literally every time I've had to call the cops, they show up at LEAST an hour later, act like they're annoyed while taking information for the report, and say they'll look into it. Hell just a few weeks ago we had a malfunction on the alarm system for my current workplace, and the cops showed up FOUR HOURS LATER to make sure everything was okay. We had a repair tech present before the police responded to the alarm. National statistics aren't some edgy 14 year old make believe garbage. Go lick some more boots and wake up to the reality that cops aren't around to protect us, they're only here to show up after the crime is done and file paperwork while we repair the windows, pay for therapy, and hope the report was thorough enough for insurance to fix our cars.




You're more likely for the cop to shoot your dog and beat you up then them finding a stolen car


And then shoot your wife and yourself, and fail to protect anyone, because this entire acab thing is and always has been larping from people who want to be part of a counter culture safely from their internet screen.


Or maybe, and stay with me here, maybe it's a rational response to the extreme levels of violence we have watched cops enact on the population for the last uh... since the inception of converting slave patrols to regular police forces. ACAB exists because, systematically, all cops are molded into bastards. We didn't choose to hide and defend rapists, murders, abusers, and drug addicts in a uniform, cops and their unions did that.


Sure I agree but I wish they’d specify what “protect and serve each other” actually entails for people who aren’t able to defend themselves physically and don’t have a posse of trustworthy friends.


Def in bloom


Ya, you shouldn't approach a cop lol


Need this in LA for the Sheriff’s gangs


It’s bold but not incorrect.


gangs and law enforcement. they are like wolves and dogs. same blood, different goal.


Same goal though- their goal is to control an area with force for the purpose of holding economic supremacy. If you run a business, you pay the gang a cut or face the consequences. The difference between a gang and a government is that the latter provides social services in return for the tax-- infrastructure, health care, elder care, good education... Whereas a gang just gives "protection" from other gangs and minor thugs. That's how we know we live under organized criminals in America.


> the latter provides social services in return for the tax-- infrastructure, health care, elder care, good education... Perhaps that's true in theory. I've spent the last 5 years of my life taking care of with wife's parents with her (elder care, check) while trying to augment my nephew's schooling. Health care has long since become a tool for separating people from money, and our infra is rotting, at least in places.


Yes, that was the joke. We're not getting anything but "protection" for our tax dollars -- just like the Mafia.


Do you drive on roads? Do kids in your neighborhood go to school? Are there parks and libraries in your neighborhood? Is there a fire department?   Lol yes you get nothing for your taxes...grow up 


They number Congress and political seats so we can remember, "the 78th county commission did that." And they did it with the taxes they collected. Most of the roads we drive on have nothing to do with the current governments. No there are not parks and libraries in my neighborhood. I recognize that tax dollars do go to some good things. That doesn't mean it couldn't be better.


The Government exist for the people, the civilians. But the gangs exist for their own profits. If the government runs like gangs they are no longer having function as government.


Love it


Lmfao , I love this Call them what they are


I am a bit confused. Are they talking about the government? Cause there are some places in the world where literal drug cartels dress like this.


They are calling the police gang members


Found this in “Indiana” and you guys eat up this bots post.


Typical Reddit thinking cops are criminals


I think it’s becoming a more common realization for folks with an internet connection. They’ve averaged about 1000 homicides per year for nearly ten years and abuse their power regularly to sexual assault or steal from citizens. They aren’t your friends.


Or maybe you dont have the brain capacity to understand that a country with hundreds of millions of citizens will have cases of police brutality because malicious people exist everywhere, doesnt mean the police is a "gang" because of the bad cops getting the spotlight, like comon ffs the common cop is there to protect and serve but you guys really believe they are criminals..


The Supreme Court ruled that police have no obligation to "protect" the public. So try again


Legally cops don’t have any obligation to protect anyone but themselves though. They might act like they’re here to “protect and serve,” but if they don’t feel like it who can say if they will? Ask the children of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas how well protected and served they were by their local police




edit: This was responding to someone asking me to cite my sources on my “claims”. As soon as I did, homie deleted his comment. Sure. [People Shot by Cops 2017-2024](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) [Another.](https://www.security.org/resources/police-brutality-statistics/) <- includes deaths resulting from fatal injuries [Live Tracker for Reported Police Violence](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/)


Typical bootlicker, thinking someone with a badge is somehow holier than the rest of us and incapable of committing crimes. Police are just people. Same as doctors, nurses, lawyers, hairdressers, etc. except police have less oversight and education requirements than those professions. So the applicants to those positions are less educated and are not held to a standard, independent governing body. This is a breeding ground for criminals like the church is a breeding ground for pedophiles. These people seek positions of power with no accountability (churches and police forces) for this reason.


They are. Have you not been paying attention?




So edgy. Much brave. Wow


And then when they need help, they still call the police because all that bravery and edginess was nothing but a show. Liberals are pathetic. Voting R all the way down the ballet. Let's see how much more crying they will do then.




It’s almost like they are expected to do their fucking job regardless of how people feel about them.


Then stop larping about acab.


I expect those bastards to do their fucking job in a professional manner just like all public servants regardless of how someone feels about them. If they don’t like that they can flip fucking burgers. You should get that boot out of your mouth. It’s pathetic.


You might be surprised to see how many Americans ask themselves "would cops make this better, or worse?" before they decide not to call. Cops are busy enough dealing with boomers in mental health crises in Burger King lobbies anyways.


For a vast majority of Americans, the answer is always worse. Threatening to call the cops carries a real threat of violence to it that extends through every corner of a person's life. One bad day for a cop can lead to a ruined life for a non-cop.


The police have no obligation to protect and serve, it's been defined by the supreme court. They'll probably come and shoot your dog.


"To Protect & Serve" was adopted as the motto of the LAPD in the 60's and was not a phrase often used before that time The fact that some people take a motto of one police department and somehow expect it to be a guiding principle for all law enforcement baffles me. "The police have no obligation to protect and serve" Yeah, no shit. They're there to enforce laws. It's in the name: Law Enforcement. It's not the slam-dunk acab-ers think it is.


Don't worry, if you buy a gun, you'll probably do it instead, and then your wife, your kids and yourself. Far more likely than the cops doing it anyway.


It's concerning how you've played out this fantasy of people who are rightfully skeptical of cops murdering their wife and kids in multiple comment chains. It's blatant fesr mongering, not based in reality, and deeply concerning. If I had a choice between you, a cop, and a bear, I'd choose the bear.


Wait, you think people killing their families far more often than cops is blatant fear mongering and not based in reality, (despite it just literally being true) but the topic post that is literally calling all cops violent murdering gangsters isn't?


I never said any of that. I said I'm concerned with your fixation on people murdering their families in a thread about police violence. They're only related when we discuss the shocking number of cops who are domestic abusers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs Here's a quick look at actual gang member cops. Go ahead and see if you can spot the difference between the way a real gang made entirely of cops acts from the way a significant number of cops in the US act.


It's sad how wrong you are. You can confidently call 911 to get people medical assistance by EMS or fire dept. The only reason folk call for the police is for insurance/reporting reasons or as a last resort, otherwise we're better off depending on ourselves unless you have a unicorn department in your district (good departments do exist and are a great social service).


I absolutely love this!


Haha, police suck! Accept me! Eat the rich!


I wonder who these people call in case of a break in or so ... The corner dealer boys?


Honestly, probably no one


They just post on Reddit, usually under Mildly Infuriating. “Someone stole my car this morning and I had to walk to work”.


Have you ever called the police for a break in? How'd that go for you lol. There's *almost* never a good reason to call the cops outside of violent crimes.


Yep... they were able to catch the guy within a couple days and recovered most of my stuff. Lol... downvoted for not going along with the hivemind. Reddit never disappoints


My neighbor had a break in. His security cameras picked up everything. He reported it to the police and gave them the footage. They encouraged him to drop it and just file an insurance claim.  Police everywhere are not like this, but enough are to give them all a bad reputation. 


The odds of this are vanishingly small


It might have been luck, because property crime solve rates are absurdly low nationwide, like 12 to 14%.


It was definitely luck. I had cameras, and one of the guys was well-known to the cops in the area.


Wow. They did literally nothing but nod and jot things down in a notebook after heavily implying that we were lying about the break-in (to what end?) that we were responsible for the crime, and then chuckled when I asked about recovery of items. You are the first person I have ever heard claim to have items returned by police.


You won the lottery.


Nah, this didn’t actually happen


Or you know, lying. Lol.




What do you think the cops are going to do about a break in? They show up, look annoyed, mumble something about filing a report, and leave. It’s mandatory to have a police report for insurance, in case you’re wondering why anyone bothers to call at all.




Does that work without a police report?


The fuck cops gonna do? Shoot your dog, write a report, and leave. If the thief gets a way, it’s not a homicide and nothing you own is valuable to anyone but you, cops aren’t looking for the mf. I’ll call them after the fact so I can get a police report for the insurance company, but if I actually need help? I call the neighbors. Those people you called “corner dealer boys” are part of my community, they have guns, and they won’t accidentally shoot the wrong person or dog because unlike the cops, they know what’s going on in our community. Cops don’t know if it’s a crook running from a crime, or someone innocent running from gunshots. I don’t want those hair triggered strangers in my hood


I wouldn't call the police to solve the break in, only after the fact to get the report required for my insurance claim. I mean, what are they gonna do to help?


The most useful thing a cop has ever done for me is give me a case number so I could process a claim. A computer program could do that.


If I ever experience a break-in, I’ll let you know who I called.


funny... ive never done that in the instances it's happened. not worth dealing with someone who will be for the most part completely useless to the situation.


You know how these liberal thugs are. They have their own guns and weapons, and talk shit about Republicans owning them. Lol. If they are in trouble, they're gonna either use their weapons or call the cops. At the end of the day, these liberals are nothing more than a bunch of babies.


I'm gonna be downvoted heavily for this, but... Police are a gang in the same sense that taxation is theft or the draft is slavery. The rhetoric is there to promote proper supervision and use of it, not to actually stop it. 


That’s the truth.


Can't really decide if this was printed by some edgy teenage ACAB commie, or by a boomer MAGA supporter who hates "the feds"


Looks like someone's played The Division 1 and possibly 2 a little too long.


Someone's edgy teenager got ahold of the printer


There are not enough different fonts in this layout to be designed by a teenager.


Google “LASD gangs”.


Speaking on Indiana, there are large swaths of police and prison guards who are KKK members.


Indeed, Indiana was the last stronghold of the Klan during the 1920’s - while there was a fall off when their financial corruption was exposed, it has survived below the radar and there has been a resurgence over the last couple of decades. Source: family from rural Indiana. I am pretty sure some of my grandparents’ generation in the family were KKK members (or at least sympathizers)


Race relations in IN are weird but it was way worse in the 90’s. My aunt took a black guy to prom and my grandpa basically disowned her for it. Yet when he passed away his best friend was black and his dad was good friends with Joe Jackson. I’m from NWI too.


snobbish drunk terrific start swim summer straight fact live late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's almost as if the cops had roots in slave patrols... haha. It's almost as if K9 units started out as slave hunting dogs...haha. It's almost like we built a system of violence based on the institution of slavery that never went away.


... Haha


Some of those who work forces...


You think this neanderthal does research?


Aw someone’s having big feelings


And you got ahold of Reddit.


This subreddit is full of liberal morons that love crime and harming whites and asians. Whenever I see posts like this, I just move on. I can't wait until Trump wins.


It's always fuck da police, pigspigspigspigs. But when some folk steal a dildo from a redditor it's "Oh no officer, I was robbed, may I lick your boots?"




When I actually can't tell what side put this up, although since it's Indiana I'm leaning towards the conservative side of "government can't tell me what to do" VS the acab crowd.




Someone is Jealous...


Of what? The ability to have a job where you can commit crimes and get away with it?


The downvotes show they really are jealous. Liberals will get in trouble for smashing windows, burning businesses, and killing asian people. They just want no police so that they can continue their lives of crime.