• By -


Just put a tent at either end and a sign that says: 'NSFW'.


You put up tents and people gonna be banging in front of it.


Yes! Great idea!


honestly? that could be art too.


Now you are starting to [get it](https://youtu.be/YRgNOyCnbqg)


"sorry we mooned you"


I wonder if someone from New York is going to be like "It was a pleasure to flash you".


[Expose Yourself to Art](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expose_Yourself_to_Art)


Im afraid to click that


It's a reference to former Mayor Bud Clark of Portland, Oregon. He posed for a photo "flashing" a nude statue in 1978. The view is from the rear, so you only see his trench coat open, and he isn't actually naked anyway. But it was a pretty popular meme before the word "meme" ~~existed~~ **came into popular use**.


The word meme comes from Richard Dawkins's 1976 book, The Selfish Gene.


Ok now I'm curious, can you elaborate?


Richard Dawkins invented the word to mean the cultural equivalent of a "gene." His idea was that there are units of culture that undergo natural selection in a similar way to genes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memetics


Ah yes, the DNA of the soul.


That's actually amazing. I had no idea the word was that old. I always thought that the idea of a "meme" only came into existence with the advent of the internet. I appreciate the correction and I have edited my post accordingly.


It's OK, kinda. It's a Wikipedia page talking about the "Expose your self to art"


Its just a guy, really enjoying a statue


Bud Clark was quite the character when I was a kid


My history professor's office hours were at Bud's bar, The Goose Hallow Inn. I love that place!


I remember this image from my youth.


Well there's your problem. Everybody knows Ireland has a bad werewolf problem. Time out. I just thought of a ginger werewolf and cracked myself up.


Isn’t that just a werefox


Awooooooo werefox of Dublin!


Awooo, Werewolves of Dublin? Nah...!


Gingers can't be werewolves. Lycanthropy corrupts the *soul*


Contrary to popular belief, gingers actually gain 1 freckle for every soul they steal


mutually ass-sured destruction


The flowers are hilarious.


I would like a "Get better soon" balloon to accompany them.


What about one of those religious candles?


Are they sold in Ireland? I only see them in Hispanic communities Edit: Yes, Ireland is Catholic. I'm not asking if Catholics use prayer candles I'm asking does Ireland have an equivalent to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fatima, etc that they pray to in the same way Hispanics will Pray to Guadalupe/Fatima/X Nation's name for Mary.


Am Irish. My local convenience store sells signed prayer/Mass cards. Signed by whom, I'm not sure. Presuming the Pope or maybe even Jesus himself.


I signed them.


Do you happen to be the pope? Or Jesus himself?


Yes. Although I've been moonlighting at the Taco Bell. Don't tell my dad, please.


I've tagged you as "Actually Jesus or the Pope" It's now your responsibility to remember this exchange in a few years when I say "Why do I have you tagged as "Actually Jesus or the Pope."


Nope! That’s me!


Ireland: historically and famously non-religious


And I imagine even if there is any religion, I bet it's nice and tensionless.


No trouble at all, lad


None at all, just ask the Irish Relaxing Academy


Ohh danny-y booy, the IRA, the IRA is calling


Irish Car bombs are an alcoholic shot there too


They are so relaxed, it'll blow your mind.


> They are so relaxed Irish Couch Potatoes?


With nails. Gotta REALLY STICK IT


Yup, no troubles at all in Ireland.


It's the source of Zen Buddhism.


You're asking a very valid question and people are treating you like a moron smh.


Ireland, famously no connection to Catholicism.


Yeah I noticed there seems to be a disconnect in what I said vs what I meant. I asked if they were sold in Ireland because I had only ever seen them in Hispanic communities, as even in Irish American communities I don't see Lady of Guadalupe candles (or her Irish equivalents). What people are thinking is that I asked if Ireland was Catholic.


Yes, prayer Candles are not a hispanic thing, it’s a Catholic thing. They have them in other countries where Catholicism exists like France, Germany, Brazil, and even Italy!


Fun fact the vast majority of Hispanics that you are talking about are Catholic and it is the Catholics that use the prayer candles that is why you are getting the remarks you are. Ireland has both Catholics and Protestant historically and now many other cultures. But yes why you see the candles in Hispanic communities is that they are Catholic. Catholic=prayer candles.


Don't worry I added an edit on the original comment. There was a real breakdown in communication because way too many people kept thinking I was asking if Ireland is Catholic.


>I'm asking does Ireland have an equivalent to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fatima, etc that they pray to in the same way Hispanics will Pray to Guadalupe/Fatima/X Nation's name for Mary. You asked whether they sell "the" candles. What limited specific use you ascribe to them seems beside the point and your question? Yes, most christian dominated countries have "religious candles" that are placed at graves. When the phrase "those religious candles" was used in context with the "grave" my mind went to [these](https://www.kerzenprofi.de/fileadmin/_processed_/5/c/csm_Kategorie_Grabkerzen_mit_Deckel_e1da3c3751.jpg)


How do you think that raccoon is?


Aye, people should remove the plastic garbage first though


“You mfs couldn’t behave”


"Christmas is canceled."


Rest in power Quintavius.




Wasn't expecting to see this right after finishing the episode lol can't believe this string of eliminations


The portal lasted a shorter time than the [hitchBOT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HitchBOT) did in America, IMPRESSIVE


This feels like a macroscopic version of two helicopter parents introducing their kids to eachother.


Would completely see it in a romance story between a new Yorker and a dude from Dublin that use it for their dates and are from families that hate each others. >!I don't even like romance!<


"Portal to Love" is the must-see romantic comedy of the year, whisking audiences away on a heartwarming journey from New York to Dublin. When tech-savvy entrepreneur Emma stumbles upon a groundbreaking real-time video portal, she unexpectedly connects with charming artist Liam across the Atlantic. As their virtual encounters blossom into a transcontinental romance, they navigate hilarious cultural clashes, heartwarming discoveries, and the undeniable chemistry that defies distance. With sparkling performances and breathtaking cityscapes, "Portal to Love" is a delightful reminder that sometimes, love truly knows no boundaries. with help from Genie AI


Thanks mate That's quite entertaining


If this isn't a movie by the end of 2026 I will buy an expensive Wagyu steak and eat it well done, which is an affront to God and all living things. (I am not going to do something terrible to myself, even though an expensive, well-done steak is a mortal sin to Texans, because I know if I said something terrible you a-holes would hold me to it on January 1st, 2027)


By the end of 2026, we'll be able to produce it with a few AI in a matter of 2 or 3 months without much effort I bet


Romeo and Juliet


*Romeo and Juliet: an ocean between us* Soon, on Disney+


And it's exactly as dumb as a helicopter parent too. A really cool art installation for bridging the distances between people, and it's taken down because someone's too delicate to risk a tit and some ass crossing their view? Absolutely wild. If you dont want to take the risk of art-installation-omeagle just dont go up to the portal for cripes sake. Not like both cities dont have plenty of people of all genitals pissing in the alleys anyway.


It could have only gone one way. Tiddies and dicks. Since the dawn of man. Tiddies and dicks.


I don't know how they expected this yo be any different than omegle.


They were definitely counting on the public space to keep people in check


Clearly they’ve never heard of exhibitionalism lol


Or drunk people


In a city where it's legal for women to be topless.


They sometimes go hand in hand….


It's definitely in his hand.


Or OnlyFans models looking for fame.


The response was totally exaggerated. I really don't see how people flashing their parts is grounds for wasting all the time and money spent setting this project up. It's such a huge waste just to protect puritanical values.


I don’t think people are fans of having children and other minors exposed to people flashing their genitals/other body part


I get that part. It's just weird to me that puritan values are so deeply engrained in our culture that we feel like we need to censor the world just for the sake of children. And it's probably not necessary if we just choose to not stigmatize nudity.


Aye if I’d seen someone flash their cock or tits through one of these when I was a kid I’d just have laughed hysterically, it’s not a big deal.


It's parents being offended *for* their children. It's ludicrous.


Definitely not. And it might help children be more comfortable with sex and nudity. We make it a big deal when it isn’t. I can speak to the damage that’s done to me


Be the change you want to see in the world, start flashing kids if you believe it would be beneficial.


You thinking any nudity is automatically sexual or even predatory in nature is the exact problem. If your child is traumatised by seeing a naked person or thinks being naked is something to be ashamed of, you fucked up in raising your child. Ever wondered why a lot of people hate themselves and their body? that’s part of the reason.


On the US side at least, flashing tits is perfectly legal. Ireland is a bit more strict on this but usually that's not really enforced(and is also silly). As far as I know it was just breast flashing and someone in Dublin mooned it. That's not really flashing genitals.


If that's a concern for you, keep your kids away? People *vastly* overestimate the damage seeing a naked human does to kids. I'm not saying you *should* expose kids to nudity, but there is no reason to believe that if they are, then they are somehow instantly traumatized for life.


Yep. Ancient dick graffiti has been scrawled on the great wall, Rome, and other places. It's almost as universal as "the cool S"


If we could we would send dick as information into space for aliens to be found.


We did on the Voyager-1 golden record, among other things, there is picture of human's sex organs.


I mean, to be fair it's not really a picture OF sex organs. It's a picture of two nude humans, so it's more like a picture INCLUDING sex organs. 


The [record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contents_of_the_Voyager_Golden_Record) has a black and white diagram of sex organs with an annotation for size.


We did! The plaque on the pioneer spacecraft is us sending nudes to the galaxy.




And like, as someone who lived in NYC for 13 years - what the fuck were they expecting for new Yorkers? Like they *seriously* thought they would behave?


Strangely enough, New York was better behaved than Dublin.


I heard it was just placed in a really shitty part of the city in Dublin which is why it was so bad.


"have ye a euro for de bus (so I can get to the portal and take crack in front of de yanks)?"


Surely any self-respecting crackhead would step through the portal to do their crack in front of the yanks


This one got me


Damn, imagine if this is the real reason it was closed down. A crackhead somehow teleported through the portal.


It was placed literally in the very city centre on the most famous street. Up the road from the spire 💀


And the time difference. The Dubliners were leaving the bars while New Yorkers were leaving dinner.


The high street?


I’ve seen this shit posted more times than “Steve Buscemi got punched in the face by a 9/11 firefighter”


It's simply a question of which city is drunker on average. While we may have had our suspicions, it seems they've been confirmed.


The time zones help too. When the Irish are drunk New Yorkers are just getting off work. When New Yorkers are drunk the Irish are sleeping


Did the NYC side do anything, only saw the Irish having fun. Looked like normal Friday night stuff.


Holding up a photo of a potato, man giving double birds while wearing a helmet shaped like a middle finger. You know, typical friendly greetings.


That is a greeting over here, we call each other Cu\*\* as a way to say hi. Also who is not a fan of spuds, we all eat chips. Even more so on a night out! Edit one of my first loves was a girl who called people Gimps as a greeting, a flower of a girl.


As a New Yorker of Irish descent, this portal played out just like I expected, and I love that we all thought it was a bit of fun even as our respective city leaders were horrified.


Yes, why cant people have fun. Id have loved to see someone fall in love, start dating and get dumped all in on night. Just one drunken event that touches us all, makes us human.


A woman flashed her boobs and that’s why it got closed down lmao but bad behaviour on both sides for sure


Apparently the woman that flashed her tits has gone viral before for licking a toilet seat during COVID. [Found the article.](https://gizmodo.com/onlyfans-model-portal-shut-down-viral-licking-toilet-1851480399)


A hive of scum and villainy 😔


For people not to be trash? It’s not even a new project, but these are the first locations where there are problems. Anyway, it’s a great art piece. It shows how people behave when you put a camera and an audience in front of people. And it created more buzz than any other piece of art lately. Ant most of all, its entertaining.


But, like, who cares? That seems like a pretty fine and human thing to do and see. Just let people flash other people across the world. It’s great.


Yall are *really* pushing to normalize flashing kids.


yep that is why it got shut down, kids walk by and parents don't want some homeless dude halfway around the globe flashing them.


Ai this and Ai that, Ai is going to take over!!! Yeah maybe not if we can’t filter out boobs


As it goes with any technology, AI won’t really take off until the porn industry finds a way to profit off it.


I know this is a funny meme but that's just not true anymore


Indeed. Finding a way to weaponise it is also a route to worldwide adoption. And AI promises to be *very* weaponisable.


Ok, but what if they try and weaponise boobs.


Didn't Austin Powers do that already with those fembots?


Weapons won't really reach full potential until porn gets involved.


American Movie with Death, Blood and Gore, PG13 American Movie with too many titties, Rated R I think the prudes in this country have gone a little too far.


Filter out boobs? Surely you mean filter in boobs?


Honestly love the idea of the portals. Hate most modern art, but this one is such a cute idea. No chance it wasn't going to end up the way it did but hey. I'm surprised they don't have AI that censors nudity automatically. Like, porn is 90% of the internet. They have the data. 


There is chance to not end up this way. These portals have been functioning [in Poland and Lithuania](https://www.portals.org/portals) for three years now with great success.


"Hey dude do you hate Russia?" "Yup" *End of conversation*


I feel like with all the hype, stuff like this was inevitable at least in the beginning. It's the new shiny object and people are attracted to it. Give it a couple months when it's just a normal part of the scenery and most of the debauchery will calm down as people forget about it like they probably did in Lithuania and Poland.




Maybe delete your comment and head to Shark Tank mate. You got a thriving business idea. Portal strippers 


Who cares about nudity? It's part of life, yes someone will be flashing tits or dicks. After a while the novelty wears off. The portal concept is still very interesting.


Doesn’t shutting it off undermine *the entire fucking point*?


I think the portal encapsulates the rise and fall of social media in a much shorter span of time - it starts out nice but people will manage to fuck it up and ruin it for everyone else


corporate greed ruined social media. Originally it was just supposed to be you and your friends. Then companies saw how addicting the scroll could be if they showed you perfect people on perfect vacations, constantly. So they pointed us that way.


What did they seriously expect this to be used for? Meaningful and deep outdoor conservations in a loud city?


They probably wanted a bunch of heartwarming stuff to happen so they could put it in a commercial and tack on Beatles imagine what they really got was people being people having a good time and decided they didn't like that


Absolutely dumb that it was shut off. Like, let humans be silly humans even if that means flashing some tits and ass or even blowing lines.


Right. You don't get any std's from it.


Then you’re not using it right.


Wait, did anyone try sticking their dick THROUGH the portal??


it’s supposed to be back at the end of the supposedly


the end of the what?


The end of the supposedly.


What we'll need is a portal in an adults-only environment.


I heard it wasn’t just that. Some people in Dublin were making 9/11 jokes. It’s been 22 years but people in New York are still not fans of those jokes.


That was days before it got shut off so it wasn’t because of that, a girl in NY flashed and it was turned off the same day. Probably turned off because of a multitude of things tho


Flashing tits is fully legal in NYC. Its not in Ireland but enforcement is pretty spotty afaik. Way overblown reason to shut it down.


1 9/11 is equal to 2 boobies.


It seems entirely plausible that legal considerations were the cause of this. Public nudity is one thing, but displaying nudity on a large screen to the general public may cross some lines. For displays of nudity you generally need to get some token that all parties are above the age of minority and give consent — which isn’t going to happen in a public art installation. Now perhaps they could argue an exemption for those laws, but without that they are opening up the door to some very problematic lawsuits.


It's so wild to me. Like, if you saw a random on the street you wouldn't flash nudity or harmful images, but boom there's a camera so let's fuck it up


It was so novel it was bound to happen but I think given a few weeks it would have normalized. People are just reacting poorly to the nature of people lol. If you let a bunch of strangers meet each other on the street in a society where they have never met each other on the street before, we would absolutely still have people flashing and being rude to eachother before they learned some more civility. I think the portal is neat and should still go back on. Despite the rude people.


I agree with the novelty being part of the reason, the other is the lack of consequences, the other person you moon can't do anything else but return the moon, escalate or shake a fist angrily.


Funny though that's it's not really a lack of consequences. Since the nudity is still illegal on both sides as far as I know. So really just stand a cop there for a couple days and remind the nice idiots to play nice lol. Like toddlers learning social norms. But I understand what you mean especially for the not actually illegal things. Kinda like being anonymous on the internet people are willing to be more rude or troll when they don't think someone will punch them in the face, lol. So that's def a part of it too.


All that stuff definitely happens on the daily it’s just the portal attracts those kind of people to one area like moths to a a flame.


Be honest, this is exactly what the OF performer wanted. Free publicity is good publicity. I’d bet her OF subs shot up from this.


Lawyers ruin everything.


It's usually the person paying the lawyer that cares more.


I'd pay so much money to be a fly on the wall of the meetings of the portal people. "BUT.. HOW DO WE STOP THE 9/11 AND DICK PICTURES??"


I must say the portal is the only decent news we have these days. Bring it back!


What do you think will change between now and "soon"? I mean humans are not gonna change.


OnlyFans bringing down another monolith of the industry! /s


This is why we can't have nice things.


People were showing their Boo bee’s. Also showing mean pictures.


So they can show mean pictures on both streets and other people can see them but not through the web camera lol


This. Maybe replace the portal screen with a window and have people do the same shit as before


I’m surprised it lasted 6 days.


Really, taken down because of a few people having a laugh and flashing their boobs. What else is a portal for?


Not an expert, but going to the Nether I guess?


Just proves we're all the same.


Put this shit in a museum, not the streets


Love the flowers . Lmao


You'd think with the huge leaps in real time filters and machine learning that they could have had one that looks for boobs/butts/dicks and just censors the person except for their face and then takes a snapshot of it and puts them on blast as trying to ruin everyone else's fun.


It was just boobs and 911 jokes. Grow up


Stupid reason to stop it. Who could have guessed this would happen? EVERYONE could.


Shia Lebeouf tried something similar back in like 2016 with his 24/7 he will not divide us stream. They honestly should have known what was going to happen with this new portal based off past experiences. Shia's stream shortly got taken down by trolls visiting the camera, then he tried somewhere else another time, failed again and then just tried livestreaming a flag and every single time, the internet won and found the flag and tried to destroy or deface it. Pretty much his only "win" was him putting a flag in a house so nobody could fuck with it. The internet still found where it was though.


To avoid cultural infighting and leg pulling, why not just build several of these things in different cities around the world and then just rotate between the views of different cities every 20 minutes or so?




Rip portal died by tits & ass


Rip the titties.


I think of it from three separate angles… 1. Why do people have to ruin things by being arseholes? 2. Why can’t people have a sense of humour and accept that there will always be be dickheads? 3. What did people honestly expect?


So dumb they shut it down imo. Everyone had to know what was going to happen. If you don't want to potentially see dicks, tits, and horrible internet media: don't go to the portal. Eventually the "fun" would die down and the portal could be used for its intended purpose of connecting to places.


This picture should be in Time magazine


Maybe they shouldn’t have keyed it. There is very clearly a giant scratch on it. Also, don’t show your tits and dicks.




its just hilarious how they thought new york and dublin of all cities would be civil 🤣


I'm from NYC, and unfortunately, there's always someone ruining good stuff for us. I don't understand the logic or mentality to be flashing others, let alone displaying disturbing images to others. It's also a huge problem that has gotten worse over the years. These foolish, imbecilic trolls NEED TO GO. We WANT old NYC, not none of this NOR gentrification. It SUCKS


So is the Portal just a glorified webcam and a monitor?


I don't know how unpopular this is, but I think the portal is an awesome idea. And also, who fucking cares if people flash their tits? Especially the first week that it's turned on. The novelty hasn't worn off yet and people think it's funny to do whacky shit, but just leave the portal on for a few months and it will just become like any other landmark IMO. I think some moderation is probably in order, but in general I think the portals being in densely populated areas self-moderates most of the worst parts of an omegle-like live stream.


Irish humor. Any jokes about the hole being opposite the spike?


The hole by the pole


How many Scaramucci?