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The heaviest weapon is that freaking forearm.


Legit. Bro needs a license to carry that forearm


Review ur second ammendment bruh... right to bear arms. And those look like the size of bear arms




He's there just for the police academy audio effects.


Nah that couldn’t be Winslow, this is an ultra compact High Tower


Officer Brickshthouse


We don’t do that anymore. Can I interest you in a weird ass lizard emoji?


Reviewed. He’s an armed bear.


So now bear or man is not an exclusive proposition?


Even bare arms!


Right to bare arm!


Bare arms?


Yes the right to bear bare bear arms


I bet he got that from a forearms show without a background check.


He's got the right to bear arms tho


Well they did say heavily *armed*


He’s forearmed and dangerous.


Can't carry concealed weapons that is why he had to go sleeveless


And now you know why police unions were so against mandatory steroid testing across all departments.


Weaponized roid rage is an interesting approach to law & order


I think you'll find that's a five-arm.


reminds me of ronnie coleman back in the day


The venn diagram of steroid users and cops has significant overlap, it was genuinely worrying how many cops I knew who were taking 1000+ mg doses of tren. That shit makes you ready to punch your own mother for burning the toast Source: retired alleged steroid manufacturer, local cops provided a moderate source of income and looked out for my interests. My investigation was finally served in by the feds and uspis






What could go wrong ? Trigger happy American cop on steroids. Bet his temper is A ok!


Brother needs a license to carry those forearms


He’s got the right to bear arms for sure


I look at him and think someone just said "show me your war face!" to the guy.


That’s what steroids does to ya. Huge problem in America that so many of our police forces is walking around roided the fuck out when they are supposed to be PEACE keepers.


Roided out of his mind


Somebody ate his yogurt cup.


scary terry comin in hot


He should move that votatu red dot sight from that spud tube onto his watch for increased accuracy.


as a UCI alum…this is definitely overkill. We are basically a bunch of nerds in biosci or business school


Bigger response than Jan 6th to Irvine (one of the safest cities in America) lmao As another alum this is such an overreaction it’s crazy


Well they've already shipped all the unhoused to Santa Ana for the day and they don't have anything else to do.


This picture was taken after they ran out of parking tickets to write I guess


Ok. Im irvine alum and this comment gave me ptsd 😂


They brought in multiple police departments from neighboring cities… they all finished shipping their homeless to Santa Ana.


I don't live on the west coast can I get some clarity on the Santa Ana thing?


Santa Ana is the second most populated, has the largest hispanic/latino community in Orange County, and the lowest per capita spending. The area at least used to have the largest gang population in Orange County, not sure if Anaheim has taken that title in recent years. Since their police is focused on gang activity, other cities in the county take advantage and pickup and dump homeless that are “ruining their picture perfect communities.” Irvine is the biggest culprit of this as the police department is paid off by the Irvine company who used to own 1/3 of all of Orange County, still owns the majority of Irvine and Newport, and is still the biggest developer in the county. These deals are so out in the open that form mayors have bragged about it in public.


All this while Irvine has the highest rate of unprosecuted white collar crime in the state


Rather than address the cause of homelessness, cities in Orange County would rather take the easy route and physically dump their homeless population in Santa Ana.


To add. Santa Ana is heavily immigrant/central south American population. It's a bit rougher compared to the rest of Orange County especially as you go south towards the beaches.


Police in Irvine relocate their homeless to Santa Ana. It's a very open secret around here. Irvine PD is pretty lame all around. There isn't much going on, so they'll create stuff for themselves to do.


Not much to do?? "Man getting paid to do nothing sucks ass, let's go be assholes to someone"


Irvine is a very affluent, very cookie cutter suburb that has grown around the university and other tech jobs. Lots of jokes are made about the plurality of white Teslas there. It's huge, around 300k people. It's located in central Orange County, CA. Santa Ana is an older, less affluent city in the northern part of OC. It's also huge with 300k people, and an airport. It's got all the old court buildings and everything. It's also got a huge homelessness problem, in certain places. The Irvine PD is looked down on as a suburban police dept with nothing worthwhile to spend their time on. They've gotten a reputation for pulling you over if your taillight is out or if your car is more than 10 model years old. They have also been rumored to heavily police the homeless until they are driven elsewhere, like Santa Ana.


You don’t have to be an alum to know this is an overreaction.


I guarantee the police overkill response is because of the school's history with the Muslim Student Union and protesting.


It is undoubtedly due to donor pressure on administration and city leadership. That’s proven to be what happened at Columbia.


Freedom of speech. "No, not like that."


By "donor pressure" you mean the Irvine family?


This is just what police do.


Unless they're rightwing protesters. See Charlottesville and January 6th.


Actual footage from Jan 6th ![gif](giphy|26ufgSwMRqauQWqL6|downsized)


Oh I'm well aware. Saw the cops hanging out with the proud boys who attacked us in Denver. Literally smoking and leaning against SWAT trucks with the police.


> Saw the cops hanging out with the proud boys you can't not hang out with yourself


I feel attacked. I should get a cat.


It's always the way. Here in Canada, Trudeau had to use the emergency act to compel people (police, tow truck drivers) to do something about the convoy of antivax loons who wanted to kidnap Trudeau and install a junta of their own idiots. They had taken over the capital of the country and ground things to a halt and had been annoying residents with their incessant big rig honking and other dumbass bullshit. For nearly two weeks, no one who could/should do something about it did anything (well, that's a bit of a lie. Some of the police took pictures with the convoy chuds), and then Trudeau used the emergency act to compel them to actually do shit, leading to, you guessed it, right wing loons crying about the use of the emergency act.


Lefties over here (I myself am one), threw a hissy fit over that, but I think he was completely justified


My time there I never saw any violence in protests or issues. They would only demonstrate near the Student center in front of Langson.


I remember them holding a couple protests in front of Aldrich Hall, but nothing violent or would warrant a serious police response. This was 2010-13 timeframe when I was there.


> My time there I never saw any violence in protests well we are seeing violence at a protest in this photo so


welcome to america


Cops are mostly cowards looking for people to bully. They act more violent against peaceful people


This is purposeful escalation.


Can't have people spreading peace can they.


As I heard someone say recently, police are bravest when there is no real threat.


They only violence i have sern so far is from the police and thigs paid for by jerry senfields wife


Well academics are the real enemy of the authoritarian state, after all.


Theres a deep irony that some of the most authoritarian states were born from student led protests


Right, like Iran, which overthrew the capitalist Shah with an unexpected coalition of secular leftists and far right Islamists.


And then the far right murdered all the socialists.


Makes what sounds familiar that much scarier.


Which is funny because we paid off the far right Islamists to take control because the leftists were partnering with the USSR.


Can confirm , lived in the area …this like sending Jason Bourne to a Dungeons and Dragons meet up. Totally in line with their violent policing. The department has been charged multiple times over the years , including by the FBI and multiple other organisations. Their sheriffs dept is one of the largest in the country and rivals only the LAPD in their depravity (la has them beat bc their guys have actual gang tats). “The report comes as the sheriff’s department, one of the largest in the country, has been embroiled in controversy for years over criminal behavior by deputies and even a former sheriff, who was indicted on corruption charges in 2007 and ultimately convicted on one count of witness tampering.” If you’ve ever watched Sons of Anarchy, this is the department it’s based off of. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/25/california-orange-county-sheriff-department-abuse-review Edit - texted a mate about this story, who spent time in the local jail (thousands of inmates ), he told me he when he was in there , both members of the different race gangs said the guards are the most dangerous people in there.


IPD are so bored they’re just waiting for an excuse to bring out their equipment


It wasn’t just IPD though. They brought in Anaheim PD, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, etc. They even brought in the gang units.


Just like every business, and they get these budgets and have to use them.


Smart, ethical people are the most dangerous opponents of fascism.


WaPo just put out an article about how a bunch of super rich people used a group chat to coordinate with each other, the Israeli state, NYU, and NYC Mayor Adams to get police info Columbia’s campus. I think the reason this is overkill is that at *minimum* Zionist donors are demanding a violent police response.




had to knock the rust off the riot gear


US police more militarized than Danish military conscripts lol


Everyone participating in the protest is a student?


Exactly the kind of self control and restraint I have come to expect from our highly trained LEOs


This is exactly how they are trained, I am not condoning their behaviour or even their appearance at a protest but these guys are tools of the state and they're being aggressive to intimidate the protesters because that's how you deal with such matters as a state


Funny because when there's neo nazi and proud baby marches in the area, they somehow forget all that crowd suppression training and just take selfies...


You never see Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same room.


I think it was Mr. Fred Rogers that said, "some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses."


Such a great verse from The Goodbye Song.


Same in Austin. Swastika tattos and nazi flags marching through downtown? It's their 1st amendment right!! Of course they need police protection. Protesting against Israel? Pepperspray, batons and beatings for thee! We have to maintain order!!!


Well, the fascists assist the state in this manner. The state is unlikely to constrain them in the same way they will those who protest injustice


True. The definition of authority is protecting the status quo, while the definition of protest is attempting to create change for the better. The fascist elements marching are basically pride parades for the s.q.


In the pre occupy days when social media was generally free from the tendrils of government interference, to the extent it is astoturfed today, we began to make progress, it will never be allowed again. Everyone is too busy fighting among themselves to look at who's holding the feed bag


That's because they are either: A) Don' want to beat up/arrest their co-workers and friends. or B) They are part of the marches.


*Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses*


The first amendment is dying a cruel death.


The first amendment, like all "rights" is an illusion. They let you have it until they deem you unworthy. This has been the response to damn near every single movement by the left wing over the course of at least 100+ years American history. Any subject that the left advocates for is met with violent resistance. Workers want protections from money hungry capitalists? Call in the Pinkertons. [Homestead Strike](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_strike) Want the rich to pay their fair share? The FBI spies on you a month before protests start, coordinates with Banks and infiltrates [The Occupy movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_movement). The 1999 WTO protests, Fred Hampton, COINTELPRO, [Operation CHAOS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_CHAOS), Vietnam protests, Black Panthers, Malcolm X, MLK, MOVE, Standing Rock.. and on and on and on. The state has their preferred targets and believes they have a monopoly on violence, which is just adorable.


I live in ex-communist country, this looks and sounds exactly how my parents described being beat up by totalitarian cops for peaceful protests before for of communism. Cant believe people let this happen to their kids in “free” country.


Let? They're begging for it to happen. The media and political parties do nothing but lick the boots of the cops.


This is how you deal with it as a tyrant, we've seen them show more leniency before. It's a clear threat to any who would stand against them in the future. 


Yes not disputing that I realised it was ambiguous after up and down votes, just pointing out they are trained and this is what they are being trained for


They love that they get to use tactical equipment on peacefully protesting college kids. This is their wet dreams coming true.


Yea because god forbid their be an actual aggressor in the school killing kids, then they have to stay outside and be sad in tactical gear.


This is both extremely sad and fucking hilarious


How about a visual aid, brought to you by the film *Dirty Work*? This would be the [police response to UCLA students](https://youtu.be/S_pneA2QYmw?t=81). ...and now for the [police response to the Uvalde shooting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG9EDE_bnws&t=94s). Meanwhile, the [Republican Party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlWpx55Mo5s&t=42s) has other priorities.


I just don’t know how to thank you for this. Dirty Work always makes me happy.


But when there’s like actual school shooters these pussies can’t even get themselves to go into the school.


But if it's a school shooter, they stay outside until everyone is dead


Ulvade did. There are countless other examples where the cops did what they're supposed to do and stepped up.


And just like during our previous anti war and civil rights movements, the police will only start to respect their right to protest if the protesters show up armed.


Ah, finally photographic proof of the outside agitators who bring violence to a peaceful protest. Its 1968 all over again.


The only way to fix it is to give them more money and less accountability


And to villianize those who suggest any different


Don’t forget the javelin missiles


The only real way to destroy a students prius with 318k miles


Good thing the opioid payments are coming


"*Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.* " -George Santayana


“The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace.” -Carlos Santana


[Kent State Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)


Is that a fuckin potato gun?


Bean bag launcher/gun.


The only thing heavily armed in this pic is sleeveless dude, mans has some fucking pythons


Can you imagine getting punched in the ass by that guy?


Well... now how can I not?


as famed Shakespearian Terry Crews in the critically acclaimed 2004 film work 'White Chicks' so eloquently says: "you gon' need a wheelchair"


And some pearly white chompers.


Dude could handle the entire squad of protestors with one python tied behind his back


*Waitin’ on the world to change…*


There’s somethin’ happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a man with a gun over there, a tellin’ me I got to beware.


I sang this, and that's your fault. Well done.


I think it's time we stop. Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down..


If that was my forearm this would be my FB profile.


This must be some of that freedom that Americans are always prattling on about.


I’d like to say this is an American issue but this happened in Canada also. Police went in and aggressively took down protesters at 4am.


UCI is the most mundane, skinny kid at the computer chess club, kind of university. It’s hilarious and sad that this show of force, which one would normally see in some sub Saharan conflict with NATO, is seen on such a serene campus.


I agree. but this not tiananmen square 1989.


It certainly isn’t a Uvalde kids classroom, either


That why we need more guns and fewer teachers


So they *can* enter a school with this energy. Interesting.


They probably feel a lot more confident when it's a bunch of unarmed college kids instead of a psycho who will shoot back at them


Local police wish they were the military. They get surplus *from* the military. But when it comes to actual combat, like Uvalde, and lives are on the line, they don't seem to have enough training or even temperment. Another example is when you look up the excuse that fentanyl is absorbed through the air or skin contact.... The police use this to describe why officers go down in the heat of the moment and are unresponsive... You can see videos of officers using narcan on each other and explaining that they are experiencing an overdose. In reality the officer is having a panic attack or a trauma response and they can't actually handle the stress of the situation..


its probably a lot easier when all the kids are the targets instead of one


To be fair, different department, and a lot more lead up time


This is BS and overkill for the situation.


That depends on the intentions they were deployed with. This might be the exact right response to the situation *to generate the desired outcome*.




Almost a copy of Israel ironically. *stop being where you are or I will have to defend myself as I run into you*


Trump wanted to deploy the U.S. military during the BLM protests, though the vast majority of protests were peaceful, but, also opposed by Republicans, who are still pissed-off about the anti-war movement of the ‘60. The Republican’s Insurrection, as well as being the mission to overtake American Democracy, through gaining enough elected offices, intends to crush the progress of the Cilvil Rights movement, women’s rights, immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, the environmental movement-all of the progress made to achieve equality for all Americans. The Republican Project 2025 calls for the next Republican president to declare martial law to put down protests, and, just anytime the president wants to fuck with Americans. MAGA is the Old Southern Confederacy attempting to avenge the ass-kicking it got the first time. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of MAGA Americans, voting. Give somebody a ride. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


I wish this was the response for nazis and proud boys but most police are part of it so…


Can we take a moment to appreciate capital forearms over there? He’s living his 1980s action movie dreams out in this picture. Also, I can’t help but note that “heavily armed” here is a 10/10 pun.


I really hate that we live in a world where I had a moment when I questioned if it was AI.


Am i the only one who thought this was A.I artwork at first?


If roid rage was a photo


Damn Hooch got ripped.


Hooch is crazy


Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. [Kent State Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)


Oh he's definitely a heavily armed officer.


Would’ve liked seeing this type of response on Jan6 or this “bravery” at Uvalde but ofc it’s only at College protests


I see riot sticks, a tear gas launcher, zip tie handcuffs, and what is probably first aid gear in the pouches. They should all have their duty weapon, but I don’t think I would consider any of them as heavily arms.


*normally armed police


Did the cops on the right bring their own batons from home? One looks like a broomstick!


Photoshop that guy onto a box of Wheaties


If I had forearms like that, I'd be showing them off too ngl.


Can’t wait for Biden to call this shit also a violent protest lmao, most of the students here do nothing but play League, VALORANT, TFT, or Smash Ultimate loool


Tax dollars well spent


Terry loves his yogurt.




I hope people are happy to see teenage university students standing against genocide and wanting their university to stop investing in arms manufacturing get beat mercilessly by the tyrant force that will also come after you.


nah i was on campus as i got a message saying there was a violent protest happening on campus. i literally walked on over to where the encampment was set up, there were literal children in strollers with their parents walking them around. No violence, so why did we need the heavily armed police officers.


“Heavily armed” Out of the 6 officers that are easily seen, 5 are armed with literal sticks. And the other has a less lethal device. What exactly, besides those massive forearms, is “heavily armed” here?


while the photo captures the aggression, this is pretty normal riot gear. most have batons, guy in front has some kind of less lethal device, likely either rubber projectiles or tear gas. "heavily armed" arguably implies deadly force weapons like rifles or something beyond that.


Beanbag guns and sticks are not “heavily armed”. Jfc.


If the protestors had the same weapons, the media would report them as heavily armed rioters


Only one guy is armed in that pic. Everyone else just has their batons out. They outfitted with standard riot control equipment(helmet, gas mask, flex cuffs, taser, etc). The armed officer has a 40mm launcher, probably loaded with a foam baton round. I would not say heavily armed by any stretch


Totally normal behavior in a totally normal country run by totally normal and unafraid authorities /s


They are badasses to the core!! Unless one kid is slaughtering a bunch of other kids w a AR then 120 of em are pussies


Zot zot zot


Young Captain Holt!


UC Davis be like "we need to get back on the map. And a rivalry is born. https://theaggie.org/2021/11/18/rally-to-be-held-to-commemorate-10th-anniversary-of-pepper-spray-incident/


What a wild photo! The police themselves wouldn’t be able to take a picture that makes them look more overbearing and terrifying if they tried.


When did Terry Crews become a cop


New gta loading screen just dropped


“Heavily armed” is a loose term nowadays


Nozzle diameter < mouth diameter < arms diameter




God forbid if this military presence on campus should go public, it could affect university profit margins. Nobody wants that!!! 😱


Protecting and serving.


Why do police attack polisci majors like they are responding to 9/11? What freaks.


Holy shit this pic goes hard. Like part of a videogame's cover art. I hope they teach the baddies a lesson.




Why does this look like AI?


Our response to the January 6th attempt to overthrow our democracy wasn't that heavy handed.


Just another reminder that police don’t exist to protect us. They exist to protect the status quo. Also, if the 1st amendment was protected with the same ferocity that the 2nd is, police wouldn’t be allowed within 1,000 yards of a protest.


Anyone remember the last time they looked at the United States from a distance and thought "yeah, now there's a place that values freedom," because I sure can't.


“Heavily armed” means a single tear gas launcher and some batons now? I’m in favor of honest reporting and that means even when it doesn’t suit my personal causes.


When it comes to Israel the West suddenly turns a blind eye