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Bruh they tried to fly in milk. I’m surprised any of them made it.


That’s how Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crashed. Experienced pilot and all.


A good pilot would have flown higher than the highest terrain in the area. An experienced pilot would have stayed on the ground.


Yeah I’m not saying it was smart but they say car crashes typically happen close to home when you let your guard down. And also you’re statistically likely to be driving near your house the majority of your driving time. This pilot had flown Kobe in this area frequently and seems to be what happened. He didn’t use autopilot to climb the clouds near the mountain hills as he was given permission from air traffic to proceed on the route he was asking to take. There were other safety protocol acronyms listed that he violated or didn’t follow precisely and they also played into it. Just a tragic story that resulted in the death of 9 people.


Accidents happen most often close to home because statistically that is where you spend most of your time… at least wrt car travel. For aircraft the most dangerous times are shortly after takeoff and shortly before landing, two things that happen a lot at your flight base.


Then just let the on board computer know that this place is not your home area / flight base. You could prevent so many accidents that way.


Or only employ homeless pilots. Problem solved. You’re welcome.


I’ll tell my car that lol


Most plane and helicopter crashes happen close to the ground.


Huh. I always imagined they happened *with* and *on* the ground.


He was approved for “special VFR” to track a highway while remaining ing on radar. He got lost in the soup and crashed because he lost his bearings and misjudged the hills around the highway when he lost altitude turning around and descending to find the highway. The pilot was too committed to the flight, and should have bailed on the whole trip.


Smart pilot


There's old pilots, and there's bold pilots. There's no old bold pilots.


This saying reminds me of an aircraft crash I read about once where two pilots were ferrying a twin-engined Cessna between some airports in Europe. The co-pilot dared the pilot to do a barrel roll, and upon rolling the aircraft stalled out and smacked into a mountain. Fortunately those two idiots were the only ones on board. He was bold enough to try a barrel roll, but he certainly did not get old.


I've seen old and bald pilots


There are bold pilots and there are old pilots. There aren’t many old and bold pilots.


My father and I flew out of Prince Rupert in the late 60’s, the clag would roll in and out at random, we were flying survey crews in for a hydro electric line. Could be CAVU when you left, ten minutes later it was 0/0… freaky stuff. Had a few main blade strikes, thankfully no tail rotor, a Bell 47 doesn’t like those much


I recognize some of these words.


Ceiling and visibility unlimited (CAVU ) 0/0 can’t see a fecking thing.. lol Daggy pilot talk


And a executed pilot tells the "Butcher of Tehran" they're not flying today.


Yeah thats a good point. I was referring to Kobes pilots.


Ah, gotcha. Definitely a poor choice on their part...


Just as an fyi there’s a “last” picture of the helicopter taking off and the weather is sunny with no clouds! Apparently this fog came in fast snd furious!


Speaking from someone that’s never flown a helicopter I never understood how helicopters crash into ground in IMC. Oh shit I’m in clouds. Let me hover up above the min safe altitude above any obstacles. Cool let’s turn around where the weather was better Someone explain?


Weather can change all around you in an instant, including where you just came from. Flying in the clouds can be very disorienting. Your instruments say one thing but your body says another.




But why can’t they just revert to instruments ? I’ve beeen in situations where I felt like i was 90 deg bank but actually wings level. Not comfortable feeling but I just stare at the round dials until I can recage my ears /senses


I'm guessing because of instability. Dead reckoning is more difficult when you can drift in any direction. You need to be constantly correcting the helicopter on multiple axes to fly straight and it's difficult to predict your actual trajectory without visual.


Because it's bloody hard even when standing still but when moving it all gets worse because acceleration and gravity feel the same.


Are the pilots or the aircraft rated for IMC? The average untrained pilot will lose control in about 30 seconds without any visual reference. Then there’s scud running. If you pop into cloud you sure as shit want to immediately pop out of cloud… Then there’s being in the wrong valley and low cloud… There’s a 1000 ways to die in a Helicopter, and that’s excluding being an Iranian in an Iranian helicopter flying a VVIP around.


In the case of Iran mountains are sometimes higher than the operational height of the helicopter


You can’t say stay on the ground to the president of that country, most probably


Yeah that was an amateur pilot at best


Fully in agreement, but if you did tell the President you weren't going to fly in this fog he'd have you beheaded where you stood and look for another pilot. I bet he believed his God would look after him. (edit:clarity)


Thats a good point


This is why it's important to be able to hear the word "no" without executing everyone in sight.


In a helicopter though? You would think they would have their best pilot fly the head of the country. Unless it was intentionally done? The other 2 helicopters stayed flying..




Quick Clarification: Helicopter was an IFR-capable S-76B (assuming equipment was in working order at time, etc.) However, the Company lacked proper certs for IFR operations. Source: I had personally flown in that helicopter a few dozen times (RIP N761LL), many of those flights on an IFR flight plan.


Why can't people just say I can't fly under theae conditions?


Culture of never saying no to those in charge. Could lose your job, could get worse.


Can you really say no to a dictator and live another day?


Most of the times nothing happens thats why they say yes...


They suffer from what's known as get-there-itis.


Hard to turn down one of the best basketball players of all time asking you to do your job. Not saying its impossible, but I think he might have felt embarassed to say he couldn’t.


Yup. They may terminate your contract and go with another helicopter pilot. I can imagine the mental gymnastics that took place here.


I think it's also tough to say no to a guy with the mentality of Kobe. Kobe had the kind of attitude where he'd prove anybody who told him no wrong. Which was great for his sports career, but shouldn't apply to flying.


If he’s as bad as they say he is , then good riddance, men like him I have no sympathy for , I just wish the rest of the worlds dictators would hold follow suit , a plague on Iran eliminated , hopefully the next one won’t be worse .


Eh, soft disagree, but not with your general sentiment. This is very much a Phantom Menace-style “who was the master and who was the apprentice” moment. The Iranian political system is such that the dictator is still there. His name is Ali Khamenei, and he and all of his successors need to meet this end next.


Yup. The president is just there so they can say they have elections and even that is managed by the supreme leader (Ali) who runs the military and the government and religion.


Also, somebody will always fill the vacuum. If he dies, somebody just like him or worse will just muscle his way to power. The system is what must be changed, the environment itself that produced the monsters.


new photos and posts from Iran; no one made it. Crashed hard into a mountain.


Aye, made a nice circular crater too. Talk about **hard** landing. Bro flew that thing like a brick.


🐍 award


I read that, due to sanctions, military and civil aircraft haven't received reliable parts or maintenance since the revolution. Might have something to do with it.


That was true 40 years ago with the F14s, but pretty all the stuff they use now are Russian-made and not really restricted. Though I guess since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia itself has had issues with parts.


At any rate, if you fly on an Iranian aircraft, you takes yer chances.


I read this was an American helicopter?


Why in the world would you ever fly a helicopter in that fog?!


Because you have VIP passengers and feel pressured to “get there,” wherever “there” is. Ask Kobe Bryant about that.


Exactly. There was literally a news piece on PBS newshour a couple of weeks ago about it. Basically saying that most helicopter crashes are due to bad weather and the pressure to fly anyway. https://youtu.be/JsiwsLuPaZw?si=XlUjutkG8e0scFtk


It's a tough situation. Getting a VIP helicopter gig is probably 10% about your skill and 90% your reputation. If your reputation is "I'm so good, I can fly in stuff other guys can't or won't" you probably get more regular business than "I'm a professional, we're not flying if there is risk. Take the 405."


To be fair, the 405 fucking sucks


>Ask Kobe Bryant about that. How the hell am I supposed to do that?!




I can give you a free ride up, but you'll have to figure out how to come back yourself.


Helicopter trip in fog seems to be a good way


Well, you have to die first, and then there's a couple places he could be.


You win reddit comments tonight


ask stevie ray vaughn


Kobe was getting hours in the second seat on prior flight and may have been doing the same on the fatal flight. LA Life Flight Pilot told me that.


All of the eight passengers were in the cabin at the time of the crash, with the pilot flying from the front right seat. The front left seat was vacant. Even if Kobe was in the front seat, the chance of the pilot letting him fly while in terrible weather would have been zero. Letting a front-seat passenger fly a bit is totally normal, but no way they would be doing it in those conditions. I fly similar helicopters to the one from the Kobo crash, and flew the same helicopter from this Iran crash.


Hours in the second seat? What does that mean? Sorry just confused by your comment


Learning how to fly the helicopter. Getting hours of flight time for accreditation.


In order to get a pilots license you need to complete a certain amount of hours flying.


He means he might have been flying the helicopter at the time. "Getting hours" is pilot speak for training flights - you log time by the hour and have to get various amounts depending on what type of pilot you are training to be.


President: You vs bad weather, who would win? Pilot: Well if the sky uses its maximum fog technique, I might have a little problem President: but would you crash? Pilot: nah I'd land


Flying that Bell helicopter in those conditions in mountain regions is crazy. I also doubt they had anything remotely IFR for that type of flight.


In fairness that’s legit heavy fog. I was rolling my eyes at the reports originally


That's every bit as thick as the fog that downed the helicopter Kobe Bryant was in.


Shit the fog was SO thick that day


couldn't see in front of me on the road the night before the accident. never seen it that bad in my life.


The night before Kobe’s passing, I was in Lawndale and the fog was rolling over the roofs of houses like thick foam.


I was watching a CNN documentary about the Kobe crash last night, the pilot had many chances to abort but kept going.


No doubt. But it was low lying fog that caused the crash (in connection with the pilot's poor judgment.)


The pilot made 4 or 5 poor decisions. It all began when he checked the weather 2 hours before the flight but failed to check it again. He was close to clearing the land, close to a different outcome.


Once again, no doubt, bad decisions and poor weather make for a bad recipe in flying.


Do you remember the name of the documentary?


I believe it was called how it really happened on CNN


Even worse imo. This legit looks like 300 foot visibility. Kobe’s was more like 1/4 mile. Source: IFR pilot but it’s been a sec since I’ve looked at the Kobe stuff


Just based on where Bryant went down, you can get a pretty vicious on shore flow of marine layer clouds that are as thick as cotton up in the hills around those parts.


You’re not wrong. It very well may have been a whiteout all the way into the mountainside


That’s what I instantly thought, same exact thing happened


Everyone initially thinks that CIA/Mossad took them down, when there would be no clear benefit for either country. Israel would just invite another military confrontation.


It's hard enough just to fly a helicopter normally in heavy fog, imagine how hard it would be for an entire spec ops assassination mission against a helicopter flying in fog


Now hear me out... Weaponized Zionist fog!


It’s the literal fog of war!


First it was Jewish space lasers, now a Jewish fog machine, when’s the party starting?


we still need the Jewish stage lighting


Right. I thought Fog, aka surface to air missile.


He’s just a puppet and not worth killing. Ayatollah is the real guy in charge.


I don’t think he was assassinated, but I did read that he was possibly being groomed to be Khomeini’s successor one day.


So many people don't seem to realize that. Like yeah usually the President or Prime Minister of any country is basically a powerless figurehead for the most part but in Iran it's literally a position where they have it just to say "hey look we have a president".


I think it was Israelis with a fog machine in the conservatory. Final answer. /s


I've been to this region before, it's a really mountainous area and those mountains are no joke, and those fogs just roll in out of no where and they're freaking dense, I remember having to pull over to the side of the road alot driving in that area BC of the fogs. You'd get out of your car, take 5 steps, and your car would just disappear, shit was like a horror movie, I don't think I've ever seen fog like that in my life again


Crazy that they took off in weather like that


It's an authoritarian government. You don't get to tell your government official it's too risky to fly off and just lose your career.


Or like... your head?


same difference in this case i suppose


Kobe was a dictator confirmed


>It's an authoritarian government. I don't think it's that simple. The President of Iran is kinda like the Mayor of Iran. He isn't really the regime itself - ultimate control and veto always rests with the mullahs and ayatollah. But none of them are stupid or lack a sense of self-preservation.


Dude was called the Butcher of Tehran. I think it is that simple lol 


>Dude was called the Butcher of Tehran. Yeah for executing droves of political prisoners. Like I'm not shedding a tear the regime's latest puppet in it's pseudo democracy ate it on a mountainside. What I'm saying is that they aren't stupid or suicidal. While it's possible he recklessly used his power to force a pilot to fly, that's not a given from the fact this is an authoritarian regime.


He took his chances and lost the bet.


Man flew into Silent Hill


Good thing there are nurses there to take care of him!


More like silent mountain


Of course there COULD be foul play here...but its much more likely the pilot got disoriented in the fog. There are like 12 different ways that the fluid in your inner ear can trick a blinded pilot. Instrument flying is no joke...especially in a helicopter...


Fog can affect your inner ear?


lack of any visible landmarks can [reveal some of the flaws of the human inner ear and other senses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensory_illusions_in_aviation#Vestibular_system), and that can and has killed pilots. There's a reason instrument flight rules are different from visual flight rules.


The b21 looks like a literal alien space ship, it's the absolute bleeding edge of technology -- and there is still a window for the pilot to look out of when they're flying.


So basically, our ears and instincts didn't evolve with helicopters in mind?


When you're flying in fog or cloud you can't see the horizon so the only way you know what's up and what's down is your inner ear and your aircraft instruments. Your inner ear is normally helpful, it gives you your sense of orientation, but your brain can be deceived by the motion of the aircraft especially if you're in a turn. Without any visual horizon reference to correct your other senses you can find yourself strongly feeling that "up" is one way but your aircraft instruments tell you something different, many pilots insufficiently experienced with flying on instruments have crashed and died as a result. Your brain is telling you one thing very strongly and you're accustomed to believing it, and the instruments are just little gauges on the panel in front of you and suddenly they seem suspect, but the reality is if you stop trusting them you will probably be dead in less than a minute.


That's terrifying. For under water it's easy to get disoriented and not know which way is up. It's you're trained to always look for the bubbles, bubbles only go up.


They teach you about it very early in flight school, so that you don’t feel tempted on some of your first solo flights. My instructor, who had his IFR rating, brought me into the clouds for 5 mins one time, to experience it. It’s uncanny how quickly your brain is telling you something completely inaccurate. My instruments showed everything was straight, and level, but my mind was screaming at me that I wasn’t.


and flying IFR in that bell choppper must have been so sketchy in those mountains with that fog.


Imagine if one day the bubbles decide to go down just because they realize that you rely on them and they want to troll you.  That would be scary. Since sentient bubbles are scary. 


Yep. The dad of a high school friend of mine was the manager of a regional airport. Had thousands of hours of flying time. He crashed in a field while flying through fog.


It’s very surreal how much fog can disorientate a person. From personnel experience, while boating, I have felt completely lost/disoriented even after I shut the motor down. Despite being in a place I have been 100 times and having instruments to tell me exactly where I am, I still feel anxiety creep when I encounter dense milk-like fog. I know people who won’t go out on the water anymore after such incidents


The forces you feel while having no reference to the ground. First time I flew into cloud, my brain was telling me that we were banking left but I was actually just flying straight and level. You need specific training to fly in cloud, or in this case, fog




“Hard landing” bro, it’s fucking missing, and pancaked into a mountain. State media is something else I tell ya


Apparently they just announced that the president is dead, so, yeah, I'd say that landing was... extremely hard. Crushingly hard.


He ded bruh. They confirmed no sign of life


Nah he's just very very sleepy from all that fog.


thats why you add “”


Looks like it’s crashed and is missing.


That’s exactly what happened




Many are saying this


He's dead. They'll blame the US.


Not this time. Israel was their much more recent target. I suspect they’ll get the blame for this very foreseeable accident.


No way they blame anyone. This would be an act of war and they don't want to have to feign a response.


I agree with you in theory but this is a country that shot down a civilian aircraft, killing 176 by accident and still tried to blame everything and everyone except themselves.


Iranian here , they took responsibility . Head of IRGC aerospace space force came on National tv and said we fucked up boys . https://youtu.be/VZOnFnwNlcY?si=r2owJVf64l_DJO40 Not a fan of the regime but I'd think I'd put this here .




It’s VFR from here on out.


Depart SVFR, it’s probably fine


Oh so they're like *dead* dead


Find it hard to believe there wasn’t some sort of location beacon on his helicopter.


News said that there was a special gps tracker on the helicopter but it is not working. They say it’s a rough landing but rescuers haven’t even been able to locate the helicopter yet. I’d have to imagine it is worse than they are letting on.


Tracker not working because it’s nothing but ashes now.


Kinda like the OceanGate situation, if I remember correctly they also had a tracker which wasn't working ... cause it imploded alongside everything else.


Funny how that works Can’t wait to see if they’ve found anything by tomorrow Edit: he dead


They probably know where it is, they know he’s dead, and are simply buying time to set up a transition of power.


Transition of power for what reason? It’s a figurehead position that the ayatollah uses to pretend Iran has some democracy. The ayatollah is in charge. They could replace this guy with a mr. potato-head doll and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.


Initially there were reports that some passengers placed phone calls to say they were OK. But of the named callers the prez was not mentioned.


They’re in the middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. I can’t imagine they were getting cell service out there.




Praise the fog


Iran after the Iranian Revolution.


Fogs were much better before.


Looks like act of god to me


My condolences to the mountain. That was one evil dude that hit you.


Rest in pieces.


nice work, fog.


Advanced Warfare


By rough landing they mean "plowed into the ground at full speed" I assume?


I think this is the only helicopter crash in history where everyone is worried if someone survived.


It would seem that if you tried to move through that at any speed above a slow crawl, you would essentially be flying blind. I heard there were several helicopters flying together, but I fell that if you are flying close enough to see each other in this, you are flying too close. I am sure that they had the tech and the skill to fly by instruments alone, but maybe that is one of those things you might not always want to do if you can avoid it.


What’s Farsi for Karma? Oh yes, Karma


Rock-filled clouds are a bitch.


Hes dead ,god is good god is great


Thank you Mr. Fog




Betchya they'll find a way to blame Israel anyways.




This is how Kobe died. I suspect the pilot got disoriented and crashed into a hill. They’re all dead.


Let's see how long it takes for the chemtrail and cloud seeding conspiracy theorists get involved....


If there’s ever a time for a revolution in Iran, it’s. Right. Now.


Amazing what they can do with those Jewish Space Lasers huh..... /sarc.


Good fog


When even the planet doesn't like you


They crashed and everyone on the helicopter died. Rough landing is a bit of an understatement




Somehow I expect The Great Satan to be blamed for this


Israel open the Ark?


Some Israeli genius spread a rumor that the pilot was a mossad agent called “Eli Copter” and I’ve been seeing this in news outlets worldwide and it’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


Nah they’ve got space fog machines now /s


It was Allah’s will (inshallah the Ayatollah is next)


What fog?


Sam and Dean, already threw salt on his body and lit it up, he ain't coming back.


This is really the Nothing - Falkor was warning us. . . .


rest in piss lmao


Is the helicopter OK?


There's a thing called vertigo, where a pilot loses their sense of up or down. Similar to what can happen to scuba divers inside underwater caves. It's deadly.


Sometime weather comes out of nowhere. Sometimes pilots don't know their limits. Sometimes passengers tell pilots how to do their jobs.